Nicholas Roerich Museum

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Six Lessons:

Interpreting spiritual guidance for another prevents them from the effort of getting the truth for themselves and learning thereby. It also prevents others from getting the truth as they need to hear or understand it and thus to truly believe it or own it. The lesson is to never ever give soul guidance or types of guidance unless they ask for it and it should always be from them who ask and from an appropriate level.


Giving others subjective guidance on karmic related decisions they need to make themselves usually prevents others from experiencing the karma from manifesting in ways necessary to learn correctly from it and normally would be against the soul’s intent. Life or the group soul will now have to recreate another scenario for this lesson to be correctly learned.


Giving others the truth related to their karma or reasons for their karma related to past lives prevents one as a rule from experimenting with life and to develop themself depth wise to learn or invoke it themself out of necessity. Thus, they are not able to really distinguish themself in the process as well as not able to really believe you. This is why we each need to discern the truth of ourselves from ourselves.


Those who provide spiritual guidance must never judge (like or dislike) the guidance in any way coming from the client. This suggests that the provider is somehow in charge of or has a preference for the nature and direction of the decisions the client needs to make.


When giving guidance to others it is important to appropriately mirror the negative as well as the positive.  One must be willing to do this, and this is another reason not to give guidance unless requested to along these lines. Mirroring others accurately assists them in seeing themselves and thus knowing themselves in these mirrored ways. This assists the intents of life towards self-knowings.


Providing others guidance about their future event opportunities prevents them from correctly living them out and thus learning from them correctly. Useful to just give others our own related experiences in respect to theirs one is perceiving.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


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Posted in Esoteric & Spiritual Psychology.