Nicholas Roerich Museum - The Last Angel

Twelve Rules relating Spirit with Soul – Part III, Evaluation Model & Exercises

(Group of Organized Minds & Group of 14)

The ability to effectively deal with evil in general and more inclusively serve the One Life might be viewed as being contingent upon the following 32 evolutionary characteristics or energetic dimensional vehicle variables.

Organization of the Mind & Power of Thought:

The life workshop’s, or cycle of evolution from individualization until adeptship, focus is to organize the minds of participants to thus better organize their etheric body.  The work here will be to get others to believe this is so in a short time period and in this way achieve notoriety.  We have provided numerical related evaluation for each characteristic referenced for a disciple at this time as an example.

You are being asked to register thirty-two (32 plus 3) mind related variables: the first three plus one summarizing effort which are critical.  The variables produce the potential for power of thought in general. They can be used to evaluate other aspects of beingness as well.

Orbital velocity of thinking: You are being advised to see yourself as 80,900: This produces the ability to see yourself as an agent of the soul; it is only once this velocity reaches its desired point can synchronization begin and the mind be lifted out of the material planes into the inner worlds.

Complexity of elemental substance: 64,000,000: This is about being able to achieve a certain degree of composition matching the souls in terms of thought-form building.

Degree of expansion: 36,000: This is the ability to function independently of beliefs organized to register the exterior world.  It is the ability to see yourself as independent of those things, places and people in your life and as them having an influence upon your thinking.

Origin of Source (summation of effort): Highest: Monadic: this is the highest aspect of yourself you can contact consciously as a personality.

You are being asked here to generate a complete understanding between the power of thought and these four attributes:  Each of them has reference to an idea being contemplated. This as an opportunity to study occultly the mental apparatus.

Wise to see the self as a master in the making and in this way learn what you need to know in this process.  Also be wise to see yourself needing more mental development and these sets of variables to be demonstrated will explain how. Each of these degrees is in reference to soul’s original intent for this life. This will be further explained below.

Degree of Penetration into Abstract Mind: 6300: This is the ability to see yourself making correct choices in terms of ensouling a life experience. It is about you being able to achieve an explanation for an event based upon the inner life of humanity’s soul.

Degree of Resonance with the Spiritual Soul: 36400: This is the ability to see yourself making decisions in your best interest and in this way achieve an enlightenment based upon the soul’s real needs in life.

The solar Logos (SL): You have been given the idea that the solar Logos himself has given rise to completing his evolutionary objective this solar system (SS) through the development of Love in the system It is this process once completed that will give rise to the destruction of the SS and thus perfect resonance with Spirit will be established it is at that time that all live forms will rise to cosmic astral plane and evolve there if able.

Degree of Disturbance 365: This is the ability to see yourself as interacting with the environment at the same time being aligned to soul thoughts being impressed upon the personality. This disturbance concerns four areas: elemental (external elements), excitability, memory relational, and acuteness (inability to exhibit such).

In respect to the solar Logos (SL): He is capable of no distractions in his meditation upon the creative process this is so. But if you look at his personality forces they are very distracted at this time by events taking place in the solar system (SS) – 4: The first event is that of moon related to Neptune, on this moon there is taking place a sort of rebellion by important initiated life units.  The second event is taking place on Saturn, it is at this time a group of 5th kingdom life units pretending they are in control of certain lower life forms producing an inevitable change in the Plan.  The third event is taking place on a planet that relates to the idea that this planet is seeing for the first time members of the ruling Hierarchy outgoing into the SS this causing an influx into solar Hierarchy at a quick rate.

Degree of Radiation: 1,000,250: This ability is about you being able to achieve a relatively stable vibration here on the physical plane in terms of effecting the group’s personality in terms of the group soul’s intent.

Degree of Extradition (force to bring in—centrifugal): 700: This is the ability to see yourself receiving information from the soul of the planet and the solar system and bringing this into your personality.

Degree of Alignment: 4200: This ability is about you being able to achieve greatness in the ability to contact sources inside or outside of yourself.

Degree of Saturation: 6200: This is the ability to know whether-or-not you are aligned with your soul or not depending on the degree of saturation of your personality mind and etheric body centers with energy coming in from One soul (universal soul energy).

Degree of Ordination: 73800: this ability comes from you being able to achieve resonance with the lodge of masters and determines your fitness for training.  It is related to the idea that your personality mind field acts as a magnet and this produces within the ashram a corresponding magnetic field acknowledging your relationship.

Degree of Transference: 602,000: This ability comes from being able to achieve a relative enlightenment of lower three minds and transfers the aspirant into the buddhic field for integration.

Degree of Order: 402,000,000: This ability permits you to register great levels of complexity and organize this as the soul needs.

Degree of Sublimation (of desires for life goals) 860000: This ability allows you to be able to achieve a relatively permanent control of your mind bodies relative to causal body development. Want you to be aware that your degree of sublimation of desires is complete for the rest of your lives and to be able to achieve initiation is a matter of demonstrating the group’s plan.

Degree of Externalization 360,000: This ability is about you being able to achieve a relative degree of (note soul wants you to think more about this one in terms of what it means to you at this point in your life) Self-expression in terms of the group plan. Your ability to work in this fashion will determine your success or not you must be prepared to demonstrate the complete ability to externalize at any time and place.

Degree of Closure: 4,000,200: This ability will come to others once they are having the fortitude that is required to address circumstances in their life AND BE on top of their life plan as soul intended. This ability to have closure is related to the idea that closure means letting go of the idea you will be needing to have your personality needs met to be at one with your life goals as perceived by the soul. You will not be able to see yourself as doing this as long as you perceive having needs. You understand that all needs are generated to fulfill perceived life purposes and our lives are purpose itself and thus needs are irrelevant and inherent in whom we are.

Degree of Fire Elementals 4,600: This ability will come once you organize your life as soul intends; it also will come as an effort is made that will prevent your personality to see itself as the actor, perceiver or knower.

Degree of Isolation (Concentration): 2200: This ability permits one to see themselves as being able to achieve greatness in the arena of registering the sources within.

Degree of Boundlessness (adaptation): 4,600: The ability to receive data from the inner planes cannot be done until there is a degree of boundlessness to one’s causal body—each ray different.

Degree of Soundness (non-glamour): 800,000,000: You are required by law to register the soul’s intents before you can develop this ability; the voice of the Soul must be developed to hear the Voice of the Silence. The Voice of the Silence is that of the Monad. This ability also registers Devic life. (You have developed this ability also to hear astral voices, and the ability to hear mental body.)

Degree of Self Identification: 4,200,000: This relates to the ability to see yourself through the Soul.

Degree of Deduction: 3,600,000: This ability comes by receiving a thought form from subjective source and organizing it into a logical sequence of relationship.

Degree of Ray Type Purity (Abstruseness, electric, etc: 42,000: This purpose of this ability is to relate you to your monadic ray.

Degree of Mind Being Controlled: 870,000: This ability comes from your ability to see that you are in control of your mind and not subs or personality or another.

Degree of Organized Mass: 8,800: You would be wise to see this ability as one capable of being unfolded by registering the group plan.

Degree of Visual Capability: 630,000: This ability relates to the idea of asserting mental images.

Degree of Psychometric Capability: 80,600,000: This ability unfolds once you align yourself with spiritual triad. Important to note your unfoldment here is complete.

Degree of Audio Capacity: 920,000 You will be unfolding this ability as a soul in a few months. It is the ability to record what people are saying in their personality.

Degree of Concept Recognition: 420,000,000:

Degree of Exemplification: 5,900: (Want you to know your work with this ability is developing.)

Degree of Interpretation: 860,000,000: This ability registers the true intent of the source registered.

Degree of Sensitivity to impressions: 42,000,000,000 (Your ability has far surpassed the norm for your status as a soul.)

Degree of Colorlessness (purity): 14,000: Important to note this quality of the mental aura needs to be completed before one can take the 5th Initiation.  Want you to know your needs here are several but the most important are five….

Degree of Ovalness: 140,000,000: Want you to know you will be working with others to enhance this through understanding what they need to do to fill this out for you it is about studying occult concepts.


You would be wise to see this as a relative scale based upon your achievements this life over the soul’s intentions.  It is an example of a wild card.  This wild card arrived once you were able to love.

These percentages are based upon the group souls’ estimates arrived at through calculations apperceived. They represent a system of mathematics they refer to as necessitated Arithmetic meaning it became necessary to plug in certainty comparator factors. This form of arithmetic is used to analyze variations in karmic pattern potential.

The ideal number looked for in terms of completion of a life in respect to soul tasks expected is basically 85. Anything above 85 is beyond expectation. The importance of this section is to understand what these variables mean in terms of the real world.  This section is about you finding a way to enhance your understanding about the way the group of Lives represented by these thirty-two (32) reflected cosmic physical plane related laws or mind evaluations interface to produce the correct kind of existence to unfold the Cosmic Plan.  This section is also about a chosen way to improve upon your understanding, or indeed yet, your skill in improving our mind state.  It is this mind state that produces, in reality, the degree of formation or operation of these laws; and by nature of their provisions produce in reality the structural function of the universe.

We have given you the idea of registering for a living a possibility of seeing into the mind of the soul to sense for others their respective position within the One Soul.  With this in mind, we need to continue to evaluate the potential of each individual to see if by chance, they can accomplish this life what their soul is expected or needs to accomplish to meet their own mandates.  It is this evaluation that the Hierarchy we are able to take souls in for training or not.  These above 32 are incomplete analysis wise.

You have been given the idea of relating these 32 evaluations to a set of laws; to do this effectively you need to carry this thought into the cosmic planes whereby certain formations of devic life comprise the mental state of our solar logos.  It is at this point we wish to divulge an important point.  This point is related to the idea of recovering or understanding through comparative analysis the state of the solar logoic mind body based upon etheric physical effects: 82 Incomplete

First of all you need to look at the requirements of the first evaluation variable:

Power of thought relates to the idea that our solar Logos has in his possession the ability to integrate with His Spiritual Soul.  If this is the case, then his etheric body would have His Heart center fully developed; this would be expressed as an overwhelming expression of love and goodwill in the solar system.  This is not the case because here on this planet you do not see the effect of this.

Another example: Degree of Penetration into abstract mind: 6300: This is the ability to see yourself making correct choices in terms of ensouling a life experience. It is about you being able to achieve an explanation for an event based upon the inner life of humanity’s soul: In terms of the solar system you would expect to see a relationship between different planets that took into account certain physiological features in terms of chain Life. The various chain lives would be completing their sixth round in all of the chains but one and this one would be in its fourth round to incorporate the idea of this chain being that chain where the life forms are required to catch up for it is in this round that beings develop bodies of a physical nature also.  In all of these chains it would be necessary to relinquish your egoic bodies and in this way achieve penetration into abstract mind for a solar Logos as their requirements are stricter.

Another example: Degree of Disturbance 365: This is the ability to see yourself as interacting with the environment at the same time being aligned to soul thoughts being impressed upon the personality. This disturbance concerns four areas: elemental (external elements), excitability, memory relational, and acuteness (inability to exhibit such).


Karma and Dharma

The importance of trying to find the time to adjust one’s karma as we go is important to invoke new karma or a new path.  It is in this way that the planet is served as karma and dharma are closely interrelated.  You would find it interesting how closely karma is associated to these thirty-two (32) mind evaluation variables.  You might expect that each person, knowing what he knows, would be able to enhance his understanding by increasing his rating in any of the above areas.  And since karma and consciousness are inseparable the above reflects the amount of karma available to one—either individual or group.  The more consciousness the more karma created and shouldered.  Group karma in a positive sense is better called Dharma working itself out into manifestation.

You might ask how it is that karma of a race is translated as dharma for a race in respect to planetary purpose.  It is easy to see that karma and dharma are related to the idea of experience and experience to development; you might also note that it is karma and not directly dharma that permits the ascension of a life unit.  Dharma is only that which is demonstrated as the karma is released that permits ascension.

You might also ask how it is that karma and dharma are likewise two aspects of creation but required to nurture the form and both a product of time. You might further ask how it is that karma and dharma are reflections of vice and virtue again a relative relationship. And who is to say where one begins and the other ends. You might further ask that if karma and dharma are the same thing then how come one keeps you on the cosmic physical plane and the other one frees you.  This is because karma, as traditionally understood, is mistakenly used in place of the principle of judgment (used where you are creating a form meant to be created to assist in the soul’s group purpose—thus destiny).  Karma should be reserved for those situations whereby, under the Law of Economy, it is okay to be yourself and create according to your choices in line with your soul’s purpose.  In other words, it is okay, to create forms according to your abilities but not okay to create forms for others outside of their or the groups intent.  This is why we have laws and courts because we should not do this.

You have been given the idea of relating to others, in the sense of, being there for them.  This has given you the ability to see their real needs as people. It is in this fashion that you and them are creating in concert an organize aspect related to the larger group mind (as an example); and as more and more people and groups are creating in concert the national, ethnical, and planetary mind set is unfolded like-wise; this is the same as unfolding your own organized mindset based upon the soul’s intent.

You have been given the idea of relating to others in reference to creating a field of service.  Each of these others is a part of the mindset of the planet and each has relationship to all other members of the planet.  The ultimate arrangement will only take place at the end of the solar system and in this way be at one with the solar Logos’s intent, given we are an extension of Him in time and space.

You have been given the idea of relating to all men in the fashion as One Brother-Sisterhood; this is correct in the sense of coming from one Source; and this Source is the Cosmic Astral Plane.  Why this Plane? First of all your recognition of yourself is related to the concept of monad as being a Spark of the One Flame—this being the highest aspect of the fourth Creative Hierarchy. But this concept is limited by this being linked to an individualized aspect.  If you look at the group context of the fourth Creative Hierarchy, you would see it is contained within it several life forms that include those on the Cosmic Astral Plane—as a Chinese ball within a ball analogy. The Cosmic Astral Plane represents the extent to which our universe has matured based upon the polarization of the form elements being created or reflected in the cosmic physical planes—thus Creative Hierarchies in general reflect this degree of brother-sisterhood throughout the thirty-two plus three subplanes.

You have been given the idea that the soul itself is an extension of several lives upon the planet seeing that it creates and functions through a group expression and consciousness.  It is in this way that it learns to create at an early age. We as personalities acquire this ability as we prepare for the fourth initiation this is why an ashram is required to imitate the soul which is inherently a part of the Hierarchy of life and this is under law as we saw above.

You have been given the idea that the group of lives that make up this planet has done so on account of the choices made by  the solar Logos.  It is not unreasonable to assume that this process of making decisions was for our behalf as He required a way to expand His cosmic base we were chosen on the grounds of our belief in Him to give us what we desired as spirits.  (It is important to note here that your testimony about the ageless wisdom teachings will be better received if you stick to the facts and not wander down too many pathways.)  So as spirits, we agreed to arrange his substance in such a way as to generate for him a set of relationships that not only suited Him but us likewise—such is the Plan unfolded and it is this process of working as one that the mind field is perfectly developed.

You have been given the idea that each man and women on this planet has something to hide and this is due to the idea they are incomplete in their understanding of themselves.  If they perceived themselves based upon truth their beauty would make them known to all.  It is in this way we can judge another according to whether or not they are being themselves and this is by their radiance first seen subjectively and later objectively as they stabilize this truth.  Physical beauty is an act of subterfuge and relies upon the outer perception to contain it. As we perfect the 32 sub-planes of our existence this beauty becomes more and more distinguishing.

You have been given the idea of radiation as that life essential being released. It is this release that stabilizes the integration into the greater group of lives.  Our lives are a product of earlier radiations in the other kingdoms, this is because that without these radiations we would not be where we are now.  How does this make sense?  First of all, it makes sense to assume that each of our past experiences got us here.  Here is a relative word. It got us to where we are able to study this.  Each one of these past experiences relates us to what we are now studying—the 32 subplanes of mental expression.

You have been given the idea organizing the mind to reproduce the creative process of the solar Logos. It is in this way the purpose of the solar Logos will eventually manifest.  It is this process of imitating god that permits His purpose to unfold. It is also this way that will permit the understanding to take place of our part in the Plan.

These two together, purpose and plan are the accumulated consciousness of those lives which have reflected upon existence upon the earth.  It is our contribution to the many worlds within the solar-ring-pass-not that share our immediate fate. Because the Ashram is also systemic, we as members of a Lodge has access to a great amount of information from all of those other worlds that likewise has ashrams and together make up the One Ashram of the Lord of the Solar System.  It is this process that permits the flow of disciples and initiates between these ashrams that evolve the whole together.

You have been given the idea that each of these ashrams are also unique in their conditioning of aspirants who move through their halls and this is true but what you do not know that all graduates have the opportunity to round out their development in other planetary Ashrams from time to time. Exchange takes place similar to exchange students between universities. It is this process that permits the earth to keep abreast of progress elsewhere and to bring in new techniques of training. You would be wise to see this as process whereby all ashrams work together in carry out the Plan and Purpose of the solar Logos.

We have been given the task of separating wise from the unwise in terms of permitting what thoughts we should have or not for it is this self-imposed program of creating our own reality that determines our evolution of consciousness; it is for this reason we normally choose those thoughts which in some way reflect a greater and greater inclusiveness.  It is for this reason, and this reason alone, we move into our heritage as a soul for the soul has no boundaries of any kind.  This is somewhat hard to understand, for in being human, a bounded condition itself might imply otherwise; but this state of appearances is just that; a condition of temporary appearance we call human.  It is in this temporary human kingdom where we realize what the purpose of the soul actually is.  It is to connect its creative form to the concept of Self. It is this concept of expanding Self that is for the soul its major purpose for existence.  A purpose concept so amazing it takes thousands of years to unfold.  What really is the nature of Self, we hear this word a lot, what does it really mean to the soul:

First of all, it means that the unit of life we call a human being is a gradual disciple of self-awareness.

Second, it means that the unit of life navigates its way towards discovering its identity through aligning its values with the idea that it alone and unaided can perceive itself through its own eyes and this leads to the idea that others are not needed anymore to mirror one’s self to them.

Third, it means that all units of life once gone through the human kingdom require no assistance to see the self as a part of the One Self.

Lastly, it means that for each person who partook in another’s life this person became an inseparable part of such unit of life.


Exercise #1:

You would be wise to see this exercise, as an exercise remarkable for its ability to assist you in becoming more adroit in finding ways to harness your concept of self.  This is an exercise capable of exciting you into believing you are God; how is this so?

First of all relax to a state of coma.

Next, settle in to breathing rhythmically.

Next, allow yourself to go deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation.

Next remember four things:

Remember who you are now

Remember who you were last life

Remember who you will be next life

Remember who you will be when you have passed out of the human kingdom.

Take some time to breathe each question in and allow your body presence to remember for you.

See to it you do not let your creative imagination run wild but just breath and observe.

Next see yourself in the last life you will have on this earth; compare it with who you are now. Try to perceive this last life on earth in being human as a transition into the 5th kingdom.

Once you have done that allow your body presence to picture for you its version of your last life.  See this life as the life in which the three worlds means nothing to you totally empty of purpose and significance; it is in this way you will be able to leave not because you want to but because you are not here anymore.

Now visualize what you think your next life will be like; try to visualize it in any way you can. It is my belief you will not be able to because you are still imprisoned on the cosmic physical plane. This plane will prevent you from seeing anything that is other than its concept of reality—no matter how hard we try.

Organize Life around you so it works for you. (6)

You must realize what it will take for each of you to express your basic desires or that what you want from life.  How is it that you go day to day trying to decide how to control yourself to be happy?

How is it you are able to say to yourself; hay, what really is it that I need to do with my life? It is important that you ask this question not just once a year, or once a month or a week but day after day all day long until you have a complete plan for your life.  Whatever you want now will not be what you want tomorrow—see, life grows with you.

This question is about your real needs, what are they, and how can you meet them. This series of questions will be the most important questions you can answer.  Let me help you organize your mind to better appreciate how to think about this.  There are four things you need to know first:

That the real needs are not apparent needs they are normally totally unknown by each of us.

That real needs are not those qualities and characteristics we could develop to round out our evolution.  They are those essential variables that need to be addressed to make your life work as your divine soul intended.  These are the needs that will put you on top of the world and keep you there.

What does it mean to be on top of the world? It means several things:

  • First of all, it means you will be minding your own business.
  • Secondly, it means you will be absorbed with yourself as a personality developing your potential to Serve.
  • Thirdly, it means you will not have the time to address all lesser needs.
  • Lastly, it means, you have been given an opportunity to be atoned with the Self.


The following are 18 ways of thinking about real needs: and for each category a short meditation is intended for you to do at home in an effort to get this information:
  • Real Needs are those that keep you a prisoner of the past and prevent the future from recognizing you. Each of us has many elements in our lives that act as a wall separating us from our potential future.
  • Real needs are those that prevent us from seeing ourselves for who we are.
  • Real needs are those that prevent us from seeing the future which life wants us to have.
  • Real needs are those elements in our environment that prevent us from doing what we want to do.
  • Real needs are those situations we have created to make us happy but separate us from it.
  • Real needs are those relationships in our life we that we were supposed to have but are not in our highest good.
  • Real needs are those people, places, and things we surround ourselves with to feel alive.
  • Real needs are concepts & members of our Home & family we are suppose to support if we are morally correct.
  • Real needs are those situations we have created to be spiritual.
  • Real needs are those situations we have created to be accepted by the world.
  • Real needs are those situations we have created to be respected by our co-workers.
  • Real needs are those situations we have created to be honored by our concept of god or goodness.
  • Real needs are those situations where we pray for forgiveness to remove the guilt and tears.
  • Real needs are those situations we create that explain how it is we can create our lives for the benefit of others so they will feel good about who we are.
  • Real needs that prevent our working in the world as spiritual beings.

You have been given the idea that these real needs are interlaced with and basically indistinguishable from your life.  They are so connected it is hard to know what life is outside of ones needs.  We must unravel this dilemma if we are to somehow decipher our real needs.  In respect to needs in general, how do we separate our events in life from our needs? I suggest we do not and cannot.

We are born into life as a set of inner personality forms (mental, emotional, vital) waiting to be unfolded and at every stage these forms can be perceived as descriptive of representing one’s unfolding set of needs. All forms or needs have the same thing in common—they change and die once their mission is complete.  We would like you now to see your life now as being comprised as a set of forms unfolded to fulfill or reflect a need; each related set of forms and needs creates a series of events to express the fulfillment of a need through the identification with some form (inner and outer).

All of these identifications create over time a sense of self.  It is this sense of self, interfacing with the environment that we normally call life.  It is this concept of life, which makes us yet powerless.  Why does it make us powerless? It is because we created it in our own image and this image is not complete.

It is this image only that we need to change, and life is changed.  Our ability to change this image is easier than you might imagine.  All it takes is the truth.  What truth? The truth that we are more than the forms we choose to identify with. Remember, if what the pundits say is true, we chose these forms to begin with and not to end with.  We want you to know, your choice of forms was your best shot for a perfect life. What does this mean? It means you had no other way of expressing yourself. It also means you desired this set of forms to fulfill your needs.

You have been given the idea of registering your real needs. All of these needs have one thing in common—they are both absolute and relative. How is this? First of all, they are absolute in that you cannot move into your soul related future without them.  They are relative in that they do not prevent you from being yourself now in the present. A case in point: each of us requires food to live into the future. But now we do not (in respect to the future).  It is only at that point when the present and the future collides that food is important. We know this, and prepare for this time. Real needs are the same; we know that to move into the future we will have to create a situation to make this happen; at this time we will need both a set of forms (vital food) and a set of related needs (to survive physically into the future). These new forms and needs are inevitable for the future to unfold—we know this.

But what forms and needs do we create—we also know this. The future has already happened. What does this mean? The future has been created by us in concert with all peoples on this planet. How can we prove this? First of all, we know that half of people throughout the whole world acknowledge that the life they have lived would not be exchanged for another. Secondly, that these same people believe it was their destiny to have the life they lived.  Thirdly, that these people felt that if they could change, or was asked to change, their lives it would not be correct for them to do so. So you see if you add up all the arguments for or against destiny, it is a trade off at the least.  But more importantly there is a reason for this; it is because these particular people know they are born in life for some spiritual reason whereas the other half does not hold that belief.

You have been given an argument for being in control of your destiny as a personality. Now I would like to give you an argument for being in control of your destiny as a soul.  There are two reasons for doing this.  The first is your need for truth.  The second is your need for understanding.  Both of these reasons unavoidable. The first cannot be avoided; your inability to live with yourself would destroy you after a while. The second is unavoidable because you must know the cause of existence of a thing, a person, and a place.

You have been given the idea of retreating within to discover both the truth and understanding but I am saying it can be found outside through the body itself. And I would like you to take the time to experiment with the following five exercises to see.


Exercise 2:

Relax from the day and once your breathing becomes normal allow yourself to become focused on your body presence.  Allow your awareness to take in your whole body. Sense yourself just being with it relaxed and breathing at ease.

Now, empty your mind of all memories of the day and permit your emotions to go with them.

Once this is complete, allow yourself to become the observer.

Now take time to see with your mind’s eye with your imagination in front of you a staircase. Imagine yourself moving towards this staircase.

Take some time to look around and notice what else is there with you in the room.

Take your time doing this just allow whatever is there to come into your presence.

Before you step on the staircase, ask yourself to be permitted to see what your destiny is as a soul if this life was perfectly lived.

You just hold the intention and do not permit your cell memory to take control of your mind—just be the observer allowing the presence to provide the information

Never identify with what you apperceive, just observe it—whether good or bad from your point of view is irrelevant.

Now begin to walk up the staircase observing what comes to your awareness.

You can write down as you go if you think you will forget and then go back into observer mode.

Once you get to the top, reaffirm the intention—what would be the destiny of your soul if your life were perfectly lived.

Once complete return to your normal presence.

The importance of this exercise is to give you a hint of the amount of information that can be accessed through just being present with yourself or others. It is about you taking charge of your destiny by aligning your brain, mind, and soul to enhance your life. It is about you being able to be your own guide and master. You must every effort to secure this type of brain, mind, and soul connection to master your self and your circumstances.  You need to remember your time on this planet can be lived fully and with adventure if you are willing to allow your soul to be your guide.


Exercise # 3

The same process applies above except we will introduce new images:

Take some time to go into your body presence and begin to imagine you are on a hillside. Observe the nature of your surroundings.

Permit yourself to look out across the landscape into the sky. See in the sky a bird flying.  Get a sense of being the bird which allows you to flow through the air.

Try to get an image of what you as the bird might be picturing below you. Draw it into focus.

Begin to go down towards it until you can make it out in greater detail.  Get a sense of its relationship to you.


Exercise #4:

Spend some time breathing in through the top of your head and out of your feet the color orange, rose, & emerald green; do this for 5 minutes or so breathing one color at a time but not one after the other—just three times.

Now take some time to go into your body presence.  See yourself in a valley looking up at a mountain. Permit yourself to find a way up the mountain.

Once you do begin to walk up the mountain look around.

Once up there spend some time looking around.

Notice in the distance an object move towards that object and see what it is.

Stand in front of it and let your presence dialogue with it. Note the communication.


Exercise #5

Spend some time breathing in through the top of your head and out your ajna center the orange, rose, and emerald green again.

This time see yourself in the clouds. Spend some time to sense anything present with you.

If so, try to dialogue with it.


Exercise #6:

See yourself floating in a cloud mass

While floating ask yourself this question and wait for a body response: If my memory is accurate—then who would I be once this present form of my persona is removed

Allow yourself to follow the response

Permit one more question: Who am I when I am not in a body. Allow yourself to flow with this and follow it where it takes you do not be discouraged by no response just keep on observing with this intention in mind but not repeating the words.


I want to share a journey provided by Buddhic Devas:

We would like to take you on a journey into the unknown.  It is an unknown because all who have gone there has not come back. It is a journey full magic and mystery.  It is a journey awaiting all mankind. But before this journey can begin, we must complete our tasks in the three worlds.

The journey begins upon the buddhic plane a plane so radically different then you could ever imagine that its exposure alone to men’s minds changes their life forever. It is this beginning that opens the doorway into an expansive existence that that space itself seems to have fallen off the universe.

It is that once this journey is entered into there is no way of going back; it is just impossibility, although none has ever tried.  We want to take you to the next level of the Buddhic plane a plane so drastically different then the first you would think you are in a different universe and so you are. It is upon this plane that the first inklings of universal thought trickle through your consciousness.  It is a thought that has within it the confines of the universe. There is more, not only have you found the beginnings of divine thought you have likewise secured a passage into starlight of other worlds.  This starlight is unlike the night sky for all twinkle golden upon a vast backdrop of golden light.  Upon this canopy of amazing gold is found also a vast array of Beings not unlike those images that a human being sees in his dreams at night when visited by messengers of god.  It is these images seen everywhere at work in carrying out gods plan.

As we move into the next level it has gotten colder still as the night air surfaces to comfort us.  Upon this level are devas of every description intent upon the path of god.  It is upon this level that seek all sons of god the footsteps of the arch-angels preparing god workers to better understand the ways of god.  It is also on this level for the first time one gets a glimpse of the Chohans as their forms move from place to place.  It is these images that first enamor one’s consciousness.  But as the stillness seeps into one’s consciousness a different sight is perceived, one of which words have no power to express, it is a sight that can only be described as burning consciousness circulating in the heavens.

As we move into the next level, we grasp for air as there seems to be none.  Upon this level rise great pillars seemingly constructed of consciousness itself for there is no way to describe it.  It is a mixture of both devic Mind, Mind of Humanity, Divine Mind, planetary mind, Universal Mind, and Monadic Mind substance all combined into one.  Upon this level too rises great temples composed of Buddhic substance ensouled totally by Devas—they are alive and function as a tabernacle for the elite of the earth.  Each Temple is fashioned into a symbol so old only the devas that ensoul them know there meaning—and none will tell.  Upon this level we also find many relics of ancient religions come and gone but the devas still care for these relics as they too are ancient and all is sacred to them.  This level instills the breath of god through a process similar to the grasping of a root of a tree the water in its location drawing it near to be absorbed by osmosis. Upon this level one it is known by all of the plans of he who rules this world as they echo throughout the ethers and each hears according to their attunement.  Upon this level dwells all those members of Hierarchy.

As we move up to the next level comes a voice so loud it startles us. It is this voice of our own soul that rings through our very substance from all directions. It is this process of communication that instills us with accommodation to the very voice itself. Also Upon this level we find a sojourn of peace cascading through all of the heavens.  And upon this cascade there rides yet another voice whispering with such beauty that the ravages of time fade away leaving only the daring of beauty.  Upon this level too, we find the ancient Holy Ones busy at work in creating the garment of god. They are creating the alter of time and are busy seeing that their task is completed.  Upon this level we envision the perfection of everything, a hard thing to say and to hold as it shifts before our eye of vision.  Upon this level we find an opening that takes us into what appears to be a cosmic plane similar to this. Also, upon this plane all who seek the Glory of the One, it is upon this plane that the many move towards the One.

The Buddhic Plane journey ends here.

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


The Silence of the Heart – Destination Sources

The Father’s House – Signposts of Home

The Antahkarana – Some Rules for Triadal Alignment

The Masters & Spirit – Some Adjunct Teachings (Revised 03-19-24)

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function

Esoteric Cosmology – Solar Antahkarana

Spirits Moving deeper into the Unknown Heart

A Whispering from Evolved Spirits

The Nature of Sirius – Some Adjunct Information – Part 1

The Nature of Sirius – Some Adjunct Information – Part II