Nicholas Roerich Museum

Buddhic Vision – An Experiment

The purpose here is to teach one the ability to see into the dark, which can be better accomplished through some daily acting as if. The actual recording of these instructions in meditation is a prerequisite to the creating of the rainbow bridge in a practical sense.

First of all, your extension of sight into the buddhic plane cannot be developed until soul and personality are integrated and fused.  You have been given the idea of relating to the buddhic plane through the development kama-manasic or astral symbolic vision which first needs to be developed.

You have been given the concept of registering these two together and in this way achieving a relationship; it is for this purpose that you need to complete the training we offered you on astral vision and in this way move forward into the next stage. In terms of buddhic vision, it must be localized in the feeling body and not in the head. To be sure that you are correctly receiving you must compare feeling in astral body with astral vision—one should complement the other. To be sure that they do you are required to perform a daily ritual. You are advised the time has come to relinquish your astral presence and exchange it for buddhic presence:

This is a process requiring a peacefulness in all things. This also requires a center undisturbed by anything. It also requires calm consistently throughout the day. It is this process that will render your mental work efficient and thus without aid.

This will also permit you the unfoldment of all your astral senses and centers in a useful way. Throughout your whole life you have been given the idea in your western culture, that your sensitivity as a man is unacceptable.  To be successful in this you must become like a woman in terms of accepting and in this way will achieve right passivity. It is in this way you will become fluid as the sea but yet contain its form through aligning with its purpose.

You have been given the idea of recurring dream of disciple and in this way this dream will unfold slowly through time and eventually bring you to Christ’s door.  It is in this way the Christ can be known as he works in this manner. It is also one way the devas can be known as it is the way they work in terms of the ashram.  You have been advised that for you to be successful you must become waterless.  What does this mean? It means there is nothing within you that responds to anything you see, hear, touch, taste, or smell.  It means you must never hear yourself, see yourself, smell yourself, touch yourself.  It means you are like a waterless ocean transparent and calm. It means your friends will only be those we send you to train.

This means your human life is a reflection only and in no way true or substantial but only a subterfuge for others sake.  This also means your life as you know it cannot exist. The meaning of this will become clear over time but for now rejoice in the possibilities and be open to newness. Your path is clear and waiting to be explored. Nothing experienced, nothing gained.

The world around you has always been an illusion held in place only by the belief you put in it. The world around you must be relinquished and day to day it should vanish as if it never was. Your past will take care of itself.  Your future is no more than what you create. Your new beginnings will come when you release your past and this is now.  Your hopes for the future must replace your past. As they are like blossoms on a flower shedding radiance into the future—shining upon the way forever.

The ebb and flow of the tides of life must be your guide. Look to the winds for direction and the stillness for rest and all will be well.  Out of the East will come the plenty and the guidance; out of the West will come the world; out of the South will come the loneliness; and out of the North will come all those who need your service.

The troops of the Lord, sent out across the land to vanquish the enemy to restore peace on Earth.  This is the Way of the Lord and the Way of the Christ. The way is clear and the dawn alight, but the world yet is in darkness and despair. The hour has come, and the trumpet sounds the Lords Chariot waits for its translucent driver.

The nights are long and the days longer still but yet there is time for rejoicing. The journey is endless, but hope is one’s companion upon the endless way to the Father. Out of the cold indigo blue light and into the warm Fire the disciple travels but never alone until dawn is with us.

The Lord’s Purpose breaks into pieces all other purposes and reassembles them according to His Will. The marching of His soldiers echoing across the globe assembling for battle upon the outer plains, adorned for battle, adorned for peace, and adorned for vigilance. The time draws near with the swords drawn and with the victory of peace everlasting a sealed fate prevailing permitting the troops of the Lord to return Home.

Peace, Peace, Peace


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation

Posted in Discipleship & Initiation.