Nicholas Roerich Museum - Mohammed the Prophet

New Group World Servers – A Message

New Group World Servers – A Subjective Source Message From its Security Sub-Group


You would be pleased to know that each of us determines our path through life by our willingness to concede to great ideas and in this way we pattern ourselves after the great ones. Would like you to know your life has always been patterned such and in this way you have achieved.

We endeavor to find within each of us here a new rhythm that sets the stage for the coming year and during this time of year and in this way we achieve even greater opportunities. This year we have planned two things a little differently:

First: you must ask yourself how I can serve with distinction this year:

Second: ask yourself how we can believe more in others for them to better achieve this greatness or distinction?


In this regard it would be wise to promote the following NGWS principles. (16)

  • Principle of receiving information from NGWS subjectively for the common welfare of all life forms on the planet.
  • Principle of receiving and generating information from NGWS subjectively as to the nature of the Plan now unfolding for the benefit of the planet.
  • Principle of isolating those members of the human race who are members and bring this awareness to their conscious mind.
  • Principle of receiving and generating a similar massed intent as to how we would like this planet to unfold into the future.
  • Principle of receiving and generating a socio-political platform expressing ultimate values of all concerned.
  • Principle of debating a general solution to world issues based upon the greatest good for the greatest number.
  • Principle of generating and receiving for the world’s best interest that information which will safeguard the security of all.
  • Principle of expressing the truths that need to be expressed to better make this world one we want to live in.
  • Principle of sharing with others world resources for the benefit of all.
  • Principle of altering our existing resource base to include the idea of including the lower kingdom real needs in this regard.
  • Principle of expressing those truths which will change the face of this planet to assist us in preparing for a world governing body that includes the voices of all members of humanity.
  • Principle of sharing with each other our real concerns in such a way that human dignity is recognized as a common force for the betterment of the planet.
  • Principle of altering of our life style to include the welfare of each.
  • Principle of altering of our life style to create more free time to increase the quality of our life through education of our minds to better increase the common good.
  • Principle of sharing with others certain gifts and abilities as nations for the welfare of all.
  • Principle accepting into our live a greater degree of respect as to the value of the heart in making decisions.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

Incoming Impressions from the Hierarchy to the NGWS to Humanity

Various Subjective Communications from the New Group of World Servers (NGWS).

The Christ & New Group World Servers

Fourteen Values Useful to Promote in the World Now

The Christ and Some Full Moon Values

The Age of Aquarius – Some Values to be Promoted and Expressed