A Short Mental (Galaxy) Embodiment Exercise

Breath deeply (up) into the heart of the local galactic (or seven local galaxies) universe space for 5-minutes.

Exercise your mind in such a way as to create and hold in your mind all the knowledge you possess in a synthesis:

Now project synthesis of knowingness into the Heart of this Universe.

Now take some time breathe down this Universe.

Just hold this intent and observe.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Daily Attunement with the Soul

Daily Attunement for Disciples to Nurture their Ashramic Awareness

Daily Alignment

Special Alignment Exercise

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Four Short Mantras to Enhance Meditation Alignment

Meditation Alignment Processes – Sheath Awareness Exercise – For an Aspirant

Plane and Subplane Devas – Group of 49 Holy Ones – Some Adjunct Information

A Subjective Devic Source Impression received during Meditation.

Each disciple is responsible for unfolding and understanding the way devas work and in this way they will be able to be released from their control over them.

You have been given the idea of them working to ensoul the various cosmic planes and subplanes and in this way they control all forms and formless forms inherent within their domain. We would like to suggest somewhat of a simplistic picture of how they achieve this.

Our ability to grasp this is limited but we may understand somewhat if we rely upon the idea that each plane has a regiment of devas under the command of each plane deva and in this way they control the instilling of the life waves through that plane.  This impacts all those lives that have a sheath composed of such substance.

Each plane is magnetically linked to all other planes and in this way they magnetically rotate through space producing in their turn some dominating link to all life forms dwelling such planes. It is in this capacity that each Deva Lord refers to Itself as the one responsible in time and space for the carrying out of the Lord’s (the Being dwelling on all planes simultaneously) wishes through its act by way of dominating each life there to carry out its mission and in this way life achieves its purpose. It is in this regard we all are prisoners of their intent and thus they are gods for us in the making.

You must understand that each deva is functioning and operating under a different set of laws that are correlated by the Entity making up the seven local galaxies.

Understand that each deva is also responsive to a set of cosmic Beings on a Monadic level that makes up the seven galaxies individually and in this way they work through two sets of vibrations or poles producing in time and space a relationship between each other – the greater seven and lessor seven or subplanes.

You have been given the idea that each plane is working under a law and each law is related in context to a Ray Life this Ray Life represents our effort to liken each subplane to one of seven great Beings and in this way each controls the destiny of all and in this way we achieve greatness through all.

You would be wise to consider that each plane is likewise rotating in space in a particular way and this way they produce a geometrical configuration over time conforming to the one held in the Mind of God of the seven separately. Even though we have been given the rotate horizontally but not at the same speeds or angles so to speak. It is important to note here that each of the seven is likewise considered to be independent of the other and in this way they can control the destiny of all who travel through their space. Each of them is likewise controlled by the other in that they are responsive to certain polarities in terms of their number or orientation and in this way a certain order is established.

It is given that the dates and times of these plane geometries produce the periodic shifting of dimensional stellar orbits. These produce the different currents entering the solar system on various planes through alignments being made affecting the evolutionary potential of the Earth.


How to make sense of all of this in relationship to the earth from the point of view of a subjective astrologer.

  1. The Earth is ready to make a gradual shift in its movements buddhically considered. This will produce a changing of the seasons on the earth in the sense of being more closely related to the cosmic buddhic plane and in this way the Temple will be more easily built.


  1. The Earth is also making a change in its orbital field mentally. You would be surprised as to the changes that will take place within 300 years in respect to a change in its orientation to the atmic plane and the cosmic Mental subplanes. This advancing configuration will bring in a change to the earth’s mental landscape producing a great creativity based upon the Soul’s capacity and ability to integrate reflectively into the greater cosmos—a Devic alignment.


  1. The next major change in the Earth’s orbital field will be in 300,000 years when the mental and cosmic Mental plane will orientate itself to the monadic and the cosmic Monadic plane respectfully and at this time the Earth will begin its very slow process to disappear, or the scheme will rise up vibrationally.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Esoteric Astrology Chart Evaluation

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
Graduates of the Earth – Some Adjunct Information
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
The Journey Home Yet Again
Call from Venus
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School

Esoteric Cosmology – Schemes of the Solar System – Some Adjunct Information

These following (unnamed) schemes are upon the seven-fold Cosmic Physical Plane and represent the Quaternary: (8)


There are those entities related to the planetary earth scheme that has relationship to the concrete mental body of the solar Logos and these are four (sub-planes related):

  • All of them are upon the mental plane or fifth plane counting downward of the cosmic physical plane.
  • Each of them trespasses upon the earth sphere (gasified).
  • All are a product of Thought within the Mind of God.
  • Each according to some mental sub-plane orientation.


Each of these planetary scheme bodies are related to one scheme. Holy are they, as they represent the Logos’s Thought throughout the solar system. They represent four sets of Lives giving form to life.

They are also a product of an earlier solar system where the lower four rays were expressive and realistically take into consideration the development of Logos’s Thoughts as it descended to manifest and at this time are upon the lowest plane.

Each and every one of them are a product of millions of years of involvement in the production of solar system and relate to the tremendous growth of Logos’s Vehicle of self-expression.

They relate to a product of many lives where he has extended himself into matter as a natural course of his Plan.

It would be good to study this as an example of a thoughtform manifesting over time for materialization and see this as an example of this systemically.

It also would be good to have an idea of planets/globes involved in this configuration although this is not a secret it cannot be given out: (4)


There are those upon the cosmic Etheric or the triadal planes that represent the Triad. (4)

Each of these are a product also of an earlier solar system and represents the turning of the wheel specifically in relationship to those party upon other planetary schemes not related to the fourth and this particularly concerns ideals whose times have come into manifestation from these schemes.

Each of these relationships created among the stars with their solar Lords finds there grounding here in some way or another and expresses the Life of the solar Lord.

It would be good to look at this from the angle of catching a vision of the plan as it is envisioned by the Lord as it is embodied directly in the creation of His vehicles as your own.

It would be good to look at this as an equal life to His Karma as well as an equal life to ours.

It would not be right to see this as an embodiment of His form but of His desires and this from the point of karmic substance available.

It would be okay to envision His purpose as an expression of related chakra development upon cosmic etheric planes and in other words the reflect actions of Hierarchy in the solar etheric.

It would be good to see this as an example of His higher vehicles playing out His mental organization.

It also is a product of an earlier Desire once it takes form upon the cosmic Etheric and all is past down here.

It would be good to see this as an example of His play among the gods and His cherishment of this in the form of His Goodness trying to be expressed.

All of these ordered processes exhibit a relationship among his compeers through the relationships He creates among His centers and purpose is derived by this over time as it is apperceived by the masters.

It would be good to look upon this as an example of the master’s work among the cosmic paths linking with other solar Logoi His pattern of response over time and in this way achieve a more enlightened understanding to the creative process.

There are those upon the inner round that represent the extension of the life of the solar logos in respect to its relationship to those other solar systems of polar opposite. (6)

There are those inner round schemes related to a third solar system waiting for the judgment day in the next round that will transfer planetary Logoi into it, and this means the cosmic Heaven Worlds (cosmic Abstract). (8)


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
Graduates of the Earth – Some Adjunct Information
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
The Journey Home Yet Again
Call from Venus
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Causal Body Travel – Some Other Places

There are many interesting places one can visit within the causal body.

Below are some examples:

A place on the first sub-plane of manasic plane.  This place is to be one’s new home eventually for advanced souls but for aspirants there is little yet familiar with this place thus need to progress in listening to the Voice in the Silence.

This place has no name you are familiar with it is located within the solar astral world.

A place considered to be the beginning of a new planet not formed yet on the mental plane.

A planet forming upon the mental plane it is being built to house humanity in the next chain.

A place within the solar astral dimension associated with earth’s chain fifth planet.


Each of these places relate to Humanity in some future way and it is useful to include in one’s paradigm and to have an understanding of this.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Useful Planets or Globes to Align With

Some Inter-dimensional Planetary Bodies Related to the Earth Scheme

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function

Esoteric Cosmology – Schemes of the Solar System – Some Adjunct Information


Esoteric Cosmology – Aquarius Constellation Alignments & The Future

Beingness groupings (or sub-stellar constellations) who are within the Aquarius Constellation that will interface with the Earth during the Age of Aquarius: (12)

These greater beings or Lives are producing changes in the monadic vehicle for those beings in the fourth kingdom who are members of the Lodge or third-degree initiates and higher. These changes concern the will or direction intent aspect. Furthermore, this change enhances these members’ ability to align with the solar Logos’s Personality aspect.

These Beings over time will heighten Sanat Kumara and Shamballa’s alignment and Purpose in respect to the Son of Mind of the solar Logos and the cosmic Logos.  There will be relief for initiates in identification with and waiting on the Earth Humanity will come due to humanity’s expanding soul focus. The section of the training done by the Hierarchy in training for the first three initiations will become externalized. Overall, these initiates will be focused on grounding new information from Shamballa in respect to the future purpose of the Plan.

As a part of this new Purpose the Eyes of Mind of these greater Beings will channel or transmit causative forms to be created in respect to Shamballic Purpose. These forms depict changes in consciousness needed by humanity; overall, this symbolizes the hosting of other humanities on this planet or their souls taking human forms.

Also, due to the above alignments by way of Aquarius certain mechanical inventions will be created to explore the universe which will discover other lives.  One of these life groups will pretend to give earth humanity knowledge but will hide their intents. These lives will discover that earth is rich in animal life and will try to buy animal life to grow on their home planet. It will do this illegally. This other planet will reproduce animal life and will expand its human understanding. Great changes will happen do to this discovery or understanding and will permit the two races to combine into one race eventually.

Religions will become history overnight when the world proves the existence of the human soul and therefore begins to identify with it. The Christ will be experienced consciously. The world religions will compete for programs to integrate the personality, soul and spirit and this will happen once this previous and now dead star system is discovered near our own that was once this star system and is found to agree with the Ancient Wisdom Teaching concepts.

Due to the above, a great event will happen in the future on this planet because on the moons of the earlier star system there will be discovered records of civilization that existed there.

Also, other worlds will be discovered that will assist present day humanity to survive.

In a long time from now the fifth kingdom or kingdom of souls will finally fully integrate with humanity, the fourth kingdom, and knowledge of the subjective worlds be discovered; including the ability to consciously go there and learn while out of body. This is possible now to only the few more advanced members of the race but during this future time this will become a common practice due to humanity’s evolutionary advancements in consciousness as souls.

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function

The Christ & Some Plan Elements

An Aspirants Hope for the Future of the Planet

Humanity in the Far Future – A Probable Perspective (Revised 03/05/24)

Humanity in the Future – A Probable Perspective – Part II

The Future of Humanity – Some Adjunct Information – Part III

Humanity & The Immediate Future – Some Subjective Observations & Predictions Reviewed

Visions of Potential Future Events Unfolding for Humanity

Humanity, A Great Destiny Unfolding

Some Voices of Humanity – A Full Moon Meditation

Incoming Impressions from the Hierarchy to the NGWS to Humanity

The 12 Major Causes for the Suffering of Humanity

The Direction of Humanity & The Christ’s Plan – Some Adjunct Information

A Viewpoint on Humanity

A Reflection on Humanity

Struggle to Direct Humanity

Planetary Soul Speaking through Humanity

A Present Moment for Humanity

7-Spirits Before the Throne – Message to Humanity (through Nirmanakayas to New Group of World Servers to Humanity)

Systemic Soul Speaking to Planetary Soul through Humanity

Planetary Guiding Angels – A Covenant between Humanity and God (12)

Microsoft AI Creation

Useful Planets or Globes to Align With

(HZ Note: Information received subjectively while in meditation.)


You would be wise to consider making plans to achieve a certain alignment with the following six planets on a daily basis. The names for these globes will need to be received intuitively:


Future 1: This planet is referred to as the planet next in line to receive the Life-Wave. This planet gives one the ability to see yourself in the future and lessons the restraints upon your physical body.

Future 2: This planet allows you to receive impressions better from the inner realms. This planet permits you to know the secrets of success in bringing in information that is due to the Lords Plans for the future. It is important one make an alignment with this every day to assure one’s flow into the day.

Past 1: This planet deals with the possibility of registering all of those known ghosts of the past. It is about you being able to identify all of those characteristics within the world that stands for reactionary. Important that you reframe from registering this unless you are healthy and in a state of well-being and relates to the past.  This planet also relates you to the idea of receiving past life information from those devic sources still in this world.

Past 2: This planet registers all of those influences from Venus and in this way can be perceived as a warehouse of information pertaining to Venus. We would like you to have the information that this planet regularly receives information wanting to come in related to the past.

Future 3: This planet deals with a future time to come and is recognized as that planet that receives information about the solar Logos and in this way we can better keep in touch with the solar systemic activity.

Past 3: This planet is about you being able to achieve a certain connection with those devas that are responsible for the creation of our world and in this way achieve a greater understanding of the creative process. This planet is also related to the idea of receiving data on incoming forces related to the past and this comes about as evil influences come in.

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Some Inter-dimensional Planetary Bodies Related to the Earth Scheme

Causal Body Travel – Some Other Places

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function

Esoteric Cosmology – Schemes of the Solar System – Some Adjunct Information





Nicholas Roerich Museum - Himalayas Album Leaf

The Silence of the Heart – Destination Sources

[Source: Divine Soul: (8)]


Various destination Sources responsible for degrees of Heart Silence.

The absolute Silence of the Heart possible is represented by Solar Logos’s identification with 2nd aspect of the Monadic Sheath.

The representatives of this reality are the Seven (7) Sacred Planetary Logoi whose Monadic Vehicles are located upon the plane of Cosmic Buddhi.

Each Master attempts to identify with the ultimate point of attainable Silence through identifying with their own individual monadic sheaths representing an identification with planetary Logos or Heavenly Man of their planetary scheme.

Human existence points to the Heart of the Sun in terms of heart consciousness and point of silence attempting to be experienced but this is only a stopping off point.

In all manner of speaking, it is the Planetary Logoi that represents the highest achievable point of Heart Silence available to us in the 5th kingdom.

The Christ principle is the perfection of the existing centers of the Seven (7) planetary Logoi’s astral body or the seven (7) Ashrams on the buddhic level.

The buddhic plane is the goal of the human race as well as the entering of the cosmic Etheric in terms of identification as this is the Astral centers’ Desire aspect working out of the planetary Logoi.

The 6th subplane of the buddhic plane is the subplane where all 4th degree initiates attempt to polarize.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

 Twelve Rules relating Spirit with Soul – Part I

he Father’s House – Signposts of Home

The Antahkarana – Some Rules for Triadal AlignmentI

The Plan & Sanat Kumara

Sanat Kumara and His Cosmic Grouping – A Devic Story:

Ten Principles for Cosmological Study

Four Principles linked to Sanat Kumara – Purpose, Salvation, the Burning Bush, and Judgement

Planetary, Solar and Cosmic Logoi Symbols – A Reification Effort

Symbol 1:

Planetary Logos (World Soul)

Composed of three colors.

Outline of a star which is forest green.

Sphere surrounds star which is light gold.

Symbol in the star in Sanskrit – AUM Mani Padme Hum which is bright ruby red.


Background is white.

Star pattern is a 5-pointed star.

Size is 24 inches.



Symbol 2:

Solar Logos (One Soul)

Size = 24 inches

Composed of three colors

The ways of creating this symbol are–with sphere; without sphere, or in a circle.


Sphere color of background is light indigo blue (thus symbol need to be lighter

Behind the sphere is also a light shining from out of the east.

A 24-sided star or double 12 pointed (behind sphere).

Outline of star in dark Midnight Blue.

Sphere surface or circle edge surrounding star is light mirror silver.

Star pattern=8-pointed star,

Eight symbols on periphery of sphere in black.

All eight symbols are 3-D:


1st Ray Symbol:

Monadically considered:  This symbol has 18 attributes.

5 circles arranged in a circle.

12 doors on the surface of a sphere each door has a symbol.

5 circles within this sphere.

8 tiers of 12 petals like a lotus—petals smaller and smaller circles of 12 arranged in a tetrahedron formation on each tier (3×4).

All the above is placed within a sphere.

The background has the color shiny black.

A light is shining from all directions except the center.


It is important to note here that this symbol was one of others used by disciples in training originally for the fifth initiation but now is used for the fourth.


2nd ray Symbol:

This symbol is depicted for now as being one of a cube: (14)

This cube is composed of several things—geometries or beings: (8)

It is composed of several polygons of many sides.

As well as several star sizes—six points.

It is also composed of many different types of symbols.

Also composed of letters of the alphabet.

Also composed of colors.

Also composed of regents or great beings.


The cube is completely filled with certain buddhic related ideas.

As well as buddhic related plans.


Outside the cube and to the right (looking at it) are 12 shapes.

All of these shapes relate to schemes.

They are divided into five groups according to position.

They are colored by five different colors also.

As well as organized by letters.

Each is making a trumping sound.

They are also circling around something.

Outside the cube and to the left are 16 shapes.


3rd Ray Symbol:

Has 18-attributes.

Eleven (11) funnels forming a sphere.

At the ends of each funnel is a symbol or word (translated to English)

  1. The Day is Coming (Find Your Day)
  2. Find Your Wisdom
  3. Find Your Grace
  4. Control Your Serpent of Illusion
  5. Relinquish Your Past
  6. Unite Your 5 Minds
  7. Salvage your Self (Lunar lives)
  8. Find Your Triumph (Ascend out of Cosmic Physical Identification)
  9. Tend to your Sheep (Ashram)
  10. Organize your Christ Mind
  11. Find the One (Within)


Behind the form is a symbol meaning Glory to the One


4th Ray Symbol:

This has 18 attributes.

Six-sided circle at the center of an eight-arm cross.

Eight arms in a cross shape (regular cross) and one at 90-degree angles in a sphere format.

Eight funnels surrounding the arms of the cross.

At the ends of each of these funnels are symbols.


This symbol is placed over the above and consists of moving kaleidoscope of three colors (humanity’s Rays of their three major periodic bodies it appears?)

Light yellow

Ruby red

Dark violet


5th Ray Symbol:

24-sided Octagon Shape. (14)

Each facet three-fold.

Each facet is colored.

1 colored dark violet

2 purple–dark

3 purplish violet –dark

4 violet blue–dark

5 dark green blue more green

6 medium dark green blue

7 dark violet green

8 medium dark violet

9 emerald green; pure emerald green

10 dark emerald

11 dark rosy violet

12 medium dark rosy black


6h Ray Symbol:

3 spheres within a sphere. (16)


The larger sphere is colored bright light green.

Each of the three smaller spheres are different colors;

but have a tint of rose radiating off of them.


The first sphere is outlined in dark rose.

The second sphere is outlined in dark gold.

The third is outlined in dark purple.


Each sphere has within it 8-things.


7th ray Symbol:

This symbol has 18 attributes.

4-sided square inside a 9-sided polygon.

9-sided polygon inside 7-sided circle

7-sided circle inside tetrahedron

center tetrahedron—4 sided triangles super imposed over 8-faceted circles.

8-faceted circles or spheres in the shape of 3 in middle and five around them inside.

10-sided polygon in the shape of 10-penagon shaped ends with 8 circles inside

14 doorways arranged in a spherical way or rectangles on the surface of a sphere with above 10-sided poly superimposed.

14-symbols one on each door: Sanskrit (give English meaning).

  1. This doorway symbolizes the path of integrating personality.
  2. This doorway symbolizes path of the integrating personality with the soul and Group Soul.
  3. This doorway symbolizes path of the integrating the above with Divine Soul.
  4. This doorway symbolizes path of the integrating the above with Hierarchy.
  5. This doorway symbolizes path of the integrating the above with the Lord.
  6. This doorway symbolizes path of the integrating the above with Shamballa.
  7. This doorway symbolizes path of the integrating the above with the seven Sacred Logoi.
  8. This doorway symbolizes path of the integrating the above with the seven Sacred Solar Systems.
  9. This doorway symbolizes path of the integrating the above with the cosmic paths.
  10. This doorway symbolizes path of the integrating the above with Sirius Lodge.
  11. This doorway symbolizes path of the integrating the above with fourth star of the Great Bear.
  12. This doorway symbolizes path of the integrating the above with cosmic Mental Identification.
  13. This doorway symbolizes path of the integrating the above with cosmic Identification with the Cosmic Christ.
  14. This doorway symbolizes path of the integrating the above with the One Life.



Symbol 3:

Cosmic Logos (Cosmic Soul)

Three colors

Star pattern=12-pointed star (12)

  • The Son of necessity derives its life force from a star system veiled by Pleiades or 7-Sisters.
  • It also derives its awareness from several star systems composing its causal body.
  • As well as derives its Son of Mind from star systems veiled by Sirius.
  • The cosmic Logos is rehearsing for the 3rd initiation as well as;
  • developing its intuition and this permits its energies circulating on mental level to be illuminated;
  • as well as aligned with its soul.
  • It would be good if you could draw a chart showing the above relationships.
  • As well, draw a chart depicting its relationship to our Star system as
  • As well as showing a chart to explain relationship to earth.
  • It would also be good to show our solar system ‘s relationship with other solar systems in terms of chakras.
  • As well as draw a chart explaining our schemes to these chakras.
  • As well as draw a chart to explain ramifications to humanity.


Size = 18 to 24 inches

It is important these symbols be hung in front of where you are sleeping—so you can see them when falling asleep.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

 Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

49 Ashramic Emblems – Probationary Initiate – Way of the Lord

Cosmic Paths, Centers, and Initiations – A Comparative Impression

The Nature of Sirius – Some Adjunct Information – Part II

The Sirian White Lodge: 5th (but effectively the 6th) Initiation and higher: (6)

All members of the White Lodge have direct alignment to Sirius.

They likewise have taken the 1st Sirian Initiation.

They honor the other solar systems’ hierarchies as their own.

Our solar hierarchy and planetary hierarchy both have members exchanged from our sister solar system and planetary schemes.

Of all the planetary hierarchies comprising our part of the Sirian Hierarchy the 5th sub-race one has the most members in the Sirian Hierarchy. It also is the most organized, and also the most aligned with Sirius.

Of concern at this time is the changes which has taken place within the cosmic Logos. (5)

There are millions of devas which require purpose or repurposing in one of the solar systems related to ours (due to certain forms being altered).

They are a concern because the Logos of that system have altered its alignment.

It is now aligned with another solar system outside of the cosmic Logos’.

This presents certain consequences or the bringing in from outside various forms requiring expression or integration. Very little is known about what is being expressed.

Blue Lodge: Third, Fourth, and Fifth Initiations.

All types of devas are also included in this Lodge, and it is mostly composed of devas.

This lodge is moving at such a fast pace it is second in its organization in all of the local cosmos. Only the Blue lodge in another solar system not related to ours is more quickly bringing in disciples.

In a short time, it will become first as the earth’s humanity becomes soul conscious.

Each level is being rapidly filled. The existing members of this lodge are all from recent entries, Furthermore all 5th Initiation masters are less than 2000 years old.

Fifth Sub-Race of the Fifth Root Race Hierarchy:

There is a rapid ongoing entry into this Hierarchy taking place today. It is being filled daily with new members. Every day that goes by sees an increase. Throughout the whole planet there has been over 830 third degree initiates enter this Hierarchy in the last 60 years.

Various Planetary Hierarchies. This represents a different classification as opposed to an earlier posted classification:

Earlier Classification:

  • South American
  • Himalayan (Northern Indian which is responsible for western disciples in general.)
  • Indian
  • Oriental or Asian
  • Southern Indian
  • Lemurian/Early Atlantis 1,2,3,4
  • Later Atlantis/early Aryan 1,2,3

This Classification:

  • Devas
  • More Advanced Souls
  • 1st sub-race of 5th root race
  • Western Races
  • 4th Root Race
  • Other Races mostly Asian
  • Average Developed Souls
  • More Primitive Souls

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

The Nature of Sirius – Some Adjunct Information

Ten Sub-Hierarchies & Six Ashrams – The One Hierarchy & The Externalization Plan Participation Now

The Silence of the Heart – Destination Sources

The Father’s House – Signposts of Home

The Antahkarana – Some Rules for Triadal Alignment

The Masters & Spirit – Some Adjunct Teachings (Revised 03-19-24)

The Nature of Sirius – Some Adjunct Information – Part 1

(HZ: This information was received as a soul-impacted impression during meditation except for the enclosed quotes.)


Organized existence is the words that best express the state of the Sirian Lords. So organized in fact that they are permitted no deviations from their cosmic hierarchical order by necessity.

Each working Member of the Sirian Lodge is a great Initiate where they have been organized along certain lines due to their Alignments created.  It is due to this alignment that they can take further Initiation.  And it is this Alignment that permits them the freedom of the cosmic Physical plane – their coming and going.

According to one’s destiny in a spirit sense there has been all told only ten Initiates from the Earth Scheme as of yet who have graduated from the this school of training on the Sirian cosmic path . This is a large number given the extreme difficulty required to be permitted to travel this Path and take this complex training and ake these Alignments. Many masters are presently in training for this Path and at this time only a very few are being permitted to leave the ring-pass-not of the planetary scheme (into para-nirvana). There will eventually be untold millions who will take this Path in the far distant future we are told.


Thus the cyclic transformation will proceed until such time as the bulk of humanity, standing upon the fourth Path, will pass through the initiatory process on Sirius, of which our E.A degree is a faint reflection. Alice A. Bailey, Rays & Initiation, pg.419


The Sirian Lodge itself is not a place or a state of awareness we could associate with.  It is a type of beingness better understood as varying types of cosmic Presence Awareness associated with their work with the Intents and Desires of the greater Logos. Sirian livingness is symbolized by the realities of the cosmic Triadal Presence. These are reflected in the Personality Fields of this Logos.  It is this human equivalent energy that is used in Sirius to undertake its Group Responsibilities. This should be further meditated on to better capture this understanding. As with all awarenesses alignment is the key.

What are these group responsibilities? They appear to be the following basically four in number:

  • They mirror the Purpose of a Great Being.
  • They educate the many Lives within the Personality Life of this Great Being on His Plan.
  • They reflect His Intent.
  • They represent His Memory.


They also organize Egoic Energies and Forces as well as preventing Lives from creating those forms they deem not in line with their Will.

Each Sirian Life will someday become a cosmic Logos and when this happens it will be because they have gathered direct experience through expressing His Intent.

Very little is known about this Path. What is known has been written by Alice A. Baily and Freemasonry. The Ageless Wisdom Teachings (AWT) have always alluded to this existence through mythology.

Training for the third degree is the first-time disciples are really exposed consciously to Sirian Energy and this exposure determines their initiatory fitness.

It might be said that those hierarchical members who are part of the Sirian group of trainees are themselves the trainers of those preparing for the 3rd Initiation. The band of Brothers moves together across through the waters of space and keeps pace with Sirius.

All 2nd degree initiations who are in training establish a synthetic Sirian inter-relationship with those responsible for the training. Together they move into the clear cold light and together they establish the ever-evolving Hierarchy. All manner of initiates blended together into this extremely organized energy field. Each new entry re-creating the Hierarchy. With every new member comes an alteration to the One Plan as well as its implementation. Each new member is slowly integrated into the Hierarchy.

As each disciple succeeds in completing the third initiation they become a channel for the Lord. This ability to become a channel for the Lord is what integrates the group into One Group. It is the Lord that has evolved the disciple up to this point and it is the Lord that guarantees his happiness, joy, and bliss.

It is not permitted to tell you of the relationship enjoined by those who are thus initiated nor is it permitted to tell you what to expect from the Lord. But it is permitted to say that all of those who belong to this group obey the slightest wish of the Lord. Nor is it permissible to tell you of the special gifts and abilities that disciples receive from the Lord through His Presence in the disciples’ lives. What is presently known is that the Lord is always with us and forever apart of one’s path.

The gifts brought by the Lord when He came to this planet cannot be understood by those who are not Initiate. They cannot be known because they and the Lord are not yet synthesized.

Heart to heart nourishes the many masters that embody the Sirian Group. It is their hearts identified with the One Heart of the One Whom Not can be Said. The One Heart is entered into through the Sirian Hierarchy, but it is nevertheless also an entry into the one Life.

It is common lore that the White Lodge of Sirius is symbolized also by the color Blue ( its exoteric color) as this color reflects the outer nature of Sirian Hierarchy. The many blue lights symbolize together the Auric Egg of cosmos.


Its “Blue Lodge” with its three degrees is related to the three major groups of Lives on Sirius, for there are there no kingdoms of nature, such as we possess; these groups receive all Those Who choose the fourth Path, and train Them in the mode of existence and the type of livingness which is found on Sirius. This will make it plain to you that the least developed of the Sirian Lives are—from our standpoint—all of Them initiates of very high degree.  Masonry is, therefore, connected in a peculiar way with the fourth Path. Alice A. Bailey, Rays & Initiation, pg. 418


Hidden away, cherished by all, the disciples of the Sirian Lords reflect the Heart. Abreast 4×4, they traverse the Halls of Sirius.


This sacred School teaches four things:

  • It teaches the art and science of cosmological causation and the Laws of Being.
  • It teaches the art and science of cosmic Ensoulment and Being inter-dependence.
  • It teaches the art and science of the Four Faces of Brahma’s Being and His unfoldment.
  • It teaches the art and science of the use of Fire.

The Disciples of the Sirian Lords seek to know the mystery of their Being and the Home of their origin.

The triple sound they utter thus the Lords of Evil harm them not for they know all and council all.


This battle fatigued group is adorned with:

  • The Crown of the Dragon (All Seeing Eye)
  • A Serpents Awareness (Know All)
  • A Staff of Freedom
  • The Full Name of the Solar Logos


A set of laws which comes from Sirius: (16)

  1. The Law of Mahatic Inducement
  2. The Law of Pristine Correction
  3. The Law of Cosmic Discernment
  4. The Law of the Lower Four
  5. The Law of Geometric Enhancement
  6. The Law of the Circle
  7. The Law of the Number One
  8. The Law of Advancement
  9. The Law of Glorification
  10. The Law of Geomancy
  11. The Law of Lodge
  12. The Law of the Creator
  13. The Law of Diplomacy
  14. The Law of Contentment
  15. The Law of Substantial Execution
  16. The Law of the Three


This statement must be linked up with that earlier made, which stated that the fifth initiation made a man a member of the Greater Lodge, or Brotherhood, on Sirius, being literally the first of the Sirian initiations.  The fourth initiation is the synthesis of the Initiations of the Threshold in the Sirian Lodge.  Finally, according to the ray on which initiation is taken, so very largely depends the subsequent path of service. IH&S, pgs. 181-182


Please note that even though the White Lodge is an extension of the Blue Lodge its members take various cosmic paths and not all are upon the fourth cosmic path.  But this is obviously a clue as to why all paths eventually merge into the fourth cosmic path.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

Ten Sub-Hierarchies & Six Ashrams – The One Hierarchy & The Externalization Plan Participation Now

The Silence of the Heart – Destination Sources

The Father’s House – Signposts of Home

The Antahkarana – Some Rules for Triadal Alignment

The Masters & Spirit – Some Adjunct Teachings (Revised 03-19-24)

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function

Esoteric Cosmology – Solar Antahkarana

Spirits Moving deeper into the Unknown Heart

A Whispering from Evolved Spirits

The Nature of Sirius – Some Adjunct Information – Part II