Systemic Soul Speaking to Planetary Soul through Humanity

Circle I do, in the heavens, the feet of the One whom We cherish.

Contained within the Star you see the mysteries of Our Destinies.

Alive and well Our Hearts.

Speaking to us Dharmic bound.

Cradling always upon My Word.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

The Way of the Human Soul in the Three Worlds

Nature of the One Soul – Some Thoughts
A Group Soul’s Aspiration
Some Thoughts on the Self
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VI (The Seven Laws of the Soul)
Soul Centered Relationships (Guidance for a Friend)
Systemic Soul Speaking to Planetary Soul through Humanity
Solar Angel
Group Subjective Guidance (G14)
The Son of Mind’s Quest

Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop –Including Psycho-Synthesis Guided Meditation Exercises

Nicholas Roerich Museum

The Lord Serves

  1. Address me as your servant.
  2. Eat of my substance
  3. Drink of my blood
  4. I kneel to wash your feet.
  5. I give you my strength and courage.
  6. You honor us with your Truth.
  7. I encourage others to be taught by you.
  8. I came to you to acknowledge your service.
  9. I dress myself to appear as you.
  10. I segregate those from you who perceive you not.
  11. I ordered my angels to assist you.
  12. I anoint your body with beauty.
  13. I heal your wounds.
  14. I taught you to sing.
  15. I suggested to you those things that would help you.
  16. I am the one who understands you.
  17. I give you my glory.
  18. I always keep you from harm.
  19. I protect you when you sleep.
  20. I too pray for your guidance.
  21. I am endeared by you.
  22. I offer up my sacrifices for you.
  23. Forever you are blessed by Me.
  24. You have encouraged me to move forward.
  25. You listen to me with your heart.
  26. I give to you my wounds to bandage.
  27. You see me everywhere.
  28. You tackle my biggest problem (faith in me).
  29. You adjust your hours to be with me in need.
  30. There are no strangers in our lives.
  31. I knock at life’s door for you.
  32. Your encouragement to others gives me strength.
  33. Our shared hope inspires others.
  34. Our destiny is to be together.
  35. Our waking moments are shared together.
  36. We cherish each other moment to moment.
  37. I give your life meaning.
  38. All of our shared blessings are given to others.
  39. We are friends and comrades.
  40. We beckon each other.
  41. Our hearts beat together the same tune.
  42. We choose the same path.
  43. We move closer to each other.
  44. We move together into the Unknown.
  45. We love the thoughts of each other.
  46. We obey the same Power.
  47. Our minds are joined together.
  48. Our truth is of one blade.
  49. You lighten my burden.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.




Nicholas Roerich Museum

60 Objectives of Present Mastery for an Aspirant Unfolding

  1. Cosmic Ether awaits discovery.
  2. Your heart presence must be used to find this doorway.
  3. Your Angel of the Presence needs to be found to direct your footsteps.
  4. The need for purity will protect you.
  5. Must realize the reality of Me.
  6. Must gain in Sacrifice.
  7. The ageless dwelling in matter triumphed over.
  8. The Song of Destiny discovered.
  9. The Christ found.
  10. The ageless sinner healed.
  11. The great sacrifice made.
  12. The temptress upon the altar of past worlds destroyed.
  13. The reckless way forsaken.
  14. The 14 steps ascended.
  15. The quivering of the arrow hitting on target.
  16. The disguising of yourself with a hood.
  17. Carelessness ignored.
  18. Wasting of time ignored.
  19. Scare tactics ended.
  20. Scheduling of events to serve in time.
  21. Parading your soul.
  22. Sacrificing your lower leg.
  23. Jumping to conclusions.
  24. Addressing your weak links.
  25. Sacrificing your soul for others.
  26. Educating others to see themselves.
  27. Ripping the first veil (of impulse) into hall of concentration
  28. Sessions with your soul extended.
  29. Depart from a religious perspective.
  30. Using Grace instead of unfoldment,
  31. Estimating if Spirit will prevail.
  32. Overcoming gravity.
  33. Secular responsibility.
  34. Seeing others.
  35. Preventing others from hurting themselves by addressing real needs.
  36. Emotional Tranquility.
  37. Foreclosure on creation of self.
  38. Organizing your life,
  39. Seeking common ground
  40. Letting others know your beliefs,
  41. Jaded response rejected.
  42. A caring person.
  43. Virtuous life.
  44. Helpfulness to all.
  45. Playful being.
  46. Balanced.
  47. Aggravated assaulting on me needs eliminated.
  48. Keep your robe spotless
  49. My will is Gods Will.
  50. make others listen more often.
  51. friendly to none—but be a friend.
  52. Abundance found in spiritual work.
  53. Razor’s edge found.
  54. Serve through Speaking.
  55. Achieved unfoldment.
  56. Organized personality sheaths.
  57. Sacred beingness.
  58. Know the human law.
  59. Undemonstrated virtue—let virtues create change.
  60. Orchestration of facts—creative projects.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Nicholas Roerich Museum - To Kailas. Lahul

An Intent of a Disciple

An open Heart, a loving Hand, an extended vision, a pot of Gold, an enlighten Mind, and the Gift of the One Presence depicts the Disciple’s livingness.

For all those who are in need of assistance all is provided and all is sacrificed.

The Way glitters before him who holds the Hand of He that forever is with you.

Receive Oh Disciple from Him who is with you, the timeless and infinite journeys of He whose road you travel.

Receive from Him His Bliss.

Open up your eye and blend your light with His.

Retain your visions of His Vision.

And learn His Ways and His Desires.

For all of you whom travel along with Him in your journey, be advised and receive your soul status.

Permit the apperception of His Plan.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Nicholas Roerich Museum

The Way is Clear for a Friend (Subpersonality)

Appeased am I by your side.

Your heart with mine, a riddle.

My song sung for us of togetherness.

Breathless our bodies are.

Impeached through your restlessness.

Bathing in golden light is you.

But dancing in its reflection of the world.

Seeking not the destiny God proffers you.

Stormed, again and again, the Wind calling you.

Barely arisen and yet frightful of your height.

Calling you and calling you again and again.

Masterful you have become.

Looking upon the desert afar I wait.



Awakened by a rustle and a start.

Upon our lips are praises of another day.

Seeing together our task being whispered for us.

Standing side by side holding hands, we walk.

Lives and Hearts aflame.

Bowing down in joy before the Presence.

With uplifted arms.

Time passes as we pass before each other.         

We look not back nor side to side but straight ahead.

Door ajar we gather those who follow behind.

Trespassing before the world we enter into the holy place.

Its secrets we sacredly share.

Ancient our appearance to others.

Beguiled by most we sense the inevitable perfection they hold.

Our bodies withered and tired.

We lastly embrace.



Crested on a mountain summit.

The wind massaging our bodies.

A hawk shrieks through the sky.

The stars glisten in the night.

Our alert feelings aflame in the intensified air.

The world magically disappears.

In the dark unknown we journey, protected.

All around us is the moment.

Opening our senses all is touched.

Everywhere the unknown takes us is gifted by Him that leads us.

Awakened we are in His Vision.

A gift we have become to all.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.


Nicholas Roerich Museum

The Way the Disciple Moves

The Victories Known by the Disciple:

The truth is known by each who passes the test.

The heart is empty of all except that which soundest from afar.

The way is clear for all who’s vision is as One.

The cosmos is known and carried by all those whose destiny is One.

Each seeks his own way and carries with him All.


The Suffering of the Disciple:

Immersed in substance, serving the One.

Ear forever bent above.

Rejected by all those who follow after.


The Path of the Disciple:

Heart a pounding in rhythm to the Song.

The stream unending into infinity.

Thus, the initiate listening intently to the Heart.

Immersed deeply in the stream and travels thus.


The Evolving of the Disciple:

In a distance the Disciple sees the light.

The light is within him also.

He uses the light within him.

Thus, it guides him to that distant light.

All around him is nothing but blending light.

It takes all shapes and colors and provides him with everything.

He loses his way and then finds it.


The Uniting of the Disciple:

The red light, the blue light, they gather together those of like hearts.

It is passion unending that separates the two.

The red immersed.

The blue not immersed.

They both are needed; they both are one.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Nicholas Roerich Museum

The World and the Aspirant

This mantram is about you finding for yourself your honor and prestige in the world. It is about you being assured of your place in life. It is how you will achieve your goals. It is about you being in charge of your destiny. It is about you honoring others as yourself. It is about you being put in charge of the destinies of others. It is about you being capable of bearing the weight of the world upon your shoulders. It is about you being able to achieve great things in a short time.


The world waits.

The world watches.

The world believes in you and no one else.

The world attaches itself to you and will not let go.

The world is as you create it.

The world is that for which you desire.

The world finds strength in your arms.

The world finds forbearance in your forbearance.

The world cradles you as it cradles its young.

The world is upon you gracing you with its presence.

The world is crippled without you.

The world is nurtured by you.

The world cares not who you are but that you exist.

The world encourages your greatness.

The world assesses you as one with it.

The world harnesses your energies that it might live.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.


Nicholas Roerich Museum

The Lord Waits

Unto the Lord we give our blessings and to His Purpose this is our only task as it needs to be of yours.

To honor the Lord is to honor ourselves and this is beyond truth.

To know your struggles is to know the Lord’s reason for His existence.

To hear the note that sounds at Initiation is reward enough for all tests.

To hear the sweet Sounds of the Voice of God is everlasting reward for our existence.

To apply the known teachings and see success is gratification enough for our struggles.

To honor the Father with our tears of gratitude is only a token of our deepest appreciation for His compassion.

Let us not forget the very Breath that sustains us likewise sustains all gods’ creatures.

Let us not wander nor squander our energies generated by the Father on all creation’s behalf.

Brotherhood/Sisterhood must be taken to Heart.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Time is Being Descending to Manifest

The winds blow all night and the clouds creep in.

The hour has come for the vigilant to be prepared.

The hour has come for them, which I must wait.

The hour descends in a rage and a roar.

The hour is upon me and my heart is pure;

The hour finds me still and unafraid.

The hour descends and finds me waiting with heart open and arms outstretched.

The bidding of the Lord I will do.

And my reward will be His Grace.

Unto my fate I will travel.

My face will be composed of Joy.

My feet will not tarry long in one place.

And my Heart will be steadfast upon my task.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Together in the Christ Presence

We come together before the Christ in spirit.                                                                                .

May our human gathering be visited by His Spirit.

Standing within the presence as the One Humanity.

We unite with the Presence of the One Heart.

Forever at peace, oneness with it and all.

Within the head’s cold clear light.

The Christ’s Livingness is found.

Together we lift all towards the Logos.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.