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16 Major Tenets of Theosophy – An Assisted Lecture Outline from A Group Soul Source

HZ: This outline was received as a soul impacted meditation impression.

There are those aspects of Theosophy that are endowed with certain fundamental characteristics expressed as tenets that make up the body or the major tenets of Theosophy (16).  Each one of these tenets suggests a way of perceiving the Ancient Wisdom Teachings (AWT) from a Theosophical point of view. The motto of the Theosophical Society is “There is no religion higher than truth.


Three Major Fundamentals of Theosophy:

  • An Omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless, and Immutable Principle on which all speculation is impossible.
  • The Eternity of the Universe in Toto is a boundless plane which provides a playground of eternal and incessant periodicity.
  • The fundamental identity of all Souls with the Universal Over-Soul.


There are those among us (HZ: This is a subjective soul-personality grouping providing this discussion material) that have studied and registered the Theosophical teachings for a number of years. These teachings represent the mainstay of our work in the world and are religiously applied to our daily lives.  The AWT suggest that the world is created not by an unseen god, but by a group of deities known and expressed in the Secret Doctrine’s cosmogenesis section referencing the Book of Dyzan.

All these teachings together relate to an aspect of truth greater than both the Secret Doctrine and the Book of Dyzan. It is foreseen that in the future another aspect of the teachings will be given out from subjective sources. This is the astrological key. The psychological key was given out through Alice A. Bailey’s works. Once this is understood, it will not be long before the world turns its face towards deity as the source of all energy. It is not by happenstance that the planet is at a transitional point and reflects the world moving deeply into either chaos or spiritual occultism.  If the world denies the soul it will not be a pleasant place to be. Theosophy teaches that all men are an aspect of the one Soul It also teaches that this One Soul is unlimited, or boundless. This is one of the basic fundamentals of Theosophy, and all tenants are subservient to this.


The 1st Tenet:

In most ways Theosophical tenets holds the key to the kingdom of heaven, and if religiously followed, will lead one down a straight and narrow path. This needs to be understood as a basic tenet of the AWT which is a Path towards planetary liberation and ascension into Para-nirvana under the guidance of the One Soul (Ishvara and Vishnu) that Theosophy proffers.


The 2nd Tenet:

There are those among us that believe that it is the path itself that we create it from our own substance or livingness.  That is the distinguishing characteristic of Theosophy.  It is a path laden with the fruits of experience life after life in body which are qualified as soul gifts, wisdom and awareness. And it is this path that leads one to the identification with the One Soul.


The 3rd Tenet:

The third major tenant is that we are organized according to a Plan, which is symbolically a pattern unfolding over time in the heaven worlds and reflected on earth.  It is undeniably one of the greatest concepts presented to humanity. All who understand it are free from the trappings of time and space.  Each who associate with it, are also freed from the three worlds.   It is known to many who have walked further upon the path, that those beings who orchestrate the purposes/functions of the solar system are increasingly at dis-ease, because of patterns happening in the greater seven galaxies.  And it is important to hurry the process to prevent certain things from unfolding outside of the Plan.


The 4th Tenet:

There are those among you (HZ: Gazu group) that have instituted various teachings related to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.  Their proposals are that they can create in a short period of time a world disciple from an aspiring aspirant. It will/has come to pass, that this is possible and feasible. The Lord has spoken through the group and thus he is carrying it.  It is this idea that symbolizes the “4th Tenet” which states that every soul desires to be free from personality existence can do so by adhering to the plan laid out in the heavens.  And can do so, through the instrumentality of the Lord.


The 5th Tenet:

All major theosophical writers have established a continuum of thought that orders and organizes life by addressing the three major periodic vehicles of a human unit in its involutionary and evolutionary cycles.  It is this story that is the mainstay of all Theosophical writers in one form or another.  The three major periodic vehicles are composed of the threefold personality, the three-fold soul, and the three-fold spirit aspects.


The 6th Tenet:

There are those on the other side, that wish you all well. They are members of a larger consortium who have studied the AWT for a long time and have given you notice that you are on the right path.  There are those present-day writers, who have failed to grasp the simplicity of Theosophy and have carried it or perceived it as an intellectual creed. It was never meant to be so.  It is all times in human history that things are presented in one generation and not presented in the next. It is so with Theosophy.  It was for good reasons that the Masters stopped/failed to support it in the last century as Theosophy moved away from its basic tenets.  The story goes that Charles Webster Leadbeater, who wrote many unique books on Theosophical related topics, challenged the Masters position by default in his book on discipleship and presented a false understanding on this process.  At that time the Masters turned their attention away to other things.  It is also told that Annie Besant, who was a third degree initiate at the time of her writings yet was not permitted to make fundamental decisions for Theosophy.  So, these two coupled together produced the crystallization and the destruction of this organization in its usefulness to the Hierarchy as a body of doctrine to represent it.  It is a known fact that neither Master Morya or Archangel Michael ever believed that Theosophy would be an representative externalization of the Hierarchy. Charles Webster Leadbeater believed Theosophy was supported by the Masters and would participate in the externalization process.  The “6th Tenet” states that any organization or group that is fundamentally aligned with Hierarchy will be supported by Hierarchy.


The 7th Tenet: 

There are those among you who have wrestled with these ageless truths, trying to decipher the true meaning and purpose.  And it has come to pass that there are several among you who have succeeded in demonstrating these on a day-to-day basis.  It is important to recognize this as it fundamentally reflects the grand ability of humanity to do so.  There will come a time when the majority of the human race will fundamentally answer these basic questions.  (5)


What am I?

What am I here for?

Where are we going?

What is the purpose for all this?

How can I be liberated?


It is the answer to these basic questions and related ones that theosophy attempts to address.  This represents the “7th Tenet” of theosophy.


The 8th Tenet:

Religiosity and the focus of attention on the ideals of religion also represents one of the fundamental tenants of Theosophy. To be more exact, it is the basic tenet of Theosophy from one point of view which is to depict the fundamental interrelationships of all religions based on a few common principles. It is this process that revolutionized the way we think about our own religion and has provided a greater understanding of all religions, no matter what origin.  There are those among us, that perceive you (HZ: Qazu group) as an outstanding instrument for the tenets of Theosophy and represent in what you call the New Age, a hopeful gleaming.


The 9th Tenet: 

There is noticed amongst you a group of dedicated individuals desiring to uphold the world’s basic spiritual principles and ground it in such a way that all can benefit.  It is this promise, also that we make to you.  There is amongst you certain individuals who have organized the basic principles of Theosophy so that they can benefit another’s life.


The 10th Tenet: 

There are various secrets handed out in Theosophy (love of study of Gods wisdom) and these secrets are representative of the next tenet of Theosophy, which is that all the great mysteries can be revealed through educating and the pragmatizing oneself in basic Theosophical tenets.  The central mysteries of life can be revealed through the embodiment in practice of the central tenets of Theosophy.


The 11th Tenet:

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow is a continuum of the same moment. It is this teaching that has popularized the concept of the Now. And it is in that Now that all things are possible and exist. This has given rise to the tenets of the New Age and answered the relationship between time and space or being descending to manifest.  We have endeavored to show through our extant works that time is being descended to manifest and that space is an entity, and that this continuum explains and produces all phenomenon, culture, and civilizations.


The 12th Tenet:

In all manners of speaking, life as we know it cannot be divided or subdivided or distinguished as separate from Itself.  Life is One.  If you kill a bug, you don’t kill life, you kill the form.  You can’t add to it, take away from it, or alter it in any way.  For example, during an necessary abortion, accordingly the life that was being embodied goes on even though the form was destroyed.  The individualized life was never really there in terms of consciousness.


13th Tenet:

There is an awareness among present day theosophists that gives rise to an uncertainty about the way the world will move in the future (especially in terms of humanity as a unit). It can be perceived as moving in a direction that can symbolically be described and depicted as a working miracle.  It is by no means easy to describe this process, but what is happening from a planetary point of view? There is a transmutation process happening in affecting the world’s personality aspect.  Or on a planetary level – the Spirit of the Earth, involving all the kingdoms.  It is this subjective transition that is responsible for the speeding up of time or consciousness, and it is this transition that will eventually be responsible for the following:

  • Moving the world into a new age.
  • providing healing for the world’s various kingdoms including humans.
  • Causing a change in the way people perceive themselves.


14th Tenet:

There is a process which theosophists call downsizing the ego.  Or surrendering the ego.  It is this process, which allows spirit to use the personality for its own purposes.  And it is this process which produces all healing or integrating of the personality, soul, and spirit.  It is through this process that the world will transfigure and eventually become enlightened.


15th Tenet:

Unbeknownst to the world, there is a great Entity hovering over our planet’s destiny. This Avatar represents the success of Sanat Kumara in carrying out His Own Life Purpose and represents the “15th Tenet”, which is the Doctrine of Avatars.  That periodically, based upon the need of the world, great beings come and overshadow the planet’s process, and provide for humanity a more direct path to the one Soul and the cosmic Christ.  There are different categories of Avatars – Krishna, Maitreya, Buddha representing human and hierarchical avatars at different times. Abraham Lincoln represents a human related avatar which was needed at the time to unite America due to its intended destiny. There are also systemic and cosmic avatars, each having a different purpose and functioning on a different level.


16th Tenet:

There are those amongst you who have decided to train others for initiation.  And this process represents the “16th Tenet” or proffering of Theosophy.


The Ancient Wisdom Teachings is the basis of a system explaining of causation behind all philosophies, sciences and religions, and basically attempts to explain all of our historical paradigms.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

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