Nicholas Roerich Museum - Guru-Guri-Dhar

Spiritual Psychology & The Real Need for Trained Spiritual Psychologists

Some Earlier Thoughts on Spiritual Psychology & The Real Need for It

The purpose of this paper is first to introduce in an overly simplified form some of the initial relationships between the subjective spiritual aspect of an individual (or soul) and its mechanism of expression (or the personality) and to do this in terms of psychological health and well-being.  The intent here is not to be a didactic instruction on the theory and nature of spiritual evolution or of psychology but to outline a set of grounded evaluation processes to be used for enhancement and treatment of psycho-spiritual related health and well-being concerns. These evaluations assess the subjective psycho-spiritual causes for external behaviors and environmental conditions.  The spiritual psychologist defines the constitution of a human being in such a way that explains and predicts one’s inner quality and direction of movement of consciousness in terms of their unfoldment over a karmic cycle which includes a recapitulation period of a personality sheath, vehicle, or principle within each incarnation, and/or a pattern development within present life or over a sequential series of lives.  They perceive movement of consciousness as an outgrowth of increased sensitization of the substance of the personality’s vehicles of expression–mental, emotional, and etheric-physical bodies to the will of the individual, called the human soul or Ego and is the individualized component of a person which is relatively immortal and sequentially manifests fragments of itself as a personality.

The second purpose is to outline some of the basic theories of applied spiritual psychology which have had little contact to the concepts and methods being applied in the field.  Spiritual psychologists are becoming more and more available due to the success of the evolutionary process and the need for a more realistic understanding of peoples spiritual and particularly their developmental concerns, and to their inner experiences and problems from using advanced spiritual practices.  There are many seasoned and unseasoned applied psychological techniques being taught and experimented with at this time most if not all are addressing the mental- emotional and etheric-physical well-being aspect of the individual and not yet acknowledging the nature, content, or objectives of the true inner being as abstract mind and human soul.  This is what differentiates psychology from spiritual psychology, the ability to work with the principles and methods of the human soul as well as its vehicle of expression–the personality.  This requires the development of certain higher or mental psychic abilities which are yet not recognized as being significant or existing to the average trained mind, spiritual aspirant or sensitive person developed in lower psychic abilities.  There also has to be both a theoretical and experiential comprehension of the esoteric constitution of a human being; as well as, a comprehension of the Law of Karmic necessity from the point of view of time, inner space, and direction of movement in terms of consciousness.

Mental Health–Evaluation & Well-Being

Mental Body & Personality Expression Concerns

The mental field of the personality is a unified body or sheath and is separate from its receiving instrument, the brain. The major function of the mental sheath is the creation of thought-forms, this is the way the personality communicates with the inner and outer form world–subjectively and objectively.  Thought forms, created by the average well-meaning person, are not strictly created with mental substance but also includes feeling or emotional substance.   Emotional related thought-forms have a dynamic influence upon the physical life for either good or not-so-good.  The quality and truth content of the thought-forms, which make up the belief system of an individual, determines the significance these thought patterns have upon the physical body in terms of health and well-being.  Our belief systems in actuality represent our self-conscious identity as a person.  The relative truth and quality of our belief systems represents the relative truth and quality of our reality as a person and thus our potential for health and well-being.  This will become more apparent as we precede and describe the theory and practice of spiritual psychology.  If we can understand this relationship and accept co-responsibility for the life, we have created then we can perceive that these patterns of health and well-being were also an important part of our creation–even if not consciously chosen or the implications and ramifications not perceived. This is similar to body types genetically considered which karmically and symbolically reflect one’s present nature.

Presented below are fourteen (14) categories of psycho-spiritual related constitutional conditions which affect the quality and truth content of the mental body, and which has causative relationship to the mental body:


Personality Disorder Categories Related to Mental Body

♢Affective Personality Disorder

♢Genetic Personality Disorders

♢Karmic Personality Disorders

  • An Affective Personality Disorder is a short term (less than a year) mood alteration related to a set of thought-forms signifying some non-truth content of a belief system component which personality is identifying with.


  • A Genetic Personality Disorder is a mental body genetic structural disorder producing some idiosyncrasy in the function of the mental body. The type and quality of mental substance indicates the type of developmental potential. This disorder is inherent in the imperfections of the creative evolutionary process and only becomes of significance when the personality traits are maladaptive and produce functional stress and distress. These disorders can be treated using spiritual radiatory energy methods.


  • A Karmic Personality Disorder is a dysfunctional component within the mental body itself and due to the insufficient information yet known in psychiatry about the structure and function of the mental body these disorders are not treatable with existing methods. They can be treated using advanced spiritual radiatory energy methods.


Psychological Dissonance of Personality Forms Created Related to Mental Body

Personality forms are those subjective mental and emotional forms created by the person to represent their reality or concept of self or “I” identity. They are derived from the set of belief systems currently held and are rationalized to conform to such belief systems.  They become dissonant when they cannot be rationalized or assimilated into some behavior mode of expression.

Physiological Malfunctions & Organic Psychoses Categories Related to the Mental Body

♢Muscle-Skeletal System

♢Bio-Chemical System

♢Electro-Magnetic System

♢Energy System


Spiritual Crisis Categories Related to Mental body

♢Completion of a Karmic Cycle

♢Spiritual Integration Cycle

♢Evolutionary Appropriation Transition


Societal & Family Inter-relationships Related to Mental Body

Personality Ego Development & Anti-Social Behavior Categories Related to Mental Body

♢Illusions, Glamours, Maya Patterns

♢Personal & Societal Character Propensities

♢Genetic Propensities

♢Personality Sub-Component Development

♢Ideological Belief System Development


Psychophysiology of Psychic Energy

Mental-Emotional Related Categories

♢Reflexive `Buddhic’ Plane Quality of Pattern Reproducing Ability

♢Emotional/Mental Forms Release & Purification Processes

♢Awareness of Subjective Sentient Form Life (Subpersonality Patterns)

♢Sentient-Etheric System Use & Interference Related Patterns

♢Emotional Idealism & Beliefs Related Patterns

♢Non-dependent Drug Psychoses Disorders Categories Related to Mental Body

♢Psychosexual Disorders Categories Related to Mental body

♢Etheric Body Categories Related to Mental Health & Well-Being


Other Psychoses Categories Related to Mental Body

♢Organic Psychoses

♢Phobic Related Psychoses

♢Psychosexual Related Psychoses


Parenting Methods for Child Development & MaturationAppropriation of Personality Sub-components Related to Mental Body Categories

Other More Esoteric Psychological and Spiritual Related to Mental body Categories

♢Personality Ray Conditioning Related categories

♢Soul/Personality Evolutionary Stage

♢Mental Body Ray Conditioning

♢Point & Degree of Soul & Personality Polarization in Mental Body

♢Peculiarities of Individualization Related to mental Body

♢Organization, Development, & Relationship of Causal & Abstract Mind to Mental Body


Miasms, as Predisposing Patterns Producing Disease

Miasms are those group related predispositions which lie behind the symptoms of disease and illness.  They are inherent within the karma of substance from which our mental, emotional, and etheric-physical bodies are composed from the substance of the planet.  The type and quality of the three above personality bodies we have chosen to express our consciousness through determines our particular sensitivities to certain types of these miasmic patterns.  Out of the thirty miasmic patterns identified eight are more significant at this time in human history in producing disease and illness.  The names chosen to not always signify the disease recognized by traditional medicine but signify the related patterns first recognized by the name of the disease; a miasm is normally responsible for more than one disease : Syphilitic Miasm, Tuberculosis Miasm, Ozone or Radiation Miasm, Electo-Magnetic Wave Frequencies or Electronic Dissonance Miasm, Psychotic or Anti-Societal Institutional Behavior Miasm, Emotional Body Astraltoma Miasm, Ideological Belief System or Cancer Miasm, and the Petrochemical Miasm.

  • Syphilitic Miasm is related to ones over-identification or their sense of self-awareness is completely attributed to their gender. All sexual transferable diseases and many psychosexual related disorders are produced by this miasmic pattern individually considered.
  • TB Miasm is related to the complete identification to the manipulative personal will or their sense of self-awareness is completely identified with their methods or reasons for doing in the world. All lung diseases and respiratory related cardiovascular disease, and organic movement restrictive illnesses and are produced by this miasmic pattern.
  • Cancer or Emotional Ideological Belief System Miasm is related to the identification of one’s self-awareness to forms of consciousness which comprises their ideological belief system. Thus, excluding in some way both the natural and evolutionary laws, principles, and methods of and for life–outside of existing forms. The attachment to any one belief system that in any way excludes some aspect of reality produces a corresponding imbalance in the circulation of the energies of consciousness and life through the various bodies of the human constitution. Cancer is considered a consumption disease whether positive consumption such as the energies of love or negative material consumption, but it will consume one if the consumption is excessive in respect to need for form identification for a sense of self. All cancers and tumors and some diseases which consume some parts of the body are produced by this miasmic pattern. All thought-forms and belief systems we create are kept alive through their association to the center or chakra which provided the substance for their formation (or ones point of conscious identification), when we are overly attached or identified to them, they cannot symbolically go out into planetary substance to create their objective but are kept within the aura to feed off of their creator.
  • The Ozone or Radiation Miasm is related to the western civilization’s racial ecological war with the involutional material forces of the planet. It is their initial attempt to perfect the art of alchemy and begin to take responsibility for the supervision of the evolution of the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms. The disappearing ozone layer began with the testing of nuclear weapons and later certain chemicals. The inner cause is the race’s desire to free its essential spirit from the confines of matter and substance, such as, the real motive of the alchemist.
  • Electronic Dissonance or Etheric Wave Frequency Dissonance Miasm: Electronic dissonance is produced within the etheric body when one is in to close a proximity to a source of a electo-magnetic field pattern out of harmony to ones bio-magnetic field pattern and interacting through harmonic resonance.
  • Astraltoma or Emotional-Etheric Body Holes Miasm: Industrial toxins in the environment are responsible for creating electro-magnetic and psychic voids within the upper etheric body producing a displacement of psychic energy.
  • Petrochemical Miasm: Petrochemical toxins produce a harmful effect upon the ether-energy field responsible for the proper genetic reproduction of the RNA base.

Developed herein is a set of diagnostic methods to isolate and to test for these patterns before they potentially manifest into the etheric-physical body and produce their traditional disease patterns or symptoms.  He has also developed a set of modalities to treat these miasms while still in the inner bodies.


Etheric-Physical Health Concern

The ether-physical body is the part of the overall personality which we express into objectivity our thoughts and feelings, and which permits sensation of the objective world in a material sense.  The physical body alone is considered to be the whole person in our society at-large.  The etheric body is that which is conditioned by our interaction with the environment – subjective and objective. The etheric or vital body lies behind the appearance of the physical body and is considered to be the significant causative principle of physical related disease or well-being whereas the physical body is not considered to be a principal cause of disease but reflects the inner causes or patterns and thus considered the effect of these ‘disease patterns’.

The etheric body is composed of energy-force channels and energy centers which correspond closely to the physical body’s physiological systems.  It is through these channels and these interconnecting channels or centers that the subjective personality aspects of thought and feeling and sensation can interact with the objective world.

The etheric body as one of the seven or ten sheaths or subtle bodies of the human constitution are composed of the seven and/or nine primary etheric centers, the twenty-two minor centers, the six major planetary energy channels, eighty local planetary energy  channels, and the estimated 77,000 minor individualized energy-force channels are responsible for relaying our subjective thoughts, feelings, and awareness patterns to our objective brain and sensory systems; and at the same time, to correctly relay our objective sensing and awareness patterns to our subjective bodies to determine our needed response to the outer environment.  These subjective patterns enter the physical by way of pranic currents which represents the vital energy of the etheric body.  Every individual etheric body is in touch with every other etheric body through the medium of the planetary etheric field and is the basis for instinctual telepathy.  Disease patterns come about when the planetary pranic currents cannot freely circulate through an individual’s etheric body due to the presence of unassimilated psychological awareness.

This psychological awareness which cannot be assimilated are classified as either illusions, glamours, and maya according to whether they originate in the mental sheath, the emotional sheath, or the etheric sheath respectfully.  Technically, maya is the accumulation of illusions and glamours within the etheric field producing a congestive condition of the circulation of pranic fluids.  Illusions and glamours, as erroneous perceptions of self-truth, knowledge held, and/or belief systems identified with produce a condition of improper circulation of subjective psycho-spiritual energies and forces through the inner centers and channels.

Spiritual Psychologists need to be responsible for the development of a set of evaluation formats to diagnose and assist in the treatment of various etheric body sub-components that are causative to a disease pattern.  The evaluation format categories are listed below:


Etheric Subtle Bodies System Concerns

1.1 Inter-Etheric Connecting System

1.2 Inner Physical-Etheric Spinal Accessory Electro-Magnetic System

1.3 Etheric Sub-component System

1.4 Cutaneous System

1.5 Alternative-Divergent Access System

1.6 Etheric-behavior & Muscular Activation System

1.7 Ancestral Genetic Access System

1.8 Inter-Constitutional Bio-logic Communication System


Center or Chakra System Concerns

2.1 Major Center System

2.2 Minor Center System


Planetary and Meridian Energy-Force System Concerns

3.1 Six Major (dual) Meridian Channels

3.2 Local Planetary Channel System

3.3 Individualistic Channel System


Etheric-Physical Component Function Concerns

4.1 Instinctual Survival Function

4.2 Telepathy Component Function

4.3 Subjective Sentient-Force Assimilation & Transmutation Function

4.4 Objective sense-Force Absorption, Assimilation, & Translation Function

4.5 Planetary Etheric Field Exchange & Sublimation Function

4.6 Egoic Lotus Mirroring of Reflex Etheric Alterations Function

4.7 Extra-Planetary Energy Contact & Assimilation Function

4.8 Inter-Chakra Geometry & Communication Function

4.9 Physical Body Integral Interconnectedness Function

4.10 Emotional/Mental Sentient Integrity Transformation Function

4.11 Planetary Energy Grid Systems \concerns

4.12 Planetary Components Contact & Translation function


Other Etheric-Mental Vitality Related Concerns

5.1 Over-Identification with Thought-Forms Created

5.2 Inappropriate Creation of Thought-Forms

5.3 Over Creation of Concrete Thought-Forms

5.4 Over-Identification with Mental Ray Bias

5.5 Inadequate se of Mental Energy

5.6 Mental Over-Stimulation by Contact with Spiritual Fields


Personal Character Related Concerns

Personality Development, Coordination & Integration Concerns

What is personality development?  Simply put, it is the ability of the Self to control the various personality vehicles or sheaths it seeks to manifest or express through.  A developed and integrated personality is basically indicated by the person who is mentally focused with a plan for the future and whose mind organizes their feelings and controls their emotions to express a responsible directed activity in the outer world to manifest their future and life plans.

Spiritual Psychologists need to differentiate between evolutionary development (over a series of incarnations of Self) and one’s maturation development process (or the repeating in each life the earlier stages of development). It is important to distinguish real long run development needs from maturation processes which have not yet recapitulated themselves.  People also have many development gifts which are not meant to be redeveloped in a particular life to better meet the real needs of their complete evolutionary development.  Long run development processes are equivalent to karmic cycles.  This is not readily appreciated by spiritual theorists.  One of the important implications of this is the concept of available freewill of the individual to complete their karmic cycle at the point of recognition of its existence and their decision to dis-identify from the patterns which permit its continued existence.

There can be thirty different sub-components recognized in the structural function of the personality which at different times requires developmental attention and integration; there development and integration symbolically necessitates the beginning and end of a karmic cycle. The most important evolutionary components are the three major units or sheaths which are used to express ones cognition, feeling, and vitality individually and integrated as a whole. It takes the complete evolutionary cycle of a symbolic 777 incarnations to complete the task of organizing, coordinating, and integrating these sheaths for the Self or Soul to correctly express itself in the world so-to-speak.

Secondly, an important personality component is the development of the sub-personalities which precede or predispose personality development.  Sub-personalities represent the organization of our psychic energies. They are the forces which animate one’s sheaths before the development of the real integrated ego or personality self.  They are the I consciousness.  They are our role masks, our self-images in a normal sense as parent, friend, lover, professional, spiritual mystic or occultist, etc. roles, but become an issue in their negative social psychic organization as manipulator, abused child, bitch, rapist, damsel in distress, etc. roles.

Thirdly, the elemental essence which composes the sheaths, and which also manifests as types of psychic forms representing a set of thoughts and feelings depicting a preferential way of being in the world. They are another important component of personality health and well-being. These psychic forms or forces when not assimilated from some event or circumstance become displaced psychological fragments which produce health and well-being issues.  The energy of these forms needs to be reabsorbed in the unit and the form dispersed.


Geopathic Stress–Health & Well-Being Concerns

Geopathic Stress acts upon both the psychological awareness and the vital energy sheath.  Sixty different sources of geopathic stress which can have an adverse effect on one’s state of well-being and health have been identified. They are created by planetary group related and individual related processes.  They act as a disruptive force on the personality sheaths.  Many other disease patterns are masked by geopathic stress patterns, and these patterns need to be addressed before addressing the more individualistic disease or well-being patterns.  geopathic patterns are responsible for some of those unique non-diagnosable problems which plague modern technologically based society. Five of the most significant sources of geopathic stress are as follows:

  1. Low Frequency Electro-magnetic Sources
  2. Negative Psychic Sources
  3. Proximity to Deposits of Industrial Toxins
  4. High Frequency Electro-magnetic Signals
  5. Various Inharmonious Earth Currents


Child Spiritual Gifts Development & Evaluation Concerns

One of the most significant services we can offer as parents or educators to our children is the providing of the particular opportunity that each child requires to meet their developmental objectives for their present incarnation.  Society has not yet accepted this need holistically, nor the practical possibility for this type of evaluation.  But this is one of the services that psychologists will more and more provide as they accept the existence of the soul and the principle of the continuity of consciousness.  It is necessary to provide a psychological framework and format to evaluate the soul’s disposition in respect to their personality development needs. Mauori has developed a psychological framework and format to provide this type of service.  The outline of this consists of nine inter-related categories:


1. Present interests of the child that were once (past life) important but now will act as a distraction in meeting real development needs.

  1. The special and individualistic abilities which can be potentially expressed by the child if opportunities are made available.
  2. Areas of study or lines of activity that the direction of creativity should unfold in.
  3. Characteristics of family and parents chosen by soul of child to carry out incarnational objectives.
  4. Psychological conditions need to evolve the hoped for self-image and thus self-awareness.
  5. Particular pedagogical methods to efficiently teach the child new skills and abilities–ray make-up.
  6. Evaluation of political, social, and economic related characteristics and conditions to assist in meeting child’s life objectives.
  7. The previous spiritual powers and gifts, creative talents, higher psychic abilities, and trade skills which require redevelopment.
  8. Topological perspective of the hoped for awareness in the child to accomplish incarnational tasks.

The child will indicate the time necessary for parental collaboration with the child concerning the application of the above evaluation of the soul’s disposition in a guidance sense.  It is important to remember that children are more sensitive to their inner guidance and will follow it if the conditions exist to do so.


III.   Child Antisocial Behavior Evaluation & Well-Being Concerns

  1. Child & Sibling Behavior Disorders
  2. Child & Sexual Behavior Disorders
  3. Child with Special Agenda & Motivated to Excel at Certain Tasks Behavior Disorders
  4. Child & Sensitivity to Psychic Related Sources Behavior
  5. Child Truant Behavior Disorders
  6. Child & Parent Past Life Source of Behavior Disorders
  7. Child with Dis-incarnate Related Intrusions or Multiple Personality Behavior Disorders
  8. Child & Unique Spiritual Incarnation Purposes Behavior Disorders
  9. Child & Multiple Sub-Personality Development Related Behavior Disorders

Child & Psycho-neurotic Behavior Disorders

Child & Transient Personality Behavior Disorders

Child with Psychotic Behavior Disorders


Vocational Development & Career Employment Compatibility Concerns

When the soul evaluates the developmental factors for any incarnation cycle vocation is the fifth (5th) most significant consideration.  The other considerations in order of assumed importance are recapitulation factors of previous development, certain occult factors, genetic factors occultly considered, quality of personality sheaths.

Ones soul`s vocation represents the area in life that one will be the most successful in making a present positive contribution to planetary or group life. One will be following their ‘hearts intent’ and this is where the societal and personal rewards will be the greatest. Also, one’s ability to consciously focus their sacrificial will (the will nature of the soul) will on acquiring the set of related characteristics particular to this vocational area or ‘hearts intent’ will determine the potential for personal happiness and well-being.

The significance and success of one’s career is important to the development of self-awareness and self-image. Self-awareness is the key goal of evolution in terms of personality development; and the creation and identification with self-image is the process whereby we develop self-awareness. Every career or job is of itself a facet of self and has its set of attitudes, behaviors, skills, abilities, which sets it apart from other careers or jobs.  To be successful in any particular career one needs to know what these career self-image factors are and emulate, develop, and imitate them.

Spiritual Psychologists need to develop special abilities in vocational guidance has formulated both a ‘Hearts intent’ format and a career self-image format that can be applied to a particular vocation or career uniquely for each person. The career format consists of the significant requirements for a particular career self-image; the necessary steps to take to create the appearances of career self-image; and an outline of those personality characteristics and propensities which will need altering to acquire the image more successfully. The heart intent format consists of those prioritized areas of life which one finds the greatest amount of personal pleasure in pursuing; these are brought together to create a potential vision of possibility through the combining of these seemingly and normally disjointed heart’s intents.

In terms of soul development, careers play an important role in the development and organization of the personality psychic forces.  It permits the self to perceive itself in a variety of roles which it masters and leaves behind becoming ever more fluent and inclusive in its ability to identify with the expanding whole and its planetary creative activity.  The personality eventually recognizes, slowly and at distant points in time, its identity with the soul which is group consciousness and ever in synchronicity with the whole.  Being more and more in the right place at the right time doing the right activity. The relationship between the similarities of group-consciousness and the awareness of the whole can be correlated to the self-images being played out over time in one life period is accurate.  This is, simply put, what vocation essentially is–the effectual direction of self-awareness that creates roles and careers over time.

They as a collection of self-images, they together produce recognition and awareness of essential Self.  Self-awareness, a product of vocation, is the method used by the soul to emulate, develop, and imitate Itself to the personality.  Self-Image and Dharma, as the One Career of group service to the planet, is the eventual evolution and career of the personality.

The development of self-image for group service is the essence of spirituality and explicates the significance behind the many services to humanity of great minds, saints, and humanitarian leaders. It is the indication of the personality who is close to the end of its evolutionary development cycle; who has absorbed the awareness of the soul as the one humanity and who can speak with the greatest good in mind and heart for the future of humanity.  The Heart as soul and the mind as personality are being fused into a whole–such is the noted achievements of the evolutionary development process.

Spiritual Psychologists need to develop a set of evaluation categories such as below to address the special concerns for a spiritual vocation profile from a more inclusive point of view, taking into consideration the principle of continuity of consciousness and the long-run objectives of the soul, along with the unique predispositions of the individual. These categories are listed below:

  1. Soul Body Evolutionary Development Stage & Predispositions
  2. Soul’s Psycho-Spiritual Development Pattern
  3. Environmental Opportunities for Vocational Dynamics
  4. Availability for Re-development of Previous Qualities, Gifts, Abilities, Talents, Skills
  5. Incarnational Objectives & Intentions for Formal Education & Training
  6. Incarnational Objectives & Intentions for Lifestyle
  7. Chakra Evolutionary Development
  8. Service Karma Related to Planetary Kingdoms
  9. Racial Genetic Related Vocational & Employment Indicators
  10. Mental, Emotional & Etheric Body Evolutionary Development

Personal Karmic Patterns Related to Vocation Parameters

  1.       Dharmic Related Life Purposes

Assistance for those in the Death & Dying Cycle Evaluation & Well-Being Concerns

The two most significant events in modern society, in respect to the life of the personality but not from the life and intentions of the soul, are those of birth and death which are not yet understood in any spiritual way by modern professionals. There is not yet a comprehension of the nature and place of the soul in these creative processes. And what is the place and process of the soul in the physical dying cycle of the incarnation period? To modern society death occurs when the heart stops and if by artificial means the heart can be kept beating then death has not occurred.  To the more soul sensitive death is a slow abstraction process of abstraction of the sentient factors which thus reduces mental and physical activity and eventually the life essence vacates the physical body after the consciousness is abstracted to the next inner dimension. Energy follows thought the first axiom of the esotericist.

The personality aspect of sentience or awareness, or psyche is that aspect of the individual which is responsible for their consciousness in the physical body.  It is this aspect of existence which the various schools of psychology profess to investigate.  What is psychology, it literally means the love of study of the soul, but psychologists as a rule do not believe in its existence because they cannot touch it, see it, hear it, taste it or smell it.  It is only after one develops the inner senses that the laws, principles, and methods become self-evident.  The death process itself, or the withdrawal of the interests of the soul for physical plane life, is a science (Thanology) which can be investigated and understood.  But not until one is able to consciously recognize the soul, acknowledge the truth of the principle of continuity of consciousness, perceive factually the nature of the inner dimensions, and develop a theory of the constitution of a human being which does explain and predict phenomena of every possible human related type as any useful theory in some field of science does.

What is the foundation for the science of death and dying?  It is based simply on the observation that all human beings die no matter what statue, whether genius or saint.  All biological forms have the same fate whether a molecule or a star even if their time cycle is different.  This is called the Law of Periodicity and it alone can support the reason to investigate the science of death and dying to better comprehend the nature of self-existence and the place of physical death in the continuity of life.

The esotericist, perceives death as a sequential abstraction of first the consciousness aspect from the physical, emotional, and  mental bodies producing a decreased reason for activity in each of those bodies followed next by an abstraction of the life aspect from each of these in order.  This happens in such a way that death first occurs in the physical body when both the consciousness and life aspects are with-drawn by the soul into the emotional-mental awareness dimension.  A later process occurs which withdraws the consciousness and life aspects into the strictly mental life of the individual which is followed by a withdrawal back into the energy sheath of the soul itself dwelling in abstraction. This completes the abstraction process of the soul out of its temporary personality form used to express itself for the duration of this incarnational period.

This abstract energy sheath or body of relative immortality is considered to be qualified by mental substance associated with the human principle of abstract thought.  It is through the use of abstract reasoning or advanced philosophical thought that the nature and life of ourselves as soul can be contacted in brain consciousness.  Most religious philosophy makes reference to this body of abstraction calling it by different names.

Below are other needed evaluation and treatment processes to assist individuals and their loved ones in this dying cycle.  These are outlined below:

  1. Evaluation of the Completion Process of the Reasons or Life Objectives for which they came into Incarnation.
  2. Finding Peace with Yourself as a ‘Survivor’
  3. Finding Peace with Yourself in the Dying Cycle
  4. Maximizing the Self-awareness Potential of Those in their Dying Cycle
  5. Evaluating the Areas where Assistance could be given to Those in the Dying Cycle
  6. Psycho-spiritual Growth Potential of Each Other in the Dying Cycle.
  7. Finding Peace With Each Other in the Dying Cycle
  8. Things to do After one Vacates the Physical Body
  9. Evaluating the Personal Will Related Patterns Preventing the Life Aspect from Leaving the Physical Body
  10. Evaluating the Psycho-Spiritual Karmic and Causative Patterns Surrounding Ones Dying Cycle
  11. Parent Compatibility for Child Procreation Evaluation & Well-Being

There are three different subjective selection processes inherent in the act of child procreation which need be consciously considered by those providing physical bodies for incarnating souls.

The first is the subjective selection of potential mates or couple for procreation intentions. This process of locating a potential mate on the outer planes has nineteen (19) observed inner subjective variables. The three most important ones, in terms of child procreation, are: the degree of intimacy the incoming ego or ego’s will hold for the parents; the type of opportunities they can provide the incoming ego; the type of egos which will be attracted to them in terms of quality of karmic expression or self-awareness;   The selection process between two people for procreation intentions takes place on the subjective levels where the personality functions.  These are the levels conferring feeling and thought and take place as inner dialogue. One’s ability to be aware of this dialogue creates a degree of certainty in the decision-making processes and degree of communication as to the desires of each other and the potential incoming egos.  As in all areas of human co-creativity, free will plays an important part in this process.

Secondly, is the selection of the potential parents by the soul of the potential child. The three most significant parameters in this decision-making process are: degree of personal & spiritual compatibility with potential parents; the reasonableness of the type of physical body to carry-out the souls’ incarnational objectives; and the compatibility of karmic cycles between the parents and incoming ego. The human soul responds to the invocative appeal of a couple for a child based upon historical patterns between the souls involved.

Thirdly, is the selection of the potential child by the souls of the couple involved.  The focus of the soul’s decision-making process is upon the compatibility of each of the involved souls’ developmental objectives for their personality and its three major vehicles of expression for the present incarnation–mental, emotional-feeling, and etheric-physical bodies.

A Spiritual Psychologist should be able to evaluate the three above subjective selection processes to determine the compatibilities of potential parents and the type of egos which would be attracted to them under the existing environmental conditions.

VII. Importance of Lifestyle Evaluation & Well-Being Concerns

Lifestyle includes all aspects of personality expression and represents one’s level of self-awareness and self-identity to one or other of their constitutional principles or dimensional sheaths. Human principles are those seven (7) potential levels or states of being given the reality of the human constitution.  The inner dimensions, in a human sense, exist because of these seven principles of the human constitution.

One’s lifestyle as a whole depicts an individual’s set of priorities and the polarization of the personality’s will or desire upon some dimension of human experience.  The change of lifestyle represents an acknowledgement of a different co-creative intention and a shift in the quality of consciousness or self-image. Self-image is the mask that veils personality self-awareness and is the goal of the soul’s vocation (this was earlier expressed in section III. on vocation).  It is through creating the appropriate lifestyle that one is expressing the soul’s vocation for that life; and it is this vocation that will potentially offer the greatest rewards of health, well-being, happiness, and creative contentment.

Lifestyle changes are the effects of subtle changes in one’s image or concept of self.  These can be used, like roadmaps, to generate a picture of one’s life direction and karmic processes–the imperfect reflection of Dharma.  They can be used to evaluate where one is at and their next step forward in their process.  Through the fine tuning of lifestyle one can one can begin to ask the right questions at the right time to perform the right activity.  This is the road that will bring one home to the source of their inspiration and inner guidance. Lifestyle is the only tool we have to discover the Mystery of Self and of Life. It will guide us to the seven principles or dimensions which comprises the totality of our Being and eventually take us out of the human experience altogether.

VIII. Problems Related to Spiritual Practices and Their Appropriateness for One’s Evolutionary Development Stage

Spiritual practices are those etheric-physical, emotional-feeling, mental related disciplines designed to increase the awareness of spiritual mental activity, spiritual love-wisdom, or the spiritual will of the greater whole in one’s outer life in some spiritual way. (Spiritual is, simply put, that which is considered to be sacred to one at some point in their life.)

Spiritual practices are very individualistic and traditionally can include anything from prayer, meditation, participation in a devotional ceremony or gathering, the reading, studying, or singing of scared writings, use of special diets and life style restrictions, practice of asceticism, daily sacred ceremonial practices, practice of physical related hatha or Taoist type yoga’s, the feeling related Bhakti yoga’s, the mental related Raja Yoga’s, to the more chi, ki, or prana related esoteric practices or yoga’s, such as, Laya, Kotoya, Kriya, Akido, Thi Chi, Maha Tantric, Nadi, Pati, Arhat Hara, Ambrosia, Siddha, Gyana, Ghnana, Tummo, Yoganada, Mahatma, Amrit, Thai, Sushumma and Kundalini, Adi, Mantric.

There is a developmental process in the practice of spiritual practices over time dependent upon the individual point of one’s evolutionary development stage or one’s maturational process.  This is depicted rather loosely in the order of the practices given above from prayer to Mantric Yoga (Sound of the One Word or Spoken in the Name of the One God).  This order is in respect to the organization, coordination, and development of the progressively subtle spiritual principles or sheaths of the human constitution and one’s ability to express their expanding vision of the Whole or Self through them. Each one of these above schools of yoga represents a complete system of development but their creation was initially to effect some union of the human constitution at some level related to their creators point in evolution. It is this slant that permits them to be abstractly organized in such a way to depict the natural evolutionary process in a very general but useful Way.  Many of the more advanced esoteric practices can only be correctly followed under the conscious guidance of the Spiritual Soul, requiring specialized attributes and wisdom not yet available to the human soul infused personality.


Psycho-Spiritual Development and Integration Evaluation & Well-Being Concerns

Human evolution means unfoldment of the inherent potentials within the human constitution.  Evolution implies that the potential structural function of the human constitutional framework pre-exists and does not have to be created over time.  This is the theoretical position of spiritual psychology. The permanent matrix representing the unfolded potential of each human principle exists in its related dimensionality waiting so-to-speak to be unfolded or organized, coordinated, developed, and integrated with its pre-integrated whole. The archetypal pattern for the human constitution can be hypothetically comprehended by understanding its relationship to the macrocosm under the Law of Correspondence or “As above so below” “God created man in his own image” using Itself as the model. This permanent matrix is considered to be the positive unit which attracts to itself the necessary substance to create its principal sheath for the Self to manifest through.  It is not readily understood that each unfolding human unit or being is individually responsible for the organization and development of the various principles or sheaths inherent in its potential constitution.  The macrocosm has created the potential pattern for us to emulate and imitate It, and in time, to create as It creates.  This is a rather simple theory of cosmology but suffices to explain and predict human experience of the most unusual and bizarre kinds; and if hypothetically accepted and investigated will provide the necessary truths to develop a science of psychology which includes the differing philosophies of the various existing schools of psychology.

Just as humanity has been organizing, coordinating, and developing its mental sheath in the Aryan Period over the last few thousand years since the previous Atlantean Period.  Likewise, have the members of humanity individually been doing the same throughout their incarnations.  It is for these growing isolated members here and there who have surpassed the average unfoldment stage of humanity and are organizing, coordinating, and developing their soul sheaths that spiritual psychology has come into existence and is replacing the need for the outer Guru.  It is due to the achieved success of this mental development and integration.  Individuals can now with adequate experimentation, experience, and clear analysis and reason exchange the outer Guru as Master with the inner Soul as Master to take a fuller responsibility for their future unfoldment.  Due to the ability of the aspirant to the Mysteries to align brain, mind, and soul the inner Master can contact the person in the outer world through the brain.

The unfoldment of the next triple principles or Soul sheaths is what we normally consider to be the spiritual path even though for the large majority the contact with the human soul and the unfoldment of the mental principle still represents a future spiritual achievement, but it is this aspect of achievement that our university systems will address more and more in the next three hundred years.  Spiritual Psychologists are addressing the growing minority of aspirants which have somewhat achieved contact with the human soul and have achieved mental polarization of their personality ego.  For these aspirants the unfoldment and stabilization of the Intuition represents their next achievement.  There is much confusion as the difference between the Intuition and the use of higher psychic abilities among aspirants to the mysteries due to their achieved point of attainment.  Higher psychic knowledge and processes have its source of origin and unfoldment within the soul body focused within abstract substance of the mind.  Its content is normally of a personal and developmental nature and does not deal with the group life in an impersonal way. The higher psychic nature can perceive the past lives and predict ones actions into the future; it can apperceive the reasons for events in both an individual’s life or the life of a group in psychological terms and patterns. Intuition has its origin and content in the three principles or sheaths of the spiritual soul.  Intuition reflects the laws, principles, and processes of existing and future universal and planetary conditions. It is the substance of genius, the samadhi of Gurus, and the nirvana of liberated and illumined Beings.  Spiritual and divine Mind, spiritual and divine Love, and spiritual and divine Will are the higher counterparts of active intelligence, love, and sacrificial will of the human soul, which is reflected in the mental, emotional, and etheric-physical life of the three personality bodies.  The three-fold spiritual Triad operates differently from each of the three soul’s sheaths, and it is itself the energy pattern of ideas, the reason for the cyclical nature and direction of cultures and civilizations throughout human history.

Below is another set of evaluation tools and spiritual healing methods needed to assist in the speeding up of the evolutionary creative and integrating process. Spiritual Psychologists should be able to create these and other types to meet the real needs of humanity.

Spirit Related Development Categories

  1. Integration into Planetary Throat Center
  2. Integration into Lower Three Planetary Centers
  3. Transference of Egoic Lotus Energy into Antahkarana
  4. Manasic Body Organization, Development, & Integration
  5. Buddhic Body Organization, Development, & Integration
  6. Atmic Body Organization, Development, & Integration
  7. Aligning of Triad Body with One Ashram

Other Technical Spiritual Related Occult Psychological Categories (9)

  1. Quality of Elemental Essence of Personality Vehicles Related Categories
  2. Personality Ray Conditioning Related Categories
  3. Soul/Personality Evolutionary Stage Related Categories
  4. Quality of Elemental Essence of Personality Components Related Categories
  5. Mental Body Conditioning Ray Related Categories
  6. Point and Degree of Polarization of Soul or Personality Related Categories
  7. Peculiarities of Individualization Related Categories
  8. Organization & Development of Abstract Mind related Categories
  9. Nature & Quality of Mental Related Forms Consciously Created Categories

Psycho-Spiritual Cleavage Categories

3.1 Between The Personality & Soul Categories

3.2 Material Integration

3,3 Soul Integrated

3.4 Between the Spirit Integrating Soul/Personality Unit & The Electrical Limitations & Restrictions  Inherent in  the Physical Body

3.5 Between Ones’ Animal Nature & Human Nature

3.6 Between an Introverted, Interior Expression or Focus & an Extroverted Expression or Focus

3.7 Between the Integrating Personality Ego and Some Dominant Subpersonality

3.8 Between the Integrating Personality Ego & Co-Dominant Subpersonalities

3.9Between Happiness Motivated Activity & Joyful Motivated Activity

3.10 Between Spiritual Activity & Material Activity

3.11 Between the Integrating Personality & the Kama-Manasic Sheath Content

3.12 Between the Material Integrated Personality Ego & the Mystic Subpersonality

3.13 Between the Mystical Integrated Personality Ego & the Occult Subpersonality

3.14 Between Instinct & Intelligence

3.15 Between a Right Service Decision & A Left Service Decision

3.16 Between The Lessor Way & The Greater Way

3.17 Between A Personality Vision of Creation & A Soul Vision of Creation

3.18 Between Mental Unit & Emotional/Physical Unit

3.19 Between Mental/Emotional Unit & Physical Unit

3.20 Between Volition & Destiny

3.21 Between a Human Unit & Their Environment Categories(14)

3.22 Between Personality Unit & Spirit Unit

3.24 Between Abstract Reasoning Unit & Intuition Unit

3.25 Between Personal Mind Unit & Abstract Mind Unit

3.26 Between the Personality Dweller & Angle of Presence


Life Objectives & Dharmic Service Orientation Related Integration Categories

4.1 Individual Spiritual Development Methods Related to Integration

4.2 Planetary Service Related to Integration

4.3 Vocational Guidance Related to Integration

1.5 Present Personality Development Related to Integration Categories (15)

5.1  Seven Ray Techniques of Development & Integration Categories

5.2 Development Cycle of Alignment, Crisis, Light, Revelation, Integration Categories

5.3 Humanity’s Evolutionary Development Stage Categories

5.4 Other Kingdoms’ Contribution to Humanity’s Development Categories

5.5 Character Development

5.6 Socii-Political Group Processes & Institutions Contribution to Development Patterns Categories

5.7 Psychological Fragment Integration

5.8 Subpersonality Development & Integration Categories

5.9 Subpersonality Organization & Coordination Categories

5.10 Integration & Purification of Racial Dweller

5.11 Personality Bodies Organization & Development Related Categories

5.12 Ray Characteristics Contribution to Development Categories

5.13 Appropriation Stage of Development Categories

5.14 Balance of Previous Life Patterns Contribution to Development

5.15 Development Patterns of Disciples & Mystics Categories

1.6 Past Patterns Related to Integration Categories

6.1 Individual Dweller Patterns

6.2 Available & Resolvable Created Patterns

6.3 Guilt or Shame Issues Related to Present Life

1.7 Future Personality Evolutionary Development Related to Integration (7)

7.1 Racial Characteristics Related Potential Development Propensities

7.2 Retrieval of Previous Developed Powers, Gifts, Skills, Talents, & Abilities Related Potential Propensities

7.3 Sub-Personality Related Potential Development Propensities

7.4 Personality Related Potential Development Propensities

7.5 Egoic Group Related Potential Development Propensities

7.6 Workers for Humanity Related Potential Development Propensities

7.7 Spirit/Soul Related Potential Development Propensities Categories


Past Life Karmic Patterns Influencing the Present Evaluations & Well-Being Concerns

There are three major types of observed patterns originating in past lives which could be resolvable in the present.  The first are guilt and shame related patterns originating from a set of co-creative patterns developed by a person to meet some life desire or objective where there was an unacceptable and unintegrated learning generated from acting them out in physical plane life experience.  The second are individualized form patterns, also called individual dweller content, which are created over and over each live as a propensity related to the soul’s ray or qualitative method for organizing and developing forms from the substance of the personality sheaths.  The third type of patterns are the racial form patterns evolved to proffer experience to humanity as it moves throughout time incarnating in different races and root-races to gain experience of a certain type.  These racial dweller patterns are what distinguishes humanity from other kingdoms and produce the I am or form consciousness of a human being.  These patterns produce the varying genetic potentials for developing attributes of self-image and is the method the One Self uses to develop the self-awareness of the personality over time.  Each root-race has its own idiosyncrasies which eventually hinder the self-awareness potential of the personality.  These patterns represent the positive and negative attributes of any race and subrace both hinder at some point in the unfoldment process.  And when the individualized soul arrives at the junction where it can move out of the human evolutionary stream and kingdom it needs first to dis-identify with all that was positive and esteemed by humanity.

Example of a Guilt & Shame Pattern:

Synopsis of pattern: “Successful people judged favorably by God”

This was the 20th guilt and shame priority of an individual which was hindering the meeting of their life objectives in this present life. This was the 8th particular life that the pattern was acted out in such a way as to hinder their life objectives.  There are normally various other patterns that interact to produce some belief system which is acted upon to co-create one’s life.  These patterns need to be sorted out and understood as to why and how they were created by the individual to represent a once useful reality but now limiting one and to discover the soul’s real intent lying behind the pattern.

Example of an individual dweller pattern:

Synopsis of pattern: Propensity over lives (estimated in this case approximately 700 lives) to make themselves worthy for God in terms of their feelings and emotions about themselves.

This was a dweller pattern that distracted the individual from meeting the real develop needs of themselves and service needs of others as they focused their energies on developing an idealized mystical self-image associated with a feeling orientated spiritualized belief system.  They needed to feel good about their image of themselves as a feeling being in the eyes of their idealization of God.

Example of a racial dweller pattern:

Synopsis of pattern:  The ability to make money is a symbol of material and (in client’s case, also spiritual) success–is a fifth subrace propensity that conditions all who incarnate with fifth subrace genetic substance.

This pattern interrelated with the above patterns created a motivation condition which distracted this individual from developing the necessary characteristics to be creatively successful in their chosen life vocation.  The focus was the acquisition of tools or service methods of healing to exchange with others for money to feel good about helping others (the need to serve instead of the spontaneity of being which is the basis of true service) instead of using them  to develop themselves and unfold their own unique method.

XII.  Dharma of Group Service & Planetary Purpose

The influences of Aquarius are well depicted in the eleventh labor (11th house of group service ruled by Aquarius) of Hercules where he alters the course of the river to clean the Aegean Stables. It is through communion with the systemic watery plane of Love that the soul or Hercules, standing for the soul of humanity today, will be able to come into its own spiritual nature of group consciousness whose animating principle is Spiritual Love.

Dharma is awareness of the group nature of the Soul with its chosen responsibility to bring the Planetary Purpose out of the future into the present through releasing the past.  There are many groups struggling in the world today  to bring this pattern of the  future a little closer to the physical plane.  The success of the groups is dependent upon certain major conditions within the group and outside of the group.  There are various major inner conditions which the members of any group need to address to be successful in working as a Soul conscious group:

  1. The ability of each member to progressively align soul, mind, and brain to envision a common Plan of the Future, to hear the Word of God, to speak the One Truth, to discriminate quality of the One Fruit or Work, and to discern the Form of the One Beauty.
  2. The ability of each member to be Self-taught in Harmlessness of thought, speech, and actions.
  3. The ability of each member to be a custodian of the Plan and to carry its message to the four corners of the earth.
  4. The ability of each member to create their own Path Home.
  5. The ability of each member to “Walk Humbly with their God”; to know the inevitability of the Purpose for which the world was created and to do the Will of the Creator or One as a Group.
  6. The ability to integrate their personality bodies so that the thought, feelings, and vital forces of its members personality bodies are open and available to each other to more progressively act with one mind, one heart, and one will for the greatest good of all concerned.
  7. The ability for each member to progressively unlock and keep open the four veils of the cosmic etheric plane for the down-flow of Spirit.
  8. The ability of each member to progressively blend the will of the personality with the sacrificial will of the soul and the divine will of the One and to express that will with love.

Examples of Various Subjective Evaluations that can be completed by a Soul Infused Personality:

Spiritual Development Concerns

Pre-Natal Well-Being Concerns

Social Character Development Potential

Maximizing Personal Relationships

Subjective Guidance Potential Influences

Truths Held Affecting Well-Being

Guiding Angel Concerns

Character Propensities & Concerns

Mental Health Propensities & Concerns

Emotional Health Propensities & Concerns

Physical Body & Vitality Health Concerns

Causal Body Development Training

Well-Being Concerns

Development & Integration Concerns

Personality/Soul Integration & Development

Various Physical Health Concerns

Societal & Individual Situations

Evolutionary Compatibility for Child Procreation

Group Intra-relationships Situations & Viability Concerns

Group Inter-relationships Situations & Viability Concerns

Group Soul Development & Integration Concerns

Individual Evolutionary Potential

Divine Soul Development & Integration Potential

Universal, Intuitional, Abstract, Concrete, Brain Development & Integration Potential

Familial Contribution Potential

World Soul Development & Integration Potential

Job & Career Integration Potential

Pathological Evaluations

Occult Psychological Concerns

Nervous Disorders

Personal Happiness Potential

Geopathic Stress Affecting Health & Well-being

Organization & Institution Viability Concerns

Community & Planetary Service Potential

Loving Your Life

Past Life Reviews Affecting This Life

Bereavement Of Loved Ones

Meaningfulness in Events Concerns

Emotional Peace & Well-Being Concerns

Knowing & Voicing Your Truth Potential

Ways of Engendering the Truth of a Situation Concerns

One’s Essential Nature

Karmic Patterns Originating in Present & Past Lives Resolvable in Present Life

Why Other People Love You Well-Being Concerns

Creating Trust & Harmony with Others Well-Being Concerns

Psycho-Spiritual Gifts, Creative Talents, Higher Psychic Abilities, Vocational Skills

Karma Between Two People Well-Being Concerns

Attracting Your Soul Mate

Personas We Have

Maximization of Personal & Spiritual Potential

Creativity Expression Potential

Racial, Ethnic, National, Institutional, & Creed Traits Contributing to Humanity

Rules & Beliefs Needing to be Destroyed

Truth of Your Life

Things You Need to Know But Don’t Want To

Clinically Diagnosed Personality Disorders

Child Procreation Concerns

Those Around You That Want you to Rely On Them

Those Around You That Will Harm You

Positive Things You Need to Be Doing Now in the World.

Ways of Enhancing Your Truth

How One can Achieve Self-Happiness

Personal Values Needing Adjustment to World Around You

How Future Events Can Affect You

How to Assist Others You Love

Creating Time Schedules to Address Priorities

What Your Body Wants & Needs From You

Ways of Making Money

Being in the Presence

How to Increase Your Spiritual Potential

How to Regulate Your Currant Day-to-Day Activities

How to Generate an Income In Line with the Higher Self

How to Organize Your Time for Better Efficiency

Knowing & Reacting to the Truth of a Situation

How to Motivate Others

How to Increase Your Likelihood of Success in a Situation

How to Achieve Greatness of Personality

Ways of Showing Your Beloved You Care

Finding Karmic Balance in a Situation

Ways of Being Successful in a Business Deal

Understanding Your Relationship

Way of Harmonizing with Others in Doing Something

How to Be Yourself

How to Know the Unknown

How to Perceive Another’s Point of View

How to Evolve an Idea

Letting Others Find Their Own Path

How to Market Yourself

How to Start a Business with No Money

How to Create a Sense of Relationship to People You do not Know

How to Deal with Others Choices


People You Need to Know

Maximizing Satisfaction in Working along with Others in Reaching a Common Goal

Creating a Life Plan

Living Your Spiritual Practices

Living Your Spiritual Life

Guilt & Shame Issues from Past Lives

Being Good to Others

Working with Others Successfully

How to Experience the Truth of Your Beingness

Ways of Being True to Yourself

Ways of Understanding Who You Are

Your Life Work

Sense of Self that Works

Ways of Enhancing the Self

Know Your Ancestral Traits

Missing Persons

Ways of Organizing Your Life to Achieve Personal Success

Examining Your Life Values as a Soul

Nature of the Soul

How to Evolve Yourself


Composed by HZ 1991

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Composition of the Heart (An Evaluation Format to Evaluate the Nature Of & Ability To Love) Revised

Evaluation Format Used to Evaluate & Prioritize Karmic Propensities
Root Psychological Causes of Group Conflict – An Esoteric Survey