Nicholas Roerich Museum - Zvenigorod

Group Destiny – A Discussion

A Sound uttered; a Voice heard.

A Sound uttered; a World created.


The story of life is a story yet untold. It is composed of many tales each seemingly incredulous. For each part of the tale a different Purpose and a different Plan. Where are we to really begin the telling of the story? We might begin with the creation of the Milky Way. And then the Creation of our own particular Solar System. And then the Planetary Scheme we dwell in and finally the home planet Earth.

For each one of us there is also a story, a story told over the many lives of experiential Self in expression. Also, for each one of us there is a beginning and an end. Each of the personality lives incarnated may be perceived as having a beginning and an end in terms of each one of our five bodies if you count the or causal body defined here as a temporary expression of the Egoic Lotus extended into the lower three worlds..

In an effort to define life in terms of a cycle of birth and death it might be noted that each life can be perceived in terms of both having a definite purpose and a definite plan and thus the beginning can be likewise attributed to the acknowledging of a purpose and the end the same.

There has been much written about past lives in terms of personality bodies but almost nothing about past lives in terms of soul body or soul purpose. Our many lives can better be understood if we learn to do this. If we perceive a “life or life cycle” as the initiating of a soul purpose no matter how many personality lives in body it involves then we are in a better position to understand ourselves in terms of this purposeful set of lives.

Each personality life is a continuation of where we left off in consciousness. It is also an attempt to carry out some soul purpose. It likewise reflects our ability as a soul to express its purpose and plan in some way or not. Based upon this reasoning and experience we can define a life cycle as the soul demonstrating its own mandates successfully or not through its series of personality related creations. Once this purpose is successfully accomplished the life cycle comes to an end or a new beginning is made based upon another set of planned purposeful criteria.

The same can be said for any life form or group life form such as the Hierarchy. Just as every long run plan is composed of shorter run plans and these compose of goals and objectives so is that of both the soul and the Hierarchy as a group.

The Divine has given us its legacy in many ways. It has also given us its mandates as a whole in terms of not just the human lives but all life forms within and around us.  The inner worlds are full of many types of esoteric life forms. Each is dependent upon each for their existence.

Within us are also many lives. One count, in terms of categories, I recognized eight major categories (there are a variety of ways to categorize life forms). Each of these forms below I have intimate identity with:

  1. Various Sub-personalities’ will forms or Lunar lives.
  2. Personality will form.
  3. 3rd aspect of the soul or causal body will form.
  4. 2nd aspect of the soul will form.
  5. 1st aspect of the soul will form.
  6. Ray group Soul Will
  7. Spirit Will
  8. Myself, or that much of the three major periodic vehicles integrated to date.


We have theoretically knowledge of many other lives within me but have not identified with them a few of the more logical ones are (the whole reproduces itself within the part): (14)

  1. Elemental lives of personality bodies and kama-manasic forms.
  2. Devic lives that ensoul elemental lives.
  3. Solar Pitris of triadal bodies.
  4. Lives that ensoul the monadic sheath.
  5. Cosmic lives responsible for what we call physical/etheric space.
  6. Cosmic lives responsible for what we call astral space.
  7. Cosmic lives responsible for what we call mental space.
  8. Cosmic lives responsible for what we call triadal space.
  9. Divine Mother or 3rd Logos that gives matter quality.
  10. 2nd Logos that blend qualified Matter with Spirit giving consciousness.
  11. 1st Logos that initiates all things.
  12. Solar Logos that ensouls physical solar system.
  13. Cosmic Logos that ensouls local physical cosmos.
  14. Greater Logos that ensouls the galaxy.


There are many names for the many lives used to try to explain the story of life and all represent an attempt to define causation. We also have created many models of the universe attempting to explain the reason for the causation of whatever.

The effort we put into solving the mysteries in life culminating in the idea that we and we alone can solve our own mysteries of our own beingness.  It is based upon this fact that we endeavor to see ourselves as omnipotent and omnipresent beings capable of moving into a particular stream of life that will carry us across vast spaces of consciousness and land us in an unknown land.  On account of this particular need, the need that we have to satisfy the mysteries of own being.


We have gathered together certain ideas that hopefully will culminate in this realization. (6)

The needed realization that we are not alone within ourselves.  This enables us to stand steadfast in the exploration of ourselves and bend every rule in discovering ourselves for this is both the correct battleground for our focus and also the correct organization of our time and energy.

The needed realization that we have discovered within ourselves the whole set of lives dedicated to a purpose not necessarily our own, but this permits us to further question who we are and who we are not.

The needed realization that humanity as a group reflects in each member of the group its intended pattern and it is this pattern that is first recognized that is not of ourselves but reflected in the livingness of those around us.

The next realization which concerns us and provides us with hope is that of the recognition of ourselves as souls upon a very particular path in life.  And it is this realization that leads us eventually out of the three worlds into a new state of existence.

The realization that each of us, a product of many lives, yet stands before life exposed, vulnerable, yet full of hope, for we have within us the necessary capacities to go beyond where we now stand.  And it is this inevitability or evolutionary construct that provides us with the culminating discovery that we and we alone have not only created this but desire it.


The idea that we have given elevation to ourselves in the hope of achieving the very cause of our existence gives rise to another construct. And it is that of apperceiving life not only as a playground of the gods, but also as our home.

We have been gathering insight into some of the fundamental questions of philosophy to be answered not today, but over vast periods of time, for the answer will wait, as we really don’t want to solve it even if we could.  Nevertheless, our travels to the frontiers of the unknown take us from this very moment into an exhilarating discovery and it is that of, the necessity for dying to live.  Why is this an exhilarating discovery.  For two reasons.  First, they represent a recognition of the imperfections of the evolutionary process.  And secondly, it depicts our real service in the world.

This discovery when we have made it in our lives permits us to see ourselves as partaking in a creative process and it is this creative process that represents to us the reason for our physical existence, and the necessity to serve in that capacity.

The story of life will not be understood at this juncture in human history.  Nor will it be understood upon this dimension.  That is the reason why we elevate ourselves to better address these basic philosophical questions.  The unending quest for reason beyond doubt must lead to the fountain of truth and this first step will take us off the cosmic physical plane, into the cosmic etheric and this symbolizes the fountain of truth needed by us and many questions will be answered there. In general, we have today demonstrated a simple pathway taken by humankind in the quest for Self.

Over and over again we take bodies to learn the lessons of the soul. Remarkable are our journeys into the three worlds always picking up where we left off in terms of consciousness but not of form. It is upon these journeys, each enlightening or enslaving us, that we learn to harness the creative forces and energies that flow through us.

In an effort to guide ourselves effectively we learn two things: that of love and that of wisdom. Other lessons are yet to be learned but these two provide us with all we need to end our journey here. These are the lessons the group conscious soul learns and later perfects as it is assimilated freely into the group life. And this is what this New Age upon us is about – heart to heart assistance.


Heart to heart is the way of travel of souls there is no other way for them. It is the heart that is the transforming principle of human substance just as the spirit is the transfiguring principle of human substance and the mind is the transmuting principle of human substance.

Forever and a day, we struggle to find solace in our lives and for good reason as each of us remembers those life events where solace was unavailable to us. It will come to pass that each of these life “cell memories” holds within it those necessary elements we are required to have to bridge the gap between having solace or peace of heart or mind and not. It will also come to pass that we will not be able to remember these “cell memories” once we have understood why we created them in terms of events.

We will never know the outcome or meaning of any event in which our minds or hearts have lost memory of it for it never existed or better yet, it only existed while we had memory of it. Why state a simple causative logic path or truth, for two reasons. First to get your attention concerning memories and their power over us and secondly, to show you that memory has the ability to alter our realities.

Memories of whatever type provides, at the least, three things:

  • It provides us with a reference point in consciousness.
  • It provides us a way to perceive continuity of events.
  • It provides the basis for all types of learning and development.


Beauty is that level of organization of substance that symbolizes the existing point of evolution of consciousness that approaches the Truth and the One.   Beauty, as an example, can also be appreciated through awareness that apperceives the Self.  Our beingness is a composite of many experiential lives and whatever sense of self that we have evolved will determine our context of beauty. It is this sense of Self or Beauty that attracts us to the Unknown.  For each of us this attraction is unique, as each of us represents a fragment of the Unknown within us. It is these fragments that are re-organized in many ways over time that produce the patterns of destiny. It is also these fragments of Self that produce the patterns of History. History is an effort to unite diversified fragments vying for reunion with Itself. History is also God searching for Itself. “Itself” as a description of the Unknown collection of all fragments is very apropos as it symbolizes Self as both a be-ness and a being and Its presence.

In many ways, we as individual life units are in reality group consciousness as within us are many types of lives occultly considered as indicated above. If I had to count these from another perspective and experience thirty-two (32) different types of life entities can be cognized but in my heart I know they are probably infinite.

We are a collection of ancient history or God searching for Itself. We are also a product of evolution. With every passing day we become someone else. The moment that we set foot upon the earth we were prevented to know ourselves in or as these other entities or forms as these solidified in a physically symbolic form we call a body.  In an effort to solidify consciousness each body is created to mandate some plan or idea whose time has come. Each plan is a fragment of the whole. As these fragments resonate or find each other the fragments change and become new fragments each with a new identity and we can call this process one of beingness.

How many types of beingness have you experienced this life?  How many ways have you identified with yourself or Self over time? How have you become who you are? How have you been created?  These are all questions which require a solution and one easily arrived at within the halls of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings. What is a group of lives but that of individual units uniting in some way to form an altering whole? What is our next level of wholeness? This is a question put before us each moment of our lives.  It is a question full of import in many ways. What are some of these ways: (6)

In an earlier posted discussion on Order on the Path we outlined a 22-step integration process in respect to the Hierarchy.  It was this process that allowed us to advance into the greater life or Beingness or Wholeness at a particular point in our evolutionary process. In another sense we have given rise to a set of questions about the purpose of life pursued by humanity.  All of these schools of thought are seeking the same solution.

In yet another sense the “import” is that of reasoning a causative existence for places, things, and persons.

In yet another sense this “import” has to do with the concept of consciousness and its constant expansion into greater inclusiveness.

In yet another sense this “import” implies that the world as a beingness is likewise alive in its own fashion and what does this mean?


These “imports “are ever with us and as thinking individuals we comprehend that their import cannot be really estimated. Yet, somehow, we continue to survive without really solving these questions or imports in an absolute sense or even a satisfactory meaningful sense. What we really want to know is why or for what purpose is all of this. For a thinking person, purpose is of vital moment as it determines motivation and reason for our beingness. For non-thinking people this is just instinctual.

It is instincts that permit us to exist and develop physically. And it is these evolving instincts that permit us to become whatever. Instincts are in reality another form of group expression, given instincts separate us or unite us with what we need to be. It is instinct which permits us to become the head of a tribe or make us a prisoner of ourselves.  Each according to karmic potential activated or not.

Where do these individualizing instincts come from? Why do they operate differently in different individuals? These questions are part of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings answers.

This work is about hierarchical protocol not occult psychology so let us continue to put it in this vein. The spiritualization of human instincts is an effect of evolution itself just as animal instincts evolve into human instincts. In time, this produces the integration of expanding awarenesses or fragments that make up the expanding Self.


Exercise I:

Group consciousness is an inherent part of ourselves as we outlined above.  It is also more than this.  It is a way for us to find ourselves and others as a part of ourselves.  We have heard this many times but in this work it is always more useful to have a more comprehensive experience to ground learning.


Exercise Process: (12)

  • Relax your body, get very comfortable.
  • Remove any thoughts or feelings from your inner space or self.
  • Breathe deeply and slowly for a while.
  • Go into your body presence—this means become aware of your body. To do this effectively you need to be totally aware and observing and objective.
  • Once you have reached this needed state, permit yourself to focus your awareness on your inner sheaths.
  • Just imagine you are there.
  • Believe yourself to have a buddhic awareness.
  • To do this effectively requires you to take a moment to orientate yourself to the solar system as a whole and believe you are a part of it and it is a part of you.
  • Now do the same for the Milky Way galaxy.
  • And finally, do it for the Universe.
  • Now go back into your believed Buddhic Awareness.
  • With your creative imagination imagine yourself one among the many units of life.


Ask yourself this question while holding all the above three awareness:

Aware of your body presence.

Aware of your buddhic presence.

Aware of universe presence.


What am I feeling Now?

Write down what you are feeling.


For those of you who managed to hold these awarenesses you probably experienced one of three things.

Buddhic Presence

Soul Presence

Hierarchical and/or Sub-Ashramic Presence


Exercise II:

There is another exercise that is used to identify the Presence of Sanat Kumara:

  • Repeat the process above but instead of asking “What am I feeling Now.”
  • Breath in three colors all at once into your auric space.
  • The colors x1, x2, x3.
  • Do this for 10 minutes while holding these three awarenesses above.

It is not as easy to do this exercise and if you could then you are used to holding different focuses at once.


The makeup of group life is different for each person and in fact is different for each group.

The important point to remember is group life is not necessary a place or area of space but a vibratory consciousness symbolically representing the body of space as a qualified presence.

Group life is not always accompanied by personalities given all things are composed of three major aspects. Nor is it not. The importance of group life is multifold.


The most important of all is its required attainment for initiation or planetary integration which represents a new way of beingness. There has been given opportunity for individuals to take initiation as a group as opposed to individually. This means there are others within his group to assist him to embody the necessary developments and requirements. It also means it is impossible to take initiation without fully integrating within the group state of livingness. Lastly, it means it is impossible to take initiation, as in the past, through your own efforts alone but those of the group.

Another importance of group life is that it permits you to have access to the many gifts and characteristics of other individualized and advancing souls and spirits.   In terms of service potential this is enhanced by the sharing and developing of gifts and abilities between the group members.

A third importance of group life is that it enhances one’s ability to receive impressions as the group is more evocative than the combined number of individuals acting alone.

There are many types of reasons for the importance of group life.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

49 Hierarchical Individuals and/or Groups and Hierarchical Externalization

Group Destiny – A Discussion

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

The Externalization of the Hierarchy – Four Important Subjective Groups Among Many – Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Initiate