7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)

Message 1:

The alterations of time and space present to those that have the vision, and the opportunity to know all things.  The things of the future await those souls who have the courage and the daring great to be at one Will with the Father.  Humanity waits on the Powers that Be before it can shoulder its just responsibility and reap the rewards under divine law.  The powers that be- forever silent, forever vigilant most be sought before the hearts and minds of humankind hears the call that brings them forward to bathe in future shores.   Action they must take, straight and true, to the soul’s request–a request, ever ringing in their ears.


The Lord waiteth upon mankind to make peace among them and develop a forum where peace can be kept by the people.

The Lord waiteth upon mankind to uphold the law. And in doing so will reward humanity with greatness.

The Lord expects each group to play its part.

The Lord expects each group to find a way to serve its people for their sake.

The Lord expects that these people will serve each other.

The Lord expects that the people of every land see to themselves—do not interfere.


The request, ringing now in their ears, is calling them to unite as one, with heart aflame, and eyes alight.  It is a request, which has rung since the Christ last step off the cross and arose to the Father.   The hour has come, and the Lord waits with arms outstretched, winged of feet, and a water pot.   The dawning of a new age is the reward of the One Humanity with the One Voice creating a better life for all.  We speak of a time that could be now but unless that time is desired now by all then the Lord must wait.  All who seek a better life must rise up and unite humanity to betterment and to a life benefiting all.


The Lord requests that all groups unite for a common cause—cause of human betterment.

The Lord requests that all people expect rightness in the world.

The Lord expects that each group, no matter how diverse, see to it their unity with all others.

The Lord expects that these diverse groups find a forum to unify themselves with each other in goodwill.

The Lord expects these diverse groups select leaders that are able to unify them.

The Lord expects that these diverse groups see to it that all lands have a common heart.

The Lord expects each group to honor one another as themselves.

The Lord expects each group to share its resources with all other groups.


Message 2:

Humanity has been given both the vision and the means; all that remains is action.  What will it take to deliver the diverse lands into a common land? What will it take to deliver the diverse hands into a common hand?


It is important that humanity, as a whole, reflect upon ways of solving its problems together.

It is important that humanity, as a whole, spend time together working out laws acceptable to all.

It is important that humanity, as a whole, idolize the ideal of sister/brotherhood—a common root.

It is important that humanity, as a whole, signify to each other their respect they have for each others diversity.

It is important that humanity, as a whole, idolize the ideal of harmlessness.

It is important that humanity, as a whole, signify the importance of each other having a unique purpose for existence and honoring that.

It is important that humanity, as a whole, accept the ideal that humanity is only a concept, and as concepts go require no loyalty but only recognition of its existence.

It is important that humanity, as a whole, see together the importance of investigating the truth of life to insure a correct alignment to its future.


The breaking of bread between the many diverse lands is being now called upon. The sharing of the “Waters of Life” is now being called upon.


The importance of breaking of the bread together for humanity is that it symbolizes the nurturing given by the Lord God.

The importance of the symbolic sharing of the “Waters of Life” with humanity is that it depicts the presence of the love circulating throughout the human kingdom and through humanity to the lower kingdoms.

The importance of them doing it together is that they symbolize the potential for humanity to share in the abundance of the universe represented by the concept of the Cosmic Christ finding recognition on the earth.

Also, the importance of them together brings to humankind a kind of restoration of the inner mysteries of being, of purpose for life, and of causation.


What purpose can it serve to tarry longer this inevitability and this opportunity?


It is implied here that we as a diverse group of people have no reason not to solve our problems together.

It is implied here that we as a diverse group of people have no reason not to educate ourselves about each other.

It is implied here that we as a diverse group of people have no reason not to include each other in decision making that affects them anyway.

It is implied here that we as a diverse group of people have no reason not to relate to each other as we all live together anyway.

It is implied here that we as a diverse group of people have no reason not to educate ourselves on each other’s problems to better find a workable solution.

It is implied here that we as a diverse group of people have no reason not to align our wills to a common cause for peace and security.


Message 3:

Indeed, the hour has come to share the water pot with all the peoples of the earth.  The pot is full and is waiting to be poured upon the earth.  Who will drink from this pot?  Will not the thirsty world?


The water pot symbolizes for humanity the waters of life contained by hierarchy not yet available for humanity as it is not one.

The water pot symbolizes for humanity the waters of life if poured will help cure our many aliments.

The water pot if poured will alleviate for humanity the possibility of suffering caused by injustice and unrecognized purpose.

The water pot if poured by humanity for the lower kingdoms will nourish these lives that sustain us.

It is important to note that humanity if it accepts the water pot, it will accept its destiny.


The hour has arisen and comes not again.


This implies that the Lord has only a short time to reach his goal and purpose given available energies.

This implies that the Lord God cannot favor humanity if it chooses not to receive.

This implies that the Lord God cannot find again the opportunity to share this reward.

This implies that the Father cannot go against the law.

This implies that the Father cannot control humanity’s fate based upon free will.

This implies that the Father cannot be exempt from sharing humanities fate.


The Christ has come once before in Palestine but waits to come when the hour is right.


This means that when the Christ came before he arranged it so that His Work could be accomplished by a certain time.

This means that when Christ chose the time of His return, he knew the correct hour.

This means that when the Christ stood in Palestine 2000 years ago, he was aware of the goals he set before humanity.


Message 4:

The Lord has a heavy Heart and a flaming Sword.

This implies that the Lord or Father is waiting.

This implies that the Father is intimately connected to humanities decision.

This implies that the Father is secretly hoping for a correct decision.

This implies that the Father somehow identifies with humanity’s decision.

This implies that the Father’s wrath is related to humanities decision by default.

This implies that the Father’s decision is not His to make but again humanities.


He awaits upon this hour.


This implies that humanity as a whole determines the hour.

This implies that humanity as a whole does not perceive the correct time, nor that
it even exists.

This implies that humanity as a group unlike the Father is not waiting and thus no
vision of real opportunity.


The human heart needs to open itself to recognize itself.


This means that the heart of humanity must be perceived as existing.

This means that the heart of humanity is itself the tool that will prepare for the
return of the Christ.

This means that the heart of humanity must see its heart either closed or opened
before it can move forward.

This means that the Lord and the Christ are both open to humanity and any
invocation by humanity as a group will quickly be responded to.


Message 5:

We tell you this, in this hour, if the pot can not be poured across the earth, the life of
the earth can not flourish, nor can it accept the Lord or the Christ.


This implies that both the Lord and the Christ together will produce for humanity
their future.

This implies that the Lord God and the Christ must both register humanities
decision to allow the waters of life to flow to the earth.

This implies that the Lord God and the Christ must both send emissaries down into
the world to carry out their will.

This implies that both the Lord God and the Christ have opportunities to share
with humanity as a group if they respond as a group.

This implies that both the Lord God and the Christ have an interest in succeeding
in this mission on the earth proper.

This implies that both the Father and the Christ have determined the exact
response required for success.


We tell you this, in this hour, if the earth cannot accept the Lord or the Christ,
Messiah, Maitreya, Tiarhon it cannot prosper nor find peace within its walls.


This implies that the Christ will not be able to assist humanity in its prosperity if
the hour is not found.

This implies that humanity, to find peace and prosperity, must find the hour.

This means that both Christ and Humanity must join in a common cause if both
are to succeed.

This means that humanity and the Christ are joined together in making a way for
the earth to flourish.

This implies that the world without this joining will not be able to be successful.

This implies that the Christ without humanity cannot be successful in His mission.


We tell you this, in this hour, if the earth cannot accept the Lord or the Christ, it
cannot be permitted its place in the future that has been made for it.


The Lord God has said that before humanity can move forward into their destined
future they must be at one.

The Messengers of the Lord God has said that before humanity can move forward
to receive what has been made for it the Christ needs to return to the earth.

The Messengers of the Lord God has said that before the Christ can return to the
Earth to be accepted it has no destined future.

The Messengers of the Lord God has said that before the earth can receive the
Christ it must receive humanities destiny for it.

The Messengers of the Lord has said that before the earth can receive its destiny
Christ must return,

The Messengers of the Lord has said that before the Lord God will permit
humanity its destiny humanity must find its place in the future.


Message 6:

The facts are these. Without the aid of the Christ, the world will not be able to know
the “waters of life”, with its healing properties.


The Messengers of the Lord God has said that humanity need be healed with the
aid of the Christ.

The Messengers of the Lord God has said that the Christ must aid humanity to
know the water of life.

The Messengers of he Lord will not be able to say how humanity will be healed if
not through the aid of Christ.


The facts are these. Without the aid of the Christ, the world will return again to that
place of human struggle for dominance.


The Messengers of the Lord God has said that humanity, without the aid of Christ,
will not know how to solve its problems.

The Messengers of the Lord God has said that humanity, without the aid of the
Christ, will return to a state it was earlier in.

The Messengers of the Lord God has said that humanity, with the aid of the
Christ, will not return to an earlier state but will rise above its problems and move
into the future.

The Messengers of the Lord God has said that the Christ will permit humanity to
rise above its problems it now faces to receive blessings from life.

The Messengers of the Lord God has said humankind will not be in a position to
rescuer itself from itself without the Christ’s input.


The facts are these. Without the Christ, humanity will find no distant shore and will
wander aimlessly.


The Messengers of the Lord God has said that humanity has no hope of finding its
own direction into the future that works for its advantage.

The Messengers of the Lord God has said that humanity will not find any vision
that will work for its advantage.


Received through Nirmanakayas through NGWS.

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.



Posted in The Plan.