The Plan & Sanat Kumara

Nirmanakayas: The planetary lives are evolving mainly due to Sanat Kumara’s contact with the following basic sources:

Shamballa or Council of Elders


Soul of Humanity

Angels of the Presence

Venus scheme

Jupiter Scheme


Furthermore, in every way it is decided that this planet or Lives is also unfolding and becoming evolved through the work of the three esoteric Buddhas of Activity. This planet can go forward in becoming a sacred planet (buddhic focused).  Although this will happen it will not become demonstrated until The Hierarchy is integrated with both Shamballa and Humanity.

The purpose of this trip into the unknown by earth’s inhabitants is not yet known by any except Sanat Kumara and the Buddha’s of Activity and these will keep the secret hide.  It is important to realize that each of these inhabitants theorize based upon their part in the play but known other than those purpose created this planet can know the reason for its existence.  For each of you on this journey, Spirit is the only guide you have for your lives playing out within the One Life, and this is the reason it is so necessary to be at one with Spirit to discover the Purpose of your existence.


The effort you put into discovering this purpose depicts or symbolizes seven lessor purposes of the Lord Sanat Kumara.

[Note: A.A.B. denoted the seven Purposes of Sanat Kumara which act as the basis for the hierarchical Plan.  These are quoted at the bottom of this discussion. The purposes below are those apperceived by the author (HZ) in context with the source group.]

  1. The first purpose which is symbolized by finding oneself on the cosmic physical plane through the nurturing by Spirit.
  2. The second purpose is that of finding oneself upon the cosmic physical plane through the freeing of Spirit with added Self Awareness.
  3. The third purpose reiterates the necessity to distinguish yourself from all others in terms of Isolated Unity, Presented Attribute, Inclusive reasoning.  These are the best we can do to indicate the truth.
  4. The fourth purpose is that of achieving enlightenment of the monad—individually and collectively.
  5. The fifth purpose is that of achieving enlightenment of your race.
  6. The sixth purpose is that of registering the Path into the Heavens—Cosmic Antahkarana.
  7. The Seventh Purpose is that of registering the Cosmic Logos.

Each of these seven purposes above should reflect your relationship to the seven Purposes of Sanat Kumara as quoted below and your reflection upon them distinguishes Hierarchy from Humanity.

Your ability to see yourself as one with Shamballa will come once you alter your frame of reference to see your place there and this in terms of your guiding light in the world. This means you will not be able to achieve your destiny as a spiritual being unless Shamballa is present in your beingness—spirit beingness reflected in the lower planes.

Your truth as to a way to go to escape upon the higher Way will enlighten many that follows after.

Your destiny as a spiritual being is determined by what path you came on as spirit (like karma becoming dharma).

Your ability to find yourself as Spirit is through greatness of being upon this Earth (or treasure cave or womb) which will come once you synthesize all learning here.


SG: Your ability to see yourself as Spirit is not necessarily related to your ability to see yourself as this spirit in body but is related to your degree of insight as to how Spirit works in life in the three worlds.

Your life as Spirit penetrates to the very depth of your being in ways one normally never thought of.

Spirit is what moves you in instinctual ways—it is inherent in matter itself and substance itself.

Spirit wrestles life from your matter essence—being itself innate in matter—it is always trying to become something else.

Spirit is like a two-edged sword and sparkles as it cuts through all that causes life and/or units of life to be caught up in matter and substance.

Spirit forms like all other forms in existence flow from the stream to the ocean.

Spirit hovers.

Spirit moves over the face of the waters (simultaneously).

Spirit reaches out to the earth and makes of Her His companion in all ways.
Spirit calls out to each at all times.

Spirit lessons the need for greatness as it sees all the same.

Spirit lessons the evil and the good, making it one and the same.

Spirit organizes substance according to its liking.

Spirit advances into abstraction (Creative Hierarchies).

Spirit desires to see Itself.

Spirit works towards exhibiting itself in all ways.

Spirit hides its face in the silver cord.

Spirit undermines the creative process.


The time has come to venture forth to see yourselves as beings in the night sky with Spirit shining down for all to see and in this way achieve notoriety and luminosity:



  • I have given you all much Grace and, in this way, you have proceeded upon your paths and in this way have moved closer to myself and all is well.


  • The nature of the mission is to speak to those of minds the necessity for travel in this way at this period in their lives—all need to see us speak. Be wary of travelers who have no destination.


  • The outcomes of your created events must ever lie towards me for it is my Path that you walk, and they must walk for there is no other way past me.


  • By walking together, you can find a safe harbor upon my path.


  • See to it you can find a sure path in Spirit and to do this requires you to achieve a luminosity for all to see. It is important to note you will not be traveling alone in this way and all must marry all to see the gold that glitters; be not afraid to marry each upon the way for all is needed to carry the pot.


  • The world turns and seeks the direction that spirit wanders upon its path home and seek not tarry long. For the wind blows and the waters come and drown those not upon the higher and safer path.  The wind blows even now as the storm gathers and the waters begin its downward focus be alerted to wash yourselves clean for only the pure can see the higher and safer path.


  • The whereabouts of a way to climb higher into the night sky to increase their perspective from spirit’s point of view is determined by their ability to hold themselves as one with God; it is in that way that we all travel as Spirit. The time has come for each of us has need to venture forth into the unknown and when this time comes, we must relinquish all that we hold dear for none may take ANY BELONGINGS WITH THEM not of their own innate nature.


  • The story of life is ever changing through the instrumentality of Spirit, and this means that you have always a choice and that is to stay behind or to keep up.


  • The ever-ending battle of the Lord for the ascension of the planetary lives deems it necessary to relay its desired pattern plan to the planetary lives this it does by way of Spirit.


  • The events correlated on this planet liken themselves to the daily rituals of planetary Logos attuned to solar and greater cosmic Logoi in the moment and this moment rearranges the monadic lives on this planet to produce the needed rhythm on the cosmic physical Plane; in other words, we are participants in the Dance of Shiva.


  • The whereabouts and withal to see our way through the valley of darkness into the light of pure reason comes about through the daily rituals of Sanat Kumara and in this Dance, all is made known as to the Purpose dwelling in the Heart of God as it is manifested daily for us to see if aligned with triadal Light (Energy of the Day be with Us).


  • The wherewithal to see into the night sky and find purpose extant in the heavens is like a seed whose shell is intact, and in time vintaged to open at the correct hour and in this way purpose of the universal Spirit can be understood to function.  All is correct or perfect in a moment and no other event can take its place before its time.

(End of Spirit Guidance)


The relationship of Sanat Kumara to the Lord of Sirius is first a karmic relationship over time. The second type of relationship is an agreement between Sanat Kumara and Sirius, in that Sanat Kumara receives four things for freeing the prisoners of the planet:

He receives a way to travel in space to the Heart of the Sirian empire (visual of golden statues – through a Lion’s gate is the entrance way—lots of impressive gold everywhere – radiating throughout buildings, kingdom,  Almost a city of gold-plated light—the word that came to my mind was splendor and magnificence) through those he sends out into the 4th Cosmic Path which are the majority of the graduates on the globe of the earth scheme.  It is by way of this process that he discovers his innate relationship to the center of his being represented by the Logos of the four Galaxies which makes up the Personality expression of the Great Logos.


Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius….The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.” There is more real occultism hidden in the names given to the various stars by astronomers down the ages than has yet been realised, and here you have a case in point. EA, pp. 299-300


The second pact relates to the idea that God or the 7-Galaxies / Greater Logos has control over Sanat Kumara’s destiny and in order to see the pattern in the heavens you must translate the pattern coming in from the local cosmic Logos represented and held by the Sirian Empire.  In an effort to understand what this really means just interpret the star system as a four-fold chakra.

You have been given the idea that the Sirian Lord is coming to the solar system to work out a plan based upon changes happening in the local galaxy.  It is in this way that Sanat Kumara can adapt to the new pattern and bring him closer to his objective of recognizing his place in the Plan of the Great Logos.  In lieu of the changes within the local galaxy, what has been instrumented is a new way of working to enhance the radiatory effects of both the solar system and the earth to benefit all lives within those solar systems, thus create an early release of the prisoners of the planet as a result of this radiation upon their atomic sheaths permitting the ascension of Spirit at a quicker rate.

Sanat Kumara has recently been given the idea that the solar Logos is intending on making changes in His alignment.  This requires a preparatory adjustment of those lives within the Personality aspect of His Being.

What are those personality aspects being realigned? Head center is being realigned to a different star system in the great cosmos – different ray alignment of the group soul.  The throat center is being realigned to the group soul.


Nirmanakayas/GD: Your world as you know it is being transformed.

The effort put forth by the Lord of the World on behalf of humanity is staggering to comprehend. He has requested from Lords of Karma a speeding up of karmic release of Humanity. He has requested to place the Hierarchy in a position to approach humanity at this time ready or not. He has requested disciples to immediate reincarnate to increase the number in physical bodies to externalize Hierarchy quicker. He has requested that the Lords of Karma initiate a release of karma on disciples willing to reincarnate and assist in His Plan. He has requested concerns of the moment need to be postponed by the Lords of Karma so as his purpose is assured. This means the Lord of the World is in the position of Grace.


Son of Mind for the Planet: The estimate given is that it would take the majority of the earth’s disciples to incarnate to perform the necessary ceremonial ritual of connecting to Spirit before the revelation of the Lord of the World could take place.


Other information can be forthcoming to those that can through synthesis of Spirit register information about the nature of Sanat Kumara coming through monadic group, such as:

His One Gift Given 8

The Ageless Wisdom 16

The Glory of the one 32

Expectations placed upon Him 8

His Relationship to the Solar Logos 6

His Expectations Placed upon Hierarchy 12

His Concerns Now 22

His Conclusions to Date 6

His Glory 6

Th Characteristics of Sanat Kumara. 65;

Sanat Kumara’s Wedding. 14;

Sanat Kumara’s Trophies. 156;

Sanat Kumara’s Special Gifts;

Sanat Kumara’s Desire for this 5th, 6th, 7th subraces of 5th root race.

Sanat Kumara’s Popularity among the Gods:4

and Those He register’s Thought from in respect to deities in far distant constellations.


Sanat Kumara’s greatest virtue: Infinite patience respected among His Kind.

Sanat Kumara’s present torment: Disconnectedness from Source –Spirit

Sanat Kumara’s Love: Is the Magnitude of Life—Endless


It is important to note that His reign has been since He came to this planet in the middle of third root race and His stay will be until the middle of the fifth round.

  • His disposition is that of a controlling Lord.
  • His arrogance comes from successfully transforming the lives of this planet into those expected according to Plan.
  • His basic purpose is to generate a sacred planet.
  • His degree of evolution is the 4th Cosmic Initiation.
  • His purposes for humanity are seven.
  • His purposes for the 5th kingdom are six.
  • His purposes for the devic world are two.
  • His purposes for the vegetable kingdom are five.
  • His purposes for the animal kingdom are played out.
  • His purposes for the earth scheme are to make all seven globes responsive to the needs of spirit.
  • His completed purposes to date are six.


His Responsibility in the solar system: 4

  • He has a responsibility to see that the Lord of Saturn carries out His Plans.
  • He has the responsibility to make sure the Lord of the Planet Mars carries out His Plans.
  • He has the responsibility to see that the Lord of these six planets carries out Their Plans.
  • He has the responsibility to see that the Lord of the planet Venus carries out His Plans.


His Expectations of Humanity 14

  • He expects that every soul will do his fair share to consummate the Plan.
  • He expects that each grouping be responsible for creating a functional plan in concert with the one Plan.
  • He expects that each egoic group will carry forth his plans into the outer world.
  • He expects that like-minded individuals in the world will support the world plan.
  • He expects that the terms of his agreements that he makes with Hierarchy will be kept.
  • He expects that each of you that has taken responsibility will wholeheartedly approach your task.
  • He expects you each to succeed in developing your own plan in lieu of the larger Plan.
  • He expects your plan to capture the essence of His intent.
  • He expects each of you to carry out your plan to the best of your ability.
  • He expects each of you to demonstrate the virtues reflected by your status as souls.
  • He expects you to express your concerns for the operational vicissitudes adapting it as needed.
  • He expects you to monitor the response of your plan by the world to make changes as needed to keep the essence of its intent.
  • He expects you grow and develop in lieu of carrying out of your plan to better serve humanity.
  • He expects you to be able to achieve in your life a more integrated point of view.


His Deliverance in terms of the Plan: 3

He has decided to obey the wishes of the Council with respect to permitting greater freedom for those graduates from the planet to take any cosmic path off of the planet. It would be wise for you to understand that the Council here is not that of the Elders but the Council in the solar system responsible for all systemic related life.

His Goodness is a reflecting of his ability to do what is expected of him and in this case, it is expected that he conforms to the Will of the Cosmic Christ. The Cosmic Christ expects Him to do three things:

  • To take Initiation.
  • To express His Will as the Will of the “Lord of the World”.
  • To place upon the cosmic paths a certain number of Graduates.


It is important to understand here that Sanat Kumara will not be able to arrest the Will of the solar Logos and in this regard His Will is to see this become a sacred planet; and in this regard Sanat Kumara has almost completed His task except for these 6 things: four of which are partially completed. 6


His Reputation in the Cosmos: 12

It is important to note that Sanat Kumara has developed certain virtues that make him available to participate in the council of planetary Logoi that meet every 500 years at its location in the central Spiritual Sun.

This particular honor is only given to those planetary Logoi’s Personalities who have aligned their Will to the Will of the “Lord of the World.”

You have been given this information in the hope of registering the momentous opportunities staking place on this planet. And it is that hope that will eventually transform this planet.


Plan & the Planet

Planetary Causal Field (Soul Body) Guiding Angels:

The covenant created by man with their god (Sanat Kumara) relies heavily upon the idea that His imposition is to organize humanity’s livingness in such a way as to create a formless form that enhances the welfare of human souls in such a way that they see themselves becoming the very Ark of the Covenant historically recognized.

It is this covenant that symbolizes the joining of Him and humanity as souls for the very purpose of humanity representing God’s creative force and self-expression, eventually upon all planes.

There is also this covenant that requires humanity to create along His intended lines and become satisfied with the forms created thereof.  For each soul honors this in its own way according to its livingness and perceived life purpose.

It is this covenant that is being erected in the heavens which we call the temple that is constructed in a four-square way and garnished by an arc of sorts or eight arches coming in from a star. This particular configuration symbolizes an 8-pointed star being ensouled on the cosmic physical plane.

The essential nature of this covenant is in terms of structure depicts a residual matrix that substantiates the existing thought structure of Sanat Kumara. In a way it symbolizes foremost an aspect of His Intents. It is also in this way we can approach, as a group, our relationship to Sanat Kumara by locating our contribution to this ark. In other words, our soul content in terms of livingness, reflects over time a place in this ark.  The edifice itself is only symbolic but we judge ourselves according to this perfection.

The outcome of our lives, enhanced as they may be, and yet not understood as God understands them are seen by us in such a way as to demonstrate certain virtues.  It is in this way the covenant can be built as we enter into the Mind of God according to our Dharmic position. It is in this way we surrender to our spirit destinies.

The edifice or structure being created by the Lord has eight qualities, what are these?

Compassion for all.

Initiation for all

Understanding or Reason for all

Love for all

Evolution for all

Freedom for all

Synthesis for all

Glory for all


Group of 14:

  • The treasures of the heart, now as always, are filed to the brim with hope.
  • The likings of which glitter before the heart. It carries all into tears before Life.
  • The seasons come and go, the birds fly overhead, all is seen before the Lord.
  • Rise up in your might and catch the glimpse of the starry sky—seek not the wonders of the universe but the wonders of your hearts.
  • We seek you to do this as the angels fly south upon the morning dew. Do this every day and all will be well.
  • The Lord cometh to you every day in the hope of your presence to Him—do not disappoint Him and all will be well.
  • The starry night (of the buddhic dimension—4th sub-plane) is upon you. Grasp its cord and lift yourselves unto it—and all will be well.
  • The heavens brim fullness of the Lord, the starry days and starry nights ever filled with His Joy—See to it.
  • The heavens wait upon the Lord—and all will be well.
  • The Lord within each of you (is) a tabernacle of Desire for His Vision—see to it (40).


The peace of mind that comes from exerting yourselves along your spiritual paths and comes from the recognition that all souls of humanity who (in the past) have diverted their focus away from the Lord to the world now feels the release when not doing so.  This release of pressure which has been building up from cosmic etheric plane upon the first sub-plane of the cosmic physical.  Thus, these energies are permitted to circulate and produce salvation of substance through consciousness of the Plan. Remember that Purpose is an energy released in the sphere of planetary head center.  The Plan is cosmic etheric Substance. The first realization of Sanat Kumara’s Vision comes from the understanding that all Thoughts or Divine Ideation comes from the Solar Logos.


The Lord Wishes you to Know:

The Lord wishes you to know two things.  In the beginning of the 4th root race, there came a moment of decision for the Lord.  He was unsure about whether or not to develop the 4th root race.  His decision came with the idea that the Solar Logos would not prevent him from removing in the world certain racial types that were produced through experimentation, so he decided to remove them to prevent genetic contamination (image of tall African woman with thinning hair in front).

The Lord wishes you to know two additional things about this one.  (1) Exerting the Lord’s influence over the 4th root race he discovered two things about himself that were important to him.  First, he discovered, his cosmic astral sensitivity was such that the 4th root race represented an undue sensitivity to cosmic evil (image of hands with red seal on back of hand).

The Lord also wishes you to know on the day of deliverance of the 4th root race, after the flood, He had redeemed himself (the Lord) through challenging himself through purifying his cosmic astral body.

It is important to note that the people on this planet accept or reject my dispensation.  For all of those who have come before me in quest of my vision, I give them this, a starry night, filled with the laughter of the gods through perceiving Its Voice and Its Word.

***It shall come to pass, that all those who come before me, seek the Presence of the Solar Logos and for this reason, and this reason alone I dedicate my time, my love, my will, for such an endeavor as the Beauty of the Solar Lord, who is my inspiration.


The Lord gave a way for those who ask for it, a way to travel in the wilderness.  It is the wilderness (solitude), where the Lord can be sought after.

The Lord (comes and goes) as the sands of time; and upon the wind he carries his messages of the Great Ones for all to hear if they have the Ear…

The starry days and nights register every subtle sound of the Lord’s Voice—What do you hear in the night sky? 4

The Ageless Wisdom Teachings are full of Hope to those that know their meaningfulness to them—what is their meaningfulness to you (14)

The sands of time are represented by the hour glass configuration, which represent the nature of the universe as they are poured in and then poured out. What does it matter which way they turn?  For you to turn others around you are required to achieve greatness as a magnet—what magnetic qualities are required? 400

The One Hearts are upturned and the wayward glances are fixed upon the waves crashing upon the shoreline; each wave (your particular wave) sees itself as isolated from the others but moves in rhythm great and small to the wanderings of the Ocean—seek not the Kingdom of Heaven until the Wave and Ocean are known.

The hourglass configuration represents in its truest form the idea of events in time; and their order of appearance is fixed in the turning of the wheel; the forms built, used, and destroyed mark the beginning and end of a cycle; the hour glasses come and go and seeks the large hour glass and once all is known it disappears—what hour glass needs to come for you?

The sons and daughters of heaven resemble the configuration of the times; kalpas and pralayas come and go. The sands shift and make way for the building of a new era and with each new era comes a greater peace and contentment; you would be wise to see yourselves as building a new era bringing a more lasting peace unto the earth—let us see to it.

The Days be with Us and the nights be against Us and all is well.

The merry go round of life ends as it begins, and this is true to its Cause—what is true to your Cause of your Merry go Round in this 4th Round?:

The Lord stands by and ventures forth to those who are seeking His Vision.  Upon the rap sheet, all designs are drawn, and all lessons learned.


Seek not the kingdom before the star of righteousness shines upon your head; the star indicates the path of spirit up into the heavens, and thus only the cosmic path can be found.

Dare to be great and approach the Mind of Sanat Kumara:

Need to align the group will towards the Sirius: Divine Manas

Need to align the group will towards Heart of the central spiritual Sun:

Need to align the group will to Pleiades—Divine Mahat:


After first aligning and demonstrating these six types of awareness’s’:

Of Soul

Of Group Soul (Oversoul)

Of Minor ray—individual egoic Ray

Of Major Ray—Group Soul Ray

Of Ashram

Of Christ

The wise ones give their all and take what is least and turn it into gold for all to share.


A Projected Timeline for Embodiment of the Lord of the World.

Sanat Kumara is thinking about making a direct appearance etheric in 500 years.

Lord of the World is thinking about making a direct appearance on the concrete mental plane in approximately 125 years.

Lord of the World is thinking about making a direct appearance on the buddhic plane in 85 years.


The following are quotes from the works of Alice A. Bailey.


The major thoughtform of the spiritual Hierarchy, created by joint ashramic meditation, is called by us the Plan. The basic purpose of Sanat Kumara is revealed from cycle to cycle by His Agents in Shamballa and is by Them impressed upon the minds of the senior Members of the Hierarchy. They, in Their turn, make this impression the subject of Their ashramic meditation, adapting its various concepts and the outlined purpose to a most carefully formulated Plan, presenting—as far as humanity is concerned—seven aspects or phases of evolutionary development and endeavour, according to the work desired of any Ray Ashram implicated at any particular time. Each Ashram thus undertakes meditation upon the general Plan and thus (if you could but realise it) each initiate and disciple finds his place and sphere of activity and service—from the very highest initiate to the least important disciple. DINA II, p.233

The task of Sanat Kumara in relation to the Masters is to prepare Them to tread the Way of the Higher Evolution. When this becomes possible, the shift of the spiritual “attention” (I use this inadequate word for lack of a better one) is away from the soul and the Angel of the Presence to the mysterious Presence itself; this has hitherto only been sensed and dimly visioned. The Master—freed from the three and five worlds of human and so-called superhuman evolution—has now the full gifts of omnipresence and omniscience. He is aware of the underlying unity, brought about by the factual nature of the One Life and Being Who pervades all manifestation; He has also mastered all possible techniques and modes and methods of activity, of control and of fusion. But having developed those capacities, He now becomes faintly aware of that which conditions the One Being, and senses energies and contacts which are extra-planetary and of which He has hitherto been totally unaware. Knowledge comes to Him after the fifth initiation. GPW, p. 266

These seven types of purpose embody the seven energies which will reorganise and redefine the hierarchical undertakings, and thus inaugurate the New Age.  These seven purposes might be called:

1. The unknown, unseen and unheard purpose of Sanat Kumara. It is the secret of life itself and is known only to Him alone. In its initial phase of this new expression, it works through the Manu and the Master Morya; it is that which veils the central mystery which all esoteric schools—if true to their inaugurating impulse—will eventually reveal.  What that is we do not yet know, but it is hinted at in Rule XIII.

2. The purpose underlying revelation. This may be a somewhat new idea to you for you are apt to regard revelation as a goal in itself. You seldom consider it as an effect of the inner purpose of Sanat Kumara.  The emphasis hitherto has been on the aspect of revelation, making it an effect of what the disciple has done with himself and by means of which he is enabled to be the recipient of revelation.  Yet behind all the successive revelations of divinity down the ages is to be found one significant purpose; all of them are and will prove themselves to be aspects of the Great Revelation.  It is through the processes of revelation that divinity is slowly dawning upon the human consciousness.  It is a sevenfold revelation; each of the seven kingdoms in nature reveals one aspect of it, and each of these seven reaches revelation in seven or fourteen lesser revelations or phases.

Ponder on this and learn to distinguish between vision (which is as much of the divine current revelation as a disciple can grasp in time and space) and revelation which is the synthesis of the divine expressive purpose.  This is related to the will-to-good which is, in its turn, a complete expression of the love nature of Deity.

3. The (as yet) unrecognised purpose which evoked the creative activity of our Planetary Logos. This brought the third aspect of the divine Trinity into play.  The usual reasons brought forward by the finite mind of man to account for what is called by us “manifestation,” and to explain the dualism of all existence and the relation of spirit-matter, are by no means the real explanation of the divine purpose; they are based on man’s own essential dualism; they are the highest explanation of his own divine nature which he can achieve at this time.  This is a point to be remembered.  They are his response to the second Ray of Mutual Attraction, which the Ray of Love-Wisdom is sometimes called.  They are not an expression of his response to the Will of God, and only indicate the limitations of his definition of divine purpose.  As you will note, they really define nothing.  Nor can I help you to recognise this third aspect and the eternal purpose of the Lord of the World.  Just as a soul seeks incarnation in order to carry forward some fixed design and to take one of the higher initiations, so Sanat Kumara came into incarnation through the medium of this planet in order to carry forward His fixed designs (known to Him as a cosmic Soul on cosmic mental levels), and to take one of the higher initiations which mark the Path of Initiation for these great informing Lives of planetary spheres.  He could take this particular initiation through the experience to be gained in a vehicle constituted, expressive and at the special state of consciousness of our entire planetary manifestation.  It required an instrument in which the cells and atoms of His body (all lives in all kingdoms), and the integrated organisms within that body (the various kingdoms of nature), were at the peculiar point in evolution at which they are all now to be found.

That is as far as I may go in giving you a hint, and you can see from this that in order to grasp more and comprehend more of His divine purpose you also will have to be in preparation for that particular initiation which for you—on your tiny level of awareness of fixed design—is the microcosmic parallel of His cosmic intention.  Which that initiation is I may not state.  The only service which these hints can render (as to the sevenfold divine purpose and the consideration of them) is to develop in you, the disciple, the power to think abstractly—a much needed capacity before you can begin to tread the Way of the Higher Evolution; for this the five initiations open to humanity (as today constituted) prepare the human spirit.

4. The mysterious purpose which has necessitated the calling into activity the Principle of Pain. Suffering and Pain are essential requirements in order to carry this purpose to completion. The capacity to suffer, which is distinctive of humanity, is the outstanding conscious reaction to environment of the fourth kingdom in nature, the human.  It is related to the power to think and consciously to relate cause and effect.  It is a process on the way to something undreamt of today.  And when I say this, my brother, I mean just exactly that.  This same ability to respond through pain is not to be found (in the sense in which the human being comprehends it) in any of the subhuman kingdoms, nor in the superhuman kingdoms, any more than it was found in the previous solar system or will be found in the next.  It is related to an aspect of the creative intelligence, an aspect and characteristic peculiar to humanity.

This aspect was not found in the previous solar system, in which the other aspects of the creative intelligence functioned.  In this solar system, it has been developed and brought from latency to potency in connection with the substance of the human bodies through which the human soul is gaining experience.  It holds the secret of beauty in manifestation, and its first expression can be seen in the creative perfection of certain phases of art for which man, and man alone, is responsible.  No other kingdom in nature creates forms, produces colour and sounds in harmonious relation, except the human; all of this type of creative art is the result of aeons of conflict, pain and suffering.  The Jews, as a product of the humanity of the previous solar system, and as constituting the incarnating residue from that solar system, have run the gamut of suffering and are in the forefront of the creative arts at this time, particularly in group production such as certain of the great motion pictures and in the field of scientific discovery.

There will be, as you can well see, a close relation between this fourth purpose of Sanat Kumara, the fourth kingdom in nature, the human, and the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict.  It is the balanced relation of these three, consummated at the fourth initiation, which produces the full beauty of the creative fixed design of the individual soul, or—on a different level of initiatory process—of the fixed design of the universal soul of the Lord of the World.  The fourth ray being temporarily out of full incarnation at this time is the reason for the relative interlude in the production of human creative art of a very high order.  The cycle of suffering is nearing its close, and we shall later see—when the fourth ray again swings into full objective activity—a recurrence of the arts on a turn of the spiral far more exalted than any lately seen.

5. The fifth great secret underlying the purpose of Sanat Kumara is related in a peculiar sense to the cyclic manifestation of all that is found in the three worlds of human evolution. It concerns that which is working slowly into manifestation through the medium of the lower concrete mind as it controls desire and brings substance and matter into conformity with the divine thought along this line. The sumtotal of the highest phases of human thinking along all lines, materially affects what appears on the physical plane in all the kingdoms of nature, what precipitates civilisations and cultures, and which expresses the best response at the moment of human sensitivity to cosmic impression.

This is all that can be said as we attempt to sum up the fixed desire and the pattern or purpose of divine activity down the ages.  We know it to be profoundly inadequate as yet to express or to produce in manifested form the beauty of that design and to create in conformity with God’s thought; but—age by age—the thinking capacity of man and his creative imagination have wrought out the slowly unfolding design, and will continue to do so; every great world cycle sees the emergence of greater beauty, and sees the subtle effects of man’s thinking upon the subhuman kingdoms in nature steadily bringing the unknown to the surface, altering the nature of the flora and the fauna of the planet, and preparing the way for that time of wonder when the Hierarchy will again be exoterically directing the Plan upon the earth and aiding mankind to work with a fuller understanding of the divine design.

Here again is another reason for the changing plans of the Hierarchy.  The Masters have to prepare Themselves for this intended and imminent emergence.  They are faced with the necessity of changing Their techniques of work in order to meet adequately the demands upon Them.  It is far easier for Them to work, as illumined Minds, upon the mental substance of Their disciples than it will be for Them to work down upon the physical plane, relating the minds and the brains of advanced human beings.  People are apt to forget that with each forward advance of humanity, the demands upon the Hierarchy change, new needs must be met, new techniques used, new and experimental methods must be employed.  As I write for disciples and initiates, I call this to their attention.  Their work of mental training does not end as they attain certain spiritual initiatory goals.

This fifth purpose is therefore closely related to the whole theme of “the garment of God” and to the emergence into manifestation of His “robe of beauty” as it is created and brought into being by humanity, acting as the medium for ideas from the superhuman kingdoms, and then influencing and swinging into creative cooperation the subhuman kingdoms.

6. It is difficult for me to give any idea whatsoever of the purpose with which we are now concerned, because it is expressed in the relation existing between the significance of Desire, Will, Plan and Purpose. All these words are symbols evolved by man in his attempt to grasp logoic purpose.  He recognises the impulses of desire, and in the course of the evolutionary process learns to transmute them into aspiration; he passes on to a vague groping forward in an effort to understand and acquiesce in the “will of God,” as he calls it; as long, however, as human approach to that will remains negative, submissive, and acquiescent (as it does under the influence of the theological approach and in the manner inculcated by the Churches), no real light on the nature of that Will will be seen.  It is only as human beings enter into relation with the Hierarchy and are gradually absorbed into the hierarchical life and begin to take the higher initiations that the true nature of the divine Will will be grasped and the purpose of Sanat Kumara be revealed by an appreciation of the plan, followed by a consequent cooperation with that Plan.

All this will be done through the transmutation of desire into aspiration, and then into fixed determination.  When, however, the initiate has related these phases of consciousness in his own inner experience, and has permitted those inner realisations to affect his outer experience and daily living, then the underlying Purpose will shine forth and he will no longer be working in the dark.  You see, my brother, that all that I can do in these abstruse matters is to indicate what you can do, as an individual, to fit yourself to grasp divine purpose, and thus see the divine design and patterns as they are in reality.  Once you have taken the needed steps and complied with the requirements, the mystery disappears.

7. The final phase of the divine purpose is the most difficult of all to indicate, and when I say indicate, I mean exactly that, and nothing more definite and clear. Does it mean anything to you when I say that the ceremonial ritual of the daily life of Sanat Kumara, implemented by music and sound and carried on the waves of colour which break upon the shores of the three worlds of human evolution, reveal—in the clearest notes and tones and shades—the deepest secret behind His purpose? It scarcely makes sense to you and is dismissed as a piece of symbolic writing, used by me in order to convey the unconveyable.  Yet I am not here writing in symbols, but am making an exact statement of fact.  As beauty in any of its greater forms breaks upon the human consciousness, a dim sense is thereby conveyed of the ritual of Sanat Kumara’s daily living.  More I cannot say. RI, pgs. 241-247


As regards Shamballa, the impression there received is not the result of invocation which in due course evokes extra-planetary response, as is the case between the Hierarchy and Shamballa, and the Hierarchy and Humanity, with certain changes during the process of stepping down or of descent. That which impresses Shamballa and is received by the Grand Council of the Lord of the World, comes via Sanat Kumara because HE is in close contact with other planetary Logoi or groups of planetary Logoi, wielding a united, focussed, intelligent Will. It is Sanat Kumara Whose task it is to impress the Lives Who meet periodically in the Council Chamber with the next phase of unfolding Purpose. This Purpose is later “occultly reduced” or stepped down until it emerges as the hierarchical Plan. This Plan is contingent upon imminence, atmic realisation and pure reason, as the Hierarchy has termed these three “aspects of reaction” to impression from Shamballa. Let me make myself clear. The Hierarchy is no group of mystical workers; only those aspects of divine Purpose which can be immediately grasped and developed and which are patently valuable to humanity—when presented in right form by the Hierarchy—are registered by Them. They know what consciously to “repudiate” as it is occultly called, and They act ever in response to a Law of Imminence or of occult prevision which is almost unrecognisable and indefinable by advanced humanity. The words, “atmic realisation” are most interesting, for they refer to the quality and the mass of will energy which could be made available by the pledged and unified Hierarchy to carry out the imminent Plan. Never forget that in considering Shamballa and the Plan, we are thinking entirely within the limits of the expression of the WILL aspect of the Lord of the World, and this—except for advanced initiates—is well-nigh impossible. Alice A. Baily, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, pp.68-69.

The Purpose of Sanat Kumara is created at present by the synthesis which the nature of the final seven Paths reveals. It is adapted in time and space to human intelligence by the presented Plan, and—in the glory of consummation—the completed Plan will reveal the Purpose on all the seven planes of evolution. Then evolution, as formulated and imposed by the Hierarchy, will end and a greater dynamic expansion will take its place. TEV, p.121


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Collection of impressions received in meditation as well as quotes from Alice A Bailey’s collected works


Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function
Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana

Graduates of the Earth – Some Adjunct Information
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
The Journey Home Yet Again
Call from Venus
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

The Christ & Some Plan Elements