A Mental Development/Guidance Exercise.
Part I:
- Useful to do this meditation every other day.
- Align with Group Mind.
- Move into the group heart space.
- Need to adjust breathing from group to physical (or breathe down the group heart through your back heart center).
- Move now into your self-awareness to follow the guidance that comes.
- Move more into group space, spend some time here to sense your surroundings.
- Go deeply into this space.
- Get a sense of relationship to the planet.
- Go back now into your self-mind set and adjust your consciousness to reflect the planetary mind content.
- Move deeply into this larger mind content.
- Sense the content there.
- Move with this for a while.
- Note and write what comes to you.
- Meditate on this content. Now follow this content, get a sense of its wholeness.
- Useful to demonstrate an ability to climb to this space quickly and observe.
Part II.
- Now, recede into your group mind to get a sense of how this is connected to the larger planetary’ mind-set.
- Takes some time and identify with this planetary mind-set.
- Move into this mind-set and hold it.
- Ask yourself how I can assist in this process.
- Go into your sense of relationship to humanity and sense it flows through your mind.
- Meditate on content and note it.
Part III.
- Need to consider way to adjust your mind set to eventualities of Hierarchy. It is important that you refrain from speaking as such but need to grasp as much as the Plan as possible here at this point. We need you to endeavor to grasp the part different groups are playing. Need to expand your brain comprehension of this process.
- Want you to decide how to move forward at this point to hierarchical impulses.
- Want you to decide how to envision yourself relating to the Ashram—in what capacity.
- Need to now adjust your heart content to reflect this new information on the Hierarchy coming into being holding this as much as possible.
- Need to go into your mind’s eye to project this new reality into the world mind set.
- Take your time in doing this, get a sense of this being understood by those contacting it and also them seeing the significance of it.
- Now endeavor to high-lite as much of your mind set as possible get a sense of you communicating with Humanity—draw them unto you to the heart.
- Take your time here.
- Go now into your brain consciousness and write down what you did. Endeavor to see the connection to purpose, plan, and program/project activity. Meditate on this. Go into this relationship and try to understand what part you and all men play in God’s Plan for the world. Endeavor to sense the inevitableness of it. Try to heighten your relationship to all of these parts of yourself.
- Now move into relationship with the Hierarchy and get a sense of this energy field. Try to vibe to it as an extension of the One Life. Try to gather as much insight as possible here in terms of the Plan.
- Do not attempt to understand but just awareness of quality.
- Go now deeply into your ashramic energy field and get a qualitative sense of what this is—try to locate the center organizing force and its nature.
- Spend some time here to isolate variables.
- Go now into your relationship with your guiding disciple to create first of all a heart connection.
- Now make a mind connection.
- Ask yourself if there is anything I need to know at this time and write it down. Remember to breathe through group heart and mind field.
- Go now into your stance and receive any information that wants to come through. Try not to limit it to those things you already know but be open to other possibilities. In other words, do not iterate cell memories.
The mind itself is like a ball or sphere, but the surface of the sphere has various topological features. Each change in what one is holding produces a symbolic change on the surface of the mental body permitting others to read what that is. This is related to other minds and properly interpreted if the paradigm is similar.
Composed by HZ as part of a soul-impacted impression received in meditation (1991) containing thirty different exercises.
An Adi Yoga Exercise to assist in the Integration of the Atmic Field into the Causal Field
Raja Yoga & Spirit, Soul, Mind, Brain Alignment & Rule No. 20 – A Review
An Exercise to assist in the Awakening of the Higher Will
Floating Alignment Exercise to Perceive Unknown Vibrations
Continuity of Consciousness – An Exercise
Exercise for Practicing At-one-ment’s for Spiritual Guidance (revised 11/14/2023)