HZ: Note: this impression below was the result of a one-time meditation in New York related to the internal affiliation of lives associated with members of the external Sivananda Ashram in general. The alignment influence came in context with others meditating with in associated with this external Sivananda ashram.
HZ: Many of the concepts and word symbols introduced here are difficult to conceptually and causatively grasp and thus comprehend and require further meditating on and associated with extant teachings.
(Source) Soul:
(Group) Soul Contemplation on the Way of the Christ.
Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ to overcome the Four Causes Related to Suffering of Humanity.
Each of these Virtues are perceived from the Ashram’s viewpoint but which, in this case, is that of the 6th Ray; and each of them likewise relates to a disciple’s point of planetary integration viewpoint of the 2nd initiation. Instructive to look at this from the angle of the Lord’s Presence within the Ashram.
Remember it is about what you can apperceive as a soul in training and not about personality recognition. It would be hastily indeed to look upon this as factual as it is only a conceptual recognition through words and not literal by any means. It would be good also to realize it is pertaining to the degree you are at that permits this being given you and by all means to be shared. It would be good to see yourself as investigating each of these points to better imitate the Christ as well as enlighten yourself.
HZ:Below is a reference to the four noble truths or causes related to suffering and its release. Compare these to the four major Virtues of the Christ below as a reflection which esoteric and occult students will find illuminating:
The first noble truth of suffering: birth is suffering, aging is suffering, death is suffering…….
The second noble truth of the origin of suffering: it is this craving, accompanied by sensual pleasure……
The third noble truth of the cessation of suffering: it is the cessation and freedom of that same craving…………
The fourth noble truth of the way leading to the freedom of suffering: it is this noble eight-fold path……
Virtue 1: Divine Self Sacrifice of Monadic Sheath Self (14)
- Organized substance of the cosmic physical plane orientates Humanity into a historical moment in respect to the nature of some civilization and cultural or Idea whose time has come.
- Organized substance of cosmic physical plane substantiates the realization of Humanity at a point in history.
- Organized substance of cosmic physical plane controls destiny of groups of lives disposed to dwell thereon.
- Organized substance of the cosmic physical plane pertains to witnessing virtues developed thereon.
- Organized substance of monadic plane chiefly states those lives dwelling there conditions god’s thought upon cosmic physical plane and therefore:
- Are the vital airs within Logos’s Etheric Brain.
- Opened avenues of divine realization which are contingent upon monadic substance being aligned with Logos’s mental sheath.
- Organized vital aires which are present within the gaps inherent within the Logos’s mental sheath.
Virtue 2: Ritual Beautification of Humanity’s Soul through the spiritual Hierarchical participation.
Virtue 3: Organizating of the Monadic Sheath of Humanity.
Virtue 4: Shifting of Reality focused on the Soul of Humanity towards the One Ashram with the the Sixth and Seventh Kingdoms and not the Fifth and Fourth Kingdoms.
(HZ: See below the method to make this shift for Humanity.)
8-Fold Noble Path of the Christ & His Footsteps Created.
[HZ: The fourth noble truth of the way leading to the cessation of suffering: that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. These were correlated and added below for reflection and may or may not be self-evident to you.]
“Right View”:
Secrets Transpire (ing) of the Gates of Heaven realizing karma eliminating them (Gates) or their need for existence.
“Right Intention or Resolve”:
The overlooking/overshadowing Portal for Entrance into the cosmic Astral Plane with the idea in view of working miracles with qualifying energies (divine gifts) generated by exiting Master Disciples of Lord Sanat Kumara.
“Right Speech”:
Close knit/tie with Organization of the Lord Our God of another Solar System working against permitting it right entry into our solar System for reasons above implicated in the four Virtues (HZ: overcoming disruptive influences). It would be good to look at this as another angle of direct defense in permitting entry until right speech is gained. It would also be good to look upon this also as an avenue of escape for those of our system.
“Right Action”:
Excruciating painful overshadowing of the Spirit of the Earth Scheme realizing its degree of intolerance for His Plan. (HZ: Earth Scheme not yet a sacred planet. And the Spirit of the Earth depicts the physical elemental aspect the Earth Scheme the Personality aspect expresses through.)
(HZ: It appears there are implicated certain major difficulties in carrying out this Plan by the Spirit of the Earth Scheme. This might be implied in the next phrase.)
Escaping wildly without Cause onto cosmic Buddhic Pane which is correlated with systemic buddhic plane organized to receive Gifts from Afar through this Method (HZ: A reflect action).
“Right Livelihood”:
Escaping painfully from Death on this planet through desired Plans rehearsal (HZ: larger experiment I propose) to give lessons for others more evolved then He realizing His escape is a prelude to Righteousness of the Lord Our God of this solar system – solar Logos. And suggesting also that His escape enhances realization for all and their collective product of achievements; realizing also its necessity and gainfully employed to receive various Gifts through this process from other Lives which therefore will be felt and experienced. (HZ: Thus a larger group livelihood process.)
“Right Effort”:
It would be good to realize a certain oneness is created through traveling in this Way or in this fashion; and realize also its necessity to prevent war among the gods. This process is an extension into the Mind of God and in this Way creating continuity of relationship and excellence; and realize also its rewards for achievement of Grace and Status.
“Right Mindfulness”:
Organized (ing) Virtue (s) compensate with understanding – thus our Lord. He has with decisions made by others along the Path gifted in the Lord’s prevalence and therefore reckons with the Lord to receive guidance on their behalf on account of this reckoning. He therefore receives guidance in lieu of this Way related reckoning; and therefore receives/requires alteration upon the Way Home to Afar, and therefore understands we travel not alone.
“Right Concentration or Samadhi”:
Daring Great penetrating along/among others more advanced seeing the road thus traveled for the very first time realizing again and again its newness upon the shoulders of giants. And realizing also falsely, it has been put out to delay the pilgrim upon this journey home to prevent Him to travel before others but welcoming Him with others to put it mildly. (HZ: Note: It would be good to rewrite the above after meditating on such.)
Some Footsteps of the Lord Christ Created requiring Reflection:
(HZ: Processes which disciples also pursue in His footsteps).
Orchestration of Virtues for the greater Lodge to follow after.
Four-fold ever turning to face the Way we must go.
On(e) looking for the rest of us.
Carelessly approaching the One Way.
Working, tired, adored, and dramatized adoration.
Carefully approaching closely behind the gate of immortal-ness.
Awakening and working under the Law of Ages Passing Afar in the Night of Time working to achieve its alignment with the Way, the Truth, and the Light always bending such into a straight line. It would be good to detail the law bending such into a straight line and for each it is different. It is the Dharma of each Ray as this is why it is thrown upon us at early times to prevent the Way from providing for us a way to turn upon its self or ground but a way to handle it and be successful in Life; a way to handle discharge/ground of the forces of god.
Out unto the Way seen approaching at a distance is He/whom/or what is needed to create time/form/be-ness.
Entering into the Way to cherish All upon the Way; His or the path stalled for all to precede.
Enlighten-ly adorned, brided by His Lord coached through Virtue adornment seated at the House of the Lord partaking of the Feast on Glory.
Supernal Light, Supernal Light, Supernal Light.
Vast Space of Recognitions.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received
The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information
A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis
A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived
The Christ wishes to tell you a Story
A Message of Christ to Humanity
Together in the Christ Presence
Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ
Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message