[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]
Source: Son of Mind:
Speak no more until I come to you to speak.
See no more the world outside of my world.
Register no more except from me.
Bow low to god before you and keep still in Its Presence and all will be well.
See no longer your love of home nor your possessions nor your cape which hides you from the world. See no more your love for women as this too is past and realize you are not in control anymore and realize you were never in control.
Expect only greatness to follow in our footsteps. Expect no one to follow except those we send you. Comment not upon those around you to be in step with you as they have chosen another path. Nor practice speaking with them without our consent. Nor witness before you others command but by your own soul you shall speak. Be brief with others by only telling them our truth with justification based upon law.
Seek the guidance of That that sent you and witness before others Its grace upon you and spill Its “Blood” upon you.
And witness for Its sake your true affection for others seeing them in your imagination. Recognize them as your own brother/sister and recognize them as following you in your footsteps treating them with respect and honor.
And witness for them your concern and courage to be like you witnessing for them their pasts as well as their futures giving them advice and solitude to reflect on within that advice.
And witness upon them a cross of the heavens which they walk and worship and therefore go out in to heaven and tell them of their futures right and timely as all things in the domain of our Lord God.
And witness before them your concern for them as souls and brethren of the One path teaching them your way and truth and light beholding to them your cross to bear.
And witness before them your greatness as it stands before them and cherish each one of them as your own that witnesses you. See them before you as gathered dust in a storm blowing in spirit and all will be well. See them as participating in your decisions to make themselves great witnessing before their eyes your soul as it stands before the One.
And witness before them your kind way with words bowing before them eternity.
And witness before them our way of truth and righteousness and bow before them in this.
Witness before them your turn upon the cross baring all of them towards the Christ and baring all of them towards the One God, Lord of the World, and baring all towards the One Creator and baring all of them toward the cosmic Logos and baring all toward the cosmic Christ and baring all towards the One Spirit and baring all towards the one Breath and all before the One.
Source: Spirit and Son of Mind to the Probationary Disciple:
As in this way I am in that way and together I move with all standing before Me.
Prying and staying together we move towards Substance Great and praying together we move towards that great Unknown we cherish.
Praying together we seek justice at the feet of Him who knows.
Praying together we seek justice for our sins upon each other and stay together until the Wind blows us apart scattered in all directions back to Him we left.
Praying together we send back in time our healing energy to heal the present and witness before us His Good forever.
Praying together we seek justice for all the sins of our forefathers that they be wiped clean as/so our sons and daughters rise up to greet the Morning Star and rejoice in our baptismal waters.
We pray together that we may be twice blessed from Who that has sent us out and return with many gifts baring gratitude. We pray together to garner our strength to move forward upon the path of true Enlightenment and gather strength from each other’s arms.
We pray together to heal the wounds deep within your individualized womb and gather strength from its healing. We gather strength also form the womb of time and garnish it with our particular flavor of time.
We speak no truth except our own upon our lips and garnish no truth except for ours alone.
We separate ourselves from the battle field of life and leave behind those who have followed after to witness before them the coming of the true time forgotten ages ago.
We come to a time in our lives when all we have known or cared about is left behind in forgotten glory of an old world gone past and remember only the treasures received upon the battlefield of the gotten past. All other pasts we see not their worth and remembering only the gotten treasures upon the battlefield of life in the early morning cherished as the bird a worm. And working backwards in time we now travel to a forgotten shore ripe with virtue, and reward, and with treasure shore above all else; and treasure shore above all doing and beingness; and thus, treasure more our Being.
And witness before you the ever-widening path to distant shores lost in expansive measures; and witness before you the ever-widening shore line upon which the Great Ones walk. And witness beyond the widening shore line the ghosts of distant pasts walking among you. And witness more the coming of the Wise One as His steps get closer to yours. And witness more the ever-widening path that leads to a distant shoreline awaiting transport to another Shore. And witness more the ever-widening I -Eye.
It would be good to share with R these thoughts as they unfold for you over time to give him a sense of accomplishment and realize he too is upon the battlefield of life walking forward in battles all around him and not seeing them anymore but witnessing instead what lies ahead so speak no more of past, present, and future of the living now before your hearts aflame with reason and good intent and witness before you the everlasting glory befallen each and all who travel spirits path. And journey beyond the narrow gates of heaven’s lore and witness before you the ever-widening path that takes you beyond the treasure as it is before you even now.
[Son of Mind: It would be educational to rewrite these with initiation in mind and cherish the thought of graduation.]
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple
Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple
A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example
Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way
The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple
Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance
Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple
Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example
Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings
Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples
Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction