Nicholas Roerich Museum - Mount “M”

Entering Disciples into Humanity

The gathering forces poised to enter unto the world are ready for battle.  But a battle focused on salvation, freedom, synthesis, and truth.  The glories of the world, apart from a few victories of national souls, go unnoticed by these forces for their Hearts are at-one in the Lord and the Hierarchy.

For every human group or nation there is a way they must go, and it is this way these forces are guiding.  The guidance is both within and without, it is not without individual interest that this guidance is given.

All these forces who enter upon the physical plane carry within themselves the wisdom and knowledge needed and also the path to travel.

We who are descending know one truth and that is the truth of our hopes for we see the world as one that has forgotten its way.

Our time has forgotten humanity and humanity has forsaken its oneness. We all do what we can do. No matter what the cost, humanity’s life is worthy of all we have to give.

Exceedingly simple are those that guide humanity, the Way is clear of footsteps trodden by the many for the One alone travel thus in the light of the many returning from whence they came.

Forever and a day the road is trodden questing for the question needing asked. Alone we must quest for the central great Mystery. Carrying all along within us to find our way.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

Hierarchical Standing – A Message for a Disciple

Tantric Yoga – Some Adjunct Information

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Three Letters to Self – An Aspirant’s Hopes

Antahkarana Building Experiment Suggestion

Wesak – Some Ceremony Changes

First Ray Ashram –General Significance within the One Ashram

Eight Ways of Finding Peace in Life

An Aspirant’s Viewpoint

The Nature of our Beliefs as Aspirants to the Mysteries

60 Objectives of Present Mastery for an Aspirant Unfolding

An Intent of a Disciple

The Way the Disciple Moves

The World and the Aspirant

A Son of Mind’s Quest

Initiates on the Threshold

Probationary Disciples Grouping – A Message From

Mystical Aspiration Acknowledged

Aspirations Captured

An Aspirants Hope for the Future of the World

A Short Self Portrait to Guide Me in the Moment (Priorities Evoked)

Memory, Vibration & Destiny

Re-Creating the Lower Antahkarana in the Moment

A Message for All Disciples

Some Available Esoteric Information Given Out Subjectively that Can be Reified.


Posted in Discipleship & Initiation, New Group of World Servers (NGWS).