The One Sound

The Lord stands upon the pinnacle of the sound that reaches down the Path trodden throughout Eternity.

Upon this Path travels alone and unaided, all those who seek the Sound within the Silence.

Upon this Path awaits those who travel not alone to Journey together back to the Source.

This Journey ends together at that Place where the Sound emanated.

At this Place stands the Lord receiving all unaided and aided by each upon the endless Way.

At this juncture the Path turns and again the upward Way is trodden.

Before the end and at the beginning the Path returns to the Source of the Word.

The load is light but the Joy Abundant.

Upon this Path the Lord is near and yet far into the distance as the Word goes forth

into the Unknown awaiting the ear of all those whose silence is great.

Upon this Path the surge is great but the hour passes in repose.

Upon this Path all seeks for Eternity the Word.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function
Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
The Journey Home Yet Again
Call from Venus
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Mastery of Time

Want you to be aware that there are ways of achieving your spiritual objectives in a moment of time.

There is a way of bringing the past and the future into the present in a moment of time.

There is a way of addressing the needs of the spirit in that moment of time.

There is a way to create in a moment of time.

All of this is achieved in a moment of time when the Lord holds you in the palm of His Hand.

So Mote it Be


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation

The Journey Home Yet Again

The manners of people who achieve Enlightenment are those that contribute the greatest number of mistakes in their lives and for you to be great require many mistakes made and atoned. It is in this way we move forward to become All by making All a part of us; it is to this behalf we register Grace more fully as it is invoked more fully.  We have given you this saying as a way to more forward courageously in making mistakes and trusting life will take care of you based upon its compassionate stance.


The hour has arrived that all beings wait; and to this hour the Lord standeth ready.

It has come to pass (the Prophecy true) that all waiteth upon the Lord, and the Lord is Content.

The Prophecy true that the beings came and went, the sky came and went, and the Lord came and went.

The hour has come when the Sea of Akasha will rise up and engulf the heaven worlds and return back to their Source and all will be well again in the Eye of the One.

The hour has come when the cosmic worlds see beyond their Horizon a gleaming Light radiating upon the distant shore and this Light shineth until the Day cometh unto Us.

The moment arrives in our spirits that recognizes this supreme Light and travels thus to this Source.

The moment arrives when our spirits rejoice in the wayward journey Home – the moment sure within their heart.

The human spirits venture forth into this world of Darkness beyond the veil of time and space and creation:

They retreat back to the Place that gave existence to Spirit:

It is at this Place we find Ourselves standing with Eye Aflame.

And from this Eye radiates all that redeemed Us.

It is here the Radiated returns again and again from whence it came.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function
Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
Call from Venus
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School

The Gift of the Aquarian Age

The hour has arrived, when you, whether seen as great or small among your worldly brethren, must rise up and take hold of that very thing that animates your heart and your path and this one thing is your belief in yourself.  Those around you will not give it to you.  Your loved ones will not give it to you.  Your friends will not give it to you.  Only you can give it to you, but it is you that must be discovered within the heart of your being and this heart is waiting for you.   It has waited for you for Aeons, and it waits for you still for that which has adored you throughout time.  Adore the Self; you must, to see the Self truly as you are.

The hour has come, to awaken to the call from the Voice within the Silence. A silence so deep those men’s minds and hearts need be organized to hear its call.  Thus, the path, thus the three rules of purity, meditation and study.  The path that begins once these three are perfected is that path of spiritual occultism.  A path so devoid of self recognition that who wish to travel upon it must first lose their way and find The Way.  It is a path full of obstacles at every turn, obstacles placed there by oneself in distant past.  It is a path where we can adore the thorny crown, the battered robe, the staff of life for others, and the winged sandals as a messenger from god.  It is a path strung upon golden steps garnished from time from those who have passed by.  It is a path with pitfalls many but all who travel the narrow path experience them not.  It is a path from here to there adorn by all but privileged by few.  It is a path where many stumble and fall and fail but return again with joy for there is no other path.

You have been given the construct of rescuing from the past, your golden past, and those many treasures now at your feet. Treasures of the heart, treasures of your mind, and those treasures not yet perceived from Spirit to be received.  Take these treasures back Home and lay these at the feet of them who sent you.  And in that moment, when you can look upon His Face, realize His nature and livingness is likewise an inherent part of you.

We have given you (yes we, for we are you and I) what we need to journey forward upon our way Home.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.



The Circle of Creation

We regard this alignment as a means where by those upon the 6th Cosmic Path have demonstrated “infusion” of dynamic substance into an area or body of space that relates Sanat Kumara to the larger group and in this regard the following prayer will take you.


The Battle of the Ascended Ones reacheth the apex of their Success.

The War of the Heavens rages on and reaps the Past and the Future into the Now.

We regain our composure and sing our Praise to those that have gone before.

And in this Song our Hearts are Pure and our Love Absolute.

And in this Song our Vision Sure.

With this Knowledge we gain the Dragons Crest and Bestow upon the Battle Ground that which the Dragon “bares.”

The Worlds Cry Forth into the Night for the legions of the Ascended Ones battling.

Upon this Response comes the Whirling Forces descending into the hearts of all and registers the Warriors Cry.

Upon this battlefield the Word goes forth into the Night—Behold I make all things anew and just proportions unto the Day.

And with this comes that Peace which surpasseth understanding that descends upon each according to their need.

The Ascended Ones Spoke and the Word Listened and all was Silent for an Aeon.

Upon this Silence the worlds still moved but only where the Ascended Ones could not travel.

It is in this Place that the Dragon becomes the Mulaprakriti and in this Place the Dragon becomes the messenger of the Word.

The worlds reawaken to the Dragon’s quivering as all is not lost upon the battlefield.

The worlds slumber again but keep abreast of the Dragon’s Thrill.

The world’s returns to the shore-less Shore and again the Dragon becomes the Golden Cosmic Egg


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Path to Shambhala

The Awakening Ones

Stillness wrestles with us as the Sun awakens upon Our friendship each day.

Voices purr softly against our cheeks awakened we have become to Its light caress.

A heart awakened to its Oneness on the ocean’s Infinite Shore.

Fathoms deep in awakened Waters which stir our Imminence.

A light Bridge awakened crossing, where walks the Son of God.

Cherished we have become to our awaken Humanity.

Home, we come, awakened in our visions.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation

Seek the One Heart of All

Within the Heart of God, I see a doorway of Light.

Within the Heart of God, I move towards this door of Light with my heart aflame.

I the seeker, the passionate one, adorned with the Vestures of God Itself, I glance back to those who follow after and pull them with me into the One Heart and the one Light.

I seek those who have gone before me and attempt to imitate those steps upon the wayward journey Home. 


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation

Spirits Moving deeper into the Unknown Heart

A Heart’s Embrace From the Soul to its Reflection

Composition of the Heart (An Evaluation Format to Evaluate the Nature Of & Ability To Love) Revised

A Vow of the Heart

Silence of the Heart & Some Probationary Discipleship Guidance

Seek the One Heart of All

The Unfolding Heart of the One Life in Humanity – An Exercise towards Group Consciousness

The Masters & The Presence – Some Adjunct Teachings

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Ode to the Flowers

The flowers’ souls lingers, open and passes on.

As they move, the fragrance of their essence wafts above the planes and settle within the inner reaches of the animal heart and soul, permeating all aspects without.

How alive are we with this flower soul blended with ours.

Kindly smell me and utilize my fragrance to drive out your woes.

Be mine forever holding my yet perfection within your heart.

The throes of life pervade the inner peace, smell only the flowers, and waiver not.

Beneath the fragrance lies a hope of perfect peace and solitary perfection.

Each bloom, each petal inspires such praise and commands us to better days.

Our love for flowers grows and deepens over time such as our love grows.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation

Following the Cosmic Sound

  1. The Trumpet Sounds from afar.
  2. The Sound Current swirls.
  3. The Voices proclaim the Ancient Vision held within the Eye Sacred.
  4. Hearken One and All the White Benevolent One seekest the Presence within Man.
  5. The Chariot of Man travels towards the Stars.
  6. Towards the Milky Way it travels heading to the center, a bright Star leadest him on.
  7. The Chariot turns first towards Pegasus, then towards Pleiades seeking the Voice that travels from afar.
  8. Upwards he travels, next towards Sirius.
  9. The Way forward is Lost in the brilliant Light of Regulus.
  10. Next, he travels towards the crown of that great being, shining from afar on the Isle or Gate of Arcturus.
  11. Next, he travels to that far off place where roam the winds of time—Body of Pegasus – the place is haunted by the 7-Winds that breathed Spirit into Man.
  12. Next, he travels upwards to the Star that shinest between Aquilla and Curpens Cauda; here he finds the source of his essential Being.
  13. Next, he travels that Path that leads to the to the Heart of God, this Path is trodden by many returning home–Great Bear (Archetypes).
  14. Next, he travels to that place hidden at the very Heart of the Galaxy, a place resonant with the Hopes of the Many, a place where the Temple is being built upon the Cosmic Mental Plane – through the Isle of Scorpio one can find it.
  15. Next he travels to that place in the bosom of the Cosmic Christ far above the throngs of the many seeking union with themselves – hidden by the endless clouds that act as the Guardian of the Threshold.
  16. This place he seeks for many a Kalpa before again the Voice is heard beaconing him through the Eye.
  17. The Lord again lifts His Triumph and the Sound swirls around him bringing him through the clouds to the Heart of His Being.
  18. Here he rests for a Maha Manvantara before he again enters into Creations Desire.
  19. Here again he travels from afar to be a Messenger for the Great One.
  20. Here again he finds the lessons needed to carry Him to the One Spirit Animating All.
  21. Here again he learns that the Seven are the three and the Tree the One.
  22. And the One…

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation

Essence of the Aquarian Goal

Vision each of us identified with the one Humanity traveling upon a great boat upon a vast blue ocean.

Vision us/Humanity together hearing a subtle song.

In the twilight hours of the boat’s journey, we perceive lands’ end.

At this end we hear the twinkle of the One Soul in ebullient joy speaking.

Our virtue speaks.

Out of its might the matter of the earth disappears.

To be replaced by the subtle song heard upon the great boat.

The sound lifts us up.

We disappear.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.