Nicholas Roerich Museum - Guardian-of-the-Chalice

Excalibur Legend Explained

Based upon a legend Excalibur was a magical sword making those undefeatable who possessed it as it was given by the Spirit of the Earth (physical elemental life force of the planet which the planetary Personality aspect works through) to him that guided the race. This is the essence of the legend whereby Merlin was the guardian of the sword while alive and was a disciple of such Spirit. This came to pass in the time of the founding of the fifth sub race of the fifth root race which took place in Europe when England was being founded. It was during this time that a Master of Wisdom whose statue was not known by those around him, delivered this sword to him destined to be ruler of a united England with the expressed desire that it be used to ceremoniously crown followers into the burgeoning Knights of Templar. This ruler, although understanding the master’s wishes never used the sword as was desired, instead used it to instill power over others by his possession of it and thus became more of a symbol of power more than a magical instrument for initiation.  This sword had no power of itself but was a talisman if used as was intended.

During this time the sword ended up in the possession of a historical figure. As this figure organized the new inclusive government the sword was stolen from him and destroyed. To this day the master that gave the sword to the Knights of Templar is not recognized but the legend is.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.



Posted in The Plan.