Nicholas Roerich Museum - Saintly Guests

The Supreme Science of Contact – 24-Fold Occult Sciences Model

An Introduction for Students of Alice A Bailey’s (A.A.B.) Works on Esoteric Philosophy

The 24-model theoretic approach provided by the works of A.A.B. is invaluable for understanding one’s experiential subjective life as a disciple.  This discussion has been organized according to the 6-fold sciences of the Supreme Science of Contact theory.  It can be organized in different ways, but this proved the most practical per my own purposes. Quotes from the works of Alice A. Bailey (A.A.B.) are used quite liberally to capture the theory used to compare experiential events with to better understand such theory in respect to practice.


True telepathic rapport is part of the Supreme Science of Contact and has peculiar and definite reference to humanity. Many different terms might be used in the effort to convey some understanding of this subtle, subjective mode of relationship, and I have used among others the following:

  1. The Science of Contact.
  2. The Science of Impression.
  3. The Science of Invocation and Evocation.
  4. The Science of Relationship.
  5. The Science of Sensitivity.

All these terms convey different aspects of the reaction of form or forms to contact, to impression, to impact, to environment, to the thought context of various minds, to ascending and descending energies, to the invocation of agents and the evocation of their response. The whole planetary system is in reality a vast interlocking, inter-dependent and inter-related complexity of vehicles communicating or responsive to communication. (Bailey, 1950, p. 83)


There is an inherent order, as denoted, of these sciences that is easily grasped by the astute student.  First sensitivity gives rise to contact then possibly impression then  invocation and evocation, meaning once impressed by quality of substance (qualified energy/force), further relationship is invoked by the Eye of Mind or soul infused personality mind, if in contemplation, and a like response is evoked which sets up a relationship and a growing conditioned sensitivity to such contact alignment. Each contact can be understood as being found within a lighted area of divine (or not) awareness.

Supreme Science of Contact – Some Useful Correlations with the teachings of Alice A Bailey (A.A.B.):

This analysis will follow the set of correlations outlined below with several objectives in mind.  First, the Supreme Science of Contact’s given sub-sciences are arranged in a normal experiential order of unfoldment.   Secondly, it provides an educational and experimental tool that enhances our understanding of the Science of the Path as gifts and abilities (by way of microcosmic senses) are unfolded over time and these experiences can be analyzed in respect to these apparent patterns of inner-relationship.  You will notice below that each stage of the unfoldment process can be associated with various sub-sciences of the Science of the Path.  One will realize these stages are progressively undergone in sequence and also that there is also a similar set of stages which are cognized over time experientially within these stages – cycles within cycles.

The most valuable key provided to me from the writings of A.A.B. in understanding Master D.K. was His cycle of integration model: (a) alignment, (b) crisis; (c) light; (d) revelation, (e) integration, and (f) transition into greater life; (Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, 1942).  These 6 stages can be usefully correlated with the 6-fold Supreme Science of Contact, the 6-stages of building the Antahkarana, and the 6-fold Science of the Intuition and the 6-fold teachings of Master D.K. This was also the basis of Assagioli’s Psycho-synthesis related cycle of integration model although he only identified to my knowledge publicly the first 4-stages – unconscious behavior crystalized leading to – 1) acknowledging of new behavior, 2) accepting of new wants, 3) coordinating of new needs, 4) recognition of new vision (Assagioli, 1965).

I assume that all who take the time to read this analysis understands the relationship between the cycle of integration model, introduced here, and the seven laws of the soul, (Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, 1942) as this is one key to understanding themselves through occult and spiritual psychology and their spiritual path through a cycle of integration by way of the Supreme Science of Contact model and/or related models introduced herein.

Master D.K.’s 6-fold Science or Stages of the Antahkarana model are intent, visualization, projection, evocation, stabilization, resurrection or abstraction.  The six degrees of freedom are freedom from physical body and appetites, from astral body with emotions, from personality focus, from causal body and self -interests, from blindness, freedom of choice, from eventually from the seven systemic planes, and from consciousness. (Bailey, The Rays and The Initiations, 1960, pp. 685-686)

Master D.K.’s 6-fold Base Teaching model are Instructions on Meditation, Exoteric and Esoteric Teachings on Initiation, Training in Telepathy, Teachings on the Etheric Body, Problems of Humanity, and Externalization of the Ashrams.

Master D.K.’s 6-fold Science of the Intuition model can be organized practically composed of the 3-fold Integration Techniques of Planetary Integration, Systemic Fusion, and Cosmic Duality Techniques; and the 3-fold Techniques of Ending Glamour Technique of the Presence, Technique of Light, and the Technique of Divine Indifference.  Please remember that theoretically and thus experientially the personality’s ring-pass-not is the planet; the soul’s ring-pass-not is the solar system; and the monad’s – the cosmos.  Furthermore, the Science of Intuition model is based upon the evolution of instincts – animal, to human, and to spiritual and can be seen as based in the Science of Esoteric Psychology.

The 6-stages of the Antahkarana, the 6-stages of Integration, the 6-stages of the Science of Supreme Contact, and the 6-stages of Master D.K’s Teachings correlated below:


Antahkarana Model StagesIntegration Model StagesSupreme Science of Contact StagesMaster D.K.’s Set of TeachingsScience of the Intuition Model Stages
IntentAlignmentContactMeditation (Dharmic Cross)Technique of Divine Indifference (Personality)
VisualizationCrisisImpressionExoteric Initiation (Point of Revelation)Technique of Light (Soul)
ProjectionLightInvocationEsoteric Initiation (Formulas)Technique of the Presence (Humanity)
EvocationRevelationEvocationTelepathyTechnique of Personality Integration (Planetary)
StabilizationIntegrationRelationshipCenters & Etheric VehicleTechnique of Fusion (Solar)
ResurrectionTransitionSensitivityProblems of Humanity & Externalization of Hierarchy (Microcosmic Senses)Technique of Duality (Cosmic)


Please keep in mind that the portion of the Antahkarana in discussion that is being built between the 1st and 6th initiation is inclusive of the planetary Heart center.  It is easy to infer that mastery of each of the six stages in the building of the Antahkarana can be correlated to the six initiations and the six degrees of freedom.  Thus, the six cycles of integration within one major cycle of integration. (Bailey, 1960, p. 525)

Interestingly, the same series of correlations above can be analogically related to the 6-stages of the Science of the Intuition model depicting complete mastery of an integration stage (higher with lower) or in the use of a Science of the Intuition technique:

  • 1st Initiation – Technique of Divine Indifference (Personality)
  • 2nd Initiation – Technique of Light (Soul)
  • 3rd Initiation – Technique of the Presence (Humanity)
  • 4th Initiation – Technique of Personality Integration (Planetary)
  • 5th Initiation – Technique of Fusion (Solar)
  • 6th Initiation – Technique of Duality (Cosmic)

Each of these techniques perfected leads the aspirant towards the culmination of a particular initiation or planetary integration.

Furthermore, there is herein correlated the 6-stages of initiation or the 6-stages of integration within oneself as becoming identified the larger whole by-way-of the other 6-fold stage models.  These interrelated 6-fold stage models are introduced in passing as we move into a deeper analysis of the Supreme Science of Contact.

Also, Master D.K.’s 7-year biological age periods of the maturation process brings one forward to their highest point of sheath development to date (etheric – age 0-7, astral age 7-14, concrete mind – age 14-21, abstract mind – age 21-28) buddhic or intuitive mind – age 28-35, atmic or universal mind – age 35-42) in any one life but this cannot always be readily discerned due to one’s karmic path.  Around age 35-42 each individual either discovers their truer life purpose or not and works towards manifesting it. Maturation is followed by integration of existing growth into existing maturation or development.

The original study that led to this analysis was organized into six sections correlated to the six sciences of the Supreme Science of Contact which provides a short review of the Supreme Science of Contact, One can realize that the deeper one explores this science the more revealing it becomes and also the more occult and mysterious, but it is my supposition that it can explain the relationships between all of Master D.K.’s discipleship training methods and is the best way to unfold this experiential causative model for the development of telepathy and of the microcosmic senses. Please hold the concept that the Supreme Science of Contact can also symbolically represent one cycle of Initiation or a cycle of integration planetary or otherwise.  This means that this one cycle explains their entire life-thesis and had a beginning and an end – I call this one life in one physical body or many physical bodies. It is assumed that disciples along different rays have different ray conditioned substance responses to a cycle of integration.  The path herein depicts the path of the “occultist” or along the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th ray aspects.

If one reflects upon their own particular process over a period of many years and attempts to associate or correlate the occult model or models used herein they will realize that as they move deeper into the one life through will, conscious, and form integration their experiences will become harder and harder to correlate with occult theories as this analysis will demonstrate.  With the unfoldment of the microcosmic senses more and more sense is thrown upon ones experiences and correlation becomes more feasible if one is the astute observer of an event and can discriminate the many variables or players within the subjective event.

All of these teachings can be related and understood in their context to this paper if the 6-fold model of the Supreme Science of Contact is used to organize the other 6-fold models which is the way this paper’s theory and comparative analysis of subjective events reified over time are organized for very good reasons which might become apparent to them. I am not suggesting this is what Master D.K. had in mind as it is only one way to organize your thoughts according the organizational intent of this paper.

They produce the fruit of the Supreme Science of Contact (besides the evolution of consciousness) which is Occult Impression and its eventual unfoldment of the three higher psychic faculties in service to Humanity and the Plan as a further goal the Master D.K. dedicated his Ashram to which I will cover in the summing up of this discussion: (Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age I, 1944)

  1. Anchor on earth certain types of the higher forces which the race needs and which are not yet active.
  2. Develop the six supernormal powers to which I have referred above (Intuitional response to ideas; sensitiveness to the impression of members of hierarchy; quick response to real need, right observation of reality upon the soul plane; correct manipulation of force for service on the outer planes; and a true comprehension of the time element)
  3. Train the group members in that synthetic relation which characterizes the Hierarchy and so prepare them for initiation.

Ideally, one’s microcosmic sense and spiritual development manifested fruits need be compared with these 3-fold powers or faculties and thus adjust accordingly one’s methods and one’s alignments regularly so not to get side-tracked in the unknown becoming known in non-useful and wasteful ways.  It is particularly important when considering the horizontal related fruits of Contact.

In this respect, an objective complete review was not undertaken by myself at yearly intervals and did lead to various wastes of effort for myself and others assisting because I made the same error in reasoning as many others make and that I was not a member of His experimental group so to save time I will not reflect on the detailed particulars of introductions and instructions and integration tasks Master D.K. provided to His discipleship group individually even knowing he was basically responsible for all discipleship training in the West.

It is hoped that some of the biases of higher psychism will be evolved into an appreciation for the existence and use of these microcosmic senses for what these senses can proffer to those following after in His Footsteps so elegantly woven in an unfolding Pattern of Excitation of Spirit.

The paper is written in such a way as to depict or suggest one cycle of (planetary) integration and that the beginning of this cycle of integration begins with the cause for the recognition of the first point of revelation which I call the “stillness vision” which, per my understanding, is initiated by a contact with the Planetary Logos at some point (Buddhic Mind, or the Universal Mind or the Mind of God as these are not necessarily the same).   It ends with a summation revelation relating to one of the 3-fold Suns in terms of Purpose being integrated into group creative work and service of the Plan.

A cycle of Initiation is a process wherein the initiate is taught how to work with energy, how to use the creative, attractive, and dynamic use of previously unknown energies in accordance with the hierarchical Plan in order to bring about precipitation of planetary purpose into the outer field of manifestation and do so from his attained point of revelation, whatever it might be.


In respect to individual initiation:

It might be said, therefore, that the four requirements which are needed to aid the disciple to meet the demands of the initiatory process are the ability to be impressed, the capacity accurately to register the impression, the power to record what has been given, and then to give it word forms in the mind consciousness. On the basis of the information received, the disciple must then properly invoke the needed energies and learn through experience to produce a responsive evocation. (Bailey, 1950, pp. 85-86)


It is important to point out here that this first requirement, ability to be impressed, needs to be developed given that it is a preliminary requirement and takes much time to perfect or magnetize the aura.  I just want to introduce some relevant questions. What is easy to overlook in this process of perfecting the other requirements is that information is being received at all stages of advancement but the disciple is unsure of its source, its accuracy, or its full intent and therefore must proceed cautiously with more experimentation.  Source variation increase over time as the disciple’s aura becomes more and more magnetized as well as the contacting of a source’s three aspects. The major questions in the disciple’s mind in respect to the information received should be:

Is this source this correct source to further invoke to meet some intended purpose? Well, unless one further invokes how will they know? If this source produces consistent type and quality of information and intent it can be ascertained eventually.

Is the information received accurate and useful overtime? Well, unless the source is further invoked how will one know? As one collects more and more information from a source one can slowly ascertain its completeness and intent.  To completely grasp the nature and purpose of a source one needs to contact it in all three of its aspects. Depending on the type of information one needs also to experiment to test its efficacious-ness. This can be problematic if the information is not received in full or correctly so right timing is critical also.  Acting on information received too soon or before correct analysis of its value normally leads to back-tracking.

Given the various hypothetical sources of the information what is the overarching karmic pattern or form being manifested? Unless the disciple meditates on the pattern of information received, he will not know if he has apperceived the larger pattern the received information is a part of.   Eventually, one should be able to ascertain the particular dharmic pattern and related form unfoldment being created. This in respect to the group soul, and later the ray group soul, and eventually the monadic group thus the Heavenly Man.  In other words, once these three are related the pattern within the pattern of the larger pattern purpose is gained. The Will of the Creator will eventually be understood as the disciple enters the world of causation through pure Spirit of Atma. Before this he will have to travel through the world of meaning and the world of significance and all the time perfecting these requirements for initiation thus planetary, solar and cosmic integration.

The real issue has to do with timing and when to act?  Too soon and much time wasted in picking up the pieces.  Too late and much time wasted in pulling together the inner resources to assist. Thus, opportunity lost.  It is said that the hardest lesson is the mastery of “time”.

In respect to group initiation:

In these present instructions I am dealing with group possibilities, with groups which can be trained to record, register and be impressed by the Hierarchy. Such a group can be in the position of being able to invoke the Hierarchy with power if it so choose. I am again bringing these things to your attention as aspirants and disciples, but from an angle different to those in my earlier writings. The responsibility of impressionability, of telepathic registration and of invocative appeal is very great.  (Bailey, 1950, p. 86)

In a very real sense there is nothing but “group initiation” and it is the basis of the above requirement for receiving impressions as this is a group orientated process and all members of the initiatory group in the moment are participating in one way or another.  More realistically, the initiatory group is the complete Ashram of S.K. experienced in a synthetic manner over time. This is not easy of asserting and requires much sagacity and discrimination. Impression of the individual is really the impression of the group in a real sense. All is strung upon the antahkarana is similar to the fact that all hearts are a part of the One Heart. This is discussed more throughout this discussion. It is the basis of the “Heart Doctrine”.

The process referred to is that of invoking the needed energies and refers to the planetary center (petal) energies released through the 5-points of revelation and to produce a responsive evocation refers to Creative Work through the process of correctly locating and identifying with a hint.  It is this process that puts one or one’s group in a “position of being able to invoke the Hierarchy with power” and why the responsibility of impressionability, of telepathic registration and of invocative appeal is very great.” It is all about planetary substance and its redemption. (Bailey, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, 1950)

Once the disciple can relate the different levels or degrees of soul groupings noted above then they can have an explicit answer to the question of the true nature of their group’s creative work (in respect to planetary substance redemption). This degree of soul groupings is contingent upon the various laws of the soul. This through the various telepathic impressions received and recorded in contemplation that gave rise to their potential service forms.  Which of these potential creative works are really linked to one’s various soul groupings and which are related to other members of that particular group?  If one has correctly interpreted the pattern this will not be a question.

It is especially difficult given the recording of many ashrams and sub-ashram plans as the soul grouping expands to include all groups within the local planetary, systemic, and cosmic groupings. This question on creative works is broader than implied in the extant writings available as you will realize from experiential realization through contacts made and unfolded and also if you attempt to define this term in respect to yourself and group over time. For most that experience this the following quote captures the necessary grouping and related intent of one’s subjective impressions received and applied.

What, therefore, is the creative work confronting the Ashrams in the Hierarchy and the members of the New Group of World Servers, working creatively under the inspiration and the impression of the Hierarchy? It falls into two parts:

  1. The work of bringing order out of chaos.
  2. The task of preparing the way for the reappearance of the Christ. (Bailey, 1955, p. 217)


The following quote  captures the inner occult working essence of the Supreme Science of Contact, at our point on the ladder of evolution, and contains a significant amount of information (highlights and underscores are mine):

More understanding will come also if you grasp the fact that this Science of Impression is concerned with the activity of the head centre as an anchoring center for the antahkarana, and that the ajna center is concerned with the process of translating the recorded intuition into a form (through recognition of and reaction to a mental thoughtform) and its subsequent direction, as an ideal objective, into the world of men. In the early stages and until the third initiation, the science of impression is concerned with the establishing of a sensitivity (an invocative sensitivity) between the Spiritual Triad (temporarily expressing itself through the abstract mind and the soul or the Son of Mind) and the concrete mind. This mental triangle is a reflection, in time and space, of the Monad and of the two higher aspects of the Triad, and is reflected (after the process of invocation and a succeeding process of evocation) in another triad—that of the lower mind, the soul and the vital body. When the relation between the lower and the higher mind is correctly and stably established, you have the swinging into activity of the lowest triad connected with the science of impression—the head center, the ajna center and the throat center.

In the above I have given you an interesting and brief elucidation of the technique to be applied to the energizing of the centers in the human body. What is true of the individual disciple must be and is true of that great disciple—Humanity, the entire human family. It is also true, as an outgrowth of this idea, of all the three planetary centers: Shamballa, the Hierarchy and Humanity (emphasis added). The name Science of Impression is that given to the process whereby the establishment of the required relationship (emphasis added) in all these units of life takes place. The Technique of Invocation and Evocation is the name given to the mode or method whereby the desired relationship is brought about. The Creative Work is the name given to the manifestation of the results of the two above processes. The three aspects of the Technique of Invocation and Evocation with which the average disciple should concern himself are those of the building of the antahkarana, the correct use of the lower mind in its two higher functions (the holding of the mind steady in the light and the creation of the desired thoughtforms), and the process of precipitation whereby the impression is enabled eventually to take tangible form. (Bailey, 1950, pp. 49-51)

It is quite easy to confuse the fruits of the science of impression with the fruits of contemplation and the fruits of telepathy. In practice, Contemplation is a vehicle to reify into mind and brain vertical impressions (made higher than the personality point of attainment or beingness at least up to the 4th initiation) much like telepathy is a means for impressions to be reified horizontally but both impression and telepathy can be brought into brain awareness in contemplation by way of thoughtform creation if the telepathy is also horizontal to the Son of Mind or the lower mind.  This point of being reference point is what makes this analysis a bit confusing in my experience. One can create a thoughtform that is made up of many sources contributing to one theme.  As an example, it can contain sources from kama-manasic, causal body, the soul, the group soul, the ashram, the One Soul, the Raincloud and all be combined logically into one thoughtform per my experience. The question comes down to what is being initially contacted and for what purpose. This can be better clarified using the symbolism of the Dharmic Cross related directions in space.  It can also be analyzed using either Master D.K. or Patanjali’s analysis models introduced later.

Vertical and horizontal refers to the direction in space that information is coming (in and out) from (or to) in reference to the point of being upon the cross.  Furthermore, it is more actuate to say that telepathic communications appear to be always horizontal and they permit the exchange of knowledge on minds that already are in relationship subjectively or invoked/evoked.  Whereas impressions are the potential establishment of the required relationship to various units of life; and only by the ability to invoke and evoke can a desired relationship be brought about – vertical or horizontal and this is conditioned by “quality of substance” in respect to purpose.  Master D.K. is only discussing the vertical impressions above.

The three appear to have a lot in common in respect to the use of the centers which will be discussed in the Science of Relationships section.  The energizing of the centres appears to be closely linked to the establishment of the required relationship to various units of life; and the 5-points of revelation appear to be one of the causes of these relationships reified and initiated by way of the 6-formulas which produces the reorganization of substance permitting planetary life unit relationships which will be discussed more deeply in the science of impressions and the science of invocation sections.

The most useful quote below depicts the relationship between impression, invocation and evocation, and telepathy and three means of actual communication(s) per my experiences.    Timeline wise, telepathic ability appeared to follow Mind of God contact and Shamballa impression (by way of the Master) after substance was reorganized by the energizing of the centres which over time produced integration or substance reorganization and a degree of fusion with the group Antahkarana – again a supposition in reflection.

Its Three Inter-Dependent Modes of Expression

  1. The Science of Impression . . . The will-to-be.

Relation to the Spiritual Triad.

Source of emanation . . . Shamballa.

Connected with the abstract mind.


  1. The Science of Invocation and Evocation . . . Love or attraction.

Relation to the soul in all forms.

Source of emanation (at this time) . . . The Hierarchy.

Connected with the lower mind, as the agent of the soul.


  1. The Science of Telepathy . . . Mind. Human intelligence.

Relation to the personality.

Source of emanation . . . Humanity itself.

Connected with the head centre. (Bailey, 1950, p. 52)

(Master D.K. appears to organize the Science of Telepathy differently at different points in his teachings but always refers to it as under the 3rd aspect as above.)  In respect to “Inspirational Telepathy” it does relate to humanity but on egoic levels.

Therefore, from the more normal field of what we may call ordinary telepathic perception (just now coming to recognition by ordinary science), through a slowly learnt process of invocation and evocation, to a state of consciousness distinguished by a trained sensitivity, the disciple moves. He unfolds a spiritual recognition which is controlled, understood, and directed to useful hierarchical ends. In these words, you have a very simple definition of the process to which we give, technically, the name: The science of impression. (Bailey, 1950, pp. 58-59)

What I have said up to this point anent the science of impression, if read also in connection with the teaching on the Points of Revelation,* will convey much enlightenment. However, deep reflection is called for. The science of impression might be regarded, in the last analysis, as the fundamental science of consciousness itself. (Bailey, 1950, pp. 62-63)

This last statement symbolizes the heart of this paper’s supposition and is the key to understanding ones cycle of integration causatively considered and thus the nature of the first telepathic communication example also.  Please keep in mind that the ability to be impressed is really a function of the 5-points of revelation and is the cause of substance reorganization or redemption.  The 5-points of revelation each have an effect upon the substance of the centers and sheaths and planes occultly related. It is this substance reorganization that is basically responsible for the process of cosmic etheric substance being substituted for physical ethic substance that permits occult impression to be registered first in the concrete mind and secondly in the brain.  This is one of the basic underlying objectives for the 7-fold Meditation Technique derived by Master D.K. for discipleship training.   This is to be discussed further under the science of impression section.

It is my further supposition that the 5-Points of Revelation are the effect of substance re-organization (both individual and planetary) and the 6 formulas (through relating within oneself the planetary centers of Humanity, Hierarchy, and Shamballa) are the cause of the higher faculties that use the re-organized substance.  The points of revelation are a permitted cause of vertical impression and the formulas are a permitted cause of proper “invocation.   Once permitted, evocation (Master D.K.’s Hints embodied correctly) can occur when the Spiritual Will, Sacrificial Will, and Personality will are unifying and circulating and thus Creative Work is organized and reified towards “service forms”.  Only after Creative Work is organized (relating the planetary centers) and evoked can relationships be further developed to create service forms and this process creates sensitivity to the contact or existence of such planetary groupings in service to the Plan by way of the microcosmic senses unfolding by way of the individual energizing of the centers by contact with the planetary centers.   This is a working model I am inculcating and making available for peer review and feedback to explain the basis of microcosmic sense development.   This sequence is the apparent cause for occult impression or/and true telepathy at the third stage of building the Antahkarana and over time unfolds the 3-fold “powers” promoted by Master D.K.

According to Master D.K. the Supreme Science of Contact can be broken up into the following phases which are all progressively developed from each other within the evolutionary process:

  1. Astral sensitive awareness. This is based upon the reactions of the solar plexus, and the entire process is carried forward upon the astral plane and with astral substance. … Aspirants are, at one stage of their development, strongly astral-buddhic in nature. This should be remembered.
  2. Mental telepathy. This involves naturally two minds or several minds, and the process is carried forward in the substance of the mental plane. It is the factor which makes possible the activity which we call “impression.” This impression comes largely from certain aspects of the mental plane, such as:
  3. The soul of the telepathic individual, using the knowledge petals of the egoic lotus—a high form of mental intelligence.


  1. The abstract mind, so called. This aspect of mental substance is largely used by the Hierarchy in order to reach the minds of disciples….This necessarily involves the three aspects of the mind, found therein: the concrete mind, the Son of Mind, and the abstract sensitivity or reaction. This involves (on the physical plane) an activity of the pituitary body (as you can readily see) and also the use of the ajna centre.


  1. The occult Science of Impression. This becomes possible when the other two forms of telepathic rapport are present and are developing to a certain point of accuracy. It is dependent also upon the construction of the antahkarana and upon the steady orientation of the aspirant or disciple toward the Spiritual Triad; it also becomes possible when the abstract mind is developed and sensitive, and can thus become the seed or germ of the spiritual Will; this will involve responsiveness to divine purpose. The higher aspect of this abstract mind is the atmic plane. It is useful to realise the substantial nature of these two levels of consciousness. It is within the substance of the atmic plane that the activity is set up which can impress the abstract mind, which then becomes the seat of the consciousness of the spiritual man; at the same time, he remains in active possession and use of his personality and continues to employ the concrete mind; astral sensitivity, however, then begins to fall below the threshold of consciousness…

The higher forms of mental telepathy, involving the soul and the abstract mind are concerned solely with the divine Plan—as the Hierarchy works it out in the three worlds. The Science of Impression is concerned, therefore, primarily, with the divine Purpose as Shamballa is working it out, and also with those higher aspects of hierarchical work which are not concerned with work in the three worlds. This is a point upon which I would ask you to ponder.

Today, owing to the curious evolutionary stage reached in the human kingdom, an intermediate aspect of the three above forms of impression has been instituted; it is like an interim period between full human expression and the full expression of the kingdom of souls. This we call:

  1. The Science of Invocation and Evocation. This science can and does use the unintelligent urges and the higher (yet inchoate) longings of the masses of men in an invocative form; it does so in order to bridge the gap existing in consciousness between the life of the ordinary man, the life of the integrated personality and the life of the soul. (Bailey, 1950, pp. 111-114)

It is my further supposition that a cycle of integration must be consciously experienced beginning at the second initiation thus the aspirant needs to have continuity of consciousness within his own vehicles and the above sequence of the methods or abilities unfolded during this cycle of integration provides this requirement.  It is in effect the training required to transform a mystic into an occultist and by the time of the third initiation or its “stillness vision” initiating such process the Fifteen Rules for White Magic has been “owned” or identified with in practice as well as the Fourteen Rules for Initiation for the Disciple.

The disciple, from the moment he enters the path of initiation  he is from the 2nd initiation onward is either penetrating new areas of divine awareness and areas of the Mind of God, or polarizing therein, or precipitating the energies which will make manifest the Kingdom of God.  Every initiate is a polarized point of precipitated energy and if not than not an “active worker” within an Ashram or auric influence of an Ashram. Occult Obedience is the ability to work with these energies in relationship to the Plan.  The first initiator for the first two initiations is the Angel of the Presence. The initiate penetrates (path of evolution) on his own and once penetrated he is assisted by the Master in correctly polarizing (path of discipleship) and stabilizing spiritually.  The precipitation (path of initiation) falls into three parts:

Through a relation set up by the Initiator and the initiate and sets up a spiritual rapport by way of the new energies and probably unrecognized energies.

The energies are transferred into the aura of the initiate by way of polarizing them in a particular center active at that initiation. But after the 3rd initiation it is the head center but precipitated and distributed through the ajna center.

Later, he discovers he can use any center as the point of precipitation according to the service to be rendered.  It is this ability that permits the identification with the various planetary life forms occultly aligned to ones occult constitution organized by the Son of Mind initially under the influence of the Presence.


The Occult Science of Impression summary quote above is a significant statement in explaining ones unique subjective creative work responsibility: It is this ability that permits the identification with the various planetary life forms occultly aligned to one’s occult constitution organized by the Son of Mind initially under the influence of the Presence. Experientially, the disciple appears to be thrown into an initial contact with these occult planetary Lives and chooses or does not choose to create a relationship. This was due to the One Soul as opposed to the Presence but on reflection the One Soul is the Presence throughout the Cosmic Physical Plane and organizes according to Its Purpose and Plan those Live units that are available for such.

It is this ability that permits the identification with the various planetary life forms occultly aligned to ones occult constitution organized by the Son of Mind initially under the influence of the Presence.

In experience, it is the Son of Mind under the influence of the Presence that determines which planetary life forms the initiate is to make contact with according to the service to be rendered. Disciples are put into contact with various planetary life forms due to past relationships and present karma and plan related opportunity. The following examples needed to be understood:  Group of Enlighten Beings, Esoteric Beings, Individualized Devas, Nirmanykas, and 12 Orders of Holy Ones. Again, unless one believes in themselves (as the “Father”) and acts as if enough to experiment and question correctly all questions will be correctly answered.  This is a significant point that has taken me my whole life to justify. So many opportunities lost unless one believes they are “One with the Father” at all times.

A cycle of Initiation is a process wherein the initiate is taught how to work with energy, how to use the creative, attractive, and dynamic use of previously unknown energies in accordance with the hierarchical Plan in order to bring about precipitation of planetary purpose into the outer field of manifestation and do so from his attained point of revelation, whatever it might be.

In summation the processes of the first two initiations or planetary integrations produce and make possible the following light related revelations by way of the Angel of the Presence, the Christ, and Sanat Kumara (in the sense that He is always Present) and make up the available areas of divine awareness and potential points of related revelation.  This is important to understand one’s position on the path in relationship to their potential precipitations of planetary purpose. Until one engenders the following revelation they will not fully understand the fact that we are the Path itself and likewise the Creator:

Through the triple light of his personality the aspirant realizes the light of intelligence the Anima Mundi or the consummation of the previous solar systems;

Through the triple light of the soul he realizes the light of the Kingdom of Souls;

Through the Light of Divine Purpose making available divine intelligence and its potential for soul instinctual informing he lights up his service path through the world;

Through the above blended lights he realizes the light of love, a blended three-fold light from the Heart of God and Heart of the Sun, the light of the Spiritual Triad, and the light of the cosmic physical plane.

Through all these lights he realizes the lights which are extra-planetary and also of the lower 4 kingdoms but only as he embodies or alchemizes these lights into his substance and thus discovers he is the way or path and this is a ”summarizing point of revelation”. DINA II, Page 432-439.


It is significant that one keeps the concept of the Cross and Spiritual Position in your understandings in the workings of the Supreme Science of Contact for our purposes.  One can and does make both vertical and horizontal contacts and receive impressions and invoke energy and content into reification and creating relationships and sensitives at all levels of the Crosses so-to-speak as they blend the Lights with their own substance. In effect, these Light Sources are qualified by the 12 Zodiacal Constellations and Creative Hierarchies, the 7-Ray Lives and Planetary Lives, and the 10 Greater Constellations. Light absorption and sensitivity are directly related to transmutation and transformation. .

The 5-points of revelation stages produce the vertical contact potentials and carry one through the initiation process and horizontal contacts carry one into potential fields of service.  It is useful to separate the vertical and the horizontal stages to create the necessary clarify to reach the anticipated understandings and hypotheses.

The difficulty is that between every vertical cycle of contact to sensitization there normally follows a horizontal cycle of the same as one turns their back upon the Light to reflect it into the dark places working under the impress of the Science of Invocation and Evocation.  As we invoke, we are evoked, as that appears to be the Law.  Then through the realized limitations we locate in ourselves in carrying the Light into the dark places we invoke again for more Light and start the cycle over again (creating the well-known and psycho-spiritual experienced progressive counter-clockwise cyclical spiral of ascension of our individual substance by way of the progressive clockwise descending cyclical spiral of de-ascension of Plan Substance carrying all along with us into the blending lights or planetary centers).

It is my intent during this evaluation to correctly align various experiential model’s methods and “fruits” to spiritual occult theory using only the writings of Alice Bailey (A.A.B.) and H.P.B at times which has proved to date to be very exacting in its descriptions and processes of the “Science of the Path”.  My inexpressible appreciation for the availability of these writings over the years has steadily deepened as a particular process was “owned” and thus could also be validated through A.A.B.’s highly predictive models of occult physiological, spiritual psychological, astrological, spiritual, and mystical causative events; as well as H.P.B.’s metaphysical and mystical explanations.

There is more potential and actual learning that takes place when the topic is abstract with the use of some analogical model that sum’s up and infers multiply levels of relationships and if held in different ways highlight different ways to approach the truth. In this regard it is a simple way to organize the Master D.K.’s Discipleship Training Methods.  The supposition is that Master D.K. organized, first of all, according to an occult “math” model described as 6 + 1 = 9 in terms of spirit acting through substance in meeting its purpose in time and space (see below “First Experience of Inspirational Telepathy as Journaled in 1991”.

The model being used is termed Master D.K.’s 24-Fold Planetary Integration Model or His 24-fold discipleship training model or methods which is presented by way of a set of 5-fold base teachings from the Kalachakra Doctrine which are Esoteric Cosmology, Astrology, Healing, Initiation, and Meditation.  There are isolated 24 variables from Alice’s works and organized them into four (4) 6-fold groups.  Furthermore, all four of the 6-fold groupings taken together can be perceived as defining, in terms of mastery of their practical application spiritually considered, the six (6) sequential stages or cycles of Planetary Integration or Initiation especially if you organize them according to the Six Stages of the Antahkarana or likewise under the Supreme Science of Contact (in supposition):


Science of Contact

  • Master D.K.’s 1st Stage of Integration – Alignment (Cycle of Integration)
  • Master D.K.’s Technique of Indifference (Science of Intuition – personality integration focus)
  • Master D.K.’s Instructions on Meditation in general
  • Master D.K.’s 1st Stage of Building the Antahkarana – Stage of Intent (magnetic aura)
  • Pantanjali’s 1st Stage of Meditation – Aspiration
  • Master D.K.’s 1st Formula: Concerns the revelation of group feeling & integration into the ashram
  • Master D.K.’s 1st Point of Revelation: Energy follows thought and the eye directs the energy
  • First Initiation
  • Transmutation (Science of Redemption)
  • Etheric/Mental Body (0-21 Age, First three Maturation Cycles)
  • First two Cycles of Jupiter (0-24 Age) integrates maturation achieved.
  • Law of Sacrifice


Science of Impression:

  • Master D.K.’s 2nd Stage of Integration – Crisis (Cycle of Integration)
  • Master D.K.’s Technique of Light (Science of Intuition -integration with the soul focus)
  • Master D.K.’s Teachings on Initiation: Points of Revelation (Exoteric)
  • Master D.K.’s 2nd Stage of Building the Antahkarana – Stage of Visualization
  • Patanjali’s 2nd Stage of Meditation – Concentration
  • Master D.K.’s 2nd Formula: Concerns Alignment in the 3-Worlds with the soul
  • Master D.K.’s 2nd Point of Revelation: The Will is an expression of the Law of Sacrifice
  • Second Initiation
  • Transformation (Science of Redemption)
  • Astral/Buddhic Body (21-28 Age, Maturation Cycle)
  • Third Cycle of Jupiter (24-36 Age) integrates maturation achieved.
  • Law of Magnetic Impulse


Science of Invocation:

  • Master D.K.’s 3rd Stage of Integration – Light (Cycle of Integration)
  • Master D.K.’s Technique of the Presence (Science of Intuition – integration with humanity focus)
  • Master D.K.’s Teachings on Initiation: Formulas (Esoteric)
  • Master D.K.’s 3rd Stage of Building the Antahkarana – Stage of Projection
  • Patanjali’s 3rd Stage of Meditation – Meditation
  • Master D.K.’s 3rd Formula: Concerns the transfer of soul energy into the Antahkarana
  • Master D.K.’s 3rd Point of Revelation: The Monad is to the planetary Logos what the third eye is to man
  • 3rd Initiation
  • Transfiguration (Science of Redemption)
  • Concrete Mind/Atmic Body (28-35 Age, Maturation Cycle)
  • Fourth Cycle of Jupiter (36-48 Age) integrates maturation achieved.
  • Law of Service



Science of Evocation:

  • Master D.K.’s4th Stage of Integration – Revelation (Cycle of Integration)


  • Master D.K.’s Technique of Integration (planetary integration focus)
  • Master D.K.’s Training on Telepathy
  • Master D.K.’s 4th Stage of Building the Antahkarana – Invocation & Evocation
  • Patanjali’s 3rd Stage of Meditation – Contemplation
  • Master D.K.’s 4th Formula: Concerns dynamic energy and the point within the circle and its relationships to other points which condition the evolutionary process
  • Master D.K.’s4th Point of Revelation: Purpose itself is only an energy released in the Council Chamber of Shamballa
  • 4th Initiation
  • Egoic Lotus Transition (Science of Redemption)
  • Abstract Mind/Son of Mind Body (35-42 Age, Maturation Cycle)
  • Fifth Cycle of Jupiter (48-60 Age) integrates maturation achieved.
  • Law of Repulse


Science of Relationships

  • Master D.K.’s5th Stage of Integration – Integration (Cycle of Integration)


  • Master D.K.’s Technique of Fusion (solar integration focus)
  • Master D.K.’s Teachings on Etheric Body & Centers
  • Master D.K.’s 5th Stage of Building the Antahkarana – Stabilization
  • Patanjali’s 5th Stage of Meditation – Illumination
  • Master D.K.’s 5th Formula: Concerns the Will and is related to Divine Will and it conditions the establishment of all correct relationships.
  • Master D.K.’s 5th Point of Revelation: When the light of the seven Rays is blended with that of the seventh Ray, then light supernal can be known.
  • 5th Initiation
  • 3rd Eye Transference along the Antahkarana (Science of Redemption)
  • Buddhic Mind/Mind of God Body (42-49 Age, Maturation Cycle)
  • Fifth Cycle of Jupiter (60-72 Age) integrates maturation achieved.
  • Law of Group Progress


Science of Sensitivity

  • Master D.K.’s 6th Stage of Integration – Transition to a Greater Life (Cycle of Integration)


  • Master D.K.’s Technique of Duality (Science of Intuition – cosmic integration focus)
  • Master D.K.’s Problems of Humanity and Externalization of Hierarchy
  • Master D.K.’s 6th Stage of Building the Antahkarana – Abstraction
  • Patanjali’s 6th Stage of Meditation – Inspiration
  • Master D.K.’s 6th Formula: Concerns the process of death and life-transference and has relationship to the presentation of opportunity.
  • Master D.K.’s 6th Point of Revelation: Transition to a Greater Life
  • 6th Initiation
  • Monadic Sheath Transition (Science of Redemption)
  • Atmic Mind/Universal Mind Body (49-56 Age, Maturational Cycle)
  • Sixth Cycle of Jupiter (60-72 Age) integrates maturation achieved.
  • Law of the Unknown

Composed by HZ.

Science of Contact – A Short Theory Review (Revised 09.07.23)

Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part I (Cycle of Evolution)