Nadi System & Nadi Points (Ways of Knowing Yourself and Integrating Yourself)
There are two points of theory we need to know in order to begin.
The nadi system evolves over time to reflect more and more the structured organization of the divine soul on its own plane. The cosmic physical reflects more and more the cosmic etheric and eventually all members of the Ray group reflect the same organizational pattern in their own etheric bodies.
All members of the group reflect an aspect of the pattern within their own etheric body while on the physical plane, based upon their individuality. And thus, eventually all play their part in the reorganizing of the planet’s etheric body which is an aspect of the solar etheric body.
The vibrational pattern is being conditioned by cosmic desire manifesting or Spirit which are identical.
Cosmic Etheric Planes:
Logoic: cosmic etheric plane undifferentiated substance is receptive to astral pattern of Desires of God or can be understand as Pure Spirit in (Desire) manifestation.
The Nadi system reflects the cosmic etheric nadi system. Symbolic greater lifeforms or Pattern related Points that can be identified on the cosmic, solar, planetary, and human etheric vehicle.
First area of nadi system: from top of head to eyebrows, occipital notch, and ½ inch above ears (bowl over the head).
You have been asked to designate this as number one, even though it is made up of 3-sub-parts. We want you to understand that your task here is to coordinate your understanding to the relative qualitative structure in values that need to be held or perceived in relationship to the moment. And to do this effectively, you must have a context. The context is symbolized by the outer world events in the moment and compared to how you are perceiving it. If it is out of context to what is really happening, then we intervene to try to bridge the gap between the outer symbolic events happening in your life and the way you need to be perceiving it. We always need to be wary of what we are holding and whether we are moving away from our god (soul/spirit).
We have given you the idea that your work in life needs to be held consistently each moment in terms of its relationship to your events in life. This is a difficult task for you to keep up with the future wanting to come in to replace the present, as it implies your readiness to want to make these dramatic moves/jumps into this new way of perceiving and being. We also recognize that your life at this time is full of many challenges, and this will simplify them in a moment-to-moment way, so you don’t have to be so concerned about meeting the many challenges in the moment and can be a peace with yourself and the world around you.
You have been given the difficult task of organizing/ reorganizing your mind and your life to simplify your way of being on this earth. And this is for two reasons. One, to find more silence within yourself. The second is to express your dedication as a soul to the commitments you have made on its own level, and thus demonstrated on all other areas or dimensions of life. Life is always willing to help you achieve this as we believe that it will be successful once the necessary quota of learning is achieved.
Second area of nadis system: zone covering area between the eyebrows and the tip of the nose.
All points in this area reflect a need for a greater willingness to combat existing ways of perceiving the existing environment around you. Each of these points in this area correlates to the idea that your beingness is being compromised by your willingness to accept the outer causative events to define your beingness and in this way, move away from yourself. You must know 2 things here. That each outer set of causative events correlates to an inner set of causes that need to be understood to correctly act upon for everyone’s highest good. And this relates to your willingness or not to want to do this. And if this point comes up it assumes that you are not willing to do this, and thus an adjustment is made.
The ability you have to see the causative relationship between the inner and outer events and what we are giving you will be determined by your ability to hold your life’s purpose in your awareness at all times. Always in relationship to life purpose as a personality which reflects the souls at your point in personality development.
The outcome of the results of your correct interpretation will be monitored and if you correct your stance/intent and then ask, if this is now correct, and nothing happens, then it will be correct (versus getting many other points).
Third area of the nadis system: tip of nose to top of bottom lip, middle ear to jaw line, to occipital notch to base of hair line (1/5 inch regions).
The time has come when you need to realize that the extent of your wisdom as generated by your soul is in the process of increasing at a quickly dramatic rate in humanity in general and especially for all probationary disciples. And at a soul level, many things are happening that need to change your personality life, and in this way your soul will achieve its objectives in the 3-worlds. For you to understand and to get these soul objectives requires you to be diligent and daring in your day-to-day affairs and outwardly unassuming, but inwardly receptive and in attempting to correlate the two at all times. You need to understand two things here.
Your soul’s objectives are many and cannot be rationally put in a personality framework. Furthermore, your souls’ objectives in relationship to spirit are likewise many and may not in this lifetime be fully understood. But nevertheless, your willingness to move in this direction is what we are counting on to achieve your happiness.
The necessary understanding required here in our efforts to give you feedback: you need to do two things each time a point comes up in this zone.
- Relinquish whatever you are holding and refocus on your mind’s eye and receive and image. There are four things that you need to do in terms of this image:
- Perceive it as a symbolic context, stating the way you need to perceive the moment and the way you need to hold yourself in the moment.
- You need to be aware that this symbol is made up of smaller symbols that will follow after, once you receive the initial one. And each one of these will deductively build in a certain fashion in context which we would like to define now. (four + the original one = 5)
- The first one relates to the way you need to adjust your mental perception.
- The second one relates to your ability to readjust your emotional connection.
- The third relates to the way you need to organize your life in the moment to make it work.
- The fourth relates to the way energies need to move in your body to reflect the pattern.
[A note: Images or those knowingness’s related to the senses can be understood as a form of calligraphy. They can be Interpreted like an art form producing a more beautiful handwriting—way of eventually producing automatic handwriting or knowing of the inner and the outer in a perfect form.
This is a process of mastering your mind through the creating of structures or thoughtforms through associations to aspects within yourself, through hearing or notations related also to hearing and using some form of symbolic shorthand to create symbols. We need to listen with our ears, our touch, our taste and smell as well as our eyes. Mental attunement with brain. This analogy is similar to the symbol of grape juice representing a deepening of your flow from your heart.
The grape is used in communions. The roots are below and flow from the one heart. An aspect of being inspired. Grape juice symbolizes the blood of Christ, life, livingness and a feeling of content needing to be held.
There is a way to dig through the sensitizing with the form/substance of the personality to better reorganize life to bring this symbolic sense related calligraphy in. It is a subtle recognition of the various notes sense, or sound currents of the personality substance required to bring through the sound on the mental plane. You can go above and below the line (how to dig yourself through by comparing what you are receiving with —polarities creating tension through the bringing together of mind and etheric body of being. Tree of life represents specific way energies need to travel.]
This aspect symbolizes your mental life as a personality outside of its relationship to your soul and represents all of the information coming into your mind from above and needs to be held in a way to be interpreted in that zone.
You need to be aware that your personality substance has its own way of qualifying life. And such is karma. For in this way, we achieve all necessary results and actions required of us to relinquish that karma. In other words, we can only interpret life according to our glass darkly (colors represent movement away from life, so impurity).
You have been given the idea that yourself as a work of art and a being of many talents are created in this very fashion. There is really no other way of creating ourselves. It always comes from above down and this is your pattern coming through that you are attempting to imitate. To be yourself is to be the pattern.
You must find it in the darkness of your own substance, and thus they are reflected, and all will be well. This is the creative process… there is no other. This is the basics of the art and science of creation.
Your time has arrived when you can make these necessary adjustments because of your developing sensitivities and proceed to unfold yourself at a very rapid rate.
You have been given the idea that your psychic house as you have built it, is a perfect representation of what you have created at this point in your life and reflects not only your creative perfection and your ability to love.
The fourth region is from the middle of the mouth to the bottom of the chin to T7.
Any incoming messages from this zone implies a relationship problem between your soul and the kama manasic field (emotional or personality mind).
This can be perceived as being related to the idea that your essence as a person is in conflict with the soul. It needs to reflect a change of self-perception.
Anything that comes in this zone needs to be accepted from the person in an experimental way as being somebody else that you may or may not be used to being.
All in all, one has an advantage here of being able to move between different personas (as being held in your essence as a quality/type of being) in terms of staying where you are at or going / doing something else.
This nadis region is the whole throat/ neck area to the manubrium/sternum.
This zone relates to the idea that your life as you are now living it in terms of self-expression in the way you are choosing to be needs to be altered or shifted.
This expression can be: vocal, body language, auric energy expression, but will always be related between you and the outer world and not the inner world.
The value of knowing how to express yourself indicates your ability to create or relinquish karma in ways that reflect your needed pattern of being now.
The effort you put into fine tuning your self-expression in this way, will assist you in knowing what needs to come through now in the moment for you or for somebody else, or the group in general.
This nadis region: Chest region from manubrium to xiphoid process.
This zone relates to you finding time in your busy life to reflect upon your relationships to the outer world in terms of sensitivity or feeling and not concerned with your personal feelings, but of / with the environment.
You might endeavour to see yourself as someone unable to fully comprehend the difference between yourself and the environment at any time. This is because we have co-created it (the environment in terms of the group soul). Thus, we are aware or unaware of the causative relationships due to the group soul, unless we are identified with the awareness of the group soul.
Here you will be given an opportunity to alter your feelings to the environment according to the pattern that comes in after the initial point comes up here.
Here also, you will be able to see yourself as needing to cocreate with the group soul in a new way to reach its ultimate objective (with karmic availability).
This region is only on the front of the body: top of pubic bone to the xiphoid process. It is an oval that includes all organs.
This zone reflects one’s desire nature in such a way that they can ultimately achieve their desires of self in some way. And also needs to reflect soul desires symbolically.
When this is not the case, (your desires are in conflict with soul desires), you will be notified here, normally at the point in the center of the circle— navel.
Each quadrant (16) relates to a different type of desire or aspect of life. (16 sections of a pie/wheel)
Point 16: Desires to see the One Life (God) manifest in some way in your life.
Point 15: This area relates to the need to adjust and set your target to achieving your goals in terms of the group soul. Or heavenly man in terms of the use of your personality will in alignment with your soul will and spiritual will.
Point 14: This area reflects a need to cognize a greater desire coming from the inner group to replace the one you are holding.
Point 13: This area reflects a need to coordinate and relate the desire you are holding to the desire that wants to come in, in such a fashion that they appear to be one, and thus to act on that, and in that way.
Point 12: This area can be understood with the idea of regulating your breath in such a way that all is harmonized in the environment though what needs to come in, in terms of right desire.
Point 11 – 1:
This nadis region consists of the right portion of the pelvic girdle. Includes the inguinal crease and psoas/iliopsoas, gluteus medias, and maximus.
This nadis region consists of the left portion of the pelvic girdle. Includes the inguinal crease and psoas/iliopsoas, gluteus medias, and maximus.
This nadis is the front of the right thigh (rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and vastus lateralis) up to inguinal crease.
This region is the right shin area: (base of the patella to the tibial insertion point (v))
- Right ankle
- Right foot
- This nadis is the front of the left thigh (rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and vastus lateralis) up to inguinal crease.
- This region is the left shin area: (base of the patella to the tibial insertion point (v))
- Left ankle
- Left foot
- Right knee – front (the whole patella ––and femur and tibia (on the sides)
- Left knee – front (the whole patella ––and femur and tibia (on the sides)
- Right – back of thigh (quadriceps to the back of knee)
- Right calf region to ankle
- Left – back of thigh (quadriceps to the back of knee)
- Left calf region to ankle
- Lower back and sacral/coccyx region: (Sacral, coccygeal, lumbar, region to t12.) Circle
- Cervical and thoracic spinal region
- Right side upper back, dorsal sagittal plane: top of shoulders (including head of humerus) to base of rib cage to spinal erectors.
- Left side upper back, dorsal sagittal plane: : top of shoulders (including head of humerus) to base of rib cage to spinal erectors.
- Back of right upper arm – humerus
- Front of right upper arm – humerus
- Right lower arm (front and back)
- Back of left upper arm – humerus
- Front of left upper arm – humerus
- Left lower arm (front and back)
- Right elbow
- Left elbow
- Right wrist and thumb
- Left wrist and thumb
- Right fingers and palm
- Left fingers and palm
Nine Facets of the (Human Body) Geodesic – An Introduction based upon examples of a Work in Progress
Within the Plan there includes the unfoldment of these images in 96 ways.
[Oversoul note: What is given below is given as an opportunity to greatly move forward in understanding yourself and salvaging yourself. We regard this as a necessary creative project for you that will lead to other things down the road.
You will also be given an opportunity to express yourself in this way using this technique and four others in demonstrating the likelihood of success to yourself and others per their ability to communicate with the soul while in body in very exact ways and to progress their development through the interfacing with their guiding angels, likewise soul, and group soul. Thus, they will all be initiates of one degree or another.]
Two Evaluation Subjects. Subjects are X Female and Y Male both Aspirants to the Mysteries:
40 characteristics to achieving the ideal or reflection of the 1st facet of the Geodesic for “X” to better salvage her substance. A few of the discovered points requiring balance or integration have been explained but many have not.
- Left groin pain signifies two things: You might be aware that the energies coming into your field at this time, have two relationships to the ideal heart image above the
- Coccyx pain
- Vomer – below nose
- Right side of head
- Right sciatic
- Left shoulder/ trapezius, near neck (superior edge of scapula near angle)
- Large intestine point on left forearm (below elbow, between radius and ulnar)
- [Y – left hand middle – pinky finger tips]
- right muscle on shoulder
- Left temple point
- Base of second toe (left side)
- Left SI joint)
- Right head point and left knee
- Left thigh point and middle left toe (base)
- Left thigh
- Right head point – parietal bones, roof of mouth on right side, right ear – center
- Liver point – below rib cage + left knee
- Root of penis, root of tongue
- Gall bladder 30, knee, SI joint region – all left side)
- Left SI, and transverse of l-4,5)
- Left wrist, 2 locations on ventral side) between radius and ulnar.
- Above occipital ridge (middle point)
- Bicep on left arm – point on edge of tricep.
- C6 & Left transverse process.
- Out more on left arm
- In more on left arm
- Right shoulder/ trapezius, near neck (superior edge of scapula near angle)
- – 35.
- Below 1” from right shoulder/scapula point
- ***(dual) Pons point to right, (2) left SI-joint, (3,4) left stomach point on shin (2 locations –bt 40&41), left pectoral, above rib 6,
- Back right hand, above wrist ½ “
- s*** left Gemini/air point, right arch, left lung point 5. 4 points on head – 2 right near parietal, 2 on left temple.
- ***left shoulder blade, left leg – below calf on bladder meridian,
“X’s” Real Integration Needs into Group Pattern:
- Knees in general: how you humble yourself in life.
- Left knee – left groin: too humbling in the world – false humility (not honoring value…)
- Left zygomatic region of skull (below parietal) – subpersonalities that relate to males.
- Right knee: Way in life that you need to be more humbled. (over-confidence)
- Left knee: Way in life, you need to be less humbled.
- Right groin – Value others more – or your environment (Receiving lecture on leadership. How you set the tone of the environment – as CEO sets the tone, values, experience of everyone in the company) Remember and acknowledge this power and take responsibility for your and other experiences moment by moment.
- Right scalene point, above clavicle – take more responsibility in terms of direction.
- Left bra point – under arm: don’t be so secretive.
- Right point on head – understand the love that others want to share with you.
- Left turkey point, below rib cage – easily feared and likes to run away from sexual misconduct (if it comes up, run.)
- Right turkey point below rib cage – afraid of challenging self in situations of sexual misconduct (if it comes up, deal with it)
- Both turkey points together – get ready to run but first try to deal with it. (run = change subject, energy, etc…)
- Left shin point (bt. Tibia and fibula, near stomach meridian) – be more vulnerable to those around you and their real needs for direction based upon soul feeling.
- Right SI joint – This relates to the idea that each of us are seemingly shadowed by what appears to us to be righteous action on our parts and deem it necessary to be done according to our will. (3 points on top of head near center, slightly to the right (Sources are Oversoul, group 1-5, and group of 14) over ear up, 1 “relationship rescue group; the point on temporal bone: the astral family group). You need to act on what appears to be self-righteous action.
- Medial scapula midway point on right side signifies your effort to do this will prevent harm to either yourself or others in the long run and produce positive karma for those involved if successfully done.
- C-4, 5, 6, 7, along right spinal erector – you give yourself as a spiritual person in body to another.
- Left shoulder front (includes lung point TCM) – needs to be responsible for all the time and energy that others provide to you on your behalf karmically and responsibly for the sake of life and redeem this necessary in terms of the time Y has and will spend with you in making your life work for you throughout the rest of your incarnations, which will grow out of this one.
- The below areas are the areas for which you are karmically responsible with Y:
- Left forearm – lung side medial – To develop a correct sexual relationship (left pinky toe = relates to need to have correct emotional feeling about yourself and your sexuality when in union sexually with Y, in terms of developing a way of being together that honors yourself and him in uniting your hearts and bodies into one energy field.
- Left temple point – “You need to be aware, that all information that comes through the inner groups and individuals needs to be used in accordance with the Plan or karma will be created that will be difficult to work off in a short period of time.
- Right forehead – above eyebrow.: We want you to know that this point above the eyebrow is the most significant point and relates you always to something that cannot be avoided without harm being created.
- Point in center of forehead/ajna: this point is most significant of all because it represents a directive by the soul to be on guard in the moment to carry out a necessary karmic debt in terms of the creation of a form on its behalf.
- Point on left of left groin point: This point relates to the idea that Y’s life and X’s life have equal value, and each must respect the other’s and serve each in that way.
- Right rib back point
- Left leg point
- Rear patella increase.
- Right point behind ear—guiding angel point
- right trapezius / scalene point.
- Above head of humerus: all reasonable requests must be honored in a responsible way.
- Both kidney/liver points (2) — rib 8: This point relates to the idea that one needs to imitate the Christ in salvaging of another’s substance in respect to their real needs.
- Left occipital point –
- 1st perineum point – left side
- right hip
- Left ankle inside: Sense of relationship to yourself, in terms of gender (first one is always the concept)
- Left groin pain – need to value yourself more, the way that your soul values you (as an accurate receiver of impressions)
- Radiating left groin pain- down to inner ankle along spleen/liver lines: Your disposition in relationship to your soul was compromised by you disregarding your way of moving in the world towards meeting your objectives that was initiated and fail-safe by the soul.
- Left and right groin pain – Together, I need to evaluate myself and world more. You were just valuating the world of Target. It is honored and respected – sanctified. Honor surveillance as needed to protect people from themselves.
- Right ear to right knee – Your direction in life needs to be better attuned to the soul, in terms of what your soul has given to you (concept that you now have the tools and ability to evaluate yourself in relation to others and the environment).
- and right groin and left knee pain.
- Left transverse process, left ear.
- Liver point under rib cage– left knee – groin.
- Liver point under rib cage.
- Right arch point – (t12 on foot reflex chart) – relates to an inability to see oneself as being able to cope with what you are receiving. (X was receiving energies from 4 women and my sub-personalities responded).
“Y’s” Real Group Integration Needs:
- Right side of mouth on bottom – Need to be more elegant with thinking more in line with the soul.
- Right side of mouth on top – Need to be thinking about something different more in line with the soul.
- Left side occipital point – take action on what you are hearing from outside environment more in line with the group soul.
- Right side occipital point – Release self for service in the Moment – be channel, good, bad or ugly. To love those as you love yourself.
- Perineum v to both inside ankles – in a gender way, people are holding you in a positive sense in thinking or speech.
Note – pressure on back left head, above occipital ridge=– X’s Guiding Disciple (2)
You have been given the above information in an effort to rearrange/ repattern your approach your selves in relation to the Plan. You see that there are many points in the pattern that need to be adjusted to manifest as desired. And each of these points, can and will act as points of communication in the future, when we wish to communicate a certain awareness needed to fully unfold this pattern, and thus personify it. We have given you two ideas here. The first idea that you are responsible for your part in the play, represented by the pattern/point of the pattern. Second, you both now have identical purposes, thus oriented towards the same pattern. In an effort to accomplish this, you each have been given guides, as you know. And these guides wish to make several things known at this time, for your benefit, and to carry forth the work which they promised to do for your souls and mine.
An Analysis based upon integration with X’s company presently employed.
Left Eyebrow: two things need to remember who you are as a person in love with god and in the other area you need to receive input from yourself if the point is the left of center of original point.
Left eyebrow and ringing in left ear and R inner ear: 2: You have been given information on how to control the managerial output from those around you in these 10 ways: and secondly you have been given information as to your role in this world today only.
L eyebrow plus everything above plus L hip joint 5 inches from sacral iliac joint: 3 or 4: Need to remind you that your life here in terms of action requires you to achieve a certain dedication to right way of moving into the pattern representing the soul context of company and in this regard you have been given the idea of necessary movements earlier in respect to purification of this personality (Target) –four already received—diet related—water, regulating personality in terms of time for self-nurturing; regulating personality in terms of being able to achieve a greater inter-personal integration requiring greater control of speech between units.
Performance review: R ear ringing: this idea relates to the fact that you as an entity must organize and schedule your own review prior to this review to hedge your understanding of real needs of company.
L throat: L & R eyebrows & ringing in the ears: 4 You have been given the idea of regulating your life here around the life of the company and to do such you must always approach this life from the soul perspective and in this way achieve a greater understanding of your role in this world (symbolic of the whole world; do you yet see the eventual results of all life training for each person no matter where they are at; for you here requires that you achieve this understanding quickly to pass it on to those around you in subtle ways to enhance their own positions with themselves and the company and the world at large; do you not see the simplicity of this and yet your love of self-doing will undermine this process unless you pay close attention to real details of the pattern trying always to come in –reflect each day at work of the larger soul pattern that each person occupies and all will be well. See to it you escape time to time within yourself to do this as silence is sometimes needed to brood on channel of descension—respect your decisions coming in from this way once grasped and all will be well.
Two new points on forehead above eyebrows in middle of forehead: your belief that you as an individual has probable outcome to decide the fate of the many around you and in this way we want you to continue believing this is such. (you are recognizing your ability to register pattern of review actually needed not the one you are going to receive.
Three points back of head and ringing of the R ear: this relates you to the idea of achieving a more dedicated and focused review of your own potential here we have given you 42 ways for self-reviewing in this company’s pattern (soul).
L inside thigh next to groin but over towards bottom: 3 You have been given the idea of regulating your lifestyle to improve your stance in the world and in respect to this we have given you data earlier to reflect upon above (42 things) we want you to grasp at this point we entered how it is you can achieve your desired results unless you act on data given —this means when receiving here act now—say something you are receiving.
L point of butt towards hip; R side also; and then on top of head: this relates to the idea of achieving a greater spirit conscious of your groups purpose in alignment with present spirit needs and this is in two ways represented by 2 points on butt: 1 being you degree of ® side of dedication on the inner planes opposed to your dedication (L side) of your personal life—your subjective direction in relationship to your present outward manifestation of this—these need to come together in the ways you are receiving for this immediate context here. If somebody in authority is relating something that does not represent the truth of real needs. And this will come up for you to adjust in some closer way. Figure out what the untruth is and integrate this.
Under right toe. – second/ base: This point relates to the idea that you will be receiving control in this area, relating to the topic —-Logistics.
A Further Analysis of X’s Integration Needs
Two over middle of eyes: 6: These relate to the idea that you and you alone, are responsible for all thought processes, entering and leaving the mind/brain space. We have given you the idea that your worthiness as a spiritual being has yet to really be considered by you, for which you need to do in these areas:
- Right eye point: this signifies a change in your status as your right eye is now beginning to open (using figuratively). This represents your relationship to buddhi and your immortal soul which is focused in the Christ.
- We want you to know two things here, that your life as you are living it in this moment doesn’t become you. And regardless of how you feel about yourself, in regard to your thoughts, which aren’t your thoughts, need to be relegated to the background to see what lies behind them as opposed to how you are interpreting them, through these other voices. If you could abstract them to the point of reality, you could see what the real message is and not the deluded message.
- You have been wise to attempt to see yourself on a daily basis from the point of view of the soul. Yet your actions have not been successful. We want to tell you things about yourself, you haven’t gotten, in relationship to this moment in class. (4)
- You have been given an opportunity to express yourself to these other peoples, which you have done in a very eloquent way in respect to your personality mindset which you were unconscious of.
- Note: reasonable request: don’t assume you know what you are talking about in terms of your personality mind. Sub-personalities are misinterpreting the personality mind’s messages, so you are not getting my soul’s message.
- We want you to realize that you are also at this time, the mind is communicating with the soul, gathering information on your future and how you need to interact in the world in a variety of different settings. This was also being mistranslated by subs.
- And also your soul was being communicated with by your oversoul in 4 different topics. Which is also being misrepresented by your sub-personalities.
Left eye: We have gathered together our resources and placed them into your mindset (ashram group). This will precipitate over the next few days and weeks. And this consists of information about your past and future. But most importantly, it represents those things which will be known to you and misrepresented by your sub-personalities. All in all, we wanted to let you know in this moment, that you are living on all these levels, and will be misrepresented by these sub-personalities which will pervert the message.
Left inner ankle, right inner ear:
Right inner ear: guidance from the soul (also right outer ear)
Left inner ankle: inner female (both inside ankles are female/ outside are male)
You have been given the idea that we on the inner side, represented by right inner ear, are trying you to let go of your feminine identity as a person and to become more neutral in the presentation of yourself. This requires you to wake up and see yourself as a soul, which is neither male nor female. This will produce a neutral personality space, which will be more readily revealing of our message as the way the soul sees it.
Sub-personalities can also be understood to represent symbols of the life of the soul in a karmic set of sheaths—these six acts as a group.
- Innocent, playfulness carefreeness, non-corruptibility – 12 year old
- Lesbian: pleasure, heartfulness, creates an ambiance that prevents bad things from happening. War boots—sweeping—this relates to the idea of securing grace in life by taking action in respect for others as a way to improve your standing; always observant of its surroundings does many things at once.
- The carefree wild one: regulates life and others to get its needs met. It represents a way to achieve its destiny without a struggle; it represents a way to control others to have a good time; it represents for others a way to go that represents its own interests but in a playful way.
- Whole earth moving: sexual relation sub requires the earth to move for her and in this way achieves notoriety in style and position in the world— (common cause of future problem with Y); symbolizes exactitude in getting its desires met—reference point is sole of left foot.
- Dominant sexual sub: likes to have its way at all times, settles for nothing less and at times cruel and heartless
- Cribbed women on a crutch: needy; dependent; helpless; lonely
White Dove—divine grace removing from aura several of these characteristics preventing integration. Would like to say help is on the way here do not despair.
The time has come when we will lift you out of an old shell and into a new one (adrenal points and etheric ankle, right head).
- Adrenal point (right): Your power in the use of the will, will increase 10-fold before the year ends (full moon Wesak)
- Adrenal point (left): Your compassion will increase 20-fold before the year ends
Composed by HZ from a set of impressions received in meditation and kinesic evaluation of nadi points.
Esoteric Healing – Six Golden Deva Related Healing Forms
Esoteric Healing – A Devic Healing Session Example
Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri
Esoteric Healing – A Way of Absorbing Atomic Energy from the Environment
Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing
Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training
Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments
Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence
Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release
Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri
Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers
Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras
Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer
Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….
Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access
Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color
Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other
Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)