Nicholas Roerich Museum - Kuan-yin

An Adi Yoga Exercise to assist in the Integration of the Atmic Field into the Causal Field

A Mental Development/Guidance Exercise. (52)

Part 1:

  1. Relax, remove sense of lower self from all three bodies.
  2. Net, go into your vital body and sense its relationship to the Earth. Feel attuned to the rhythm of the Earth.
  3. Now, go into your mind’s eye and visualize your relationship to the earth’s surface.
  4. See yourself with your feet on the earth, endeavor to see each footstep.
  5. Make your way to the edge of an ocean.
  6. Look up at the sky and see a body of light.
  7. Visualize yourself moving towards that body of light.
  8. Sense yourself moving into its center.
  9. Take your time here to sense your connection to this light body.
  10. Now, go into your heart.
  11. Sense your relationship to Infinity.
  12. Now, go into or energetically touch your mind and feel the mindfulness of your mind.
  13. Now, enter into this mindfulness and sense your relationship to the Creator – One Soul.
  14. Now, move into the sensing of this relationship—hold it.
  15. Now, visualize a web of light surrounding the planet—triangulated.
  16. Now, get a sense of the direction and location between the self and this web of light.
  17. Follow this back to the source.
  18. Go into this triangle web.
  19. Now, link up with the web through the (back or group) heart connection.
  20. Now hold this heart connection
  21. Now visualize the triangulated light web shrinking around the globe to create a netting.
  22. Resonate along the web your keynote.
  23. Release your self-keynote into this web.
  24. Go back into self and move your consciousness into the universal mind field.
  25. Hold yourself there and wait.
  26. Sense what is coming to you and write it down.
  27. Hold this for 10 mins and keep wringing down—talk into a recorder if this assists the process.


Part Two:

  1. Go back into your mind and sense a relationship to this web.
  2. Ask yourself one question-What is happening now?
  3. Second question—How is it going to happen?
  4. Third question—What will be its effect?
  5. Meditate on these to get a sense of wholeness to the world.
  6. Go back again into your reflective mind and sense a relationship to this web.
  7. Ask yourself—How am I to relate to this?
  8. Ask yourself—What am I to do now.
  9. Meditate on these answers.


Part Three:

  1. Invoke the Ashram
  2. Align and let flow
  3. Ask to be received into the One Life.
  4. Hold this Life.
  5. Ask for Grace so to better do your part.
  6. Go into the Grace
  7. Go into the One Soul and ask for guidance.
  8. Hold this connection and record.
  9. Go back into the mind—meditate on this.
  10. Now sense your relationship to your outer group.
  11. Connect to your interface with them in terms of responsibility.
  12. Ask yourself: Why do I need to be responsible for/with this group?
  13. Ask yourself: Why is it that I have been chosen to interface with them in this way?
  14. Ask yourself: What do I have to change within me to do this?
  15. Meditate on this.
  16. Invocation


One Form of the Gayatri Mantra

Oh, thou who gives substance to the universe.

To whom all things do precede and to whom all things return.

Unveil to us the Face of the true spiritual sun.

Hidden behind a disk of Golden Light.

That we may know the truth.

And do other whole duty.

As we journey to thy scared feet.

Blessed are we the returning Prodigal Sons.


Composed by HZ as part of an impression received in meditation (1991) containing thirty different exercises.

An Adi Yoga Exercise to assist in the Integration of the Atmic Field into the Causal Field

An Amrat Yoga Exercise to assist in the integration of the Consciousness aspect of Atma with combined Buddhic and Manasic Mind.

Raja Yoga & Spirit, Soul, Mind, Brain Alignment & Rule No. 20 – A Review

An Exercise to assist in the Awakening of the Higher Will

Floating Alignment Exercise to Perceive Unknown Vibrations

Continuity of Consciousness – An Exercise

Tantric Yoga – Some Adjunct Information