Nicholas Roerich Museum - Mohammed the Prophet

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

[Please note the information provided below is from an experiential perspective of the group mind and may or may not be arcuately represented depending on viewers point in evolution. ]

Subjective Group Life – Some Examples

Group life can be differentiated into streams of expression and function. Where function is the purpose for which they exist. 25 groups herein denoted plus some more occult groupings of esoteric beings.

  1. As of this writing there are basically 627 Specialized Ashramic Groupings: 627 (Note: These all cannot be given out to the public.)
  2. Groups that relate to the masters’ associated work being done on other planets: 42 essential groupings.
  3. NGWS
  4. Resource Group For NGWS
  5. Groups that pertain to the development of objectives per different nations and regions in the world.
  6. Groups who give specialized worldly life assistance related to each of the 18 subplanes.
  7. Groups responsible for the development of religious instruction coming from deity—projection of architype—eye of very old mind (all those religious beliefs appear to act as God but no real livingness beyond that.
  8. Groups and individuals responsible for the transmission of Plan energy/guidance from ashram to initiates in body.
  9. Groups responsible to adjust peoples’ perspectives on the rights of individuals in incarnation.
  10. Groups responsible for the caretaking of the planet on a variety of levels.
  11. Groups responsible for the development of man’s right to exist untroubled by agents of unnecessary destruction. (HZ belongs to)
  12. Groups responsible to the Lord of the World—Karmic Lords.
  13. Groups responsible to develop other people’s points of view about
  14. Groups responsible for the correction of various mistakes made while in incarnation.
  15. Groups responsible for the development of assistance to others requesting it.
  16. Groups of egos coming in to incarnation now to support the Plan objectives 5.

16.1 Each of these ray groups works alongside the masters in achieving the planned objectives in the moment and controls the outcome of the master’s services in the world.

16.2 Each of these ray related groups works alongside the masters to achieve a resistance to unwanted resources of any type.

16.3 Each group works alongside the masters to achieve a sort of revelation as to what is coming next and prepares for it ahead of time.

16.4 Each of these groups works along side the masters and sees to it they are taken care of in meeting their many needs base required to achieve their goals in life on the lower planes.

16.5 Each of these groups works along side the masters to perform certain functions requested by the masters in their outing to the world. They work also to achieve a certain grace for their membership along the way. They perform certain rites with the deva kingdom likewise to prevent misunderstandings between groupings on methods of work. They see to it the masters are taken care of in terms of them waiting or not for the go ahead in some area or department of work. Achieving grace is an important part of success in moving forward with humanity as grace is needed here to combat the excessive types of karma accumulated.

  1. Groups responsible for achieving grace for various members of the Lodge.
  2. Groups responsible for taking upon themselves the work of the Lord within the three worlds.
  3. Groups responsible to commit to memory certain aspects of the Plan to share with others.
  4. Groups responsible for determining the grace period for any advanced work in the world.
  5. Groups responsible for subjective training on inner planes—guides. 49-7
  6. Synthesizing groups responsible for transition and synthesis between levels.
  7. Group responsible for organizing etheric substance to help transition through birth and death processes.2
  8. Group responsible for assisting those in body in adjusting their karma.
  9. Groups responsible for care-taking accidental or premature deaths.


A series of classifications relating various groups of egos to relative points of evolution—capacities developed in expressing through subplane substance—organized and integrated. There are 28-subplane developmental conditions for the fourth initiation.

(Note to self: Important here to respect traditional names:)


Buddhic 1: Lotus of Everlasting Joyfulness

Buddhic 2: Lotus of Incumbent Outpouring that radiates the All.

Buddhic 3: Lotus of Controlled Heat & Fiery Determination.

Buddhic 4: Lotus of Pristine Ethers Producing Contemplation

Buddhic 5: Lotus of Recurrent Self

Buddhic 6: Lotus of Radiant Expression

Buddhic 7: Lotus of Expressed Hopefulness


Mental 1: Lotus of Pristine Elevation or Will

Mental 2: Lotus of Reasonable Assurance of the Plan

Mental 3: Lotus of Radiant Perfume

Mental 4: Lotus of Recalcitrant Karmic Enhancement

Mental 5: Lotus of Revelation of Soul

Mental 6: Lotus of Reasonable Exchange

Mental 7: Lotus of Correct Suggestion


Astral 1: Lotus of Truth Assurance

Astral 2: Lotus of Reified Vision

Astral 3: Lotus of Supreme Contentment


An introduction on the nature of impressions required to receive. There are 108 basic source types through the fourth initiation.


  1. Shamballa
  2. Nirmanakayas
  3. Presence—Monadic Ray Group
  4. Angel of the Presence—Monadic Personality Group
  5. Astral Awareness of Planetary Heavenly Men: Buddhic groups that make up the 6 fold energy of causal field of planetary Logos. Heart of Sun: Responsible for 72,000 Nadis or 6×12. Beings that ensoul groups of human egos. There are 12 Lords of the Petals. Beings total for Solar System—Human/Devic.
  6. Raincloud of Knowable things—World Soul
  7. Divine Soul (Triadal)
  8. Hierarchy as a Whole (Triadal)
  9. Ashrams as Groups and Sub-groups (Triadal)
  10. Creative Hierarchies (Triadal Level as a unit) training for the fourth initiation.
  11. Group of 49 Lunar Pitris—These evolved in moon chain—focus is three worlds in the solar system.
  12. 108 Entities in this group: 108 groupings related to the ‘organs’ of the bodies of 12 Heavenly Men. Nine groups relate to triadal polarization. They are representative of 108 ‘organs’ in cosmic Logos. Nine types of guidance equated to nine polarities of the Triad. Use of the divine Will reflects dharma of solar Logos. Used in training for the third initiation.
  13. 108 Regents of Humanity evolving through the chains which makeup of the 12 Heavenly Men 12×7=84; 6×3 = 18; 5×1=5 last has one =108 (84+18+5+1 = 108).

14. 7-Greater Regents thus 49 Globes x 12 Heavenly Men = 588 Lessor Regents.

The fourth initiation completes one’s training in the One Humanity. Each Humanity has an effect on each other according to the polar opposites of the Heavenly Men or the third pole of the triad.

In a round the 5th Order Deva Regents represent chakras where chakra equals a round.

They are focused through the 9-centers equated to kingdoms (three lower kingdoms; 5-chakra root races of humanity plus the one beginning to form now on buddhic level of the 12 Heavenly Men).

The causal body is qualified differently according to the chakra aligned with. Guiding Angel of the globes are 9-fold. It is a round and a globe because humanity is formed one time for one center.  Master needs this for caretaking.


Six Orders of Devas that can be used for guidance.

1st Order Deva from Heart of Sun: Probationary initiate begins training for the fourth initiation contact with these at the second initiation: Ensouling Personality Fields according to rays. 7 Rays but 14 rays here.

2nd Order Deva from Heart of Sun-6: Permanent Atoms (PA) 50: It is important here to present to yourselves a systematic way of looking at these devas that will throw some light on the problem. This deva group relates to the PA and controls the centers until man takes over. It is important here to present a series of explanations for each center.

3rd Order Deva: Ensouls Abstract Mental Plane for Planets (abstract thought).

4th Order Deva: Ensouls triadal field – nine types:

5th Order deva: Ensouls patterns of force or forms of formless 7 x 49.

6th Order Deva: Ensouls first subplane matter 49 – 1st subplanes:


Individualized Devas: 12 Orders:

These devas respond to the embodied Lives of the Heavenly Men which cannot be given out.


To prevent confusion below are some few examples of additional groupings where subjective communications can take place.

  1. Group Soul (All those human units one has karmic affiliation with)
  2. Hierarchy of Evolved & Enlightened Souls
  3. Inner groups of various levels and mandates.
  4. People we have psychic connection with.
  5. Angels/Deva of conscious origin
  6. Causal Body—will aspect: egoic group—those souls who are at the same level of unfoldment that you hang with over many lives while out of body: depicts the 1st aspect of oneself.
  7. People who you have karmic affiliation with in body.
  8. Psycho-physiological Fragments
  9. Sub-Personalities
  10. Personality (2nd aspect)
  11. Health and well-being state of being (senses, instincts, belief systems, etc.)
  12. Environmental state of well-being (accidents, events, etc.)
  13. Causal Body development: guiding angels—more developed causal body the more truth and clarity of the guiding angels that can be reflected (3rd aspect).
  14. Enemies
  15. Inner Guides who act as teachers from emotional/sentient, mental or causal levels.
  16. Teachers in body who work on the inner planes.
  17. Other Sub Human Kingdoms of Beings.
  18. Cell Memory
  19. Outer Groups of various types of different areas of your interest.
  20. Planetary etheric body
  21. Media Concepts you believe in (Public Opinion)
  22. Cultural & Civilization Ideological Forms (Race, ethnic, technology, etc)
  23. Earth Based Geographical forms (whether, lay-lines, terrain, food bases, etc.)
  24. Etheric Brain communication from people & groups in body or out.
  25. Extra-planetary (astrological & astronomical)
  26. People in Authority
  27. Anima mundi (soul of lower kingdoms)
  28. Karmic conditioning of matter & substance itself
  29. Relatives & Friends in Body
  30. Dead Relatives & Friends Out of Body


Some Examples of Sub-Groups linked to above Groups. Remember that all entities are composed of three aspects and any of the three or a combination can be approached subjectively.

  1. NGWS Core group
  2. Nirmanakayas
  3. Devic groups
  4. Holy Ones
  5. Enlighten Beings.
  6. Chohans
  7. Masters
  8. Creative Hierarchies Lives
  9. 82 Saints
  10. Specialized 6th ray Grouping
  11. Specialized 3rd ray Grouping
  12. Specialized group working under the Christ in the World.
  13. Ashram Divine Soul
  14. Monadic Divine Soul
  15. Hierarchy as a Unit
  16. Sub Ashrams
  17. Angel of Presence(s)
  18. Divine Mother
  19. Mind of God-Planetary
  20. Individualized Devas
  21. Green and Gold Color Devas
  22. Group of Saints
  23. Group of Enlighten Beings
  24. Ray Soul Group
  25. Triad Ensouling Entity
  26. NGWS Group Soul
  27. NGWS Personalities
  28. NGWS Resource Group
  29. Son of Mind
  30. Divine Experiment Soul Group
  31. Planetary Causal Angels (field)
  32. Soul of Humanity
  33. Guardian Angels
  34. ET Soul Group
  35. Egoic Group 1
  36. Soul Group of Initiates
  37. Soul Group related to Past Lives
  38. Group of 14
  39. Group of 9
  40. Group of 4
  41. Group of 13
  42. Anima Mundi
  43. Animal Soul
  44. Vegetable Soul
  45. Mineral Soul
  46. Humanity as a Personality
  47. Idea Group
  48. Mentor Group
  49. Pioneer Group
  50. Group of Pretenders
  51. Large Diverse set of Specialized Groupings of Minds accessed for Guidance.
  52. Any Unit Going out or coming in of Incarnation.
  53. Any Unit in the Heaven Worlds


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Subjective Guidance Sources –  Group & Individual – Some Examples – Part II

49 Hierarchical Individuals and/or Groups and Hierarchical Externalization

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

The Externalization of the Hierarchy – Four Important Subjective Groups Among Many – Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Initiate

Raja Yoga & Spirit, Soul, Mind, Brain Alignment & Rule No. 20 – A Review

Spiritual Journey – A Recommended Journal

Spiritual Psychology & The Real Need for Trained Spiritual Psychologists

Experimental Directional Antahkarana Training Meditation


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Sons of Heaven

49 Hierarchical Individuals and/or Groups and Hierarchical Externalization

Some of the groups below are given a generic description of intent. This short listing does not in any way indicate the full extent of the hierarchical planning to date in respect to the externalization. It is just a reminder and an example of the degree of organization put forth by the Lodge to carry out the Lord’s Plan only in respect to the externalization intent.   All hierarchical plans are flexible and based upon Humanity’s response at any given time.


  1. Lord Christ/Maitreya – Hierarchy in Total

  2. Master DK – Second Ray Ashram

  3. Master HK – First Ray Ashram

  4. Master R – Third Ray Ashram

  5. Fourth Ray Ashram Group

  6. Master Hilarion – Fifth Ray Ashram

  7. Master (Saint Paul) – Sixth Ray Ashram

  8. Second Ray – (Was a Political Leader in England 17th Century)

  9. First Ray – Leader of Esoteric Schools


  1. Third Ray – Group of 4

Each of these members are participating in working with Master D.K. to establish right human relations between all religions around the world.

A second function of this group is to relate each of these religions to each other in such a way that they teach and promote each other’s mandates in ways demonstrable to relax tensions.

A third reason this group exists is that it brings into incarnation several of the old leaders among these groups to promote their original mandates and this will assist in this harmonization.

A final reason for this grouping is that it pertains to the development of a new religious order creating a new world religion that will go unchallenged by traditional religions.


  1. Fourth Ray Group of 11

This group is about establishing on earth a foundation of sorts to establish on earth a working relationship among all groups moving into the new age and this group is the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) and in total being promoted by the fourth ray ashram in general. They are a group of like minded individuals seeking justice everywhere in the world on all planes of existence in the three worlds presently active and working. All are included in this grouping.

  1. Fifth Ray Group of 11

This group is like no other group in that it pertains to the teaching of the new age ancient religions into the future from the inner planes and is working hard to establish many classes at night in these dimensions.

There is a group of nine among them and this group which is working on establishing right relationships between these groupings towards taking initiation while on the planet. Each of these groupings work together to establish a sort of hierarchy in miniature on the outer three planes and working together to secure grace of all working on the hierarchy’s behalf.


  1. Seven Ray Group of 4

This group is working on behalf of the lodge to establish on earth a sort of parting of the ways for many leaving the earth with a means to telepathically stay in touch with those left behind.

Another task is that they are achieving grace for many passing over by establishing a working base of transitioning souls to work with in some way or another voluntarily and in this way server others more of their kind.

This group is working hard to establish on earth a way station of sorts to transmit back to others the nature of their survival in form and working to establish a way station of advice for those passing over.


  1. Second Ray Group of 4

This group is about working together on the planet to establish rules of the road to speak their minds about the new age culture that can and will be built to progress into the future. This culture is one of necessity in disturbing of the necessary peace in the present.


  1. Second Ray Group

  2. Third Ray Group

  3. Fourth Ray Group

  4. Fourth Ray Group

  5. Sixth Ray Group

  6. Seventh Ray Group

  7. Seventh Ray Group

  8. Seventh Ray Group

  9. Second Ray Group

  10. First Ray Group

  11. First Ray Group

  12. Second Ray Group

  13. Third Ray Group

  14. Fourth Ray Group

  15. Fifth Ray Group

  16. Third, Fifth, and Seventh Ray Group

  17. Fifth Ray Group

  18. Second Ray Group

  19. Fourth and Sixth Ray Group

  20. Fifth Ray Group of 3

  21. Second Ray Group of 6

  22. Fourth and Sixth Ray Group of 12

  23. Third Ray Group of 4

  24. Third, Fifth, and Seventh Ray Group of 12

  25. Second Ray

  26. Second and Seventh Ray Group of 22

  1. First Ray Group of 14

The use of this group in the externalization is two-fold, first it is used to assess working directives agreed to by Hierarchy and secondly to hold or contain within the Hierarchy Shamballic dynamic livingness in respect to these directives.

This group monitors livingness of Hierarchy and adjusts supply according to demand.

This group also every 1000 years re-establishes direct access to such Livingness.

The importance of this group to the externalization is that it is capable of enhancing it or retarding it according to available supply.

The purpose of this group, other than above, is to generate within Hierarchy a protective wall. The reason for this is that there are constant bombardments of forces from within the cosmos that are not constructive to existing mandates.


  1. Third Ray Group of Six

The everlasting Voice of God symbolizes the mandate of this group.

Each of the group’s members is responsible for educating and training of initiates to use the Voice.

All members of this group also work together to replace Hierarchy in special circumstances.

These circumstances are few and yet in the last 4400 years, such did occur on three occasions, the most recent was in the year 768 AD. At this time, the Hierarchy made up of mostly by the Mahachohan related Ashrams, it was stated by Solar Logos in terms of the Solar Hierarchy, that our Hierarchy participate in a certain event, leading to the absorption of it as a body into alignment with the Solar Hierarchy thus leaving this Group of Six responsible for planetary operations.

This event, having duration of only two months, relied upon this Group of Six to respond to planetary work.  It seems remarkable that such could be the case and signifies the degree of training needed by these members.


  1. Third and Seventh Ray Group of Nine:

This group’s essential mandate is to relay from Hierarchy, as a whole, information to appropriate individuals participating in the externalization process.

Each one of these members is specially trained to be impressed by Hierarchy as a group and also to accurately transmit this.

The registering of this information, normally coming in externally from extra-planetary sources, is done in two ways: It is registered by way of Shamballa, or it is registered directly.

All the members participating in this service are trained in the Art of Registering Cosmic Intents It is this training which is given in the fifth ray ashram.

Also, all members of this group are required to be initiates of at least 5th degree.

For each one of the initiates involved there is one in training to replace them as this service is reverently called “Quietly before the Lord”.

These members who are grouped according to soul status form an interesting configuration.

These members also study the Science of Cosmic Rhythm.

The bulk of its graduates so-to-speak become isolating energy patterns for specialized cosmic events.


  1. Third, Fifth, and Seventh Ray Group of 12

This group relates to the idea that all humanity is on alert as to progress needing to be made as human souls.

This group’s mandate is particularly interesting to those of occult backgrounds as it relates to the concept of resonant or vibrational intent registered from Solar Logos. It is this group’s responsibility to compile such information.

It is also this group’s responsibility to register from appropriate Sources per information from third solar system triangulating with ours.

This groups mandates relates to the externalization by providing background material useful and appropriate in terms of forces within the solar system that can either aid or retard the Plan.

It will also provide appropriate information to disciples working in sub-ashrams who participate in Plan development.

Neither this group nor any other group here is directly able to contact the solar Logos.


  1. Third Ray Group composed of Five Sub-Ashrams

The amount of time necessary to demonstrate present and immediate future contingencies of the Plan originates with this group; even though they provide this evaluation it is used by Hierarchy as a place to begin.

This group also provides a long list of existing and immediate projects devised by Hierarchy.

[Please note that these distinct projects planned or operating in the outer world as a rule cannot be given out to the public.]

The order in which these projects are resourced is one of their considerations.

The personnel of these projects are sought for and a description of abilities made.

All personnel participating in these projects are then scheduled for training.


  1. Third Ray Service Oversight

The importance of each individual member of the Hierarchy is inestimable.

This individual evaluates the correct impact which could be made by those members in incarnation.

They likewise decide on how to alter such impact.

They provide reviews on a regular basis to the appropriate group.

They provide counseling to those concerned.

They estimate whether-or-not changes need to be made in areas of concern.


  1. Third Ray – 2nd, 5th, 7th Sub-rays: Group Responsible for Organized Mind Training

Responsibility for those souls which have initially organized their minds along desired soul lines is the mandate of this group.  Once this training is complete this group helps develop group integration.

A further service is that of providing activation of various centers.

The organization of this group is very advanced, and each participates who receives training is required to accomplish the following six things:

  1. To demonstrate conscious group soul energy patterns and content within brain awareness and this is to further this ability along their group destiny and to further organize their mind to also include the group mind.
  2. To extend their knowledge of Ancient Wisdom Teachings.
  3. To embrace the concept of true group integration in terms of their personality and physical life and to adopt such as their own. The group’s responsibility is for training others along this above line.
  4. To enhance training along spiritual occult lines needed for service.
  5. To educate participates on the right use of the Antahkarana: This to develop an art and science of energy control used for creation of thought-forms; as well as, to develop a set of procedures to control personality forms; and to enhance requirement fulfillment’s for initiation.
  6. And other areas of a more exacting and specialized nature such as to provide specialized training:

  • In the field coded thought-forms.
  • In the field of developed mind control.
  • In the field of rigorous mental expansion.
  • In the field of developed brain mind connection.
  • In the field of organized brain matter as needed to bring in detailed visuals.
  • In the field of organized mental control over astral body.


The overall effect of this group’s work will advance once the present generation passes on.

The likelihood of the group’s success is inevitable as it was an experimental group.

The reality is that this group being organized among the hard rays has little available need to compensate its students with feeling related concerns.


  1. Second, Fourth, and Sixth Ray Initiation Training Group

The nature and mandate of this group is that of simplifying, organizing, planning, and grounding training for those people preparing for initiation.

It is also specialized instruction to train people in incarnation to develop certain abilities to fulfill the Plan requirements.

The order of importance is that candidates receive direction or training in the short run:

  • From candidates who are required to adjust karma of a human cultural nature,
  • From candidates who need to adjust form karma in a large group sense,
  • From candidates who need to adjust educational karma.
  • From candidates who need to adjust money karma.

All of these karmas are needed in the world today to forward the One Activity.


The order of prioritized importance for hierarchical assistance in the intermediate run is as follows:

  • Dedication to the ashram’s projects.
  • Values being promoted by Hierarchy.
  • Future civilization and cultural constructs identified with.
  • Present problems of the planet needing to be solved.
  • Past forms which require regeneration.
  • Future training which is needed by the race in terms of the masses.

Education of values for those involved provides all the training that is needed by this group.

Men and women alike, scattered across varying borders, are brought together in this group upon the inner and outer planes.


  1. Second, Fourth, and Sixth Ray Personality/Soul Integration Group

This group has 12 mandates:

  • It has been reorganized recently to permit the entering of large numbers of disciples.
  • It is training disciples.
  • It is organized for helping various aspirants, which will receive subjectively on mental levels individual set of guides to promote mind-soul integration.
  • It assists disciples to organize their minds.
  • It is adjusting disciples’ group destinies in such a way as to provide for each individual disciple a way to travel to better administer to the Plan.
  • Pertaining to initiation, certain group members are experimenting with various tools to train disciples for 2nd
  • It has always been said that for each aspirant that tries to succeed—they are playing the odds.
  • Pertaining to organizing for externalization, this group has no responsibility.
  • August training is arranged with Ray 5 for those that require it.
  • Suggestions are given, personalities are enhanced, alignments created, and healing preformed.
  • Education is given, lives salvaged, and lives organized.


Useful here to generate the idea that the Plan as now constituted will change radically at any time any of these twelve events below happen:

  1. First event is if if some reason the world accepts the existence of the soul.
  2. If the world sees to it that it is responsible for the evolution of the lower kingdoms.
  3. If the world agrees in mass that it is on a path together into the unknown in some spiritual way.
  4. If the world enhances its teaching of virtues in a way that comments people for their understanding.
  5. If the world accepts the Christ as head of a spiritual body of advanced souls leading humanity with ideas.
  6. If the world happens to acknowledge that the world was created for a reason and this reason includes them in an important useful way.
  7. If the world accepts that god is waiting for them to get it together to be of service to the purpose for which it and you were created.
  8. If the world accepts the fact that each of you on it is there for a very particular reason known by the soul.
  9. If the world accepts the idea that you as a person was brought there to teach them the way of the truth and of the light as a representative of the Christ.
  10. If the world believes in the miracle of Life.
  11. If the world accepts you as one of the many servants of god here to create a better place to live.
  12. If the world accepts you as (the representative of) the Creator in person.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Subjective Guidance Sources –  Group & Individual – Some Examples – Part II

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

The Externalization of the Hierarchy – Four Important Subjective Groups Among Many – Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Initiate


The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Christ & Some Plan Elements

Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Ten Sub-Hierarchies & Six Ashrams – The One Hierarchy & The Externalization Plan Participation Now

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Tibet, Himalayas

Purpose of this Website and its Content from the Perspective of the Author and the Author’s Inner Mentors and Companions along the Way

HZ: Dedicated to all those whose path carries them to the One Heart. It is in deep appreciation that we correct the many errors and stories told by others on the nature of the Heart.  We hope to give in this work a truer picture of the Way of the Disciple and his adventures in respect to the Heart Doctrine as opposed to the Eye Doctrine.


Seek and you shall find is the words of the Lord.

This work is dedicated to those souls who have actively sought the truth.

The rightful author of this work belongs to those advanced souls, advanced in wisdom, whom inspired this labor of love.


The purpose of this work is threefold:

It has come into my mind the readiness of humanity for further training.

The existing training given in the west is inadequate to meet existing aspirants’ needs to advance into spiritual occultism.

And that the time has come to reveal hierarchical methods used for ages in training souls to enter into greater life.


The original purpose for the writing of this work was to fill in some gaps in the present understanding as to the planetary heart center and in such endeavor realized that I am not qualified for this nor am I able to know with certainty much the truth of what I have here written for it is my present attempt to depict my experiential and theoretical understanding at this moment in time. Much of the information was telepathically given to me as a soul-personality from others as well as from Devic entities, and some I intuited. I am solely responsible for its content and truth value as well as its intended use to others, therefore take what is valuable and can be verified by yourself in some useful practical way and leave the rest for others to do the same is all that I ask. It is impossible to fully explore each section just as it is impossible to reify the life of the soul upon its own plane upon our mind’s eye in our world as of yet and therefore will have to be only hinted at and most left unsaid.

The purpose of this work was also to provide inspiration to those that struggle with themselves to express possibilities yet unacknowledged by their own efforts and to provide a sort of road map into the unknown way or path home. It is impossible to fully see one’s path just as it is impossible to see fully the One Path as each of us are creating it together in the moment and therefore our salvation for each other.

It is impossible to tell each other of our heart’s message given we receive it never the same way; but with understanding ever, in time, we do receive it pragmatically and therefore can move forward upon our way together; and in this thought there is hope and assurance. We are replete with examples of past successes in discovering the Way yet never able to express this to anyone with understanding; such is our service to them and such is our service to ourselves. It is important to add here you will not be able to understand my meaning here if your heart is not alone meaning without any personally to care for it.

There are others out there who have walked beside me, and these are unknowing of my heart caretaking of them yet understanding all. Why is this? We are mirrored by each other, and each know as much as what is known. Without regard to our further knowledge, we see others as complete. Seeing them thus we move forward to provide for them a mirror into our world of them and thus they grow into themselves, and we into ours, and thus discovering the One Self we are a product thereof.

This work is not intended to be a guide to probationary disciples but is intended to assist them to aspire towards greater things and is a record of just one quest. This quest has had many recognition’s of the ever-growing inclusive pattern of Beingness.

The purpose of this work is actually different from the points of view of those that have assisted me in writing it from afar, so to speak. I would like to share these various group purposes with the reader.


Angel of Presence:

The importance of this work in the world is to challenge each of you who read it adjust your lives, in such a way, to take advantage of the opportunities now at this time in world history too contribute your gifts and abilities for manifesting the type of world desired you in terms of your perceived spiritual objectives. This world is in transition and there is nothing we can do to stop it. In effect, it is beyond our control, but we can contribute to the process consciously and with meaning. We can also see our way through the confusion that staggers the imagination when we try to make sense of it all through realizing that this confusion is the potential hope of an outcome in line with the object of the One Soul’s intentions.

The purpose also is to give a chance to all of those who read it the possibility to see themselves in a new light. A light that has traveled for millions of years and is only now reaching the planet where walk the halls of Men.  This light has traveled not only a great distance but also through time itself to reach us at this hour of man’s greatest need and triumph.  This light originated from the seven galaxies that compose our universe. It is a light that has shone down from the highest plane just now reaching us.  This light is the product of all the Great Lives at work within the creative process producing, what we can know of, that purpose for which we exist? This light is a reflection of those great lives, which have throughout great periods of time, created all known knowledge in the universe. This knowledge is of a quality now as to take on the attribute of love. Together this represents all the possible wisdom available to us in these seven local galaxies of stars Lives.

The purpose of this work is to alter the conceptions that many people hold about the way Hierarchy functions in the world. This is important to me because the greatest minds of the ages are represented by Hierarchy and these Minds who have come before us have made our travels easier with their many sacrifices even though done with Joy.  This work hopes to correct many misunderstandings and delusions now circulating in the world about Hierarchy.  This work has been written with these in mind.  I am not one to cast stones but let the comparison be seen and each determines for them what they want to accept or not accept about Hierarchy. For me, it is about the rigorous life style acquiesced to by members of the Hierarchy. It has bewildered me that some writers think that the masters will give teachings to their assumed disciples whenever needed. Or that he will channel through their teachings. Such is not the case.  The lives of the masters are full of significant tasks which require their attention.

The purpose is also to depict the knowledge about the Hierarchy that needs to be understood now in the world. It is about the organization and day to day activities that serve Sanat Kumara and indirectly the many planetary lives of the various kingdoms.  It is this chore that the work addresses, a chore most difficult to pull off, so to speak, due to the nature of the world of formlessness in which Hierarchy operates.  It is a chore that never-the-less needs to be done.


Guiding Disciple Source: (14)

The purpose of this work is to give all aspirants, disciples, or initiates an opportunity to weigh in on the growing truth of their lives. It is a way to better see themselves and their responsibilities through association with the Hierarchy. It is a way to acknowledge the importance of their work in the world and to re-inspire them. It is a way to lighten the load of Hierarchy by externalizing some of the basic training needed to entering aspirants and to prepare them for the task ahead. It is about them finding the time to investigate more intelligently the hopes and expectations of Hierarchy in their lives. It is about holding a more mature attitude about Hierarchy and their role in it. It is about locating within their own lives those necessary elements that will, if unfolded and demonstrated, will transform them from aspirants into disciples removing some more of the burden on Hierarchy.  This work is a story about demerits of wishing and the merit of doing. It is about you becoming more dedicated to the truth you hold. It is about being in charge of your life and your destiny. It is about being also in control of your personality and remembering who you are. It is about receiving a greater understanding of the Purpose and of the Plan for the world at this time and into the immediate future.

The work purpose is to give all people a better understanding of what inspires the work of Hierarchy behind the scenes so to speak.  It is about them, working on behalf of the planet, in ways not understood by most. It is about work being accomplished now in the world of men. It is about working relationships being established between workers in the field and workers in the ashrams. It is about choosing between making the world a better place or just accepting the status quo. It is about organizing the planetary mindset for a rapid advance into the future. It is about saying with one voice I am the Way, the Truth, and the light.

The purpose of this work is to give beginners a sense of commitment to the planet and of brotherhood to them that choose Hierarchy.  It is about reaching towards the stars. It is about knowing the Science of the Path as to theories of the Path. It is about performing miracles of life for life’s sake. It is about you deciding your fate. It is about creating a calling or plan to enhance your service in the world. It is about receiving subjectively information required to work hand-in-hand with Hierarchy.

This work is to benefit its readers in the following ways: It is to expand their breath and depth of understanding of the relationship between Humanity and Hierarchy. It is to teach their minds the meaning of soul. It is to teach them about degree of organized effort. It is to teach them the meaning of how decisions are made in lieu of the one Life. It is to teach them the relationship between different groups in the solar system. It is to explain the meaning behind the way Hierarchy operates.


Soul: (4)

The purpose of this work is to devise a set of working themes to engender a greater appreciation for the organization necessary for the workers engaged in manifesting the plan.

Another purpose is to align your understanding to your soul’s to better comprehend the group process.

Another purpose is to address the dignitaries working now in relationship to the plan.

Another purpose is to show you some results of the work so far to date.



Group soul: (3)

The purpose of this work is to show you the methods used by the group to prepare individuals selected for initiation.

Another purpose is to show how the group the group interfaces with other subjective individuals and groups to train the individuals.

Another purpose is to show what the group life means for an individual.



Divine Soul: (12)

The purpose of this work is to express the concerns now held on the plight of humanity.

Another purpose is to delight the readers on concepts not yet defined in any useful way:

  1. We have given you the idea that this work is about Hierarchy but more importantly, it is about humanities need to interface with Hierarchy at this time in world history.
  2. The purpose of this work is about understanding how the registering of impressions of the triad differs from other impressions.
  3. The purpose of this work is to establish a willingness to forge a path into the unknown.
  4. The purpose of this work is to create a relationship between the inner world and outer world.
  5. The purpose of this work is to organize your personality to enhance your understanding of the way spirit & soul interface.
  6. The purpose of this work is to explain in lay terms the importance of hierarchical methods.
  7. The purpose of this work is to register the idea that the world of soul is the guide needed to move into the new age.
  8. The purpose of this work is to give you a working chance of creating yourself anew.
  9. The purpose of this work is to lighten your load and release those perspectives on discipleship that produce no results.
  10. The purpose of this work is to encourage you to study, serve and obey and in this way achieve knowledge for yourself.



Group of 14: (14)

The purpose of this work is to enlighten you on the whereabouts of certain members of Hierarchy now working on the planet.

The purpose of this work is to explain the relationship extant among various ashrams.

The purpose of this work is to increase your understanding of the disciples working in the ashrams with humanity.

The purpose of this work is establishing a relationship with disciples in the field with the writer—do not print.

The purpose of this work is to write a convincing argument for the work being done by the masters.

The purpose of this work is to align its readers to the  plan.

The purpose of this work is to create a greater understanding of the work being accomplished by the Christ.

The essence of this work is to report that information needed now in the outer world on the e Plan the workers involved. It is designed to act as a way for disciples to know the extent of the work accomplished and not accomplished. Although it is not possible to detail in its entirety this information as it would be unimaginably lengthy, but it is possible to give some road signs. Want you to know that the work now being done changes daily and by the time you read this much will be accomplished

We would like you to know, within reason, that this writer is as truthful as he is permitted to be. On the other hand, it is not possible to put into language the Truth. Never-the-less, those that have the eyes to see will gather what relates to him and move on. This is the best we can hope.


3rd Ray Ashramic Group

The Lord R has this to say:

“He who creates glory for himself cannot be one with the Master.

Glory is the One Heart and the One Activity.”


From He who Knows

How strange it is that this initial work is composed as the world struggles again to see itself clear of dark religious forces.  This awakens within us a balancing need to avert our eyes away from such to avoid an inadvertent acquiescence with our very attention. The gathering forces poised to enter unto the world are ready for battle.  But a battle focused on salvation, freedom, synthesis, and truth.  The glories of the world, apart from a few victories of national souls, go unnoticed by these forces for their Hearts are at-one in the Lord and the Spiritual Hierarchy.  For every human group or nation there is a way they must go, and it is this way these forces are guiding.  The guiding is both within and without, and it is also not without individual interest that this guidance is given. All these forces who enter upon the physical plane carry within themselves the wisdom and knowledge needed and also the path to travel.  We who are descending know one truth and that is the truth of our hopes for we see the world as one that has forgotten its way.  Our time has forgotten humanity and humanity has forsaken its oneness.  We all do what we can do.  No matter what the cost, humanity’s life is worthy of all we have to give.


Ashramic Group

Exceedingly simple are those that guide humanity, the Way is clear of footsteps trodden by the many for the One alone travel thus in the light of the many, returning from whence they came. Forever and a day the road is trodden questing for the question needing asked. Yet alone we must quest for the central Great Mystery; carrying all along within us to find our way.


Initiates upon the Threshold

Heaped with burdens furnished from the past.

Our wickedness is carried on serving the many;

Seasoned are we without exception to the truths in battle won.

Marred and scared through failures dear.

Penetrating gaze deep within we mirror our reflections rightly earned,

Lessons of the Sojourn symbolized by the path our feet are upon.

Alive, awake, and alert to the voices of the silence.

Steadfast we travel daring not to rest long in any place.

Endless space we perceive cherishing only what god has given us.

We journey protected by those whom we are messengers for.

Unafraid we quest through the night of time.

Always wisely guided and gifted through journeys completed.

Loved are we.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the composer/recorder – H.Z.



Order on the Path – A Further Discussion

A Discussion Dedicated to all of those Individuals, Throughout Time, who have been Persecuted for Truth Sake.

God, Religion, Philosophy, Science and The One Ashram – An Essay

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Buddha-the-Winner

An Hierarchical Training Protocol – An Introduction Only

One of Many Types of Hierarchical Training Protocols

The lessons taught by the Planetary Heart are diverse and many. The Way of the Heart is its central theme.

This training is made up of 7 chords, 42 sections per chord, and 82 phrases per cord related section symbolically.  This training is given to the sons of mind or human souls and not the personality for they are the true disciples.


The first chord  in general covers 6 sections of the ancient wisdom text.

The second cord in general covers 10 sections of the ancient wisdom text..

The third cord in general covers 8 sections of the ancient wisdom text..


Cord I: 4 of 6 Sections:

(In general it can be understood as estimated time required to master substance of personalities.)


Cord I: Subsection 1: (6)

The first phrase, ideologically meaning registered “thought” as taught by the Devas, to all entering souls.

The second phrase can be captured by the idea of receiving inherently from within.  This means each soul is taught to vibrate to energy currents circulating throughout the cosmic etheric planes.

The third phrase is associated to the idea of rhapsody created by aligning to Heart of the Sun. This occult phrase reflects both a place and a state of being that one can go to as a soul.

The fourth phrase organizes the son of mind along the lines of Itself , divine soul plus the spiritual triad or basis of the individual Christ presence, or formless (personality) reflection of the Monad.

The fifth phrase depicts a growing sensitivity of the son of mind with the energies coming in from a certain star system governing the Hierarchy.

The sixth phrase sensitizes the son of mind towards that aspect of its own being which is called the Divine Androgynies in the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.


Cord I: Subsection 2: (6)

The seventh phrase sensitizes the son of mind to certain systemic vibration or lives responsible for the composition of the Personality aspect of the solar Logos.

The 8th Phrase sensitizes the son of mind in isolating those vibrations coming in from the seven solar systems.

The 9th phrase begins for the first time permit the son of mind through the agency of atma-buddha to vibrate to the cosmic Astral Dimension—this is second hand but the reality is the same.

The 10th phrase sensitizes the son of mind to those Beings or Lives that compose the cosmic etheric sub-planes.

The 11th phrase sensitizes the son of mind to those greater Lives that make up portion of the cosmic astral plane which is ensouled by the five liberated Creative Hierarchies.

The 12th phrase sensitizes the son of mind to portions of the cosmic astral plane where Sanat Kumara is focused in terms of his consciousness and necessary sacrifice until humanity has taken the third initiation.


Cord I: Subsection 3: This section deals with training given to souls in their development of the use of sacrificial will.

This phrase systematizes those aspects of its being which can be called adjudicators or the Lords of Karma.

This phrase activates the lives inherent within a particular sacrificial will petal corresponding to the ray of the Monad.

This phrase deepens the son of mind’s direct relationship with the ray group life and assists in its integration into such life.

This phrase also deepens the son of mind’s capacity to organize its petals.

This phrase relates or deepens son of mind to love petals of planetary Logos.

This phrase expands sons of mind’s capacity to receive guidance of sources on cosmic etheric levels.


Cord I: Subsection 4: (6)

This training is undergone once soul has taken the second initiation and entered the minor ashram for further training.


(Cord II: Four Sections: The time required for understanding the nature and propensities of the spiritual soul.  This section pertains to those souls who are completing all necessary training leading up to the 3rd initiation.)

Cord II: Subsection 1: (4) This section deals with section of the path where development of triadal consciousness is embodied.

This phrase develops the disciple’s capacity to use intuition energy.

This phrase develops resonance to those lives composing the 5th, 6th, and 7th kingdoms.

This phrase demonstrates to the disciple his innate identity to the ray group.

This phrase encourages an alignment to Divine Mother.


Cord II: Subsection 2: (5) This section teaches disciples how to use ray related energies hierarchically considered.

This phrase expands ones awareness from different sources outside of planetary scheme.

This phrase expands the disciple’s ability for inner-dimensional movement of their group soul bodies off of the planet.

This phrase teaches the disciple how to access the ashrams psychically or to be correctly available for this. It also guarantees them the use ashramic higher psychic energy for different things (to mandate their completion of initiation training received from other related ashrams.)

This phrase teaches the disciple to discriminate the different ray groupings and thus isolates where they belong or walk.

This phrase teaches the disciple to further discriminate sub-ray groupings.


Cord II: Subsection 3: (6)

This phrase suggests human souls respond correctly to aspects needing to be controlled on their own plane; it also relates to the ideas as follows:

It relates to the idea that humanity as a group are all not ready to receive data from the divine soul and furthermore that each disciple is suggestive of the group’s real needs while in incarnation.

It furthermore relates to the idea that among the human souls on the planet there are a very few needed if advanced to move the whole of humanity forward.

It relates to the idea that sacrificial will of a few is capable of galvanizing many.

This phrase the disciple discovers their destined vocation ashramically in terms of their part in the plan for humanity.

This phrase determines how sons of men can challenge themselves correctly in meeting their requirements for initiation.

This phrase if correctly demonstrated determines disciples’ abilities to form relationship s among other disciples in the ashram as a whole.

This phrase estimates the amount of time required for disciple to harness energies of the personality mind.

This phrase estimates the amount of time required for disciple to harness energies of the kama-manasic body.


Cord II: Subsection 4: (5)

This phrase identifies other human souls upon one’s path where one learns to integrate with them for service reasons.

This phrase adjusts karmically the resonant frequencies of other souls’ causal bodies over ones series of past lives.

This phrase strengthens disciples’ reserve for energies used to create.


Cord III: Sections 6:  The amount of time needed to train sons of mind in understanding Monadic Life and Spirit:

Cord III: Subsection 1: (6)

This phrase estimates the amount of time required for disciple to integrate will aspect of Spirit.

This phrase estimates the amount of time required for disciple to properly register the voice of Spirit accurately as a son of mind.

This phrase estimates the amount of time required for disciple to coordinate the harnessing of the atmic subplanes.

This phrase estimates the amount of time required for disciple to harness energies of the individual monadic Ray.

This phrase estimates the amount of time required for disciple to harness energies of the larger group monadic Ray.

This phrase estimates the amount of time required for disciple to harness energies of the A.


Cord III: Subsection 2: (4)

This phrase estimates the amount of time required for the Arhat to harness energies of the Mind of God.

This phrase estimates the amount of time required for Arhat to harness the Love aspect of Sanat Kumara.

This phrase estimates for the Arhat all the specialized training required by him for ashram related responsibilities he is required to undertake.

This phrase estimates for the Arhat his synthesis of the energies of 7-Rays.


Cord III: Subsection 3: (8) This section continues the teaching of the first two sections.

This phrase suggests that the master is responsible for training sub-ashramic members who have identified with His Plan aspects.

This phrase estimates for the Master other ashramic groupings requiring mastering in relationship to His ashram.

This phrase estimates for the Master his respective mastering of the energies of the sub-ashram he is identified with for service reasons.

This phrase suggests that the master has to willingly adjust relationships between His group and Shamballa.

This phrase also suggests that the master has to willingly correct all relationships between His ashram and Angel of the Presence.

This next phrase the master contends with developing of the knowledge of Cosmic Astral plane related to His Plan.

This next phrase the master contends with raising His vibration to include cosmic mental plane related to His Plan.

This next phrase the master contends with identifying His awareness with esoteric Buddhas of Activity related to His Plan.

This phrase also indirectly adds to the last section and curtails the son of mind’s link with the lunar lives.

This phrase diagrammatically represents to the son of mind certain relationships between greater beings or star charts and His Plan.

This phrase when properly understood provides each son of mind the capacity to envision the relationships between local galaxies and His Plan.

This phrase is extra-ordinary in that it provides son of mind an advantage in grasping what can be known of the karma of solar Logos in terms of His Plan.


Cord III: Subsection 4: (12)

This phrase is vastly different then any of the other phrases in that it provides for sons of mind a way to achieve relative liberation from cosmic physical plane.

This phrase is an extension of last phrase in that it perfects this process and enables the sons of mind use the group antahkarana regularly as theirs is being integrated into groups.

This phrase completes the training for the fourth initiation and is related to developing the abilities to create their bodies for operation on the three worlds.

This phrase is carried out on the cosmic etheric planes and pertains to the master’s capacities to set up an ashram.

This phrase pertains to the master’s capacities to work with different ray groupings of his own.

This phrase is training undergone by the master as he integrates into Sirius.

This phrase pertains to opening of the inner Eye of Shamballa.

This phrase releases the master from planet and pertains to undergoing training for 6th initiation.


Cord III: Subsection 5: 18

Cord III: Subsection 6: Not going to outline this section:


Composed by HZ. Received as part of a soul impacted group mind impression in meditation.


Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part IX (Seven Stages of Discipleship) Revised 06.24.23

Silence of the Heart & Some Probationary Discipleship Guidance

Ordinary, Fortified, and Enlightened Disciples – Some Adjunct Information (edited Feb. 5, 2024)

Probationary Disciples Grouping – A Message From

Silence of the Heart & Some Probationary Discipleship Guidance

49 Hierarchical Individuals and/or Groups and Hierarchical Externalization

Creating a Working Disciple – A Summation

Entering Disciples into Humanity

Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Padma Sambhava

Some Thoughts on Soul Status:

First of all, you need to repeat to yourself the Mantram of Uunification.  It is this mantram that basically defines in a progressive manner soul status in a broad outline as one moves down the mantram line by line:


The Sons of Men are One and I am one with them.

I seek to love not hate.

I seek to serve and not exact due service.

I seek to heal not hurt.

Let pain bring due reward of light and love.

Let the soul control the outer form and life and all events.

And bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the times.

Let vision come and insight.

Let the future stand revealed.

Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.

Let love prevail.

Let all men love.


Each unit of life reflects, in a reasonable way, certain broad outlines of the larger group he is a part of.  It is these broader outlines as they become more defined that permit his status to increase.  Let us look at what some of these might be:

  • The ability to see the real needs of others.
  • The ability to know the cause of an event.
  • The ability to rescue lost souls.
  • The capacity to receive consciously from the ashram.

It is these various abilities and capacities that inevitably allow one to ascend.

Next, create your own list of known abilities and capacities you feel compelled to generate and demonstrate that has attracted your attention up to now. See how they interface together for you as a grouping in terms of your soul’s purposes.

Next, you need to find the time to correlate the items of your list to your own real needs and heart’s intents perceived along these lines.

Next, it would be wise of you to express in your own terms what it means to have status as a soul vs. worldly status.

Next, you would be wise to see yourself, if dedicated to reality and truth, as growing in soul status. What would this mean for you and what would you have to do to make it happen.

Next, how is your life organized as a soul and what does this mean it terms of status.

Next, explain in your own terms what it would be like now if you had the status your soul desired.

Next, see yourself in the future expressing these abilities and capacities.  What images do you invoke.

Next, take some time to relate to the idea of securing grace in relationship to these abilities/capacities—what would you ask for.

Next, take some time to order your thoughts around establishing a day-to-day rhythm that would unfold these.

Next, organize your thoughts to better express your ideas on how to achieve your life goals with this in mind do the two interface or not.

Next, examine a way to achieve your life goals incorporating these values.

Next, align yourself with the soul and meditate on this.

Next you need to be aware that each student must perform some series of demonstrations to show fitness of status; these demonstrations are between them and their souls,

First of all, you must decide what you receive in reflection has merit or not for your standing.   It is important to discuss with yourselves the ultimate choices you can make each day that reflect your ultimate values.  By this I mean you must decide your spiritual status—a must difficult thing to do for two reasons: first because your humbleness does not permit you to dwell upon it and secondly because it does not seem relevant to your immediate service needs.  You might think differently about this if you perceived it not in this way but as a means to establish truth of your reality.  Knowledge itself is not misleading if it is correctly used to discern the One Path.

You might ask yourself how it is that I have been given a choice to see myself as I am or not.  This choice you have always had and use it to define yourself continuously why stop at the personality level.

You have been given the idea of registering for yourself your status as a soul.  I might warn you this is of no easy accomplishment as it reflects ages of accomplishment and self-incriminations. Together these produce a haze of uncertainty as to your real condition as perceived from above.

You have been given the idea of registering for yourself certain elements that will determine your status overall, but these are relative conditions and have no place in the life of the soul but never the less can be perceived as useful.  You must find the time to discern their real meaning in the light of the group as opposed to the personality.

You have also been given the idea of securing grace—what does this mean when it comes to demonstration? It means that there are certain elements outside of your control and these elements need to be addressed to successfully demonstrate your status as a soul on the earth. Status is only about the three-worlds not about the soul on its own level.

You have been given the idea of having compunction in performing your daily rituals under your soul’s care.  These rituals are of ultimate value in that they lead you to successfully demonstrating your abilities and capacities and point out to you, if completed, your limitations.  It is only once you know your limitations can grace be invoked.

You have been given the idea of registering for others their particular limitations that need to be addressed.  It is these limitations that will permit them to share in the group life and allow the group to work with them to overcome these.

You need to know that each person here is about to make a change in their life because those who have accepted have also been given a guide related to group soul to assist in these limitations.

You have been undermined before in demonstrating the required abilities and capacities to obtain soul status.  For all of us there have been many failures but these failures were basically unconscious, but the trend of our lives suggest they were there.  You have also been successful given you are here where you are at.  I have found that if these tests of demonstrations become more a conscious part of your development plan then one’s ability to succeed is enhanced greatly—as energy follows thought.

You have been giving the idea of relating to others more advanced in yourself to overcome your limitations, whether these take the form of books, people, or situations, all has aided us up to the point we are at, and the gratitude we have for these are great.  Never the less all of these together mean little if compared to the support we can find once we consciously align to the soul and thus group soul.

You have been given the idea of retreating into yourself on a daily basis to discover the truth about your life.  It is this process that needs to be established externally somehow, in your day-to-day activities.  It is only when this happens can you fully expand.  The goal set for the 4th initiation is the complete inner connection at all times to yourself and the group.

You must realize that each of us are not what we appear to be and this is due to karma.  Do not let your mystical ideas of spirituality delude you into thinking it must look like this or look like that; or what is depicted by the existing cultural image of what it is like to be spiritual.  These are only the group sub-personality’s ability to cognize the truth.  The truth up to this point in history has predominately 2-4-6 ray presentation and if you are not along that ray you will not be able to identify as easily and miss the opportunities to be yourself.

You must endeavor to find a way to control and enhance your brain receptivity to your soul.  This is no easy task and requires above all purity of the bodies.

You must also endeavor to find a way to enhance the constructing and organizing of your mental body and heart to reflect the souls to ultimately enhance the soul’s status. May it be so.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


A Letter to an Intimate Soul Mate whose Purpose has Pasted

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Seeing Clearer the Soul and the Personality – An Essay

The Soul in an Initial Communication with Its Reflection

Ways the Soul Sees its Reflection in the Lower Planes – Some Simple Theory & Exercises

Demonstrating the Truth of your Soul Connection

Nature of the One Soul – Some Thoughts

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings



Nicholas Roerich Museum - Sissu. Monastery

Ordinary, Fortified, and Enlightened Disciples – Some Adjunct Information (edited Feb. 5, 2024)

Please note that this information is presented in a very summarized fashion and that it is understated and oversimplified in an effort to capture the process succinctly. Please see the collected works of Alice A. Bailey and others for and methodical depiction of training requirements.

The topics “What’s at Stake”, “Will-to-Good”, and “You are a Missing Element” below was information received and which was provided telepathically in a soul impacted meditation from from the Author of The Way of White Clouds – Lama Anagarika Govinda.


What‘s at Stake

Ordinary life ordered upon the outer battlefield prevents the stardom from reaching the peoples of the globe and it is this that prevents them searching the heavens to discover their stars. The influence of the cosmic stars is necessary to reach Nirvana or the place of starting over in the 6th kingdom; and without these stars they are prevented from reaching a destiny befitting them as a god. Thus, ordinary man organized for an ordinary life prevents himself from reaching true immortality. This immorality is at stake in every life and without it prevents man from knowing himself as he truly is and prevents him likewise from rising up in the wisdom of knowingness of his purpose as a unique spirit-of-oneness as this wisdom of knowingness provides him with the necessary vehicle.



Ordinary man belittled in spirit cannot rise to his full potential in Christ nor can he achieve a Peace of Livingness that surpasses his understanding. It would be good to say he is witness to Pontius Pilate wringing his hands in confusion as to the truth of those before him unknowing of their likeness in spirit and determination.

“It would be good to say it is well-nigh done (my life in the world) and the world can do what it wants as I do not care but before me is the Truth and I will follow after it into the unknown and thereby be safe.” It is these words that the Christ spoke before Pontius Pilate unto his soul and before he could get the words out Pontius Pilate rose up to greet him as a soul and became in his likeness before the crowd; and on that day again the Christ saved many; and unto this day Pontius Pilate broke down in tears and before the day ended was relieved of his sins committed in the many lives before by this act of recognition and atonement. And to this day he works with the Christ in this way. And before him stands the door of Adeptship. In this way the Christ works at uplifting the race providing absolution to those that wait upon him in His Word.

It would be good to start again and witness before you the way of the Christ seeing it as a non-believer but also believing in yourself in this way of Pontius Pilate acting on behalf of all the human race preventing his judgment to befall the Truth and the damaging of the world for it.  It would be good to know the battle that needs to be fought and waste no time in fighting it and thereby exercise one’s will-to-good before the world.

It would be good to witness before you the extremity of goodwill and willfully connect to its source within you to guide you into the world performing its magic and preventing its misuse of the forces of goodwill which it does in many ways in ordinary life without soul statue.

It would be good to organize your lives in tune with the Lord and see Him as an abettor of civilization on a higher order of magnitude and witness before others his release from the West organizing the remaining World Groups and Orders to catch up. It would be good to look at this as a means to startle the world for redemption in all areas of life restoring a truer order to the world framework providing a starting solution on a worldwide basis.  It would be good to look upon this as necessary to prevent another world war among peoples of have not and have. Also, it would be good to look upon this as a means to challenges yourselves for a likely remiss of ordinary life goals and assisting in this process of witnessing the Christs work first hand preventing a dark future.


You as a Missing Element

Ordinary probationary disciples originate every day from out of the masses seeking to liberate themselves and the world from a host of plagues and ordinary disciples witness first hand their enlivening work through organizing their time to pursue the Lords Plan and in this way achieve a working relationship with the Lord.  It is the world of the Christ that enlivens them as well as permits to say with determination, I travel the Way and in this Way they seek the better life all around them and worship that which provides them this. They worship those that provide them with the possibility of movement and in a way seek to better them and thus themselves and thus it is those we serve that serve us and working together make the world what it is.  It is those we work for that make us agile and developed through working the magic of change. It is those we seek to help that organizes our life according to their needs and works to make us become them.  It is also you that requires them to be like you and integration is produced which works for both. It is you that works towards perfection permitting you to see them as already perfected and organizes your time to chase dreams they set in motion for you.

It would be good to say it is you that provides for them the necessary path to travel to find you and realize too it is about you seeking justice in their lives for you as well as them and works to create a world you see fit to live in and there by establishes on earth a place where you can live and work together.  It is you that provides them with a stable environment in which to pursue their dreams of you joining in their realities. It is you permitting them to be themselves for you to be yourself and organized witness of their belonging in the world for you to discover yourself and work towards them discovering you


Furthermore, some of the information received below on the different types of discipleship was provided telepathically in soul impacted mediation from from the Author of The Way of White Clouds – Lama Anagarika Govinda.


Ordinary Discipleship:

Ordinary probationary disciples originate every day from out of the masses seeking to liberate themselves and the world from a host of plagues. Ordinary disciples witness first hand their enlivening work through organizing their time to pursue the Lords Plan and in this way achieve a working relationship with the Lord.  It is the world of the Christ that enlivens them as well as permits to say with determination, I travel the Way and, in this Way, they seek the better life all around them and worship that which provides them this. They worship those that provide them with the possibility of movement and in a way seek to better them and thus themselves and thus it is those we serve that serve us and working together makes the world what it is.  It is those we work for that make us agile and developed through working the magic of change. It is those we seek to help that organize our life according to their needs and works to make us become them.  It is also you that requires them to be like you and integration is produced which works for both. It is you that works towards perfection permitting you to see them as already perfected and organizes your time to chase dreams they set in motion for you.

It would be good to say it is you that provides for them the necessary path to travel to find you and realize too it is about you seeking justice in their lives for you as well as them and works to create a world you see fit to live in and there by establishes on earth a place where you can live and work together.  It is you that provides them with a stable environment in which to pursue their dreams of you joining in their realities. It is you permitting them to be themselves for you to be yourself and organized witness of their belonging in the world for you to discover yourself and work towards them discovering you.


Nature of Ordinary Discipleship in General:

Each student needs to realize that discipleship is completely and totally a product of group life.

Discipleship is that institution that permits the sharing of group resources among its members along with the sharing of the responsibilities of the ashram.

Discipleship is that process whereby aspirants are trained first by their soul and then by the master.

Discipleship is that institution whereby aspirants to the mysteries are extended the confidence of the ashram to begin a rigorous program of study as a soul—this takes up to six lifetimes to complete.

Discipleship is that institution that permits the progressive forward moving soul to raise its status in terms of the Plan.

Discipleship is that institution that permits the passing on of Secrets.

Discipleship is that institution that correlates various souls together for the purpose of mutual training and enlightenment.

Discipleship is that curious phenomena that takes place once the personality merges with the soul in different degrees of personality vehicles (Note: 2666 requirements which could follow) such as 44% merging complete in all three bodies, plus mental organization of the mind substance to enhance communication between soul, mind, brain consciously—this must take place regularly; an acceptance of some aspect of the Plan ashram responsible for; and a willingness to be trained by the group soul. Other requirements in brief

Discipleship is that mixture of personality service and obedience to the soul that is required to ensure the safety of the aspirant.

Discipleship is that lesson in life that permits the inflow of energy from spirit producing transmutation and transformation of their personality vehicles

Discipleship is that curious blend of ashramic responsibility, civic duty, and world service.

Discipleship is that balanced mixture of karma perceived, past revisited, and future plan created.

Discipleship is that understanding that takes place in the heart and mind of the aspirant that permits them to believe in themselves as a spiritual being

Discipleship is that curious notion that each soul is an intricate part of the One Soul and the aspirant factually realizes this.

Discipleship is that permission given by the master to move forward upon his path.

You would be surprised to know that discipleship is a product not of merit but a product of right. It is your right to be prepared to take initiation based upon your fulfilling of the requirements.

It is also your right to be received in the ashram once you have identified your consciousness and your will with the purposes of the ashram.

You have been given the idea by modern writers that it is the choice of the master to accept you or not. It is the other way around.  You accept the basic purposes of the master’s group, and this attracts the group’s center to you.

You have been given the idea that the master trains each disciple differently, but the training protocols treat all the same, it is only those disciples being trained for special functions.

You have been given the idea that discipleship is a product is hard work, obedience, and faithful service. This is the case.

Discipleship triggers the response of other disciples to assist an entering disciple as it is a fraternity of true brother/sisterhood of souls.

True Discipleship displays to all other members of the Hierarchy your fitness to be trusted in all things of spirit.

True discipleship amasses respect among egos.

Discipleship is a means to an end; this means it is a way to gather assistance in both directions—moving into body and moving into spirit.

True Discipleship consists of moving forward in the relationship with spirit.

True discipleship relates to the idea of entering a tomb to be reborn in spirit.

True discipleship is an anachronistic experience—it pulls you into the future.

True discipleship relates to the idea of recurring dreams—a dream about Being.

Discipleship is a way to cheat death—can be reborn in the same body.

Discipleship is a way to enhance understanding of a way to travel using your mind.

True Discipleship is a way to involve yourself in politics.

True discipleship mirrors your whole set of lives as one.

Discipleship pretends the world does not exist—not causative.

True discipleship is concerned about the way the world is unfolding–effect.

True discipleship perceives the world as a place of nurturance.

True discipleship expects nothing from the world-recognition, understanding, and assistance.

True discipleship ensures the safety of the one who is to create.

True discipleship enhances the flavor of life as it distinguishes many more flavors.

True discipleship mirrors the soul in all things.

True discipleship sees the writing on the wall.

True discipleship mirrors the truth of space.

True discipleship enhances the greatness of all.


A Fortified Disciple and Discipleship Training.

I have given much thought to the needs of western disciples and have concluded that the Western world is successfully integrated enough to be aware of and to take advantage of this training while in their physical bodies as souls. This is because aspirants are now able to integrate their minds and souls and be aware of what is happening on soul levels in their brain awareness. We realize this is a new concept, nevertheless the significance of it will develop over time as one becomes group conscious.

Disciples inevitably come to a time in their lives when they see the absolute necessity to become soul conscious and it is at this time, they must re-organize themselves as the soul intends. This reorganizing will be more easily attained through understanding the training being undergone by their own soul. All souls at some point must take this training, and gladly so, for it will assist them in many ways. This training is entered after a series of lives when they have demonstrated an ability to integrate themselves in the three worlds in such a way as to demonstrate control of their personalities.  It is during this time they are both permitted to and earned the privilege to move forward in developing themselves as souls.


For each one of us in the world there is a time, determined by spirit, when we are given an opportunity to move forward in service. It is during this time that teachers and guides are assigned to assist in their development. A lesson plan and a curriculum are created based upon the disciple’s real needs. Within this curriculum are four categories:

  • Basic procedures used by Hierarchy.
  • Creative Hierarchies and other Esoteric Beings.
  • Systemic Laws, Principles, and Rules.
  • Star Chart Training.


For every disciple there are many guides and teachers all specialized in their field. Guides are assigned first to assist in the process of aligning personality with soul.  During this process, teachers are found to begin the training of the soul in control of its personality.  After this training is complete and successful, further guiding disciples take over the training of both the soul and the personality.

  • The first objective in all cases is to develop brain, mind, soul alignment for clear communication with the soul straight into the disciple’s brain.
  • The second objective in all cases is the discovery and integration by both the disciples and their particular service group soul with each other.
  • The third and final objective in all cases is the discovery and integration of the group into the Hierarchy.


After initial training a further individualized plan is designed which consists of specialized procedures used by Hierarchy alone with the basic curriculum mentioned above: of Creative Hierarchies and other Esoteric Beings, Systemic Laws, Principles, and Rules; and Star Chart training.  These topics comprise Phase One of the Disciple’s training.

There is then given to the disciples a further opportunity to advance in their integration process.  This can be defined as two concepts.  First, the disciple is beginning to be trained along some particular karmic path related to themselves. Second, they are given the chance to undermine their personality control over their livingness through a process which we will define as “the descent of soul energies”.


A review and a determination is made as to the contribution the disciple can presently make.  This review is performed in several ways. In the majority of cases, it is done while in Phase One training.  In other cases, it is done at initiation completion.  And in other cases, it is done once integrated with the service group. In all cases this review determines the following:

  • It determines whether or not in a particular incarnation the disciple will be able to successfully achieve his soul’s objectives.
  • It determines the likelihood of demonstrating his gifts.
  • It determines whether or not he will be able to demonstrate the group’s plan.
  • It determines how much he will be able to achieve in organizing his mind in respect to the son of mind.
  • It determines how much he will be able to achieve in organizing his life according to the soul’s intent.
  • It determines how much individual and group karma he will be able to work off.

For each disciple involved there will be a trial period where it will be determined if they are able to meet the new demands placed upon them. It is during this period that they are tested along the lines of their contribution needed. And if they fail, they are placed back in training.


Next, experimental training techniques given by the Masters of a wide and diverse nature are used to develop future disciple training, if successful.  For each of the students a record is kept which is composed in general of these six things:

  • Replica of their causal body development.
  • Of karma relinquished.
  • Of gifts received and demonstrated.
  • Of spiritual energies used in service.
  • Soul status gained.
  • Results of training experiments.


To further enhance the disciple’s needs, there is taken into consideration his unique requirements in the following areas:

  • How he is to achieve his group integration?
  • How he is to achieve his personality and soul integration?
  • Whom is to be his guiding disciple?
  • What subjective groups is he to work with?
  • How does he needs to integrate into his environment?
  • How he is to achieve integration into the Hierarchy?
  • The purpose to be achieved is two-fold:
  • To facilitate the necessary alignments needed in respect to the group objectives, which are in reality–his own and to carry out the One Plan.


For all that it is worth, it is not possible to organize a disciple’s life and mind without changing the application aspect of the Plan in some way, as each individual potentially alters the whole. Nor is it possible to organize the disciple’s group to include him without altering the plan working out in different and unexpected ways. In general, the presence of a new disciple as a working disciple implies two things: It implies that he or she is available to the Christ for real service, and it implies that they have the realization of the following: The significance of receiving impressions from the soul and the group or groups. The significance of humanity. These together are the basic awareness held by the working disciple in the world.

(Note: several venues would like to approach here five of these)

The disciple, once the initial training is complete, can enter into the ashram and contribute directly to the ashram work.   This work is two-fold.  It is comprised of matters in which the master has taken special interest in; and secondly, it is comprised of work requested from the Mahachohan for third ray ashrams and likewise for other 1st and 2nd Ray ashrams.


Once the disciple enters into the ashram work several things happens in respect to their unfoldment:

  • They are given ashramic responsibilities and this is to remove the workload from other members, so they can move on to other tasks.
  • They are provided with special tutoring in areas related to their initiation.
  • They are ceremonially received by Hierarchy at large.
  • They are asked to participate in providing work plans related to the One Plan (because they are more closely connected to the three worlds).
  • They are given more responsibility in terms of the Hierarchy as a whole, such as specialized interactive ray ashram work.
  • They are asked to provide assistance by the Christ in certain plans related to the externalization.


After each disciple has somewhat integrated into their related sub-ashram they are further trained to recognize the larger Ray ashram. This requires a greater sensitivity as a soul/personality and also an increased ability to receive impressions. With each assignment mastered there is a growing sense of Brotherhood and oneness of Hierarchy. Each assignment mastered symbolizes an integration into the whole. Everything that is mastered is done according to the needs of all the members, and thus the synchronicity of the parts and the whole are observed.

All disciples of all “soul status” are obliged to symbolize the whole in all that they think and do and this by spiritual instinct (note:  Soul status is that condition whereas the soul has successfully demonstrated its ability to meet some aspect of the One Plan’s inherent service contingencies.  It is in this capacity that the soul is able to serve the real needs of the planet in some manner regardless of his karmic status or individual development.)


All disciples receive training in the following areas once fully integrated into the One Ashram:

  • Training on the true nature of their constitution.
  • Training on developing a more integrative working relationship with Sanat Kumara.
  • Training towards further integration with the greater Lodge.
  • Training in advanced methods of hierarchical invocation and evocation.
  • Training on developing within themselves a hierarchical capacity to extend their vision.


All formally accepted members (devas and humans) of the greater Lodge receive special permission from the solar Logos to take part in certain solar significant cosmic events (the Greater Lodge consists of all those planetary related hierarchies within our solar system and others within the confines of the cosmic Logos):

  • These events, we are told, are held within the confines of the Greater or One Ashram of the seven solar systems.
  • Each event is a product of servicing the greater whole in some fashion.
  • For each event there is chosen a local representative of each Ray ashram.
  • These events coincide with directions given by personality aspect of solar Logos determining particulars of invocations or processes.
  • These events also coincide with elements of the Deva kingdom who provide the abilities needed for these events to occur.
  • Each of these events takes place after due preparation by those participating.
    • Each event is constructed to align with aspects of cosmic Logos needing to be contacted to further the Plan.
  • Each event is supervised by the Christ and Sanat Kumara for our planet.
  • With each entering disciple there takes place an adjustment within the sub-ashram; there also takes place a further adjustment in the related ray ashrams for there are many other disciples needed to train the entering disciple:


For each entering disciple there are on average 42 other disciples who participate in their training until the third initiation is culminated.

There are also many members of the devic aspects of the ashram required likewise and these range in the hundreds.

There are also certain more advanced disciples who participate at times in providing specialized training along their expected group related service karma.


All entering disciples in the Hierarchy also receive individual consideration in respect to the following:

  • In respect to preventing them from harming the ashram.
  • In respect to adjusting their individual personality to conform to group life.
  • In respect to preventing their individual soul purpose from taking precedence over group soul purpose.
  • In respect to them being able to achieve with relative ease a gradual integration not only into Hierarchy but also the 5th kingdom.


All advanced members of one’s ashram receive the entering disciple with guarded-ness in respect to their soul desired contribution; this means that that are received as one of them but reserve their integration with entering aspirant until 4th initiation.

Each advanced member has orchestrated some aspect of the Plan and the aspirants hope is to regard the Plan as a vehicle that will permit him to achieve His own contribution. Furthermore, each aspirant has dedicated his life and gifts to its fulfillment.

All advanced members likewise are focused on creating a replacement for their particular duties and thus achieve a means to further their own service in a more inclusive way.


An Ordinary Disciple Continued:

We have gathered all of our resources for the training of members of the One Ashram.  This training is comprised of the following 700 contingency demonstrations composed of the following examples:

  • We have shown you many star charts.
  • We have gathered together a set of concepts that comprise the basics of ashram teachings: 2550
  • We Have included several writings for study and review.
  • We give 47 years of training to members.
  • We demonstrate to the outer world 460 propositions.
  • ……………….700


You are well loved as an ordinary disciple. What do you make of this? It is for two reasons.  First you need to realize that you as a disciple are not alone, and it has taken many others to bring you to this position of a disciple. Second, there are among you very many other disciples vying for the master’s attention and each of these disciples shower you with loving presence on a continuous basis. It is among these disciples that you must learn to work cooperatively and constructively. Among this field of disciples are also many whom you have worked with for many lives seeking service among them and witnessing for them their fate in your hands and your fate in their hands; and together you have moved through life enjoined with. It would be good to say that each of you is among the many and yet are one.

Among the ordinary disciples are also the Christ as He too walks hand in hand with the Lord as you do and each of you welcome him into your hearts daily as you do your brothers among you. Together you stream onwards into that life more abundantly and yet together you fail or fall. It is only amongst you as a group that the work is successful or not.


Controlling the Personality:

The most important thing you need to remember to control your personality is that it is controlled by dis-identification and not the will but the imagination.  What do we mean by dis-identification? Each part of yourself has an established way of being in the world that defines your I-ness in that particular area considered.  Each of these parts make up your greater sense of I-nesses and it is these taken together that eventuates in what we term personality I-ness.  This personality I-ness develops slowly over time and eventually develops a life of its own.  This life too needs to be dis-identified from but not before it is developed and integrated.  It is only in this way can we free ourselves from the tyranny of form.

Each of us has our own karma and this thus determines the type and quality of our form elements or in occultism elementals. The purpose of form is quite simple and can be perceived as our ability to function in the three worlds of the cosmic physical plane.  This too has its reasons—the least of which is self-mastery that leads to salvation of substance on an individual level.

The next idea needing to be understood and this too is a simple one if reflected upon is that the personality is a product of any efforts by the soul to create a suitable vehicle to express itself—it is the human soul that is learning how to create in concert with the divine soul.  It is this process of creation that permits each life to be an experiment in the choice of forms useful to carry out the purposes of the soul. How is this related to personality control? First of all, the personality is only an aspect of ourselves we choose to use to express our purpose through; it is also a vehicle of the soul for the same reason.  It is these two together that eventually produce the necessary cooperation that controls the personality for seemingly two different sets of purposes, but this is only part of the illusion of duality is only experienced when the Self separates its identity from the personality (self).

For each of us there is either a dual or a triplicity (or more) of selves interacting together to produce a range of beingness.   The goal is eventually one Self, but this takes the complete evolutionary cycle to complete if ever really completed; the closest we get to this is in our peak experiences when we apperceive the whole within us in one way or another.


You have been given the idea that the control of the personality is a slow and difficult process, and this is true but the most important things that can speed this up can be categorized as:

  • Dis-identification from beliefs, motivations, ideals, emotions, thoughts, vital forms, maya, glamour, and illusions.
  • Self-knowledge of desires, dwellers, rays, karmic forms, past lives, sub-personalities, and propensities of character.
  • The first three Laws of the Soul discovered – Sacrifice, Polar Union, and Service.
  • Obedience to the soul, this means meditating – breathing, focussing, controlling your bodies and circulating the energies. This means quieting the three-fold personality voices: the mind, the emotions, and the vital forces. This means aligning brain, mind, and soul: This means re-organizing your environment to do the above.

Outer: 4

  • Organize your day-to-day activities.
  • Organize your subjective periods.
  • Organize your life to create balance.
  • Organize your environment for service.

Inner: 4

  • Organize your mental space—what to think about.
  • Organize your emotional space—what to feel.
  • Organize your alignment space—sources.
  • Organize your overall ambience.
  • This means following instructions.
  • This means creating yourself (22 for each initiation)
  • Creating your physical/etheric body.
  • Creating your mental body.
  • Creating your Soul Persona.
  • Creating your Field of Service.
  • Developing your gifts.
  • Disidentify from Dweller.
  • Know your Life Purpose.
  • Know your past lives.
  • Know your future lives.
  • Purify your bodies.
  • Create a Plan.
  • Create a time schedule.
  • Create a training program.
  • Relinquish the past.
  • Organizing for the Future.
  • Finding Grace.
  • Spending time alone.
  • Unfolding your centers.
  • Developing your Psychic Gifts.
  • Initiating your forms of Service.
  • Strengthening your ties with the ashram.
  • Strengthening your ties with God.
  • Taking initiation:
  • Serving the Plan.
  • Organizing your life.
  • Integrating with the group.
  • Integrating with the ashram.

Building the Antahkarana: 6

  1. Having a creative project: 16
  • This creative project needs to reflect that knowledge needed to serve the Plan.
  • This creative project needs to reflect that discipline required.
  • This creative project needs to reflect much of your soul’s wisdom and knowledge that has accrued.
  • This creative project needs to reflect everything that you are as both personality & soul.
  • This creative project needs to reflect the purpose of your life.
  • This creative project need reflect everything that you want to be,
  • This creative project needs to reflect all possible development needs.
  • This creative project needs to reflect everything you dreamed of or wanted in your heart.
  • This creative project needs to reflect all those people in your life you identify with.
  • This creative project needs to reflect everything you have worked for this life in terms of direction.
  • This creative project needs to reflect all those that can aid you & you can aid.
  • This creative project needs to reflect the training needed for your next initiation.
  • This creative project needs to reflect all those inner groups you have a connection with.
  • This creative project needs to reflect the needs of the ashram.
  • This creative project needs to reflect the purposes of the master.
  • This creative project need reflect the purposes of Hierarchy.


  1. Transferring energies into the bridge: 4
  • This is a process that takes place once the soul is consciously aligned with you. Once this happens then your mind is organized to receive the soul’s knowledge base.
  • Once this happens your astral body is organized to receive your soul’s heart content.
  • Once this happens your vital body is organized according to your triadal needs and also your ashramic needs.
  • Once this happens your soul-personality field is organized according to the needs of spirit.


  1. Cooperating with the soul: 4
  • The concerns of the soul are always a part of the group life and your ability to integrate with the group determines your ability to see as the soul sees; it is this ability which will allow you to move forward on the path as this is regulated by the master. The group comes first—its highest good is your highest good.
  • The soul requires you to achieve its suggestions in the spirit they are given, and this is for your happiness, joy, and bliss.
  • The soul itself realizes that its path back to the source of its inspiration is only a moment away and your understanding of its interests puts you in the driving seat or not whether or not they become your interests or not.
  • The soul realizes also that the time remaining to complete its long journey is coming to an end and this process increases its focus upon its creation; this focus needs to be honored through a mutual focus upon the soul.


      4. Creating the Bridge: 8

  • By the time you accept the need to consciously create this bridge, it is already partially created. The rest of its creation is a product of aspiration, mental abstraction, and spiritual identification of wills with the Divine Soul permit the completion of this bridge.
  • The bridge itself is made out of mental matter of a special kind—fire elemental substance. It is this substance, which is created through organizing your life in six ways:
  • The first use of this bridge is granted to the aspirant by the group in charge of his/her training.
  • The bridge itself is an extension of both the life of the combined soul/personality and the group.
  • It is important to note that each individual aspirant is responsible for creating this bridge. The third initiation can be taken because this permits transformation to take place.
  • The nature of this bridge is nothing more than the realized spirituality of the disciple—or in other words his belief in his spiritual being.
  • The bridge is rapidly built once integrated in the group soul—ray group.
  • The bridge is also built through the process of invocation and evocation.


  1. Using the Bridge; 6
  • The first conscious use of the bridge brings a realization of first becoming, and then belonging, and then being experienced in that order.
  • The first uses of the bridge take place through a vibration set up between the personality mind and the abstract mind of the soul; it is through this process that the three minds are integrated.
  • After this has taken place integration then includes either the buddhic or atmic mind according to triadal alignment. This takes place first with the soul mind and then with the personality mind.
  • After this has taken place integration of the other triadal mind begins either buddhic or atmic. For the majority it is very difficult to balance the two equally.
  • After this has taken place integration begins to take place with Christ Body as a whole and once this is completed—at the fourth initiation, a fuller identification with the Monad ensues and this is completed at the fourth initiation.
  • After this has taken place a transition is made on to the Group Monadic Ray.
  • After this the bridge is constructed to the Logoic Plane and at that point Shamballa becomes a living part of one’s consciousness.
  • After that the bridge is completed to the Buddhas of Activity whereby the Initiate becomes an integrate part of the life of the Lord of the World. As these represent the three permanent atoms found within the planetary causal body upon its own level.


  1. Achieve Enlightenment of the Three Minds.

Abstract Mind: 6

  • You must realize that each individual soul is upon a different ray line and each ray does it differently. This takes place by 2nd initiation. You must discover this technique as it is not yet given out to the general public.


  • Next the different ray souls exact their individual ray processes over time to complete their integration with the group soul using the inferred ray methods above. This takes place until after the third initiation whereas the divine soul replaces the group soul.


  • Next, each ray develops the ability to determine cause and effect in their environments through a process that can be called divine favor. This is a process that imitates the process of personalities lives where they are given a favorable environment to enhance themselves.  On a soul level this is comprised of being in the company of great souls or souls having special characteristics that they can observe.  This process is used when the spirit determines that its purpose can be better served at a certain time period in human history and makes a concerted effort to play its part.  (This process is being used with the soul in respect to GD and before that mentor each of the earlier mentoring souls are highly gifted in those areas that the author needs— or brain recognition.)


  • Next, each Ray develops the capacity to see into the triadal planes and this permits them to relate to causative patterns more quickly. (A gifted aspirant – M on the physical plane was the author’s tutor in this regard.)


  • Next, each ray develops the ability to train in those areas suggested by the group soul and the divine soul. It is in these areas that better equip them to approach the purpose for their existence.


  • Next, each Ray establishes a relationship with many other soul groups to enhance their training for specific functions; these groups are liken to the outer planes where Peter’s Principle applies.


The Son of Mind: (Individual ray aspect—includes all three minds and eventually all.)

  • The Son of mind can be defined as that entity that is inherent, through having control of mental substance, within the life of the human soul, which can theoretically be stated as being ourselves as we identify with the soul. This entity is created over time and has a particular name.


  • It is this entity we let go of at the fourth initiation as we identify with the divine soul.


  • We take this entity with us when we go and represents a sub-personality to the divine soul.


  • We would like you to understand this difficult process of self-identification. For the first time at the third initiation, we recognize this aspect of yourself fully. It is at this time we see to its limitations and work with it to enhance ourselves and as we enhance ourselves it is enhanced.  We would like you to know that this entity is better off dead by the time the fifth initiation is taken as it then limits our ability to identify with the monad.  It is this process that is the nature of the suffering spoken of related to the crucifixion and afterwards. Because we realize we need to die to it but it is forever a part of us.


  • The Son of Mind becomes enlightened once it realizes that its life and the outer personality lives do not have to be intertwined and its relationship to the Ray Group Soul increases. It is this identification with this Ray Group Soul grouping karmically considered that permits it to be of greater service to us and the group and in this way serves the needs of both until the karma is released and its life purpose completed.


  • It is the interface between the 4th and the fifth kingdoms and as we journey through the fifth kingdom it is our constant companion if you like. This aspect of the soul explains why Master DK says there are two soul rays (spiritual and divine).


Concrete Mind:

  • This mind is enlightened through the process of integrating it with the soul once the Son of Mind and the abstract mind are enlightened. It is a process of organization reflecting the same organization seen in both of the above two minds. This is a process that takes a lot of time.


  • The process involved is dependent upon two factors, the first being the individual soul ray and the second being the mind ray. Together they produce the type of organization; whereas the above two aspects produce the direction the organization takes or its service direction.


  • This process also involves the development of gifts; these gifts are a product of earlier developments and are packaged together to produce the various abilities desired by the divine soul. It is this process that eventually produces on the physical plane the master in full control of all of his bodies.


  • This process also involves the delegation of the personality mind; this mind eventually becomes integrated as the brain and concrete mind become unified. This must take place before any real occult gifts can unfold.


  • We want you to know that each of you are developing this capacity and your ability to control your mind will take you step by step to this end.


  • We have given you some better idea of this psychological process but more importantly we have given you the hope of understanding the teachings from a third ray perspective as this is the nature of the group soul Ray the author is working with.


  • The occult processes producing interrelationship with the ashram cannot be given out to the public.


Integration Priorities.

  • The most important understanding of self you can possess to move forward upon your path in life is the knowledge of your integration needs in a correct order—these tell you where you are at and your next step forward. This knowledge is in the hands of the causal body’s Guardian or Guiding Angels (GA’s) and is always upon the threshold of your consciousness if one has a paradigm to receive such usefully.


  • You have been given the idea of registering certain elements within your makeup required to improve upon your service capabilities. It is these elements if properly addressed that will permit you also to take control of your life and to create yourself to maximize your life potential. It does not matter where you are at or where you have been it only matters that you take your next step.


  • You have been given the idea of registering the importance of maximizing your potential; it is this potential that will, if maximized, that will galvanize you into the future.


  • You need to know that your future is never as you imagine do to the creative uncertainty of the universe, and this is god/good.


  • You also need to know that this universe itself is an extension of our collective will which includes our will and our wanted future.


  • You might know that our future is an extension of our purpose and perfect in many regards. It is this future that is taking place now as we struggle or not with our integration priorities. Wherever we have stopped we must there start again to insure our future.



  • We have a right to be whatever we want to be—this is assured but we know that our choices always have ramifications and implications that we discover over time and thus learn causation as a result of experience. But if left to the designs of the evolutionary process as opposed to conscious experimentation our causative abilities would still unfold but at a slower rate. Thus, we know, because we are here reading this, experimenting to gain knowledge that we can take control over our evolutionary unfoldment.


  • There has been much written over the course of human history by various sages on the merits of purification. We have gathered much knowledge and have experimented with this knowledge in many ways.  But yet we have not yet reached our own desired state of purification.  How can this be with all of this information and time labored in the process.  It is said that lighted-ness, expansion, and purity of the aura indicates spirituality accomplished as one form of recognition.


  • Purity itself is a product of three things: colorlessness in the aura, clear channel between the bodies, and dimensional center unfoldment in the three. Each of these three refer to the same thing.  Each is the reward of a life correctly lived as a soul.


  • How is it we are to know what to do next. The many self-help books on the market are full of advice and direction but they are normally either individually applied or too general to be of value to us. We must rely upon ourselves to get the needed information.  To do this requires us to have a good knowledge base but also an experimental nature along with commonsense.  Purity is also a state of balance between different aspects of yourself this we have learned—the middle way.  Purity is a slow process but if pursued each moment then the amount of time is short. All of us know our next step forward in this process and this on many levels for we are tuned in to our GA’s.  What is left is just for us to do it.


Unresolved karma they can resolve now.

Karma is not understood because few have written about it so we hold a lot of assumptions that have not really been tested.  The gist of it all is that we know karma exists and we get knowledge day to day as we make choices and intelligently examine their consequences over the short and long run.  But until we have the long-term vision that the soul has we will never really know or understand the consequences of our decisions.  This is why we need to investigate our past lives as one life and in doing this karma will be perceived more accurately.


What do I mean by accurately?

  • First, I mean we see our life unfolding not as an individual soul but as a group soul. This means we, as personalities, are created as a group based upon its or the group’s need. This also means, the karmic group is genetically an innate part of our substance makeup. This also means that the karmic group relies upon each of its members to express the whole.
  • Next, we see ourselves as making commitments to the other souls within ourselves. 12
  • This means that if we had a life that was well lived it would be because we performed the commitments we agreed to do.
  • It also means that each live is a product gained because we performed these commitments. In other words, our real developmental needs are addressed in this fashion.  As are all of the members.  As Paul Getty famously said, if my friends are wealthy then I am wealthy.
  • It also means that each live is an opportunity to enhance our understanding about the group we are part of or the contributions the group is meant to make. This is the basis of ray concepts.
  • It also means that each live is a product of previous karma as the ultimate purpose of the group commitment to the larger Ray group is in process of unfolding.
  • It also means that the unit begins to see their needed contribution to the larger Ray group.
  • It also means that eventually, each unit will recognize the importance of them representing the group as a total part of that group awareness—this takes place fully in the ashram.
  • It also means that each unit eventually recognizes the scared planet they are a part of and represents its function and purpose—as a Chohan.
  • It also means that each unit eventually recognizes their identity to the Ray life cosmically as a Monad.
  • It also means that each unit will eventually recognize its identity to the Lord of the Solar System it is a part of on Cosmic Mental Levels.
  • It also means that each unit will eventually recognize Its Identity to the Cosmic Lord it is a part of on Cosmic Buddhic Level (highly evolved); and to Galactic Lord on Cosmic Atmic Level; and to 7 Galactic Lords on Cosmic Monadic Level


An Evolutionary objective for the overall Ray grouping or Heavenly Man we are a part of.

  • What does this mean? It means that the life that we have sought for so long, will be found. For us as, Sons of Mind, it is god.  It is the Heart of the Sun.
  • It means that our intermediate purpose quested as a Son of Mind, will be grasped.
  • It means that the way of our exiting through the cosmic physical plane is found. It is the the eventual cause for our salvation.
  • It means that the height of our evolution, as Sons of Mind, is coming to an end.
  • It means that the purpose for which we arrived on this planet, as Sons of Mind, is culminated.
  • It means we have generated enough insight to see our way through to the other side of the separating wall of illusion.
  • It means that the Ray group, egoically considered, has served its purpose, and has added to the body of the planetary Logos.
  • It means that the Son of Minds, remaining on egoic levels are re-energized as they now circulate more energy among them as a total.
  • It means the goal of the Heavenly Man is closer to its end—arranging of substance.
  • It means the remaining heavenly Men are aided in there development as one ashram aids another.
  • It means that the heavenly Men as a whole are able to circulate more energy among themselves in general above and below (causal level physical).
  • It means that the heavenly Men in general are better informed as their etheric bodies more organized (order is gained as forms are released which adds to the greater health of physical).
  • It means that the heavenly Men in general are better able to reify into their Brain Awareness (more invocative).
  • In means that the heavenly Men in general have more well-being or less stress.
  • It means that the heavenly Men has proved themselves capable of loving more—magnetic response unfolding.
  • In means that the heavenly Men in general are salvaging their substance.
  • Next, we see ourselves as beings that are a part of solar life itself unfolding a Plan.
  • What does this mean? It means we are able to see for the first time our relationship to the galaxy. It means that we can access energy directly from cosmic Logos. It means we are a part of solar development of its expanding Antahkarana. It means we could adjust the karma of the entire solar Logos. It means we can know the purpose directly of the cosmic Logos. It means we could directly access the Cosmic Christ.


Health and Well-Being Concerns.

You should seek within a prioritized list of your:

  • Mental and Life Organizational Needs.
  • Idiosyncrasies that need to be addressed.
  • …….(120 Not covered herein at this time.)


Meditation Needs.

  • Your ability to meditate will determine your ability to correctly receive the content of your impressions from your soul and thus everything outside of its level of existence. Your ability to meditate will determine whether or not you succeed in accomplishing your truer soul related life goals.


  • Meditation itself is not what has been taught; meditation is the ability to focus your awareness, mental at any time and under any conditions. It is the capacity to assure continuity of relationship between the brain and the mind. It is in no way the ability to reason through to a conclusion.  This the mind has already done.  Meditation receives this reasoning and conclusions into the personality mind and records it.  The problem with most aspirants is that they have not trained the personality mind and most teaching on meditation is about doing this.  Many people have wasted much time in learning to use formless meditation formats; these formats more often than not make the mind passive and conducive to channeling; causing the mind to stagnate.  Form oriented formats are required in the beginning only but later they are not needed as the mind has become organized and aligned to the Son of Mind.  It is better to practice no meditation at all than to use formless formats.


  • The personality mind invokes the concrete mind which invokes the Son of Mind together they eventually create one mind which we call the enlightening mind. This is not totally correct as that aspect of ourselves we call the soul, which expands its Self-awareness, and develops as the abstract mind is developed and this becomes a part of ourselves over time as we identify with the soul. It is this process we normally refer to when we talk about mind enlightenment, but this is a stage that comes once the personality is integrated and this means fused with the soul at the third initiation.


  • It is important to note that each of these stages happens very close to each other and it is only at the culmination of the third initiation which is to arrange your cosmic physical space according to the Ray group’s requirements (both sides—ashram and causal body or 1st sub-plane). It is these requirements which permit you an extension of the group Will. It is in this way the planetary Logoi are served and this is according to Ray (egoic group Ray).  It is after this point that all barriers are removed for brain reception of Soul communication.


An Enlightened Disciple

There are amongst you many disciples of equal rank and among them there are those pressing forwards into the inner workings of the Mind of God and these disciples are the enlighten ones whose minds are in contact with the Mind of God.  It is this alone that determines an enlightened disciple, one whose mind is alight with the fire of causation and purpose.  Thus, the Plan is his to change. Among you now are many whose mind and heart are a flame and to this end We Work to solve the problems of the times.


Discovering Who you really are as a soul:

There is among us ordinary disciples who can daily register the Mind of God and yet they are unsure of their destiny as souls. Why is this so? For two reasons.  The first is that their soul, mind, brain awareness is lacking or crippling them in their service potential, and they are legend. There is another reason but first I would like to say that these disciples do not care enough to know the truth from their group Self or other selves as they are too caught up in dialoging with themselves and too busy to know the inner truth of their own natures. They are regarded by us as ordinary disciples but not enlightened disciples, but they are surely on their way. Among you now are many ordinary disciples you cannot approach or discuss the work with as they accuse you of many things. Why is this? It is because they cannot see themselves and thus cannot know you. If the Lord was standing next to them and speaking they would not recognize Him.


Before reaching any conclusions:

There is among you many (probationary) disciples upon the inner planes now searching for special teachings or the Christ to guide them, but this is to no avail as the many are now before them and seeking them also. As an example, let us go back in time when you or I among the many were brought before the Lord for the first, second, or third time and before him you or I spoke of our allegiance to His cause but failed to deliver many times when asked to do so and for this reason ended up with no assistance from Him. Such is also the case with these other disciples seeking assistance.


Accepting Face Values.

There is among you as a group of disciples many upon the physical plane, by which the world turns, and they are apparent to all upon the planet for they are the ones representing the face of god to the world. They are those we call upon for service as they represent those when have made the necessary sacrifices to succeed in the world and also subjectively where others have failed. It is these the Lord calls upon to assist in the outer world as they have been given the responsibility to choose per the karma of the group they represent. It is those we turn to for assistance in body.


Believing in Yourself.

For all working disciples of the Christ there are many understandings in place and the grandest and most important is the realization that He Himself is at one with the Father aspect within him.  This alone will protect him and guide him steadily in the One Work or Plan of the Christ. It is for this reason that each of us must let go of all those aspects of self-identity that refuses to accept this truth and reality otherwise no real progress on the higher Way can be achieved.


Other topics of importance not covered herein at this time:

  • Ignoring yourself
  • Pretending to be Great
  • Scheduling times for Moving into the Unknown
  • Discovery of Your Group Destiny
  • Understanding Change and its effects upon you
  • Working with Advanced Beings
  • Value of Being Alone


Building in new Traits and Qualities and Characteristics, Gifts, abilities, skills, talents

Unfolding your gifts

From the beginning of your lives, you have set examples for others, and it is these examples that have defined you as well as you given you your birth right. Since the beginning of our time spent on this earth that you have succeeded in developing your gifts, abilities, talents, and skills. It was this beginning where you have always been as well as always just beginning; overall you have succeeded in developing yourself to where you are at as well as to your karma. It would be wise to prevent yourself from taking gifts and abilities you have not developed and develop them as opportunity is always short while in body and the difficulty of being here on earth promotes this argument. Overall, you have succeeded in creating yourself as you now are and besides what else is there to do here.  You are conditioned by your past, demonstrated in the present, and predictive of the future.

The makers of joy rebound with the development of perfect reasoning as it justifies their eternal life objective. The makers of joy express themselves reaching for the reason for the stars and likewise the seasons for all. It is the makers that contribute to our development as soul and personality. It is the makers of joy that our many gifts are derived from as well as spiritual qualities. They are responsible for deciding our fates. Overall, it is these Makers of Joy that caress and nurture us. These beings are a fragment of the larger Christ that dwellest within all of us. These makers worship the sacred body of God as it everything for the lives that indwell it. It is this body that makes up its reality, its orientation, and its home.

It is a statement of fact when it is said that God manifests a fragment of itself in all things and yet remains. This is proven when the brahmic head center opens and kundalini flows like a stream of electrical fire from base center to head center through all dimensions of our periodic vehicles—Monad, soul and personality.  It is this head center that rests back on its creators and represents those beings that gave rise to its existence as indicated by the number of petals contained within it.

Even though it appears to be finite it is a synthesis of these many lives making up our identity. This identity is not understood unless we, over time, can isolate these individual beings within our Self. It is understood that the great Science of Esoteric Astrology is the symbol of this for us and our relationship to all of these unknown gods that dwell within us hide a greater being that synthesizes them all.

Our daily lives are replete with many potential experiences that verify this reality although there is few who have developed either the sensitivity or discrimination or unfoldment to verify this. It is upon the shoulders of these giants that we stand to testify for ourselves to the veracity of this truth. It is upon these that have gone before us and has led the way that we can speak with authority of our subjective experiences and to this I verify and am grateful for as reality is the heart of all existence and the goal of all endeavor. It is this reality that guides us daily into the unknown future as well as making sense of the past and proffers us an amazing journey in life.

Without this pathway we would be lost and confounded. In anguish, our minds tortured by no reason for our existence would fail to live or reproduce any meaning. It is an uncertainty that we can explain and predict the causes for all lives but over time, with each truth verified, we will and as it is said all things will be known.

The very truth that sways us now in the morning with give way to a greater truth more inclusive and more convincing than the day before and if we are awakening in the light than it is so. When we arise each day questing for the cause of our existence in all of its forms then our hearts are aligned with gods. And it is this ageless goal that will lead us to the very heart of it all.

In the morning when I awake the heart directs me in silence to its truth and every morning I awaken to the sounds of the One Heart in mind pointing the way sacrificing the noise of the day to its knowingness, and in this way the path is more visible and lighted for my footsteps to locate and thus not lose my way. At times I let the noise of the world drown out this silence and thus the way is lost for only the Voices in the Silence know the way.


A perspective on the wisdom teachings in general.

You have been given many examples of the teachings differing maybe from what you thought.  And it is in this way our conflicts of truth can better find the greater truth. How is it that we can be better disciples of the wisdom teachings?

First of all, we must not allow our belief in a thing to take away our belief in reasoning.

Next, we need to accept everything hypothetically to begin the reasoning process.

Next, we need to allow the mind time to digest it—could take years.

Next, we need to ascertain our response to it in such a way as to whether or not our energy field can assimilate it in its present form.


A perspective on relationships in general.

Any relationship can be a soul-mate relationship once the purpose for the other person is known.  Soul mate relationships are formed because we do recognize some aspect of their purpose we can identify with.  It is in this way we move forward to unfold our commitments to them as souls.

If we can move into this awareness then the purpose for this relationship is close to an end and our job completed. All relationships on any level can be perceived karmically.  The difference between commitments made as souls and karma is that karma relates to the forms created by the souls who are in body. Commitments imply both the recognition of karma and with the idea of purpose being unfolded in terms of both personality/soul development and likewise group soul development.  This idea is the crux of karma and is the key to the correct interpretation of all karmic forms.

All karma implies relationship, and all relationships imply karma the two are inseparable.  The law of karma cannot be properly interpreted unless it is included with the Law of Economy and the Law of Attraction and about 16000 other laws.

All in all, the karma of relationships is far beyond what can be known or understood in many a written volume.  The ability of the soul to grasp the technicalities of this is possible because the mathematical formulas lend themselves to 5th dimensional reasoning and with the support of the Lords of Karma. With great initiates of unknown ranks all truth can be known in an instant of time. Never-the-less we can know the truth of our karma and this knowledge must be fought for and won in the battle of life.


A perspective on the concerns for the future.

What is the future? It is a state of being designed to complement the present and the past. All are interconnected and rightly so as the greater being descends to manifest.  The future is that which we have created already on whatever higher level of our being.  But what does it matter until we arrive? I say this, it matters because we will never arrive until we arrive.

The future is also gods’ way of saying yet more is to come, and what might it be?  This does motivate us into the future and every day is a testimony to that future because all actions in the present are motivated by it.

This is why the disciple never despairs or expresses hopelessness as his future is extensive and knows much more than the average person caught in the illusions of appearances.

The future is that whichever arrives as being descends to manifest but this being is ever conditioned by the present and the past—we are caught in a time warp each moment as we identify with each passing moment. Our job as disciples is to negate this time warp and live in the Now as this will negate all cell memory (or the past and desired future) from influencing us. This seems most impossible but we can and do  learn to hold each side by side not allowing them to interface—this is all I know.


A perspective on well-being in terms of mental development needs.

You have been given the idea of re-surfacing the mirror of your mind to reflect the Now and this is possible and necessary to receive from the soul and correctly interpret your impression.  But this is relative, for the soul requires it to be put in a present format for developmental reasons.  It is only later once the soul body in fact does not exist any longer will the polished mirror of the mind reflect the unimaginable (not-human).

You have been given the idea of re-surfacing the mirror of your mind to receive correctly from your soul. It is this process that permits you access also to the Plans of the Master for these plans for the lower kingdoms must be supervised by Humanity and it is appropriate they are reflected accordingly.  You need to be given the concept that the master’s plans are related to the ideas now circulating among the advanced members of Lodge. Each of these members have separately composed each of their plans to be reviewed by their respective ashrams and submitted to Lodge in general. This is done once a year.  At such time any changes are made.  Each member contributes to this process according to their ultimate values being held in lieu of spirit—thus the world is created again collectively.  Each individual ashram plan is approved first by Master and then by the Chohan, and then by Christ. In respect to individual members plan—the approval process is first reviewed by the sub-ashram master, followed by the ashram as a whole, the Lords of Karma, the Christ, and Sanat Kumara (S.K.). The difference in this process is due to the idea that the Christ is responsible for the One Ashram as a unit but also responsible individually for each member but because S.K. approves each individual is due to their relationship to Hpirit which has individual objectives outside of planetary evolution which he is party to.

You have also been given the idea of re-surfacing the mirror of your mind to reflect the importance of what is happening on subjective levels.  It is this subjective process that stabilizes one into the ashram. It is this process that permits the inevitable balancing of karma through aligning of substance of various personalities bodies to the triadal bodies and in this way grace can function.  It is not necessary to work off all individual karma as it is called because there is no such thing anyway.  All karma has a group origin and a group end. Once the individual and the group are integrated all concepts of individual karma comes to an end and we have a special name for this –group Destiny.

You have also been given the idea of re-surfacing the mirror of your mind to reflect the nature of spirit, a most difficult thing to reflect, as it is totally abstract and formless but once our minds are transfigured and enlightened after the 6th initiation the master says we have the ability to do so. It is the ability to register the magnitude of monadic life, a cosmic thing, and yet our ability to contain it somehow permits the unfolding of the creative process as described by the cosmic paths. It is this process that creates unity within the cosmos and in this thought you have a key to unlocking the importance of the initiation process as it unifies the diverse creations into a functioning whole together creating a bridge into the unknown.

You have been given the idea of re-surfacing the mirror of your mind to harness the cosmic monadic life in a group sense and it is this sense that permits the initiate to work hand in hand with SK.. in the completion of his purposes.  (my eyes only)


A perspective on environmental integration.

The nature of environment integration is basically two-fold – inner and outer. Will take inner environmental integration first. We know a lot about this process of inner integration as the teachings on the path are everything about this; but what we do not collectively know is that this inner integration is a process of eliminating all so-called-matter in the three worlds.

This is a process, that by the last root race of the last round no matter will remain on these three-dimensional levels as all will be translated into spirit.  How is this? First of all, every unit of life is composed of a group of atoms, whose individual destiny is to become a human being.  As a human unit of life, it is important to understand that we are composed of three permanent atoms which is responsible for our three-fold manifesting within the larger three worlds.  All atoms that make up the three bodies are eventually released to their next level of evolution through an alchemical process producing rarefication of sub-plane matter.

It is this process, that produces over time a diminutive effect on the total number of atoms in the galaxy—for this is not a planetary nor solar event but a cosmic one.  It is this process that also prevents new worlds from being created as the matter available becomes diminished. There reaches a point when the universe itself contains only rarified matter.  It is at this time that all life as we can know it is transformed into other lives.  It is this process that prevents us from registering this event as all changes together.  The original matter of the previous solar system does not now exist.  In its place is matter imbued with different qualities.  The universe does not stand still; thus, who knows its real beginnings or its real end.

The importance of understanding the above process is only relevant to one’s status as a soul.  As one gains more soul status, we will be working more intimately with the devas who are indirectly responsible for all matter or elementals of every conceivable kind.  It is these devas in their many groups that make up the vanguard of the evolutionary trends.   They prepare substances composed of elemental matter for the development of vehicles and in this process we are all involved but realize it not as we are presently identified with the substance of such vehicles of the greater Lives we are embodying.  It is this process that enlivens us and determines our destiny.  It is also this process whereby we gain the ability to imitate our creator.

It is in this process that we begin to control our creative process and by doing so allow the evolution of these great Lives to move forward.  This is the price they pay for their movement. Thus, who is more important them or us, a question that can never really be answered as it is meaningless in respect to the One Life.

You might ask how it is that we got involved together in the first place?  This question is an important question and finds its answer in the purpose of creation itself.  How can we as quasi-immortal souls yet unenlightened hope to address this question? In two ways in general: The first being our indispensable nature which we symbolize by our very existence.  Secondly, by the conjecture that we were once atoms in the body of a human being.  This leads us to speculate upon the necessity that we have always been in this together.

You have been given the idea of evolving together to find a common solution to the problem of existence.  In is in this hope that we cherish all who came before us whom we embody and honor all that compose us for we travel the same path into the unknown.

Now relate a story given to you by a master. You have been given the idea of the master having a very particular purpose. Had you given it any thought you might know that His purpose must be directly related to the Ashram which he is an integral part of.  It is in this causative venue that I want to relate this story.

Before the master became the master he was taught that all life-forms, of any type, are composed of elementals. It was this knowledge that that all life was composed of elementals that got him to ask the question – if this is so, then what is responsible for giving devas life?  It was this question that precipated his next revelation and eventually produced an answer.  One of the purposes of the master is due to the cause for this revelation and question.   The question is a simple one but the ability to answer the question more than theoretically is still being developed.

It is this process that drives us forward into the unknown to seek the cause of existence. It is this process that we have delved into today.  The questions we ask determine the path we take. And the path we take is a statement of our purpose.


Some Basic Hierarchical Mandates:

The most important mandate for the Hierarchy is the waking up of disciples in body and linking them with the ashram.  As of this time five ashrams are tentatively organized and linked in. One more soon.

Next, the Hierarchy is dedicating itself to the creation of an appropriate teaching school for the many entering the path.  This occupies all of their time.

Next, the Hierarchy is preparing for receiving the many for group initiation.

Next, the Hierarchy is establishing a closer relationship between humanity and certain of the deva kingdom for training purposes.

Colored Devas.

Individualized Devas on Buddhic.

Individualized devas on Atmic.



Devas Responsible for Teaching Occult Gifts.


The Christ is here today to challenge each of us to grasp the importance of what is taking place on this planet at this time.  His challenge is to get all of the planetary lives aligned with the Plan—not an easy challenge compared with ours.

He asks us whether we are ready yet to secure our hermitage as a soul and make this planet a sacred planet,

He also asks what contributions can your souls make to this?  You must decide this with your soul and then task yourself to play your part. In other words, don’t allow yourselves to miss the opportunity now for the advancement of evolution is at the quickest pace since world was created.


The existing mandates of the Christ are many.  The three most important ones are:

Mandate to prove the existence of the soul—2025.

Mandate to finish the re-organization of the One Ashram.

3rd Ray: 2048

1st Ray: 2068

2nd Ray: 2088


Mandate to establish an initial relationship with Shamballa in respect to Hierarchy and Humanity as a unit: 2600 AD:

Mandate to complete His present task – 3100 AD.

Mandate to retrieve information from Hierarchy on sister solar system required to begin integration in a solar sense – 13000AD.

Mandate to complete evolution of earth globes – 33000AD

Mandate to complete transfer of humanity to another place out there – 40,000AD

[Please note that the dates provided are only probable and generic.]


Knowledge that can be known is Infinite (Not unfolded herein at this time):

  • Discovering One Spirit.
  • Expecting Miracles.
  • Understanding your Greatness.
  • Expecting nothing.
  • Prescience is only the one truth being told.
  • Understanding this hold on your reality is nothing but yourself.
  • Delving into the unknown body of god.
  • Fortune awaits us all.
  • Little is known about perceived worldly virtue.
  • There is a double-edged sword to grind.
  • There is ten ways to perfection.
  • There are 40 purposes before the Lord at the fourth initiation.
  • There are 16 Lords of karma awaiting you.
  • There are 4 paths towards truth.
  • There are 160 ways for redemption.
  • There are approximately 1000 Great Lords to meet.
  • There are 36 testaments in the bible.
  • There are 144 ways to perfection.
  • There are 19 Great Warriors running the galaxy.
  • There are 14 rules for taking initiation.
  • There are an unlimited number of laws needing mastering.
  • There are 7 laws of the soul needing to be expressed.
  • There are 16 changes needed upon the worlds future we need to contend with
  • There are 43 mansions in our dimensional house.
  • There are 33 initiations needing to be mastered.
  • There are 11 requirements to mastership.
  • There are 33 steps culminating in our ascension.
  • There are 12 types of love we need to possess.
  • There are 44 magical transformations to Buddhahood.
  • There are 8 Paths to prosperity.
  • There are 60 essential births we require to liberate us from the three worlds.
  • There are 180 working ideas required to understand everything.
  • There are 36 decorations required on our Egoic body to be free.
  • There are 18000 beliefs the average western person needs to relinquish to be truly happy.
  • There are 60000 individuals needing assistance by the 3rd degree initiate to assist the One Plan for humanity.
  • There are 40 score of followers of the Christ required in each community to invoke the Presence of the Christ in physical body on the planet based on the number of existing communities now in the world.
  • There are 12 people required to form an external ashram of Sanat Kumara in the outer physical world.
  • There are 1,110,000 initiates of the second degree needed for the return of the Christ in the outer physical world.
  • There are 11 scheduled appearances to take place by Sanat Kumara during the 6th root race.
  • There are traditionally 17,000,000 important events in a race over its existence.
  • There are 1400,000,000,000 devas working in the three worlds.
  • There are x human incarnations right now in the solar systemic three worlds.
  • There are x number of soul personality integrations required before the planet recognizes the existence of the soul in all departments of human life.
  • There are x number of integrated soul-personalities with buddhic awareness needed for the world to believe in the existence of the Planetary Logos.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Creating a Working Disciple – A Summation
Organization of Mind Requirements of a Disciple – An Example
The Way the Disciple Moves
An Intent of a Disciple
Entering Disciples – Some Basic Responsibilities
Probationary Initiates & Some Basic Understandings
Seven Questions for a Working Disciple

Entering the Ashram – Some Further Adjunct Information



Nicholas Roerich Museum - Mount of Five Treasures

Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

This information was received as a soul-impacted meditative impression which had many sources as do most impressions which are soul impacted or organized along a set of themes. Soul related sources are linked normally to all the lower five planes although other sources are potentially available.  The information might be true or not true based upon how one chooses to hold it or interpret it.  No information received can be accepted as being “the truth” given it is composed of concepts and words perceived or apperceived by some relative source with a perspective on causation with a paradigm. All needs to be held as hypothetical until proven otherwise. Thus, the search for Truth takes us into the Unknown.

The Enclaves:

There are several enclaves held in the solar system. Each of these are composed of a variety of life forms of similar evolutionary potential.

On our planet there are six types of enclaves held within the range of 150 years.


The first enclave is at the full moon of Taurus and is the major spiritual festival of Humanity.

Represents a gathering of souls upon the abstract mental plane. It is at this juncture these souls form a hierarchical circle and watch each presenter from several points of view:

  • The first point of view is about them consciously receiving the mind content telepathically.
  • The second view is their standing within the Lodge indicating their relationship to the work of the Christ.
  • The third is their position within the ashram they are working out of.
  • The fourth view is their standing in the world of men.

These four standings are observed simultaneously and it is from this that all decisions are reached in terms of practicality.


The second hierarchical enclave is held once a year, the purpose of which is to align to solar and cosmic Logoi.

The next enclave is held between all hierarchies in the solar system and takes place every 150 years.

The next set of enclaves of Hierarchy are to allow transition between planets or allow alignments to take place for particular cosmic events.

The next set of enclaves happen in concert with planetary head center for Purpose related reasons or related to those taking the higher initiations.

These last two sets of enclaves are yet secret, as of yet for the general public because of the danger involved.

Hierarchies in the Solar System

  • There are fourteen (14) Hierarchies in the solar system.
  • There are on sacred and non-sacred planets.
  • There is one overall Hierarchy.
  • There are several hierarchies in other solar systems responsive to ours.
  • These Hierarchies are an intergalactic organized whole.
  • These Hierarchies are in effect are One Body.
  • These Hierarchies are gathering the strength of the Lord of the Local Universe.
  • These Hierarchies are contributing various (12) things to the whole.
  • All Hierarchies establish there own rules.
  • These Hierarchies are an extension of that wise-mental development taking place in the Local Universe.
  • These Hierarchies are responsive to the Will of the whole through the Sparks.
  • Sanat Kumara places much importance upon them.
  • Each Hierarchy graduates its own members.
  • All of these Hierarchies expect each other to respect its protocols.
  • All Hierarchies relate to the rule of Law to the planet they are on.
  • All Hierarchies see themselves as the only source of wisdom in the galaxy.
  • All of these Hierarchies be portrayed as venturing into the unknown to find the purpose of existence.
  • All of these Hierarchies can be seen as the controlling body for all life forms on all worlds.
  • All of these Hierarchies are perceived as being the governing body for all Humanities.
  • Each Hierarchy be seen as the repository of all those plans generated by all other Hierarchies.
  • Each Hierarchy be seen as a group that operates with complete freedom.


All impressions here in denoted and summarized were soul impacted and organized from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
Graduates of the Earth – Some Adjunct Information
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
The Journey Home Yet Again
Call from Venus
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School

Ten Sub-Hierarchies & Six Ashrams – The One Hierarchy & The Externalization Plan Participation Now

Hierarchical Standing – A Message for a Disciple

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

Nirmanakayas: The planetary lives are evolving mainly due to Sanat Kumara’s contact with the following basic sources:

Shamballa or Council of Elders


Soul of Humanity

Angels of the Presence

Venus scheme

Jupiter Scheme


Furthermore, in every way it is decided that this planet or Lives is also unfolding and becoming evolved through the work of the three esoteric Buddhas of Activity. This planet can go forward in becoming a sacred planet (buddhic focused).  Although this will happen it will not become demonstrated until The Hierarchy is integrated with both Shamballa and Humanity.

The purpose of this trip into the unknown by earth’s inhabitants is not yet known by any except Sanat Kumara and the Buddha’s of Activity and these will keep the secret hide.  It is important to realize that each of these inhabitants theorize based upon their part in the play but known other than those purpose created this planet can know the reason for its existence.  For each of you on this journey, Spirit is the only guide you have for your lives playing out within the One Life, and this is the reason it is so necessary to be at one with Spirit to discover the Purpose of your existence.


The effort you put into discovering this purpose depicts or symbolizes seven lessor purposes of the Lord Sanat Kumara.

[Note: A.A.B. denoted the seven Purposes of Sanat Kumara which act as the basis for the hierarchical Plan.  These are quoted at the bottom of this discussion. The purposes below are those apperceived by the author (HZ) in context with the source group.]

  1. The first purpose which is symbolized by finding oneself on the cosmic physical plane through the nurturing by Spirit.
  2. The second purpose is that of finding oneself upon the cosmic physical plane through the freeing of Spirit with added Self Awareness.
  3. The third purpose reiterates the necessity to distinguish yourself from all others in terms of Isolated Unity, Presented Attribute, Inclusive reasoning.  These are the best we can do to indicate the truth.
  4. The fourth purpose is that of achieving enlightenment of the monad—individually and collectively.
  5. The fifth purpose is that of achieving enlightenment of your race.
  6. The sixth purpose is that of registering the Path into the Heavens—Cosmic Antahkarana.
  7. The Seventh Purpose is that of registering the Cosmic Logos.

Each of these seven purposes above should reflect your relationship to the seven Purposes of Sanat Kumara as quoted below and your reflection upon them distinguishes Hierarchy from Humanity.

Your ability to see yourself as one with Shamballa will come once you alter your frame of reference to see your place there and this in terms of your guiding light in the world. This means you will not be able to achieve your destiny as a spiritual being unless Shamballa is present in your beingness—spirit beingness reflected in the lower planes.

Your truth as to a way to go to escape upon the higher Way will enlighten many that follows after.

Your destiny as a spiritual being is determined by what path you came on as spirit (like karma becoming dharma).

Your ability to find yourself as Spirit is through greatness of being upon this Earth (or treasure cave or womb) which will come once you synthesize all learning here.


SG: Your ability to see yourself as Spirit is not necessarily related to your ability to see yourself as this spirit in body but is related to your degree of insight as to how Spirit works in life in the three worlds.

Your life as Spirit penetrates to the very depth of your being in ways one normally never thought of.

Spirit is what moves you in instinctual ways—it is inherent in matter itself and substance itself.

Spirit wrestles life from your matter essence—being itself innate in matter—it is always trying to become something else.

Spirit is like a two-edged sword and sparkles as it cuts through all that causes life and/or units of life to be caught up in matter and substance.

Spirit forms like all other forms in existence flow from the stream to the ocean.

Spirit hovers.

Spirit moves over the face of the waters (simultaneously).

Spirit reaches out to the earth and makes of Her His companion in all ways.
Spirit calls out to each at all times.

Spirit lessons the need for greatness as it sees all the same.

Spirit lessons the evil and the good, making it one and the same.

Spirit organizes substance according to its liking.

Spirit advances into abstraction (Creative Hierarchies).

Spirit desires to see Itself.

Spirit works towards exhibiting itself in all ways.

Spirit hides its face in the silver cord.

Spirit undermines the creative process.


The time has come to venture forth to see yourselves as beings in the night sky with Spirit shining down for all to see and in this way achieve notoriety and luminosity:



  • I have given you all much Grace and, in this way, you have proceeded upon your paths and in this way have moved closer to myself and all is well.


  • The nature of the mission is to speak to those of minds the necessity for travel in this way at this period in their lives—all need to see us speak. Be wary of travelers who have no destination.


  • The outcomes of your created events must ever lie towards me for it is my Path that you walk, and they must walk for there is no other way past me.


  • By walking together, you can find a safe harbor upon my path.


  • See to it you can find a sure path in Spirit and to do this requires you to achieve a luminosity for all to see. It is important to note you will not be traveling alone in this way and all must marry all to see the gold that glitters; be not afraid to marry each upon the way for all is needed to carry the pot.


  • The world turns and seeks the direction that spirit wanders upon its path home and seek not tarry long. For the wind blows and the waters come and drown those not upon the higher and safer path.  The wind blows even now as the storm gathers and the waters begin its downward focus be alerted to wash yourselves clean for only the pure can see the higher and safer path.


  • The whereabouts of a way to climb higher into the night sky to increase their perspective from spirit’s point of view is determined by their ability to hold themselves as one with God; it is in that way that we all travel as Spirit. The time has come for each of us has need to venture forth into the unknown and when this time comes, we must relinquish all that we hold dear for none may take ANY BELONGINGS WITH THEM not of their own innate nature.


  • The story of life is ever changing through the instrumentality of Spirit, and this means that you have always a choice and that is to stay behind or to keep up.


  • The ever-ending battle of the Lord for the ascension of the planetary lives deems it necessary to relay its desired pattern plan to the planetary lives this it does by way of Spirit.


  • The events correlated on this planet liken themselves to the daily rituals of planetary Logos attuned to solar and greater cosmic Logoi in the moment and this moment rearranges the monadic lives on this planet to produce the needed rhythm on the cosmic physical Plane; in other words, we are participants in the Dance of Shiva.


  • The whereabouts and withal to see our way through the valley of darkness into the light of pure reason comes about through the daily rituals of Sanat Kumara and in this Dance, all is made known as to the Purpose dwelling in the Heart of God as it is manifested daily for us to see if aligned with triadal Light (Energy of the Day be with Us).


  • The wherewithal to see into the night sky and find purpose extant in the heavens is like a seed whose shell is intact, and in time vintaged to open at the correct hour and in this way purpose of the universal Spirit can be understood to function.  All is correct or perfect in a moment and no other event can take its place before its time.

(End of Spirit Guidance)


The relationship of Sanat Kumara to the Lord of Sirius is first a karmic relationship over time. The second type of relationship is an agreement between Sanat Kumara and Sirius, in that Sanat Kumara receives four things for freeing the prisoners of the planet:

He receives a way to travel in space to the Heart of the Sirian empire (visual of golden statues – through a Lion’s gate is the entrance way—lots of impressive gold everywhere – radiating throughout buildings, kingdom,  Almost a city of gold-plated light—the word that came to my mind was splendor and magnificence) through those he sends out into the 4th Cosmic Path which are the majority of the graduates on the globe of the earth scheme.  It is by way of this process that he discovers his innate relationship to the center of his being represented by the Logos of the four Galaxies which makes up the Personality expression of the Great Logos.


Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius….The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focussed in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called “the heart of the Lion.” There is more real occultism hidden in the names given to the various stars by astronomers down the ages than has yet been realised, and here you have a case in point. EA, pp. 299-300


The second pact relates to the idea that God or the 7-Galaxies / Greater Logos has control over Sanat Kumara’s destiny and in order to see the pattern in the heavens you must translate the pattern coming in from the local cosmic Logos represented and held by the Sirian Empire.  In an effort to understand what this really means just interpret the star system as a four-fold chakra.

You have been given the idea that the Sirian Lord is coming to the solar system to work out a plan based upon changes happening in the local galaxy.  It is in this way that Sanat Kumara can adapt to the new pattern and bring him closer to his objective of recognizing his place in the Plan of the Great Logos.  In lieu of the changes within the local galaxy, what has been instrumented is a new way of working to enhance the radiatory effects of both the solar system and the earth to benefit all lives within those solar systems, thus create an early release of the prisoners of the planet as a result of this radiation upon their atomic sheaths permitting the ascension of Spirit at a quicker rate.

Sanat Kumara has recently been given the idea that the solar Logos is intending on making changes in His alignment.  This requires a preparatory adjustment of those lives within the Personality aspect of His Being.

What are those personality aspects being realigned? Head center is being realigned to a different star system in the great cosmos – different ray alignment of the group soul.  The throat center is being realigned to the group soul.


Nirmanakayas/GD: Your world as you know it is being transformed.

The effort put forth by the Lord of the World on behalf of humanity is staggering to comprehend. He has requested from Lords of Karma a speeding up of karmic release of Humanity. He has requested to place the Hierarchy in a position to approach humanity at this time ready or not. He has requested disciples to immediate reincarnate to increase the number in physical bodies to externalize Hierarchy quicker. He has requested that the Lords of Karma initiate a release of karma on disciples willing to reincarnate and assist in His Plan. He has requested concerns of the moment need to be postponed by the Lords of Karma so as his purpose is assured. This means the Lord of the World is in the position of Grace.


Son of Mind for the Planet: The estimate given is that it would take the majority of the earth’s disciples to incarnate to perform the necessary ceremonial ritual of connecting to Spirit before the revelation of the Lord of the World could take place.


Other information can be forthcoming to those that can through synthesis of Spirit register information about the nature of Sanat Kumara coming through monadic group, such as:

His One Gift Given 8

The Ageless Wisdom 16

The Glory of the one 32

Expectations placed upon Him 8

His Relationship to the Solar Logos 6

His Expectations Placed upon Hierarchy 12

His Concerns Now 22

His Conclusions to Date 6

His Glory 6

Th Characteristics of Sanat Kumara. 65;

Sanat Kumara’s Wedding. 14;

Sanat Kumara’s Trophies. 156;

Sanat Kumara’s Special Gifts;

Sanat Kumara’s Desire for this 5th, 6th, 7th subraces of 5th root race.

Sanat Kumara’s Popularity among the Gods:4

and Those He register’s Thought from in respect to deities in far distant constellations.


Sanat Kumara’s greatest virtue: Infinite patience respected among His Kind.

Sanat Kumara’s present torment: Disconnectedness from Source –Spirit

Sanat Kumara’s Love: Is the Magnitude of Life—Endless


It is important to note that His reign has been since He came to this planet in the middle of third root race and His stay will be until the middle of the fifth round.

  • His disposition is that of a controlling Lord.
  • His arrogance comes from successfully transforming the lives of this planet into those expected according to Plan.
  • His basic purpose is to generate a sacred planet.
  • His degree of evolution is the 4th Cosmic Initiation.
  • His purposes for humanity are seven.
  • His purposes for the 5th kingdom are six.
  • His purposes for the devic world are two.
  • His purposes for the vegetable kingdom are five.
  • His purposes for the animal kingdom are played out.
  • His purposes for the earth scheme are to make all seven globes responsive to the needs of spirit.
  • His completed purposes to date are six.


His Responsibility in the solar system: 4

  • He has a responsibility to see that the Lord of Saturn carries out His Plans.
  • He has the responsibility to make sure the Lord of the Planet Mars carries out His Plans.
  • He has the responsibility to see that the Lord of these six planets carries out Their Plans.
  • He has the responsibility to see that the Lord of the planet Venus carries out His Plans.


His Expectations of Humanity 14

  • He expects that every soul will do his fair share to consummate the Plan.
  • He expects that each grouping be responsible for creating a functional plan in concert with the one Plan.
  • He expects that each egoic group will carry forth his plans into the outer world.
  • He expects that like-minded individuals in the world will support the world plan.
  • He expects that the terms of his agreements that he makes with Hierarchy will be kept.
  • He expects that each of you that has taken responsibility will wholeheartedly approach your task.
  • He expects you each to succeed in developing your own plan in lieu of the larger Plan.
  • He expects your plan to capture the essence of His intent.
  • He expects each of you to carry out your plan to the best of your ability.
  • He expects each of you to demonstrate the virtues reflected by your status as souls.
  • He expects you to express your concerns for the operational vicissitudes adapting it as needed.
  • He expects you to monitor the response of your plan by the world to make changes as needed to keep the essence of its intent.
  • He expects you grow and develop in lieu of carrying out of your plan to better serve humanity.
  • He expects you to be able to achieve in your life a more integrated point of view.


His Deliverance in terms of the Plan: 3

He has decided to obey the wishes of the Council with respect to permitting greater freedom for those graduates from the planet to take any cosmic path off of the planet. It would be wise for you to understand that the Council here is not that of the Elders but the Council in the solar system responsible for all systemic related life.

His Goodness is a reflecting of his ability to do what is expected of him and in this case, it is expected that he conforms to the Will of the Cosmic Christ. The Cosmic Christ expects Him to do three things:

  • To take Initiation.
  • To express His Will as the Will of the “Lord of the World”.
  • To place upon the cosmic paths a certain number of Graduates.


It is important to understand here that Sanat Kumara will not be able to arrest the Will of the solar Logos and in this regard His Will is to see this become a sacred planet; and in this regard Sanat Kumara has almost completed His task except for these 6 things: four of which are partially completed. 6


His Reputation in the Cosmos: 12

It is important to note that Sanat Kumara has developed certain virtues that make him available to participate in the council of planetary Logoi that meet every 500 years at its location in the central Spiritual Sun.

This particular honor is only given to those planetary Logoi’s Personalities who have aligned their Will to the Will of the “Lord of the World.”

You have been given this information in the hope of registering the momentous opportunities staking place on this planet. And it is that hope that will eventually transform this planet.


Plan & the Planet

Planetary Causal Field (Soul Body) Guiding Angels:

The covenant created by man with their god (Sanat Kumara) relies heavily upon the idea that His imposition is to organize humanity’s livingness in such a way as to create a formless form that enhances the welfare of human souls in such a way that they see themselves becoming the very Ark of the Covenant historically recognized.

It is this covenant that symbolizes the joining of Him and humanity as souls for the very purpose of humanity representing God’s creative force and self-expression, eventually upon all planes.

There is also this covenant that requires humanity to create along His intended lines and become satisfied with the forms created thereof.  For each soul honors this in its own way according to its livingness and perceived life purpose.

It is this covenant that is being erected in the heavens which we call the temple that is constructed in a four-square way and garnished by an arc of sorts or eight arches coming in from a star. This particular configuration symbolizes an 8-pointed star being ensouled on the cosmic physical plane.

The essential nature of this covenant is in terms of structure depicts a residual matrix that substantiates the existing thought structure of Sanat Kumara. In a way it symbolizes foremost an aspect of His Intents. It is also in this way we can approach, as a group, our relationship to Sanat Kumara by locating our contribution to this ark. In other words, our soul content in terms of livingness, reflects over time a place in this ark.  The edifice itself is only symbolic but we judge ourselves according to this perfection.

The outcome of our lives, enhanced as they may be, and yet not understood as God understands them are seen by us in such a way as to demonstrate certain virtues.  It is in this way the covenant can be built as we enter into the Mind of God according to our Dharmic position. It is in this way we surrender to our spirit destinies.

The edifice or structure being created by the Lord has eight qualities, what are these?

Compassion for all.

Initiation for all

Understanding or Reason for all

Love for all

Evolution for all

Freedom for all

Synthesis for all

Glory for all


Group of 14:

  • The treasures of the heart, now as always, are filed to the brim with hope.
  • The likings of which glitter before the heart. It carries all into tears before Life.
  • The seasons come and go, the birds fly overhead, all is seen before the Lord.
  • Rise up in your might and catch the glimpse of the starry sky—seek not the wonders of the universe but the wonders of your hearts.
  • We seek you to do this as the angels fly south upon the morning dew. Do this every day and all will be well.
  • The Lord cometh to you every day in the hope of your presence to Him—do not disappoint Him and all will be well.
  • The starry night (of the buddhic dimension—4th sub-plane) is upon you. Grasp its cord and lift yourselves unto it—and all will be well.
  • The heavens brim fullness of the Lord, the starry days and starry nights ever filled with His Joy—See to it.
  • The heavens wait upon the Lord—and all will be well.
  • The Lord within each of you (is) a tabernacle of Desire for His Vision—see to it (40).


The peace of mind that comes from exerting yourselves along your spiritual paths and comes from the recognition that all souls of humanity who (in the past) have diverted their focus away from the Lord to the world now feels the release when not doing so.  This release of pressure which has been building up from cosmic etheric plane upon the first sub-plane of the cosmic physical.  Thus, these energies are permitted to circulate and produce salvation of substance through consciousness of the Plan. Remember that Purpose is an energy released in the sphere of planetary head center.  The Plan is cosmic etheric Substance. The first realization of Sanat Kumara’s Vision comes from the understanding that all Thoughts or Divine Ideation comes from the Solar Logos.


The Lord Wishes you to Know:

The Lord wishes you to know two things.  In the beginning of the 4th root race, there came a moment of decision for the Lord.  He was unsure about whether or not to develop the 4th root race.  His decision came with the idea that the Solar Logos would not prevent him from removing in the world certain racial types that were produced through experimentation, so he decided to remove them to prevent genetic contamination (image of tall African woman with thinning hair in front).

The Lord wishes you to know two additional things about this one.  (1) Exerting the Lord’s influence over the 4th root race he discovered two things about himself that were important to him.  First, he discovered, his cosmic astral sensitivity was such that the 4th root race represented an undue sensitivity to cosmic evil (image of hands with red seal on back of hand).

The Lord also wishes you to know on the day of deliverance of the 4th root race, after the flood, He had redeemed himself (the Lord) through challenging himself through purifying his cosmic astral body.

It is important to note that the people on this planet accept or reject my dispensation.  For all of those who have come before me in quest of my vision, I give them this, a starry night, filled with the laughter of the gods through perceiving Its Voice and Its Word.

***It shall come to pass, that all those who come before me, seek the Presence of the Solar Logos and for this reason, and this reason alone I dedicate my time, my love, my will, for such an endeavor as the Beauty of the Solar Lord, who is my inspiration.


The Lord gave a way for those who ask for it, a way to travel in the wilderness.  It is the wilderness (solitude), where the Lord can be sought after.

The Lord (comes and goes) as the sands of time; and upon the wind he carries his messages of the Great Ones for all to hear if they have the Ear…

The starry days and nights register every subtle sound of the Lord’s Voice—What do you hear in the night sky? 4

The Ageless Wisdom Teachings are full of Hope to those that know their meaningfulness to them—what is their meaningfulness to you (14)

The sands of time are represented by the hour glass configuration, which represent the nature of the universe as they are poured in and then poured out. What does it matter which way they turn?  For you to turn others around you are required to achieve greatness as a magnet—what magnetic qualities are required? 400

The One Hearts are upturned and the wayward glances are fixed upon the waves crashing upon the shoreline; each wave (your particular wave) sees itself as isolated from the others but moves in rhythm great and small to the wanderings of the Ocean—seek not the Kingdom of Heaven until the Wave and Ocean are known.

The hourglass configuration represents in its truest form the idea of events in time; and their order of appearance is fixed in the turning of the wheel; the forms built, used, and destroyed mark the beginning and end of a cycle; the hour glasses come and go and seeks the large hour glass and once all is known it disappears—what hour glass needs to come for you?

The sons and daughters of heaven resemble the configuration of the times; kalpas and pralayas come and go. The sands shift and make way for the building of a new era and with each new era comes a greater peace and contentment; you would be wise to see yourselves as building a new era bringing a more lasting peace unto the earth—let us see to it.

The Days be with Us and the nights be against Us and all is well.

The merry go round of life ends as it begins, and this is true to its Cause—what is true to your Cause of your Merry go Round in this 4th Round?:

The Lord stands by and ventures forth to those who are seeking His Vision.  Upon the rap sheet, all designs are drawn, and all lessons learned.


Seek not the kingdom before the star of righteousness shines upon your head; the star indicates the path of spirit up into the heavens, and thus only the cosmic path can be found.

Dare to be great and approach the Mind of Sanat Kumara:

Need to align the group will towards the Sirius: Divine Manas

Need to align the group will towards Heart of the central spiritual Sun:

Need to align the group will to Pleiades—Divine Mahat:


After first aligning and demonstrating these six types of awareness’s’:

Of Soul

Of Group Soul (Oversoul)

Of Minor ray—individual egoic Ray

Of Major Ray—Group Soul Ray

Of Ashram

Of Christ

The wise ones give their all and take what is least and turn it into gold for all to share.


A Projected Timeline for Embodiment of the Lord of the World.

Sanat Kumara is thinking about making a direct appearance etheric in 500 years.

Lord of the World is thinking about making a direct appearance on the concrete mental plane in approximately 125 years.

Lord of the World is thinking about making a direct appearance on the buddhic plane in 85 years.


The following are quotes from the works of Alice A. Bailey.


The major thoughtform of the spiritual Hierarchy, created by joint ashramic meditation, is called by us the Plan. The basic purpose of Sanat Kumara is revealed from cycle to cycle by His Agents in Shamballa and is by Them impressed upon the minds of the senior Members of the Hierarchy. They, in Their turn, make this impression the subject of Their ashramic meditation, adapting its various concepts and the outlined purpose to a most carefully formulated Plan, presenting—as far as humanity is concerned—seven aspects or phases of evolutionary development and endeavour, according to the work desired of any Ray Ashram implicated at any particular time. Each Ashram thus undertakes meditation upon the general Plan and thus (if you could but realise it) each initiate and disciple finds his place and sphere of activity and service—from the very highest initiate to the least important disciple. DINA II, p.233

The task of Sanat Kumara in relation to the Masters is to prepare Them to tread the Way of the Higher Evolution. When this becomes possible, the shift of the spiritual “attention” (I use this inadequate word for lack of a better one) is away from the soul and the Angel of the Presence to the mysterious Presence itself; this has hitherto only been sensed and dimly visioned. The Master—freed from the three and five worlds of human and so-called superhuman evolution—has now the full gifts of omnipresence and omniscience. He is aware of the underlying unity, brought about by the factual nature of the One Life and Being Who pervades all manifestation; He has also mastered all possible techniques and modes and methods of activity, of control and of fusion. But having developed those capacities, He now becomes faintly aware of that which conditions the One Being, and senses energies and contacts which are extra-planetary and of which He has hitherto been totally unaware. Knowledge comes to Him after the fifth initiation. GPW, p. 266

These seven types of purpose embody the seven energies which will reorganise and redefine the hierarchical undertakings, and thus inaugurate the New Age.  These seven purposes might be called:

1. The unknown, unseen and unheard purpose of Sanat Kumara. It is the secret of life itself and is known only to Him alone. In its initial phase of this new expression, it works through the Manu and the Master Morya; it is that which veils the central mystery which all esoteric schools—if true to their inaugurating impulse—will eventually reveal.  What that is we do not yet know, but it is hinted at in Rule XIII.

2. The purpose underlying revelation. This may be a somewhat new idea to you for you are apt to regard revelation as a goal in itself. You seldom consider it as an effect of the inner purpose of Sanat Kumara.  The emphasis hitherto has been on the aspect of revelation, making it an effect of what the disciple has done with himself and by means of which he is enabled to be the recipient of revelation.  Yet behind all the successive revelations of divinity down the ages is to be found one significant purpose; all of them are and will prove themselves to be aspects of the Great Revelation.  It is through the processes of revelation that divinity is slowly dawning upon the human consciousness.  It is a sevenfold revelation; each of the seven kingdoms in nature reveals one aspect of it, and each of these seven reaches revelation in seven or fourteen lesser revelations or phases.

Ponder on this and learn to distinguish between vision (which is as much of the divine current revelation as a disciple can grasp in time and space) and revelation which is the synthesis of the divine expressive purpose.  This is related to the will-to-good which is, in its turn, a complete expression of the love nature of Deity.

3. The (as yet) unrecognised purpose which evoked the creative activity of our Planetary Logos. This brought the third aspect of the divine Trinity into play.  The usual reasons brought forward by the finite mind of man to account for what is called by us “manifestation,” and to explain the dualism of all existence and the relation of spirit-matter, are by no means the real explanation of the divine purpose; they are based on man’s own essential dualism; they are the highest explanation of his own divine nature which he can achieve at this time.  This is a point to be remembered.  They are his response to the second Ray of Mutual Attraction, which the Ray of Love-Wisdom is sometimes called.  They are not an expression of his response to the Will of God, and only indicate the limitations of his definition of divine purpose.  As you will note, they really define nothing.  Nor can I help you to recognise this third aspect and the eternal purpose of the Lord of the World.  Just as a soul seeks incarnation in order to carry forward some fixed design and to take one of the higher initiations, so Sanat Kumara came into incarnation through the medium of this planet in order to carry forward His fixed designs (known to Him as a cosmic Soul on cosmic mental levels), and to take one of the higher initiations which mark the Path of Initiation for these great informing Lives of planetary spheres.  He could take this particular initiation through the experience to be gained in a vehicle constituted, expressive and at the special state of consciousness of our entire planetary manifestation.  It required an instrument in which the cells and atoms of His body (all lives in all kingdoms), and the integrated organisms within that body (the various kingdoms of nature), were at the peculiar point in evolution at which they are all now to be found.

That is as far as I may go in giving you a hint, and you can see from this that in order to grasp more and comprehend more of His divine purpose you also will have to be in preparation for that particular initiation which for you—on your tiny level of awareness of fixed design—is the microcosmic parallel of His cosmic intention.  Which that initiation is I may not state.  The only service which these hints can render (as to the sevenfold divine purpose and the consideration of them) is to develop in you, the disciple, the power to think abstractly—a much needed capacity before you can begin to tread the Way of the Higher Evolution; for this the five initiations open to humanity (as today constituted) prepare the human spirit.

4. The mysterious purpose which has necessitated the calling into activity the Principle of Pain. Suffering and Pain are essential requirements in order to carry this purpose to completion. The capacity to suffer, which is distinctive of humanity, is the outstanding conscious reaction to environment of the fourth kingdom in nature, the human.  It is related to the power to think and consciously to relate cause and effect.  It is a process on the way to something undreamt of today.  And when I say this, my brother, I mean just exactly that.  This same ability to respond through pain is not to be found (in the sense in which the human being comprehends it) in any of the subhuman kingdoms, nor in the superhuman kingdoms, any more than it was found in the previous solar system or will be found in the next.  It is related to an aspect of the creative intelligence, an aspect and characteristic peculiar to humanity.

This aspect was not found in the previous solar system, in which the other aspects of the creative intelligence functioned.  In this solar system, it has been developed and brought from latency to potency in connection with the substance of the human bodies through which the human soul is gaining experience.  It holds the secret of beauty in manifestation, and its first expression can be seen in the creative perfection of certain phases of art for which man, and man alone, is responsible.  No other kingdom in nature creates forms, produces colour and sounds in harmonious relation, except the human; all of this type of creative art is the result of aeons of conflict, pain and suffering.  The Jews, as a product of the humanity of the previous solar system, and as constituting the incarnating residue from that solar system, have run the gamut of suffering and are in the forefront of the creative arts at this time, particularly in group production such as certain of the great motion pictures and in the field of scientific discovery.

There will be, as you can well see, a close relation between this fourth purpose of Sanat Kumara, the fourth kingdom in nature, the human, and the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict.  It is the balanced relation of these three, consummated at the fourth initiation, which produces the full beauty of the creative fixed design of the individual soul, or—on a different level of initiatory process—of the fixed design of the universal soul of the Lord of the World.  The fourth ray being temporarily out of full incarnation at this time is the reason for the relative interlude in the production of human creative art of a very high order.  The cycle of suffering is nearing its close, and we shall later see—when the fourth ray again swings into full objective activity—a recurrence of the arts on a turn of the spiral far more exalted than any lately seen.

5. The fifth great secret underlying the purpose of Sanat Kumara is related in a peculiar sense to the cyclic manifestation of all that is found in the three worlds of human evolution. It concerns that which is working slowly into manifestation through the medium of the lower concrete mind as it controls desire and brings substance and matter into conformity with the divine thought along this line. The sumtotal of the highest phases of human thinking along all lines, materially affects what appears on the physical plane in all the kingdoms of nature, what precipitates civilisations and cultures, and which expresses the best response at the moment of human sensitivity to cosmic impression.

This is all that can be said as we attempt to sum up the fixed desire and the pattern or purpose of divine activity down the ages.  We know it to be profoundly inadequate as yet to express or to produce in manifested form the beauty of that design and to create in conformity with God’s thought; but—age by age—the thinking capacity of man and his creative imagination have wrought out the slowly unfolding design, and will continue to do so; every great world cycle sees the emergence of greater beauty, and sees the subtle effects of man’s thinking upon the subhuman kingdoms in nature steadily bringing the unknown to the surface, altering the nature of the flora and the fauna of the planet, and preparing the way for that time of wonder when the Hierarchy will again be exoterically directing the Plan upon the earth and aiding mankind to work with a fuller understanding of the divine design.

Here again is another reason for the changing plans of the Hierarchy.  The Masters have to prepare Themselves for this intended and imminent emergence.  They are faced with the necessity of changing Their techniques of work in order to meet adequately the demands upon Them.  It is far easier for Them to work, as illumined Minds, upon the mental substance of Their disciples than it will be for Them to work down upon the physical plane, relating the minds and the brains of advanced human beings.  People are apt to forget that with each forward advance of humanity, the demands upon the Hierarchy change, new needs must be met, new techniques used, new and experimental methods must be employed.  As I write for disciples and initiates, I call this to their attention.  Their work of mental training does not end as they attain certain spiritual initiatory goals.

This fifth purpose is therefore closely related to the whole theme of “the garment of God” and to the emergence into manifestation of His “robe of beauty” as it is created and brought into being by humanity, acting as the medium for ideas from the superhuman kingdoms, and then influencing and swinging into creative cooperation the subhuman kingdoms.

6. It is difficult for me to give any idea whatsoever of the purpose with which we are now concerned, because it is expressed in the relation existing between the significance of Desire, Will, Plan and Purpose. All these words are symbols evolved by man in his attempt to grasp logoic purpose.  He recognises the impulses of desire, and in the course of the evolutionary process learns to transmute them into aspiration; he passes on to a vague groping forward in an effort to understand and acquiesce in the “will of God,” as he calls it; as long, however, as human approach to that will remains negative, submissive, and acquiescent (as it does under the influence of the theological approach and in the manner inculcated by the Churches), no real light on the nature of that Will will be seen.  It is only as human beings enter into relation with the Hierarchy and are gradually absorbed into the hierarchical life and begin to take the higher initiations that the true nature of the divine Will will be grasped and the purpose of Sanat Kumara be revealed by an appreciation of the plan, followed by a consequent cooperation with that Plan.

All this will be done through the transmutation of desire into aspiration, and then into fixed determination.  When, however, the initiate has related these phases of consciousness in his own inner experience, and has permitted those inner realisations to affect his outer experience and daily living, then the underlying Purpose will shine forth and he will no longer be working in the dark.  You see, my brother, that all that I can do in these abstruse matters is to indicate what you can do, as an individual, to fit yourself to grasp divine purpose, and thus see the divine design and patterns as they are in reality.  Once you have taken the needed steps and complied with the requirements, the mystery disappears.

7. The final phase of the divine purpose is the most difficult of all to indicate, and when I say indicate, I mean exactly that, and nothing more definite and clear. Does it mean anything to you when I say that the ceremonial ritual of the daily life of Sanat Kumara, implemented by music and sound and carried on the waves of colour which break upon the shores of the three worlds of human evolution, reveal—in the clearest notes and tones and shades—the deepest secret behind His purpose? It scarcely makes sense to you and is dismissed as a piece of symbolic writing, used by me in order to convey the unconveyable.  Yet I am not here writing in symbols, but am making an exact statement of fact.  As beauty in any of its greater forms breaks upon the human consciousness, a dim sense is thereby conveyed of the ritual of Sanat Kumara’s daily living.  More I cannot say. RI, pgs. 241-247


As regards Shamballa, the impression there received is not the result of invocation which in due course evokes extra-planetary response, as is the case between the Hierarchy and Shamballa, and the Hierarchy and Humanity, with certain changes during the process of stepping down or of descent. That which impresses Shamballa and is received by the Grand Council of the Lord of the World, comes via Sanat Kumara because HE is in close contact with other planetary Logoi or groups of planetary Logoi, wielding a united, focussed, intelligent Will. It is Sanat Kumara Whose task it is to impress the Lives Who meet periodically in the Council Chamber with the next phase of unfolding Purpose. This Purpose is later “occultly reduced” or stepped down until it emerges as the hierarchical Plan. This Plan is contingent upon imminence, atmic realisation and pure reason, as the Hierarchy has termed these three “aspects of reaction” to impression from Shamballa. Let me make myself clear. The Hierarchy is no group of mystical workers; only those aspects of divine Purpose which can be immediately grasped and developed and which are patently valuable to humanity—when presented in right form by the Hierarchy—are registered by Them. They know what consciously to “repudiate” as it is occultly called, and They act ever in response to a Law of Imminence or of occult prevision which is almost unrecognisable and indefinable by advanced humanity. The words, “atmic realisation” are most interesting, for they refer to the quality and the mass of will energy which could be made available by the pledged and unified Hierarchy to carry out the imminent Plan. Never forget that in considering Shamballa and the Plan, we are thinking entirely within the limits of the expression of the WILL aspect of the Lord of the World, and this—except for advanced initiates—is well-nigh impossible. Alice A. Baily, Treatise on Cosmic Fire, pp.68-69.

The Purpose of Sanat Kumara is created at present by the synthesis which the nature of the final seven Paths reveals. It is adapted in time and space to human intelligence by the presented Plan, and—in the glory of consummation—the completed Plan will reveal the Purpose on all the seven planes of evolution. Then evolution, as formulated and imposed by the Hierarchy, will end and a greater dynamic expansion will take its place. TEV, p.121


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Collection of impressions received in meditation as well as quotes from Alice A Bailey’s collected works


Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function
Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana

Graduates of the Earth – Some Adjunct Information
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
The Journey Home Yet Again
Call from Venus
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

The Christ & Some Plan Elements

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Mohammed the Prophet

An Instructive Story by a Master & Guidance Interpretation

This story is about a time when a master tried to receive information from the soul while in training for the third initiation.  This story is important in that it points out the difficulty one has in correctly interpreting what is received.  The master believed he received information that requested him to submit to a new training process that incorporated various devas in the training processes (to train him to assist others in the same capacity).  He found out later, by way of his present teacher, that what was requested by his soul was that of relinquishing his desire to teach others until he could work with the devas more consciously.  The difference here is very slight but the requests are not and take you down a different path.  The master realized that before he could train himself to work more consciously with the devas he had to develop the ability to hear psychically and this was what the soul meant. The soul has its own language and our ability to practically communicate requires a high degree of abstraction and the ability to pragmatize the teaching in a worldly way.  The master wants each of you to know that the bottom line is your ability to keep a certain common sense in everything you receive.  Look at its practical application long before its mystical or spiritual; it is in this way you can save much time correcting your mistakes.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

St. John the Baptist as St. George the Dragon Slayer

Seven Questions for a Working Disciple

Two Short Chela Stories Received

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Himalayas

Some Hierarchical Changes since A.A.B.’s Writings

Various Hierarchical Protocol Changes – A Summation

Source: Angel of the Presence Impression:

There has been a change in the evolutionary set of training protocols coordinated within five planetary systems since the end of the 20th Century. In respect to this planetary system these changes are directly related to Shamballa. The origin of this change coming in through the five related planetary Logoi (Earth included) from the solar Logos’s group revelation received from the greater Logos.

The Lord of the World in concert with the other four planetary Lords have been receptive to qualified Will Resources coming in through the solar Logos which is responsible for the speeding up of the groups’ evolutionary creative processes thus affecting the entire set of Lives within these planetary evolutions. These globes are not necessarily upon the same dimension although two are. In lieu of these qualified Will resources related transmissions and absorptions, the alignment between the earth’s planetary spiritual Hierarchy and four other planetary spiritual hierarchies has been increased.

The following fourteen (14) protocol related changes summarized below (plus three related ongoing events leading to further protocol related changes) were instrumented based upon insights  and ramifications garnered from the Enclave related to this set of five planetary Logoi (five related Hierarchies) in general:

New hierarchical training program to develop the esoteric natures of aspirants now being unfolded and demonstrated around the world by various esoteric groups.


More information to be given out about the training opportunities or topics promoted by the Hierarchy in these eight areas:

— In the area of securing Grace in general. Grace frees one from certain past dweller forms and opens up one to recognize the One Self and move onto the Path of Destiny;

— In the area of the necessary training and protocol to work within the One Heart – a technical process linked to the Heart (Buddhi aspect) of all lives great or small;

— In the area of securing Grace for those interested in carrying out the intents of the Plan and knowledgeable about the One Plan;

–In the area of securing Grace and working directly with the Hierarchy in achieving their particular Plan mandates;

–In the area of registering the Grace required for others and assist them in developing their capacities and understandings in achieving such reward for letting go and letting God as a son-of-mind;

–In the area of establishing on the Earth (externalization) of a certain set of protocols for training of  Accepted Disciples.  (Note: The law of compassion is always in operation but it is necessary to point out that to work effectively without self-imposed setbacks all disciples of all grades and status need to work only from within the Light and with the necessary achieved Grace. Not doing so could curtail hierarchical or inner group cooperation until Light restored. Also, there are many so-called “working disciples” with inadequate spiritual Will to secure the necessary Grace and this too is symbolic of an inner cooperation related setback.)

–In the area of addressing certain types of Plan intents or Plan related specializations within the ranks of the Hierarchy.   Meaning that certain fields of endeavor are more prone to be under-represented in the Wills or Path Direction of disciples and therefore more disciples are required to work in these fields. Therefore more specialized training can be provided to those that choose to assist in these four areas even if only in the shorter run:

a. In the area of securing grace for working disciples in the world to receive more assistance from the various groups and individuals from within any of the five-worlds to better assist working disciples to extend their plans across the globe;

b. In the area of protecting and preserving or adapting of the extant various forms of the vegetable kingdom;

c. In the area of establishing a working relationship with the Creator per His Purposes;

d. In the area of working with disciples already with knowledge of the Plan and continuity of consciousness and therefore in-the-know. This would open up to these assisting probationary disciples a valuable training opportunity.

–In the area of receiving and development of “gifts” or divine, spiritual, and presented attributes to be used towards service commitments.


There needs to be more alignment of wills with the five planetary Hierarchies in general and the solar Hierarchy in particular. This is of particular difficulty given prevailing higher Psychic sense development of the sons and daughters of humanity. It is important to add here that disciple’s soul-personality will alignments will become more inclusive over time with these other planetary set of Lives and therefore expect miracles in resonance adjustment and training opportunities per these sets of energies/forces.

There are more people now being trained by Hierarchy than at any other point in its history therefore certain rules are changing and one of these rules is that you need to apply in triple form (see Rules for Initiation in the book Initiation Human and Solar by A.A.B.) before a guiding disciple is assigned (on causal planes) for those in body.

Training within Hierarchy is being advanced (Example: New available Will energy types and other resources linked to the Will of “God” or Will of the Greater Logos). There are (eighteen) sub-concepts here that requires further contemplation. The same applies to each of these other summation concepts.


Initiation training will be given more readily to those that qualify in these four areas:

— In the area of succeeding in bringing in guidance directly from the soul consistently;

–In the area of directly contributing to the NGWS’s or Plan now as related to Humanity and the lower kingdoms;

–In the area of receiving guidance directly from the Lord;

–In the area of receiving guidance from certain members of five ashrams responsible for the Plan at this stage where these members are responsible directly for the Plan in some context.


The requirements for the second initiation (demonstration of fitness to be trained for third) have been increased extensively especially in these five areas:

–In the area of aspirants in controlling their time in the world to live the dual life of the disciple;

–In the area of aspirants securing Grace from their past or various types of karma related to their potential path of destiny;

–In the area of aspirants registering in their brain directly from the Master on most occasions  correctly;

–In the area of aspirants receiving grace, as a soul, to work with the Lord of the World in two areas: first in the establishing on the earth an aspect of His or the One Plan as a human unit and secondly that you commit to divine, spiritual, or presented attribute training to demonstrate the necessary capacity, ability and faculty for their correct intended uses towards some agreed to Plan contingent.

–In the area of aspirants demonstrating in your own daily life the presented attributes of the fifth kingdom.


Certain groups of entities are being transferred out of each of these five systems. There are basically twelve types of occult constitutional grouping classifications implicated in this transfer; such as:

–Entities linked or associated with the five higher kingdoms whom can make no more progress on respective planetary systemic globe or globes of their present respective chains moving forward or participating in the preparation of other globes and chains. This will take place at the appropriate time.


The idea of Spirit is being promoted as the cause and basically the ultimate benefactor of evolutionary unfoldment through the form lives composed of and by the Creative Hierarchies.


New “knowledge-direction patterns” has been given (causally) to the fifth root-race and especially the fifth sub-races nations to alter the direction of their civilization. This direction can be altered initially through the development of six new characteristic ways of beings- but only four included here:

— In the area of promoting and accepting due praise for work well accomplished in life from others or onlookers.  This characteristic sentiment needs to be spread abroad to all seeking assistance in all things.

–In the area of serving the race as a whole (and includes those on any plane) each group and/or individual needs to consider their actions on the race as a whole as well as those nations, groups or individuals directly involved.

–Furthermore, each member of the race (nation, group or individual) is qualified for certain types of activities and contributions and their expertise should be recognized and honored for the good of all. Likewise those upon the path seek likewise to secure grace in those areas or forms of expertise their lives have manifested over time throughout their ray conditioned lives.

–Furthermore, many upon the path seek assistance from the Masters, Lords and powers that be but they first must provide such support to others in need along those same lines.


The fifth kingdom and/or Hierarchical values are being promoted. There are a large number of these values based upon the real needs of Humanity and/or any particular sub-grouping. Those more timely relevant ones with the available energy for re-construction are available especially at the full moon periods.

An increase in the registering of the Hierarchy directly by Humanity is being promoted.

Ashramic members are registering new alignments which have been initiated from the planetary Logos. These alignments are not what you might think but related to astrological conditioning events unfolding before us but exposed and effective only by the correct use of the Will.

Certain ashramic members are starting their advanced training earlier than planned. This means, in general, two things: First, you are aware that many whom are already Masters and secondly is that they represent the future Chohans for the next sub-race and/or race. There are other avenues of advanced training likewise that can be classified under fourteen headings not herein highlighted at this time. (Each of the members of Hierarchy have a certain self-appointed set of tasks to be completed and each of these sets of tasks are unlike the others.  Therefore, each member needs to train a replacement and given such, advancement is made. Therefore, each of these members have been training their replacements for quite some time and many are read to transfer to other tasks.)

There are those certain members of the ashrams now meeting in in enclave to advance certain shared hidden agenda directly related to those forces affecting Humanity.

Other Entities have arrived from other dimensions to assist the Hierarchy towards the raising of the livingness of Humanity. These Entities are working through the four entities (Lords of Karma) upon the mental plane monitoring the form creations of Humanity to secure the best possible consciousness forms (matter and substance) to both balance karma and meet present and future Plan objectives.

Furthermore, other members of the Hierarchy have meet previously and meeting now in Enclave to discuss the next set of changes related to the decisions of the Lords of Karma and therefore concerned for the best possible advantage for the advancement of Humanity at this juncture.


An Affirmation from the Christ to those overly burdened field workers:

The Knowledge that you have now is adequate for the task for which you were created.

The Wisdom you have now is now adequate for the task for which you were created.

The Will you have now is adequate to the task.

The Love you have now is adequate to the task.

Go forth and serve with Joy.


There has been several thousand (approximately 4,600) changes related to hierarchical plan and/or protocols since the writings of Alice A. Bailey’s Treatises on Esoteric Philosophy.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

The Christ & Some Plan Elements