Some ways to develop and know your heart content.
The nature of the Heart is very simple but remember two things:
- First is that it is the total heart and not just the feeling heart that needs to be listened to.
- Secondly, all heart knowledge needs to be perceived from the altitude of the soul.
Participants endeavor to unfold the heart must be co-incidental with creating their lives there is no difference.
Participants must realize three things about the unfolding of their heart sense.
- First, that it is a product of successfully developing the ability to love.
- Second, that it is a product of knowing themselves.
- Third, that it is a product of registering the truth. Or wanting to know the truth and being able to receive it objectively.
Participants are always registering not only their personal feelings but also their impersonal feelings or group feelings these need to be distinguished.
Participants must learn to recognize whether or not they are clear personally or not. Participants need to understand how to be clear: 4
- One is clear when there is a feeling of complete peace within the three bodies.
- One is clear when only the silence is heard.
- One is clear when only the warrior of truth is upon the battlefield.
- One is clear when they apperceive the Voice of the Soul in either of the centers 8: Head, Forehead, Ajna, Throat, Thymus, Heart, Base, Auric Field.
You might want to wake up every day and do the following while still in bed:
- Feel gratitude for your life.
- Merge with the sun in your creative imagination.
- Link up your heart to the universe and feel your connection.
- Praise all of those that have gone before you.
- Praise the deva kingdom and thank them for their help and assistance.
- Praise humanity, those in your life, and those of your past for the efforts they are making in the world and their assistance to you.
The organization of your Heart can be completed in this way:
- Through registering in your Heart the emotive state of others or groups.
- Through registering in your Heart the real needs of others or groups.
- The Heart is a sense organ and can sense the following basic things: 16
- It can sense whether or not another is present with you.
- It can sense they are okay in your eyes.
- It can sense your happiness or not.
- It can sense whether other people around it is attuned with it.
- It can sense the true nature of another’s world.
- It can sense whether or not another can be of assistance.
- It can sense how to move forward karmically in a situation.
- It can sense whether a relationship needs to be formed with another.
- In can sense methods and ways of overcoming an issue with another.
- It can sense organized content of another’s personal life.
- It can sense the organized soul content for another’s life.
- It can sense whether or not it is in control of a situation or not.
- It can sense the likely outcome of an event.
- It can sense or rate the purposefulness of an event.
- It can sense needed behavioral changes needed in any situation.
- It can sense you looking at it.
In an effort to see yourself want you to perform the following exercises: 9
- Choose an intimate other and hold them in your Heart; sense what is there.
- Choose an intimate other and hold them in your Heart; sense the nature of their being.
- Choose an intimate other and hold them in your Heart; sense their present direction in life and determine if it will be successful.
- Choose an intimate other and hold them in your Heart; sense the likely outcome of your relationship with them at this juncture.
- Choose an intimate other and hold them in your Heart; sense the likely outcome of yoru relationship with them in the future.
- Choose an intimate other and hold them in your Heart; sense the way they perceive you.
- Choose an intimate other and hold them in your Heart; sense a real need.
- Choose an intimate other and hold them in your Heart; sense their life purpose.
- Choose an intimate other and hold them in your Heart; sense their connection to their soul and whether or not they are following their soul’s intent.
You have been given the idea of needing to follow the path of the Heart how can one do this: 4
- One can do this by registering each moment one’s heart needs.
- One can do this by altering their perceived plans each day to follow their hearts.
- One can do this by registering their Heart’s goals for their life.
- One can do this by following the advice given by the heart.
This section is for participants to know their real heart needs from the point of view of the soul. What are they?
This section is to evaluate yourself as to the present nature of your Heart from the point of view of your egoic grouping?
Evaluate yourself on the effective use of your heart potentially from Egoic’s Group point of view.
- The healing group would like to evaluate blocks in the use of Heart sensing.
- The soul would like to evaluate unfoldment needs for the heart.
- How can you use the heart in creating your life.
- Procure from the Lords of Karma the karmic forms created in relationship to the heart.
This “Four Chambers” evaluation format was/is intended to be used to evaluate one’s nature of and ability to love or others nature of and ability to love per these four areas. It can be added to or reduced as needed. A second evaluation format is presented at the bottom of the “Four Chamber” model taken from A.A.B.’s writings
(Three Divisions within the four Chambers)
I. LEFT VENTRICLE – Personality Love Ability (3)
- Sense of wonder of your essential self-nature re your special abilities- why you are and how you are to move through life the way you can or do.
- Why you have the gifts you have.
- The way you work in the world.
- The way you organize your life .
- Who you are in terms of your unique individual self- what is that essential essence.
- What has been the trend of your many lives, the ageless nature re the sense of self.
- Wonder about why you have had the events in your life you have had.
- Wonder why you have the people in your life that you have.
2. Composition of the heart (12)
- What makes you happy (outgoing, solar plexus)
- What do you love
- What are your hopes and dreams
- What are your joys (affects the heart, brings sense of sadness, sorrow, expansion)
- What is your love of being
3. Ability to love (8)
- Ability to have sacredness of life
- Ability to register yourself (thoughts, feelings)
- Ability to create your self
- Ability to control yourself
- Ability to register events you need to participate in
- Ability to see your faults and virtues
- Ability to plan your life
- Ability to register the truth of your unknown
II. LEFT AURICLE – Self as Soul ability to love (CATEGORIES THE SAME AS ABOVE)
1. Sense of Duty–Important you get a sense of this as the self sees it; want you to examine soul values in this regard. Important that you understand your position here s on looker upon others as a soul. You have been given categories above that registers a sense of wonder but as a soul it is a sense of duty.
2. Heart of Egoic Group–You have been given composition of the heart above but as a soul it is the heart of the egoic group.
3. The ability to love in a planetary Sense– is not dissimilar but has the slant of that of the planet.
III. RIGHT VENTRICLE – External Personality groups and one’s ability to love:
1. Registering a sense of belief in yourself. (12)
- Belief in life direction
- Belief in self in terms of your future
- Belief in your own understanding
- Knowing what to do/doing
- Registering others
- Knowing home
- Ideals you hold
- Registering what people, places, things you need in your life
- Sense of purpose within the world
- Registering the meaning of events
- Way your thoughts to enhance the growth and development in relationships to others.
- Sense of registering the truth of a thing
2. Registering a sense of purposefulness (a type of heart sensing we develop).
3. Registering of the way to go in the world (aspects of lower psychic senses).
- Sense of belonging
- Organizing your life processes to have an effect on the group (environment, individuals)
- Knowing what you want
- Ability to recognize OK-ness (psychic sense)
- Sense of relationship to others that works
- Sense of controlled behavior too meet objectives
- Sense of relationships to others to unknown causes (knowing there’s a reason, will become a reason) 4 things:1. Need to have the confidence to move into that. If over-confident is just as bad, because we miss the purposefulness of your relation to your environment)
- Sense of organized beingness – you can organize your states to meet objectives, have life work (having a good actress sub personality is very helpful here, creating ambiences to qualify your forces)
- Sense of overview of the big picture
- Sense of organized control of the unknown – have to do this continually to move forward (like what we are doing in creating this heart diagnosis)
- Sense of registered impact of group thought (socio-political awareness0
- Sense of relationships to others to the whole
- Understanding of the heart/ heart awareness
3. Registering the more spiritual (Lower psychic sense) – Defines spirituality in terms of the heart. (462 evaluation topics)
- What is known in your life spiritually
- What areas of your life torment you
- What type of person do you want to be?
- What satisfaction do I receive now from m life?
- What patterns of being touch me deeply
- What awareness’s do you have which give you a sense of repulsion from that environment?
- What thoughts of yours have impact on others?
- How do you entice others/play God – represents a type of evolving spirituality?
- Sense of relating to the unknown which causes you to rebel (we rebel in society against those things which are against our spirituality); (e.g. if we rebel against authority, our spiritual ideal may be self-sufficiency or equality); (Rebelling = won’t let the group squash these spiritual ideals).
- What senses do you have control over? (e.g. hearing. Is related to direction of going towards the vision, towards the one sound. Taste= quantitative elements that give rise to qualities (like wine tasting) sense of sense of discrimination-quality and quantity of relating between things- quantities in life elements which produce qualities Touch = sense of relating to the world; SIGHT=proportion, the big picture, overview; Smell=quality between things
IV. RIGHT AURICLE – The ability to love a group soul. Need to abstract this evaluation process.
Same categories as Right Ventricle but with higher Psychic senses.
1. Registering Sense of Belief in Yourself.
2. Registering Sense of your purposefulness.
3. Registering the More Spiritual (higher Psychic Senses).
This section is an introduction to yourself in terms of happiness (162):
- Happiness in terms of ways of being yourself.
- Happiness in ways you like conducting the lives of others.
- Happiness in ways of organizing your mind.
- Happiness in on how to move forward in demonstrating to others a sense of gratitude in life.
- Happiness on how to move forward in demonstrating to others your sense of belief in God/unknown.
- Happiness on how to demonstrate to others your real concerns for their well-being.
- Happiness that registers for others a way to behave in relationship to you.
- Happiness that honors others as yourself.
- Happiness that secures for others a sense of well-being in your company.
- Happiness that honors others for the way they like to be in your presence.
- Happiness that shares with others a real sense of concern for world/environment problems.
- Happiness that sees others as you want to be see.
- Happiness that honors others points of view about their relationship with you.
- Happiness that honors others for what they like to give (to you).
- Happiness from receiving gifts—what type.
- How to you need others to honor your dignity to be happy.
- What type of person do you want in your life to be happy.
- What type of problems in life do you like to solve to be happy.
- What types of fun make you happy.
- What elements in your personality makeup you like to share with others to make you happy.
- What reasons do you want to have to get out of bed each morning to make you happy.
- What do you like thinking about that makes you happy.
- What developments in your life you would like to see to make you happy.
This section is about how you can move forward in discovering yourself as a personality/sub-personalities::
- When you look into a mirror what elements about your appearance make you happy.
- How is it about the way another holds you that makes you happy.
- How do you bring happiness to others through you.
- How do you achieve happiness in a crowd.
- How do you manage to control others to make you happy.
- How do you like to have intimacy to be happy.
- What do you do in your spare time that makes others happy.
- What challenges in your life you now face that will make yo happy when completed.
- What type of person would you like to be when you grow up.
- What manner of person do you like engaging in the parking lot.
- What hopes do you have that make you happy.
- What beliefs do you have that make you happy.
- What emblem on your door would make you happy.
- What outdoor activity makes you happy—Why?
- What vices in your life you can not live without.
This section is about a way to get to know yourself in deeper ways:
- What mischievous makes you happy.
- What situations in life give you the most happiness.
- What likeness of yourself do you see in others that make you happy.
- What beingness form others do you like hanging out with.
- What do you like to do for others whether they want it or not.
- Your belief in yourself is important—how to you like others to believe in you.
- Your reliability for others gives them a sense of integrity—why type of integrity do you want others to see in you..
- Your concerns for others well-being gives them a sense of your important in their lives—how do you like to be important in your life.
- You have been given many examples of how to be happy this life from others, etc—what ones really stand out in your memory.
- You have gain honor at times this life—what honors do you remember.
- You have given up being helpful to those around you that did not appreciate what you were doing—how do you like to be appreciated.
- We have given you many examples above—which ones touched you th e deepest.
- We have been opportunities to decide our fate at times and in these times we have chosen a path we later regretted—what regrets are you holding in memory.
- We have been given opportunity to know ourselves in different ways in life—what ways do you want to know yourself.
- You have experienced kingship at times in your life travels—what kingships do you recall.
- What manner of person wants you to be intimately in their life.
- What can you do for a long period of time and be all right with it.
- How is it you are granted 3 wishes—what are they.
- You have been given an opportunity to find yourself—what would you think you would find.
This section is about your inherent qualities:
- First of all you need to remember who you are, who are you in terms of your deepest qualities.
- What are your ultimate values.
- What are your ultimate virtues.
- In what ways can you see around corners—prescience.
- What impressions do you receive subjectively.
Second Format:
Petals of the Heart Psycospiritual Energies
Petals of Heart Center in terms of Usable energies: A.A.B.
- Group Love, embracing individuals
- Humility, signifying ones personality attitude
- Service, indicating the Souls pre-occupation
- Patience, signifying the embryonic immortality and persistence which is a soul characteristic
- Life, as expressed creative activity for manifestation of love or life as a duality.
- Tolerance, which is the first expression of buddhic understanding
- Identification with others, which is embryonic fusion, carried to synthesis when head center opened
- Compassion, which is essentially the right use of the pairs of opposites
- Sympathy, which is the consequence of knowledge indicating the awakening of the knowledge petals
- Wisdom, which is the fruit of love and indicates the awakening of the love petals
- Sacrifice, which is the giving of the Hearts blood for others
- Impersonality, signifying pure reasoning in reference to the plan or one work.
Composed by HZ 01/31/2003
Evaluation Format Used to Evaluate & Prioritize Karmic Propensities
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