[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]
Many ages ago in later Lemuria you requested to be given access to information on why life existed as part of your life’s purpose. It was during this life period you requested information on how to train your mental capacities. You mastered the existing understanding or history of ideas at this time. On account of your increased mental development, you quickly advanced in your evolution.
In early Atlantis you fell backwards and never regained this earlier soul status until now. The major reason for this is due to six major factors:
- Self-centeredness.
- Used your knowledge for self-gain.
- Understood very little about the purpose for life.
- Never understood why you fail backwards but assumed that god perceived your as being bad.
- Really never liked being who you were as an individual.
- Orchestrated many times a disbelief in god or your divinity.
This life you have the opportunity to regain this soul status and move forward as you have put yourself in a perfect position to do so. Due to your actions in this life, you have effectively released much karma and have decided as a soul to further your relationship with certain souls.
It is at this time further karma can be released: (6)
Karma related to being a minority “black woman” in this culture. (12)
- This implies that you have not yet understood why you are (or chosen to be) a highly trained mentally and also religious and spiritual black woman as opposed so some other coloring and disposition this life.
- You are also not acceptable of those who are racist.
- It also means your karma is such that you have denied black women certain inalienable rights in previous lives.
- There were several (8) lives where you were a man and in each of these lives mistreated black women.
- It also means you is expected to treat this same type of men you encounter now as being capable of treating black women as equals or better yet insists on it.
- There were other (3) lives that you were a male and treated black women less unjustly but in these lives as a dominant male you understood your role model to such so in other words your actions were not so bad.
- It is important that you share your views in these regards with others as this is a part of your group karma and its intended resolution.
- It is also important that you not try to abuse others due to their racist views.
- There are further understandings that you need to make in discussions and promote:
- First is that all men need to understand that black women are just typical humans like anyone else.
- Second that men of whatever type must understand that black women are individuals also and cannot be treated as a group.
Karma generated in Atlantis was related to dark magic. (14)
There was a time in your career when you used dark magic. It was a time when the race was caught up in this elemental devic magic.
During this racial time most people used magic as a way of life, and this slowly degraded to dark magic.
It was during this time you found yourself a part of this group along with me.
In these six lives you acquired much knowledge of these forces and used this knowledge as a person whom others could count on to assist them to get things.
In a way you could be counted on as a person whom others could depend on.
The types of magic that you acquired were basic and represented those types of forms necessary to find a relationship or sexual partner; to get somebody to fall in love with you sexually and then ask them for favors.
Another type was your ability to get a client whatever they asked for in terms of feelings they wanted to have others feel about them.
Another type was your ability to recruit people to help those in need of something.
It was these types of dark magic that predisposed you to manipulating people.
It was also these types of magic that prevented you from attracting those who could assist you in your unfoldment.
Karma related to you as a person.
Karma related to use of occultism.
Karma generated in this life around your use of your mind to get what you want (for personal reasons).
Karma with respect to your sexuality and your use of it.
There are other karmas of different sorts but these above six are presently the major ones. (8)
Many times, the group soul wanted you to leave your previous arrangements you made with others which were not in anyone’s highest good and on occasions you would not, and this provided difficult lessons for you at those times. On account of this it is difficult for you to create arrangements with others in your highest good this life. We want you to know that it will not be possible for you to make decisions along these lines until you is soul conscious.
In other words, she is safe if you assist you. It is important you understand this and accept this as a reality. It is true that you both have had similar karma in this respect and thus can adjust it in respect to each other. You would be wise to see this as an opportunity to adjust all of the above karma’s as well.
You is regarded as having the necessary gifts to assist many others and for this reason you is being given an opportunity to develop other gifts for service reasons. These gifts are as follows: (6)
The first gift is coming up soon and is the gift of divine or faith healing.
The next gift will come after above one and is the gift to take initiation.
The next gift after that is the gift of following the path.
The next gift after that is the gift of relinquishing the earlier gains to be replaced with the following lesser gifts: (6)
- Gift of clairvoyance.
- Gift of clairaudience.
- Gift of perceiving the future.
- Gift of perceiving the past.
- Gift of perceiving those souls around you and the understanding of their real needs.
- Gift of perceiving those on your path.
The next gift after that is the gift of providing teachings for others on the path.
The next gift after that is the gift of seeing others as disciples.
You have provided for us much hope in your future and in response to this gratitude we feel we want you to receive from us these special gifts: (6)
- Gifts of seeing others in terms of their auric problems.
- Gift of enhancing another’s mental heart unfoldment—what they love.
- Gift of taking for granted certain other’s soul presence with you in your healing work with others.
- Gift of accepting yourself as a soul.
- Gift of honoring yourself as a person.
- Gift of using of the sacrificial will of the soul.
You have accomplished much in this life and even much more will be achieved shortly and for you to continue to unfold your potential it will be necessary to perceive yourself as part of a subjective group. This subjective group is not one you presently are aware of but must be registered by you and its guidance followed.
It is this task that is given to you between this Wesak and next—the task of integrating with this group.
To begin with it is imperative that you again align to the yellow light symbolizing your guiding disciple.
To do this requires you to accept this as necessary. You would be wise to make this a part of your daily meditations.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple
Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple
A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example
Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way
The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple
Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance
Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple
Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple
Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example
Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings
Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples
Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction