Nicholas Roerich Museum

Four Short Mantras to Enhance Meditation Alignment

Mantra 1: (6)

Against the dark blue heavens, I place my heart.

Against the morning sun I surrender to its Plan necessity.

Against the evening twilight I bear witness to my God.

In the past I created myself.

In the present I am discovering myself.

In the future I will be myself.


Mantra 2: (8)

Unsaved and unworthy.

But daring great I have become.

I see the vision and know the way.

I listen, I strive.

Without rest I work.

My life is not mine.

I know the future.

For I am it.


Mantra 3: (10)

Long lasting is my love.

It is my truest gain.

My torment is my love rejected.

Christ’s Love is my goal.

His footsteps I follow.

His hallowed life I worship.

His eternal Presence bathes me.

His Forgiveness nurtures me.

His Treasures bless me.

In His Arms I am held.


Mantra 4: (12)

The sun arises in its might, and I am there.

I speak out in prayer to It and praise it constantly for its countenance.

I bath myself in its warmth and light.

I sing to It my joy.

I supplant my being in It.

I encircle It with my dance.

I embrace it with my divinity.

I stand before It in be wonderment.

I am soothed by Its Heart in my heart.

I die and return to It.

I, a divine being, bow before it.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

A Microsoft AI Creation

A Way to Find Joy in Meditation – A Mantra

The heart must be open. To open the heart, one must find a way to perceive the organized nature of their heart.


To do this it is important to follow these rules:

Imagine yourself as part of the One Heart and to do this you need to perceive how your truth is part of the One Truth held in the world at different levels.

Organize your heart to sense yourself as receiving from the cosmos the requisite organized and qualified substance to make your dreams and life work.

Substantiate your relationship to the Lord by seeing yourself as a part of His Plan.

Realize that you are an integral part of the universe on all levels as the many lives around you are part of you and this in all forms.

Sense your relationship with the universe now say the following:

I appear to be alone, yet I know I am not.

I appear to be here when I know I am everywhere.

Open my eyes and heart, Oh Lord, for I know I am with you.


Unto the Heart of the World my heart moves.

Within this Heart I take my stand.

Naught shall move me from this Place.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.



Nicholas Roerich Museum

Simplify your Life through this Prayer.

I bestow upon those life forms, that come into my field of perception, the quality of compassion, so that they might see as god sees. 

The Lord awaits upon you, and others with great patience, and understanding with mercy, and with certitude of the inevitability.

The Lord cherishes each one in His Heart as being a necessary salvaging force for some aspect of the Body of God. 


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Milarepa, the One Who Harkened

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The purpose of this apothegm like message is to help align humanity’s Egoic body to the central Spiritual Sun in terms of will and direction. This apothegm/mantram was given out at one of the full moon ceremonies.


The Christ To and With the Chohans

The Cosmic Christ is at hand for the hour has arrived.

For those who follow after can now quickly catch up to those that have moved ahead.


The Glory of the All gathers now all into His Heart.

And the Will of His Lord (cosmic Logos) calls all back unto Him.


For His day has dawned and the greater Beauty blinds His Eye

The rapture comes and all who are aligned receive its grace.


Awaken ye sons and daughters of the One Humanity.

And seek within your hearts, minds, and wills the Glory which is ever yours.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Nicholas Roerich Museum - He Who Hastenss

A Call to Battle On

Master R to His Ashram


Be not afraid to wrestle the dark serpent,

back into the home of conditioned time.


The parade of warriors is upon our step.

Their hand guides all the Lords upon the outer field of battle.


The breaking of the day that be with us seeks to arise now upon the distant shore.

For all of you upon the outer battle field must cast your spear into the serpent’s heart. 


Seek not the sounds from the white dragon’s mouth for your time is not yet to ride upon the dragon’s crest.

But turn your hearts upon the battle great and let your hearts shine upon the wilderness.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Treasure of the World

Advice from a Fellow Traveler upon the Subjective Way

A 2nd Ray Astrologer Friend and Comrade who chooses to help me and I am grateful for his help.

We all must come to a time in our lives when we must make decisions about who and what we want to become. For you, it is about a decision to leave the past behind and move further into the light of the future for us it is about you charging into the light unprepared and not able to resonate correctly with yourself and this is what I would like to talk about. (26)


First of all, you need to relax and set back and enjoy the ride as it is a ride into futurity and be not afraid to set your sites upon your inner surroundings being unconcerned with mandates and such for they will be met in a moments time with the Hand of the Lord supporting you. Peace is the way one must travel to reach the distant shore; no rush or haste will get you there—always relaxed and informal need the moment be.

We are enjoyed at the thought of you riding with us for a while—be at peace my brother companion upon the way all is well in the archives of things to come.

The time has come to share with you a few gifts we share in common—you and us.

The first gift is the gift of resolution. It is a gift full of promise for us all and for you in particular as you lied and cheated your way here through the use of resonance and fixed determination. May your sight be gifted for all to see.

Once upon a time in the days of dreary past we came upon a lonely toad and in this way we passed not knowing we were upon the same road to the same destination; and upon this road we shared two things in common. First. we shared a place to rest from our travels; and secondly we shared a common source of food. This food was such that it represented for each a milestone upon the journey. It was this journey that had brought us together in time and space to share this place and food. This food was given to us, and a hearty meal it was, from a passerby coming from the opposite direction who had found nurturance by passing us upon the road for few traveled this lonely way.


[Note: HZ: This is a story relating to the gifts exchanged by traveling upon the same road—so few find it and feel gifted when others see them upon this road. The Road is a symbol of not being able to be seen—but able to move unnoticed, such as the Son of Mind descending passing one upon the plane of mind. Gift of sharing a common source of food symbolizing each other’s gifts – my gift is a library, and his gift is astrology.]

[Well done friend; see if you can get this one. It took me awhile: two sources for him.]


The time is dark, and our friends are not here to see or be with us, yet we are quite fine upon the way and as the dark closes in we find that our inner resources alone are enough to get us by; but we yet not register the path before our eyes but yet register it exactingly by our feet. Our feet are happy or not according to whether or not our spiritual instincts (registered by our feet) are on track with the real needs of spirit. But for you, my friend, I fear are not yet on your intended track as your gift of sight has not befriended you nor your spiritual instincts yet on the intended tract but what I can tell you are heading in the right direction and this what I want to speak on.

First, you need to remember that to be brave and courageous in life you need to know unmistakably what you are about in other words what you as a spiritual being is all about and for you it is yet uncertain—you have a plan for self-development and for service but no plan for giving others the truth of your being—do you yet see that you are all words and no personality or individuality to share with the group. You seek perfection but perfection of what? Your soul guidance only and what is this for if not for you. You must rise above the idea you and you alone can change the world without others devoted service—do you yet see what I mean—be relaxed and find yourself in what you are doing each moment. See to it you pace yourself and find peace above all else as it will lead you to yourself, not of doing but of being, now in the moment for all to see.

Next, you need to remember that to know who you are requires you to test the waters of life and by this I mean we all need to examine our souls and see them for what they are. What is your soul—do you have any idea—in terms of gusto or buoyancy?  Buoyancy means one is able to travel and see life as an endless play in the heavens with no thought of mandates nor schedules nor restrictions nor boundaries nor borders.  You, always at work enjoying its play—you must let yourself fall out of this. We know there is no time to waste but lightly we can travel quicker with less waste and needed nurturing as we are nurturing ourselves always.  Have you yet seen my friend.  I am with you to help you play along the journey as is all of us who are there in the arms of the Lord—it is love, my friend, not only wisdom that drives us forward sacrificing all for what—it is love.

This next one will be even more difficult for you to grasp, and it is about you reaching up, not letting go of your quest and I mean this in a positive way. The quest is important but equally important is the finding. What do you need to find?

You need to find a way of being that lets you be free from yourself:

  1. First of all, you need to decide what you want to be. Do you want to be a man described as such and such or a man reflecting everyone around him.
  2. Next, you need to understand that people, and all people have the ability to be whatever they want in time but what are they really discovering—is not how to be like such and such.
  3. Next, you must realize that each of us must not complain when put on a pedestal for being what we wanted to be; thus, never being free from ourselves.
  4. Next you need to decide if you want to be known through the eyes of others—what if they could see themselves through your eyes, would you not be free from yourself.


………………………..Advice continues.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Nicholas Roerich Museum -Pilgrim of the Radiant City

The Tides of Life

The world around you has always been an illusion held in place only by the belief you put in it.  The world around you must be relinquished day to day. It slowly vanishes as if it never was. Your past will take care of itself.  Your future is no more than what you co-create. Your new beginnings will come when you release your past and this is now.  Your hopes for the future must replace your past, as they are like blossoms on a flower shedding radiance into the future—shining upon the Way forever.

The ebb and flow of the tides of life must be your guide now – look to the winds for direction and the stillness for rest and all will be well.

Out of the East will come the plenty and the guidance, out of the west will come the world, out of the south will come the solitude, and out of the north will come all those who need your service.

The troops of the Lord, sent out across the land to vanquish the enemy to restore peace on earth.

This is the Way of the Lord and the Way of the Christ.

The way is clear, and the dawn alights but the world yet is in darkness and despair.

The hour has come, and the trumpet sounds and the Lords Chariot waits for its translucent driver.

The nights are long and the days longer still but yet there is time for rejoicing.

The journey is endless, but hope is one’s eternal companion upon the endless Way Home.

Out of the cold indigo light and into the warm fire the disciple travels but never alone until the dawn be with us.

The Lord’s Purpose breaks into pieces all other purposes and reassembles them according to His Will.

The steps of His soldiers echoing across the globe assemble for battle upon the plains, adorned for battle, adorned for peace, and adorned for vigilance.

The time draws near with the swords drawn with the victory of peace everlasting a sealed fate, the troops of the Lord returnest Home.

Peace, Peace, Peace


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Nicholas Roerich Museum - The Last Angel

Hallowed be the Lord – A Prayer

Hallowed be the Lord.

Unto His Name we give praise.

Hallowed be the Lord.

His Gift is the Way.

Hallowed be the Lord.

His Talent is the creation of the World.

Hallowed be the Lord.

His Treasure is the Heaven Worlds.

Hallowed be the Lord.

My service is in His name.

Hallowed be the Lord.

His Grace is everlasting.

Hallowed be the Lord.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

The One Heart – A Short Reflection & Atlantean Prayer

Each of us, made of starlight dust, blown by the solar winds.

Is blended over time to create our beingness.

The One Heart is the attracting magnet that attracts and blends all Dust.

The organizing Heart creates the pattern for all.


The One Heart is the instrument or the model by which we all:

  • Adjust our lives too.
  • Move towards.
  • Organize our lives around.
  • Create a path unto.
  • Register the Truth there of anything.
  • Devote our lives to.
  • Sense our relationship with.
  • Compare our wits too.
  • Adjust our values too.
  • Organize our day around.
  • Refresh or rejuvenate us.
  • Bow in sacredness too.
  • Are always obedient too.
  • Demand everything from.
  • Constantly reflect on.
  • Find refuge in.



Scared are the travelers who yet travel away from the direction of their heart. Up or down, it matters not until away they turn from outer to the inner. They also find they travel not alone as many came before them. Impeded they are by others requiring their leadership. Senseless is their personal knowingness. True lessons are unseen and unacknowledged. Carried alone are their thoughts and feelings. Scared, alone, they sing not.

The One Heart is an expression derived from the Heart Doctrine. It is an understanding based upon the millions of cosmic lives that are attracted by this Being whose course or existence resonates with their own Heart and drives them to seek its Presence.

The idea which gave rise to the reality of the heart is present within each one of us and it pulls us into relationship with itself. Over time neither the feelings, nor the mind, nor our personal will can resist it and it eventually carries us into the Greater Life.

All of us, even the man or women symbolizing evil natures are eventually pulled into its power.


A Story or Prayer of Hope Goes as Follows: (14)

Avoid at all costs the powers within oneself that evil-ones follow.

Say unto yourself—may I be true to myself.

The thieves of the world are countless.

Let the eye that be upon me shelter me from evil.

Let my hands be the friends of many.

Let my feet not choose a crooked path.

Let me be both victorious and in good standing.

Clear the way oh Lord that I am not tempted.

With thy covenant written upon my heart I transverse evil.

Within my heart I find you there making your Being my being.

I am your love and you are my adoration.

Without you there is no existence for me.

The matter that I am, the consciousness I have both an extension of myself from you.

Let our hearts have the same body and our bodies be one.


This simple pray was said in ancient (pre) Atlantian times.  It is given here to remind us that we as a race determined even then to follow the heart as it was known.


Recorded and Composed by HZ during a Soul Impacted Meditation

Spirits Moving deeper into the Unknown Heart

A Heart’s Embrace From the Soul to its Reflection

Composition of the Heart (An Evaluation Format to Evaluate the Nature Of & Ability To Love) Revised

A Vow of the Heart

Silence of the Heart & Some Probationary Discipleship Guidance

Seek the One Heart of All

The Unfolding Heart of the One Life in Humanity – An Exercise towards Group Consciousness

The Masters & The Presence – Some Adjunct Teachings

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

Spirits Moving deeper into the Unknown Heart

The elemental lives invoked by the various classes of lunar Pitris and solar Pitris all gather with each other around the warm glow of the fire.  The fire comes from heaven and all who gather around its warmth perceive through their own eyes the purpose for life.  As the fire grows dim and the sparks turn to ashes, the word goes forth.  Seek ye another fire this one at heaven’s gate and dwell there for a time.  Such is where we are at, waiting for passersby to join us and spend some time telling each other stories.  All of us together, warming ourselves by the fire tends to express a common interest. Each one’s interest is relative to their position in life, but they have chosen to live not only for their sake, as we find out but also for God’s sake.  Each of you must realize your position in life for your own sake and for God’s sake (discover the meaning of the two fires unique to yourselves).

We have gathered outdoors in the cold air and wonder whether or not the cold will last as we shiver in our bones, and we seek to know the real purpose of this lasting coldness.  The fires warm us not, and yet the sun shines warmly upon the day’s sky and yet cold it is.  Frost bit we all are, yet we wander not off the path.  Seeking comfort from the cold wind, but yet, we continuously cry aloud as to the coldness which has become us.  We all seek to know two things:  what manner of coldness is this?  Where did it come from? Each of you must answer these two questions to join us in the starry sky.

The light of the path grows dim and weary we are of the cold.  Yet our feet trod on to the ever-growing darkness.  And we wonder no more about the cold, for the darkness now engrosses our attention.  Yet we seem not to wander lost.  Our footsteps seem sure, as if guided by an unknown hand.  We reach out to take this hand and find that it is our own.  And we wonder no more about the darkness.  Each of you needs to find the darkness and secure yourself in its grasp and all will be well.


We would like now to take you on a little journey.  A journey deep in the heart of the cosmos.  The journey takes us first, to the star Sirius (image of a man behind counter keeping records).  The journey next takes us to a very distant star, on the other side of Pegasus.  A distance so far, that few have ever been able to make it in this Maha-Manvantara from this solar system.  But there are a few who have made it there and have sent back these reports.

First:  The Wind blows me back; night and day and I struggle to keep my sights upon the vision of the star.  And yet, forever, I know I must tread this Path for my heart, weeps in certainty of reaching the goal.  The goal that was impressed upon me by my superiors. A goal I must reach at all costs.  Nothing shall deflect me from my goal.  I know no other.  And no other will satisfy me.  For my heart races with anticipation of meeting my inner Master’s request.  Oh, and yet the journey is long.  No other travelers befall me.  I seek only peace that the star will bring and my inner Master’s commendation.  Such are my rewards.  Such as my heart can stand.  Be well all fellow travelers.  The way I have cleared.  The Path is surer. The Beauty is more astounding, for I have doved it with my will, and all will be well, for the dove will protect you and honor you as you tread upon my Path into an unknown destiny. Not by your will, but by my stalwart (outstanding strength and vigor of body mind and spirit) heart.

By three other travelers who follow after:  By the beating of the Wind upon our bodies, it is as if a trumpet sounds forever in our ears.  And onward we move in the darkness each of us giving comfort to the other, yet satisfied by nothing, except the wayward journey home.  We seek to let you know, all passersby this way, the Glory of the One scatters us not upon the Way.  For we forever seek the Beauty and the Unity that lies ahead, and yet behind.  For all is well everywhere, but we know this not, for we are nowhere and yet with the One. And as our hearts surge to the destiny that awaits us, the glory behind us fading but yet shining upon our way, for we do not seek the newness for that which we are and all of you shall know us as you touch our newness within yourselves.  For we echo the future, into your past, so your present can be what we are.


Composed by HZ from a Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Spirits Moving deeper into the Unknown Heart

A Heart’s Embrace From the Soul to its Reflection

Composition of the Heart (An Evaluation Format to Evaluate the Nature Of & Ability To Love) Revised

A Vow of the Heart

Silence of the Heart & Some Probationary Discipleship Guidance

Seek the One Heart of All

The Unfolding Heart of the One Life in Humanity – An Exercise towards Group Consciousness

The Masters & The Presence – Some Adjunct Teachings

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information