Nicholas Roerich Museum - Sophia—the Wisdom of the Almighty

Visions of Potential Future Events Unfolding for Humanity

Outline of Charts or Visions in reference to the One Plan in both a planetary and solar sense. Given direction from master or the Spiritual Soul to continue reifying these for the remainder of life in body.  Each of these visions are available to humanity to access (140 Visions ).


See a picture of a white Lamb talking to a Lion: (60)

This scene is especially related to the New Age and the achievements of the work of the Christ. It is also related to the period where humanity as individual units are all aware of the human soul as existing as well as being trained to communicate with it. Humanity is aware of the existence of the hierarchy as well as its members. It is also aware of the externalized schools of mystery scattered across the physical plane.

This is a scene which depicts humanity’s relationship with the Lord. Furthermore, it depicts an isolation of criminal activity to a few parts of the world. Each nation has created a sergeant of arms or army to protect its citizens from these criminals few. Each sergeant at arms is monitored by specialized groups and individuals who are soul conscious and group conscious. Every individual in the sergeant of arms operation is aware of outstanding types of crimes in the past and who committed them. They are also aware of future crimes.

They perform feats of meditation, being trained to read akashic records and record these in their brains. They also receive messages from different dimensions in meditation. They are particularly trained in receiving from informers on subjective planes as well as from souls of individuals. ……………60


See a picture of great ship hovering in the sky

(Note: This reification will take all weekend to bring this in fully as with many of these inner spiritual soul  visions.)

There is a Spaceship coming into our solar system from Orion’s Belt’s constellation and this civilization is coming to the earth to meet the lives here. There are many people on this ship and each ore specialized in something significant. It is estimated that they will soon arrive or in about 500 years. Upon this ship is very advanced technology not to be shared with humanity unless they are found to be peacefully co-existing.

In the case that Humanity is peacefully co-existing they will land (dimensionality) and if they are not they will not land or contact us on physical plane but will fly somewhere else. They are on a course for us now—they are planning as would a human soul group. They will soon be receiving our existence as a solar system which is inhabited by their kind or us and other humanities on other planetary scheme dimensions.

Unfortunately, they will also find or sense us unready to be physically contacted as they have the technology to see us inner dimensionally. There will be a first exchange on soul levels (always peaceful) as they come in mass to visit and soon after in the physical if feasible. There will be an influx of information from many when they first contact us as many will be soul conscious in this way. There will be many kinds of visits and each will create or evoke some kind of planetary celebration.

There will also be those from the earth that will visit them, but they are selective of those and will only take those they believe are worthy of taking spiritually. They will consist of those with special communication gifts as well as higher psychic gifts. There will be many who arrive from Orion who have taken our equivalent 3rd initiation and are completely god conscious to a degree.

There will be other Orion related individuals who will stay and attend training here in some capacity. As well as teach us. There will not be any Orion’s involved in our hierarchical government as they are a part of their own planetary hierarchy.

There will never be any reproduction between species as this would create problems for both cultures. Neither will be permitted to live together in intimate ways. There will never be any type of integration of civilizations. Each species moves along a different spiritual path. There will be exchanges but of a more cultural type. This exchange will enhance our own creativity as well as our scientific advancement. There never will be any possible harm coming from this as it will be closely monitored. There never will be any information given about other civilizations they have met nor any communication about technologies. In all they will be generous and cautious. There will never be an opportunity to live with them as we live with each other as all of them are focused in their minds. Neither will there be an opportunity to get to know them as psychic beings for they have no personal separate identity as they are group conscious. Neither will they understand us as separate units. None of them will say to you “how are you” as an example.



See a picture of the planet surrounded by empty grass lands (160)

This is a scene in the future when the earth is scheduled to be repopulated as well as emptied of all present human populations. This is a time in the far future after the 7th round has done its work of unfolding the humanities into the 6th kingdom in terms of its members. It is a time when there will be very few human beings left available for the fourth initiation…..160


See a picture of planetary Being deciding the future of its kingdoms.

See a picture of all humans gathering together to leave the planet.

See a picture of water maidens worshiping.

See a picture of everyone on the surface of the planet bowing.

See a picture of tightening of the planetary mind dimension—more crowded.

See a picture of everybody standing on the shore line.

See a picture of panicking life forms caused by vegetable kingdom panicking.

See a picture of all life forms on the planet packing their belongings.

See a picture of all humans expecting grace and assistance.

See a picture of everyone—all life forms—parading in the streets with signs.

See a picture of tortured devas.

See a picture of everyone expressing their discontent to their God.

See a picture of humanity sowing seeds in the fields of earth.

See a picture of humanity sickly and under nourished.

See a picture of wives betraying husbands and families.

See a picture of all life pertaining to forms.

………………..140 Visions (multi-dimensional charts)

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Humanity in the Far Future – A Probable Perspective (Revised 03/05/24)

Humanity in the Future – A Probable Perspective – Part II

The Future of Humanity – Some Adjunct Information – Part III

Humanity & The Immediate Future – Some Subjective Observations & Predictions Reviewed

Humanity, A Great Destiny Unfolding

Some Voices of Humanity – A Full Moon Meditation

Incoming Impressions from the Hierarchy to the NGWS to Humanity

The 12 Major Causes for the Suffering of Humanity

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Viewpoint on Humanity

A Reflection on Humanity

Struggle to Direct Humanity

Planetary Soul Speaking through Humanity

A Present Moment for Humanity

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)

Systemic Soul Speaking to Planetary Soul through Humanity

Planetary Guiding Angels – A Covenant between Humanity and God (12)

The Christ and Some Full Moon Values



Posted in Humanity - Past, Present, and Future.