Nicholas Roerich Museum - He Who Hastenss

A Call to Battle On

Master R to His Ashram


Be not afraid to wrestle the dark serpent,

back into the home of conditioned time.


The parade of warriors is upon our step.

Their hand guides all the Lords upon the outer field of battle.


The breaking of the day that be with us seeks to arise now upon the distant shore.

For all of you upon the outer battle field must cast your spear into the serpent’s heart. 


Seek not the sounds from the white dragon’s mouth for your time is not yet to ride upon the dragon’s crest.

But turn your hearts upon the battle great and let your hearts shine upon the wilderness.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


A Sacred Teaching of Master R.

The Masters & Spirit – Some Adjunct Teachings (Revised 03-19-24)

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An Ancient Apothegm

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The One Ashram following the Path of Those who came before Them – An Apothegm

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Mastery of Time

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The Tides of Life

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Be on Guard to Honor Those that are Working in the World

Honor One’s Elders – Guidance for an Aspirant

An Honoring

A Viewpoint on Humanity

The Connection to the One Who waits upon the Shore of Infinite Love

The Long-Forgotten Son

The Lord Serves

The Way is Clear for a Friend (Subpersonality)

The Lord Waits Patiently to Assist You

The Lord Waits

Planetary Son of Mind through Son of Mind for World Related Soul-Personalities

My Hour Comest

Atmic Plane (Golden Deva)

Daring to be Great

An Atmic Mind Realization  

We Climb Seeking our Reason for Existence

The Truth Lost

The Gift of the Aquarian Age

The Circle of Creation

The Awakening Ones

Ode to the Flowers

Following the Cosmic Sound

Essence of the Aquarian Goal

A Whispering from Evolved Spirits


Posted in Soul Impacted Aphorisms.