Nicholas Roerich Museum

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part X (Introduction to Cycles or Stages of Planetary Integration)

(HZ: Please note that this ten-part series is just a review of Alice A Bailey’s Esoteric Works in respect to this ten cycles and stages review with a few additions plus some experiential heuristic observations and as a rule does not contain reified source impressions received during meditation.)


The Cycles of Planetary (Solar and Cosmic) Integration or Initiation (7-Stages)

The cycle of initiation from the preparatory stage of accepted disciple to that of the Master and the still higher grades.  These seven crises are each re-enacted during the process of self-initiation into the world of meaning and of reality. They constitute the keynote or the motif of each of the seven initiations. Each of these seven initiations permits entry into the state of divine consciousness on each of the seven planes of divine experience and expression. EA, P. 474

Technically there is only one overall cycle of initiation in context to the cycle of evolution and it represents its final sub-cycle. Thus, it includes all five, seven or nine initiations. There is also given seven self-induced crisis of the soul that permits an initiation to be progressed or forwarded as denoted in the quote above. In another sense these seven crisis can also be correlated to the seven stage of integration. Interestingly, these integration stages and/or the particular seven initiations can be listed in either direction and still reflect a truth.

Crisis    Quality   Conditioning InfluenceIntegration Stages   
IncarnationIndividualizationCancerAlignment (1st or 7th Initiation)
OrientationReversalAriesCrisis (2nd or 6th Initiation)
InitiationExpansionCapricorn*Light (3rd 0r 5th Initiation)
Renunciation               CrucifixionGeminiRevelation (4th Initiation)
BattlefieldConflictScorpioIntegration (5th or 3rd Initiation)
BirthplaceInitiationVirgo*Transition (6th or 2nd Initiation)
Burning GroundLiberationLeo*Assimilation (7th or 1st Initiation)

Each planetary initiations can also be understood to likewise unfold sequentially through seven stages understood to reflect a cycle of integration. The seven stages of discipleship were earlier associated to these seven stages of integration and also the seven initiations. The particular cycle of planetary integration or initiation progressive stages of recognitions or revelations is overall conditioned by one’s point in evolution as a soul. These stages of integration, recognitions and revelations lead to new expanded consciousness identifications which build upon each other as one’s substance is fused with certain qualities of beingness in some manner through the Self-identification process and the sequential and the higher/latter are inclusive of the lower/former just as the seven Laws of the Soul.

These discipleship stages can be seen to relate to a specific initiation more than the others as the table below will indicate but one’s experiences must ultimately confirm:

Physical PlaneFirst InitiationLittle ChelashipAlignment
Astral PlaneSecond InitiationChela in the LightCrisis
Mental PlaneThird InitiationAccepted DiscipleshipLight
Buddhic PlaneFourth InitiationChela on the ThreadRevelation
Atmic PlaneFifth InitiationChela within the AuraIntegration
Monadic PlaneSixth InitiationChela within the HeartTransition – Greater Life
Logoic PlaneSeventh InitiationBlending of the LightsAssimilation

Each of the initiations once culminated produces the associated stage of discipleship which then requires its constructive demonstration on the outer three planes leading to the next initiation training stage. Phase one leads up to the culmination of the respected initiation and is considered the subjective training stage producing the outer control or destructive phase or burning ground.  Phase two represents the outer demonstration or constructive phase concurrently with the subjective training stage for the next initiation.

The initiations associated to these stages represents the ultimate achievement of the available influences impacting the disciple during these stages.  Each of these stages can be seen to have various sub-stages within them. In other words, probationary initiates and initiates has the capacity to confirm that all initiations are being prepared for simultaneously according to one’s sensitivity unfoldment and contacts made. These seven planetary related initiations give ultimate identity with the planet as an expanding Whole just as the seven systemic related initiations give ultimate identity with the solar system as an expanding Whole and likewise the cosmic initiations.

It probably has become obvious that all of these cycles and stages refer more to the processes of Spirit rediscovering itself more than the soul’s or personality’s discovery of themselves. Thus, the seven initiations referred to in this section are more correctly aligned with the solar initiations as opposed to the planetary initiations or cosmic initiations in this second solar system field of evolution.  The first two planetary initiations are not technically initiations but only maturations. True alignment is monadic, and this is reflected even in the first planetary initiation experience uniting in one’s awareness the Father, Mother and Son synthesis that began this process or cycle of descent and ascent. This first synthesis experienced that brought the monad into relationship with form is not consciously identified with until the third planetary initiation or first solar initiation.  Humanity’s evolution appears to be a direct reflection of the solar Logos’s process as opposed to the planetary Logos’s. Thus, the occult and the esoteric studies student can easily comprehend the correlation between the seven solar initiations with the seven stages of integration or identification with Pure Spirit and away from Form identification as follows or Self vs. Not-Self from the monad’s, soul’s, and personality’s point of view. These three points of reference are only based upon the author’s understanding and point in evolution viewing.


From the Point of View of the Human Soul or Planetary Integration:

Human Soul AlignmentThe BirthHuman Causal Body Individualization
Crisis of IdentificationThe BaptismWith Soul & Of the Soul-Personality
Triadal LightThe TransfigurationOf the Form Vehicles
RevelationThe RenunciationOf Form Lives
Integration into the Life of the Heavenly ManThe AscensionOut of the Lower Three Planes of Identify and Life
Transition to a Greater LifeThe DecisionTo create a doorway for Planetary Escape for the Prisoners of the Planet
Planetary Lives AssimilationThe ResurrectionFrom Lower Five Cosmic Physical Planes (Form)


From the Point of View of the Spiritual Soul or Systemic Integration

Spiritual Soul or Systemic AlignmentTransfiguration (of triadal sheaths)Related to The Birth or Spiritual Soul Individualization & comes under Law of Destiny
Crisis of Solar IdentificationThe Renunciation (of causal body life)Related to the Baptism of the Spiritual Soul
The Light of the TrinityThe Ascension (into higher three sub-planes of cosmic physical plane)Related to The Transfiguration
Solar Logoi RevelationThe Decision (doorway of escape for lives of non-scared planets)Related to the Renunciation
Sixth Kingdom & Solar Hierarchy IntegrationThe Resurrection (from cosmic physical plane)Related to The Ascension
Transition to a Greater or Systemic Life:The Great TransitionRelated to The Decision
Systemic AssimilationThe Refusal (Of Cosmic Evil)Related to The Renunciation


From the Point of View of the Monad or Cosmic Integration:

The True Birth (Ascension)

First Cosmic Initiation: Monadic Alignment to the One Life (Cosmic Logos)


The True Baptism (Decision)

Second Cosmic Initiation: Crisis of Cosmic Identification


The True Transfiguration (Renunciation)

Third Cosmic Initiation: Light of Life (Agni)


The True Crucifixion (Great Transition)

Fourth Cosmic Initiation: “Cosmic Logoi Unity Revelation”


The True Ascension (Refusal)

Fifth Cosmic Initiation: Seventh Kingdom & Cosmic Hierarchy Integration:


The True Decision (Not Given)

Sixth Cosmic Initiation: “Transition to a Greater Cosmic Life (Greater Cosmic Logoi)


The True Resurrection (Not Given)

Seventh Cosmic Initiation: Cosmic Mental Plane Assimilation

(lower three cosmic planes)

It is very apparent that the success of the former stage leads to the next stage in a logical order of ascendant back into the One Life in various context’s but particularly the context of Purpose inherent in or for the creative process within the Mind of God.  These initiations do not take the Buddha back any further than the cosmic mental body.  It is here that the true Jerusalem is said to be located. Other cosmic initiations unknown to us depict this further process outside of cosmic form identification. Planetary, solar and cosmic types of Form identification and dis-identification appears to cover all seven initiation type of processes. Spirit and Matter is not only a concept related to the seven sub-planes of the cosmic etheric-physical plane it appears or is inferred for reflective purposes only.

All progressive initiation processes are in fact due to astrological influences of the livingness of some greater Beingness’s influences as would be expected as it is a group process taking place in the NOW. In Chapter 8 there is given a set of eighteen significant astrological influences for those on the path which are inferred to be necessary to progressively move the disciple onto the path of initiation and as such are significant in this regard. These significant influences are inferred to be causative in producing advancements in evolution of consciousness and substance as reacted or responded to them correctly as either a monad, soul, or personality. Unfortunately, the disciple, unless an initiate, cannot accurately know when an astrological influence was registered and responded to by the monad or soul as it takes time for this knowledge to descend to manifest in brain awareness.  They are outside of the personality’s time-space matrix but eventually we can depict the order of their influence within such time-space matrix as they influence the personality’s sense of qualitative group feeling, qualitative group thought-form creations, group processes and group events and in the lower three-worlds as a fusing spirit-soul-personality qualitative response. These energies or potential influences are always impacting the earth in general, and it is only our capacity and ability to respond to them at first through our form substance, creating potential consciousness awareness of them. These are later are organized towards some practical use in service to the larger group. Basically, it is a rule that all fruits come from the more inclusive divine Lives to the individual so in turn they can more effectively serve their group purpose.

Cycle of Initiation Introduction Continued:

It is through the processes of revelation that divinity is slowly dawning upon the human consciousness.  It is a sevenfold revelation; each of the seven kingdoms in nature reveals one aspect of it, and each of these seven reaches revelation in seven or fourteen lesser revelations or phases. R&I, p. 241

The rules for initiation are the pathway to initiation in general especially the first seven rules are given as being the basis for the latter seven rules. They represent the basis of all following initiations in that these become spiritual instincts reacted to in an unconscious way.  The remaining seven indicate specific skills one needs next to demonstrate to serve the Purpose expressing itself through the Plan.  The second group of rules are those which also permit the unfoldment and transfiguration over time of the Spiritual Triad thus demonstrating a growing list of divine qualities and attributes.  These rules once adhered to are conduits to the energies that are coming to the disciple from the Spiritual Triad.  These energies are new to him and embody divine qualities that were intimately unknown and not-experience.  They become possible due to the developing of the antahkarana and integrating it into the group antahkarana. This is built basically by the Son of Mind and the personality normally outside of the awareness of the man on the physical plane.

It is significant to remind our selves that the purpose of the heart center for the planet is to unfold the Christ body and its attributes for the planet so it could first be transfigured and later transformed to express divine attributes. Second purpose is the unfolding of the cosmic causal body through reflect action. Heart relates head and base. All initiations are therefore designed to forward this unfoldment. These progressive initiations are only possible due to the progressive conditioning influences of the laws of the soul. It is also shown herein the close relationship between the laws of the soul and the various stages of planetary integration or the initiations. The correct response and demonstration of a particular law of the soul provides the basic training ground for the soul-personality to meet the requirements for a particular initiation.

The question is whether or not an initiation fruits is repeated each life or not and/or if one falls backward so to speak and since the first two initiations are not really true initiations it seems that this is possible and plausible. Thus, it is not as black and white as the teachings sometimes imply.  But if one was to apply literally the rule – If initiation is taken for the first time in any life, the recollection of it extends to the physical brain than it was taken this life.  Basically, the confusion is due to the other reasons related to cycle theory discussed earlier under the cycles of evolution, aspiration, and initiation.  The fact is that each of the major cycles related to the crises of the soul are repeated three times to potentially reach its successful conditioning effects or thus stabilize. Important to realize that due to free will we can move into and through the various initiations through the expert use of the various wills even though we cannot stabilize within the confines of these initiations or levels of group, spiritual and divine consciousness if that use of the various wills falter. This is not generally understood by esoteric or occult students due to their experiences of the use of these wills. Remember initiation is a group process and not an event and the energy of the Will conditions space and time as being descends to manifest creating newness and as such conditioning substance permitting apperception of things not previous seen or hoped for.

The ascertaining of our point on the path and next step forward is way more difficult to achieve with certainty than most students believe.  It is not an easy undertaking until the science of the path is understood in all of its many cycles and stages. It is only at a late age in life that the major stages of the Path are understood in some practical experiential way.  When this is the case then you will know how you can achieve adeptship in one life as the “Whole” will have become a recognized part of your daily experiences. In other Words, if we truly “serve and obey” according to spirit dictates; and truly believe in our Divinity and submit totally to the service of the “Whole,” which is another way of understanding the initiation processes which is basically the same as initiates understands it, then adeptship is possible to comprehend and achieve.

Man becomes a conscious human being through the instrumentality of the Lords of the Flame, through Their enduring sacrifice.

Man becomes a conscious Ego, with the consciousness of the higher Self, at the third initiation, through the instrumentality of the Masters and of the Christ, and through Their sacrifice in taking physical incarnation for the helping of the world.

Man unites with the Monad at the fifth initiation, through the instrumentality of the Lord of the World, the Solitary Watcher, the Great Sacrifice.

Man becomes one with the Logos through the instrumentality of One about Whom naught may be said.

(Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar, 1922, p. 19)

The process depicted by the above quote becomes profoundly understood as one approaches the higher field of initiations providing a growing relationship with the initiates, the masters, the Christ, the Lord of the World, and the One about Whom naught may be said in some vital livingness aspect.

Initiation and Other Esoteric Cycles /Stages:

The seven stages of discipleship each led to a culminating point of planetary integration or initiation. The completion of all seven stages of planetary integration culminates the integration, livingness, and identification of the unit or part with the planetary Whole. The planetary Whole is reproduced within the part. This synthetic inclusiveness is what permits the escape from a planetary focus limited to the cosmic physical plane into a systemic focus.

Little Chelaship              1st Initiation       Correct Alignment

Chela in the Light          2nd Initiation       Correct Crisis

Accepted Discipleship    3rd Initiation       Correct Light

Chela on the Thread      4th Initiation       Correct Revelation

Chela in the Aura          5th Initiation       Correct Integration

Chela in the Heart         6th Initiation       Correct Transition to a Greater Life

Blending of the Lights    7th Initiation       Correct Assimilation

“Correct” is here meant to imply the demonstration of some planetary related stage of integration as opposed to some other type of integration such as solar or cosmic as only two examples. An integration cycle can apply to any level of individual or group livingness.

It was earlier pointed out that the cycles of Jupiter are instrumental in the integration and unifying of our qualified points of livingness brought into effect first by the cycles of Uranus and Saturn progressively reifying our maturation process life after life in body.  Thus, the twelve year cycles of Jupiter are significant as to their possible effects given the human unit’s response to such opportunities presented by Jupiter as it transverses around the Sun focusing and synthesizing one influence – pattern after another according to our natal chart reference points. Jupiter makes various aspects with the existing points in one’s natal chart or points of present integration opportunities bringing more sharply our dweller content veiling the Angel into focus. Those that have been on the path in previous lives will take more advantage of the first two cycles of Jupiter to bring them back into the same maturational and integration point where they left off in their previous life. The more advanced the earlier in one’s maturational cycle this point is reached. Given the present evolution of Humanity’s units on the path and in general:

The second cycle of Jupiter, ages of 12 to 23, produces the Aspirant or Little Chelaship stage.

The third cycle of Jupiter, ages 24 to 35 produces the probationary disciple or Chela in the Light stage

The fourth cycle of Jupiter, ages 36 to 47, produces the Accepted Disciple stage.

The fifth cycle of Jupiter, 48 to 59 produces the probationary initiate and/or the true initiate or the Chela on the Thread and later stages if earlier opportunities are correctly responded to.

Within the overall cycle of evolution it has been inferred that it is broken out into the four major seasons. Each of the four seasons zodiacal influences eventually produces over the long period of incarnations the aspirant, the probationary disciple, the accepted disciple, and the initiate upon the reversed wheel.

Recreation: Aries, Taurus, and Gemini are instrumental in producing the aspirant.

Regeneration: Cancer, Leo, and Virgo are instrumental in producing the probationary disciple.

Reorientation: Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius are instrumental in producing the accepted disciple.

Renunciation: Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are instrumental in producing the initiate.

These influences can be summarized by the quality describing the related fruit of each of the twelve constellations in respect to the fourth kingdom at each progressive stage of discipleship and the four seasons in general. The qualified apothegms below taken mostly out of A.A.B.’s Esoteric Astrology and arraigned per discipleship stages or seasonal stages which can be considered to be the demonstrated goal of expression per that stage to pass on to a more inclusive stage of consciousness or discipleship. The following zodiacal sign conditioning influences linked to aspirants depicts the zodiacal related demonstrated goals of the aspirant as they seek to achieve probationary discipleship status. These three stages of those on the path are indicative goals and achievements consciously realized and identified with of those during the overall cycle of planetary integration and their achievements can likewise assist in assigning (experimentally) a stage on the path.

Stage 1: The Aspirant to Probationary Disciple:

Regeneration Stage. Osculating Wheel. Mutable-Fixed Crosses. Aspirant-Little Chelaship. Will-to-Knowledge Patterns by Sign being pursued and demonstrated consciously:

Aries. Unfold the power to manifest through the aspiration to be and a realization of the need to express love-wisdom

Taurus. Let Experience lead to Knowledge

Gemini.  Let the personality light dim and the light of the soul wax.

Cancer.  Let the diffused light of form blend with the light of the soul.

Leo.  Let the Lion seek its Prey

Virgo.  Let the disciple blend the dual light of form and God.

Libra.  I Choose the way that leads between the two great lines of force.

Scorpio.  Let the light of form, of soul, and life meet and blend.

Sagittarius.  Let the point of light become the beam, revealing a greater light ahead and illumining the way to the centre of the light.

Capricorn. Let the aspirant discover the light that clears the way to the mountain top.

Aquarius. Let the disciple discover the light of the Whole.

Pisces. Let the aspirant unfold the sensitivity of the form and the soul and discover the Light of the World.

Stage 2: Probationary Disciple to Accepted Disciple:

In Stage I we listed the zodiacal related fruits associated with each of the twelve zodiacal signs conditioning influences during the regeneration or Aspirant stage.  The generic fruits below represent the progressed fruits obtained during the reorientation stage or Probationary Disciple stage. They depict the zodiacal related demonstrated goals of the aspirant as they seek to achieve accepted discipleship status. These are indicative goals and achievements consciously realized and identified with of those during this integrative cycle and can assist in assigning a point on the path.

Reorientation Stage. Reversed Wheel. Fixed Cross. Probationary Disciple. Will-to Love Patterns by Sign being pursued and demonstrated consciously:

Aries. Enter into battle for the Lord to express the intent discovered through the Light of Life.

Taurus. Let the Eye of the Soul discover the Light of the Path.

Gemini.  I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.

Cancer.  Let the disciple build a lighted house and therein dwell.

Leo.  I am That and let the Disciple serve That.

Virgo.  I am the Mother and the Child. I, God, I matter am.

Libra.  Let equilibrium control.

Scorpio.  Warrior I am, and from the battle I emerge triumphant.

Sagittarius.  I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another.

Capricorn. Let the disciple discover the light Supernal.

Aquarius. Let the aspirant discover the light of the world.

Pisces. Let the disciple unfold the sensitivities of spirit and discover the Light of Life.

Stage 3: Accepted Disciple and Probationary Initiate to Initiate Stage:

In Stages I and II we listed the zodiacal related fruits associated with each of the twelve zodiacal signs conditioning influences during the regeneration (Aspirant) and the reorientation stages (Probationary Disciple).  The generic fruits below represent the progressed fruits obtained during the renunciation stage or Initiate stage. These are consciously and factually realized and identified with. These are indicative goals and achievements of those during this integrative cycle and can assist in assigning a point on the path.

Renunciation Stage. Multi-Directional Wheel. Cardinal plus other two Crosses. Initiate. Will-to-Good Patterns by Sign being pursued and demonstrated consciously:

Aries. Arrive at unity through effort through mastering of cyclical opportunities.

Taurus. I see and when the eye is open, all is illuminated.

Gemini. Let the spirit-soul control.

Cancer. I am divinity in motion and organize all activities.

Leo.  I am That and That am I.

Virgo. I am the light of god and the light of wisdom.

Libra. Saturn. I Choose to Be and express the love-wisdom.

Scorpio. I am the Radiant Light of Liberation

Sagittarius. Mars.  I am the Guardian of the Gate.

Capricorn. Venus. Lost am I in light Supernal yet on that light I turn my back.

Aquarius. Moon. Water of Life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.

Pisces. Pluto. I leave my Father’s home and turning back I save.


This heuristic reflection will only include that through the fourth initiation separated into three parts as follows:

I. The Path of Initiation – Part I: The aspirant (Little Chelaship) to the second initiation (Chela in the Light).

This stage is due to the Law of Magnetic Impulse and growing response to the Law of Service.


II. The Path of Initiation – Part II: The second (probationary disciple) to the third initiation (accepted disciple).

This stage is due to the Law of Service and growing response to the Law of Repulse.


III. The Path of Initiation – Part III: The third (accepted disciple) to the fourth initiation (Chela on the Thread or Initiate & Higher Trainings).

This stage is due to the Law of Repulse and growing response to the Law of Group Progress up through and including the Blending of the Lights discipleship stage.


Composed by HZ 2018-2023

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part I (Cycle of Evolution)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part II (Recreation, Regeneration, Reorientation, and Renunciation)

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part III (Cycle of Maturation & Cycle of Integration)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IV (Cycles of Jupiter, The Four Seasons, The Four Dharmic Wheel Directions)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part V (Seven Crises of the Soul & Cycles of Evolution, Aspiration, and Initiation)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VI (The Seven Laws of the Soul)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VII (A Sequence of the 14 Rules for Initiation) Revised 6/25/23
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIa (12 Final Tests & Summation of “Labors of Hercules”)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIb (First Six Progressive Cycles of Jupiter & The Aspirant)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIc (Twelve Basic Gifts of Hercules)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIId (Cycles of Jupiter, Twelve Tests, & Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIe (4-Seasonal Stages, 4-Dharmic Wheels,12-Houses & 36-Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIIf (Three Rules for Determining Decanates)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VIII (60 Major Astrological/Cosmological Influences during the Tests of Hercules)
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IX (Seven Stages of Discipleship) Revised 06.24.23
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part X (Introduction to Cycles or Stages of Planetary Integration)