Nicholas Roerich Museum - Maitreya

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Maitreya

The Christ and Some Full Moon Values

A  Letter Received from the Christ to those Disciples in the World now assisting in the Externalization.

To all those disciples organized, impassioned, daring, and dedicated—I say this:

The future is in your hands and also in your hearts;

 The truth has become your companion and also your treasure;

 You work alone in the world, with no aid nor any to carry your burden;

My hands are underneath you and also with the Lord;

 My Mind is your mind and my Heart is blended with yours;

 Your vision is part of the One Vision and my Eye is upon you.

Those among you who work in my name;

Register my thoughts and my prayers within your mind and heart;

 Ask of me what you need and also of when I may help;

There are two things I can give you, Manna for the nurturance for your Body and Waters of Life for your thirst;

 There are many gifts of the Lord offered for those who can receive them;

 Our fruits are created through alignment, realization, and service.      

Some Values Needing Demonstrated by Humanity

Values needing inculcated on the planet now.

The value of brother/sisterhood with all lives; it is important to note that each of us on the planet has the right to see ourselves in any way we like but the value that will correct these other ways of seeing ourselves is that of brotherhood/sisterhood.  We want you to know that this value will initiate a new age.

The importance of knowing the truth of a situation will prevent all misunderstandings; it is this value, of knowing the truth of a situation can be known by the human heart that will also initiate a new age.

It is true that each of us, on a regular basis, finds the time to pursue our spiritual paths in life; and this value that the One Path exists needs to be universalized.

The next value will condition the way we as a world perceive ourselves, it is a value that organizes our planet into a planet where economic sharing is commonplace and based upon a correct appreciation of the concept of brotherhood/sisterhood with all lives.

This next value relates to the idea of securing international cooperation in releasing prisoners who have been imprisoned for speaking out for the rights of the people.  This value could be called the value of Outcry for the good of the people.

The value of Hierarchy is a value that will revolutionize the way the world perceives government by the people.

This next value sees the world as a place where hope and justice is the mainspring of democracy.  It is the value of compassion rightly interpreted.

This next value instills in humanity a greater sense of direction in the way they plan for the future.  It is a direction that comes from knowing your life purpose as an individual or as a group.  Value of purposefulness of existence.

This next value relates to the idea of securing right human relations through the practice of harmlessness in thought, feeling, words and actions.

This next value relates to the idea of ruling governments making sure the youth of the day be placed high on their priority list in terms of care-taking preventing abuse and bringing out their gifts.  This will change the world faster than anything else.

This next value stipulates that the youth of the world need to be trained to receive guidance from their souls formally.  This needs to begin early in their 14th year.

The next value is that of relating to youth as being more evolved than their parents that gave birth to them and to encourage them to be responsible by giving them decision making powers in society.

The next value states that the world as we know it will disappear once we accept the existence of Spirit as the ruling force on the planet.

The next value states the world as we know it will disappear once we accept the fact that this world is a product of our collective decision making.

Each full moon there is opportunity to bring in values needing to be demonstrated by various aspects or groups composing the One Humanity.  These values are linked to the conditioning energies impacting Humanity during this period. There are those national and international groupings who are capable of demonstrating these values at all stages of manifestation.  The following is a list of examples of reifying these per full moons. Those esoteric astrological students might appreciate, or correlate to different full moons, these related conditioning qualities represented by such values:

Full Moon Pieces – Values for Humanity (taking control—Law of Sacrifice)

  • Value of controlling capital resources for creating a better Planet;
    • Value of economic and spiritual freedom through capital resources;
  • Value of making decisions based on everyone’s highest Good;
  • Value of soul awareness;
  • Value of using world’s existing mineral and ecological resources (or three kingdoms’ resources) for our future as well as present (responsibility towards all evolving life forms);
  • Value of dispensing correct justice from the courts (not political platforms);
  • Value of securing political rights based upon the Soul of Humanity;
  • Value of becoming a responsible member of fourth and fifth kingdoms;
  • Value of recognizing those Members of Hierarchy and assisting them in Their Tasks;
  • Value of assisting in the Externalization of Hierarchy –

a. Know yourself;

b. Know your life thesis;

c. Know your soul plan;

d. Know your group soul plan;

e. Know the Hierarchy;

f. Know the Christ.

Full Moon Pieces – Part II

You have been given the idea of registering certain information pertaining knowledge of the Plan. The following energies and contexts were received during this full moon period:

First energy, was about Humanity receiving impetus to get its house in order for preparation for proving the existence of the soul in the field of religion. It would be wise for Humanity to adjust to the idea of removing all religions from power in various sections of society and in this way preserve the peace.

This next energy is about Humanity receiving guidance on a way to go that does not prevent them from restoring peace on the Earth and in this way resolve the present crisis. We would like you to know that it is time to put behind Humanity the terrorizing of any group of peoples. It would be wise to know how to proceed to develop relationships among groups which perceived each group in terms of their contributions and promoted this.

There is an energy circulating now related to this solar system; you would be wise to consider this energy a major reconstruction energy related to the astral plane. The purpose of this energy is to relate the past with the future in such a way as to control the karma being created at this time in the world. The importance of this is to control the outbreak of any more conflicts.

You would be wise to consider bringing in this energy into your own life it is about receiving an understanding about a way for the world to move forward in creating a just world. It is about resorting to monetary policies that are balanced for every ones highest good. It is about receiving a way to go that releases from prison the souls of people to determine their own destinies; is about receiving a way to enhance credibility of U.N. to provide leadership to the world; it is about delivering control of the world back to the people. It is about finding a way to go that prevents corruption in government; it is about a way to go that arraigns evil against good and does not confuse the two.

This energy is related to the idea of retrieving information on how to arrange life here on this Earth to better take into consideration the appeal of Humanity for a righteous planet.

This next energy comes from Humanity’s causal body. This voice is about Humanity wanting needing more peace in the world and desiring world governments to come together to create it.

This next energy comes from planetary causal body. It is related to the idea of Humanity creating a stronger link with sixth kingdom and in this way be better prepared to find solutions to their problems.

This next energy comes from lower kingdoms and relates to the idea of it needing to be better understood its needs are many.

This next energy is that of condemnation of what is happening in the world.

This next energy comes from forces of evil through using military to solve world problems.

Full Moon Aquarius

  • Value of sticking to your values and basic soul principles;
  • Value of religious devotion to cause of human betterment;
  • Value of working out a plan by and for diverse member groups of Humanity;
  • Value of assuming the defeat of evil or temptation towards evil;
  • Value of acknowledging the divinity of each;
  • Value of self-imposed suffering for greater good (long-suffering);
  • Value of developing, organizing, and sharing of  one’s gifts for sharing;
  • Value of not imposing ideologies on another (tolerance of world religions);
  • Value of controlling your demons;
  • Value of realizing the sun shines on all equally.

Full Moon Sagittarius

Examine the values for this full moon—values promoted by Hierarchy.

Value of rapid service of the Plan: The efforts made by Hierarchy since the last full moon and particularly harmonics day has been tremendous.  Their attempts to bring Humanity to a greater point of understanding of the necessary challenges Humanity needs to face. They have agreed to arouse Humanity by time honored methods by increasing the energy to Humanity of goodwill, love, will-to-good, and synthesis.

Value of aligning heart and will with the soul. In an effort for Humanity to see through its perspective of meeting just apparent needs to the significance of meeting real needs as a group it has decided to forgo keeping Humanity’s karma at bay and allowing the Lords of Karma their process:

This karma is of four types:

Regional territorial karma

Misuse of military karma

Governmental interference karma

Political Abuse Karma

In an effort to right the wrongs among the various groups in Humanity the Lord has decided to instill within Humanity’s mind vehicle the following mental patterns – four symbolically.

The pattern of righteous behavior of political group involvement meaning many groups who have platforms feel more inspired to promote them.

The pattern of tremendous push for correct moral positioning.

The pattern for greater involvement in political affairs by the political populous.

The pattern of correct true (occult) obedience towards event creations (as opposed to reasoning by authority).

The realization that the Lord needs to take a more direct involvement in meeting his planed mandates has required him to forego His Grace and allow the Lords of Karma to balance the books so to speak in one area particularly and that is in the area of establishing law and order in terms of societal relationship between individuals and groups this means two things:

It means the individual man must compensate for misuse of group energy; and the individual must adhere or contend to group processes through more policing energy around the world.

Another area of the Lords involvement is that of achieving Grace for hierarchical workers needed to bring forth the Plan into the body of Humanity—great opportunities for service. Lastly, men of good will everywhere are being inspired to contribute their gifts and abilities in the service of each other and/or the One Life.

Value of repositioning your lives for service to your soul.  In an effort to halt Humanity’s slid away from needed future direction (The One Humanity) an effort is being made by Hierarchy to secure greater training of its workers in these areas:

In the area of fine tuning their higher psychic abilities to channel in soul content.

In the area of bridging the gap between the soul and the personality.

In the area of establishing a working relationship between inner and outer service groups.

In the area of establishing a greater relationship between men of good will and the masses.

In the area of establishing a relationship between the masses and the Christ.

In the area of negotiating a truce between religious groupings.

In the area of establishing a relationship truce between ideological groupings.

In the area of establishing a relationship between other religious groups not on stage to come to the forefront.

Value of a courageous heart.  The importance that Hierarchy has assigned to the energies needing to come through to Humanity this month is indicated by their response to the misdirection Humanity is taking. And in an effort to resolve this they have put forth a plan agreed to by all parties involved for this to happen and this requires creative actions by the parties involved and this for two reasons: First Humanity is not likely to do this on its own but requires outside direction. And secondly, Humanity does not know what to do. Furthermore without this outside direction it will only get worse. What is this outside direction?

It is a combination of devic interference in the affairs of Humanity and the use of destructive formulas in relationship to forms.

–form of societal institutions

–form of economic bankruptcy

–form of food substances

It is also applied by groups in an unconscious way as karmic instruments.

It is also applied by individuals.

The areas it will effect ………    It will be devastating to the world as a whole for many reasons require assistance by all. It will take up the whole resources of the planet.

Value of Grace

  • It organizes the day in such a way as to achieve enlightenment of past causes for present.
  • It permits one to know that they are part of a greater life with values and purpose.
  • It flows out across the planet producing like realization potential of other causes.
  • It helps those who use it find ways of accepting themselves.

Value of Peace

  • It organizes your life in such a way as to gather the fruits of your experiences in memory to see—it makes everything presence.
  • It permits one to register the effects of the world without bias.
  • It educates one on how to achieve greatness in the moment.

Full Moon Scorpio:

  • Value of waiting for the Silence: The Ageless Glory that surrounds us all is not yet seen by the all—worry not as the motion of the tides brings us closer to the distant shore.
  • Value of determination to pursue one’s Path:  The Heart of the Plenty (group consciousness and the law of ten) is arisen in the Might, thus all is changed upon the battlefield.
  • Value of regulating ones desires or choosing right desire: Secrets of the Heart are all not to be known equally.
  • Value of being in the future: Backwards in time forwards in memory—all are the same—but see to it they are not.
  • Value of beginning anew: After the fall, Humanity aroused and drifted ashore and awoke.

Full Moon Libra:

  • Value of evil let loose (accepted) upon the planet:  Dirty are the deeds of others not redeemed but dirtier still are those of twilight hours gone astray in the noonday sun.
  • Value of time honored principles: Brothers upon the spiritual Path seek the way of those who have gone before you and not those who follow after you.
  • Value of harmony through conflict: Listen thee children of god to the silent thunder now in our mist—it will make all well soon

Full Moon Virgo:

  • Value of keeping aligned with the inner Ashram: Sight, sound, and smell are needed now to find the way home.
  • Value of Glory of the One: Abundant Glory awaits those who tread the Path to the Sacred Feet of the Cosmic Logos.
  • Value of choosing wisely all of those that travel with you in the One Work: The Lord (of the World) waits upon all that seek to give him their received Grace.
  • Value of choosing wisely all of those that travel with you in the One Work: The Lord (Cosmic) seek the Inner Eye and all will be well.
  • The Value of the One Soul in the Lives of All: The seekers Cosmic of the Way of the God (Greater Cosmic Logos) cometh upon His time in the Birthing of the Waters.
  • Value of the onset of the Cosmic Christ: The extent of this passage (Christ’s extended Mission) in the Life of the Christ is here with us now.
  • Value of nurturance: Haste not the rising sun.

Full Moon Leo:

  • The value of right relationship with all Lives: The Master says go and fetch the Great Lords of Shamballa and all will be well.
  • The value of right action: Indignation arises in its might and swells outward.
  • The value of astrological relationships: The signs in the night sky are given for all to see.
  • Value of reasoning from above:  Everywhere are the snowflakes.

Some Full Moon Cancer Values:

  • Value is to be an opened door, a courageous heart, a loving hand, a compass, a sensitive plate, and a winged foot: Advantages pour in around and within you for all to see but wither they come or whither they go matters not.
  • Value of continuity of consciousness: Deadly are the games Humanity is playing, all you chosen ones must seek wise counsel with the Lord what plan is next as all have been put on hold until the game is ended.
  • Value of organizing your mind as your soul mind intends: Sacrifice the greater for the lesser is the motto of Humanity at this time; seek to right the Principle of True Humility.
  • Value of working with the plan: Service to the One Life is there for all to see.
  • Value of law of true service: The making of a man is like weaving of a destiny not like putty in the Hands of God.
  • Value of resonance perception: The world of appearances has descended yet few see.
  • The value of prevision: The making of a tragedy is yet perceived within the inner Eye of the Karmic Lords.


People would find it of interest to know that the Hierarchy has completed its externalization plans and this includes the fifth Ray ashram. People would also find it interesting to know that the Lord is displeased with Humanity’s decisions in respect to the use of force. People would also find it interesting to know that the Lord is generally pleased with the work of his disciples in the world. Also, people would find it interesting to know that there are many such members in incarnation today.

Christ has said to Humanity:

Establish right relationships between yourselves (all peoples)

Believe your planet is one with the Creator.

Believe the Lord is with you at all times.

Believe you are with Me

Seek the answers to your questions from the Divine Soul

Let your life provide for others a way to see themselves truly.

All of us has a contribution to make not only to ourselves but to Humanity and the planet. All of us are questing for the reasons for our lives. We are giving of our time and resources to our human and spiritual development so as to discover our life intents and purposes, and thus make these individual contributions to such through the best demonstration of our capacities and abilities.

The various subjective Source impressions were mentally registered, recorded and brain conceptualized and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impressions herein are the responsibility of the Author – H.Z.

The Christ & Some Plan Elements

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths

A Message from the Christ

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Together in the Christ Presence

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Christ to the Hierarchy

Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)


The Christ & New Group World Servers

 Some Subjection Impressions or Meditative Communications Received


A  Letter below Received from the Christ to those Disciples in the World now assisting in the Externalization

To all those disciples organized, impassioned, daring, and dedicated—I say this:

        The future is in your hands and also in your hearts;

        The truth has become your companion and also your treasure;

        You work alone in the world, with no aid nor any to carry your burden;

        My hands are underneath you and also with the Lord;

        My Mind is your mind and my Heart is blended with yours;

        Your vision is part of the One Vision and my Eye is upon you.

       Those among you who work in my name;

       Register my thoughts and my prayers within your mind and heart;

       Ask of me what you need and also of when I may help;

       There are two things I can give you, Manna for the nurturance for your Body and Waters of Life for your thirst;

       There are many gifts of the Lord offered for those who can receive them;

       Our fruits are created through alignment, realization, and service.      


Working Discipleship Commentary from Old Documents:

I. The Plan of the Disciple

  • An open Heart, a loving Hand, an Extended Vision, a Pot of Gold, an Enlighten Mind, and the Gift of the One Presence depicts the Disciple’s livingness.
  • For all those who are in need of assistance all is provided and all is sacrificed.
  • The Way glitters before him who holds the Hand of He that forever is with you.
  • Receive oh Disciple from Him who is ever with you, the timeless and infinite Journeys of He whose Road you travel.
  • Receive from Him His Travels.
  • Receive from Him His Bliss.
  • Open up your eye and blend your light with His.
  • Retain your visions of His Vision.
  • And learn His Ways and His Desires.
  • For all of you who travel along with Him in your journey, be advised and receive your place.
  • Permit the apperception of His Plan.


II. The Victories Known by the Disciple

  • The truth is known by each who passes the test;
  • The heart is empty of all except that which soundest from afar;
  • The Way is cleared for all who’s vison is as One;
  • The cosmos is known and carried by all those who’s whose destiny is One;
  • Each seekest his own way and carries with him All.

III.   The Suffering of the Disciple

  • Immersed in substance, serving the One;
  • Ear forever bent above;
  • Rejected by all those who follow after.

IV. The Path of the Disciple

  • Heart a pounding in rhythm to the Song;
  • The stream unending into Infinity;
  • Thus the initiate listening intently within the Heart;
  • Immersed deeply in the Stream he travels thus.

V.  The Evolving of the Disciple

  • In a distance the Disciple sees the Light;
  • The light is within him also;
  • He uses the light within him;
  •  to guide him to that distant Light;
  • All around him is nothing but Light;
  • It takes all shapes and colors and provides him with comfort;
  • He loses his way and then finds it.

VI. The Uniting of the Disciple

  • The red light, the blue Light, they gather together those of like hearts;
  • It is passion unending that separates the two;
  • The red immersed in the three worlds;
  • The blue not immersed;
  • They both are needed, they both are one.


Nature of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS)

The NGWS is responsible for all new ideas coming into Humanity and is composed of both members of Hierarchy as well as Humanity.  It is of some interest to know that the NGWS’s is now extremely organized and has members with all areas of expertise. It is dedicated to the founding of the fifth kingdom on Earth as well as precipitating the Plan. There are those members of the NGWS who have initiate status and together they make up the core (values) directing group as they are still members of Humanity. There is also a leader or executive group focussing the ideals of the group, as well as a resource group assisting in locating around the world those resources required for its members to carrying out its agreed to objectives. Impressions have been coming in to Humanity since Leo new moon 2002 from Hierarchy through the NGWS mostly through the Ideal Group and at times from the Core (values) Group. The following are some various messages sent out to all members of the NGWS and thus in general to Humanity at large through them received telepathically in contemplation.


NGWS Ideal Group to its Members

You, as people of goodwill, have been given the task of seeing for Humanity a way to go into the future and inculcate upon this in many ways as we and Humanity unfold our tendency to grasp and grapple with these truths more things will be known and likewise revealed as to Humanity’s ultimate destiny. Humanity and ourselves must see our self in the light of the ages and respect the decisions made on our behalf by Humanity as a soul-personality.  We must believe in ourselves and in this way achieve the very greatness that is expected from us as individuals and as a group.  We enlighten you as a group to take this stance. Those disciples working intimately with the Plan of the Christ has at their disposal devas of the gold and gold-white order ready to enlighten and assist in the part in this plan-all we have to do is to receive them in our hearts and all will be well.  We have given you the idea of the coming into expression, in the three worlds, of the livingness of the Christ and His Hierarchy of Light Workers and/or individual disciples and in this way the world of form and substance will both be redeemed and salvaged. On our behalf does the Christ work and throughout the ages has he done so benefiting all lives upon this planet and three other known planets (and a hidden one) related to the evolution of the Earth.    The first value that needs to be fully demonstrated by us which we are at this very moment attempting to demonstrate is the value of the One Humanity.  This is a value fully capable of ushering us into the New Age.  This is an age full of promise for Humanity in several ways four of which I would like to comment on.


NGWS Ideal Group to its Members (One Soul of Humanity & Plan)

The idea that Humanity being overshadowed by the One Soul of Humanity, its truer Self, can now take conscious control of its own destiny and mandates as well as those for the lower kingdoms in lieu of its conscious connection, awareness, and life direction embodied in the One Soul of Humanity. The second idea full of import here is that Humanity now as an incipient unity functioning as a group will begin to solve its many problems based upon the highest good for the greatest number bringing light and wisdom down onto the physical daily life of the planet.  You would be wise to see this as a momentous happening preventing those things that now plague us—war, correct justice issues in amazing numbers on a daily basis, correct contributions required by the many types of operational groups on this planet—national, regional, ethnic, racial and the many ideal logical groupings now existing in all departments of human affairs.  We have come to a time when this is a necessity if the world is to realistically survive and correctly move into the future that benefits us all in terms of happiness of people and joy as souls. We would like for you to think a minute of the two most significant problems that now need to be solved in the world today: 

1) Ideological freedom for all individuals and groups based upon right human relations.

2) Freedom to choose one’s destiny in life whether a nation or an individual.

These freedoms need to be based upon a soul perspective – what does this mean? First, it means that for a region or nation they must be willing to consider the societal order and evolution implications of their decisions, the human well-being and health concerns of such decision, the incurred Karma of their decisions, the  individual and national justice concerns, implicated by their decisions, the  ideological ramifications, opportunity costs, and the spiritual development needs. And all of these decisions needed to be made in the Light of the Soul of Humanity. 


NGWS Ideal Group Letter to its Members:

Welcome one and all to the jubilee of a quickly integrating Humanity. There are only about three decades left to accomplish this as needed.  We want each of you to be responsible for helping to play your part in this One Work.  For each of us there is work to do, not only upon ourselves but upon the planet—each according to their own designs.  We want you each to know that your part in the One Work of creating the planet along truer lines reflected by our ultimate values must be accomplished before the year 2050. It is at that time a decision will be made as to whether or not Humanity can go forward or not in greater life without first removing some of its “baggage” so-to-speak.  We want each of you to understand that it is Humanity as a whole, a commonwealth of potential that is the cause or curse of the Lords focus at this time.  Believe it or not, when the Lord says that all men have a common birthright, each or which cannot be ignored or resolved into the whole until each cares for the other and in this way the world will create a basic foundation upon which to move forward upon its destined path into the future or not move forward at all.  We would like each to believe that this possibility of moving is not without due restraints for the common good of mankind not is it without forlorn hope as schedules and values are updated to reflect a more real scenario.

The more realized we become, the more responsible understanding we acquire as to our role in the world as people.  We might like the thought that each of us are moving into a greater responsible understanding, without which, we would not have any hope for our future as a people. But, nevertheless, we will achieve a truce among ourselves and move forward regardless.  We have given you.


NGWS Ideal Group Letter to its Members

Humanity is about to venture on a journey or search inwardly to know themselves a little better and this will come about through a process of crisis as it is crisis that awakens the soul.  It is important to add here that this crisis is about them cooperating to survive as well as to inherit the Earth in its new format. You would be wise to prepare yourself for this as it will be soon.  Humanity should also be prepared to see itself as finding the One Soul as well as finding their place in it. It is all of Humanity requiring to see itself as a part of a vaster network of Lives. It is through this process that the new age will unravel. It is likewise through this process that Humanity will forgive its neighbor and move forward. It is not too late to prevent this crisis although improbable.

It would be wise to perceive your relationship to Humanity as not different than anyone else who might read this; in fact you are in the same boat as Humanity as well as in the same point of evolution as each person in general and on average all training for the second initiation as well as the remainder of the initiations all at once. It is important to realize that there is little difference between the average person and each of you as all are being trained together. It would be wise to see this group process as necessary to provide each a resource base to develop from—some move ahead and some fall behind. It would also be wise to see this as unusual in that Humanity is not aware of this and perceives everyone as on different levels for one reason or another.


NGWS Letter to its Members

The NGWS plays an important part in adapting the One Plan of the Christ—tune in on this in terms of your own karma and group destiny. Third ray ashram has come up with the idea that it would be better if all subjective groups working with Hierarchy in any fashion work directly through the NGWS to better coordinate resources. Also, on account of expectations in the goal of creating a new heaven and earth in a roundabout way it has been decided that the work being done now by the Christ to be taken over by the Soul of Humanity and the NGWS leaving the Christ free to serve other more important needs as well as overseeing the little ones.

The world is ready to receive the idea that each of us on the path of life has established a certain resonance with the idea of reaching into the reservoir of energies available for reconstruction on the astral plane placed there by the Christ to construct those forms necessary for the unfoldment of the new age.  Would like to add here the idea that this reservoir is quickly depleting as those external forces are taking advantage of this and in this way the demand is becoming more invocative.

 Like you to know also that each of us creates a demand by their willingness to receive into our lives help to reconstruct our own personality substance to better reflect the souls’ needs; and in this way we achieve a more correct more. The world is also ready to receive the idea that each of us are caught upon a ladder of ascension at some point and at this point we stand either in fear or hope that our ladder is stable and perched upon the correct place for ascension to occur.

It is of value to find a way to generate a more hopeful acknowledgement of opportunity for all through that of achieving grace in our lives. This grace is such now that the masses can go forward in peace once they see that the past can be put behind them with no doubts as to coming back to haunt them; we respect your ability to find a way of saying this that touches the hearts of those who read your words.


NGWS Core Group to its Members

  • Listen to the Hierarchy for they have much you need to understand.
  • Listen to yourselves for you have much that needs to be heard and understood as souls.
  • Listen with your heart.
  • Listen to the Voice of the Silence as it whispers in your ears.
  • Listen to the Devas as they are here to assist you and heal you.

NGWS Core Group to its Members

  • The dawning of a newer age is upon us let us take it into our hands and bring it into manifestation.
  • Let us sow the future with our visions.
  • The Christ has impressed every one of their desired participation and is with you all at all times.
  • The Lord serves each of us for many millennium until this time and gives us His support.
  • The solar Logos pushes forward into the night of time and has requested the Lord to speed up evolution through initiation.
  • The cosmic Logos has made great progress and cannot be hindered by Humanity’s lack of integration.


NGWS Core Group to its Members

You have been given information as to present needs of NGWS. This group relies upon members such as yourself to get out the information in a timely way to achieve its goals. We want you to respect this process in any way you can.  They have a division that tracks information about terrorist activity worldwide and we see this as problematic due to its planning stage when they receive it. And the probability of it being able to be manifested or not.  They also pass on information coming from groups linked to the Hierarchy and Shamballa such as been given information from the Lord of the World received by way of the Planetary Spirit through the Nirmanakayas.

This information received in this fashion is useful as it describes the policy making material used to determine direction. You would be wise to use this information in creating your socio-political platforms.  You would also be wise to register yourself information coming from the Lodge in respect to this process as to have an idea of its real import upon the Plan. And your individual plans and service activities. 

The happenings of the moment in the world of politics is if interest to us and we need you (its members) to develop your own individual group political platforms based upon your set of ideals aligned with the One Plan contingents.  These platforms should try to include in principle the following idealized positions from the NGWS’s idealized political platform, and also from the karmic related Hierarchical idealized positions. These are composed together of twelve and sixteen political positions respectfully held by both the members of the NGWS and the Lodge at the time of recording this (2008).


NGWS: Twelve Positions:

The importance of the NGWS ‘s platform is that it incorporates all souls on the planet. The NGWS wants you to know that the world as we know it will change not for the better based upon existing karma.  To offset this karma the world needs to align to the basic principle of harmlessness.  For this to happen soon it must accept responsibility nation by nation, person by person. The NGWS’s wants Humanity to know:

  • That the people of the world look to their governments for leadership in making correct decisions for them; this is a mistake.
  • That the people of the world must unitedly act to curb the growing power of the international governments to make decisions for them.
  • That the people of the world need to unite in a common bond of Humanity.
  • That unless the people of the world perceive this as their world then governments will perceive it as their world.
  • That each person is a defense against corrupt governments.
  • That each person is either a cause or a cure for the world’s problems.
  • That each person’s government is only their government for that time period that person agrees with their government.
  • That each person has the right to challenge their leaders on behalf of the people.
  • That each person has the right to expect their government to the peoples’ problems through resolution.
  • That each person’s party line is a composite of the best aspects of the people represented.
  • That each person’s party line is also a composite of many people’s hopes and wishes for all other party lines.
  • That the importance of political parties is not to represent your security but your freedom.


Lodge: Sixteen Positions:

You have been given the idea of receiving on a daily basis certain teaching from the Lodge this section represents those teachings going out since the recent change. The purpose of the lodge’s political positions are that they represent a culminating perspective of all the members of the Hierarchy including the Lord.  These positions represents their perspective on the hopes and dreams of Humanity in Toto. You must ask yourself this one question. Is there One Humanity or not this must be decided before May full moon 2025.

§  The Hierarchy asks that  you to know that the world has need to remember that it is the first time in human history that the world is challenged to hold goodwill for all of its citizens no matter the differences.

§  The Hierarchy asks that you to know that it is not the task of individual nations or groups to manage the world but it is the task of world leaders to allow the voices of the people to be heard.

§  The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the many nations on this Earth  have only one prize and that is the resources represented by the goodwill of its peoples.

§  The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the world leaders have incurred grave responsibilities for the first time in the history of Humanity.  This responsibility is the cause of great opportunities awaiting Humanity if they resist using unilateral force to resolve issues.

§  The Hierarchy asks that  you to know that the people need to find a way to have their voices heard through an international forum of some type.

§  The Hierarchy asks that  you to know that the world now exhibiting symptoms of delusions depicting a world separated by appearances and not by causes.

§  The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the world itself is a better place to live, develop and find yourself either as an individual but as a whole is dedicated to the self.

§  The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the world itself has opened the door where evil dwells do to its use of military forces to resolve evil.

§  The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the world itself is responsible for the unrest and present danger not any one group.

§  The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the world sees through the glass with eyes colored by a menacing fear.

§  The Hierarchy asks that the world to know that each of you are responsible for the condition in the world and your collective action is required to make it what it is.

§  The Hierarchy asks that you to know that each of you co-created your world by action or by default.

§  The Hierarchy asks that you to know that each of you decides each moment whose side you are on.

§  The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the Lord of the World awaits your decision to choose prosperity or chaos.

§  The Hierarchy asks that you to know that the Lord of this world awaits to see if your hearts can be challenged to bear the burden of necessary universalism.

The Christ has set aside many plans for the externalization until other plans have been realized.  One of these plans is the exposure of the populations to the existence of the soul. It is this Plan related project which requires completion before other plans can be started. His first plan once this is completed is the organizing of think-tanks of disciples in government to act as liaison between NGWS and the people; this project is being planned first in Canada and next in Russia.

Many people who read this are working at night going to many locations engaging minds and souls on the development needs of the planet.  They are concerned with the many, of all types, but focus their work for Humanity as members of the NGWS. Many people are perceived on the inner planes as in the know and that they do have the reasonable answers to difficult problems. Want each of you, who read this, to consider yourself as likewise assisting in solving the world’s difficult problems through working out of the formulated plans to address these with other self-identified members.  It is important to add these plans worked out can be implemented around the globe by various groups working together at night on the inner planes.  Some of you are a part of an internal think-tank of a prestigious group.


NGWS Ideal Group & Seven Values being promoted (At this time):

  • Sharing of international concepts for recreating a governmental body that registers the voice of the world’s citizens.
    • A world governing body that represents not only the personality aspect of the people but the soul aspect.
    • A set of governments that acknowledges others virtues and not their issues.
    • A program of discovering what it is that the people of the world want along this line.
    • Representatives from all western nations to conference on this set of ideas.
    • An initial committee to be formed from higher up in the ruling bodies of nations to create this agenda.
    • A viable set of individuals to get it off the ground.

Under the present circumstances the free world is indisposed to want to change the status quo and it is for this reason pressure is being put on Humanity by way of future persuasion in the form of Earth altering natural events causing a greater planetary realization of their mutual survival. It is according to the Lord that this is being done and all present means to carry this out has been instituted. What does this mean for us?  It means we are caught up in the group karma process and our lives will reflect this. It means we will not be able to carry out our existing plans after such events. It means we will not be able to achieve an economic freedom we now enjoy.


NGWS to World Groups – Decision Making

There are several ways these decisions can be analyzed and made outside of the present political platform:

  • First through developing think tanks just for this purpose on a national level where each member is not only individually soul conscious but also conscious of the soul of their particular nation.
  • Secondly: you might well ask how we can be sure that this is the case; first they are able to perceive the life or soul purpose of every member of the nation and likewise the nation itself.
  • Thirdly, through the development of a resource base of some sort that will distribute, in a multitude of forms, to each member of the nation what they require to make their necessary contribution to the larger group within the nation.  This means there needs to be a recognition of the contributive value that the groups and individuals can make to the nation, which is their right as a soul.
  • Lastly, it is important to be reminded that for every outer contribution there are a multitude of inner contributions on the subjective levels.

For a perspective: The NGWS now have think-tanks addressing human problems but as yet the majority of their members are not soul conscious and none truly work under the inspiration of the One Soul of Humanity in …..…because of its personality focus. As of writing this (2002), there are two in …… working in think-tanks who are so connected to national Soul within the one Soul of Humanity.  In ……., as a point of reference, there are many thousand. The numbers have risen steadily since 2002 along with the number of think-tanks.   There are now functional think-tanks in the majority of nations around in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

The amazing amount of goodwill now needed on this planets by various nations to succeed in developing a realistic plan of redemption for its correct role in the world is tremendous but not something which cannot be done in a short time given grace.  We would like for all of you to believe that the world is ready for a major change or shift in values as presented by the soul but these first need to be contemplated in the homes in terms of perceived benefits and for this to happen requires each and all of us to perceive our world in terms of soul and for this to happen it requires a sort of blind vision or trust in ourselves and for this to happen we are required to questions ourselves according to whom we think we are. And for this to happen we need to be confronted by life at every turn so life can mirror us and in this way see ourselves for what we are.

(Note from a disciple a part of first and fifth Ray group): the world as we see it is fast approaching annihilation and requires all forces be opposed that are not for righteous sake and this means each of you need to get out your message to the masses. We all need to reflect on and register:

Potential setbacks in Humanity ideologically causing related events;

Karmic changes in the co-creative forms of Humanity’s personality;

Humanity’s soul’s real concerns related to Humanity’s future;

World events based upon the above facts.


NGWS & Hierarchy Liaison (Contact Representative):

Humanity needs to ask themselves these eight questions:

  • What is the source of my major guidance at this time?
  • What manner of personality do I want to create?
  • What is the nature of a home to I want to create?
  • What do I want to see when I look at myself in the mirror?
  • What are my responsibilities to the planet?
  • What homeland have I now created?
  • What will the history books tell those who come after me about this time in Humanity’s expression?
  • What God or major Ideology set do I presently have?


The value of what I have to tell you is significant and you need to contend with it in terms of your plans; first of all you need to know the world is scheduled for a hearing before the Lords of Karma soon in terms of its future; second this meeting is not likely to be positive. Thirdly you must be prepared to receive information that you need to get out. Fourthly, you need to be aware that we on the inner side think you have yet time to do this and in other words want you to be our spoke persons (note: implying all who have this capacity and ability)—you have a choice in this and yet this is an opportunity at this juncture to bring it forward to test the waters. You will be liable for all information.

You have been given the idea of reaching you major hour, as if a race, and this is it whether or not it is apparent to each of you (in this room)—the world is here and regrettably so not well placed in the birth canal. This we would like to remedy and in these regards—first you need to adjust yourselves for the adjustments and hold tight and feel the karmic breeze of spirit as it picks up tempo. You have been given the idea that for the birth of the human soul to take place it needs to follow the Waters of Life into physical daily existence.

The process of the soul being properly aligned in the birth canal consists of two important factors; first the use of certain suggestions to be used by the soul coming from Hierarchy in this case. Value of organizing Humanity’s life in such a way that it exhibits a basis awareness of all nations and their contributions they need to make for the coming year. Although Humanity has endeavored to complete its lesson on religious separation it has yet to complete it in fundamental ways.  It is suggested that Humanity alter its vision of future possibilities to include the following four things:

  1. It has yet to complete its awareness of why they all exist.
  2. They have yet to acknowledge their different contributions.
  3. They have yet to acknowledge the energies that created them.
  4. They have yet to understand their original purpose.

All religious wars have started because one believed it was called by God to do so. There are factors beginning to be created upon the inner planes that deny certain groups the right to create forms to embody their collective ideals. 


Only an Act of God can undo what……….. has co-created in the world.

Throughout all planetary history it was the hope of Hierarchy that the leading countries of any existing period would see to it they were orientated towards everyone’s highest good as other countries or nations. ……….. was originally conceived historically by the Hierarchy. It was the Hierarchy that founded ……….. in the direction of their intents. It was …….. that became the Hierarchy’s ace in the hole for the creation of a free country needed to carry forth the manifestation of the fifth kingdom on Earth . The original intent was for ………. to become opened to all peoples from around the world to come and be educated in correct socio-political institutional creation. Furthermore ……….. was to become a superior nation of spiritual education. ……… was the hope of the Hierarchy towards world integration. Where does this lead us today? It leads us to an educational system that neither promotes correct socio-political institutions nor spiritual education for the masses. Particularly egregious is the overuse of its military to solve world problems.


Some Values Needing Demonstrated by Humanity

Values needing inculcated on the planet now.

The value of brother/sisterhood with all lives; it is important to note that each of us on the planet has the right to see ourselves in any way we like but the value that will correct these other ways of seeing ourselves is that of brotherhood/sisterhood.  We want you to know that this value will initiate a new age.

The importance of knowing the truth of a situation will prevent all misunderstandings; it is this value, of knowing the truth of a situation can be known by the human heart that will also initiate a new age.

It is true that each of us, on a regular basis, finds the time to pursue our spiritual paths in life; and this value that the One Path exists needs to be universalized.

The next value will condition the way we as a world perceive ourselves, it is a value that organizes our planet into a planet where economic sharing is commonplace and based upon a correct appreciation of the concept of brotherhood/sisterhood with all lives.   

This next value relates to the idea of securing international cooperation in releasing prisoners who have been imprisoned for speaking out for the rights of the people.  This value could be called the value of Outcry for the good of the people.

The value of Hierarchy is a value that will revolutionize the way the world perceives government by the people.

This next value sees the world as a place where hope and justice is the mainspring of democracy.  It is the value of compassion rightly interpreted.

This next value instills in mankind a greater sense of direction in the way they plan for the future.  It is a direction that comes from knowing your life purpose as an individual or as a group.  Value of purposefulness of existence.

This next value relates to the idea of securing right human relations through the practice of harmlessness in thought, feeling, words and actions.

This next value relates to the idea of ruling governments making sure the youth of the day be placed high on their priority list in terms of caretaking preventing abuse and bringing out their gifts.  This will change the world faster than anything else.

This next value stipulates that the youth of the world need to be trained to receive guidance from their souls formally.  This needs to begin early in their 14th year.

The next value is that of relating to youth as being more evolved than their parents that gave birth to them and to encourage them to be responsible by giving them decision making powers in society.

The next value states that the world as we know it will disappear once we accept the existence of Spirit as the ruling force on the planet.

The next value states the world as we know it will disappear once we accept the fact that this world is a product of our collective decision making.

 Each full moon there is opportunity to bring in values needing to be demonstrated by various aspects or groups composing the One Humanity.  These values are linked to the conditioning energies impacting Humanity during this period. There are those national and international groupings who are capable of demonstrating these values at all stages of manifestation.  The following is a list of examples of reifying these per full moons. Those esoteric astrological students might appreciate, or correlate to different full moons, these related conditioning qualities represented by such values:


Full Moon Pieces – Values for Humanity (taking control—Law of Sacrifice)

  • Value of controlling capital resources for creating a better Planet;
    • Value of economic and spiritual freedom through capital resources;
  • Value of making decisions based on everyone’s highest Good;
  • Value of soul awareness;
  • Value of using world’s existing mineral and ecological resources (or three kingdoms’ resources) for our future as well as present (responsibility towards all evolving life forms);
  • Value of dispensing correct justice from the courts (not political platforms);
  • Value of securing political rights based upon the Soul of Humanity;
  • Value of becoming a responsible member of fourth and fifth kingdoms;
  • Value of recognizing those Members of Hierarchy and assisting them in Their Tasks;
  • Value of assisting in the Externalization of Hierarchy –

Know yourself;

Know your life thesis;

Know your soul plan;

Know your group soul plan;

Know the Hierarchy;

Know the Christ.

Full Moon Pieces – Part II

You have been given the idea of registering certain information pertaining knowledge of the Plan. The following energies and contexts were received during this full moon period:

First energy, was about Humanity receiving impetus to get its house in order for preparation for proving the existence of the soul in the field of religion. It would be wise for Humanity to adjust to the idea of removing all religions from power in various sections of society and in this way preserve the peace.

This next energy is about Humanity receiving guidance on a way to go that does not prevent them from restoring peace on the Earth and in this way resolve the present crisis. We would like you to know that it is time to put behind Humanity the terrorizing of any group of peoples. It would be wise to know how to proceed to develop relationships among groups which perceived each group in terms of their contributions and promoted this.

There is an energy circulating now related to this solar system; you would be wise to consider this energy a major reconstruction energy related to the astral plane. The purpose of this energy is to relate the past with the future in such a way as to control the karma being created at this time in the world. The importance of this is to control the outbreak of any more conflicts.

You would be wise to consider bringing in this energy into your own life it is about receiving an understanding about a way for the world to move forward in creating a just world. It is about resorting to monetary policies that are balanced for every ones highest good. It is about receiving a way to go that releases from prison the souls of people to determine their own destinies; is about receiving a way to enhance credibility of U.N. to provide leadership to the world; it is about delivering control of the world back to the people. It is about finding a way to go that prevents corruption in government; it is about a way to go that arraigns evil against good and does not confuse the two.

This energy is related to the idea of retrieving information on how to arrange life here on this Earth to better take into consideration the appeal of Humanity for a righteous planet.

This next energy comes from Humanity’s causal body. This voice is about Humanity wanting needing more peace in the world and desiring world governments to come together to create it.

This next energy comes from planetary causal body. It is related to the idea of Humanity creating a stronger link with sixth kingdom and in this way be better prepared to find solutions to their problems.

This next energy comes from lower kingdoms and relates to the idea of it needing to be better understood its needs are many.

This next energy is that of condemnation of what is happening in the world.

This next energy comes from forces of evil through using military to solve world problems.


Full Moon Aquarius  

  • Value of sticking to your values and basic soul principles;
  • Value of religious devotion to cause of human betterment;
  • Value of working out a plan by and for diverse member groups of Humanity;
  • Value of assuming the defeat of evil or temptation towards evil;
  • Value of acknowledging the divinity of each;
  • Value of self-imposed suffering for greater good (long-suffering);
  • Value of developing, organizing, and sharing of  one’s gifts for sharing;
  • Value of not imposing ideologies on another (tolerance of world religions);
  • Value of controlling your demons;
  • Value of realizing the sun shines on all equally.


Full Moon Sagittarius

Examine the values for this full moon—values promoted by Hierarchy.

Value of rapid service of the Plan: The efforts made by Hierarchy since the last full moon and particularly harmonics day has been tremendous.  Their attempts to bring Humanity to a greater point of understanding of the necessary challenges Humanity needs to face. They have agreed to arouse Humanity by time honored methods by increasing the energy to Humanity of goodwill, love, will-to-good, and synthesis.

Value of aligning heart and will with the soul. In an effort for Humanity to see through its perspective of meeting just apparent needs to the significance of meeting real needs as a group it has decided to forgo keeping Humanity’s karma at bay and allowing the Lords of Karma their process:

This karma is of four types:

Regional territorial karma

Misuse of military karma

Governmental interference karma

Political Abuse Karma

In an effort to right the wrongs among the various groups in Humanity the Lord has decided to instill within Humanity’s mind vehicle the following mental patterns – four symbolically.

The pattern of righteous behavior of political group involvement meaning many groups who have platforms feel more inspired to promote them.

The pattern of tremendous push for correct moral positioning.

The pattern for greater involvement in political affairs by the political populous.

The pattern of correct true (occult) obedience towards event creations (as opposed to reasoning by authority).

The realization that the Lord needs to take a more direct involvement in meeting his planed mandates has required him to forego His Grace and allow the Lords of Karma to balance the books so to speak in one area particularly and that is in the area of establishing law and order in terms of societal relationship between individuals and groups this means two things:

It means the individual man must compensate for misuse of group energy; and the individual must adhere or contend to group processes through more policing energy around the world. 

Another area of the Lords involvement is that of achieving Grace for hierarchical workers needed to bring forth the Plan into the body of Humanity—great opportunities for service. Lastly, men of good will everywhere are being inspired to contribute their gifts and abilities in the service of each other and/or the One Life.

Value of repositioning your lives for service to your soul.  In an effort to halt Humanity’s slid away from needed future direction (The One Humanity) an effort is being made by Hierarchy to secure greater training of its workers in these areas:

In the area of fine tuning their higher psychic abilities to channel in soul content.

In the area of bridging the gap between the soul and the personality.

In the area of establishing a working relationship between inner and outer service groups.

In the area of establishing a greater relationship between men of good will and the masses.

In the area of establishing a relationship between the masses and the Christ.

In the area of negotiating a truce between religious groupings.

In the area of establishing a relationship truce between ideological groupings.

In the area of establishing a relationship between other religious groups not on stage to come to the forefront.

Value of a courageous heart.  The importance that Hierarchy has assigned to the energies needing to come through to Humanity this month is indicated by their response to the misdirection Humanity is taking. And in an effort to resolve this they have put forth a plan agreed to by all parties involved for this to happen and this requires creative actions by the parties involved and this for two reasons: First Humanity is not likely to do this on its own but requires outside direction. And secondly, Humanity does not know what to do. Furthermore without this outside direction it will only get worse. What is this outside direction?

It is a combination of devic interference in the affairs of Humanity and the use of destructive formulas in relationship to forms.

–form of societal institutions

–form of economic bankruptcy

–form of food substances

It is also applied by groups in an unconscious way as karmic instruments.

It is also applied by individuals.

The areas it will effect ………    It will be devastating to the world as a whole for many reasons require assistance by all. It will take up the whole resources of the planet.


Value of Grace

  • It organizes the day in such a way as to achieve enlightenment of past causes for present.
  • It permits one to know that they are part of a greater life with values and purpose.
  • It flows out across the planet producing like realization potential of other causes.
  • It helps those who use it find ways of accepting themselves.

Value of Peace

  • It organizes your life in such a way as to gather the fruits of your experiences in memory to see—it makes everything presence.
  • It permits one to register the effects of the world without bias.
  • It educates one on how to achieve greatness in the moment.


Full Moon Scorpio:

  • Value of waiting for the Silence: The Ageless Glory that surrounds us all is not yet seen by the all—worry not as the motion of the tides brings us closer to the distant shore.
  • Value of determination to pursue one’s Path:  The Heart of the Plenty (group consciousness and the law of ten) is arisen in the Might, thus all is changed upon the battlefield.
  • Value of regulating ones desires or choosing right desire: Secrets of the Heart are all not to be known equally.
  • Value of being in the future: Backwards in time forwards in memory—all are the same—but see to it they are not.
  • Value of beginning anew: After the fall, Humanity aroused and drifted ashore and awoke.


Full Moon Libra:

  • Value of evil let loose (accepted) upon the planet:  Dirty are the deeds of others not redeemed but dirtier still are those of twilight hours gone astray in the noonday sun.
  • Value of time honored principles: Brothers upon the spiritual Path seek the way of those who have gone before you and not those who follow after you.
  • Value of harmony through conflict: Listen thee children of god to the silent thunder now in our mist—it will make all well soon


Full Moon Virgo:

  • Value of keeping aligned with the inner Ashram: Sight, sound, and smell are needed now to find the way home.
  • Value of Glory of the One: Abundant Glory awaits those who tread the Path to the Sacred Feet of the Cosmic Logos.
  • Value of choosing wisely all of those that travel with you in the One Work: The Lord (of the World) waits upon all that seek to give him their received Grace.
  • Value of choosing wisely all of those that travel with you in the One Work: The Lord (Cosmic) seek the Inner Eye and all will be well.
  • The Value of the One Soul in the Lives of All: The seekers Cosmic of the Way of the God (Greater Cosmic Logos) cometh upon His time in the Birthing of the Waters.
  • Value of the onset of the Cosmic Christ: The extent of this passage (Christ’s extended Mission) in the Life of the Christ is here with us now.
  • Value of nurturance: Haste not the rising sun.


Full Moon Leo:

  • The value of right relationship with all Lives: The Master says go and fetch the Great Lords of Shamballa and all will be well.
  • The value of right action: Indignation arises in its might and swells outward.
  • The value of astrological relationships: The signs in the night sky are given for all to see.
  • Value of reasoning from above:  Everywhere are the snowflakes.


Some Full Moon Cancer Values:

  • Value is to be an opened door, a courageous heart, a loving hand, a compass, a sensitive plate, and a winged foot: Advantages pour in around and within you for all to see but wither they come or whither they go matters not. 
  • Value of continuity of consciousness: Deadly are the games Humanity is playing, all you chosen ones must seek wise counsel with the Lord what plan is next as all have been put on hold until the game is ended.
  • Value of organizing your mind as your soul mind intends: Sacrifice the greater for the lesser is the motto of Humanity at this time; seek to right the Principle of True Humility.
  • Value of working with the plan: Service to the One Life is there for all to see.
  • Value of law of true service: The making of a man is like weaving of a destiny not like putty in the Hands of God.
  • Value of resonance perception: The world of appearances has descended yet few see.
  • The value of prevision: The making of a tragedy is yet perceived within the inner Eye of the Karmic Lords.


People would find it of interest to know that the Hierarchy has completed its externalization plans and this includes the fifth Ray ashram. People would also find it interesting to know that the Lord is displeased with Humanity’s decisions in respect to the use of force. People would also find it interesting to know that the Lord is generally pleased with the work of his disciples in the world and that there are many such members in incarnation today.


Christ has said to Humanity:

Establish right relationships between yourselves (all peoples)

Believe your planet is one with the Creator.

Believe the Lord is with you at all times.

Believe you are with Me

Seek the answers to your questions from the Divine Soul

Let your life provide for others a way to see themselves truly.

All of us has a contribution to make not only to ourselves but to Humanity and the planet. All of us are questing for the reasons for our lives. We are giving of our time and resources to our human and spiritual development so as to discover our life intents and purposes, and thus make these individual contributions to such through the best demonstration of our capacities and abilities.   


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


The Christ & Some Plan Elements

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths

A Message from the Christ

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis

A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

A Message of Christ to Humanity

Together in the Christ Presence

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Christ to the Hierarchy

Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)