A Second Ray Astrologer Friend and Comrade who chooses to help me and I am grateful for his help.
We all must come to a time in our lives when we must make decisions about who and what we want to become. For you, it is about a decision to leave the past behind and move further into the light of the future for us it is about you charging into the light unprepared and not able to resonate correctly with yourself and this is what I would like to talk about. (26)
First of all, you need to relax and set back and enjoy the ride as it is a ride into futurity and be not afraid to set your sites upon your inner surroundings being unconcerned with mandates and such for they will be met in a moments time with the Hand of the Lord supporting you. Peace is the way one must travel to reach the distant shore; no rush or haste will get you there—always relaxed and informal need the moment be.
We are enjoyed at the thought of you riding with us for a while—be at peace my brother companion upon the way all is well in the archives of things to come.
The time has come to share with you a few gifts we share in common—you and us.
The first gift is the gift of resolution. It is a gift full of promise for us all and for you in particular as you lied and cheated your way here through the use of resonance and fixed determination. May your sight be gifted for all to see.
Once upon a time in the days of dreary past we came upon a lonely toad and in this way we passed not knowing we were upon the same road to the same destination; and upon this road we shared two things in common. First. we shared a place to rest from our travels; and secondly we shared a common source of food. This food was such that it represented for each a milestone upon the journey. It was this journey that had brought us together in time and space to share this place and food. This food was given to us, and a hearty meal it was, from a passerby coming from the opposite direction who had found nurturance by passing us upon the road for few traveled this lonely way.
[Note: HZ dialoguing telepathically as a soul-personality: This is a story relating to the gifts exchanged by traveling upon the same road—so few find it and feel gifted when others see them upon this road. The Road is a symbol of not being able to be seen—but able to move unnoticed, such as the Son of Mind descending passing one upon the plane of mind. Gift of sharing a common source of food symbolizing each other’s gifts – my gift is a library, and his gift is astrology.]
[Astrology Friend: Well done friend; see if you can get this next one. It took me awhile: two sources for him.]
The time is dark, and our friends are not here to see or be with us, yet we are quite fine upon the way and as the dark closes in we find that our inner resources alone are enough to get us by; but we yet not register the path before our eyes but yet register it exactingly by our feet. Our feet are happy or not according to whether or not our spiritual instincts (registered by our feet) are on track with the real needs of spirit. But for you, my friend, I fear are not yet on your intended track as your gift of sight has not befriended you nor your spiritual instincts yet on the intended tract but what I can tell you are heading in the right direction and this what I want to speak on.
First, you need to remember that to be brave and courageous in life you need to know unmistakably what you are about in other words what you as a spiritual being is all about and for you it is yet uncertain—you have a plan for self-development and for service but no plan for giving others the truth of your being—do you yet see that you are all words and no personality or individuality to share with the group. You seek perfection but perfection of what? Your soul guidance only and what is this for if not for you. You must rise above the idea you and you alone can change the world without others devoted service—do you yet see what I mean—be relaxed and find yourself in what you are doing each moment. See to it you pace yourself and find peace above all else as it will lead you to yourself, not of doing but of being, now in the moment for all to see.
Next, you need to remember that to know who you are requires you to test the waters of life and by this I mean we all need to examine our souls and see them for what they are. What is your soul—do you have any idea—in terms of gusto or buoyancy? Buoyancy means one is able to travel and see life as an endless play in the heavens with no thought of mandates nor schedules nor restrictions nor boundaries nor borders. You, always at work enjoying its play—you must let yourself fall out of this. We know there is no time to waste but lightly we can travel quicker with less waste and needed nurturing as we are nurturing ourselves always. Have you yet seen my friend. I am with you to help you play along the journey as is all of us who are there in the arms of the Lord—it is love, my friend, not only wisdom that drives us forward sacrificing all for what—it is love.
This next one will be even more difficult for you to grasp, and it is about you reaching up, not letting go of your quest and I mean this in a positive way. The quest is important but equally important is the finding. What do you need to find?
You need to find a way of being that lets you be free from yourself:
- First of all, you need to decide what you want to be. Do you want to be a man described as such and such or a man reflecting everyone around him.
- Next, you need to understand that people, and all people have the ability to be whatever they want in time but what are they really discovering—is not how to be like such and such.
- Next, you must realize that each of us must not complain when put on a pedestal for being what we wanted to be; thus, never being free from ourselves.
- Next you need to decide if you want to be known through the eyes of others—what if they could see themselves through your eyes, would you not be free from yourself.
………………………..Advice continues.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
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