Nicholas Roerich Museum - Warrior of Light

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIc (Twelve Basic Gifts of Hercules)

(HZ: Please note that this ten-part series is just a review of Alice A Bailey’s Esoteric Works in respect to this ten cycles and stages review with a few additions plus some experiential heuristic observations and as a rule does not contain reified source impressions received during meditation.)

Twelve Basic Gifts of Hercules on the Path of Discipleship and on the Path of Initiation

It is by achieving intelligent and active response to the energies released and earlier mastered through the experience of the Mutable Cross, and by relating them to the potencies let loose upon him whilst crucified upon the Fixed Cross, that he learns to prepare himself for the twelve great tests in all the twelve signs for which the experience of the two Crosses prepares him. EA, p.129

This section discussion attempts to capture the fundamental twelve tests of Hercules upon the path of discipleship and initiation with the goal of permitting the free expression of spirit through the fusing soul and personality. The symbolic twelve labors of Hercules as presented in A.A.B.’s book the Labors of Hercules is also summarized to compare these symbolic labors with the known experiential understandings of initiates. Each of the zodiacal related labors or demonstrations is inferred to become possible once the aspirant can adequately relate, absorb, blend, and correctly fuse its zodiacal set of inner constellation qualified lights and thus demonstrate the type of fruit the related qualified light proffered by the constellation. This is possible by way of the activities of the soul whose nature is qualified light which ensouls spirit-matter and is the essence of qualified substance.

In astrology, we are dealing all the time with the energies which produce movement and subjective and outer activity; we are concerned with the impact of many forces upon the human, the planetary and the systemic expression of life and purpose, and with the resultant effects. When these effects and activities are purely objective (and under that word I place all events and happenings going on in the three worlds of human experience—the physical, astral and mental planes) you have personality demonstration. When these effects and activities are consciously related to the world of causes and are the result of “right and conscious direction” of the emanating centre, the soul, then the personality forces become subject to the diffusion of the soul energies and the personality or form nature becomes magnetic in a different manner, and so attracts to itself energies of a higher and more dynamic plane to the ones with which the man has been concerned hitherto and which he has learned to control and use; in other cases, EA,p.140


Jupiter’s second Ray relating, blending and synthesis influences are seen to be instrumental in the disciple’s life in providing of opportunities for the diffusion of the energies of the soul towards the developing of the personality and triadal sheaths through attraction, contact, and fusion (unifying sign related dualities) and thus attracting subjectively what the soul needs to serve the whole over time more adequately.

Astrological forces which produce either subjective or objective resultant effects and/or activity which is apparently due to the qualified light substance acting as a channel or means for force impacts upon the human, planetary, and the systemic expression.  When these astrological forces produce objective effects and activities, due to the life unit’s focus on the form side of life, thus defined as being within the three worlds of human experience—the physical, astral, and mental planes) you have some type of individual or group personality qualified manifestation and demonstration. These are given to be qualified further by the ray of such personality.

The same astrological forces produce individual, planetary, or systemic resultant subjective effects and activities. It is inferred that it is this process which makes it possible to unfold the various triadal sheaths over time when in Samadhi and thus the soul is freed from personality identification. This is due to the focus the soul-personality on life events or life activities which are not on the form life, but on the world of causes. This is theoretically given to be due to the “right and conscious direction” of the emanating source, then the personality forces become subject to the diffusion of soul energies and the form nature becomes magnetic in a different manner and attracts to itself energies of a higher more dynamic plane or activities outside of its present and normal focus which the soul-personality has learned to control and use. This focus and activity are further qualified by the egoic ray of the disciple.

In other cases, the focusing of qualified soul energies intensify certain of the personality forces and the effect of the exoteric planets is supplemented by an increasingly steady inflow of the energies of the esoteric planets, and these begin to have a dominantly esoteric effect. One esoteric effect is a sensitization of form substance to some zodiacal influence extending through qualifying of one’s inner dimensional contacts and thus one’s form experience and consciousness are expanded by the new astrological forces and thus zodiacal gifts are absorbed and service activity directed such as during meditation during the full moons. It is further given that the esoteric planets bring in renewed or increased planetary energy and ray energy in a more dynamic manner.  Thus, it is inferred that various zodiacal related forces are causative to the development of some type of enhanced lower sheath development and qualitative sensitivity and leading to enhanced awareness unfoldment and consciousness expansion.  This likewise unfolds the various dimensional centers and likewise kingdoms planetarily. The result effects of astrological forces are shown to be the cause for sheath unfoldment’s whether objective or subjective and this is due to the nature and dimensional focus of the life unit’s consciousness. It will later be explained in Chapter 8 that certain zodiacal forces effect different sheath plane and sub-plane matter-substance than other zodiacal forces due to zodiacal influences alignment with one or more of the various principles.

It is helpful to keep in mind that a potential proposed way to polarity balance the causal field sheath is undertaken by way of the balancing of the exoteric planetary ruler influences with the esoteric planetary influences each life for antahkarana unfoldment and ascension enhancement.

In connection with a lesser duality found in every human being, that of head and heart, of mind and love, and of will and wisdom, the work of Jupiter is to develop these two qualities and bring them into synthetic interplay. EA, p. 126

The same polarity balancing process is surmised to enhance ascension through the triadal sheaths through balancing the hierarchical planetary ruler influences with the blended exoteric and esoteric. Implying a soul-personality fusing process This implies the blending and balancing, enhanced through the wise use of the planetary forces, and zodiacal qualified energy influences from all three crosses. Thus, the twelve Labors of Hercules might be understood to progress once the accepting disciple responds to the seven-fold will to be energies of the solar Logos by way of the assistance of Jupiter to blend these with the seven-fold will to love (heart wisdom) and the will to knowledge (mind-will) energies. Thus, exhibiting outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired—this time the good of the whole. This should be understood as referring to the progressive unfoldment and fusing of the three major periodic vehicles each composed of three-fold seven principles expressing upon the cosmic physical planes through their corresponding sheaths by way of zodiacal light forces. EA. p. 140, 186, & 339.

It should be noted that there are seven forms of light, related to the substance of the seven planes. These are stimulated and enhanced by the twelve forms of light of the twelve Creative Hierarchies, related each of them to one or other of the twelve signs of the zodiac. … A paralleling statement would be that the light of the seven centres in man (when enhanced by the light of the seven planetary centres) and the five kingdoms in nature (7+5=12), plus the twelve lights of the zodiac will produce a consummation of “light” effectiveness which will make possible the expression of the whole. This, through the medium of humanity. This is a basic statement which means little to you as yet but which will—in the next century—form a seed thought or “key sound” for the next revelation of the Ageless Wisdom.


These significant qualified twelve lights of the Zodiac are quoted below.

This soul-light affects the form as evolution proceeds and produces sequentially the revelation of that form, and of the nature of space-time as well as of the goal.

  1. Aries.—The Light of Life Itself. This is the dim point of light found at the centre of the cycle of manifestation, faint and flickering. It is the “searchlight of the Logos, seeking that which can be used” for divine expression.
  2. Taurus.—The penetrating Light of the Path. This is a beam of light, streaming forth from the point in Aries, and revealing the area of light control.
  3. Gemini.—The Light of Interplay. This is a line of light beams, revealing that which opposes or the basic duality of manifestation, the relationship of spirit and of form. It is the conscious light of that relationship.
  4. Cancer.—The Light within the form. This is the diffused light of substance itself, the “dark light” of matter, referred to in The Secret Doctrine. It is the light awaiting the stimulation coming from the soul light.
  5. Leo.—The Light of the Soul. A reflected point of light logoic, or divine. The light diffused in Cancer focusses and reveals eventually a point.
  6. Virgo.—The blended dual Light. Two lights are seen—bright and strong, the light of form; one faint and dim, the light of God. This light is distinguished by a waxing of one and the waning of the other. It differs from the light in Gemini.
  7. Libra.—The Light that moves to rest. This is the light that oscillates until a point of balance is achieved. It is the light which is distinguished by a moving up and down.
  8. Scorpio.—The Light of Day. This is the place where three lights meet—the light of form, the light of soul, and the light of life. They meet; they blend; they rise.
  9. Sagittarius.—A beam of directed, cussed Light. In this the point of light becomes the beam, revealing a greater light ahead and illumining the way to the center of the light.
  10. Capricorn.—The Light of Initiation. This is the light which clears the way to the mountain top, and produces transfiguration, thus revealing the rising sun.
  11. Aquarius.—The Light that shines on Earth, across the sea. This is the light which ever shines within the dark and cleansing with its healing rays that which must be purified until the dark has gone.
  12. Pisces—The Light of the World. This is the light, revealing the light of life itself. It ends for ever the darkness of matter.

A study of the above thoughts will reveal the symbolic story of the irradiation of matter, of the growth of the light body within the macrocosm and the microcosm, and finally make clear the purpose of the Logos. Esoteric Astrology, pp.329-330

The given phase that is inferred to capture a particular zodiacal test is paraphrased from what has been provided by A.A.B. in her work of Esoteric Astrology in general.  This paraphrase chosen does not capture the actual Labor of Hercules which is symbolic and directs the aspirant to the necessary pathway leading to the actual set of labors composing the larger ongoing set of twelve cumulative zodiacal labors required to stabilize upon, and to resurrect by way of, the path of group initiation which itself leads to some planetary, solar, and cosmic destiny.

For Applicants:  Four things the disciple must learn and comprehend before he can be shown the inmost mystery:  first, the laws of that which radiates; the five meanings of magnetisation make the second; the third is transmutation or the secret lost of alchemy; and lastly, the first letter of the Word which has been imparted, or the hidden name egoic.

For Applicants:  Listen, touch, see, apply, know.

Before the twelve labors can be undertaken the two above rules need to be nascently demonstrated and their progressive demonstration will forward the aspirant to the point that the labors can be progressively undertaken. The first five laws of the soul require responding to and fruits demonstrated which likewise corresponds to the successful demonstration of the five tests of Gemini. These five are related to the nascent unfoldment of the five sheaths through transmutation giving rise to the recording of the Word at the second initiation providing progressive direction towards and through the unfolding process or initiation. Thus, a beginning is initiated in listening, touching, seeing, applying, and knowing as related initially to the world of meaning.

It is inferred that there is a particular initiation related rule, out of the fourteen rules for applicants, that is first required to be demonstrated to progressively undergo one of the twelve labors. Disciples will understand the relationship between the rule and the labor. The labor once completed successfully will also depict the successful ongoing and accumulative demonstration of the initial rule for applicants’ corresponding group related rule for disciples and initiates permitting forward movement into the next major Labor. This inferred rule for applicants is quoted before each of the twelve labors and its corresponding group rule for disciples and initiates is quoted at the end of the respectful labor. The respectful rule for applicants depicts one of the required initial conditions that needs to be recognized and thus met to undertake further self-initiation training towards the resulting fusing of an astrological influence permitting eventual Self-initiation (testing). Each rule for applicants is likewise a guidepost indicating an initial point of spirit-soul-personality relationship or fusion. It likewise indicates a degree of success in the absorption and use of some zodiacal influence. The demonstration of the rule for group initiation can be understood as being indicative of the passing (or adequate light absorption and demonstration) of one of the zodiacal or Herculean tests meeting the minimum requirements of some aspect of the overall Plan for units of Humanity in general. In the introduction to the twelve labors it will be perceived that the correct demonstration of a zodiacal labor is what permits the next labor to be recognized and entered into. Success in Aries invokes ta more correct response to the Taurus labor and so on. The successful but yet initial demonstration of the group related rule for initiation permits the moving forward in one’s planetary integration and self-training process and the initiation of the next sequential test of Hercules. In fact, all twelve zodiacal influences are required to be absorbed and correctly used at some advancing level for the progressive demonstration of any one of the Herculean tests.  This is similar to the fact that all fourteen rules for initiation need to be progressively demonstrated and held at some level to undertake any one initiation process.

These provided rules associated with the twelve tests are for reflection purposes only.  Even so, there is an experiential and thus observable causative relationship linking the two sets of rules to a particular labor demonstrating some respectful set of capacities and abilities. There is no effort taken herein to discuss these rules for initiation in context to these twelve specific zodiacal influences, which is the basis for the eventual demonstration of these rules but leave to the reader to pursue in corelated detail according to their own ray related and service related experiences. In the next chapter there is a presentation of various sequential astrological influences that are surmised or inferred to be responsible and necessary before the aspirant disciple can demonstrate these rules and take initiation or Self initiate. The actual sequential demonstration of these rules appears to take place more in accordance with the stages within a ray conditioned cycle of planetary integration as was earlier discussed and further discussed below in the sections called “A Sequence of the 14 Rules for Initiation” and “Rules Sequence.”


Aries: First Test Gift: Enter into battle for the Lord to express the Lord’s or Spirit’s impulsed intent discovered through the spirit-soul illuminating mind irradiated by the Light of Life.

For Applicants:  Let the disciple search within the heart’s deep cave.  If there the fire burns bright, warming his brother yet heating not himself, the hour has come for making application to stand before the door.

The classical labor of Hercules in Aries is symbolically given by A.A.B. as the “Capture of the Man-Eating Mares” which symbolize wrong or illusioned ideas, thought, and speech.  The impulsed activity of Aries ultimately portrayals the opportunities of spirit to work through the soul, or aspirant, to influence the personality and the personality of Humanity living and working on the lower planes.  In Aries, the aspirant recognizes a new intent and creative pathway to assist the Lord. It is through the embodying of this intent that they can also embody more of their own innate divinity with its latent powers to better express this discovered spirit impulsed will intention in Aries. The labor depicts the threefold periodic major aspects of Life, consciousness, and form activity in this sign are beginning to be fused in Hercules as the personal self and yet the awakening soul as aspirant in form.  Through the influences of the awakening soul the disciple endeavors to carry this newly recognized one purpose impulsed initially by spirit now owned by Hercules.

The Mars channeled desire and will impulses of Aries led the aspirant born in (or transiting through) Aries to first take subjective form and next to achieve the expressions of these Mars impulsed will-desires through mental creativity, due to the esoteric influences of Mercury.  Hercules, reoriented and facing spirit, can now create according to the impulses of spirit reflected in the activity of the soul. This leads to the impulse to resurrect out of personality identified form life towards the identification with the Whole.  Through the influences of Aries, Hercules now actively co-creates spiritual imbued group forms to meet real group related liberation needs. Through the control of his lower mind. These new group forms intended to be created is assumed to provide an improved pathway for group and personal liberation and resurrection out of form life identification  These form types and natures are discovered through the mediating aspect of the now controlled and illuminated mind symbolized by a white horse as opposed to the dark colored brood mares.

It is useful to remember that this particular labor of Hercules leads to failures as the disciple fails to persist in the demonstration of the illuminated mind indicating the mediation by Mercury between the soul and brain. Without the periodic direction by the soul the lower mind reverts back to its lunar impulsed creative intents over time which again causes harm. The transmitting by the mind of group conscious soul of impulsed ideas, thought and speech is always harmless and it is these that must guide the creative the will of the personality (Abderis) to progress the form creative expression of the Lord’s intent.  Disciples realize that they cannot fully control their mind except through the peace which surpasses understanding. To achieve the power of silence, wisdom and spirituality permanently requires the further mastering of the Sagittarian labor of “killing the man-eating birds” through the development of the spiritual intuitional mind aspect and becoming absorbed within its intents. The keynote for Aries is given for the disciple is “I come forth from the plane of mind – I rule.” This leads eventually by Hercules to arrive at unity with all through wise effort through mastering of soul enhanced cyclical form creative opportunities as these opportunities become known to him. This labor of entering into battle for the Lord to express the Lord’s and Spirit’s impulsed intent is discovered and successfully achieved through the soul illuminated mind and by the absorption of the Light of Life.

The zodiacal twelve forms of light are progressively enhanced through each cycle of Jupiter and opportunity presents itself to pass through twelve preliminary tests associated to one’s point in evolution through the absorption of such lights. This is particularly so as Jupiter aspects karmic natal chart planetary and sign positions. The first Aries preliminary test for the aspirant related to the regenerative stage is to unfold the power to manifest through the aspiration to be expressing through some purpose created set of four forms – devotion, persona, environment, and karmic path forms. The new form creations are organized and qualified with the intent of demonstrating a deeper expression of love-wisdom that was realized towards the end of the previous Jupiter cycle as it passes through Pisces. In Pieces, there is progressive recognition that the forms the aspirant is embodying through are inadequate and must be sacrificed for the greater group and individual wellbeing in some way. It is this aspiration goal to correctly be and do that will eventually stabilize the probationary disciple on the reorientation stage of the wheel. This goal will also focus the intent for a more adequate development of a soul illuminated mind to mediate the correct intent of the universal conscious spirit  manifesting through the group conscious soul and it manifesting through the personality with the further effect of permitting entry onto the path of initiation as a probationary initiate.

Aries is given to be exoterically, esoterically, and hierarchically ruled respectfully by Mars, Mercury, and Uranus.  Interestingly and in effect these three rulers’ rules respectfully the overall will-desire impulsed natures of the three major periodic vehicles. Aries type of light that can be absorbed or is recognized on the normal wheel is given as “the light of aspiration and knowledge.” On the reverse wheel for the initiate the type of light is given as the Light of Life Itself. This is the dim point of light found at the centre of the cycle of manifestation, faint and flickering. It is the “searchlight of the Logos, seeking that which can be used” for divine expression. On the normal wheel direction its influence provides directed personality creative form effort to express its desires but on the reverse wheel the influences responded to evolve into the recognition and the working with the plan through the use of the will to create forms for doing so. The achieved balance between the polarities of Aries and Libra is reached when personality effort is evolved into an awareness for the correct use of the mind as an instrument of the soul. The process of mental illumination by default produces the slow death of form identification releasing one to a more and more inclusive purpose by way of the two doors of omnipresence and omniscience of the Whole. Also, the personality desire and will are translated into a fixed point of tension and fiery aspiration to be and a realization of the need to express a deeper level of love-wisdom. The keynote given for Aries is “Aries turns towards Capricorn” after a point of polarity balanced is achieved. The motto for Aries is given on the normal wheel as “And the Word said: Let form again be sought” and on the reverse wheel “I come forth and from the plane of mind I rule.”

The achieved balance between the polarities of Aries and Libra is reached when personality effort is evolved into an awareness for the correct use of the mind as an instrument of the soul. The process of mental illumination leading to form creation to work with the plan produces the death of form identification releasing one to purpose. “The achieved equilibrium, at the point of rest, provides the mental impetus for soul control. Passion is transmuted into love and the initial desire of Aries becomes the full expression of love-wisdom. Desire to manifest becomes the aspiration to be.” The aspirations to be reveals over time that “the secret of Aries is the secret of beginnings, of cycles and of emerging opportunity.” The initiate begins to understand the cause and nature of these cycles initiated by the life and laws of spirit as they are related to purpose and plan as they are able to progressively revealed by the Light of Life cycle after cycle of Jupiter.

There is given in theory  three levels of death to form identification linked to the three crosses and related to the energies which pours in through Pisces, Scorpio, and Aries which predetermines the eventual destruction of some type of form control freeing the unit from form identification whether with the physical plane, three lower planes, or the five lower planes releasing one respective into Humanity, Hierarchy and Shamballa. This energy source is given as coming from the signs themselves and not related to the electrical fire experienced at different points of integration linked to Uranus and Aries, the purveyor of ideas through spirit and matter. The fire blazed forth and through that fire I died to life and so was born to death. And then again I died to form (Aries). Eventually, the relationship between Aries, Scorpio and Pisces will be understood as the three types of death that links and permits the merging of the three crosses culminating the blended unfoldment of the three major periodic vehicles for use by the Lord. The type of death in Aries, which at different points along the Path of Life forces the soul on to the burning ground and subjects it to a purifying process during incarnation. Through the lesser fire of mind, the “jungles of experience are set on fire and dissolve in flames and then the Path stands clear and unobstructed vision is achieved.” — Old Commentary.  It can likewise be understood that the three types of death necessary for the first three solar initiations referred to relate to the directional influences of the major three-fold periodic vehicles. The line-of least resistance and aspect relationship is the personality expressing through the physical sheath, (Scorpio), the soul through the astral sheath (Pisces), and the monad through the mental sheath (Aries). The three personality sheaths are properly prepared for the solar initiations during the first three planetary initiations.

This first test completion leads one to the door and resources of the One Ashram and from there together with the larger cloud of witnesses Enter into battle for the Lord to express the intent discovered through the Light of Life.  This ongoing process permits one to progressively advance through the doors of initiation through the mastering of cyclical life opportunities discovered through the blending of the lights.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Within the fire of mind, focussed within the head’s clear light, let the group stand.  The burning ground has done its work.  The clear cold light shines forth and cold it is and yet the heat—evoked by the group love—permits the warmth of energetic moving out.  Behind the group there stands the Door.  Before them opens out the Way.  Together let the band of brothers onward move—out of the fire, into the cold, and toward a newer tension. R&I, p.19

The rule above captures the keynote’s resolve as given for Aries which is “Aries turns towards Capricorn” after a point of polarity balanced is achieved in Libra. It depicts the beginning of a new journey into the unknown. This produces those One Ashramic inspired forms to assist in the ongoing manifestation of the Purpose discovered through the resurrection out of form identification. These are presented through the group will aligned with the divine will accessed by way of the soul as a “point for descending light and for ascending radiance.”


Taurus: Second Test Gift: I see and when the eye is opened, all becomes illuminated through the fusing directional alignment of the three eyes.

For Applicants:  When application has been made in triple form, then let the disciple withdraw that application and forget it has been made.

The classical labor of Hercules in Taurus is symbolically given as the “Capture of the Cretan Bull.” The bull of desire is depicted as dwelling upon an “island fair” meaning developed personality separated from the mainland or group identification which is given as a place where “adventurous men could enter a vast maze of bewilderment” or the lower three worlds composing the Great Illusion. The mainland is controlled by the three Cyclops or initiates [Brontes (thunder), Steropes (lightening), and Arges (whirling activity] symbolizing the three major divine aspects manifesting through the three major periodic vehicles – Spirit or Life aspect, light or the soul aspect and whirling activity or the form aspect.  The goal for Hercules as an unfolding Son of God was to capture the bull or the many aspects of creative form desire and turn these over to the three one eyed Cyclops to guide them on the mainland, Holy Place  or land of the group conscious spiritual soul to manage or qualify and give direction to. In effect the creative urge and forces are raised up into the Holy Place (or salvage them for divine use by the group). Desire needs to be guided or directed and not “killed out” as they reflect God’s original intent is some way. The eye of the concrete mind is turned over to the eye of the soul which mediates the Eye of Shiva and the light of the extra-planetary path is discovered. The keynote for the disciple in Taurus is “I see and when the eye is opened, all is illuminated.” This is due to the absorption of the “Light of the Path.” This leads eventually to the discovery of the cosmic pathways depicting a way back to the Unknown Deity.

The first preliminary test in the regenerative stage is to locate through one’s experiences the source of correct knowledge. This is gained by the raising up of the creative urge to create in the higher mental sense. It is this correct knowledge correctly recorded that will eventually stabilize the probationary disciple on the reorientation stage of the wheel. The eye of mind has to be developed and aligned with the eye of the soul to unfold a progressive manasic, buddhic, and atmic illuminated mind.  The adequate development of the illuminated mind is due to the focusing of the light of the soul and discovering the group related Light of the Path. This discover comes through the mediating of the Eye of Shiva by the blended eye of the soul and of mind. It is the Light of the Path that will eventually mediate correct desire correctly directed once the lessons of Libra are demonstrated releasing the disciple from form identification and thus the law of karma onto the law of destiny which is the controlling law for spirit-soul identification.

The achieved balance between the polarities of Taurus and Scorpio is achieved once the eye of the mind, soul, and Shiva is opened and all is illuminated producing illuminated living.   Thus, the major life objective is revealed under the penetrating light of the path or an aspect of the light of Taurus once equilibrium achieved.  “Scorpio-Taurus: The final victory of soul over the lower three form worlds. Death and darkness demonstrate as life and light as the result of this energy relationship. The dark night of the soul becomes radiant sun.”  It is given that the sun is one with Vulcan and Vulcan rules the heart of the sun esoterically. The secret of Taurus is revealed at the second initiation in the disappearance of world glamour in the disciple’s life through the nature of the Word. The clue is given in the reversed wheel motto of Taurus – “I see and when the eye is open, all is illuminated.” It is given that Shamballa, in its alignment with Taurus, Pleiades, and Ursa Major intensifies the light from Taurus and removes obstacles to enhance the eye of revelation thus relating the life and the light. Secret of divine plan and purpose for the solar system is given as being hidden in the triangle of Pleiades, Ursa Major and the Eye of Revelation or the Eye of the Bull. “The goal of the evolutionary process – onward rush of the bull of god reveals steadily and without cessation the stupendous and sublime plan of deity this is the subject which light reveals.” The light of Taurus is synonymous with god’s desire, will, and plan and it frees probationary disciple’s lower desire, will and plan from form identification through death of the personality through the influences of Scorpio and as such one can enter as an accepted disciple on the reverse wheel.  The long process of transmuting of desire into aspiration and aspiration into creative imagination can now be used by the soul illuminating the mind to create forms under the impression of both the light of Aries and the light of Taurus now that matter is subdued and qualified for more divine intents. What is initiated or conferred in Taurus is given as being developed in Virgo and expressed as true service in Aquarius as Vulcan is veiled refashioning influence in these signs.

The keynote given for Taurus is “Taurus rushes blindly until Sagittarius directs.” When Sagittarius can direct the blending eyes, or light channel, then one can achieve a point of polarity balance between Taurus and Scorpio and thus a stable reorientation or resurrection can follow. Sagittarius now directs and focuses (as an arrow) the blending lights of the Whole as the disciple is becoming one with the lights from Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. These three signs (or six as polar opposites are blended) are closely related to the first three initiations in that they represent the birthing of the Christ child on the mental, astral, and physical planes particularly. It is surmised that the dualities or polarities of these three planes have been balanced or ruled as reflected in the balancing of Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, and Gemini-Sagittarius to some degree for certain periods of time overwise no contemplation or expression of the Christ principle on these lower planes can be demonstrated through spiritual tension or soul and brain aligned with the spiritual will. This is the Word made flesh or personality brought under control of the soul or the “interpreter of the divine voice” but now released from form identification and expressing spirit-soul and not spirit-soul-body. This sounding forth of the Word by the individual aligned with their inner group is the fruit of true Samadhi.

Vulcan eventually confers what the WORD through Jupiter originally dictates. The group’s three major periodic vehicle forms and consciousness are refashioned to better carry out the Lord’s progressive recognized intent or Plan. In other words, the three major periodic vehicles are developed and are fused, and their perfected vision is unfolded, aligned, directed and the unfolding ALL (before one’s eyes) is progressively illuminated.

For Disciples and Initiates:  The Word has now gone forth from the great point of tension:  Accepted as a group.  Withdraw not now your application.  You could not, if you would; but add to it three great demands and forward move.  Let there be no recollection and yet let memory rule.  Work from the point of all that is within the content of the group’s united life. R&I, pp.19-29

The rule above captures the ashramic group ‘s intent to express the three divine or spiritual triadal livingness aspects expressive of the major aspects which the probationary initiate is progressively identifying with. This group now symbolizes, and yet which is, the “interpreter of the divine voice.” God’s creative urge is now the attracting and organizing source for the “content of the group’s united life.”


Gemini: Third Test Gift: Let the spirit-self control the intentions and directions of the three-fold periodic vehicles.

For Applicants:  Triple the call must be and long it takes to sound it forth.  Let the disciple sound the call across the desert, over all the seas and through the fires which separate him from the veiled and hidden door.

The classical labor of Hercules in Gemini is symbolically given as the “Gathering the Golden Apples of the Hesperides.” This labor consists of five separate tests progressively carried over the first five cycles of Jupiter of the aspirant/disciple where each labor has the opportunity to be achieved within each of these twelve year cycles of transiting Jupiter back to natal Jupiter. The maturation and integration process are a long process encompassing the better part of our lives. The goal of this labor is that of receiving the golden apples of wisdom (from Hesperis) given also as the star of initiation which is a five-pointed star. This symbolizes the achievement, through correct relationship created between Hercules progressive aspects of his dual spirit-soul and soul-personality selves producing the demonstration by degrees of omnipresent and omniscience or aspects of spiritual instinct which are innate within the spiritual soul or a state of synthesis or spirit awareness.  In effect it is the initial dimensional sheath unfoldment and balancing of the polarities of the five lower planes creating a path for ascension.

Cycle 1: Age 0-12: Test 1: Physical Sheath: Recognizing the flashes of and the following of one’s own soul guidance (Nereus).

Cycle 2: Age 13-24: Test 2: Astral Sheath: Lower Psychism and Serpent of Illusion (Antaeus) vanished through becoming a channel for the soul by raising up the three-fold personality identities into the light of the spiritual soul.

Cycle 3: Age 25-36: Test 3: Mental Sheath: Destroyed old wise teachers of the world (Busirius or wisdom of the world and the lower mystical spiritual path).

Cycle 4: Age 37-48: Test 4: Buddhic Sheath: Assisted and serve others. The mind must lead the passions of the form life. Must gain mental control at each round. Control though group creative process.

Cycle 5: Age 49-60: Test 5: Atmic Sheath: Shouldered the world for Atlas (the Master). Way marked by service and acts of love of the Whole.

These five stages of spiritual instinct development represent a process of discovering the ideal relationship and communication between the progressing lower and the higher selves, by way of the not-selves development, leading to an identification with the universal or one Self or synthesis. In effect it leads to the entering of the fifth kingdom. During these five cycles the aspirant discovers and acquires the necessary knowledge and wisdom to receive, or recognize that which has always been present, the higher revelations and thus the registering of occult knowledge and reality. The highest know influence of Gemini proffers the initiate the comprehension of plan of the planetary and the cosmic Christ. The learning of this complete series of tests is requires the learning of the earlier tests of Aries and Taurus which is not finally learned until after the third initiation. Thus, the final twelve tests can only be undertaken upon the path of initiation where the “Light of Interplay” becomes the agent for the progressive blending of the lights.

The first preliminary test in the regenerative stage is the dimming of the personality light and the brightening of the soul light. This will eventually lead to the recognition by the lower self or the higher self and therefore increase the rate of the aspirant’s unfoldment producing stabilization upon the reverse wheel. Once the spiritual soul as Self is identified then the unfolding process for the disciple will stabilize upon the path of initiation. This can be seen to be due to the blending of the zodiacal lights by the “Light of Interplay.” The fifth Ray and Venus is the major influence in this process.  Remember that the objective and the subjective rays are related and blended by the fifth Ray and Venus blends and fuses the mind with love.

Three signs are also closely connected with initiation. The hidden secret of Aries, Taurus and Gemini is revealed at three successive initiations:

  1. The secret of Aries is the secret of beginnings, of cycles and of emerging opportunity. At the third initiation, the initiate begins to understand the life of the spirit or the highest aspect; until that time, he has expressed first the life of the form and then the life of the soul within that form. This experience is of so high a nature that only those who have passed through it could in any way comprehend anything I might say.
  2. The secret of Taurus is revealed at the second initiation by the sudden removal or disappearance of world glamour in the blinding energy of light. This constitutes the final radiant activity which consummates the play of the Taurian force upon humanity during the long and cyclic journey to which man is committed. The individual enacts on a tiny scale what humanity—as a whole—will enact when it takes initiation in Taurus.
  3. The secret of Gemini has to be grasped at the first initiation because it is the mystery of the relation of Father, Mother and Child. The birth of the Christ-child upon the physical plane is the consummating glory of the Gemini force. EA, pp. 387-388


It is interesting to observe and surmise that the ruling zodiacal constellation on the midheaven of a disciple’s chart is indicative of the necessary transformative forces conditioning and qualifying the focused goal for the unit in life.  The midheaven influences will indicate how the life unit can best manifest this life goal. For reflection purposes only, it is surmised that at the first initiation there is some evidence of Virgo being on the cusp of the ascendant with Gemini on the cusp of the midheaven conditioning the substance and consciousness aspects assists in the preparation for the first initiation.  Later, in the preparation for the second initiation there is evidence that Leo being on the cusp of the ascendant with Taurus on the midheaven assists in the preparation for this initiation.  This is followed by Cancer being on the cusp of the ascendant with Aries being on the midheaven cusp conditioning the requirements for third initiation. These 90 degree aspects are transformative of mind, feelings, and activity expression as soul descends to manifest. This is particularly so as the ascendant and midheaven influences are blended with their sign opposites depicting the influences of the three crosses, mutable, fixed, and cardinal sequentially in the first three initiations. Symbolically, the ascendant and midheaven merging with sign opposite depict the potential of the dual moving forward by the soul and personality.

The rule below captures the success of blending of the purpose intents and planned aspirations of the spiritual soul and human soul-personality and their aligning of these with evoked intent of the Pure Spirit-Soul as It is acknowledged as the disciple progressively travels with the group along the pathway invoked by the blending clear and the cold lights as the Eye directs.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Dual the moving forward.  The Door is left behind.  That is a happening of the past.  Let the cry of invocation issue forth from the deep centre of the group’s clear cold light.  Let it evoke response from the bright center, lying far ahead.  When the demand and the response are lost in one great SOUND, move outward from the desert, leave the seas behind and know that God is Fire.


Cancer: Fourth Test Gift: Let divinity in motion organize all creative activities.

For Applicants:  Let the disciple tend the evocation of the fire, nourish the lesser lives and thus keep the wheel revolving.

The classical labor of Hercules in Cancer is symbolically given as the “Capture of the Doe of Hind.” The “Doe of Hind” symbolizes the instinct, intellect, and spiritual intuition. Each of these three inter-related characteristics of our nature nurtures us and thus guides us. The transformation of one into the other also signifies our own directional transformation. Hercules goal was to capture this transformation by way of the spiritual intuition which would lead him and Humanity into the temple and give evidence of things and ways of spirit necessary for the journey into the endless Way Home through the gates of Capricorn.

Cancer culminates the earlier three sign conditioning influences proffering opportunity to move out of the human kingdom into the spiritual kingdom for the aspiring disciple. This transition to the fifth kingdom beginning only takes place in consciousness after the third initiation and particularly by the fourth initiation. This process is conditioned by the evocation of the higher spiritual fires or kingdoms dwelling through and in cosmic physical or ocean of substance. In Cancer, the aspirant evokes the universal four-fold aspect of this Self which is given as the higher correspondence to mass consciousness or Self when identified with humanity or the planet as a Whole.

The goal is the unfolding of the spiritual intuition and access those living waters which nurtures all and provides knowledge of those things of spirit-matter organized within the Ocean of Substance and representing and reflecting certain realities, and the instantaneous recognition of truth.  The highest know zodiacal influence of Cancer proffers to the initiate after the “building of a lighted house” through the nurturing aspects of the ocean of living substance, is the organization of all of the initiates activities by identification with divinity in motion which is achieved through the lighted house of group participation. This is observed to be due to the combined lights of the three-fold types of substance and the three-fold light of the soul as it can now reflect the lighted house of the Logos.

The first preliminary test in the regenerative stage is the blending of the diffused light of form blended with the light of the soul. This will eventually lead to building of a lighted house by the disciple to dwell within and likewise to attract and invite in so together serve the group from within. It is the building of the lighted house that will stabilize the probationary disciple upon the reversed wheel during the stage of reorientation. Eventually upon the path of initiation “divinity in motion” will organize all of the disciple’s activities from within.

Aries provided a controlled group illuminated mind contacting an idea whose time has come; where Taurus provided the capacity to register that idea through that illuminated mind correctly and provide that will-desire direction for further manifestation through the blending interplay of energy and force dualities between the spirit-soul self and the soul-personality self.

The next four signs of crisis proffers opportunities for physical plane high endeavor. In Leo he must know himself as a true individual making a unique group contribution, in Virgo he must know himself as an unfolding Christ with all of its dimensional sense unfoldments and sensitivities; in Libra he must know himself as neither a mystic or an occultist but a balancing combination of both registered and demonstrated through higher psychism; and finally in Scorpio overcome the illusion of the lower three planes and eventual five planes. His developed illumination, intuition, and spiritual attributes or soul powers are utilized to the uppermost to serve the one Life. In the last four signs of achievement or consistent spirit-soul goal achievement, consistent omnipresence and omniscience through group and Christ consciousness, world service, and world salvation.

The renunciation stage cannot be entered until the human unit has “built a lighted house” and by default, enter the path of group initiation influenced by Capricorn, the sign of and light of initiation, this basic fused triplicity of mind sensitivity  (Aries), psychic sensitivity (Taurus), and dual vital etheric sensitivity (Gemini) physical sensitivity manifestation(Cancer) begins to return to the earlier state of the “breath of spirit” but, this time, with full awareness and properly fulfilled organization, so that form is a perfect expression of the soul and the soul is sensitive and responsive to the pulsations of the One Life, as that Life reveals, through its activity, the expressing Will of Divinity in motion or the Logos manifesting its Purpose through its Plan.

On the reversed wheel the group feeling nature influences of Cancer assist the initiate in building the multi-dimensional lighted house and this light attracted the lights of others and the lights of the expanding Whole. The disciple or ashramic group invites others into their “lighted houses.”  This form sensitivity is the basis of the disciples expanding spiritual opportunities for service. It permits them to discover consciously both doors into and out of form manifestation related to the response of the larger Whole to the cry for salvation of those lives imprisoned in form. The achieved balance between the polarities of Cancer and Capricorn is reached when “the initiate chooses to incarnate and passes freely and at will through both doors. The pull of matter is superseded by the free choice of the soul. Form life becomes a conscious method of expression for service.”

Cancer is ruled by the Moon veiling Neptune, Neptune, and Neptune. Neptune is that which provides group sensitivity awareness of the expanding Whole on all levels through the Cancer and Neptune rulers influences. Upon the Path of Discipleship and “along the line of esoteric development, “one of the major difficulties and great problems of the disciple is his extreme sensitivity to impacts, due to their recognition first of the Word and later of the Sound, from every side and his rapid ability to respond to contacts coming from all points of the compass, from every angle of the zodiacal wheel and from that which is within as well as from that which is without, from that which lies above, below, and upon every hand.”  Fortunately, the initiate, does not react to ordinary feeling, sentiment or to personality relations as they express themselves in pleasure or pain.  It is this sensitivity that provides a most valuable opportunity for service once the “lighted house” is built as light attracts light.

It is significant to point out that once the lighted house is built on subjective levels than those who voice their demand to be saved which have penetrated into the formless world and it is there they evoke a response from the initiate and he invites or attracts them into his lighted house. The form aspect and the psychic nature of Cancer initiates reach an eventual reified perfection under the balancing influences of  Capricorn to become in Cancer “the perfect instrument of service which the initiate wields as he seeks to render mass service instead of being involved and lost in the mass.” It is only when the illuminated mind is correctly controlled that that the disciple awakens to spiritual opportunity and this opportunity comes for the Cancer disciple through the initial development of his “lighted house.”

All correct form and psychic unfoldment life to life require an intelligent understanding of the Plan at any one point in its manifestation.  “Groups of souls come into incarnation cyclically and together in order to further the Plan and permit that interplay to proceed between spirit and matter which makes manifestation possible and which extends the working out of the divine ideas as they exist in the Mind of God.” The multi-dimensional and organized pattern of energy that depicts the descending and ascending energy of purpose acts as the immediate planned architype for the group of souls intending to express this purpose-plan pattern.  Each group carries forth an element of this archetype and builds it into the civilization and culture as a whole over time so divinity can progressively express itself through the various interrelated kingdoms particularly the lower four kingdoms in respect to the planetary quaternary and raise up these forms towards salvation.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group see that all the eighteen fires die down and that the lesser lives return unto the reservoir of life.  This they must bring about through the evocation of the Will.  The lesser wheels must not for aye revolve in time and space.  Only the greater Wheel must onward move and turn.

The esoteric livingness of the true quaternary composed of the three major period vehicles plus the Life which pervades them and eventually expresses purposefully through them is achieved through the purification and sensitization by way of the influences from Cancer. It is this sensitization that permits the intuitional and spiritual development and thus recognition of and with the greater quaternaries expressing through the “greater Wheel”.


Leo: Fifth Test Gift: I am That and That am I. Let “That” guide you to and through the ever expanding Wholes.

For Applicants:  Let the applicant see to it that the Solar Angel dims the light of the lunar angels, remaining the sole luminary in the microcosmic sky.

The classical labor of Hercules in Leo is symbolically given as the “Slaying of the Nemean Lion.” This lion symbolizes the powerful self-promoting personality menacing the environment and its eventual slaying of its self-determination by the soul symbolized also as a group aware Lion of Judah. It is in this sign that the human unit becomes the five-pointed star of individualism and thus the recognition of himself as the Self or spirit and matter unified and balanced. This is the initial requirement for this labor or the overcoming of the individual self-assertiveness of the coordinated dominant integrated personality of the aspirant and instead achieve a dedication to meet the real needs of the Whole. This is yet another stage in the leading to the achieving of Christ consciousness expressed through an illuminated mind the love of god, the light of the world, and the synthesis of life.

The first preliminary test in the regenerative stage is the lion seeking its prey symbolizing the group identified soul, the cause for all form life on every level, seeking to guide consciously the personality. This will eventually lead the probationary disciple to identify with and serve all things as himself stabilizing him upon the reverse wheel. It is this progressive universal sense of Self that leads the probationary disciple onto and through the path of initiation.

Leo is given as the sign for the last test for the probationary disciple to become the probationary initiate for in this sign he begins his focused drive for the acquiring of knowledge, fulfillment and illumination. For it is in Leo that the word goes out to secure one’s own salvation or manhood (expressed individuality consciousness). When the labor is achieved in this sign the formal ashramic training for initiation can definitely and consciously begin. It is through initiation later in Capricorn that he unfolds his Christ consciousness and completes his humanhood (group consciousness) in Aquarius by entering fully his identification with Humanity as a unit and his service thereof. In Virgo his identification will expand to include likewise god, matter, and the scared child as Hercules upsets the achieved balance between spirit and matter so that matter can better express spirit. It is in this way that we serve the ultimate objective or that where matter can be eventually resurrected and achieve universal and divine sensitivities and consciousness. I am That, I am is affirmed in his highest achievement through the “Light of the Soul given in Leo as a “reflected point of logoic, or divine” light.

Leo is ruled by the Sun, Sun veiling Neptune, and the Sun veiling Uranus. This triple set of light influences the Sun is veiling can be absorbed and revealed on the various wheels and it is the Light of the Higher Self that becomes the “revealing point.”  On the reverse wheel for the initiate the type of light is the Light of the One Self, the “relinquished point.” On the normal wheel direction, the Sun’s influence develops the consciousness of individuality which is utilized on the reverse wheel as a means to consecrate oneself to group and divine purpose. The achieved balance between the polarities of Leo and Aquarius is reached when “personality interests as an expression of the individual are submerged in the good of the whole. Selfish individual man becomes the world server. Group service is evidently demonstrated in both signs. The major crisis of the soul in Leo is the crisis of the burning ground and under its influence the energies of liberation are evoked. The keynote given for Leo is “Leo seeks release in Scorpio” or the form self identity is relinquished through the light of the spiritual triad and only the Whole symbolized by Sun veiling Uranus remains. The motto given for Leo on the normal will for the disciple is “I am That” and on the reverse wheel for the initiate it is “I am that and That am I.”

For Disciples and Initiates:  In unison let the group perceive the Triad shining forth, dimming the light of the soul and blotting out the light of form.  The macrocosmic Whole is all there is.  Let the group perceive that Whole and then no longer use the thought “My soul and thine.” R&I, p.20

The spiritual “gifts” of Leo are multi-fold. As one adheres to the rules for initiation  Through the identification with the One Self Hercules has access to the Sirian disciples and indirect access to the Council Chamber will-energy Purpose patterns related to cosmic events and access to systemic and planetary Plan related changes. He also has access to systemic, planetary, and hierarchical laws among other resources. But these “gifts” are due to the blending of the influences of Aquarius and in general those of the three crosses just as in the case of the earlier zodiacal related “gifts” which permit the adherence to this rule.


Virgo: Sixth Test Gift: Let the hidden Light of God give way to the demonstration of God’s Wisdom.

For Applicants:  The purification fires burn dim and low when the third is sacrificed to the fourth.  Therefore let the disciple refrain from taking life and let him nourish that which is lowest with the produce of the second.

The classical labor of Hercules in Virgo is symbolically given as the “Seizing the Girdle of Hippolyte.” This labor produces the opportunity for the soul to mediate the influences of spiritual soul on the human soul in form sensitizing the form and matter for the “virgin matter” birthing of the Christ consciousness (uniting of spirit and matter). The girdle also symbolizes the Mother and the sacred Child. Thus, the girdle of unity if correctly accepted and utilized will produce the unification of the spiritual will, the sacrificial will of the human soul and the personality will. The girdle likewise when accepted and used correctly produces the blending, unifying, fusing and synthesize of and the sensitization of the form bodies of the major three-fold periodic vehicles. The blending of these lights gives way to the light of god to produce the awareness and access to the light of wisdom gained in the achievement of this labor.

Purity, virtue and patience is proffered to Hercules by Hippolyte or this sign’s influence as the matter-form life is the giver to Hercules of its good and valuable gifts or that those gifts of the unfolding Mother and the Christ Child in gestation but in this labor he fails to see it this light but sees personality form related matter and its identification it as an obstacle to be overcome at all costs or killed out. Temperance, wise use of sustain forms and self-forgetfulness are given as the hallmark of the disciple. In Cancer Hercules had to overcome his identification with his physical elemental life ruled by the Moon and in Virgo the Moon rules the personality sheath related kama-manasic life or its form substance composed likewise of kama-manasic matter which Hercules, as a Son of God, had to overcome his identification with. Hercules failed to learn that he was responsible to know, understand, love, and salvage through correct sensitization these lessor lives composing his substance that provided him his own evolution and potential.  Hercules failed to honor his own humanity or that which makes manifest objectively the divine as it is intended upon the lower three cosmic physical planes. It is “through the medium of humanity that a consumption of “light” effectiveness will be produced which will make possible the expression of the whole.” “This union between spirit and matter takes place through the “subordination of the form life to the will of the indwelling Christ.”  This follows the initial union of the personality and soul consciousness in Leo producing the individualization. This Leo consciousness created is renewed in Virgo through the initial virtues of purity and patience leading to the virtues of compassion and charity producing more and more inclusiveness; such that, Hercules now identifies himself as the “Mother and the Child. God, I, matter am.”

The first preliminary test in the regenerative stage is the blending of the dual bright light of form and the dim light of God. This will eventually lead, once on the reversed wheel and stabilized, to the identification of the probationary initiate with the universal matter aspect as well as the God or deity aspect organizing it and the burgeoning Christ aspect unfolding from within these other two aspects. Eventually on the path of initiation this identification permits the discover of the light of wisdom and its demonstration unfoldment as the Christ aspect within is unfolded.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, Moon veiling Vulcan and Neptune, and Jupiter. Its type of light that can be absorbed on the normal wheel for the aspirant and probationary disciple is given as “the blended dual Light. Two lights are seen—bright and strong, the light of form; one faint and dim, the light of God.” On the reverse wheel for the initiate the type of light is given as “The hidden light of god gives way to the light of wisdom.” On the normal wheel direction its influence provides the “vehicle of reception and protection of Christ consciousness – I god and matter am. Stage of awakening or probation;” it evokes the creative forces but on the reverse wheel it influences responded to “reveal the hidden spiritual reality or make tangible the whole”. It makes evidence the planetary and cosmic Christ activity. The achieved balance between the polarities of Virgo and Pisces is reached when “the form reveals and releases the indwelling soul. The Saviour of the world appears and nurtures the hidden souls in Virgo.” The major crisis of the soul in Virgo is the crisis of initiation and under its influence the energies of initiation are evoked. The keynote given for Virgo is “Virgo hides the light which irradiates the world in Aquarius.” The motto for Virgo on the normal wheel is “And the Word said, Let Matter reign” and on the reverse wheel for the disciple is “I am the Mother and the Child. I, God, matter am.” The livingness of all seven kingdoms are discovered and dwell within the physical livingness of the form Body of God.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group know that life is one and naught can ever take or touch that life.  Let the group know the vivid, flaming, drenching Life that floods the fourth when the fifth is known.  The fifth feeds on the fourth.  Let then the group—merged in the fifth—be nourished by the sixth and seventh and realise that all the lesser rules are rules in time and space and cannot hold the group.  It onward moves in life.

This rule indicates the initiate is progressing in their identification with Wholes within the body of deity. It is this processes that releases the initiate from the dimensional part and frees them from the three worlds which are bounded by the rules of time and space and permits free access to the inner dimensional planetary Lives.


Libra: Seventh Test Gift: Through being and love-wisdom discovered upon the balanced Way demonstrate the Way to divine inspiration and revelation.

For Applicants:  Let the disciple turn his attention to the enunciating of those sounds which echo in the hall where the Master walks.  Let him not sound the lesser notes which awaken vibration within the halls of Maya.

The classical labor of Hercules in Libra is symbolically given as the “Capture of the Erymanthian Boar.”  The boar of directed desire. Hercules test in Libra provides two smaller tests denoted as that of “friendship rare” or that of earlier guiding influences processed and owned and “courage unafraid” or that inner integrity and strength gained through the balancing and absorbing of the fruits of these earlier directed desires with their linked experiences. These two tests symbolize “good thought” (Cherion) and “strength” (Pholos) and these are abandoned  in the search in the high mountains for inspiration (higher result of “strength”) and revelation (higher result of “good thought”) that will capture and tame these individual directed desires symbolized by the wild boar driving him from experience to experience. Hercules failed these two smaller tests through the disregarding of his earlier guides or conclusions providing him his individual “good thought” and individual “strength” or his historical gained fruits from analysis of life’s contingencies. These fruits or gains from earlier directed desires between life’s events produces the nature of their dweller which symbolize a transformation of them into useful tools to manage these contingencies of life. Through the creating of causative relationships or links between all things the Libyan accumulates endless matrix of meanings eventually achieving a sense of expanding synthesis as their concrete mind is blended with their abstract mind. Hercules learns the truer nature of discrimination permitting all truths to be seen as elements of the one Truth. This one truth is approached through the investigation, linking, and balancing or weighing of all things or of life’s incongruencies. In this process the Libyan remakes himself anew as he achieves the balancing of opposites creating ascension and a sense of immortality as his identifications are translated and abstracted. This leads to the eventual overcoming of the great illusion and individual dweller identification in Scorpio as he chooses “the way that leads through two great forces” symbolized by feeling vs. thought, buddhi vs. manas, or mysticism vs. occultism once a point of balanced achieved.

The first preliminary test in the regenerative stage is the achieving of equilibrium in all things. This will eventually lead, once on the reversed wheel and stabilized, to the choosing a way which leads between a recognized dual progressive line of force. This progressive recognition is due to identification with a progressive greater whole while absorbing and fusing their progressive love-wisdom. This progresses through the demonstration of inspiration and revelation on the path of initiation. This demonstration is advanced in the ashramic halls by way of group consciousness which provides “good thought” and “strength” to Hercules in this sign.

Libra is ruled by Venus, Uranus, and Saturn. Its type of light that can be absorbed on the normal wheel producing progressive balancing between polarizing lines of force. On the normal wheel direction its influence assists the aspirant to progressively “choose the way that leads beyond the two great lines of force.” The achieved balance between the polarities of Aries and Libra necessitates the requirements for soul control. It is through soul control that the progressive sense of beingness and love-wisdom identification can be demonstrated. The keynote given for Libra is “Libra relates the two in Gemini.” The motto given for Libra on the normal wheel for aspirants is “the weighing of opposites” and for the disciple is “balance attained.” Thus, the blended mystical way and the occult way leads to the one Way. The three doors into Shamballa are progressive discovered creating forward movement upon the one Way are given as the door of reason or the way of Truth and Life; the door of will or that way of Plan and Purpose; and the door of monadic sense of essential duality or the way of Spirit and Matter. Each of these three dualities or doorways are correlations, on different levels, of the dual attributes of either “good thought” or “strength.”

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group life emit the Word of invocation and thus evoke response within those distant Ashrams where move the Chohans of the race of men.  They are no longer men as are the Masters but having passed beyond that lesser stage, have linked Themselves with the Great Council in the highest Secret Place.  Let the group sound a dual chord, reverberating in the halls where move the Masters but finding pause and prolongation within those radiant halls where move the Lights which carry out the Will of God. IH&S.


Scorpio: Eighth Test Gift: Let group strength through testing and the Radiant Light of Liberation free you from the Great Illusion.

For Applicants: When the disciple nears the portal, the Greater Seven must awaken and bring forth response from the lesser seven upon the double circle.

The classical labor of Hercules in Scorpio is symbolically given as “Destroying the Lernaean Hydra.” The destroying of the hydra with nine heads symbolizes the overcoming, misuse, or the transmutation of the nine aspects related to the three-fold personality sheaths. These nine aspect negative forces are physically the forces of sex, money, comfort; astrally the forces of hatred, fear, desire for power; and mentally the forces of pride, separateness, and cruelty of the. This is achieved through the demonstration of true humility (self-knowledge), true courage, (knowledge of others, and true initiate discrimination (knowledge of the One) as these permit the development of the intuitive mind as the nature of the dweller is comprehended and disidentified with and compensated for to permit the blending with the Angel of the Presence. Thus, in Scorpio, Hercules absorbs the “Radiant Light of Liberation” discover through the Light of Day to overcome these sheath aspect forces and emerges from the battle triumphant.  This light of liberation discovered and focusing the radiant Sun is located due to the blending of the earlier three lights of form, soul, and life releasing the Light of Day which can be inferred also to be that light of the antahkarana anchored within the head center.

This initiate discovery of the Light of Day permits the disciple to free themselves from individual glamour and undergo the second initiation and demonstrate that the desire nature is subdued and basically conquered which necessitates the entering of a probationary initiate status. This is demonstrated by the intent and effort to lift up in the air and spiritualize his lower nature.  Scorpio, which brings about eventually the death of the form identifications.  “Esoterically as well as exoterically, Scorpio is the sign of death and burial in the three-fold earth.” This effort demonstrated permits entry into the Hierarchy and also is one of the preliminary tests for world service later required, particularly in Aquarius. Furthermore, the moment we overcome the (great) illusion and enter into daily conscious relationship with the ashram we enter into the esoteric influences of Sagittarius.

The first preliminary test in the regenerative stage is the adequate blending of the light of form, of soul, and life. This will eventually lead, once on the reversed wheel and stabilized, to overcoming his identification once and for all with the form, the soul, and life in the three worlds and raise these blending forces up into the Light of Day overcoming the great illusion. The first test is that of the mind controlling the desire body followed by the soul illuminating his mind. Thus, permitting him to enter more consciously the path of initiation through the Radiant Light of Liberation of Scorpio. The seven ashrams are discovered along the antahkarana using the Light of Day and guided by the Radiant Light of Liberation.

Through the blending of opposites, the influences of Scorpio through the agency of Mars, permits the disciple to relate the energies of form, the soul, and life in the three worlds or those of Humanity, Hierarchy, and Shamballa. The process is described in Rule XIII for Disciples & Initiates.

First, he, as a disciple, has to learn to work within the framework of his blending soul-personality.

Secondly, he can then begin to work within the framework of the greater seven groups, that is, within the Hierarchy.

Thirdly, he goes on and learns to submit to the Law of the Supplementary Seven, he finds that from the life angle and through his own conscious direction, gradually developed, all the potencies of divinity are his to use…

Thus, the labor of Hercules in Scorpio eventuates in the circulation of the energies of salvation first through the disciple and then into Humanity through the seven etheric centers. This Radiant Light of Liberation focused by the planetary head center through the One Life, progressing through the Light of Day, the underlying cause of salvation of substance, progresses through the Law of the Supplementary Seven and permits the probationary initiate to later take the third initiation.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group find within itself response to the greater seven groups which carry out the hierarchical will with love and understanding.  The group contains all seven, the perfect group.  The lesser seven, the greater seven and the planetary seven form one great whole, and these the group must know.  When this is realised and the Law of the Supplementary Seven is understood let the group understand the Three and then the ONE.  This they can do with the united breath and the unified rhythm. IH&S, pp.21-22


Sagittarius: Ninth Test Gift: Let the Initiate be the Guardian of the Gate to the field of the higher Initiations where guards the Way of the Lord.

For Applicants:  Let the disciple merge himself within the circle of the other selves.  Let but one colour blend them and their unity appear.  Only when the group is known and sensed can energy be wisely emanated. IH&S, p. 202

The classical labor of Hercules in Sagittarius, the sign where the power of occult silence is nurtured, is symbolically given as the “Killing the Stymphalian Birds.”  The birds are symbolic of ultimate restraint of speech and mind control, and especially for the disciple cruel gossip, talk of the self or selfish talk and casting pearl before swine. The achievement of ultimate or synthesized truth and spiritual power is achieved in Sagittarius once its labor is achieved on some level for Humanity. This freeing of the aspirant’s and Humanity’s aura from a clutter of thoughtforms, along with the assisting in some way of the overcoming of the great illusion, is what permits the initiate to see the goal clearly for the first time and entry through the gate into the fifth kingdom becomes inevitable in Capricorn. The centaur is half animal and half human but once the labor of Sagittarius is complete the initiate becomes the rider on the white horse and thus half human and half divine. Spirit can now manifest through the soul-personality due to the absorbed focused directed light of Sagittarius.

The first preliminary test in the regenerative stage is the adequate focusing and directing of the earlier many blended lights to illuminate the way ahead. This will eventually lead to the reaching of the one Ashramic and one Soul prescribed progressive goals, one after another, after the stabilizing of the initiate upon the reversed wheel and the path of initiation where he becomes the guardian (or mediator) of the gate onto the field of the higher initiations representing the continued pathway towards the center of the greater light.

Sagittarius is the sign of the one-pointed directed service activity of the disciple or soul effort especially in terms of higher creativity of group forms. The life of fluid response to form and matter becomes that of the focused response to spirit and preparation and demonstration for initiation in Capricorn. The arrow of the mind is projected unerringly towards the goal. Correct group guidance produces the basis of an illumined enlightened mind. An enlightened mind is due to the power or energy of thought imbued with the energy of Purpose forwarding the Plan of God. This energy descends, due to the evocation of group thought, from and through the higher worlds of the presence, of being, purpose, values, significance and meaning. It is through the influences of Sagittarius that the development of higher creativity can take place through group thought power. But as the disciple prepares for initiation group created guided thoughtform construction must give way to the guidance of the intuition.

Sagittarius is the sign influence where the disciple can unfold fully the intuition governing aspiration and through this contact always the vision and integrate fully into the One Ashram through the integrating of spirit and soul with the mind and body. Sagittarian fruits assists the disciple to  development and use intuitive perception, intuitional illumination, and enlightenment and in this process unfold the characteristics of holiness and purity and overcome all failures as these are transformed by way of the descending energies by way of the Law of Supplementary Seven.

What began in Aries is completed in Sagittarius. This necessitates complete control of thought and speech, harmlessness, and selflessness as the progressive dynamic identification with group after group or whole after whole. In Sagittarius, the disciple learns that power is achieved through the spirit of silence that leads to truth and it is truth that leads to power. It is in this way the door opens into the world of spirit or synthesis with its on divine aspiration and attributes shared. Once shared he can then truly travel on the wings of the soul or arrow due to the fusing influences of Sagittarius with Gemini. It is Mercury that unites spirit and soul and these with the cosmic pathways by way of the body, mind, heart and will of god. Sagittarius permits the creating in the higher sense or those aspects of the Plan itself and becomes an extension of the Great Architect.  Through this sign all higher dualities can be fused to produce the Christ consciousness as Jupiter relates Virgo, Pisces, and Aquarius to Sagittarius.

Even though in this sign the Christ consciousness is significantly progressed the disciple can identify and function as either the personality or the soul with equal balanced ease. This due to the development of equanimity and balance under Aries-Libra, Taurus-Scorpio, and Gemin0Sagitarian influences. This is due also to the necessity to dis-identify with the human kingdom or human processes in preparing for initiation and thus a growing identify with the fifth kingdom of souls.

When Hercules is under the influence of each Zodiacal sign there must be developed an ability to work with such creative Hierarchy on a more conscious level. Mars is ruling the sixth Creative Hierarchy, the lunar Lords (the elementals of the threefold personality) who have to be brought totally under the control of the soul during this labor.  Mars position in any natal chart depicts some relationship with this creative Hierarchy and also by the Hierarchy where Mars is found in the chart. This hierarchy is progressively redeemed and liberated from form identification.

Secondly, the power of the mind, having been developed, tested, and found true through the influences of Scorpio (fourth creative Hierarchy), begins to lessen in its activity as the intuition begins to take its place. This is essential before the sign Capricorn is entered by the disciple and preparation for the higher initiation begins. Furthermore, Capricorn labor cannot be entered technically until the disciple can successfully use the arrows of the united group thought constructively with united breath and activity of the One Ashram. Thus, it is considered the gateway to Capricorn the source of the Light of Initiation.

It is significant that all matter-form lives are composed of the deva creative hierarchies.  Birds are known to evolve into devic lives and thus the use of birds as symbols in this labor is relevant. The release of the initiate’s identification with form or deva awareness’s which can be understood as the basis of substance or light infers the release of identification with these lives. The new growing awareness, identification, and participation is with that process which lies behind form creation or the creative process and that is the One Divine Self, as Creator, The Lord of the World working through the energies of purpose, or life more abundantly, organized within Shamballa. It is the pattern of directional Sound or Spirit that liberates us from form identification into pure Being Itself.

For Disciples: Let the group know there are no other selves.  Let the group know there is no colour, only light; and then let darkness take the place of light, hiding all difference, blotting out all form.  Then—at the place of tension, and at that darkest point—let the group see a point of clear cold fire, and in the fire (right at its very heart) let the One Initiator appear Whose star shone forth when first the Door was passed. R&I, pp.171-172


Capricorn: Tenth Test Gift: Let the Light of Initiation reveal the rising central spiritual Sun.

For Applicants:  The Army of the Voice, the devas in their serried ranks work ceaselessly.  Let the disciple apply himself to a consideration of their methods; let him learn the rules whereby the Army works within the veils of maya.

The classical labor of Hercules in Capricorn is symbolically given as the “Slaying of Cerberus Guardian of Hades.” The three heads symbolize group or Humanity related substance sensations reacted to, individual desires, good intentions not carried out. Hercules had to first accomplished three things.  First he had to first purify himself of irritability and individual preferences or desires related to the necessitated living in the world of the personality preventing him from carrying out his service intentions plus achieve indifference to all sensations, desires and intentions impacting his three vehicles as not to be sidetracked and thus fail in his mission of freeing Humanity from these very same three obstacles to their own freedom from form life.  Hercules, identified now with his spiritual soul, is at the stage of the third initiation which permits him to carry out this mission of salvaging the imprisoned lives, symbolized by Prometheus, in the outer three worlds imprisoned in form and matter as he has salvaged himself from the three-world (Hell) form and matter sensations (seventh creative hierarchy), desires, (sixth creative hierarchy) and good intentions (fifth creative hierarchy) but is reminded again this this process is an ongoing process while living in the world being composed of three sheaths. The same applies to the labors in all the signs as they must be performed over and over again as long was one’s consciousness dwells in the lower three worlds composed of the lower three creative Hierarchy Lives.

The second preliminary accomplishment before he could free Prometheus was to be initiated into the mysteries of initiation. This means that he had to secure himself upon the path of initiation.  This would permit him to assist others seeking to free themselves from these same lower lives seeking sensations, desires, and life directions keeping them prisoner. It was only after performing these three acts that he was able to ascend to the mountain top and discover, through the Light of Initiation, the field of the higher initiations and the Supernal Light which he later turned his back to descend and perform his labor under the influence of Aquarius. This labor is achieved through the absorption of the “Light of Initiation” discovered behind the various veils.

Under the influence of Capricorn, the initiate is identifying with the purpose for the Whole. “Lost am I in light Supernal yet on that light I turn my back” captures the focus of the soul-personality in this sign as the Light of Initiation is blended with the earlier lights on the reversed wheel. The initiate can consciously and freely choose for the first time, as the exoteric influences of Saturn give way to the esoteric influences of Saturn, to incarnate through form life for self-determined methods of service.

The first preliminary test in the regenerative stage is the adequate freeing himself from the use of those individual and group forms that do not contribute to the free expression of true service. This begins in Scorpio. This will permit him to discover and blend with the light Supernal upon the multi-directional wheel on the path of initiation. This will take place first through the discovery and blending of the light of initiation which is given as “clearing the way to the mountain top and produces transfiguration thus revealing the rising sun.” This will eventually lead to the use of those revelation forms discovered and organized within the new blended sevenfold ray light of initiation now revealing and focusing the Supernal light also known as the dynamic Light of Life on the cosmic physical plane. The Supernal or extra-planetary Light is that light that is revealed only through the discovery of the field of the higher initiations while in body on the physical plane and is defined as the light of the seven Rays blended with the seventh Ray manifesting on the physical plane such as it is during the Aquarian Age when the Logos is taking a cosmic initiation. It appears to be closely related to the Atmic plane and to the functioning of Saturn as the logoic etheric brain and its “vital aires” when the three major centers and three head centers are in relationship. The access to these “vital aires” is technical access to the Mind of God. Light and Life on the cosmic physical plane are given as reflecting the meeting of Spirit and Matter producing both Light and Life as we can know it.

It is in Capricorn, where the initiate learns to realize the growing fusion of lights responsible for his progress as he inadvertently ascends. There are ongoing and unpredictable intuitions and contacts made during this ascension. This fusion of lights is responsible for the expanded irradiation of the mind.

Interestingly, it is given in theory that the third Ray related Sagittarius influences qualified by the Earth, as a means of experience on the path, and also Capricorn influences qualified by Saturn, as a means of contact with the Mind of God, bring these two types of light into relationship. Together these proffer a field of qualified energy wherein the one-pointed disciple can finally become the initiate. This third Ray qualified energy might be understood as that responsible for the existence of the Law of Destiny as form identification is released and raised.

Capricorn is considered the gateway into the spiritual or fifth kingdom and the field of endeavor of the higher initiations. It is located through the disidentification from, and the blending of all of the lower lights thus sensitizing themselves to the substance, nature, and Lives of the cosmic etheric and lower physical planes. These lights discovered through the renting of the veils upon the lower and higher etheric planes constitute the fields of unfoldment and wisdom for all initiates after the third initiation. It permits entry into the higher Way.

For Disciples and Initiates:  The rules for work within the veils of maya are known and have been used.  Let the group widen all the rents within those veils and thus let in the light.  Let the Army of the Voice be no more heard and let the brothers onward move within the Sound.  Then let them know the meaning of the O.M. and let them hear that O.M. as it is sounded forth by Him Who stands and waits at the very centre of the Council Chamber of the Lord.


Aquarius: Eleventh Test Gift: Let the Initiate discover and use the Lights and light of the cosmic Paths and demonstrate the healing of the Whole.

For Applicants: Let the disciple transfer the fire from the lower triangle to the higher, and preserve that which is created through the fire of the midway point.

The classical labor of Hercules in Aquarius is symbolically given as the “Cleansing the Augean Stables.” The stables symbolize the karmic effects on the world over time, related to the Age of Pisces, of the desires of the advancing personalities. Hercules cleaned the stables through combining the waters of life with the waters of love symbolized by the rivers “Alepheus” and “Peneus” (dual wavy lines). This to better enhance Humanity’s position in the womb as the Christ Child. The keynote for the individualized Leo types populating the planet at this juncture is that of self-sacrifice, group consciousness and work, and unselfish group service. These release the waters of life and love for the initiate in Aquarius to use on a collective level as they are now exhibiting Christ consciousness aligned with the world Christ and cosmic Christ. This permits those with this type of consciousness to identify with all levels of beings and groups as karmic related awareness’s or barriers of separateness are dissolved under this sign influences as depicted by Hercules for he realized that he was the “Water of Life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.”

The first preliminary test in the regenerative stage is the discovering of the combined light of the Spiritual Triad. It is through the focussing of this light that the healing, extra-planetary light, symbolizing by the Waters of Life can be discovered and distributed from the cosmic pathways evoked and distributed from Aquarius. It is equivalent to the healing waters distributed by the Christ during the second initiation process that removes all glamours and frees one of personal desires this permits access to the path of initiation just as the removal of all illusions permits one to move onto the path of the higher initiations.   This takes represents the labor performed by Hercules. It is closely related to the Love of God manifesting through the Mind of God.

In Aquarius—In this sign, the long effort of the soul is consummated and concludes the experience of the disciple upon the Fixed Cross. The man then concludes the second phase of the third initiation and becomes free from personality control, taking the next two initiations upon the Cardinal Cross.

This summation rule is demonstrated due first to the successful labor of Hercules under Sagittarius and Capricorn and now Aquarian influences by way of the discovery of extra-planetary Lights along the cosmic pathways and a refusal to identify with the intents of the earlier discovered lessor lights related to form substance. The Source behind the Lights and Energies contacted along these pathways are that which draws up the seven-fold spirit Self identity back towards its originating Source. It is this that process that permits the identification with the Aquarian influences or “living waters” coming in by way of the cosmic pathways.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group together move the fire within the Jewel in the Lotus into the Triad and let them find the Word which will carry out that task.  Let them destroy by their dynamic Will that which has been created at the midway point.  When the point of tension is reached by the brothers at the fourth great cycle of attainment, then will this work be done

The third initiation process begins first with the successful demonstration of the Sagittarius labor by Hercules followed by the demonstration of the Capricorn labor. These labors require the use of the destruction side of the group spiritual will producing the elimination of any sentiment or individual or group desire, the elimination of all group related personality preferences or ties, the need for individual or group recognition thus a “miniature hierarchy”, and the demonstration of “occult silence.” These eliminations eventual permit absorption into the spiritual Hierarchy coeval with the Aquarius labor. The destruction of the causal body is a three-fold process beginning at the initiation and ending at the fifth initiation manasic sub-plane by subplane. Rule twelve demonstration is the progressive result of this translation and transference of individualized and/or group fused personality and soul dynamic livingness into the spiritual triad.

Southern Fish or Australes; one fish the Avatar.

Pegasus: Winged Horse inspiring symbol of the higher mind, love, spurning the earth at home in the air; (winged feet of Mercury)

Cygnus: the Swan flying in midheaven; the swan of eternity flying in time and space the symbol of life itself, the cleansing, purifying “living waters” of Aquarius.


Pisces: Twelfth Test Gift: Let the disciple demonstrate resurrection through sacrifice, the sensitivities of Pure Spirit, the purpose of Shamballa, and use effectively the discovered extra-planetary Light of Life from the cosmic pathways to free the prisoners of the planet.

For Applicants: Let the disciple learn the use of the hand in service; let him seek the mark of the messenger in his feet, and let him learn to see with the eye that looks out from between the two.

The classical labor of Hercules in Pisces is symbolically given as the “Capture of the Red Cattle of Geryon.” The red cattle symbolize humanity identified with their lower desires. Geryon, a three bodied, three headed monster, with six hands which symbolizes humanity as an integrated coordinated personality with its three sheaths aligned or that which yet owns humanity’s identification. Hercules first kills the two-headed guard dog symbolizing the lower emotional and etheric physical matter aspects and frees them from the Shepard symbolizing the lower mind. Hercules then kills Geryon and drives and guides Humanity through many obstacles bringing them eventually to the sacred City and offered them to Athena the Goddess of Wisdom by way of the mountain top of the third initiation. Hercules can now move on to cosmic tasks as his last task of leaving his Father’s home and saving was complete.  Humanity’s personality identification has been killed and replaced with the identity of the higher Self. This is achieved through the absorption of the “Light of the World” revealing the Light of Life.

The first preliminary test in the regenerative stage is the adequate unfolding the sensitivity of the form, the soul and discover through these sensitivities the Light of the World. These sensitivities were developed through the evolutionary cycle of Hercules through the blending of the many lights and makes possible this stage of the path and this last test. This is why it is said that Pisces takes from all of the signs. It is through the adequate blending of one’s lights with the Light of the World that the Light of Life is revealed (in hindsight) in fulness and the darkness of matter forever ends. This Light of the World is blended with during the reorientation stage upon the path of initiation and eventually demonstrates the sensitivities of Pure Spirit and thus the Light of Life and the Lights that dwell in Shamballa. His identification becomes that of the Father, or divine consciousness, during this labor as his consciousness absorbs these Lights. But during this test Hercules turns his back to these Lights and works to salvage the lessor lives by freeing them from their confinement in matter and form.

Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, exoterically and Pluto esoterically and hierarchically. The three planetary rulers of Taurus (Venus, Vulcan, and Vulcan) transform the earlier motto “Go forth into matter” of the unit to “I leave my Father’s home and turning back I save” the new motto on the reversed wheel of the initiate now nurturing the hidden souls. On the normal wheel direction in the regenerative stage the Pisces influence is to increase the form sensitivity aspect ensouling Humanity and on the reversed wheel to become sensitive to the soul on the subjective levels so better to become a mediator for Spirit.  This is accomplished by the development of the subjective psychic senses. In Cancer the instinct governing desire is evolved into intellect, through the influences of the Moon and Venus particularly assisting in the grasping of cause and effect, and eventually unfolds the  spiritual intuition as he awakens to that expanding Whole which is around and can respond to the diffused form light of Humanity and blend this light through the activity of the light of mind with the light of the soul and later the light of the soul of Humanity and the Hierarchy.  Spiritual instinct inadvertently directs one to the intuition or the real instinctual expression of the Whole which the soul illuminated, and controlled mind does do.

Pisces—Here, at the final stage, stands for the death of the personality and of all influences which hold Hercules to the wheel and the mutable cross.  Pisces labor releases some aspect of the soul of Humanity from captivity which permits its return to the task of being the world Saviour. The great achievement is finished, and the final task is accomplished. “There is no more sea” says the ancient book, which means inevitably the “death of the fishes” and the release of the imprisoned life into new forms or new cycles of the divine Adventure.

The reorientation stage is entered once the human unit can demonstrate spiritual responsibility and also enter the path of initiation influenced by Capricorn, the sign of initiation and the purveyor of the first true contact with the Supernal Light of Life. The basic fused quaternary of mind (Aries), psychic sensitivity (Taurus), and dual vital (Gemini) physical manifestation (Cancer) begins to return to the earlier state of the “breath of spirit” but this time, with full awareness and properly fulfilled organization, so that form is a perfect expression of the group soul where the group soul is sensitive and responsive to the pulsations of the One Life, as that Life reveals, through its activity, the perfect Will of Divinity.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group serve as Aquarius indicates; let Mercury speed the group upon the upward Way and let Taurus bring illumination and the attainment of the vision; let the mark of the Saviour, as the group toils in Pisces, be seen above the aura of the group.

It can be understood that the One Group toiling under the influences of Pisces coming in through cosmic pathways inevitably reifies through progressive identification which unfolds the purposes of the planetary Logos. The sources of and purposes for the seven ways of wisdom, touched when under the influences of Libra, are discovered and identified with through the law of synthesis under the influences of Pisces or basically through the blending of all twelve of the expanding zodiacal influences conditioning substance over time. As Spirit evolves Matter evolves by way of Substance (organized into forms).

The following two summary rules demonstrated permits and signifies the forward movement of the initiate and the Master into the Unknown after the completion of the twelve Labors of Hercules.

For Disciples and Initiates:  Let the group get ready to reveal the hidden mystery.  Let the group demonstrate the higher meaning of the lessons learnt, and these are four and yet are one.  Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion; let the threefold mode of working with that which is dynamic carry the group together towards the Higher Three where the Will of God holds sway; let Transfiguration follow Transformation, and may Transmutation disappear.  Let the O.M. be heard right at the center of the group, proclaiming God is All. 

For Disciples and Initiates:  Know, Express, Reveal, Destroy, Resurrect


Composed by HZ 2018-2023.

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part I (Cycle of Evolution)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part II (Recreation, Regeneration, Reorientation, and Renunciation)

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part III (Cycle of Maturation & Cycle of Integration)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IV (Cycles of Jupiter, The Four Seasons, The Four Dharmic Wheel Directions)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part V (Seven Crises of the Soul & Cycles of Evolution, Aspiration, and Initiation)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VI (The Seven Laws of the Soul)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VII (A Sequence of the 14 Rules for Initiation) Revised 6/25/23
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIa (12 Final Tests & Summation of “Labors of Hercules”)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIb (First Six Progressive Cycles of Jupiter & The Aspirant)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIc (Twelve Basic Gifts of Hercules)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIId (Cycles of Jupiter, Twelve Tests, & Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIe (4-Seasonal Stages, 4-Dharmic Wheels,12-Houses & 36-Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIf (Three Rules for Determining Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIII (60 Major Astrological/Cosmological Influences during the Tests of Hercules)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IX (Seven Stages of Discipleship) Revised 06.24.23
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part X (Introduction to Cycles or Stages of Planetary Integration)