(HZ: The intent here in sharing this is to highlight that most training undertaken for probationary disciples takes place subjectively and not so much on the outer plane. Training for probationary disciples or aspirants does take place on the other planes as a general observation.)
Below are workshop related lessons per a belief system and training plan the participants were intending to adhere to as an integrating group of Aspirants who knew each other on the physical plane.
Unique to our purpose as a group is to establish relationship to:
The One Soul.
The One Body.
The One Hierarchy.
The One Christ as Lord.
A set of values it is important to hold and work with per the group’s present purpose (8).
Value of the One Humanity working with Hierarchy to orchestrate the Plan.
Value of making decisions incorporating ones Soul as well as the souls of those involved. It would be wise to see this as the major value of this group as well as the value being held out for humanity by the Christ.
Value of Ideas wanting to come in to alter humanity’s future along the lines of the Plan as well as humanity’s karmic necessity.
Values that bring one another closer together: (7)
- Value of seeing one another as souls.
- Value of witnessing another’s soul purpose.
- Value of assisting another to maximize their true happiness through unique contribution.
- Value of assessing and demonstrating one’s abilities and gifts.
- Value of asserting one’s believe in themselves as spiritual beings.
- Value of perceiving a vision or plan for one’s life.
- Value of knowing oneself to control oneself.
Value of creating one’s spiritual path based upon the art and science of the path.
Value of liberating others from themselves.
Value of maximizing ones health and well-being on all levels.
Value of Being descending to manifest the One Life.
Have them demonstrate also a working relationship with the group soul as well as: (4)
- This means they need to decide based upon the group soul of this group how to move forward in everyone’s highest good
- As well as acknowledge the individual of this group soul as spiritual beings are not different then themselves except in their karma.
- To adequately move forward they need to decide that everything they do while in the group effects the group soul,
- as well as all of its members.
In respect to the group: (4)
- You need to decide to let me guide you (by way of yourselves) and trust in the guidance coming through enough to experiment with it.
- As well as let me bring through information through for you.
- As well as permitting me to point out issues I believe in the long run are significant.
- As well as permit me to rescue or save you from yourself at times.
It is further important to establish set boundaries when you will interpret information for them. (6)
- I will interpret your guidance once you give it to me in a form I can respond to, and this is by email.
- I will interpret your guidance if I am guided to do so for your highest good.
- I will interpret your guidance if I am asked, but you must write it down and hand it to me stating I want more info on this if possible.
- I will interpret your guidance if it comes through me and will send it to you
- I will not interpret your guidance if I get you need to do it yourself
- I will not interpret it if I believe you do not want to know the truth or will block it.
- As well as bringing in information—they need to know when not asked – as well as when asked.
You would be wise to see this group as adequate in these four areas:
- In the area of believing in themselves as teachers of the race.
- In the area of scheduling their work for the teachers and students.
- In the area of demonstrating their knowledge of the teachings.
- Although there are four teachers highly qualified not teaching for some reason, we would like them to. Go in Peace my Brothers.
You must see yourself as adequate in the following four areas outside of the classroom.
- In the area of demonstrating patience and virtue to others around you.
- In the area of demonstrating your extreme knowledge to the masses before you at night.
- In the area of demonstrating your true humility before the masses at night.
- In the area of demonstrating to other your belief in yourself as teachers of the race for God’s sake and not your own. Go in Peace my Brothers.
Furthermore, you would be wise to see yourselves as adequate in these six areas although there are more, but time is short.
You are adequate in your beliefs in yourself and others concerning the teaching of the Lord who is to come forward to demonstrate to the masses His readiness to accept them in His Heart, but you are not adequate in your desires in learning His teachings at night in your dreams and while awake in your heart of demonstrating His various teachings already given out.
You are adequate in the fruits of the Lord by day and night but not adequate in that you are keeping the Lord “up worrying” about the ways you are causing dissonance to your fellow companions upon the way (At night you need to keep HZ in your heart also as a companion upon the way as a group of students learning his way home).
You are adequate in your enjoyment of the fruits of HZ’s labor but not adequate in your reproduction of them in your own consciousness.
We would be wise to see ourselves coming each day before the Lord of Life to extend your wishes for His good heath in the Ways of Being upon this Earth mentally: (4)
- It would be wise to recognize His pain of endurance in a world not ready to yet receive Him and in this way for us to assist Him in His goals – be adequate.
- It would be wise to see Him coming into the mental planet at night to teach us – be adequate.
- It would be wise to see Him as the world’s salvation through us now – be adequate.
- It would be wise to see His coming as a means for us to lighten others on his behalf – be adequate.
It would be wise to see yourselves in training for the Olympics of a sorts in respect to your higher mental psychic abilities:
Gift of higher Manasic Telepathy or Soul Communion or Telepathy.
Gift of higher Egoic Resonance: A gift used by Sons of Mind to demonstrate control over their understanding around the galaxy so-to speak. A gift like no other on the planet is the gift of egoic communication among the stars so-to-speak as it can take one many places not yet been if worked correctly and these are happening now within the group on many levels – let me show you:
First you need to realize that this group of peers in not like other groups in that it chooses to limit itself to the task in hand and this is worthy and considerate of others likewise. It is also considerate of the Lord’s wishes. It is also likened to your understanding of what needs to be done in respect to the plan. You would be wise to see this new adventure as an opportunity to curtail your expansion into the unknown until you are qualified by others to do so. Likewise, it will take a while to accomplish what you set out to accomplish with brilliance.
It is okay to witness from others their experiences and thus beliefs in the unknown but much more satisfying to witness it yourselves per the knowledge gained thereof.
You would also be wise to consider making plans to enjoin with me at some juncture if a location makes itself known to begin training in basic body type of exercise. Although, I could give these out electronically but not as useful for feedback.
It would be wise to consider making plans to individually confront me soon, but I need time to prepare for the visit given my present propensities.
You would also be wise to see me at night upon the mental plane 3rd subplane down would be the easiest for most although not that significant.
You would also be wise to see me in your dreams on the astral planes as a way to introduce yourselves if you put your mind to it as I will be there for a while waiting if you so choose.
You can also visit me at home on the soul planes as always there so-to-speak. Go in Peace Brothers – all is Well.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
Spiritual Guidance II – Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop – Lessons & Exercises
Some Workshop Training and Group Integration Parameters for Aspirants
Special Guidance and Exercise for an Aspirant
Spiritual Guidance – For an Aspirant – Life Purpose Intent Pattern & Exercises
A Subjective Communication from a Group of Students for a Workshop