Mission Statement
The “Meditation Impressions” herein attempt to capture elements of the Heart Doctrine versus the Eye Doctrine. They are captured from within the One Heart at one level or another. In essence, the Heart Doctrine is the expression of Group Consciousness linked to those aligned with the One Soul and respond to the Laws of the Soul. Articles under “Studies-Reviews” represent the Eye Doctrine elements.
Most of the “Meditation Impressions” are only introductions to topics or aspects of topics not normally presented to the public. The intent is to forward this (subjective group consciousness) evidence based topics for reflection by readers. They represent the fruits of certain sections of the path. As a rule, unless the readers are extremely well grounded in the esoteric teachings and the science of the path such as provided by Alice A Bailey in her Esoteric Works and many others, the meditation impressions herein will not be put in the intended perceptive.
A further mission is to suggest training to individuals in brain-mind-soul awareness and this plus further coordination between soul, the purified personality, the Spiritual Hierarchy and the “Hierarchy of Souls”; as well as, to providing received Raja Yoga and Agni Yoga types of group soul related telepathic communications related to the Heart Doctrine including some special trainings, various experiential insights and suppositions to disciples.
We are a group of spiritually minded souls dedicated to the One Plan. We are organized to provide real needs to those whose interest and passion is the survival and cultural development of the planet along more soul centered intentions.
We intend to address the following mandates:
- To “marry” individuals with their souls
- To assist individuals to create a life thesis along their soul lines based upon:
- Their karmic path
- Their spiritual path
- Their creative or developmental path
- To assist individuals to harness their personal and spiritual resources for true service
- To support disciples in the sciences of the the Path.
- To support and promote the science of the soul and the fields of spiritual and esoteric psychology.
Our Service Vision:
Humanity is vastly unprepared for the coming age of prosperity.
To release the storehouse of abundance represented by the works of the Christ humanity must answer certain questions. Primarily, is there a god and if so what type?
Our services address this fundamental question.
We envision a humanity that:
- Is soul conscious.
- Is able to make decisions on behalf of the One Humanity.
- Collects useful data subjectively to be used for the benefit of all.
- Sees right from wrong.
- Equates equality with the concept of soul and not the individual person.
- Remembers who they are.
- Registers the One Soul.
- Forgets the past and focuses on creating the future.
- Relates to the idea of perceiving the planet as being necessarily ecologically sound.
- Solves its problems through the assistance of prayer and meditation focusing on the greatest good for the greatest number.
- Daily wrestles with real problems as opposed to apparent ones.
- Who’s vision is at one with deity.
- Whose life is dedicated to forms of international cooperation and harmony based upon agreed to laws, principles, and methods.
- Who prevents discrimination against its diversified groups of citizens through recognizing their unique contributions to the whole
- Who recognizes all forms of life on this planet as being one of unique purposeful contribution to the whole.
- Sees themselves as spiritual beings with individual purposes participating in a divine purpose.
Some Basic Goals:
- To promote theory and useful experiences in both esoteric philosophy and psychology.
- To organized our hearts, minds and lives along the line of their group souls
- To unfolded our particular gifts and abilities needed to make these above service contributions.
- To fulfilled our purposeful life objectives
- To demonstrated conscious brain-mind-soul consciousness
- To undergone training by one’s group soul.
- Provide a realistic pathway to experience the ultimate adventure within the One Life.
Thinking about the Truth
It is pragmatic to keep in mind also that the explanations given are presented as hypotheses for consideration, not as ultimate pronouncements on any of the various subjects. Because these concepts are metaphysical (or beyond the physical), they are not subject to laboratory proof and need not be accepted as irrefutable. If, however, they ring true and can be verified by your own experience, they will throw light on many otherwise insoluble problems and in a way, can prove to be guide stones to further progress on the path of life.
The words of Kahil Gilbran in his essay on “Self Knowledge” are appropriate to keep in mind in pursuing this study:
Say not, “I have found the truth”,
but rather, “I have found a truth”,
Say not, “I have found the path of my soul…”
but rather, ” I have found the path of the soul.”
Excerpt from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
The egocentric ideal of a future reserved for those who have managed to attain egotistically the extremity of ‘everyone for himself’ is false and against nature…
The outcome of the world, the gates of the future, the entry into the super-human — these are not thrown open to a few of the privileged or to one chosen people to the exclusion of all others.
They will only open to an advance of all together, in a direction in which all together can join and find completion in a spiritual renovation of the earth…
No evolutionary future awaits man except in association with all other men.
Excerpt From Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
In a real sense all life is inter-related. All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.
Whatever effects one directly. affects all indirectly…
I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be.
This is the inter-related structure of reality.
Excerpt From Albert Einstein
“A human being is part of the Whole…
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest…a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is, in itself, a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security”.
Purpose of this Website and its Content from the Perspective of the Author (HZ) and the Author’s Inner Mentors and Companions along the Way
Dedicated to all those whose path carries them to the One Heart. It is in deep appreciation that we correct the many errors and stories told by others on the nature of the Heart. We hope to give in this work a truer picture of the Way of the Disciple and his adventures.
Seek and you shall find is the words of the Lord.
This work is dedicated to those souls who have actively sought the truth.
The rightful author of this work belongs to those advanced souls, advanced in wisdom, whom inspired this labor of love.
The purpose of this work is threefold:
It has come into my mind the readiness of humanity for further training.
The existing training given in the west is inadequate to meet existing aspirants’ needs to advance into spiritual occultism.
And that the time has come to reveal hierarchical methods used for ages in training souls to enter into greater life.
The original purpose for the writing of this work was to fill in some gaps in the present understanding as to the planetary heart center and in such endeavor realized that I am not qualified for this nor am I able to know with certainty much the truth of what I have here written for it is my present attempt to depict my experiential and theoretical understanding at this moment in time. Much of the information was telepathically given to me as a soul-personality from others as well as from Devic entities, and some I intuited. I am solely responsible for its content and truth value as well as its intended use to others, therefore take what is valuable and can be verified by yourself in some useful practical way and leave the rest for others to do the same is all that I ask. It is impossible to fully explore each section just as it is impossible to reify the life of the soul upon its own plane upon our mind’s eye in our world as of yet and therefore will have to be only hinted at and most left unsaid.
The purpose of this work was also to provide inspiration to those that struggle with themselves to express possibilities yet unacknowledged by their own efforts and to provide a sort of road map into the unknown way or path home. It is impossible to fully see one’s path just as it is impossible to see fully the One Path as each of us are creating it together in the moment and therefore our salvation for each other.
It is impossible to tell each other of our heart’s message given we receive it never the same way; but with understanding ever, in time, we do receive it pragmatically and therefore can move forward upon our way together; and in this thought there is hope and assurance. We are replete with examples of past successes in discovering the Way yet never able to express this to anyone with understanding; such is our service to them and such is our service to ourselves. It is important to add here you will not be able to understand my meaning here if your heart is not alone meaning without any personally to care for it.
There are others out there who have walked beside me, and these are unknowing of my heart caretaking of them yet understanding all. Why is this? We are mirrored by each other, and each know as much as what is known. Without regard to our further knowledge, we see others as complete. Seeing them thus we move forward to provide for them a mirror into our world of them and thus they grow into themselves, and we into ours, and thus discovering the One Self we are a product thereof.
This work is not intended to be a guide to probationary disciples but is intended to assist them to aspire towards greater things and is a record of just one quest. This quest has had many recognition’s of the ever-growing inclusive pattern of Beingness.
The purpose of this work is actually different from the points of view of those that have assisted me in writing it from afar, so to speak. I would like to share these various group purposes with the reader.
Angel of Presence:
The importance of this work in the world is to challenge each of you who read it adjust your lives, in such a way, to take advantage of the opportunities now at this time in world history too contribute your gifts and abilities for manifesting the type of world desired you in terms of your perceived spiritual objectives. This world is in transition and there is nothing we can do to stop it. In effect, it is beyond our control, but we can contribute to the process consciously and with meaning. We can also see our way through the confusion that staggers the imagination when we try to make sense of it all through realizing that this confusion is the potential hope of an outcome in line with the object of the One Soul’s intentions.
The purpose also is to give a chance to all of those who read it the possibility to see themselves in a new light. A light that has traveled for millions of years and is only now reaching the planet where walk the halls of Humanity. This light has traveled not only a great distance but also through time itself to reach us at this hour of man’s greatest need and triumph. This light originated from the seven galaxies that compose our universe. It is a light that has shone down from the highest plane just now reaching us. This light is the product of all the Great Lives at work within the creative process producing, what we can know of, that purpose for which we exist? This light is a reflection of those great lives, which have throughout great periods of time, created all known knowledge in the universe. This knowledge is of a quality now as to take on the attribute of love. Together this represents all the possible wisdom available to us in these seven local galaxies of stars Lives.
The purpose of this work is to alter the conceptions that many people hold about the way Hierarchy functions in the world. This is important to me because the greatest minds of the ages are represented by Hierarchy and these Minds who have come before us have made our travels easier with their many sacrifices even though done with Joy. This work hopes to correct many misunderstandings and delusions now circulating in the world about Hierarchy. This work has been written with these in mind. I am not one to cast stones but let the comparison be seen and each determines for them what they want to accept or not accept about Hierarchy. For me, it is about the rigorous life style acquiesced to by members of the Hierarchy. It has bewildered me that some writers think that the masters will give teachings to their assumed disciples whenever needed. Or that he will channel through their teachings. Such is not the case. The lives of the masters are full of significant tasks which require their attention.
The purpose is also to depict the knowledge about the Hierarchy that needs to be understood now in the world. It is about the organization and day to day activities that serve Sanat Kumara and indirectly the many planetary lives of the various kingdoms. It is this chore that the work addresses, a chore most difficult to pull off, so to speak, due to the nature of the world of formlessness in which Hierarchy operates. It is a chore that never-the-less needs to be done.
Guiding Disciple Source: (14)
The purpose of this work is to give all aspirants, disciples, or initiates an opportunity to weigh in on the growing truth of their lives. It is a way to better see themselves and their responsibilities through association with the Hierarchy. It is a way to acknowledge the importance of their work in the world and to re-inspire them. It is a way to lighten the load of Hierarchy by externalizing some of the basic training needed to entering aspirants and to prepare them for the task ahead. It is about them finding the time to investigate more intelligently the hopes and expectations of Hierarchy in their lives. It is about holding a more mature attitude about Hierarchy and their role in it. It is about locating within their own lives those necessary elements that will, if unfolded and demonstrated, will transform them from aspirants into disciples removing some more of the burden on Hierarchy. This work is a story about demerits of wishing and the merit of doing. It is about you becoming more dedicated to the truth you hold. It is about being in charge of your life and your destiny. It is about being also in control of your personality and remembering who you are. It is about receiving a greater understanding of the Purpose and of the Plan for the world at this time and into the immediate future.
The work purpose is to give all people a better understanding of what inspires the work of Hierarchy behind the scenes so to speak. It is about them, working on behalf of the planet, in ways not understood by most. It is about work being accomplished now in the world of men. It is about working relationships being established between workers in the field and workers in the ashrams. It is about choosing between making the world a better place or just accepting the status quo. It is about organizing the planetary mindset for a rapid advance into the future. It is about saying with one voice I am the Way, the Truth, and the light.
The purpose of this work is to give beginners a sense of commitment to the planet and of brotherhood to them that choose Hierarchy. It is about reaching towards the stars. It is about knowing the Science of the Path as to theories of the Path. It is about performing miracles of life for life’s sake. It is about you deciding your fate. It is about creating a calling or plan to enhance your service in the world. It is about receiving subjectively information required to work hand-in-hand with Hierarchy.
This work is to benefit its readers in the following ways: It is to expand their breath and depth of understanding of the relationship between Humanity and Hierarchy. It is to teach their minds the meaning of soul. It is to teach them about degree of organized effort. It is to teach them the meaning of how decisions are made in lieu of the one Life. It is to teach them the relationship between different groups in the solar system. It is to explain the meaning behind the way Hierarchy operates.
Soul: (4)
The purpose of this work is to devise a set of working themes to engender a greater appreciation for the organization necessary for the workers engaged in manifesting the plan.
Another purpose is to align your understanding to your soul’s to better comprehend the group process.
Another purpose is to address the dignitaries working now in relationship to the plan.
Another purpose is to show you some results of the work so far to date.
Group soul: (3)
The purpose of this work is to show you the methods used by the group to prepare individuals selected for initiation.
Another purpose is to show how the group the group interfaces with other subjective individuals and groups to train the individuals.
Another purpose is to show what the group life means for an individual.
Divine Soul: (12)
The purpose of this work is to express the concerns now held on the plight of humanity.
Another purpose is to delight the readers on concepts not yet defined in any useful way:
We have given you the idea that this work is about Hierarchy but more importantly, it is about humanities need to interface with Hierarchy at this time in world history.
The purpose of this work is about understanding how the registering of impressions of the triad differs from other impressions.
The purpose of this work is to establish a willingness to forge a path into the unknown.
The purpose of this work is to create a relationship between the inner world and outer world.
The purpose of this work is to organize your personality to enhance your understanding of the way spirit & soul interface.
The purpose of this work is to explain in lay terms the importance of hierarchical methods.
The purpose of this work is to register the idea that the world of soul is the guide needed to move into the new age.
The purpose of this work is to give you a working chance of creating yourself anew.
The purpose of this work is to lighten your load and release those perspectives on discipleship that produce no results.
The purpose of this work is to encourage you to study, serve and obey and in this way achieve knowledge for yourself.
Group of 14: (14)
The purpose of this work is to enlighten you on the whereabouts of certain members of Hierarchy now working on the planet.
The purpose of this work is to explain the relationship extant among various ashrams.
The purpose of this work is to increase your understanding of the disciples working in the ashrams with humanity.
The purpose of this work is establishing a relationship with disciples in the field with the writer—do not print.
The purpose of this work is to write a convincing argument for the work being done by the masters.
The purpose of this work is to align its readers to the plan.
The purpose of this work is to create a greater understanding of the work being accomplished by the Christ.
The essence of this work is to report that information needed now in the outer world on the e Plan the workers involved. It is designed to act as a way for disciples to know the extent of the work accomplished and not accomplished. Although it is not possible to detail in its entirety this information as it would be unimaginably lengthy, but it is possible to give some road signs. Want you to know that the work now being done changes daily and by the time you read this much will be accomplished
We would like you to know, within reason, that this writer is as truthful as he is permitted to be. On the other hand, it is not possible to put into language the Truth. Never-the-less, those that have the eyes to see will gather what relates to him and move on. This is the best we can hope.
3rd Ray Ashramic group
The Lord R has this to say:
“He who creates glory for himself cannot be one with the Master.
Glory is the One Heart and the One Activity.”
From He who Knows
How strange it is that this initial work is composed as the world struggles again to see itself clear of dark religious forces. This awakens within us a balancing need to avert our eyes away from such to avoid an inadvertent acquiescence with our very attention. The gathering forces poised to enter unto the world are ready for battle. But a battle focused on salvation, freedom, synthesis, and truth. The glories of the world, apart from a few victories of national souls, go unnoticed by these forces for their Hearts are at-one in the Lord and the Spiritual Hierarchy. For every human group or nation there is a way they must go, and it is this way these forces are guiding. The guiding is both within and without, and it is also not without individual interest that this guidance is given. All these forces who enter upon the physical plane carry within themselves the wisdom and knowledge needed and also the path to travel. We who are descending know one truth and that is the truth of our hopes for we see the world as one that has forgotten its way. Our time has forgotten humanity and humanity has forsaken its oneness. We all do what we can do. No matter what the cost, humanity’s life is worthy of all we have to give.
Ashramic Group
Exceedingly simple are those that guide humanity, the Way is clear of footsteps trodden by the many for the One alone travel thus in the light of the many, returning from whence they came. Forever and a day the road is trodden questing for the question needing asked; Yet alone we must quest for the central Great Mystery; carrying all along within us to find our way.
Initiates upon the Threshold
Heaped with burdens furnished from the past.
Our wickedness is carried on serving the many;
Seasoned are we without exception to the truths in battle won.
Marred and scared through failures dear.
Penetrating gaze deep within we mirror our reflections rightly earned,
Lessons of the Sojourn symbolized by the path our feet are upon.
Alive, awake, and alert to the voices of the silence.
Steadfast we travel daring not to rest long in any place.
Endless space we perceive cherishing only what god has given us.
We journey protected by those whom we are messengers for.
Unafraid we quest through the night of time.
Always wisely guided and gifted through journeys completed.
Loved are we.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
Subjective Impact is something more than simply registering contact. It develops into conscious interaction; it conveys later information; it is revelatory in nature, and can be defined in its initial stages as the guarantee to the one who responds to it of a new area for exploration and for spiritual adventure, and as the indication of a wider field wherein consciousness may expand more and more and register increasingly the divine purpose waiting to be more fully known. Alice A. Bailey, Telepathy & The Etheric Vehicle, pg. 59.
Everything written on this website within the “Meditation Impressions” Menu, as a rule, is not from the personality or personality mind but from higher aspects of the self or from others subjectively. If the personality mind, as opposed to the concrete mind, on occasion did bring in some subjective point of view it was denoted as such. During Samadhi the personality and kama-manasic mind vehicle or personality mind is not present and is by-passed. Basically, it did not decide what to reify or how to reify but became only the observer of the concrete mind content afterwards and during the recording and later editing.