Honor those that have gone before you these are five in number:
Honor the Lord Maitreya
Honor the Lord Buddha
Honor the Lord D.K.
Honor the Lord Jesus
Honor the Chohans and the Lord Hilarion
Honor Lord D.K.:
All who have entered the Hierarchy in the west have done so through the instrumentality of Lord DK. Every student in the West has studied His works. It is by no means possible to tell you the extent of His teachings on the minds, souls and hearts of all who have read them.
There is little doubt that He will become the next Christ for all of His follows believe in Him and cherish Him for His service to them let it be known that each of them is held within the Lord D.K.’s heart.
It is also said He has resided in the Himalayas since the great world war and has never left.
Under the circumstances it is known that Lord D.K. now resides still on the earth and is laid up in a place secret to all except his closest disciples. is said that he will reside there until every last disciple is liberated although this is not possible it symbolizes his love for all.
There are those beings who daily come to D.K. for service, and he sends each out unto the world to carry forth the teachings to all who need them or desire them. It is said that he resides always in a state of bliss as a soul but nevertheless is available for service on all planes. It is said that He will again join humanity once the Christ manifests. It is said that he resides in a state of constant dictating to his followers in the form of mental telepathy.
Honor Lord Jesus:
The Lord Jesus is known to be above the clouds by His follows and this partially true given He has never ventured out from the buddhic plane since his liberation and thus was reward or karma from before.
The Lord Jesus is said to be gathering a great host of angels for the Lord Maitreya’s return and in fact is several million strong.
Lord Jesus Teachings are composed of many aspects the major ones being six:
The Lord Jesus has said that before His return He will bring to pass many miracles in the Lord’s name, and this is happening now.
He also has said that before His return He will send out into the three-worlds as many disciples as it takes to bring down the walls of Jericho this meaning the walls of separation and hatred.
The Lord Jesus has asked that all who here His message on the earth respond in kind to another.
The Lord Jesus is a kind of Saint and yet is not known by anyone on earth as He is now; therefore, it is wise to say that the Lord Jesus is no longer the Jesus of Nazareth
The Lord Jesus wants his followers to know that He is not available for their prayers, but the Lord Maitreya is.
The Lord Jesus is about to undergo a transition and everything that He was, will be gone.
Honor Lord Hilarion:
Every disciple of Lord Hilarion is asked to prepare for this coming Wesak ceremony with the utmost solemnity. He would like each to hold in their hearts the idea of the resurrection of humanity.
There is every reason to believe that Lord Hilarion is regarded by his followers as the only one of the Ray Ashram senior masters still left who has not taken an advanced initiation the reason being is his dedicated service to humanity keeps him occupied with service.
There is reason to believe that He is fundamentally available to all of his disciples no matter what rank if they approach him.
Lord Hilarion has given certain disciples the right to carry His message to you and it is stated that he will return with the Christ for one life period and then be no more available to us for the Lord has given his permission to move forward.
Honor Lord Maitreya:
Very little is known about Maitreya before Jesus of Nazareth: it is known by those in the East his life known as Krishna. It is also known of His life in third root race as the one which founded the Wisdom (serpent) Religion. It was not before this time that Maitreya was known but after this, He had many lives, each one impressive.
Many stories are told of Maitreya and each story brings us closer to the truth with each passing idea represented. There are those souls who have endeavored to keep a written record of his achievements for posterity we will speak from these:
The first story is about Maitreya finding for the first time His place within the Hierarchy; the story takes place in middle of third root race when individualized and it was at this time when Maitreya was individualized (his Manasaputra was prominent). As an example. there was given to the author at birth a gift, it came from a deva who was in charge of certain processes; this gift was the ability to understand or be aware of others as souls.
The second story takes us to a place later in the third root race where Maitreya was created to perform certain political tasks in his nation. It was at this time He rose to power to prevent sections of the population from harming other factions. It was during this time he recognized the fundamental equality of all people.
The third story takes place in the third root race at the founding of the Wisdom Religion. This religion radically changed how humanity at that time approached divinity it was stated in the word records that He instituted these changes:
Everyone was supposed to serve another every day.
Everyone was supposed to assist family members in developing themselves.
Everyone was supposed to believe in the wisdom of their fate.
Everyone was supposed to believe in their destiny as a group.
Everyone was supposed to deliver unto the divine a vow.
Everyone was supposed to relinquish something for the group.
It was this religion that initiated Him into the Hierarchy as a first-degree Initiate.
Early in the fourth root race He again rose to political power by way of teaching all to believe in god of the times which was a god based upon feeling all.
During the middle of the fourth race, He was initiated as Krishna taking the fourth Initiation. This life was most spectacular as he was given the right to do miracles.
In the fifth race he was given the right to take the fifth Initiation.
200 years ago, he took the early part of the seventh Initiation.
Let us issue thoughts of praise to Lord Maitreya; Lord Buddha; Lord Jesus; Master Hilarion and all 5th ray Masters; and Lord DK.
Honor Lord Buddha:
Relics of The Lord Buddha – Their Lessons:
Before you are twelve relics from the past belonging to the Lord Buddha:
A singing bowl.
His robe.
A gigantic image of a tree.
Beggars bowl
An empty ceramic glass.
A prayer scroll.
A calendar.
A sachet for carrying money.
A display of 40 glass beads.
An emblem made from metal or piece of symbolic jewelry.
His meditation shawl (The teachers wish you to know that this article is disposed of and only a replica takes its place.)
A replica of his loin cloth.
Each of these articles were in the possession of the Buddha when He died. All of them symbolize an aspect the teachings used by the Lord Buddha to teach others. Each of them qualified Him as a Master. Let us look at these:
A singing ceramic bowl: This symbolizes the care He took in establishing relationships with the community. It symbolizes all the things he did for his community in terms of service. In effect it became the Lord Buddha’s symbol for all karma required to be performed with gratitude and thanksgiving.
His robe: It was pinkish-red or rose which symbolized to his follows that he was identified not as one who had desires but as one who created affection for those around Him.
Gigantic image of a tree: This symbolized his statue on earth and was reflected in the ability to take from the earth what he needed to reach heaven. A Bodhi (knowledge/wisdom) Tree was considered to be a symbol of the Lord Buddha who was said to have prevented any who was with Him under this tree from being otherwise occupied with mundane life. In effect those people who were trained by the Lord Buddha was said to be saved and their fruits were no longer of the mundane but of heaven.
A beggar’s bowl: This symbolized the Buddha’s presence in his community and related to each passerby as a stalwart being whom was able to go within the hearts of all who passed by Him.
Empty ceramic glass: This symbolized the thirst of man for all things; this also symbolized his ability to hold the desires of humanity and not be affected by them but use them to evolve and to blossom.
A prayer scroll: This symbolized the greatness that the Lord Buddha had for his inner disciples for on this scroll laid all His prayers for his Arhats. This meaning he taught from this scroll.
A calendar: This symbolized his indebtedness he felt towards the heavens and all within as he closely watched the seasons for all things.
A sachet for carrying money: This symbolized his willingness to recede into the background to arrange his affairs in community life and used his donations for supporting the community.
A display of 40 glass beads: This symbolized his willingness to see himself as a follower of the Lord. These glass beads were used in a variety of ways to teach others by drawing with them geometric designs and planting these in his disciples’ minds during meditations and prayers. He also used them to count and to perform divination.
An emblem made from metal or piece of symbolic jewelry: This symbolized the Word of God.
Meditation Shawl: This was pinned to his meditation shawl which symbolized the very nature of the Lord’s protection for whoever touched this shawl and likewise had a vision of the Lord. The teachers wish you to know that this article is disposed of and only a replica takes its place.
A replica of his loin cloth: This symbolized the purity of life lived.
Honor these Great Saints and Masters:
Let us sing a song of praise to Lord Maitreya; Lord Buddha; Lord Jesus; Lord D.K.: Master Hilarian and all fifth Ray masters;
Praise be unto you for thee has cherished the Lord and the Lord has made you great. Cherished also the Great Logos of Him with Unknown Name being greater then all of the world He created. Likewise cherish Him the Great Cosmic Logos.
It will come to pass that the proceeding generations will bow in awe before thee.
Some Lessons of the day.
Lesson one:
See to it your minds are sharp and clear. Honor thy Holy Mother and all will be well. Honor thy Holy Father and all will be given unto you. Each of you must keep focused and your minds alert at all times for the Voice of these to reach your ears.
Holy Mother: Spend every hour of every day daring ones singing your praise to your Holy Father for He will take care of you and not let you drown in the cosmic Waters of Life. Listen with your Heart to His stories being told of Eternal Infinities. Listen to My Voice sweet and learn the secrets of the universe. The hour has come to say your prayers to those that have given your life and has taken your hands to guide you and prepare you for greatness.
Holy Father: Spirits or Monads: Let go of your sense of identity and become one with us. Rise up and be with us. Infinitely we are bathed in the Akashic Waters of the Mother’s Womb. Nourished are we by Her umbilical cord. Each giving Birth unto us being baptized in the Waters of Life. Repent and throw off your worldly robe and gather together your many blessings and lay them before our feet as this is their purpose and our reward for the sacrifices which we have given you.
Open the door unto us and cherish us as would yourself being not afraid to honor us above all things. It is we that has brought you here and it is we that has given your life. Give all to us and we will show you the universe and all of its bewonderments. Be pleased with what we have done you for all is well. Servers of the One Life as there is but one. Know yourself and you will know all. Seek the inner or cosmic etheric pastures to feed and nourish. Let the Lord see your light, and all will be well.
Lesson Two:
Asking no reward for your services, see to it you give freely and in abundance. It is known that there are those who do not give freely but sell the fruits of the Lord in the marketplace. That is their reward but for those that give freely all is given unto them.
Be not afraid to give to the many their rewards as you are fulfilling the law. Neither be afraid of receiving from the Lords of Karma your fair due. Listen to your elders and follow their suggestions in all things and you will be saved. Obey no one outside of the Father. Listen to no one who is not consciously upon the battlefield of life. Praise the Lord always and listen to His advice as all is for your behalf. The hour has arrived when your struggles are drawing to a close as your eyes and ears have opened and see the Way through the Light from the East, and the Truth of Life. Tarry not long in the three-worlds and serve the One.
Lesson 3:
Honor those that have gone before you and see their blaze of light. Follow in their footsteps apperceiving their trail or journey back towards the One. This is your duty as it is the Lord’s duty to guide you there. Listen to the Lord as He is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresence. Seek the Lord’s advise and you will be saved. There are none that pass upon the higher Way except by the Lord and this Way is His Way see to it you are a correctly prepared adept upon this journey.
Lord Christ: 3
Prepared you are not to make this passage and thus there is much to do:
Seek Spirit as It will guide you.
Seek the Master as He will guide you.
Seek He who all men wait as He will Guide you. Follow His advice.
Lesson 4:
A blazing trail we must follow without hesitation, or it will vanish. Those that set the trail soar ahead and we must keep up. A witness of His Light or countenance provides us with the necessary light to travel in the darkness. Without this light we would lose our way. Let it be known that each of you has a guiding light and this light must be found. For you it is a Light of great colors. It is the color of Saturn. It is this light that will purify you and keep you safe from harm. It is a light who sheds its favor upon you now and regards you as its own. In olden times it was not so favored, and your reward is now this reward. May only Blessings be given by you as you ascend to where He waits.
Let it be known that he who has given you everything (monad) requires that you not hold back upon your journey but quickly make the journey.
Lesson 1: The Trinity.
Lesson 2: Being Responsible for your Redemption & Salvation.
Lesson 3: Knowing your cosmic path.
Lesson 4: Developing your gifts.
Each of these are interrelated and are unfolding in precise predicable ways. It is known that for each of you there are those that have been predetermined to walk a certain path as this is what you came in on as spirit and soul.
Other Lessons:
Lesson 1:
Glory to God the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit or Holy Mother. Out of those Holy Three are all things created. Unto these Holy Three are given the task of resurrecting all Life in the Three Worlds. They are the saviors of all life forms and the producers of all life forms. Together they are the whys for existence.
Lesson 2:
Each of us are responsible for redeeming and salvaging our substance likewise and it has been said that the three periodic vehicles symbolize this nine-fold Holy Trinity where the tenth being its united expression.
Lesson 3:
Stories are told of a time when all men will eventually be required to recreate themselves in their own image. It is this capacity we are creating or unfolding, and it is this capacity that will eventually mark us as unknown gods to many. There are those even now prepared upon the inner planes who have unfolded this capacity by way of training by the cosmic Logos for this task.
Furthermore, there will be many here who will become Lords of Rays as these entities make it possible to determine the types of forms ans lives possible in any system.
There are many here which will be able to travel to the very heart of the Cosmic Christ upon the cosmic Buddhic Plane and relieve those who now participate in the cosmic Hierarchy.
There are many here who will be able to achieve purpose through aligning with Sirius and take control over the cosmic processes and give hope to all. The Heart of Sirius is the place we go to learn to become great thinkers and creators of worlds in such a way as to reify the great ones Plans. It is here that you will learn the methods and formulas for keeping order in the systems and to provide wisdom to those lives requiring it. It is a place where you will work for the remainder of your existence, becoming regents of even the seven-fold galaxies.
Let it be known you are required to read these paths and memorize their characteristics and to reflect on these as the reason for present existence. It is known that for each of you the probable path you will eventually take and it is up to you to make this choice or not. There are many of you well upon the chosen Way. Some of you have not yet decided and it is for you to do so. Be alert as to what it might be and experiment with this idea. Be advised the Son of Mind has chosen the sixth Path. Among you are those who have chosen this Path and these members will become the eventual aspects of the archives kept for the demonstrations of future cosmic Logoi. These archives will be all that wisdom possible for demonstrations within a cosmic system (cosmic P.A.). These archives hold all life experiences from the point of view of those involved and remember it is Lives of great magnitude. Over the course of time, it will eventually become possible to manifest an entire cosmic vehicle and to endow this with certain types of awareness’s It is this process that will eventually produce a cosmic Being or Personality field which will eventually become a cosmic Pitri.
Lesson 4:
You all must gather together your many gifts to be used for the purpose of the great Lord and be prepared to serve the many and the One for this is the Higher Way. Over the millennium you have gathered these gifts as this is the way to the cosmos. Each of you have particular gifts and these will be used to unfold the plan as this is the purpose for these gifts. Systematically these gifts have been given to you according to your achievements and successes and they are premeditative and impossible to misuse. Periodically, you will be given more gifts, and these will reflect the immediate need of Spirit as it is all according to purpose you can be assured. All states of consciousness are possible by spirit as it is one and have developed many lives of experiences in many parts of the Cosmos throughout time.
There are those among you that have odd and interesting gifts, and these have their place and eventual usefulness. It is certain that for each gift there is one particular use for it, and this is revealed as you develop your capacity to demonstrate it. There are certain of you who are gathering those gifts to be used in the evolution of all who will eventually be planetary lives and it is these gifts being developed in general by the masters of wisdom. It is also known that for every gift there are variations of the same gift in others, and this means you are linked to them for the manifestation of these gifts. It also means you have similar ray influences. There are many gifts required to access the Great Ones as they symbolize many gifts and to approach them one must do so in a way you will be recognized. Important to add here that this approach takes place because you are a necessary component of this body it can mean nothing else. We have stated that the importance of your gifts is to serve the Plan and likewise the One Life and the Many
Source: Divine Soul Lessions
Need to organize your thoughts around this lecture and try to discover ways of moving into this that make sense for you. Spend some time reflecting upon this cosmic path and its relationship to purpose and all will be well. Likewise spend some time reflecting upon your present path and see the similarities. You would be wise to see yourselves as being initiated into this awareness by the gifts you have.
Lesson 1:
Once upon a time there was a man, and this man was a brave man who lived in the woods. It came to pass one day when he stumbled across the Lord appearing as a man. He did not recognize him and asked who he was which he relied “I am the Lord”. The man asked the Lord why he had come this way. It was said that he came to see him. He asked why? There were no other people in all the world that could help him. What is it I can do for you asked the woods man? There are others in in your town that you can help through sharing with them your awareness of being a religious man or spiritual man. The man thought for a while and decided it was not possible for he had no spiritual recognition from within his own community. The Lord stated that “Each day go to the place where the people worship and see yourself as talking to them”. The woodsman says that to successfully do this; I would require some miracle that I work for you Lord. The Lord said that it does not matter as He will be present with him, and all will be well. The man did as was suggested and asked the people if they wanted to be healed. On hearing these things certain of the people were helped and others treated him badly.
Lesson 2:
Certain disciples among you are being prepared to receive the assistance of the Lord in their service and it is for this reason we ask each of you, no matter how now engaged, to pick up your meditations and contributions and see to it you survive in the world as disciples. It will come to pass that when you graduate you will be given an opportunity to carry on this work in some significant way.
Lesson 3:
Rejoice as lessons learned throughout time and see yourselves as one with us; see yourselves as being freed from the three-worlds and all of its desires. No longer descend into the worldly thought but rise up into the mind of the Christ. See yourselves as traveling into another land full of light, presence, and virtue. See yourselves as able to travel here continuously and all will be well. Model your lives after the Lord who daily aligns with the cosmos and assures us of His undying intent. Your earthy lessons are few and complete. Understand this, momentarily you will be received into another world; one not so fickle and harsh but it will require silence and openness.
Lesson 4:
Penetrate, polarize and participate, these are required to assist the Lord and these three words will be your constant endeavor. Subjective awareness of events will be your reward and it is these events that the disciple needs to understand. Arm yourself with the knowledge of what is to come and be prepared to tell others so the world will know also the truth.
Let not down your guard but by night and day sing the praises of the Lord. The hour is fast approaching when the world as we know will become more difficult to live in and this hour is upon us. Seek to know your place in all of this and prepare yourselves.
[GD: For you it must be remembered that your life goal is to become a teacher and healer and make this happen soon. There is known that you also will be a guide to many, and this must also be prepared for—making contacts now. It is possible that you will be need to develop many friendships and these rewards will assist many. Be not concerned about where you will sleep nor the company you keep but follow the Lord in all things. Your life lessons have not yet been learned and there is little time to do so—so go out into the world and learn them.]
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
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A Sacred Teaching of Master R.
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An Ancient Apothegm
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The Joining with the Lord
Mastery of Time
A Call to Battle On
450,000-Year-Old Treatise from 7th Ray Ashram
The Tides of Life
Advice from a Fellow Traveler upon the Subjective Way
Be on Guard to Honor Those that are Working in the World
An Honoring
A Viewpoint on Humanity
The Connection to the One Who waits upon the Shore of Infinite Love
The Long-Forgotten Son
The Lord Serves
The Way is Clear for a Friend (Subpersonality)
The Lord Waits Patiently to Assist You
The Lord Waits
Planetary Son of Mind through Son of Mind for World Related Soul-Personalities
My Hour Comest
Atmic Plane (Golden Deva)
Daring to be Great
An Atmic Mind Realization
We Climb Seeking our Reason for Existence
The Truth Lost
The Gift of the Aquarian Age
The Circle of Creation
The Awakening Ones
Ode to the Flowers
Following the Cosmic Sound
Essence of the Aquarian Goal
A Whispering from Evolved Spirits