It is apparent that each of us are gifted in some ways and not others the most difficult is the continuity of consciousness for most and it is here we need to begin: (12)
You have gathered your strength each day from doing exactly what you need per your own internal higher Self guidance and in this way we can move forward. Useful for you to first take some time each day to register from your subjective Guiding Angel’s and/or soul on abstract mental level what exercises to do. Second want you to accept their judgment as you (as a personality in body) participate with them in this regard.
[HZ: Please note that each is responsible to determine by way of the soul in respect to any particular colors which are to be used in healing or used in developmental related work as well as whether or not any particular methods used.]
An Exercise:
Next find some time to quiet yourself and relax in deep breathing for 5 minutes.
Now go into your body point—perineum: spend some time releasing the energy there—relax that point.
Now go to the point at top of head and focus your attention ethereally there—begin to relate the two points through the middle of the body see them coming closer and closer together and in this way they should meet at navel.
Now breathe into this point and see it expand outward into a sphere encompassing your auric field.
Now sense the world around you as in a bubble while at the same time visualizing this bubble as electric light (x-color) and in this way all will have an (x-color) hue—beware of one thing and that is you getting caught in the bubble just relax into it.
Now continue breathing into sphere but change color to light (x-color) do this for 5 minutes also.
Now breath into bubble a certain (x-color) hue with a little (x-color) and while doing this feel your heart chakra expand and at the same time observe what your mind is perceiving. (Note: each should verify with the soul their own correct colors for this exercise.)
Next take some time to come down back into your body to feel your self being grounded on the earth.
Now expand your causal field to include the whole solar system while doing this vision yourself as an envoy of the Hierarchy.
Now expand your causal body to include that much of the galaxy you can visualize.
Now relate this to perineum point and see these two converging becoming one—hold this for as long as you can.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
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