Nicholas Roerich Museum - Kardang

Discipleship Training – Some Further Adjunct Information

What might be some of the real needs of a disciple to enhance their ability to tread the path of discipleship? First, it is about them becoming more proficient in ways of personality, Soul, and spirit interaction.  Second, it is about subjective group training and the group assisting the disciple to become more familiar with themselves and their life path. For each disciple there are different levels of information to accomplish this.

Training from the group is basically the process of retrieving information from the disciple’s Soul to enhance their forward movement. This information needs to be formally cataloged so they will know what is needed at each section of the training. This training assists the disciple in adjusting their life in such a way as to perceive the many virtues and gifts they have to share with others.

Each disciple makes the time on a day-to-day basis to consciously tread the path living the dual life. One of the goals is them perceiving themselves the way the Soul perceives them. This is a long and slow process of past life reviews and the delineating of dweller characteristics which appear to be endless. This ultimately secures the ability and capacity to achieve the destiny as a Soul in service to the One Life; and thus tread the One Path without uncertainty or confusion. This comes about through their realization of the true nature of the Plan through the re-creation of themselves and their environment. It is the Soul that nurtures this and also nurtures the needed belief in yourself. It is only this belief from a continuously expanding point of view as to the truer nature of the Path that permits the disciple to caretake the three worlds appropriately with right timing and action. This requires also a knowledge of the future to better enhance the inevitable. With each stage of destiny co-created a further revelation is invoked and apperceived and the Path unfolds due to the unfolding of the expanding purposefulness of the soul and its integrating relationship to Spirit.

Time spent searching the world over for a master teacher to assist in your spiritual unfoldments processes can better be spent in searching within yourself given there are no better teachers that one’s Soul.  Each of us is responsible for our own salvation and it is this salvation that will free us to be ourself. As denoted above the process of registering information from subjective sources within yourself is ultimately the way to achieve with assuredness one’s purposeful goals. Once you know beyond doubt that your life is not really yours you will discover the truth of yourself. Also. once you know beyond doubt the significance of the words—the path needs be created out of your own livingness you will know all you need to know to integrate and progress the fusing of the Soul and personality.

In a review of the existing teachers now on the planet that teach on the topic of discipleship many of these teachers emphasize the significance of service, but it is a service based upon the personality’s idea of service and not that of Spirit’s which in essence is energy in qualified motion.  The disciple must recognize the difference and to do so requires identification of the wills of the personality, Soul, and spirit.  Each of these wills reflects a certain status of self-recognition. It is a recognition based upon the degree and nature of group life one is identified with. Each disciple qualifies for training according to four areas: karma; capacity; ability to release the past; and the ability to identify with the Plan.  In all of these areas they must qualify.

You have been given the indication that there are many disciples out there in the world working hard to achieve the goals set out by the Ashrams—this is so but it is also so that the world is at a critical juncture and many more are needed to arrive at the goal set before us by the Christ.

The Plan indicates that the Christ is at an important junction in carrying out His Duties as head of the Hierarchy and this is so. The rewards outweigh any amount of effort needed to assist—this you can be assured.

The Christ has brought many of his brethren into the earthy stage and as this was written there are literally.

  • Over 146,000 first degree initiates
  • Over 1700 second degree initiates
  • Over 500 third degree initiates now working in the world from six different ashrams.


The disciple has been given the ongoing need of registering the Soul of things; and it is their right to do so but first they must register consciously their own spiritual Soul (as opposed to the human Soul), and this requires them to have the patience of a saint.  It has been given by some that the nature of the Soul is instilled at birth and slowly dawns upon the consciousness of the individual as they mature through life experiences this is not so—what matures through life experiences is the personality. The spiritual Soul is more than that, it is the fruit of an earlier evolution and has complete mastery of all phases of consciousness. It has a complete identification of will with Spirit and is inseparable. It has penetrated the cosmic planes and dwells at the heart of the Heart. It is all that you will hope to be in your consciousness and will.  The Soul is a sacrifice or a prisoner of the planet until the disciple achieves their dharmic goal on this planet.  The spiritual Soul is not comprehendible by any still identified with the personality and thus humanity.  It is in this way you might apperceive a glimmer of what our potential might be through its tutelage.  The Soul itself is a master of all degrees and likens itself to the universal Soul which it is a part of. The Soul (more than anything else we can identify with) represents our concept of self or Self or One Self.  This is what permits us to identify with the One Self and yet perceive this identification.  The One Soul is our immediate and ultimate Teacher. Our levels freedoms will expand before our eyes once this teaching is being correctly demonstrated.

The subjective information that disciples retrieve for others and themselves are normally of two general types that information required by the human soul and that by the personality. The presenters of such guidance must choose a balance. Each disciple comes from various places in life, but all must be integrated more fully in the group life. This requires retrieving information concerning liberating each disciple from themselves. This is a process based upon healing and healing sessions. Healing is ultimately about integration of the three major periodic vehicles, redemption of consciousness and salvation of substance.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

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