The World Turns Again and Again

This prayer is about a way to move forward into the unknown to have one believe into yourself and in this way, you can achieve a certain sense of direction related to Sanat Kumara’s Plan; would like to say purpose but this is not really knowable.

  1. The world turns and all thereon finds hope in progress made.
  2. The world turns and all thereon sees from a distance their star shining.
  3. The world turns and all (Nirvanis) thereon smells the radiance of life ever after.
  4. The many returns to the One and One is Being and Non-Being.
  5. The Hour struck, the Heart Blossoms, the greater Cosmos World turns.
  6. Perfected Spirits Who have found the greater Cosmic Way, see the Dawn, returning from the Mists and from hence Blossoming unto another Way outside of Brahma, the Black Swan
  7. The Hour struck and the Lhas of the greater, greater Cosmic Logoi arise and, in the Dust, the many returns to absorb the One.
  8. And in this Way, the creatures of all designs, again find hope in Being.
  9. And in this Way, the Lords symbolize the hope of all.
  10. And in this Way, the manner of the worlds determines the fate of all.
  11. The funnel sounds and the upward Way sees itself returning from whence it came.
  12. The Spirit world turns.
  13. The Matter world turns.
  14. The Unknown Heart is discovered.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function
Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

The One Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The Journey Home Yet Again
Call from Venus
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School

The One Sound

The Lord stands upon the pinnacle of the sound that reaches down the Path trodden throughout Eternity.

Upon this Path travels alone and unaided, all those who seek the Sound within the Silence.

Upon this Path awaits those who travel not alone to Journey together back to the Source.

This Journey ends together at that Place where the Sound emanated.

At this Place stands the Lord receiving all unaided and aided by each upon the endless Way.

At this juncture the Path turns and again the upward Way is trodden.

Before the end and at the beginning the Path returns to the Source of the WORD.

The load is light but the Joy Abundant.

Upon this Path the Lord is near and yet far into the distance as the WORD goes forth

into the Unknown awaiting the ear of all those whose silence is great.

Upon this Path the surge is great but the hour passes in repose.

Upon this Path all seeks for Eternity the WORD.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function
Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
The Journey Home Yet Again
Call from Venus
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School

The Circle of Creation

We regard this alignment as a means where by those upon the 6th Cosmic Path have demonstrated “infusion” of dynamic substance into an area or body of space that relates Sanat Kumara to the larger group and in this regard the following prayer will take you.


The Battle of the Ascended Ones reacheth the apex of their Success.

The War of the Heavens rages on and reaps the Past and the Future into the Now.

We regain our composure and sing our Praise to those that have gone before.

And in this Song our Hearts are Pure and our Love Absolute.

And in this Song our Vision Sure.

With this Knowledge we gain the Dragons Crest and Bestow upon the Battle Ground that which the Dragon “bares.”

The Worlds Cry Forth into the Night for the legions of the Ascended Ones battling.

Upon this Response comes the Whirling Forces descending into the hearts of all and registers the Warriors Cry.

Upon this battlefield the Word goes forth into the Night—Behold I make all things anew and just proportions unto the Day.

And with this comes that Peace which surpasseth understanding that descends upon each according to their need.

The Ascended Ones Spoke and the Word Listened and all was Silent for an Aeon.

Upon this Silence the worlds still moved but only where the Ascended Ones could not travel.

It is in this Place that the Dragon becomes the Mulaprakriti and in this Place the Dragon becomes the messenger of the Word.

The worlds reawaken to the Dragon’s quivering as all is not lost upon the battlefield.

The worlds slumber again but keep abreast of the Dragon’s Thrill.

The world’s returns to the shore-less Shore and again the Dragon becomes the Golden Cosmic Egg


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Call from Venus

We call upon the Winds of time that bloweth upon the Waters.

The Waters heave and descend to where the Great Ones wait.

Upon the Infinite Shore stands the Nameless One shrouded by the Mysteries of Space.

Upon the sands there arises before the Nameless One a Universe filled with universes.

And to this end He Bloweth upon the Waters.

We seeketh that which giveth Life with each out Breath and taketh Life with each in Breath so we may move with that throughout Eternity.

We move with the Nameless One through each Night following each Day without pause and to this end we Serve;

His hour that reckons our fate is unknown to all but the Great Ones That do His bidding.

His Heart is unknown to all.

His Love is Known to those that succeed in their quest for His sake.

His Beauty is adorned by all who regard all is lost except for His Presence.

We seeketh this end, the world turning – Night into Day.

And to this end we triumph by Him Being Nameless.

Silence, Silence, Silence


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function
Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
The Journey Home Yet Again
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School

Sanat Kumara and His Cosmic Grouping – A Devic Story:

We Devas would like to tell you a story.  This story is based upon an idea that the world was created in 7 days:  This is a story relating to a time before men existed and before the earth was created. This story is about our challenge to carry out the behests of God.  It is a story not yet told in the annuals of human history but a story replete with greatness.  This story takes place before time as you know it existed.  This story is an enactment of the creation of the local universe.

The place where it started was beyond Scorpio in that part of the heavens where the great temple in the heavens is being continually constructed even now.  The design was on the table, and the order given to begin the construction.  It was at that time that many of us, still young as Devas go, embarked upon a grand mission.  This mission was placed in our hands by a young Prince of sorts, this Prince can be perceived as that which gave rise to the eventual necessity of Sanat Kumara and all of his associate planetary Logoi.  It was this Prince, who began this local universe of seven (7) galaxies.  And according to our story this Prince even now stands over the table viewing the many charts or plans yet uncreated.  We have been engaged in this construction for many a millennium and to this day we see a possible completion.

We appreciate the Prince’s confidence in us as we have grown old in abeyance with His wishes, and we have also grown wise in ways of our kind.  We would like you to know that each of us now so engaged were only lieutenants before when this creative endeavor started but today, we compose embody the totality of the cosmic Logoi’s substance.  It is in this way we move on, tattered and worn by the many battles fought and waged to instill our design upon the amorphous being of dimensional space.  We have succumbed many times and sought assistance in the perfecting of these Plans.  And for many mahakalpa have battled that which tries to destroy us and prevent us from accomplishing our design.

We have given you this information in the hope of establishing a better appreciation for our labors—that which has come before you and that which lead you on into the unknown—unknown by you but for us is all there is.  See to it you rise to the challenge we have prepared for you.  The journey goes forward into the light of day, a light we have brought you, a light we carry upon our brow, a light that is confused with darkness, a light nevertheless where none existed before.  See to it that your arms are filled with scared gifts and your mouth with praise as you inner our lighted world.  Each of us cherish you as the Great Temple is cherished rising up in the heavens to where we do not know.  But before you bow down and touch our feet bow down and touch your own feet as we walk together within the Great Temple of the Lord—the Prince of All.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


The Universe as we See It – Buddhic Devas

Cosmic Etheric Plane & The Real Story of Life Begins
Sanat Kumara and His Cosmic Grouping – A Devic Story:
A Journey Provided by Buddhic Devas

Excalibur Legend Explained

An Instructive Story by a Master & Guidance Interpretation

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

Cosmic Etheric Plane & The Real Story of Life Begins

St. John the Baptist as St. George the Dragon Slayer

Atlantean Culture Revisited

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Treasure of the Angels

A Journey Provided by Buddhic Devas:

Part One:

We would like to take you on a journey into the unknown.  It is an unknown because all who have gone there has not come back. It is a journey full magic and mystery.  It is a journey awaiting all of humanity, but before this journey can begin, we must complete our tasks in the three worlds.

The journey begins upon the buddhic plane a plane so radically different then you could ever imagine that its exposure alone to men’s minds changes their life forever. It is this beginning that opens the doorway into an expansive existence that that space itself seems to have fallen off the universe.

It is that once this journey is entered into there is no way of going back; it is just impossibility, although none has ever tried.  We want to take you to the next level of the buddhic plane a plane so drastically different then the first you would think you are in a different universe and so you are. It is upon this plane that the first inklings of universal thought trickle through your consciousness.  It is a thought that has within it the confines of the universe. There is more, not only have you found the beginnings of divine thought you have likewise secured a passage into starlight of other worlds.  This starlight is unlike the night sky for all twinkle golden upon a vast backdrop of golden light.  Upon this canopy of amazing gold is found also a vast array of Beings not unlike those images that a human being sees in his dreams at night when visited by Messengers of god.  It is these images seen everywhere at work in carrying out gods Plan.

As we move into the next level it has gotten colder still as the night air surfaces to comfort us.  Upon this level are devas of every description intent upon the Path of god.  It is upon this level that seek all Sons of god the footsteps of the Arch-angels preparing god workers to better understand the ways of god.  It is also on this level for the first time one gets a glimpse of the Chohans as their forms move from place to place.  It is these images that first enamor one’s consciousness.  But as the stillness seeps into one’s consciousness a different sight is perceived, one of which words have no power to express, it is a sight that can only be described as burning consciousness circulating in the heavens.

As we move into the next level, we grasp for air as there seems to be none.  Upon this level rise great pillars seemingly constructed of consciousness itself for there is no way to describe it.  It is a mixture of both Devic Mind, Mind of Humanity, Divine Mind, planetary Mind, Universal Mind, and Monadic Mind substance all combined into one.  Upon this level too rises great temples composed of buddhic substance ensouled totally by Devas—they are alive and function as a tabernacle for the elite of the earth.  Each Temple is fashioned into a symbol so old only the devas that ensoul them know there meaning—and none will tell.  Upon this level we also find many relics of ancient religions come and gone but the devas still care for these relics as they too are ancient and all is sacred to them.  This level instills the Breath of god through a process similar to the grasping of a root of a tree the water in its location drawing it near to be absorbed by osmosis. Upon this level one it is known by all of the Plans of He who rules this world as they echo throughout the ethers and each hears according to their attunement.  Upon this level dwells all those members of Hierarchy.

As we move up to the next level comes a voice so loud it startles us. It is this voice of our own soul that rings through our very substance from all directions. It is this process of communication that instills us with accommodation to the very voice itself. Also Upon this level we find a sojourn of peace cascading through all of the heavens.  And upon this cascade there rides yet another voice whispering with such beauty that the ravages of time fade away leaving only the daring of beauty.  Upon this level too, we find the ancient Holy Ones busy at work in creating the Garment of god. They are creating the alter of time and are busy seeing that their task is completed.  Upon this level we envision the perfection of everything, a hard thing to say and to hold as it shifts before our eye of vision.  Upon this level we find an opening that takes us into what appears to be a cosmic plane similar to this. Also, upon this plane all who seek the Glory of the One, it is upon this plane that the many move towards the One.

The buddhic plane journey ends here.


Part Two:

The Nature of the Buddhic Plane

The real story of life only begins to get played out once cosmic etheric world is entered.  This real story begins when the line is crossed, and the impossibility of return begins.  In this world, this world of pure joy, shoulder to shoulder lives but none you can see unless looking for them.

In this world are those of such great statue that the inner eye is blinded by their Beauty.

In this world are those of such great wisdom that the Mind cannot reflect its meaning no matter if enlighten or not.

In this world are those of such great love, that to touch them just once with your consciousness entrenches’ you in their destiny for long periods of time.

In this world are those of such great power, that to enter their aura will cause your destruction.

In this world are those of such great treasures, their vastness will imprison you by their very nature.

In this world is a song and dance but none you would recognize for it is a song and dance that never ends and had no beginning.

In this world are also sorrows but not those sorrows of human past, the sorrows in this world are those are those of great lives falling spiraling down from great heights of achievement only to start again at another time.

In this world are those that contain great amounts of dimensional space of every description, these are the ones you need be wary of, as your existence and their existence is one and the same but you are in their world and not vice-versa—you must follow their laws if you can recognize them. (Story of the Christ).

In this world are unusual statues made from consciousness itself that come and go like sand in a windstorm for once was, is no more.

In this world are towers so high; the eye cannot contain them, nor the hand touch them.

In this world we stand, one and all, to the Voice that bellows from afar and rejoice in such standing.

In this world are found those of long ancient pasts hard at work upon god’s Plan.

In this world are found the many and the few each group arranged for goodness’ sake and yet rearranged again for goodness sake.

All in all, in this World of Being stands One


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

The Universe as we See It – Buddhic Devas

Cosmic Etheric Plane & The Real Story of Life Begins
Sanat Kumara and His Cosmic Grouping – A Devic Story:

Excalibur Legend Explained

An Instructive Story by a Master & Guidance Interpretation

The Christ wishes to tell you a Story

Cosmic Etheric Plane & The Real Story of Life Begins

St. John the Baptist as St. George the Dragon Slayer

Atlantean Culture Revisited

Following the Cosmic Sound

(That guides the Spirit of Humanity)

The Trumpet Sounds from afar;

The Sound Current swirls;

The Voices proclaim the Ancient Vision held within the Eye Sacred;

Hearken One and All, the White Benevolent One seekest the Presence with and in Man (Humanity);

The Chariot of Man guides its travels towards the Stars;

Towards the Milky Way it travels heading to the center, a bright Star leadest him on;

The Chariot turns first towards Pegasus, then towards Pleiades seeking the Voice that travels from afar;

Upwards he travels, next towards Sirius;

The Way forward is Lost in the brilliant Light of Regulus;

Next he travels towards the crown of that great Being shining from afar on the Isle or Gate of Arcturus;

Next he travels to that far off place where roam the winds of time — Body of Pegasus – the place is haunted by the 7-Winds that breathed Spirit into Man;

Next he travels upwards to the Star that shinest between Aquila and Serpens Cauda; here he finds the Source of the his essential Being;

Next he travels that Path that leads to the to the Heart of God, this Path is trodden by many returning home–Great Bear (Archetypes);

Next he travels to that Place hidden at the very Heart of the Galaxy, a place resonant with the Hopes of the Many, a place where the Temple is being built upon the Cosmic Mental Plane—through the Isle of Scorpio one can find it;

Next he travels to that place in the bosom of the Cosmic Christ far above the throngs of the many seeking union with themselves-hidden by the endless clouds that act as the Guardian of the Threshold;

This Place he seeks for many a Kalpa before again the Voice is heard beaconing him through the Eye;

The Lord again lifts His Triumph and the Sound swirls around him bringing him through the clouds to the Heart of his Being;

Here he rests for a Maha-Manvantara before he again enters into Creations Desire;

Here again he travels from afar to be a messenger for the Great One.

Here again he finds the lessons needed to carry him to the One Spirit Animating All;

Here again he learns that the Seven are the three and the Three the One;

And the One…


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function
Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
The Journey Home Yet Again
Call from Venus

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School