Nicholas Roerich Museum - Path to Kailas

First Ray Ashram –General Significance within the One Ashram

Some examples of its significance in the order of their  importance:

It is the first Ray which completes the nature and timing of the One Ashram unfoldment process.

It is the first Ray which permits the exclusivity of its existence and allows the One Ashram to exist as a separate body.

It is the first Ray that orders the Lives within the One Ashram to work as a whole.

It is the first Ray that exhibits the greatest amount dynamic magnetism, not the second Ray.

It is the first Ray that expresses the goal for the whole Ashram.

It is the first Ray which permits its members to express their love for the One Life. The ability of each ashram to function cooperatively within the whole is engendered by the first Ray’s identification with Shamballa.

It is the first Ray ashram which permits the extension or influence of Sanat Kumara to be identified within the other ashrams.

It is the first Ray ashram which permits the group as a whole to approach the solar Logos and the cosmic Logos.

It is the first Ray ashram that carries the burden of the Plan for it is that ashram which must interrupt the Purpose of the Will of God.

It is the first Ray ashram which permits the carrying forth of all the ashrams into the future.

It is the first Ray ashram that prepares the members of all the ashrams through training.

It is the first Ray ashram that coordinates all of the sub ashrams through permitting their unfoldment in terms of directing the timing of training to carry out Purpose.

It is the first Ray ashram which substantiates the entire One Ashram with the energy of Love.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

Esoteric Healing – Some Practical Uses of the Seven Rays in Healing & Service Revised 07/06/23

49 Hierarchical Individuals and/or Groups and Hierarchical Externalization

Posted in Discipleship & Initiation, The Plan.