Nicholas Roerich Museum - Treasure of the Angels

A Journey Provided by Buddhic Devas:

Part One:

We would like to take you on a journey into the unknown.  It is an unknown because all who have gone there has not come back. It is a journey full magic and mystery.  It is a journey awaiting all mankind. But before this journey can begin, we must complete our tasks in the three worlds.

The journey begins upon the buddhic plane a plane so radically different then you could ever imagine that its exposure alone to men’s minds changes their life forever. It is this beginning that opens the doorway into an expansive existence that that space itself seems to have fallen off the universe.

It is that once this journey is entered into there is no way of going back; it is just impossibility, although none has ever tried.  We want to take you to the next level of the buddhic plane a plane so drastically different then the first you would think you are in a different universe and so you are. It is upon this plane that the first inklings of universal thought trickle through your consciousness.  It is a thought that has within it the confines of the universe. There is more, not only have you found the beginnings of divine thought you have likewise secured a passage into starlight of other worlds.  This starlight is unlike the night sky for all twinkle golden upon a vast backdrop of golden light.  Upon this canopy of amazing gold is found also a vast array of Beings not unlike those images that a human being sees in his dreams at night when visited by Messengers of god.  It is these images seen everywhere at work in carrying out gods Plan.

As we move into the next level it has gotten colder still as the night air surfaces to comfort us.  Upon this level are devas of every description intent upon the Path of god.  It is upon this level that seek all Sons of god the footsteps of the Arch-angels preparing god workers to better understand the ways of god.  It is also on this level for the first time one gets a glimpse of the Chohans as their forms move from place to place.  It is these images that first enamor one’s consciousness.  But as the stillness seeps into one’s consciousness a different sight is perceived, one of which words have no power to express, it is a sight that can only be described as burning consciousness circulating in the heavens.

As we move into the next level, we grasp for air as there seems to be none.  Upon this level rise great pillars seemingly constructed of consciousness itself for there is no way to describe it.  It is a mixture of both devic Mind, Mind of Humanity, Divine Mind, planetary Mind, Universal Mind, and Monadic Mind substance all combined into one.  Upon this level too rises great temples composed of buddhic substance ensouled totally by Devas—they are alive and function as a tabernacle for the elite of the earth.  Each Temple is fashioned into a symbol so old only the devas that ensoul them know there meaning—and none will tell.  Upon this level we also find many relics of ancient religions come and gone but the devas still care for these relics as they too are ancient and all is sacred to them.  This level instills the Breath of god through a process similar to the grasping of a root of a tree the water in its location drawing it near to be absorbed by osmosis. Upon this level one it is known by all of the Plans of He who rules this world as they echo throughout the ethers and each hears according to their attunement.  Upon this level dwells all those members of Hierarchy.

As we move up to the next level comes a voice so loud it startles us. It is this voice of our own soul that rings through our very substance from all directions. It is this process of communication that instills us with accommodation to the very voice itself. Also Upon this level we find a sojourn of peace cascading through all of the heavens.  And upon this cascade there rides yet another voice whispering with such beauty that the ravages of time fade away leaving only the daring of beauty.  Upon this level too, we find the ancient Holy Ones busy at work in creating the Garment of god. They are creating the alter of time and are busy seeing that their task is completed.  Upon this level we envision the perfection of everything, a hard thing to say and to hold as it shifts before our eye of vision.  Upon this level we find an opening that takes us into what appears to be a cosmic plane similar to this. Also, upon this plane all who seek the Glory of the One, it is upon this plane that the many move towards the One.

The buddhic plane journey ends here.


Part Two:

The Nature of the Buddhic Plane

The real story of life only begins to get played out once cosmic etheric world is entered.  This real story begins when the line is crossed, and the impossibility of return begins.  In this world, this world of pure joy, shoulder to shoulder lives but none you can see unless looking for them.

In this world are those of such great statue that the inner eye is blinded by their Beauty.

In this world are those of such great wisdom that the Mind cannot reflect its meaning no matter if enlighten or not.

In this world are those of such great love, that to touch them just once with your consciousness entrenches’ you in their destiny for long periods of time.

In this world are those of such great power, that to enter their aura will cause your destruction.

In this world are those of such great treasures, their vastness will imprison you by their very nature.

In this world is a song and dance but none you would recognize for it is a song and dance that never ends and had no beginning.

In this world are also sorrows but not those sorrows of human past, the sorrows in this world are those are those of great lives falling spiraling down from great heights of achievement only to start again at another time.

In this world are those that contain great amounts of dimensional space of every description, these are the ones you need be wary of, as your existence and their existence is one and the same but you are in their world and not vice-versa—you must follow their laws if you can recognize them. (Story of the Christ).

In this world are unusual statues made from consciousness itself that come and go like sand in a windstorm for once was, is no more.

In this world are towers so high; the eye cannot contain them, nor the hand touch them.

In this world we stand, one and all, to the Voice that bellows from afar and rejoice in such standing.

In this world are found those of long ancient pasts hard at work upon god’s Plan.

In this world are found the many and the few each group arranged for goodness’ sake and yet rearranged again for goodness sake.

All in all, in this World of Being stands One


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Posted in Soul Impacted Apothegms.