Nicholas Roerich Museum - From-Beyond

Planetary Son of Mind through Son of Mind for World Related Soul-Personalities

Planetary Son of Mind:

Lighten My load.

Perceive Me as yourself.

Expect miracles.

Untie your knots.

Ascend unto Me along a clear path.

Speak only of Me.

Blessed are all that discovers me.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Time is Being Descending to Manifest

A Sacred Teaching of Master R.

The Masters & Spirit – Some Adjunct Teachings (Revised 03-19-24)

My Secret Verse

An Ancient Apothegm

A Very Old Apothegm

The One Ashram following the Path of Those who came before Them – An Apothegm

The Joining with the Lord

Mastery of Time

A Call to Battle On

450,000-Year-Old Treatise from 7th Ray Ashram

The Tides of Life

Advice from a Fellow Traveler upon the Subjective Way

Be on Guard to Honor Those that are Working in the World

Honor One’s Elders – Guidance for an Aspirant

An Honoring

A Viewpoint on Humanity

The Connection to the One Who waits upon the Shore of Infinite Love

The Long-Forgotten Son

The Lord Serves

The Way is Clear for a Friend (Subpersonality)

The Lord Waits Patiently to Assist You

The Lord Waits

My Hour Comest

Atmic Plane (Golden Deva)

Daring to be Great

An Atmic Mind Realization  

We Climb Seeking our Reason for Existence

The Truth Lost

The Gift of the Aquarian Age

The Circle of Creation

The Awakening Ones

Ode to the Flowers

Following the Cosmic Sound

Essence of the Aquarian Goal

A Whispering from Evolved Spirits

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Stronghold of the Spirit

My Hour Comest

This mantram is about a way to enhance your understanding on relationships being formed in the future (at a distance). It is about you receiving information on what is coming down from soul levels. It is about you being prepared to receive a certain relationship. It is about you honoring soul’s intentions. It is about you finding the time to invoke the future. It is about you being able to see into the mist and yet be assured of correctness. It is about you being able to sense the coming of a change; it is about you being able to register with your mind that which is expected from you – negative or positive karma.


The winds blowest all night and the clouds creep in.

The hour has come for the vigilant to be prepared.

The hour has come for them which I must wait.

The hour descendest in a rage and a roar

The hour is upon me, and my heart is pure.

The hour finds me still and unafraid.

The hour descends and finds me waiting with heart open and arms outstretched.


The bidding of the Lord I will do.

And my reward will be His Grace.

Unto my fate I will travel.

My face will be composed of Joy.

My feet will not tarry long in one place.

And my Heart will be steadfast upon my task.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Time is Being Descending to Manifest

A Sacred Teaching of Master R.

The Masters & Spirit – Some Adjunct Teachings (Revised 03-19-24)

My Secret Verse

An Ancient Apothegm

A Very Old Apothegm

The One Ashram following the Path of Those who came before Them – An Apothegm

The Joining with the Lord

Mastery of Time

A Call to Battle On

450,000-Year-Old Treatise from 7th Ray Ashram

The Tides of Life

Advice from a Fellow Traveler upon the Subjective Way

Be on Guard to Honor Those that are Working in the World

Honor One’s Elders – Guidance for an Aspirant

An Honoring

A Viewpoint on Humanity

The Connection to the One Who waits upon the Shore of Infinite Love

The Long-Forgotten Son

The Lord Serves

The Way is Clear for a Friend (Subpersonality)

The Lord Waits Patiently to Assist You

The Lord Waits

Planetary Son of Mind through Son of Mind for World Related Soul-Personalities

Atmic Plane (Golden Deva)

Daring to be Great

An Atmic Mind Realization  

We Climb Seeking our Reason for Existence

The Truth Lost

The Gift of the Aquarian Age

The Circle of Creation

The Awakening Ones

Ode to the Flowers

Following the Cosmic Sound

Essence of the Aquarian Goal

A Whispering from Evolved Spirits

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Old Pskov

Probationary Disciples Grouping – A Message From

Moment by moment unafraid, with courage we press forward.

Great is the daring, great is the goal.

Detached at every turn and continuously attacked from all sides.

Staunch is our heart.

One with life we can be.

We serve each other.

Holding each other’s hand and heart.

We only press forward.

Through us, the goal can be reached, and the lessons learned.

Together we are great and undefeated, separate we are weak and defeated.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

Hierarchical Standing – A Message for a Disciple

Tantric Yoga – Some Adjunct Information

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Three Letters to Self – An Aspirant’s Hopes

Antahkarana Building Experiment Suggestion

Wesak – Some Ceremony Changes

First Ray Ashram –General Significance within the One Ashram

Eight Ways of Finding Peace in Life

An Aspirant’s Viewpoint

The Nature of our Beliefs as Aspirants to the Mysteries

60 Objectives of Present Mastery for an Aspirant Unfolding

An Intent of a Disciple

The Way the Disciple Moves

The World and the Aspirant

A Son of Mind’s Quest

Initiates on the Threshold

Entering Disciples into Humanity

Mystical Aspiration Acknowledged

Aspirations Captured

An Aspirants Hope for the Future of the World

A Short Self Portrait to Guide Me in the Moment (Priorities Evoked)

Memory, Vibration & Destiny

Re-Creating the Lower Antahkarana in the Moment

A Message for All Disciples

Some Available Esoteric Information Given Out Subjectively that Can be Reified.


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Sanctuaries and Citadels

Mystical Aspiration Acknowledged

Aspirational Acknowledgements:

Redeem, pray, enliven, are the watchwords for you – see to it.

Be advised of our returned presence in your life and do nothing to warrant our dissatisfaction or harm.

Be careful and prepared to assist those we send to you and be ready to nurture others when asked to do so.

Be empty of yourself but boast of the One Soul and the One Humanity

Be prepared for victory and freedom as well as sacrifice for the One Soul.

Stand in the Light of the One Soul and search the heavens for the Lord.

Be prepared to divest of everything.

Be at One with the Christ.

Seek the compassion of the Masters.

Be at One with Spirit.

Seek the Treasures of the Heart and all will be well.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

Hierarchical Standing – A Message for a Disciple

Tantric Yoga – Some Adjunct Information

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Three Letters to Self – An Aspirant’s Hopes

Antahkarana Building Experiment Suggestion

Wesak – Some Ceremony Changes

First Ray Ashram –General Significance within the One Ashram

Eight Ways of Finding Peace in Life

An Aspirant’s Viewpoint

The Nature of our Beliefs as Aspirants to the Mysteries

60 Objectives of Present Mastery for an Aspirant Unfolding

An Intent of a Disciple

The Way the Disciple Moves

The World and the Aspirant

A Son of Mind’s Quest

Initiates on the Threshold

Entering Disciples into Humanity

Probationary Disciples Grouping – A Message From

Aspirations Captured

An Aspirants Hope for the Future of the World

A Short Self Portrait to Guide Me in the Moment (Priorities Evoked)

Memory, Vibration & Destiny

Re-Creating the Lower Antahkarana in the Moment

A Message for All Disciples

Some Available Esoteric Information Given Out Subjectively that Can be Reified.

Aspirations Captured

Against the dark blue heavens, I place my heart.

Against the morning sun I surrender to its necessity (the Plan).

Against the evening twilight I bear witness to my God.

In the past I created myself.

In the present I am re-discovering myself.

In the future I will be myself.


Unsaved and unworthy, But great daring I have.

I see the vision and know the way.

I listen, I strive.

Without rest I work.

My life is not mine.

I know the future, for I am it.


Long lasting is my love, it is my gain.

My torment is my love rejected.

Christ’s Love is my goal.

His footsteps I follow.

His hallowed life I worship.

His eternal Presence bathes me.

His forgiveness nurtures me.

His Treasures bless me.

In His arms I am held.


The sun rises in its might, and I am there.

I speak out in prayer to it and praise it constantly for its countenance.

I bathe myself in its warmth and light.

I sing to it my joy.

I supplant my being in it.

I encircle it with my dance.

I embrace it with my divinity.

I stand before it in be-wonderment.

I am soothed by its Heart in my heart.

I die and return to it.

I, a divine being, bow before it.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

Hierarchical Standing – A Message for a Disciple

Tantric Yoga – Some Adjunct Information

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Three Letters to Self – An Aspirant’s Hopes

Antahkarana Building Experiment Suggestion

Wesak – Some Ceremony Changes

First Ray Ashram –General Significance within the One Ashram

Eight Ways of Finding Peace in Life

An Aspirant’s Viewpoint

The Nature of our Beliefs as Aspirants to the Mysteries

60 Objectives of Present Mastery for an Aspirant Unfolding

An Intent of a Disciple

The Way the Disciple Moves

The World and the Aspirant

A Son of Mind’s Quest

Initiates on the Threshold

Entering Disciples into Humanity

Probationary Disciples Grouping – A Message From

Mystical Aspiration Acknowledged

An Aspirants Hope for the Future of the World

A Short Self Portrait to Guide Me in the Moment (Priorities Evoked)

Memory, Vibration & Destiny

Re-Creating the Lower Antahkarana in the Moment

A Message for All Disciples

Some Available Esoteric Information Given Out Subjectively that Can be Reified.



Nicholas Roerich Museum - ‹› start typing the title Song of the Waterfall

Atmic Plane (Golden Deva)

The Breath circulates upon the crest of the wave we call Home.

This is Home because each of us as a human in our sojourn through life begins there.

The world travels through distant time but yet does not perceive the quiescent point of this place.

The adjudicators and the adjudicated stand together here.

The ages past have brought us to this point again, following the sound current of the Lord.

Upon this plane we find rejoicing all those who have traveled here before from afar.

Each alike themselves; there were four in the beginning, now there is one.

The Lord shadows each with His Wing; the arrow flies north and again the sound triumphs from afar.

The Devas sing in their chorus their enchanting ways and the worlds are born upon the wing.

Dozens and dozens fly off towards the sound as the whispering continues along the shoreline.

The ages come and go yet the one above and the one below knows it not.

Heaven’s gate awaits those who pan for gold along the shoreline.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Time is Being Descending to Manifest

A Sacred Teaching of Master R.

The Masters & Spirit – Some Adjunct Teachings (Revised 03-19-24)

My Secret Verse

An Ancient Apothegm

A Very Old Apothegm

The One Ashram following the Path of Those who came before Them – An Apothegm

The Joining with the Lord

Mastery of Time

A Call to Battle On

450,000-Year-Old Treatise from 7th Ray Ashram

The Tides of Life

Advice from a Fellow Traveler upon the Subjective Way

Be on Guard to Honor Those that are Working in the World

Honor One’s Elders – Guidance for an Aspirant

An Honoring

A Viewpoint on Humanity

The Connection to the One Who waits upon the Shore of Infinite Love

The Long-Forgotten Son

The Lord Serves

The Way is Clear for a Friend (Subpersonality)

The Lord Waits Patiently to Assist You

The Lord Waits

Planetary Son of Mind through Son of Mind for World Related Soul-Personalities

My Hour Comest

Daring to be Great

An Atmic Mind Realization  

We Climb Seeking our Reason for Existence

The Truth Lost

The Gift of the Aquarian Age

The Circle of Creation

The Awakening Ones

Ode to the Flowers

Following the Cosmic Sound

Essence of the Aquarian Goal

A Whispering from Evolved Spirits



Nicholas Roerich Museum - The Command

A Very Old Aphorism

Kumaras, angles, and humans aflame with spirit restless and dedicated to life and form.

Honorable incarnations and duties disappearing in a moment of time.

Wave after wave of beingness endured and destroyed.

Little understood or experienced of true causation.

Angelic Hearts aflame and seasons decided – God gives birth to all His creations:

The many lessons of life and of destiny deciding one’s fate.

The path created, loved, spiritualized, narrowed, and illumined carries one to Himself.

Shining within and letting go of the separation all is apperceived.

Created, conscious, sensitized, realized, and enlightened awaits us all:

Letting go of the forms holding us we discover the Holy of Holies.

And in this discovery understand the why.

The One, the One, the One


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.



Time is Being Descending to Manifest

A Sacred Teaching of Master R.

The Masters & Spirit – Some Adjunct Teachings (Revised 03-19-24)

My Secret Verse

An Ancient Apothegm

The One Ashram following the Path of Those who came before Them – An Apothegm

The Joining with the Lord

Mastery of Time

A Call to Battle On

450,000-Year-Old Treatise from 7th Ray Ashram

The Tides of Life

Advice from a Fellow Traveler upon the Subjective Way

Be on Guard to Honor Those that are Working in the World

Honor One’s Elders – Guidance for an Aspirant

An Honoring

A Viewpoint on Humanity

The Connection to the One Who waits upon the Shore of Infinite Love

The Long-Forgotten Son

The Lord Serves

The Way is Clear for a Friend (Subpersonality)

The Lord Waits Patiently to Assist You

The Lord Waits

Planetary Son of Mind through Son of Mind for World Related Soul-Personalities

My Hour Comest

Atmic Plane (Golden Deva)

Daring to be Great

An Atmic Mind Realization  

We Climb Seeking our Reason for Existence

The Truth Lost

The Gift of the Aquarian Age

The Circle of Creation

The Awakening Ones

Ode to the Flowers

Following the Cosmic Sound

Essence of the Aquarian Goal

A Whispering from Evolved Spirits

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Mountain Range. Approach to Everest

An Aspirants Hope for the Future of the World

Your hopes for the future must replace your past as they are like blossoms on a flower shedding radiance into the future—shining upon the way forever.

The ebb & flow of the tides of life must be your guide. Look to the winds for direction, and the stillness for rest, and all will be well.

Out of the East will come the plenty and the guidance, out of the West will come the world; out of the South will come the loneliness, out of the North will come all those who need your service.

The troops of the Lord sent out across the land to vanquish the enemy and thus to restore peace on earth.

This is the way of the Lord and the way of the Christ.

The way is clear, and the dawn is a light but the world yet is in darkness and despair.

The hour has come, and the trumpet sounds, the Lords Chariot waits for its translucent driver.

The nights are long and the days longer still but yet there is time for rejoicing.

The journey is endless, but hope is one’s companion upon the endless way Home.

Out of the cold indigo blue light and into the warm fire the disciple travels but never alone until the Dawn be with us.

The Lord’s Purpose breaks into pieces all other purposes and reassembles them according to His Will.

The steps of His soldiers echoing across the globe assemble for battle upon the plains, adorned for battle, adorned for peace, and adorned for vigilance.

The time draws near with the swords drawn and with the victory of peace everlasting a sealed fate the troops of the Lord returneth Home.


Peace, Peace, Peace


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

Hierarchical Standing – A Message for a Disciple

Tantric Yoga – Some Adjunct Information

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Three Letters to Self – An Aspirant’s Hopes

Antahkarana Building Experiment Suggestion

Wesak – Some Ceremony Changes

First Ray Ashram –General Significance within the One Ashram

Eight Ways of Finding Peace in Life

An Aspirant’s Viewpoint

The Nature of our Beliefs as Aspirants to the Mysteries

60 Objectives of Present Mastery for an Aspirant Unfolding

An Intent of a Disciple

The Way the Disciple Moves

The World and the Aspirant

A Son of Mind’s Quest

Initiates on the Threshold

Entering Disciples into Humanity

Probationary Disciples Grouping – A Message From

Mystical Aspiration Acknowledged

Aspirations Captured

A Short Self Portrait to Guide Me in the Moment (Priorities Evoked)

Memory, Vibration & Destiny

Re-Creating the Lower Antahkarana in the Moment

A Message for All Disciples

Some Available Esoteric Information Given Out Subjectively that Can be Reified.


Nicholas Roerich Museum - She Who Leads

A Vow of the Heart

I sacredly place all beings in my spiritual heart to be protected, to be looked after, and to be taken care of for you.

I sacredly place all beings in my spiritual heart embraced with your love, your truth, your beingness, and your joy.

I sacredly place all beings in my spiritual heart with your hands to guide them into the Hands of the Christ.

I extend my blessings towards you.

I embrace you as a spiritual being and provide for you as a physical and psychic being.

I bow before the One Life to better address your real needs.

I sacredly entrust my presence to you.

I send to you my heart prayers, my spiritual meditations, my sacred invocations, and my divine beingness.

I give always the wisdom of my being.

I relinquish all things that are not in our highest well-being.

I execute my guidance for you with love, sensitivity, comprehension, and with compassion.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Spirits Moving deeper into the Unknown Heart

A Heart’s Embrace From the Soul to its Reflection

Composition of the Heart (An Evaluation Format to Evaluate the Nature Of & Ability To Love) Revised

A Vow of the Heart

Silence of the Heart & Some Probationary Discipleship Guidance

Seek the One Heart of All

The Unfolding Heart of the One Life in Humanity – An Exercise towards Group Consciousness

The Masters & The Presence – Some Adjunct Teachings

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Mohammed the Prophet

A Short Self Portrait to Guide Me in the Moment (Priorities Evoked)

Humanity’s Soul (Western Grouping) Source:

Liken unto a cradle stemming into spirit besieged by the voices of the unknown.

A master perched upon the mountain’s edge seeing all ignoring none he watches.

A sage witnessing life.

En-glamoured, enjoined, beleaguered, yet aware.

Betrayed by all, loved by none yet loved.


A Group Soul Source:

Unlock spirit’s doorway into the unknown

Realize this, that you are all there is.

Unveil your challenges, one by one, and master them before your life flows from you.


Son of Mind Source:

Let your ears guide you and your eyes not betray you.

Let your heart be with humanity and your hands sooth their pain.

Open your mind to me and let me guide you.

See yourself as a being of light and not a dark being.

Be prepared to relinquish all in a moment’s notice.

Force yourself to free yourself.

Manasic Divine Soul Source:

Blessed are we who accommodate the Lord.

Fulfilling prophecies organizes our lives.

Winter snow brings with it silence, being, creativity, and adventure into the unknown.

The dead are awakened in the light.


Oversoul Source:

Endearing they have become, prized also, those around you and with you for they are you in the making.

Secret societies you seek belabored for truth.

All destinies await upon you and for you to create.

Speaks one and all to you.

Brave soldier of the night silent and warned, we await you.

Filled with lore of treasures you race into life.


Personality Mind Source:

Behold a child’s gift before you.

Wrapped in gold I treasure all.

The universe gives up its secrets to those who need them and want them.

The time I have left I give to All.

The love in my heart I sacrifice for All.

I wonder, ageless and unafraid, before All.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

Hierarchical Standing – A Message for a Disciple

Tantric Yoga – Some Adjunct Information

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Three Letters to Self – An Aspirant’s Hopes

Antahkarana Building Experiment Suggestion

Wesak – Some Ceremony Changes

First Ray Ashram –General Significance within the One Ashram

Eight Ways of Finding Peace in Life

An Aspirant’s Viewpoint

The Nature of our Beliefs as Aspirants to the Mysteries

60 Objectives of Present Mastery for an Aspirant Unfolding

An Intent of a Disciple

The Way the Disciple Moves

The World and the Aspirant

A Son of Mind’s Quest

Initiates on the Threshold

Entering Disciples into Humanity

Probationary Disciples Grouping – A Message From

Mystical Aspiration Acknowledged

Aspirations Captured

An Aspirants Hope for the Future of the World

Memory, Vibration & Destiny

Re-Creating the Lower Antahkarana in the Moment

A Message for All Disciples

Some Available Esoteric Information Given Out Subjectively that Can be Reified.