Nicholas Roerich Museum

Solar Angel

Come before me and experience my splendor.

I have come before you to share my countenance.

Please believe me when I order you to control yourself.

The Lord is present with you at all times and therefore knowing of your thoughts.

Never belittle yourself before the Lord that guides you.

But in His Presence be Great.


I order you to share your love received from me with all.

And all in their own way know that the presence of the Lord is with you.

Please be weary of the company you keep as only the Lord needs to influence you.

If you love me, you will do these things for me.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

The Way of the Human Soul in the Three Worlds

Nature of the One Soul – Some Thoughts
A Group Soul’s Aspiration
Some Thoughts on the Self
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VI (The Seven Laws of the Soul)
Systemic Soul Speaking to Planetary Soul through Humanity
Group Subjective Guidance (G14)
The Son of Mind’s Quest

Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop –Including Psycho-Synthesis Guided Meditation Exercises

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Planetary Soul Speaking through Humanity

Speaking to the world of human beings I cherish each one as myself.

My daughter, I have given it over to you to teach.

The apple of knowledge I have given you humbly.

Prized by myself is the wisdom it generates, and you demonstrate.

I speak to each one continuously and behold you in your glory.


Sacrifice am I

Will am I

Pure Peace am I

Purpose of Life am I

Beauty I am

Future I am

Edifice am I

Space am I

Composed by HZ. A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.


The Way of the Human Soul in the Three Worlds

Nature of the One Soul – Some Thoughts
A Group Soul’s Aspiration
Some Thoughts on the Self
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VI (The Seven Laws of the Soul)
Systemic Soul Speaking to Planetary Soul through Humanity
Solar Angel
Group Subjective Guidance (G14)
The Son of Mind’s Quest

Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop –Including Psycho-Synthesis Guided Meditation Exercises

Nicholas Roerich Museum

A Son of Mind’s Quest

Seize the opportunity to take the world by divine storm—be at peace!

The hour comes when those around you must fathom the deep and disturb their ways—be at peace.

The hour is now to venture forth into the world—be at peace.

Seize the moment to awaken the world to our values—be at peace.

Speak of peace within and movement outside—be at peace.

Always be at peace never aroused, never excited, never frustrated—be at peace.

I will be with you in the hour that peace abides always with you-be at peace.

Assured you need to be of your greatness and disturbed when you are not—be at peace.

Rest assured of your triumphs and wrestle not with life—be at peace.

The sun arises in its might for you as I have spoken to god—be at peace.

The solder awaits upon the battlefield, and it is that I am—be at peace.

The great blazing sun of the Heart of the Lion (Regulus) in Leo commands you to battle for it is He that you obey or leads you–be at peace

Upon the field the warrior loosens his arrow and straight to the Amazon queen it goes—be at peace,

She arises in her might to still your soul so you can silently hear the voice in the silence places of the heart—be at peace.

She rises up for you to battle giants that consume you—be at peace.

Be ye brave or cowardly young master to still the waters that flow from you—be at peace.

Are you prepared to succeed where you have failed before many times of battlement—be at peace.

Are you ready with courage heart and the lessons learnt well from the past—be at peace.

Has the future been secured in your heart and mind—be at peace.

I can be your archer my hand is steady and the winged arrow I have together we can hold the bow and aim the arrow—be at peace

Together we can travel with the one arrow in flight and become as one—be at peace

I seek to know that your gift of age long reputation is lost forever—be at peace

If so, I place in your left hand my weapon to know the minds of all people to assist them to know themselves as Souls—be at peace my brother-my sister

I am witnessing the future and wish to know the facts written upon your earthly gravestone and it is this:

My earthly father born, whom I loved, and is forever in my mind and memory as one of the special people ever born in this world of human beings, but not one of them, as he towered beyond this world into the unknown inner space of unknown lives to know the lives and dreams and destinies of their spirits. He is beyond approach by those who knew him and those who hoped to know him may his soul rest in peace and he be with us always.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Initiates on the Threshold

Heaped with burdens furnished from the past.

Our wickedness is carried on serving the many.

Seasoned are we without exception to the truths in battle won.

Marred and scared through failures dear.

Penetrating gaze deep within we mirror our reflections rightly earned.

Lessons of the Sojourn symbolized by the path our feet are upon.

Alive, awake, and alert to the voices of the silence.

Steadfast we travel daring not to rest long in any place.

Endless space we perceive cherishing only what god has given us.

We journey protected by those whom we are messengers for.

Unafraid we quest through the night of time.

Always wisely guided and gifted through journeys completed.

Loved are we.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

To all those disciples organized, impassioned, daring, and dedicated I say this:

The future is in your hands and also in your hearts.

The truth has become your companion and also your treasure.

You work alone in the world, with no aid nor any to carry your burden.

My hands are underneath you and also with the Lord.

My Mind is your mind, and my Heart is blended with yours.

Your vision is part of the One Vision, and my Eye is upon you.


Those among you who work in my name.

Register my Thoughts and my Prayers within your mind and heart.

Ask of Me what you need and also of when I may help.

There are two things I can give you; these are nurturance for your bodies and waters of life for your thirst.

There are many gifts of the Lord offered to those who can receive them.

Our fruits are created through alignment, realization, and service.


(Lord Christ): Men are attired by the past but we disciples of the Lord are attired of the future and be assured of the future for it is with you now and always.  Believe in yourself and torment yourself not for I am with you always. Now pray with me and say the complete Great Invocation every day and I will be with you always.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.


Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ
Christ to the Hierarchy
Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message
A Message of Christ to Humanity
The Christ & New Group World Servers

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Gompa

Personality Existence

Across the seas and through the air travels the wicked and the pure.

Through the air I must go to catch the wicked and the pure.

Through the air I must go to protect those in need.

Though I hear rumpling from afar, my course is set.

To this day I add one more hope of everlasting life.

To this day I add yet another stream to the great ocean.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Nicholas Roerich Museum

My Hour Comest

This mantram is about a way to enhance your understanding on relationships being formed in the future (at a distance). It is about you receiving information on what is coming down from soul levels. It is about you being prepared to receive a certain relationship. It is about you honoring soul’s intentions. It is about you finding the time to invoke the future. It is about you being able to see into the mist and yet be assured of correctness. It is about you being able to sense the coming of a change; it is about you being able to register with your mind that which is expected from you – negative or positive karma.


The winds blowest all night and the clouds creep in.

The hour has come for the vigilant to be prepared.

The hour has come for them which I must wait.

The hour descendest in a rage and a roar

The hour is upon me, and my heart is pure.

The hour finds me still and unafraid.

The hour descends and finds me waiting with heart open and arms outstretched.


The bidding of the Lord I will do.

And my reward will be His Grace.

Unto my fate I will travel.

My face will be composed of Joy.

My feet will not tarry long in one place.

And my Heart will be steadfast upon my task.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Sanctuaries and Citadels

Mystical Aspiration Acknowledged

Redeem, pray, enliven, are the watchwords for you – see to it.

Be advised of our returned presence in your life and do nothing to warrant our dissatisfaction or harm.

Be careful and prepared to assist those we send to you and be ready to nurture others when asked to do so.

Be empty of yourself but boast of the One Soul and the One Humanity

Be prepared for victory and freedom as well as sacrifice for the One Soul.

Stand in the Light of the One Soul and search the heavens for the Lord.

Be prepared to divest of everything.

Be at One with the Christ.

Seek the compassion of the Masters.

Be at One with Spirit.

Seek the Treasures of the Heart and all will be well.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Atmic Plane (Golden Deva)

The Breath circulates upon the crest of the wave we call Home.

This is Home because each of us as a human in our sojourn through life begins there.

The world travels through distant time but yet does not perceive the quiescent point of this place.

The adjudicators and the adjudicated stand together here.

The ages past have brought us to this point again, following the sound current of the Lord.

Upon this plane we find rejoicing all those who have traveled here before from afar.

Each alike themselves; there were four in the beginning, now there is one.

The Lord shadows each with His Wing; the arrow flies north and again the sound triumphs from afar.

The Devas sing in their chorus their enchanting ways and the worlds are born upon the wing.

Dozens and dozens fly off towards the sound as the whispering continues along the shoreline.

The ages come and go yet the one above and the one below knows it not.

Heaven’s gate awaits those who pan for gold along the shoreline.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.