Nicholas Roerich Museum - Maitreya

The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths

HZ: Note: this impression below was the result of a one-time meditation in New York related to the internal affiliation of lives associated with members of the external Sivananda Ashram in general. The alignment influence came in context with others meditating with in associated with this external Sivananda ashram.

HZ: Many of the concepts and word symbols introduced here are difficult to conceptually and causatively grasp and thus comprehend and require further meditating on and associated with extant  teachings.


(Source) Soul:

(Group) Soul Contemplation on the Way of the Christ.


Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ to overcome the Four Causes Related to Suffering of Humanity.

Each of these Virtues are perceived from the Ashram’s viewpoint but which, in this case, is that of the 6th Ray; and each of them likewise relates to a disciple’s point of planetary integration viewpoint of the 2nd initiation. Instructive to look at this from the angle of the Lord’s Presence within the Ashram.

Remember it is about what you can apperceive as a soul in training and not about personality recognition. It would be hastily indeed to look upon this as factual as it is only a conceptual recognition through words and not literal by any means. It would be good also to realize it is pertaining to the degree you are at that permits this being given you and by all means to be shared. It would be good to see yourself as investigating each of these points to better imitate the Christ as well as enlighten yourself.


HZ:Below is a reference to the four noble truths or causes related to suffering and its release. Compare these to the four major Virtues of the Christ below as a reflection which esoteric and occult students will find illuminating:

The first noble truth of suffering: birth is suffering, aging is suffering, death is suffering…….

The second noble truth of the origin of suffering: it is this craving, accompanied by sensual pleasure……

The third  noble truth of the cessation of suffering: it is the  cessation and freedom of that same craving…………

The fourth noble truth of the way leading to the freedom of suffering: it is this noble eight-fold path……


Virtue 1: Divine Self Sacrifice of Monadic Sheath Self (14)

  • Organized substance of the cosmic physical plane orientates Humanity into a historical moment in respect to the nature of some civilization and cultural or Idea whose time has come.
  • Organized substance of cosmic physical plane substantiates the realization of Humanity at a point in history.
  • Organized substance of cosmic physical plane controls destiny of groups of lives disposed to dwell thereon.
  • Organized substance of the cosmic physical plane pertains to witnessing virtues developed thereon.
  • Organized substance of monadic plane chiefly states those lives dwelling there conditions god’s thought upon cosmic physical plane and therefore:
    • Are the vital airs within Logos’s Etheric Brain.
    • Opened avenues of divine realization which are contingent upon monadic substance being aligned with Logos’s mental sheath.
    • Organized vital aires which are present within the gaps inherent within the Logos’s mental sheath.

Virtue 2: Ritual Beautification of Humanity’s Soul through the spiritual Hierarchical participation.

Virtue 3: Organizating of the Monadic Sheath of Humanity.

Virtue 4: Shifting of Reality focused on the Soul of Humanity towards the One Ashram with the the Sixth and Seventh Kingdoms and not the Fifth and Fourth Kingdoms.

(HZ: See below the method to make this shift for Humanity.)



8-Fold Noble Path of the Christ & His Footsteps Created.

[HZ: The fourth noble truth of the way leading to the cessation of suffering: that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. These were correlated and added below for reflection and may or may not be self-evident to you.]

“Right View”:

Secrets Transpire (ing) of the Gates of Heaven realizing karma  eliminating them (Gates) or their need for existence.

“Right Intention or Resolve”:

The overlooking/overshadowing Portal for Entrance into the cosmic Astral Plane with the idea in view of working miracles with qualifying energies (divine gifts) generated by exiting Master Disciples of Lord Sanat Kumara.

“Right Speech”:

Close knit/tie with Organization of the Lord Our God of another Solar System working against permitting it right entry into our solar System for reasons above implicated in the four Virtues (HZ: overcoming disruptive influences).  It would be good to look at this as another angle of direct defense in permitting entry until right speech is gained.  It would also be good to look upon this also as an avenue of escape for those of our system.

“Right Action”:

Excruciating painful overshadowing of the Spirit of the Earth Scheme realizing its degree of intolerance for His Plan. (HZ: Earth Scheme not yet a sacred planet. And the Spirit of the Earth depicts the physical elemental aspect the Earth Scheme the Personality aspect expresses through.)

(HZ: It appears there are implicated certain major difficulties in carrying out this Plan by the Spirit of the Earth Scheme.  This might be implied in the next phrase.) 

Escaping wildly without Cause onto cosmic Buddhic Pane which is correlated with systemic buddhic plane organized to receive Gifts from Afar through this Method (HZ: A reflect action).

“Right Livelihood”:

Escaping painfully from Death on this planet through desired Plans rehearsal (HZ: larger experiment I propose) to give lessons for others more evolved then He realizing His escape is a prelude to Righteousness of the Lord Our God of this solar system – solar Logos. And suggesting also that His escape enhances realization for all and their collective product of achievements; realizing also its necessity and gainfully employed to receive various Gifts through this process from other Lives which therefore will be felt and experienced. (HZ: Thus a larger group livelihood process.)

“Right Effort”:

It would be good to realize a certain oneness is created through traveling in this Way or in this fashion; and realize also its necessity to prevent war among the gods.  This process is an extension into the Mind of God and in this Way creating continuity of relationship and excellence; and realize also its rewards for achievement of Grace and Status.

“Right Mindfulness”:

Organized (ing) Virtue (s) compensate with understanding – thus our Lord. He has with decisions made by others along the Path gifted in the Lord’s prevalence and therefore reckons with the Lord to receive guidance on their behalf on account of this reckoning. He therefore receives guidance in lieu of this Way related reckoning; and therefore receives/requires alteration upon the Way Home to Afar, and therefore understands we travel not alone.

“Right Concentration or Samadhi”:

Daring Great penetrating along/among others more advanced seeing the road thus traveled for the very first time realizing again and again its newness upon the shoulders of giants. And realizing also falsely, it has been put out to delay the pilgrim upon this journey home to prevent Him to travel before others but welcoming Him with others to put it mildly. (HZ: Note: It would be good to rewrite the above after meditating on such.)



Some Footsteps of the Lord Christ Created requiring Reflection:

(HZ: Processes which disciples also pursue in His footsteps).

Orchestration of Virtues for the greater Lodge to follow after.

Four-fold ever turning to face the Way we must go.

On(e) looking for the rest of us.

Carelessly approaching the One Way.

Working, tired, adored, and dramatized adoration.

Carefully approaching closely behind the gate of immortal-ness.

Awakening and working under the Law of Ages Passing Afar in the Night of Time working to achieve its alignment with the Way, the Truth, and the Light always bending such into a straight line. It would be good to detail the law bending such into a straight line and for each it is different. It is the Dharma of each Ray as this is why it is thrown upon us at early times to prevent the Way from providing for us a way to turn upon its self or ground but a way to handle it and be successful in Life; a way to handle discharge/ground of the forces of god.

Out unto the Way seen approaching at a distance is He/whom/or what is needed to create time/form/be-ness.

Entering into the Way to cherish All upon the Way; His or the path stalled for all to precede.

Enlighten-ly adorned, brided by His Lord coached through Virtue adornment seated at the House of the Lord partaking of the Feast on Glory.

Supernal Light, Supernal Light, Supernal Light.

Vast Space of Recognitions.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received

A Message from the Christ

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Together in the Christ Presence

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Christ to the Hierarchy

Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Maitreya. Sketch

A Message from the Christ

(HZ: Note: Below is an older message from the Christ received around Wesak 2015 (05.10.15).



I seek to serve those that serve with me and to this end I worship with you the One Life.

Let it be known that those who are servers upon the planes of earth are welcome in my fold;

and I speak the truth before (you) them and seek them out now in these perilous times ahead.

Do not waiver in your devotion to the One Plan or the One Life and seek the gladness of tidings that come before you in peace brother.

I am preparing to descend and grace you my disciples upon the planes of the earth and satisfied I am upon your quest.

Speak now or hold your speech for a long period.

Go in peace upon the world seeking parlance with those you cherish,

and let them know I am coming – go in peace.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths

The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Together in the Christ Presence

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Christ to the Hierarchy

Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Polovtsians-One-with-a-Bow

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

A story of the Christ from before Palestine over-shadowing and long before the Krishna life in body when he was an aspirant in Atlantis (third sub-race).  The Christ was mentally polarized then as was his lieutenants It was during that time that he had decided that it was humanity that was the cause for which the world was created and kept functioning for its sake. He decided to assist in the happiness of the race at that time and created a group of people together to assist them with their healing needs. This group he gathered together is now His lieutenants or close advisors for humanity’s wellbeing. It was their dedication to the Christ then that gave them their quick ascend into adeptship.  It was also their belief in humanity as the reason for the existence of this planet. These Masters now reside with the Christ in Their consciousness.. The Christ is the Path.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Excalibur Legend Explained

An Instructive Story by a Master & Guidance Interpretation

Sanat Kumara and His Cosmic Grouping – A Devic Story:

Cosmic Etheric Plane & The Real Story of Life Begins

St. John the Baptist as St. George the Dragon Slayer

Atlantean Culture Revisited

The Christ & Some Plan Elements

The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths

A Message from the Christ

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Together in the Christ Presence

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Christ to the Hierarchy

Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)



Nicholas Roerich Museum - Milarepa, the One Who Harkened

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The purpose of this apothegm like message is to help align humanity’s Egoic body to the central Spiritual Sun in terms of will and direction. This apothegm/mantram was given out at one of the full moon ceremonies.


The Christ To and With the Chohans

The Cosmic Christ is at hand for the hour has arrived.

For those who follow after can now quickly catch up to those that have moved ahead.


The Glory of the All gathers now all into His Heart.

And the Will of His Lord (cosmic Logos) calls all back unto Him.


For His day has dawned and the greater Beauty blinds His Eye

The rapture comes and all who are aligned receive its grace.


Awaken ye sons and daughters of the One Humanity.

And seek within your hearts, minds, and wills the Glory which is ever yours.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


The Christ & Some Plan Elements

The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths

A Message from the Christ

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Together in the Christ Presence

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Christ to the Hierarchy

Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)



Path to Shambhala
Nicholas Roerich Museum- Path to Shambhala

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

At a past point in time, upon this earth, I was chosen to lead a group of spiritual initiates on a journey onto the inner planes.  It was at this time I decided that I was not going to take them where I told them I was going to take them but decided to take them to the place you call Shamballa, it is not the Shamballa where the Lord rules but the Shamballa on the buddhic dimension. I did not realize at that time what this would mean in terms of breaking the rules, and to my surprise when we arrived upon this dimension I was told to return to the physical dimension as somebody as there was waiting for me there.  We returned to our physical bodies.

In the process of recovering our physical consciousness it was discovered that of the six initiates that went with me only five had returned to their bodies.  The sixth one was somewhere else.  This was unusual in that we always traveled in a group formation and this initiate had never strayed before.  I called out to his soul and the answer I received was: How is it you do not see me for I am here.  His soul had decided not to return with us but stayed in the place where the cosmic etheric and the cosmic physical join and being in that place permitted him to be everywhere.  I did not know what to do so I asked my master for assistance.  My master at that time was not pleased with the decision I had made to go to Shamballa with this group of initiates.

It turns out that the initiate who stayed behind had witnessed an event of cosmic etheric energy being precipitated upon the cosmic physical plane in the form of a pattern that was to precipitate a more ordered purpose for the Hierarchy, who at the time was on the abstract mental plane.  In the process of witnessing this he became drawn into the ideal pattern, in such a way, as his buddhic body was completely altered or rearranged in such a way as to prevent him from using it.  In other words, he could not get back.  The master quickly responded by calling in a group of buddhic Devas to assist the initiate.  His buddhic body was rearranged and he was permitted to come back.

This is a story of the many dangers that face the traveling pilgrim on the inner planes.  Because of the seriousness of my actions, I was not permitted to take the group off the astral plane for a period of time and to this day express my gratitude to my master for assisting me.  Why did I share this story with you – for two reasons:  The first is that I wish to warn you of the dangers of the inner planes to those just discovering them.  And secondly, it is my wish to inform you of the hierarchy’s plans to move the hierarchy to the fourth sub-plane of the buddhic plane where future travelers will not be able to reach unless the master gives them the secret.  The ashram was originally upon the seventh sub-plane until just recently and this has caused many problems similar to the one which I expressed above.  Go in Peace.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Excalibur Legend Explained

An Instructive Story by a Master & Guidance Interpretation

Sanat Kumara and His Cosmic Grouping – A Devic Story:

Cosmic Etheric Plane & The Real Story of Life Begins

St. John the Baptist as St. George the Dragon Slayer

Atlantean Culture Revisited

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ
Christ to the Hierarchy
Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message
A Message of Christ to Humanity
The Christ & New Group World Servers

The Christ & Some Plan Elements

From the Christ to a group of disciples:

The few know the nature of the One Life.

You that enjoy the favor of many disciples – as you assist.

You expect others the duty to know the Mind of God

You are apt to believe the world is stable, but your belief is mistaken. The exterior world challenges the very Heart of the Lord of the World.

The hour is coming when the hearts of men, bathed in sorrow, will seek courage from those who know the Will of God.

Your hope for the future of the world rests upon one thing; goodwill between people.

The Christ’s mandates are many and it is the Christ whom has provided for us as One World a way to go towards personal and spiritual success. It is the Christ for whom the Christian world expects to return and led His flock into the Promised Land. The Christ has always been with us and has never left the planet. His Presence is known to countless millions for many centuries. The Christ is with us as human souls as spirits. The Christ is also with us as personalities for those whom He wishes to contact. The Christ is that part of us we are in process of discovering. The Christ is that for which all people wait but they do not have to wait as He is with them now. The Christ basic plan is to integrate the fourth human kingdom with the fifth kingdom of souls. The Christs purpose is to integrate the three major planetary centers of Shamballa, Hierarchy, and Humanity with the lower kingdoms.

The major mandates of Christ’s Plan are given below in respect to humanity’s evolutionary progress in consciousness. These mandates or completed events is that which determine the inauguration of the next phase of the Plan.  The Plan is timeless but from the human angle it can be perceived as correlated to events both astronomical and human. It is also these mandates that organize hierarchical resources and are engendered to meet plan contingencies.

Year 2025: Eight Priorities that Act as a Symbolic Acknowledgement of the One Humanity

  • The tacit acceptance of the soul in all departments of human livingness
  • The quiet externalization of the fifth and the seventh ray ashrams.
  • The creating of a world wide body of representatives of first, second, third, fifth, and seventh ray ashrams depicting the brain consciousness of soul so-to-speak.
  • A tentative mental blueprint or outline of a representative world-wide acceptable governmental concept.
  • A serious mental discussion on the solving of the worlds food problems.
  • A feasible program that oversees the rare resources of the earth (mineral and vegetable) that is to be used for the race such as uranium, gold,; and that these need be devalued economically.
  • A policy that addresses/ensures that the earth’s biosphere is not being corrupted.
  • The whereabouts of a way to ensure that the earth’s resource base is available to all nations—(clean air and water initially).

Year 2050: Eight Priorities that progressively Act as a Symbolic Acknowledgement of the One Humanity moving forward:

  • A workable world religion
  • Appearance of the Christ in some form.
  • Initial Externalization of the first, second, and third ray ashrams
  • World general acceptance of the existence of Hierarchy.
  • A way to address the world’s population problems.
  • Ways to ensure that the backward nations of the world are justly governed.
  • The overturning of the western worlds present education systems in respect to separation of spirituality and education.
  • Invention of certain technologies from fifth ray ashrams:

Technologies: Always in the beginning of a new century there is given to humanity from Hierarchy a set of new teachings. These teachings are designed to implement my Plan for the lower kingdoms. After the year 2025 there will be given out by way of the souls of disciples’ new protocols for working with Shamballa. This will consist of cultural and/or scientific technologies and methods to be used by nations to serve each other.

  • They will also include also several new scientific ideas to better cope with ecological realities.
  • Another scientific one will be to enhance our communication with the astral plane.
  • Another one will be to advance the scientific community’s concepts of occult psychology.
  • Another one will be dedicated to insuring peace in the world by making telepathy a recognizable aspect of spiritual development.
  • Another one will awaken mankind to the concept of space being an entity.
  • Another one will give mankind an aversion to eating animals.
  • Another one will advance human thinking in the field of medicine whereas it will be understood that man has a soul.
  • Another one will be the advancement of human knowledge in the areas of art through technology.
  • Another one will be in the area of surgery that will automate many of the processes.
  • Another one will be in the area of growing vegetables and grains using devic knowledge.
  • Another one will be in the area of music technology.
  • Another one will be in the area of registering information from concrete mental plane.
  • There will be many more ideas being given out as humanity recognizes its unity with life and each other.
  • Mandate to finish the re-organization of the Ashram.
  • 3rd Ray: 2048
  • 1st Ray: 2068
  • 2nd Ray: 2088
  • Mandate to establish relationship with Shamballa in respect to Hierarchy and Humanity as a unit: 2600 AD:
  • Mandate to complete his present task – xxxxAD.
  • Mandate to integrate with sister solar system and thus begin integration in a solar sense – xxxxxxAD.
  • Mandate to complete evolution of Earth globes – xxxxxAD.
  • Mandate to complete transfer of Humanity to another place out there – xxxxxAD.

Additional positions of the Christ now and His expectations:

The Christ is here today to challenge each of us to grasp the importance of what is taking place on this planet at this time.  His challenge is to get all of the planetary lives aligned with the Plan—not an easy challenge compared with ours.  He asks us whether we are ready yet to secure our heritage as a soul and make this planet a sacred planet. He also asks what contributions your souls can make to this objective.  You must decide this with your soul and task yourself to play your part. In other words, don’t allow yourselves to miss the opportunity now for the advancement of evolution is at the quickest pace since world was created.  The Christ suggests to you the importance of the acknowledgement of your four main soul characteristics:

The knowledge that you have now is adequate for the task for which you were created.

The Wisdom you have now is now adequate for the task for which you were created.

The Will you have now is adequate to the task.

The Love you have now is adequate to the task.

Go forth and serve with Joy.

Christ’s plan is simple. It is a plan that acknowledges the world soul. Humanity is at a certain stage in its personality development that is related to the individual who is characterized by goodwill.  Its next stage needs to be characterized by loving life. If this happens it will have the motivation to again demand more life (humanity is tired). This means it will be able to face challenges and create opportunities for self-development. The world soul requests that humanity to do the following:

    • Reorganize its political institutions.
      • Develop a way to include the concept of citizen participation.
      • Establish these suggested political alterations in policies to prevent big government from controlling its citizens lives:
        • High level investigation committees to look into legislative proposals.
        • Governmental organizations one can go to be safely heard.
        • Laws enacted designed to protect citizens from their government
    • Organize its educational system to educate people on the science of the Heart.
      • This type of education will increase the happiness of its citizens.
      • As well as increase their contribution to society.
      • There is a growing movement today in America towards memorization of facts for graduation which is not in line with America’s soul.
    • Train those in the educational system to listen to the soul.
      • As the race has more fully developed their minds it is now possible to blend these with the son of mind and to receive impressions in everyone’s highest good as the soul is group aware.
      • We must desire to train ourselves to do this as this will usher in the new age.
    • Understand the purpose of every nation and ethnic group in terms of its potential contribution to the whole – some very basic national or regional contributions hoped for:
      • The western world’s contribution to the rest of the world is that of:
        • mental technological development.
        • personality integration among its citizens.
        • controlling the environment eventually.
        • overseeing group non-aggression.
        • registering the subjective dimensions.
        • and development of a new world religion.
      • China’s present contribution objectives:
        • Development of esoteric or occult knowledge.
        • Removing fear from the planet in terms of bio-sphere issues.
        • Spreading of basic survival and developmental technologies to undeveloped countries.
      • Russia present contribution objectives:
        • Protection of children’s rights.
        • Technological advances in psychology (gift training).
        • Has promised to promote correct political laws and policies.
    • List of some various integration priorities for Humanity.
      • Needs to integrate its personality through the development of its ideal persona that needs to have these top six characteristics (characteristics are the beginnings of qualities):
        • Characteristic of humility.
        • Characteristic of graciousness.
        • Characteristic of friendliness.
        • Characteristic of meekness or non-righteous.
        • Characteristic of happiness with little or less materialistically.
        • Characteristic of prevision.
      • Needs to demonstrate these qualities:
        • Quality of love (it has goodwill).
        • Quality of Self Oneness.
        • Quality of Questing.
        • Quality of Forgiveness.
        • Quality of Sensitivity.
        • Quality of Brother-Sisterhood or Universality.
      • Needs to destroy these kama-manasic forms (all nations) of:
        • Self-righteousness (or god given) or quest for its particular truth characteristic (glamour).
        • Judgment day illusion (I will be saved and the world will end).
        • I am the best civilization or nation ever (illusion).
        • I am perfect now or gifted in most ways (delusion).
        • I am not the planets caretaker (illusion).
        • The average citizen has no vote, no voice, and/or no power characteristic (Maya).
      • Real needs needing to be demonstrated by individuals, groups, and nations:
        • Needs to become an ordinary person, group, or nation.
        • Needs to make proficient use of time.
        • Needs to demonstrate their saintly qualities.
        • Needs to fight their demons.
        • Needs to speak their truth.
        • Needs to keep their commitments.
    • Demonstrate these values (individuals, groups, and nations):
      • Demonstrate the value of justice.
      • Demonstrate the value of using world resources equally for all concerned.
      • Demonstrate the value of protecting the world’s environment.
      • Demonstrate the value of promoting these political rights:
        • Right to be safe from governmental harm.
        • The right to be protected from abuse through civil disobedience.
        • The right to have a homeland.
        • The right to be honored for your individuality as an ethnic or racial group.
        • A political entity’s right to establish within legal reason a life purpose based upon its soul’s intent
        • The right to make and enforce laws as a political entity.
      • Demonstrate the value of promoting economic security.
      • Demonstrate the value of eliciting world opinion for those decisions which affect everyone.

Some more Esoteric Plan related Contingencies:

The divine Soul requests humanity’s souls to do the following:

    • Systematically register from Hierarchy the systemic Soul:
      • Receive abstractly the systemic Plan
        • This includes humanity’s interaction with other humanities;
        • It also includes making future plans in line with Sanat Kumara’s objectives;
        • It also includes making plans in respect to Plans of the solar Logos.
      • Intuit or reason each member’s relationship to each other as spirits.
        • Although this requires various gifts to accomplish it is inevitable that it will be known.
        • The soul’s effort to do so will accomplish the following:
          • It will permit him entry into the mind (brain) of Sanat Kumara (Universal Mind content).
          • He will be able to comprehend the overall synthesis, beauty, and causes of his monadic Ray.
          • He will comprehend the purpose for his existence in terms of Dharma.
          • It will give him an understanding of his many incarnations and their overall causes and nature.

Planetary or world Soul Speaking through Humanity

  • Spoken to the world of human beings I cherish each one as Myself.
  • My daughter, I have given Myself over to you to teach and guide.
  • The apple of knowledge I have given you humbly.
  • Prized by Myself is the wisdom it generates and the wisdom you demonstrate.
  • I speak to each one of you continuously and behold you in your glory:
  • Sacrifice am I
  • Will am I
  • Pure Peace am I
  • Purpose of Life am I
  • Beauty I am
  • Future I am
  • Edifice am I
  • Space am I

Systemic Soul Speaking through the Planetary Soul to Soul of Humanity:

  • Circle I do, in the heavens, the Feet of one whom we cherish;
  • Contained in the Star you see the mysteries of our destinies;
  • Alive and well our Hearts;
  • Speaking to us Dharmic bound;
  • Cradling always upon my WORD.

The Plan and the Solar System

We have gathered here on this planet to accomplish two things: To organize our soul bodies according to its innate pattern or potentiality and to integrate our lives into life of solar Logos.

Each solar system is created with a purpose in mind and in this solar system there are three Purposes that can be apperceived:

To inaugurate and condition all lives with two qualities—wisdom and love.

To further the four expressed purposes of:

  1. Organized matter qualified by human awareness.
  2. Development of consciousness.
  3. A stated purpose, given by Lord Buddha and paraphrased, “Alive, desiring, virtuous, wise, and aware is the object of the Solar Logos’s Purpose for humanity.”
  4. Development of the Christ Body.

To adjust karmically the effects created in first solar system.

  • Awake to the Angel of the Presence
    • This is a name that applies to the monadic sheath of a Ray grouping.
    • Its accumulated awareness is that of a heavenly Man awakening into existence.
    • It is known that the Angel of the Presence is unaccustomed to soul existence as its alignment is with Spirit.
    • It becomes ones teacher between initiations.
    • The Angel symbolizes spirit purpose through its revelations received.
    • It is apperceived consciously between the second and the third initiation.
  • Unfold a unified plan to move into the future.
    • However exact the Soul of Humanity’s plan is now for its future it is based upon its level of knowledge of itself at any one point.
    • Long ages ago at the birth of humanity there came into incarnation Sanat Kumara’s astral body
    • Next he took an etheric body and finally a physical body and thus Humanity was born or individualized.
    • His incarnation made it possible for humanity’s existence.
    • Ever since that time Sanat Kumara has been embodying through Humanity.
    • Sanat Kumara’s Plan is dependent upon Humanity.
  • Register from the Nirmanakayas the Purposes of Sanat Kumara:
    • Those who do not know the nature of this group it is the group of adepts who act as an intermediary to those energies of purpose received from Shamballa.
    • It has a direct relationship and alignment with the NGWS as they are the intermediaries between Hierarchy and Humanity.
    • Fourth degree initiates can receive directly from this group and humanity can receive from them.
    • Each soul on the path is responsible to receive this information as it is this information by which he creates his individual group related plan.
  • Develop these Divine Gifts
    • Develop the gift of prevision
    • Develop the gift of astonishing others with your ability to see into the mind of god that which is waiting to be revealed.(predicate the rain cloud of knowable things)
    • Develop the gift of relying upon the Lord for meeting your planned objectives
    • Understand & Seek Grace
      • There are many lessons to be mastered in life and the major lesson is the proper demonstration and embodiment of Grace.
      • Every soul and individual is where they are at because of Grace operating in their lives.
      • It is Grace that liberates us from our created forms
      • Grace is recognition of the One Self.

Some more Cosmic Plan related Contingencies affecting Humanity:

    • Demonstration of the Plan – A Causative Context:
      • What would this look like on soul levels? It is the types and quality of the patterns of energy of the Plan descending to manifest we are concerned with—the pattern of things as they are.
      • It is this formless cosmic and solar etheric energy arranged and descending that represents the manifestation nature of the planetary Logos.
      • What is the nature of this energy?
        • First of all it has the characteristics of all of the Rays
        • Second it has the content of those minds and feelings if I may we call planetary, solar and cosmic Logoi (symbolized by the many astrological influences impacting and influencing the cosmic, solar, and planetary etheric fields).
    • Those elements of the Plan now hovering on the border of revelation for humanity are basically six for our discussion.
      • A systemic and planetary alignment manasically proffering opportunity for human souls to expand their awareness of abstract understanding of the purpose for life.
      • A growing awareness of great avatars overshadowing our Planetary Logos and Sanat Kumara proffering quicker ascension (implies the use of time in the initiation process).
      • An improved relationship between the planets closely associated with the evolution of the earth. This provides many opportunities to those souls that has discovered these planets. One being the development of spiritual gifts as three of them is further along in their racial development (Brahman planets).
      • An impending relationship with a mental planet. The earth’s relationship to this planet will provide many opportunities to those souls who align with it as it will provide increased causal body expansion. (2nd sub plane alignment)
      • An increased alignment is taking place between various solar Logoi. This alignment will enhance our planets relationship with Sirius.
      • Increased Energies coming in soon from the Heart of the Sun circulating through our astral plane will produce either more bewilderment or a purification of the earth’s astral field.
    • Acquiesce to the Plan of  the planetary Christ:
      • The full extent of the development of the planetary scheme Christ will not take place for a very long time (7th round).
      • As it unfolds it represents the accumulated wisdom generated by all life forms upon this scheme. In a true sense it is the temple being built on the triadal planes symbolizing the Cosmic Christ coming into expression.
      • Our planetary Christ is the outer expression of this growing inner reality.
      • The words of the Christ have been many and his teachings have been received by both angels and men upon all levels of the cosmic physical plane.
      • They are only meant to serve us.
    • Promote these more esoteric values:
      • Value of complete spiritual obedience to the systemic Christ.
      • Value of identifying with the Plan of the cosmic Logos as expressed by solar Logos and planetary Logos.
      • Value of reorganizing humanities Son of Mind to carry out the Plan.
      • Value of creating according to the recognized Purpose outlined in the structure of Shamballa.
      • Value of aligning with the deva kingdom to manifest both purpose and plan.
      • Value of Integrating all spiritual or religious concepts and principles into a common set of truths.
        • Perceived Blockages in the Coming Age:
          • Separation of religions ramifications.
          • Humanities and disciples faith in themselves and each other.
          • Tendency towards over-systematizing of the governments of the world towards controlling its populous—misuse of the 7th ray.
          • Disciples which circulate the hierarchical energies and responsible for the plan content have not yet demonstrated their individual plans effectively this is due to many reasons and the first is to available resources an energy crisis.
          • Promotion of virtues (qualities and characteristics spoken of above).
          • United Nations itself (people not represented).
          • Various new values needed:
            • value of hierarchical decision making
            • value of speed in the evolutionary process
            • value of will to good
            • value of shared resources
            • value of intuition or pure reason—thus being in the flow
            • value of spiritual presence

Humanity in the Future: A Causative Perspective Underway

  • There is a Group of Beings related to star system Sirius but not (as usual) directly related to Earth’s Hierarchy. These are a group of beings established in earths ring pass not to establish relationships with the Soul of Humanity for specific purposes not able to communicate except to establish right relationships among earth’s population and came here with the Avatara.  This group is outside of the influence for most of humanity and only relates to those positing for initiation and only those chosen by the Lord to do so.
  • The goal is to consider a way to enhance our understanding of the way the cosmic Logos is unfolding its potential through this group of entities and its effect on Humanity. What is the role of the Blue Lodge to assist the Logos?
  • It will come to pass that you and others on this planet will be responsible for the greater well-being of humanity as it forges a new relationship with other humanities from sister planetary systems (other dimensions). At this time a new beginning will be made in the field of Education and the Arts as the fourth Ray will be in power.
  • You have been given the idea that this growing cosmic event will precipitate new opportunities for humanity to see itself as with one united breath. This does not mean it will always agree with each other as to the best solution but that it will be okay with considering alternative ways of doing things between each other more and more.   We would like to show you an example of this in the way it will make decisions about the future.  The future will become a contented issues with more than one strong voice opposed to the vision but decisions will be made through political consensus never the less with power struggles still happening according to the source of the vision.
  • We would like you to bring together certain thoughts on how the world will change over time to produce this growing harmony. First of all, humanity will be given the idea on a way to proceed to develop national contribution in those areas it excels. Secondly, this contribution will lighten the load of other nations not having to deal specifically with this aspect of life. Third, a growing sense of synthesis will take place prohibiting excessive free market variables from creating instability. Next, a growing voice will demand that the world be responsible for the welfare of its citizens and this will bring new legislative actions to ensure more worldwide participation in this objective. Next, will come a believe that the world is over populated and a movement will come to decrease the responsibility of states to families choosing to have more than three children; after this will come a recognition that state aid to people with unusual abilities will assist everyone and these individuals will be sought out and assisted. After this, will come a belief that all peoples of the world are registered as having some unique contribution needing to be developed and shared and this will radically alter the education system producing a greater productivity and level of happiness among many. All of this will take place over time and be mostly demonstrated in 500 years.
  • Would like to take a minute to revise an old pattern now plugging away at humanity’s door. This pattern is one of reaching into one’s pockets to promote their religious faith. This pattern is denounced by the Christ and monies spent on the promotion of religious values will more and more go into providing services to help the poor regain a realistic livelihood. This pattern will produce over time a growing community concern for the wellbeing of others to make a contribution to society that makes them feel valuable. It is this movement that is the Heart of Christ’s Message to the world.
  • Humanity in general needs to expand its understanding of the real group soul purposes undertaken when the group individual personality bodies are taken—as of now its understanding is incomplete in four areas. First, one need’s to realize that the groups’ purpose is to provide a training ground for each one within the karmic group manifestation. This training is on many fronts simultaneously and provides what you might call working relations between parties involved—or basically what they have to exchange. Secondly, the group purpose is exposed even more radically once you understand that the people who are meant to affect their lives are those very same people who effected your life in the past. The group purpose overall needs to be understood as a way each need to create for the benefit of the whole a creation of societal forms that will be progressively constructive.
  • The idea that the world will progressively be relieved of its superlative attitudes but the case is many will not be able to see it this way but will be only confused as to where the world is going. Many will be blind to the possibilities and the solutions being worked out slowly around the globe and will resent the caretaking attitude.
  • The way the world goes in terms of businesses is significant. Ideally, the world will realize that business is a way to motivate people to positively contribute but it is also a way that they take advantage of god’s resources also not being appropriately allocated for everyone’s best interest between groups of businesses. Certain businesses are responsible on the environment and do have the best interest of their clients and society in general and this should continually be promoted.
  • You should also be apprized that the world as you know it in terms of social values; social values are going to alter the way the world turns and one of the first indicators of this change will be the importance society places upon children and their rights as souls. These rights will become paramount in terms of education and needs around life direction, and once this is in place the world will consider creating special schools which will alter even more societal values. The values coming out of these new schools will be orientated to one of sharing on all levels, and once this is in place many will see the importance of soul in their lives in more innate ways and this will lead to a revolution on soul knowledge. Once this movement takes place there will be a complete turnaround of the way the world is run—leaders will be chosen according to their alignment and their ability to know the soul purpose for existing political, social, and economic groups of associated groupings. This will happen once the world turns the next millennium—year 3000.

An individual interpretation and perspective on various futuristic potential Plan events apperceived by the group mind:

  • Humanity in the future will be composed of just one race, fully integrated in body and soul. This humanity will be composed of those members who have taken the third initiation primarily and will represent the final completion of the human race on the physical plane.
  • This humanity represents that which will pass on into another creation of the earth’s scheme and will not come in until the middle of the third root-race in the sixth round if for some reason they did not complete the final initiation expected—the fifth initiation.
  • This is after the judgment day in the middle of the of the fifth round where those egos still focused on egoic levels (cosmic physical plane), as opposed to those focused on cosmic etheric plane are taken out of the life stream to unfold on another round on the earth’s scheme—the leaders on the next or sixth round.
  • We have given you the picture of a humanity fully integrated and spiritually unfolded to complete the fifth round. It is this round that represents the completion of the plan for humanity, taking the fifth initiation as a final goal of the majority.
  • Ii is important to note that this picture, in its completion, represents the struggle of many lives outside of the human to make this happen. The reason for this needs to be understood to have a better understanding of the reason for it all. We can start by recognizing the role the creative hierarchies played in all of this. All of these creative hierarchies were involved to make this a possibility. The five creative hierarchies, from one point of view, most interested was the fifth, the sixth, eight, ninth, and twelfth. From another point of view just two creative hierarchies.
  • Each of these five creative hierarchies were able to evolve. The twelfth was able to evolve through three creative hierarchies; while the fifth was able to move to the Cosmic Astral sixth sub-plane.
  • It is important to note that each globe of the earth scheme represents a different opportunity to create forms in concert with the needs of the Plan. On the next globe or the fifth, the creative process pattern will have better bodies to incarnate through. This globe will allow all human beings the opportunity to create in line with their monadic intents; this will permit the expression of a humanity in tune with the heavenly man related to that globe.
  • It important to note that the last two globes will permit humanity the ability to star travel.
  • In the next, sixth round, humanity will again come in during the middle of the third root race, I believe, as before but this time they will be in a position to harness their personality bodies.
  • In the final round humanity will not come in until the sixth root race and be soul conscious.
  • In this root race humanity will find themselves at one with Hierarchy, mostly integrated.
  • In this root race humanity will for the first time be able to travel throughout the solar system using advanced technologies.
  • In the final round humanity will move into the cosmos finding a new home out there in a sister solar system
  • It will be at this time humanity will for the first make a positive contribution to the galaxy at large.

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths

A Message from the Christ

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Together in the Christ Presence

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Christ to the Hierarchy

Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Madonna Laboris. Sketch

Together in the Christ Presence

We come together before the Christ in spirit.                                                                                .

May our human gathering be visited by His Spirit.

Standing within the presence as the One Humanity.

We unite with the Presence of the One Heart.

Forever at peace, oneness with it and all.

Within the head’s cold clear light.

The Christ’s Livingness is found.

Together we lift all towards the Logos.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

The Christ & Some Plan Elements

The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths

A Message from the Christ

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Christ to the Hierarchy

Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Ashram

To Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Lord Christ as Source:

To all those disciples organized, impassioned, daring, and dedicated I say this:

The future is in your hands and also in your hearts.

The truth has become your companion and also your treasure.

You work alone in the world, with no aid nor any to carry your burden.

My hands are underneath you and also with the Lord.

My Mind is your mind, and my Heart is blended with yours.

Your vision is part of the One Vision, and my Eye is upon you.



Those among you who work in my name:

Register my Thoughts and my Prayers within your mind and heart.

Ask of Me what you need and also of when I may help.

There are two things I can give you; these are nurturance for your bodies and waters of life for your thirst.

There are many gifts of the Lord offered to those who can receive them.

Our fruits are created through alignment, realization, and service.


Lord Christ Continues:

Worldly aspirants are attired by the past but we Disciples of the Lord are attired of the future and be assured of the future for it is with you now and always.

Believe in yourself and torment yourself not for I am with you always.

Now pray with me and say the complete Great Invocation every day and I will be with you always.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z


The Christ & Some Plan Elements

The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths

A Message from the Christ

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Together in the Christ Presence

Christ to the Hierarchy

Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Master's Command

Christ to the Hierarchy

The One Eye circulates for the All to See;

Bearing the grace on that endless Way Home.

The tidings come and go from the shore afar;

As the ocean of bliss seeks to expand upon the shore.

The Beauty Fire a light’s the Taoist’s roar upon the heavens;

The angels of the twilight harness this roar;

And seek to plunge it to the depths of the endless infinite shore.

Seek ye brothers with your daring great;

To resist this roar, until humanity’s heart is pure.

Let not loose the Taoist’s roar but contain it within your pure Heart;

This to better attract the One Humanity to your shore.

When the hour comes to release the roar;

Humanity will be one within your Heart pure.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


The Christ & Some Plan Elements

The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths

A Message from the Christ

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Together in the Christ Presence

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Milarepa

Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message

I (the Christ) am at hand for the hour has arrived.

For those who follow after can now quickly catch up

to those that have moved ahead.

The Glory of the All gathers now all into His Heart.

And the Will of His Lord (cosmic Logos) calls all back unto Him.

For his day has dawned and the greater Beauty blinds His Eye.

The rapture comes and all who are aligned receive Its Grace.

Awaken ye the sons and daughters of the One humanity.

That they may seek that within your hearts, minds and will, that glory which is ever yours.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


The Christ & Some Plan Elements

The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths

A Message from the Christ

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Together in the Christ Presence

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Christ to the Hierarchy

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)