Nicholas Roerich Museum - The Treasure

A Discussion Dedicated to all of those Individuals, Throughout Time, who have been Persecuted for Truth Sake.

The Sojourn towards Truth

Part I: Truth and Vision

Most of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings writings available speak as if the path was a sojourn away from the earth and not towards it. This is a mistaken idea placed in the minds of those who are not yet totally at one with the Purposes for the creation of this world by the mystics of the world.  It is the mystics and devotees that have dominated the book market entering the New Age and not the world disciples who believe it not really possible to make the truth known to those who are not ready to hear and rightly so. It is these true disciples that that can offer hope to the world by taking the opportunity to make known their position for the world is at a point where this understanding is most needed if the Plan is to unfold as intended.

It has been suggested that the many mystics around the planet perceive in general that there is no reason to take some pragmatic hand’s on responsibility for the world.  In their eyes the world is basically a product of the free will of the people.  I say this is true, but the people have no real future vision.  But The world is full of visionaries, how could this be? For the simple reason that these visionaries see only their personality vision not the Father’s vision.  But the world disciples do have the Father’s Vision but their ability to communicate this to be heard in any constructive way is a daunting task and the time spent in doing this, in all likelihood, is ineffectual at best and at worst sever the relationships with those around them preventing any future constructive interrelationships with these people. This one of the reasons for the discussions on this site.

You have been given the idea by the Mystics and others that the sojourn of the soul through the lower worlds is based upon a common idea that the earth itself is a place where the individuals can unfold their evolutionary potentials but to do what with it no one ever really says in general.  But I tell you this, the world is a place where this happens and this to the point of perfection.  This means that each soul eventually perfectly reproduces itself in the form expression of a human being capable of doing everything the soul is capable of doing.  But this is only the first stage of the evolutionary process completed and a long one at that. What is not told is that, why this is the case.  This site discussion is basically an attempt to address this question and this question alone.

The world is in a place where it has little time left to seek its purpose.  A purpose exposed to the world throughout the countless centuries. There has been many an avatar or divine being at one level or another incarnate to envision for the people god’s Plan and all of these avatars, to the one, has challenged the people to hold this Vision of Purpose.  Whether Moses, with the10 Commandments and the freeing of “god’s people” from slavery from a dying cult of antiquity; or Muhammad, with rules of ordered conduct or right divine relations between god and the people; or Abraham Lincoln of modern times, a messenger of god whose task was to create unity and harmony in a nation destined with a purpose.  All of these and the countless others historically needed in that moment to give to the people a vision necessary for their own happiness and prosperity.

I say to you, awaken, the hour has come again, seek the Vision. The Vision of god, carried by Its messengers. This requires us to perceive just one thing and just one thing alone and that is to love.  This is the task He has set before us. What does it mean to love now given where humanity is – at present?  What is humanity’s real need? What will it take for humanity to have happiness and prosperity for all of humankind? These questions say the same thing and indicate a common solution.   It is this question, as the above three questions are one, if correctly answered, that will lead the people back to the Vision within the Mind of God.   You might ask, what is the nature of this Vision?   Look inside of your own group heart presence and search for its content.

I venture to say you are yet unsure of its content. If this is the case then the characteristic event in your life that you need to secure within is that of true peace. I venture to say that if the way to secure the necessary peace (leading to the securing one’s heart presence content) is meditated upon than we all will arrive at a similar answer eventually after our reasoning is complete. And this answer will be: that peace will come once you can know the truth of any thing.   The truth, if understood, makes all things perfect and acceptable in one’s eyes.

The truth is not just a word, defined by some dictionary; it is not a relative concept giving meaning to an event; it is not a fact held nor a perspective of an individual; it is neither a witnessing of bystanders of a causative event. The truth is an experience acknowledged by an individual of his essential multi-dimensional relationship to the One Life of the universe itself—it is experienced in the heart empty of words but filled with comprehension.  We can only approach the truth with our words we can never contain it with them.

Yes, it is this truth, that humanity shares above all other things, that unites them into a common bond and a common destiny.  It is this truth that aids them throughout the day to keep going, that nurtures them that gives them hope when they believe their friends and loved ones have abandoned them. It is the truth they find upon their doorstep when everything appears lost through no fault of their own decisions, but through the seemingly vicissitudes of group life.  It is truth, courageous and undaunted by everything else that drives us forward into the unknown future. It is truth, alone and unaided, that captures the essence of our beingness. It is truth……., it is truth…….. It is truth.

Again, I say to you, awaken yet again, for the hour has come to set truth, oneness, and divine love above all else.  Let the vision of their unity drive you into your future and see firsthand the bounty that they bring. At the least, you might risk losing your worldly status a status offering little compared to that of the soul status you could potentially gain.  What is meant by status? I mean just that. Just as in the world status is gained by successful events perceived through the eyes of the world.  The same is true in the world of soul and spirit.  Each gives their accolades and rewards.

You have been given the idea, by the mystics of the world, that the spiritual path is both a product of (1) purification, (2) obedience to god the Father within, and (3) enlightenment gained from meditation, prayer, and study of god’s word.  This is only the beginning of the path of life; the path itself does not begin until the above is somewhat perfected.  It is then one is capable of even recognizing the path.  You might ask, how could this be so, what messengers of god provided us with any other alternative.

You have been given the idea, by the present mystics of the world, that through following the above three rules one’s spirituality will unfold into perfection.  It has been this idea, held out before the masses, that has created our present theological institutions and many religious orders and new age movement.   The world for the first time, because of the mental development of the race, requiring an up-to-date mental presentation on the nature of the path, one that could not be shared with humanity until the race was ready.   Humanity is still not ready but soon will be once the idea of the One Humanity penetrates down into day-to-day decision-making processes.

Humanity cannot yet be trusted to do the right thing in respect to occult knowledge required to move forward upon the subjective and objective path.  It is occult knowledge, along with planetary service, that will demonstrate the truth of this path. It is occult knowledge and true service that will create upon this planet:

right human relations,

a will-to-good,

an understanding around peoples reasons for existence,

a true sharing of resources,

a greater transparency of Geo-political boundaries,

a greater peace and security,

a world where everyone can be understood for their gifts that they share with the world,

for a planet attuned and aligned in creating national and regional decisions for the planet as a whole,

for demonstrating to the world the purpose of life, and of law, and of right justice.


One of the purposes of this discussion is to adjust the readers understanding in the nature of spiritual occultism. It needs understanding to better adapt men’s minds to the idea that freedom above all things is required to really have god’s way among humankind.  And it is spiritual occultism that proffers this freedom if correctly held and practiced thus only dangers follow if not.  We believe, as spiritual occultists, in the inevitability of the principle of freedom as the ruling concept upon this planet and for the solar system itself once men’s minds are accustomed to such an idea.  We also believe it is men’s minds that above all need to be free.  It is a freedom that will permit the mirroring of the soul henceforth.  It will also permit the mirroring of people’s souls to others so that the truth can be known correctly.  We have given you some idea of spiritual occultism but have yet to defined or described its practice and this for two reasons: First it would not be understood and second it would not be believed as yet for the many have not had the experience to justify what might be said.

In all the ages that have come and gone, the ability or should I say capacity of certain great men who have walked among us were all spiritual occultists in different ways.  Their powers were not derived from humanity but from the One Soul.  Their gifts were many and their loneliness great also, what is it about these gifted humans that produced in them these powers. It was one thing and that was the ability to effectively serve humanity’s vision in some way, nothing more but also nothing less.  These were men and yet were gods not created from some feebly man’s mind but gods with the powers of god as they were one, not only in consciousness but in will. And it was god’s will that flowed through them into the race of men. All beheld the same likeness, the same qualities, and yet the same brotherhood; a brotherhood of gods that used to be men.

What can be said more that will convince you of your inevitable fate as a human being. What likelihood of you choosing a different path than those that came before you. What fate would you like brother and sister of mine if you care to be. What more can be said to convince of a destiny awaiting your embrace?  Is it love that you want? Is it power?  Is it wisdom? Is it Divine Gifts? Then they are waiting for you.  They only require one thing and one thing only—your belief in yourself as part of the One Soul.

The hour has arrived when you, whether seen as great or small among your worldly brethren, must rise up and take hold of that very thing that animates your heart and your path and this one thing is your belief in yourself.  Those around you will not give it to you.  Your loved ones will not give it to you.  Your friends will not give it to you.  Only you can give it to you, but it is you that must be discovered within the heart of your being and this heart is waiting for you.   It has waited for you for Aeons, and it waits for you still for that which has adored you throughout time.  Adore the Self; you must, to see the Self truly as you are.

The hour has come, to awaken to the call from the Voice within the Silence. A silence so deep those men’s minds and hearts need be organized to hear its call.  Thus, the path, thus the three rules of purity, meditation and study.  The path that begins once these three are perfected is that path of spiritual occultism.  A path so devoid of self-recognition that who wish to travel upon it must first lose their way and find The Way.  It is a path full of obstacles at every turn, obstacles placed there by oneself in distant past.  It is a path where we can adore the thorny crown, the battered robe, the staff of life for others, and the winged sandals as a messenger from god.  It is a path strung upon golden steps garnished from time from those who have passed by.  It is a path with pitfalls many but all who travel the narrow path experience them not.  It is a path from here to there adorn by all but privileged by few.  It is a path where many stumble and fall and fail but return again with joy for there is no other path.

You have been given the construct of rescuing from the past, your golden past, and those many treasures now at your feet. Treasures of the heart, treasures of your mind, and those treasures not yet perceived from Spirit to be received.  Take these treasures back Home and lay these at the feet of them who sent you.  And in that moment, when you can look upon His Face, realize His nature and livingness is likewise an inherent part of you.

We have given you, yes we, for we are you and I, what we need to journey forward upon our way Home.


Part II: Truth and the Journey

We welcome you to an amazing journey into the unknown. Within this amazing journey you will find at your feet a multidimensional path.  Upon this path walks all those sons of men who have or will be distinguished and have demonstrated movement from the darkness to the light and movement to the real from the unreal. In using the lessor light to see in the greater Light and in the discovery of the real leads to the most important of all translations – the changing of chaos into beauty. Each of you, more than you realize is symbolic of the human race in that each of you represents the totality of humanity.

What do I mean by this?  The totality of your visions, your individual soul life patterns, your personality spiritual ambitions and your love of a greater beingness then yourselves are inherently those of humanity’s.  You each have been given a destiny, a destiny that resonates with the One Humanity.  For it is this destiny which will nourish, guide, and inspire you to move into the future. The light that is within you is in all that exists.  It is this light that will guide you with assured-ness along your path and safeguard you from yourselves.  It is also this light that will demonstrate to you things unseen and unheard by those who have not yet found this light.

Under the influence of the sun an amazing transformation is happening.  Humanity is organizing itself to see itself.  The efforts of the present manvantara (or cycle of time which is presently a part of a Kali Yuga consisting of 432,000 years) are only now coming into fruition in regard to humanity. The many humanities which this solar system is giving birth to are growing closer together (there are many different planets that humanity is evolving on dimensionally considered – astral planets, mental planets, etheric planets). At some distant point in the future, these many humanities will become the One Humanity within our awareness.  It is at this time, in the final minutes of the manvantara that the purposeful existence for all humanities will be known.  Until such time, we must question our purpose, we must question the direction in life we are meant to go as a group.

For each of us there will come a time when we know that all of our personal and spiritual visions and ambitions have been fulfilled.  That is the purpose for which we find ourselves here.  It is our responsibility to make this probability a reality.  None of us here at this time, and in this place, yet know, the fullness of this pattern.  You do not know what you will become.  We assure you of this, it will be more than you envision.  We have come to a time, in this presentation, for you to have a first-hand knowledge of this possibility.  I am asking all of you now to put aside your concepts of self and permit the vision of your futures to embody you.  This is all that we shall ever do here in this place.


Part III: Truth and Law

It is our concern you and I will not be able to fully appreciate what we are trying to accomplish here.   What do I mean? I mean it is a beginning into the knowledge of how the universe really works.  It is a knowledge of greatness and demands rigor study to understand.  It also demands virtue to properly interpret. It also requires that you and I find a way to better organize our thoughts to make the truth known.  It is just as much a challenge for me as for you for none has really written about the majority of these subjects before, none has tried because the world was not ready nor able to understand.  The mercy of the Lord is great and bothers not to burden unnecessarily others with responsibility before they are ready.

You, as aspirants and disciples, have been given over the years many laws of deity in respect to the universe, but these laws are not what we are going to discuss.  Below are eighteen (18) of 180 spiritual laws related to the soul reified during meditation, some related to those that have come before, and one concluding law which you are familiar with.  We are going to show that these eighteen laws relate to what is necessary once the three rules of purity, meditation, and study are perfected.  Each of these eighteen laws relates to the idea of the recurring dream of the initiate; the dream where his form of service meets its intended task.  It is this dream or goal or plan that animates every thought and action of the initiate or he is not an initiate.  It is this dream, goal, or plan that is responsible for the history of humanity playing itself out over time.  It is this dream, goal, or plan that captures the essence or glory of the One Life as a picture catches an event.


Spiritual Laws & Principles of the Soul: 180 (18)

  1. Law of Reincarnation of a soul that requires a physical body to work off karma.
  2. The Law & Principle of Reincarnation which permits a soul to live several lives within one body.
  3. The Law & Principle of Reincarnation which permits a soul to work off individual karma in a way that benefits his group.
  4. Law & Principle of Fortitude (needed by a soul to perform tasks for the Hierarchy).
  5. Law & Principle that allows other souls to interfere with the workings of this Law of Righteous Interference.
  6. Law & Principle of Deliverance (from the sins of the group).
  7. Law & Principle of Rectitude
  8. Law & Principle of Forbearance
  9. Law & Principle of Scarcity of Resources (needed by the group to carry out their intentions).
  10. Law of Resources
  11. Law & Principle of Mirroring
  12. Law & Principle of Altering Major Leadership in the World
  13. Law of Charismatic Souls
  14. Law of Exemptions
  15. Law of Exclusions
  16. Law of Supply
  17. Law of Merriment
  18. Law & Principle of Incitement


The dream, goal, or plan of the initiate is in itself unremarkable but its power over time creates great changes.  It is these changes that forward the progress of evolution—an idea whose time has come.  All ideas now known and held by humanity arose in this fashion and in this fashion the world is created.  All ideas come from above down and enter those minds according to their purpose—this is the way of life on this planet.  All ideas enter gradually over the course of time into all people’s minds producing civilization and culture unfoldment—this is the way of humanity.

All ideas spread out across the globe according to the those minds responsible to receive them—this is the way of service.  For each of us there is a set of concepts that define who we are and what we are about.  It is these concepts, which was once an idea, that originated in the mind of god and slowly descended as human minds could receive them over the course of time.  All of these concepts that we hold as a race originated with the Mind of God.  We interpret them according to our destiny.  Our destiny is created by our interpretation of these ideas and concepts in respect to our mental understanding and identification or not as an ideal.  Our destiny is also created according to our character development as a nation or race and thus the direction of our lives.  In short, for this is all this is, our destiny and deity’s destiny are one.

The essence is that our destiny is planned, not by us as people, but by us as deity in manifestation and for “goodness’ sake”.   All human beings act out of goodness even though later it appeared otherwise or even the opposite.  Also, all human beings act out of the conviction of their right to be and to behave according to their highest good even though it is not necessarily the highest good for everyone else involved. The law we are presenting now states that each person must know their highest good and the highest good of others their behaviors will affect in accordance with the law of karma.  This means that each person must know the ramifications of their every action upon the planet as a whole to control both their fate and destiny ultimately.  This requires that each of us comprehend the karma created by every action.  This is possible for those who have soul consciousness.  Our ability to reach this ability comes by integrating our personality with our soul. Our ability to do this will determine whether or not we can progress upon the path of spiritual occultism or not and rightly so.

The importance of this karmic law is obvious, it permits the “part” to be responsible for itself and to the “whole” at the same time.  This is based upon the observation that the “whole” is being reproduced within the “part”. It is a consequence of correct causation.  Correct causation is a product of many minds at work manifesting the one mind. It is not more than this. It is correct to say that all is under law and order, and this is true to a point, but the universe is not perfected, and the laws are not known, nor can they be correctly adhered to when they are known.  Laws are a product of evolution and reflect the results of great beings accomplishing their dreams, goals, plans or basically laws are a expression of their evolved Instincts.

You have been given important information above.  It took the form of correct causation, for it is correct causation that determines the likely success of one’s actions in life.  It is correct causation that makes us happy or sad.  It is correct causation that for no apparent reason we can decipher turns our life upside down or right side up.  It is correct causation that permits us karmic freedom to act according to our will or denies this freedom.  It is correct causation that permits us to have both health and well-being and peace and prosperity.  It is correct causation which requires us to backtrack and create that life which is not earlier fully realized but faintly perceived.  It is correct action that requires us to monitor our every thought, word, and deed for everyone’s well-being.  Correct causation is that one thing that is required before we can create our unique path of life.

You have been given the idea the initiate’s life is a life of correct causation according to the Plan. It is a life where the initiate has apperceived his relationship to both humanity and to the Soul.  It is a life where others are permitted to carry out their destiny according to the Soul’s intents.   The life of an initiate is unmarked and unscathed by failure, disappointment, hopelessness, and disillusionment, because the world to him is only an effect of incorrect causation waiting to be rearranged as it will inevitably be.  So, for each of us, there is a correct causation, pattern of energy, or an idea, these three being equal, waiting for us to embody.  Unless we see that we are already engaged in trying to correctly embody an idea or energy pattern symbolizing the cause of our present existence or beingness this argument will have no meaning.

It is important to note that each of you who reads this carefully will make the connection between your life and the history of ideas now acted out as ideals.  It is these ideals that define your controlling thought-form of self with all of your motivations, desires, and even characteristics—think about it for a while and you will see the truth of what is said herein.  The Law states that every person must know his highest good and the effects of himself acting out this on the planet. To do this requires one not to see himself as the actor but as the group he is affiliated with as a soul.  His will is an extension of this group and this permits him to know everything that is required. Without this affiliation no man or women can hope to have the information required to meet the requirements of this law.  Likewise, no man or women, is expected to adhere to this law unless their will is being integrated with the will of the subjective soul group.  For once their wills are unified individual karma is replaced by group karma and falls under the Law of Destiny as opposed to the Law of Karma.  This is a trademark for those traveling upon the path of life as opposed to the karmic path.  Your ability to successfully proceed upon this path of life is a testimony to your understanding of your Self as having group consciousness.  You see others and therefore, you travel not blindly; and therefore, your blindness has been removed by your Soul. What do we mean by blindness here?

Occult blindness is an applied condition that is placed upon the aspirant by the Soul to prevent the aspirant from adhering to the rule, principles, and laws superficially but must know beyond any doubt the truth of himself while immersed in matter.  This prevents many failures later as the aspirant frees themself from matter to walk freely in the light.  It is this light they are blinded by and as their eyes adjust they recognize themselves everywhere. This only happens at the latter stages of the path of life.  It is at this time their hood is removed and for the first time they become consciously aware of what they perceived as existing.   These are two totally different experiences.

The difference is that perception is a state of mind whereas consciousness is a state of being both exist together as the personality-soul exists together with the divine Soul. What does this have to do with the Law? First of all, the law states that each must be aware of the effects of their actions upon the planet, and they must do this blindly.  This requires much skill in action, secondly much ability to meditate, and much experimentation over time along with ability to trust the group soul, and a developed wisdom in junction with much knowledge and purity.  Each of these must be developed before the aspirant can succeed in creating his dream. Much of this happens outside of the aspirant’s conscious brain awareness but much more must happen consciously to succeed.  You have been given this synopsis so you will have in mind the amount of work required by each to enter the path of life and successfully carry out their dream.


Part IV: A Source of Truth

The Three-fold Sun as Nurturer of All

In all experiential things new and old there is a hope that all cherishing of ourselves and of others will be understood as dew drops created by the sun condensing the waters of life to quench our thirst.  It is in this way that all of us are nurtured by the three-fold sun symbolizing the One Soul giving of Itself to all.  We have given you this symbol, because it symbolizes to us the growing realization of Humanity that all nurturing comes from the divine Soul.  Just as all resources come from the sun.  And if one allows oneself to be nurtured in this way, then all necessary resources will be given likewise in the same way.  To put it more plainly all likelihood of success in life comes from honoring the Soul.  And all resources are symbolized by this.


Composed by H.Z.: A series of Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Purpose of this Website and its Content from the Perspective of the Author and the Author’s Inner Mentors and Companions along the Way


16 Major Tenets of Theosophy – An Assisted Lecture Outline from A Group Soul Source

God, Religion, Philosophy, Science and The One Ashram – An Essay

Order on the Path – A Further Discussion

Group Destiny – A Discussion