Nicholas Roerich Museum

Graduates of the Earth – Some Adjunct Information

Earth Graduates

In all of the known extant works little has ever been written about the earth’s graduates.  There are many whose paths have taken them off this planet and their lives have little resemblance to what they were.  But there is always a connection between them and this planetary scheme and information or records are kept on them.


In the Secret Doctrine there is mentioned the names of the different graduates of the various planetary schemes: 

Planetary Schools:

Uranus—The School of Magic of the tenth order.  It is sometimes called “the planet of the violet force” and its graduates wield the power of cosmic etheric prana.

Earth—The School of Magnetic Response. Another name given to its pupils is “The graduates of painful endeavor” or the “adjudicators between the polar opposites.”

A further hint to be taken in connection with the two names above given, is that its graduates are said to undergo examination upon the third subplane of the astral plane.

Vulcan—The School for Fiery Stones. There is a curious connection between the human units who pass through its halls and the mineral kingdom.  The human units on earth scheme are called in mystical parlance “the living stones” on Vulcan they are called “fiery stones.”

Jupiter—The School of Beneficent Magicians.  This planet is Force Units,” for its members wield four kinds of force in constructive magical work.  Another name given to its halls is “The Palace of Opulence” for its graduates work with the Law of supply, and are frequently called “The Sowers.”

Mercury–The pupils in this planetary school are called “The Sons of Aspiration” or “The Points of Yellow Life.”  They have a close connection with our earth scheme, and the old commentary refer to this in the words:

“The points of golden flame merge and blend with the four-leaved plant of tender green, and change its color to a tinge of autumn yellow. The four leaved plant through new and fresh inflow becomes the plant with seven leaves and three white flowers.”

Venus—The School with five strict Grades.  This again is a planetary scheme closely related to ours, but its planetary logos is in a more advanced group of students in the cosmic sense than is our planetary Logos.  Most of its hierarchical instructors come from the fifth cosmic plane and are a peculiar group of Manasadevas of very exalted rank.  They are each depicted in the archives of our Hierarchy as holding a trident of fire surmounted by five green emeralds.

Mars—The School for Warriors, or the open grades for soldiers.  Four of these planetary schools are responsible for the energy flowing through the foremost exponents of the four castes and this not only in India but in all parts of the world. Its teachers are spoken of as the “Graduates of the ruddy Fire,” and are frequently portrayed as clothed in red robes, and carrying ebony wands.  They world under the first Aspect Logic and train those whose work is along the lines of the destroyer.

Neptune—The school concerns itself with the development and fostering of the desire element and its graduates are called: “the Sons of Vishnu.” Their symbol is a robe with a full sail boat portrayed over their heart, the significance of which will be apparent to those who have eyes to see.

It is not permissible to touch upon the other planetary schools, nor would it profit.

Pages 1177, 1178, 1179 Cosmic Fire


In the archives of the Planetary Hierarchy there is said of these graduates’ being composed of four basic alchemical transformation elements—and I paraphrase:

  • They are let loose by way of turning blood into stone.
  • And to achieve a stone of correct density.
  • One’s blood needs to be composed of water, solar charged elixir, fohatic resonance, luminosity, wisdom, emerald soul, and diamonded spirit.
  • Only these in proper proportion achieve a stone of correct density.

Each of these elements can be found in the livingness of the planet and to the alchemists these are familiar ingredients. Each of these can be sought and acquired in the Presence of the Planetary Logos as the Presence of the Planetary Logos holds the keys to this transformation. It is the Logos once found that permits the Master to correctly organize His Mind, Heart, and Life to unite with the Logos; and it is the Master who must search for this Mystery to graduate.


Another Ancient Archival Work says this of Earth Graduates:

  • Merrily along the Path, created through challenges faced and served.
  • One came and three went, and seven remained.
  • Of the seven that remained four overcame and three were destroyed.

One interpretation is that the life of the seven relates to the seven Rays, the ones that “overcame” refer to the monadic Ray, triadal Ray, Ray of the Heavenly Man, and the Ray of Sanat Kumara. The One and the three refer to Life and three periodic vehicles or the the aspects of the trinity emboded in the triadal body itself.


Adoration is the note sounded by all earth graduates.

Breath Expiration aligns graduates to the Path.

Breath Inhalation permits graduates to move forward.

Absolute Light permits graduates to know one thing—that of Be-ness.

Isolated Unity permits graduates to synthesize the Lives.

Cosmic Will permits graduates to pass through the Heart of the Sun.

All graduates that pass through the Heart of the Sun must first pass through the Halls of Hierarchy; and to pass through the Halls of Hierarchy they must pass through the Wills of the Christ, Sanat Kumara, and Lords of Karma.


Each candidate must receive from the planetary logos the following four energies:

  • Energy from Cosmic Astral.
  • Energy from His Sacrificial Will Petals.
  • Energy from three Creative Hierarchies.
  • Energy from Monadic Ray Group


Each candidate must also receive through the lives of Shamballa three energies:

  • Energy from six Buddhas of Activity.
  • Energy from Shamballa Nirmanakays.
  • Energy from the Mahachohan.


To prepare for His graduation the candidate is required to pass these tests:

  • Enunciation of the Occult Sounds to synthesize his spirit or monadic body or Body of Ezekiel.
  • Register from spirit 14 things:
  1. Name of the particular serpent that is to provide for him a vehicle.
  2. The method in which he may contact those Lives which is required to pass off of the Cosmic Physical Plane.
  3. The order in which he is permitted to enunciate the occult patterns required to enter into systemic Life.
  4. A plan to vibrate in accordance with Shamballic Purpose.
  5. The completed Name of Solar Logos.
  6. The reasons he is graduating.
  7. The nature of the Glory of the One Whom Naught Can Be Said is looking for.
  8. The Devic Names and formulas required to access….the Way.
  9. Bring into relationship vibration of group monadic Ray and vibration of solar electrical energy from Heart of the Sun.
  10. ………14


Orchestrate three activities:

  • Synthesize his will with Devic Lord of Cosmic Etheric Planes, Deva of 7th sub-plane of Cosmic Astral, and Manu of Planetary Scheme.
  • Create an opening through the substance of planetary Ring-Pass-Not.
  • Isolating a particular Life from the Fourth Creative Hierarchy.


A Meditative Impression from a Earth Graduate:

Out of the Blue Nest of the One Dragon of Wisdom I have risen to the Crest of His Being.

From out of the fiery mouth I have shone to the world the meaning of consequences.

I behold the Dragon’s Crest even now as I speak to you from afar.

Starlight mornings gone afar back in time – I alone ride the Dragon.

I alone sing the song of ages past wishing upon a star.

I alone abandon the riches of the universe to find myself again in my light the riches of Self.

I alone mighty and unafraid have bridged the gap between two worlds.

Seeker of Truth of mighty Beings too enormous to tell their beginning nor ending.

I alone sought to ride upon the Dragon Crest to reach the boundary of the infinite shore.

I alone am seeker of the breath – wide for the many.

I alone unaided by naught except the One Dragon under my feet.

I alone have found solace within the Sun Shone hollow accepting my passage to its source.

I alone am keeper of the values besmirched by all unless risen for the challenge for righteous sake.

I alone, I alone, I alone – will you join with me?

The path is shored upon our weary feet enjoyed/enjoined by the many wanderings together before the Face of the Lord.  Our hearts are enjoined by the restless moments of bliss upon His Face.  Yet our hopes are to hold his hand in triumph of the many voices buried/bend in the One Voice.  Our hearts, yours and mine, are rattled by the disgust we see around us yet unmoved in sorrow or pain but hope springs from us louder as the years roll by. We have gathered the flowers as we passed along the roadside each ignoring the other as the flower captured us all.  Someday the bewilderment will end and the flower will be graced by our Presence.  Unto the likening of the Lord must this flower be; unto His Face will it shine unto His love we will be captured.

He is liken a rose – petal by petal it stems up into the unknown capturing the essence in its sacred  embrace for now among the many and flower forth as the Lord to capture the essence of your union with the unknown. Go now among the many and learn the ways of god are many.  Go seek thee the fortunes of essential Beingness.


An Impression Received from a Graduate:

The Beauty of the Lord fittest Him in secret in a dark Cave unknown to the world.

The Lord Himself Shines’ in His Heart and fills the World.

The Glory of the Lord descends upon the World Ageless and Eternal.

Heavens a glory with wingless creatures conjured out of the depths of the various mankinds.

Albeit shared through Divine Grace raised.


A Purpose of Humanity:

  1. The first aim and the primary aim is to establish, through the medium of humanity, an outpost of the Consciousness of God in the solar system. This is a correspondence, macrocosmically understood, of the relationship existing between a Master and His group of disciples. This, if pondered on, may serve as a clue to the significance of our planetary work.
  1. To found upon earth (as has already been indicated) a powerhouse of such potency and a focal point of such energy that humanity—as a whole—can be a factor in the solar system, bringing about changes and events of a unique nature in the planetary life and lives (and therefore in the system itself) and inducing an interstellar activity.
  1. To develop a station of light, through the medium of the fourth kingdom in nature, which will serve not only the planet, and not only our particular solar system, but the seven systems of which ours is one. This question of light, bound up as it is with the colours of the seven rays, is as yet an embryo science, and it would be useless for us to enlarge upon it here.
  2. To set up a magnetic centre in the universe, in which the human kingdom and the kingdom of souls will, united or at-oned, be the point of most intense power, and which will serve the developed Lives within the radius of the radiance of the One About Whom Naught May Be Said. EP II, pg. 217


Composed by HZ from information received in meditation and denoted quotes from the works written by H.P.B. and A.A.B.

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function
Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
The Journey Home Yet Again
Call from Venus
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School

Initiations, Organized Substance, Organized Entities, Centers, & Human Unit of Life Evolutionary Focus