Nicholas Roerich Museum - Study for a Painting

Humanity & The Immediate Future – Some Subjective Observations & Predictions Reviewed

[Subjective Source: Alice Bailey’s related Group Soul.]

Libra concerns: Libra deals with balance as well as Karmic balance. (14)

[HZ Note: This information was reified in the early part of the 21st century and thus a little outdated – date wise (assuming is was correctly captured as intended originally). Useful to analysis it based upon what is happening now in the world as a comparison. Predictions that mention times are all at best educated guested given the free will of all concern. ]

Group Source:

There is a miracle happening in humanity at this time and it refers to them coming around to seeing the mistakes of its present situation in the…. An uproar is taking place on soul levels (affecting the intended soul purposes of those involved) as to dire straits in this part of the world. The hope is to address this area with workable solutions for all involved.

There will be those coming into manifestation soon that will support this new possible resolution perspective, and these are already in power as personalities. It is too soon to know the timing, but it is coming down.

There will also soon be those coming into manifestation that will attempt to adjust past mistakes and these are the Masters of Wisdom.  It is too early to tell when this will be but soon as these entities are already overshadowing various people.

There are those coming into power in the U.S. that will do nothing as they are fearful of revenge against them politically at home as well as overseas.

There will not be those who are in power now having anything to do with it although some remnants will remain.

There are those coming into power that will advise the international community as to the best course of action and these can be looked for in the coming 24-months.

There will be those coming into body in the next 100 years that will provide integration to the human race and all of its many splits.  These entitles are all advanced initiates and have been trained along the lines of cultural development.

There will soon be in body those disciples who will generate a tremendous amount of propaganda as to the needs of humanity and you are one of them if take advantage of opportunities.

There will be those coming into manifestation soon to deliver to the various national groupings their real concerns for their development into the future you can expect to see this next year.

There will be soon a growing response to the voice of the Christ as he overshadows humanity.

There will come a time in the near future when he will again be active in guiding the race more directly as he has left it up to masters to do so in the past as well as presently.

He will provide directions to his servants from the astral plane, and this will be the real beginning of the new age.

This is looked for in the next 6-14 years.

We suggest you link with us again to bring in more information at this time as to other things need bringing in. (14)

There are those among you now, that can neither solve the world’s problems nor see a way out of present difficulties and these are in their millions. We would like to add here that these people have all been brain washed by historical events and have no sense of future goals. It is up to those that understand to teach them the future and to reassure them of a positive faith needed to move forward. It is advised that they be permitted to know of the Christ’s real plans as well as the masters (it would be good if they were given training by you in this regard).

There are many disciples now in incarnation who are endeavoring to work off their karma or the group karma in some area of justice. It is these disciples who have the most difficult job as the world is not yet concerned with justice but only retribution.

There are other disciples coming into incarnation to try to work off group karma in terms of pollution and environmental balance. These disciples are all from the 5th ray ashram and many of them are even now in power.

There are many disciples coming into incarnation that will respond to the world condition of poverty and address instinctual needs of the third world countries as this is the bases of Christ’s symbol.

There are other disciples who are coming in to incarnation that will address the real needs of the masses in terms of spiritual training (such as your work if successful is part of the vanguard of such work).

There are other disciples who are coming into incarnation who are addressing those in sociopolitical power as to how to organize their governments to take advantage of those trained in soul, mind brain telepathy for the good of its citizens and your work is important in helping to popularize this.

There are other disciples that are coming into incarnation that will address national concerns as to movement of populations across national borders as this is becoming more difficult as well as more dangerous. It is this that will prevent advanced beings from freely traveling to meet real needs in the immediate future.

There are many disciples along the 7th ray who are in training with the deva kingdom to reintroduce these beings to humanity and in the near future they will begin doing this again.

There are also many disciples permitted to work with devas at this time in terms of healing and the devas are training souls in this regard. You need to do this also.

There are many disciples permitted to carry forth into manifestation certain of the mysteries to be re-introduced to humanity these are taking place now (Myself – six of these).

  • The process of being accepted into the Hierarchy and what it entails.
  • Perspective on Masters and their duties and responsibilities.
  • The way the soul trains the personality.
  • The process of forming relationships on subjective levels to benefit everyone.
  • How egoic groups work.
  • Ways of registering triadal sources through the antahkarana.

There are many disciples permitted to explain to humanity the nature of Hierarchy as it is important for humanity to have an accurate depiction of this group.

There are also many disciples having to put aside their own development to assist in the externalization of the Hierarchy (as this is what you are doing in respect to your writings’ goals).

Other avenues of research will open up once the new age is upon us, and these are as follows: (14)

Each of these are taken by disciples since training for initiation as well as groups of disciples along some specific line of the plan.  Over all there are over 1,400,000 different undertakings. Each of these are a product of real need for this planet as well as for the various kingdoms.

The most prominent one is the proving of the existence of the soul and this along many lines.  It is this that is taking the most effort at this time and until the externalization.

After that it will be the restoration of the mysteries as this will include the history of the Hierarchy as well as Humanity.

After that will include the further externalization of the 5th kingdom in terms of the devas.

After that the science of Shamballa or the way Home in terms of the cosmic antahkarana.

Once there is some recognition of the way Home the Christ will leave this planet and move forward in his service to planetary Logos and solar Logos.

This will not be for some time, and He will delay this until he is assured of humanities fate.

At this time a new Christ will emerge and replace him as throughout all history as this is the fifth Christ in the Aryan race.

There will always be a Christ at the head of the integration process of Humanity and Hierarchy.

It has come to pass that the next Christ will not be as before thought but will be D.K. as in all likelihood.

Sooner than later is the hope of this taking place as Maitreya has completed His initiation training and now is ready to serve the solar Hierarchy.

It is to His credit we can hopefully say that humanity was saved as it was He throughout the ages that brought us the necessary teachings in its many formats that have brought us to where we are at.

Each of these was approved by the Christ as head of the planetary Hierarchy as well as those who brought them forth based upon their original intent although these are lost to humanity but is preserved for those whose hearts are opened to receive the true archives’ messages.

Never again in human history will separation be in existence as this is the turning point for humanity during this period.

Never again will humanity destroy each other in this round.

Let us now look at what is in store for those disciples of the Christ as the externalization unfolds:

Each of the working disciples on the planet is supported by the entire Hierarchy as always and each of them has at their request all possible assistance karmically limited. There are over 3000 working disciples presently in some body or another working at the behest of the Christ. And in a very short time the number will increase to 10,000 by the year 2008. The reason being that it is now possible to train disciples on the physical plane due to their advanced sensitivity as well as the organized effort now under way. There are many workers in Europe and America who will soon come into public view as well as in many parts of the world.

It is important to change your source at this time as A.A.B. has other things to do but thanks you for your assistance and asks you to please press forward in your work as she believes it is of great value and likewise thanks you for your assistance of her work in the spreading the Ancient Wisdom Teachings as she hoped they would be spread.

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

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Humanity in the Future – A Probable Perspective – Part II

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Incoming Impressions from the Hierarchy to the NGWS to Humanity

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A Reflection on Humanity

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