Nicholas Roerich Museum - Youths

40 Inconveniences – Why Disciples Should Not Go Public with their Hierarchical Status

Disciples that go public with their perceived Aspirant status need to contend with the desires and expectations of others they cross paths with. All Lodge related disciples, initiates, and masters can also be perceived as basically Aspirants to the Mysteries of Life and this status is adequate for the public view. Plus it is doubtful for any aspirant below the third initiation to actually or scientifically know their hierarchical status beyond any doubt. Plus no real accepted and pledged disciple of the Lodge would ever admit they are initiates who are actually physically in the public eye. Some aspirants mistakenly claim they are initiates due to being en-glamoured and/or ignorant the stages and science of the path.

These expectations and desires of others around accepted disciples are endless but these days they can be classified along these forty lines below.  These others’ desires indicate the reason disciples should not go public if they expect to accomplish their plan related service (unless of course guided to for some specific reason and was prepared adequately for such). (40)


Others desires from the disciple specific ways of beingness for them.

Others desire to find ways of them staying young and healthy.

Others desire to be with the disciples “in some specific way”.

Others desire the disciple to “hold their hand” symbolically.

Others desire the disciple to hug them “energetically”.

Others desire the disciple to go with them to special places.

Others desire the disciple to help them with their homework or what they should be doing.

Others desire the disciple to access or know what is bothering them.

Others desire the disciple to access their inner psychic nature to know where they are at in either their present consciousness, development, or integration.

Others desire the disciple to be with them in times of some personal distress.

Others desire the disciple to carry their load for a while or comfort them.

Others desire the disciple to see in the dark or see unknown coming events for them.

Others desire the disciple to be at one with them as human beings.

Others desire the disciple to care for them as sisters and brothers.

Others desire the disciple to treat them “very special” in some way.

Others desire the disciple to treat them as a guru or teacher in some way.

Others desire the disciple to expend a great deal of time with them.

Others desire the disciple to have all the answers to whatever.

Others desire the disciple to be always “correct” in their analysis of a situation.

Others desire the disciple a sense of some “picture-perfect performance”.

Others desire the disciple a sense of belonging to the planet and knowing what is happening anywhere or in general.

Others desire the disciple to display a sense of peace.

Others desire the disciple expert advice on their problems.

Others desire from the disciple assuredness in any situation.

Others desire from the disciple a complete withdrawal of your consciousness into the inner planes.

Others desire from the disciple a better way to approach spirit or set of techniques than they are using.

Others desire from the disciple an ability to heal anyone.

Others desire from the disciple a sense of recognition of their own spiritual status.

Others desire from the disciple certain alibis for not doing what they want you to do.

Others desire from the disciple a sense of composure that is “saintly”.

Others desire from the disciple expectations on the ways the world needs to be in its goodness.

Others desire from the disciple ambient moments of profound silence.

Others desire from the disciple silence about or on certain worldly subjects.

Others desire advice from the disciple on their own karmic conditions.

Others desire from the disciple information about their own past lives.

Others desire from the disciple ways of developing their own occult gifts.

Others desire from the disciple occult gift expressions of the lower psychic kind.

Others desire from the disciple to make mockery of “stupid behavior” in profound ways.

Others desire from the disciple to make amends with everyone “correctly”.

Others desire the disciple to frown on “junk food” or support specific diets.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.




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