Nicholas Roerich Museum

Blessings from a Subjective Group

May the Light, wisdom, encouragement, and personal presence of the Hierarchy protect you and shield you from self harm as well as prevent your feet from wandering down the byroads of the three worlds.

May the One Virtue instill in you the necessary creative imagination, spiritual sight, and development of the third eye to understand the magical world you live in.

May the Coming One strengthen your will with resolve, dedication, right direction, understanding, perseverance, security, protection, and organization.

May the lives of the many find solace in your words, heart, mind, and soul and provide for you a path home.

May the One Work and Plan and Purpose be understood by you and guarded or protected by you for those who have the understanding and have earned the right to pursue it

May the rainbow bridge be seen by you to ascend to assist the Masters.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Posted in Discipleship & Initiation.