Nicholas Roerich Museum - Star of the Hero

The Working Disciple – Real Needs & Integration into The Hierarchy

A Message from the Hierarchy to Disciples:

Correctly juxtaposition yourself, this means you should aim at seeing yourselves as cosmic beings instead of human beings.

You are souls without personalities, this means you are not of this earth but of cosmic origin —part of the One Soul.

See yourself as being everywhere in the present.

Believe in ourselves as not part of the cosmic physical plane existence but only visiting for a while.

See yourself as travelers through both time and space.

See yourselves as solders of the cosmic Logos carrying out His Intent.


The organizing of the disciple’s mind is necessary for the acquiring of soul status necessary to become a supported disciple working for humanity.  This organization is a necessary part of the integration into the ashram and is comprised of twelve related working disciple’s real needs.


Real Ashramic Integration Needs:

The first need is to organize their combined personality and soul minds in accordance with the service group they intend to integrate into.

The second need is to complete their initiatory training.

The third need is to demonstrate their occult gifts needed for service.

The next need is for them to demonstrate their continuity of consciousness with the sub-ashram training them.

The next need is for them to demonstrate their continuity of consciousness with the master.

The next real need if preparing for the 4th initiation is to demonstrate their continuity of consciousness to buddhic awareness or Pure Reason Livingness.

The next real need if preparing for the 5th initiation is to demonstrate continuity of consciousness of atmic awareness or Pure Self Livingness.

The next real need if preparing for the higher initiations is to develop continuity of consciousness of monadic Livingness.

The next real need if preparing for the higher initiations is to develop continuity of consciousness of Shamballic Livingness.

The next real need if preparing for the higher initiations is to develop continuity of consciousness of Cosmic Etheric Plane as a Unit Livingness.

The next real need if preparing for the higher initiations is to develop continuity of consciousness of Venus’s Spiritual Hierarchy Livingness.

The next real need if preparing for the higher initiations is to develop continuity of consciousness of Solar Hierarchy Livingness.


All manners of humanity who now dwell up on this planet has six aspects in common:

  • They have in common historically several types of conditioning. 60
  • They have in common certain human or karmic experiences. 16
  • They have in common certain soul characteristics. 12
  • They have in common certain lunar natures.6
  • They have in common basic spiritual natures. 12
  • They have in common certain ultimate purposes. 4

Each of these can be analyzed from infinite points of view but these are placed here to demonstrate things we take for granted and rarely as a culture never really use in defining our connected-ness.


The purpose of giving information on the Hierarchy has two basic objectives.  First it is to stimulate your minds into wondering about the real nature of Hierarchy and secondly it is to give you more insight into the way the Hierarchy can be approached.


Furthermore, Hierarchy is not a fixed place nor is it situated in some area of Gods Body.

  • It is first of all a state of consciousness.
  • It is a state of being.
  • It is a vibration.
  • It is regarded as not being separated from the other chains, rounds, globes of the earth’s planetary scheme.
  • It is considered to be capable of being in several dimensions at the same time.
  • It is capable of being at the same time planetary, solar, and cosmically aware.


For all of us, the Hierarchy is that salvaging, nurturing force required by us to find ourselves. It is also that force that provides for humanity the ability to unfold it’s cultures and civilizations according to some Plan held within the unfolding Purpose of the divine.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

 Ordinary, Fortified, and Enlightened Disciples – Some Adjunct Information (edited Feb. 5, 2024)

 Creating a Working Disciple – A Summation

Seven Questions for a Working Disciple

Entering the Ashram – Some Adjunct Information

One Ashram – Some Adjunct Information for Probationary Disciples (Revised 03/06/24)