Nicholas Roerich Museum - Himalayas. Kanchenjunga Range

Affirmations for a Friend in the Moment

Affirmations from Soul-Personality to a Friend.

I am free of all psychic forms from others.

I am free of everyone’s perceptions of themselves.

I am free of my own thoughts and feelings and expectations.

I am a soul and a being of light and sound.

I exist and yet I am free.


I gather up in my arms your essence.

I hold and secure you.

I give you, my strength.

I give you, my courage.

I provide you with the love you need.

I nurture your being with great understanding and patience.

I expect nothing from you except your happiness.

I forgive you for everything.

I am pleased with you.


I strengthen and nurture you.

I give up my life for you.

I know and honor you with my love.

I expect nothing from you.

I encourage you to be great.

I strengthen you with my gifts.

I contend with you no matter the reasons.

I dream with you of our future.

I forgive you for your past.

I see great promise in you.

Let us come together in union and be one.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Soul Centered Relationships (Guidance for a Friend)

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Seeing Clearer the Soul and the Personality – An Essay

The Soul in an Initial Communication with Its Reflection

Ways the Soul Sees its Reflection in the Lower Planes – Some Simple Theory & Exercises

Demonstrating the Truth of your Soul Connection

Nature of the One Soul – Some Thoughts

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

A Letter to an Intimate Soul Mate whose Purpose has Pasted


Posted in Esoteric & Spiritual Psychology.