Nicholas Roerich Museum - Palden Lhamo

Clearing and Protecting your Living Space – A Set of Occult Related Objects – An Example     

You are required to take each room one at a time and clear it.

Each room requires something different.


Living Room (6)

Throw away all items related to the past this means all of that not now needed now in life.

Clean up the room and organize it.


Hang up in corner of room by window an art form shaped as a bright orange-red disk this should be made of wood 5 inches to 10 across.

On the floor under disk is placed a similar object but made of paper.


On each object draw 3 things:

  • First draw a sphere.
  • Draw a bird.
  • Draw a pyramid.

Fortune will smile always if you do this.


Kitchen: (6)

Clean kitchen thoroughly.

Under the table place three drawings.


First drawing consists of four things:

  • Draw cube outlines in gold.
  • Inside cube draw a six-pointed star 3-d gold.
  • Over star draw an oval 2-d gold.
  • In oval draw a diamond—24 point diamond – gold.


Second drawing consists of six things:

  • Draw cube outlined in silver.
  • Behind cube draw flame – yellow bigger
  • Draw in cube a circle.
  • Inside circle draw a rectangle.
  • inside rectangle draw a vision of yourself as a god.
  • It would be good to perceive this as an energy field and include in your thought form what you are trying to become.


Third drawing consists of five things.

Partner to bring in.


Place on the window behind cabinet an art object made out of anything. (4)

  • Draw a circle.
  • Color it violet outline.
  • In the circle draw a bird—white.
  • It is important you prevent your neighbors from noticing this art form so hide it by putting it on the blind.


Near the stove place an art object: (5)

Buy a container made out of metal—square three inches deep 5 inches across or less.

  • Inside the container place water.
  • In the water place objects.t (3)
  • Piece of gold ring.
  • Piece of amethyst semi-precious stone.
  • Piece of greenish turquoise semi-precious stone.


Keep objects covered with fresh water –change every six days.

It is important to do this to help you clear the food you eat as well as purify your bodies as this will radiate throughout the whole house—better if it is warm.

In case of an emergency always have a fire extinguisher.


It would also be good to purchase a water purifier for facet if use water to cook with or drink


Bedroom: (4)

Place on window near dresser an object on paper is okay. (3)

Draw cube anything.

Inside of cube place a sphere.

Inside of sphere place a bird.


Behind bed place a drawing. (4)

  • Draw a sphere.
  • Inside sphere draw a cross.
  • Over cross draw a man stick figure okay.
  • At heart center place a six-pointed star.

After you have cleaned the room and organized it ask that it be blessed by me and meditate with me


Downstairs: (6)

Clean and organize the space.

Place an object in both corners by windows.


First object. 4

Wood box.

Inside box place six things:

  • A picture of yourselves.
  • A note written by yourselves stating what you are trying to achieve with your spiritual lives.
  • A letter written to god asking for forgiveness for those things you are sorry for.
  • This box is never to be opened.
  • It would be good to secure it so it cannot be opened by anyone.

Second object is a wooden box for the second person living there – one for each. Same inserts as first box.


Remove everything out of the room that does not belong there and place it somewhere else as this room is not functional for living space.

It would be good if you relocated these objects.

Plant upstairs.

Crystals upstairs.

It is advised you return the couch.


Entry Door – Back of:

It is also advised that you place on the entry door this object on the inside. (3)

Draw an image of you and partner as abstract forms.

This image needs to be six inches.

The imagine needs to come from your sub consciousness.


(Image from sub-conscious: White candle with flame blue surrounded by gold halo.)


At the least:

Place a tray full of water each day by each entry way place in the tray 2 things gold and amethyst tip.

Place cubes with devas on all six sides of house and invoke devas.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

 Ritual for Cleansing a Retreat Space: (14)

Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

(HZ Note: It is highly useful to receive technical information and observations from this group of life forms who have been interacting with humanity for a very long time and likewise have very long life spans.)


First Source: Gold-White Deva:

Individuals and Healers: See yourself as being governed by code of ethics incorporating the One Ashram of Sharing Responsibilities. Look upon this code of ethics as necessary to get assistance and recover from past mistakes as well as a means to light up your future.


Basic Lessons for All of Us per the Axiom that Energy follows Thought; and this exchange is instantaneous: (6)

As a Person: Mind your manners towards others treating all as your sister or brother on the path and realize they are easily influenced by you as you are their teacher at times and willing to assist them. Realize also you are being watched by others as to your thoughts and realize they are registering them also and be prepared to reap what you sow. I will register them when I do not want them also.

As a Person: Unless you are ready and willing to be involved in another’s life in the way you are thinking do not think that way and others will not think that way either and this applies to all thoughts.

As a Person: Do not permit yourself to cheat another by being something they do not want from you or by giving them such.

As a Person: Do not allow yourself to see another in any way they do not approve of or expect from you and in this way will not cause harm to them.

As a Person: Do not permit yourself to see others as receiving from you anything you do not really mean for them to receive and in this way will prevent them from receiving it now or later and in this way achieve a better condition in which to relate in the future as it will be known at some time when or after they die.

As a Person: Do not let yourself be tricked by astral elementals wanting from you something.


Basic Lessons for Energy Healers:

As a Healer: If you are uncertain about anything this uncertainty will color your efforts to heal or anything else you attempt to do occultly. This you understand and do not be guilty of making yourself and/or the client feel uncertain about what you are doing together, as this will produce eventual failure and separation in the present and future.  It would be good to look at this as all good healers do which is one cannot go forward until all uncertainty is extinguished and this means working for long time spans in working out any uncertainties until everything makes sense and in this way proceed to do evaluations until all is known or do nothing at all. Few do this and just want to do what they do, and little reward is gotten. It would be good to do nothing then create the karma of healing wrongly over time producing much pay back in the future.

As a Healer: Another thing to avoid is doing the right thing wrongly and in this way achieve nothing or worst yet never be able to do or use the right methods again. It would be good to look at this as needing to have the correct methods and support and in this way achieve a more lasting healing as the healing pattern is not stable until acted out producing the necessary conditioning of devic and elemental substance over time and in this way achieves its ultimate purpose or intent.

As a Healer: A third thing to remember is to stop when you are guided to prevent further problems and in this way achieve a relative completion of your intention in the moment and move on when guided to as each part needs to be done correctly before the next one can be continued. In this way achieve cooperation from those you are working with as well as peace of mind. It would be good to look upon this as achieving ultimately your aim, and this is to forward evolution or integration at the correct time. And achieving your aim of undoing a pattern stopping or preventing correct Self-expression and in this way a greater integration of personality and/or soul-personality. Thus, a healing by definition has taken place and this is in terms of a paradigm that sees everyone as unfolding their Spirit/Soul purpose through their personality fields in any one life career and in this way actually supporting the One Life of Humanity.

As a Healer: A fourth thing is actually the believing you are the one required to heal the person in front of you and this is why they have come. In other words, be sure of this and be sure it happens in a way that this needs to happen. Be sure you are not just there to further expand upon their understanding and to send them on to be healed by another. And in this way be assured they are receiving what they need from you and in this way achieving their soul’s intent. It would be wise to look upon this as successfully playing your part and in some guided way adding to their healing process. It would be good to not see yourself as their healer but as particular avenue for them to be necessarily mirrored in the moment and that is all healing is in fact but a mirror that is needed to embrace oneself.

As a Healer: It is alright to be seen as a healer as long as it is not mistaken for someone who is responsible for being a god of sorts. It is god working through us as healers grounding out His pattern within each in such a way that the client is capable of being reflected correctly by the light of the healer and in this way achieves illumination because of the client.

As a Healer: Healers are asked to perform environmental space related magical conditions in which the dimensional earth space is charged and in doing so enhances the possibility to perform great events within the planetary auric fields in which others can benefit over time. In a way, all healing work needs to be carried out, if possible, in the same places to be more effective over time and in this way achieve a balanced access of auric conditions which imposes upon all who enter in such to participate in and in this way achieve the cooperation of everyone over time and in this way achieves a quicker healing. It is important to set up your healing space/room along these lines as well as along these directions. It would be good not to bring this further information in unless Space in is for healing.  Each according to his own space.

As a Healer: All healers know and care about their proper dress and should care about its effects upon the healing process and upon the healer. It would be good not to bring further information regarding this unless you know who is going to receive it.


As a Healer: All healers need to understand what is in their auric field when doing healing work. These healing field energies and forces or healing vortex factors can be explained through providing now as examples the field analysis of the following three energy healers. All healers basically work within a different qualified field of energies and forces based upon many variables.


First Healer “HZ”:

Heart Center: Witnessing the field of healing activity within the back heart center. This activity is because of opening this center over time in doing healing work. It is because he used this center in past to do healing work and it is quite developed in certain ways and includes the present life where he has further developed it along personality feeling lines and in this way achieved a connection with others in the feeling body and in this way is good for them as it is more impersonal than previously.

Throat Center: Witnessing of activity in back of throat center and in a way further activity is not required to bring it on line in doing healing work as this center is activated 100% 4-D now and requires nothing more be done to unfold it. It would be good to rescue others from its onslaught in terms of information coming in for them and let it rest until they need it and then go for it.

Base Center: Witnessing field of healing activity in base center and this being along the line of organizing energies for others near you and presenting to them your understanding of what is wrong to them outside of your brain activity.  Helps their body organize its energies to heal itself. It would be good to realize this is perfected (4-D) and nothing more can be done in this life to improve this as well in other lives. This energy comes from souls of others you have brought in this life in guidance. And these souls are with you all the time and therefore benefit everyone near you as you are organized with their inner lives.

Hand Centers: Witnessing field of healing activity in the hand chakras and this energy is there because you heal things and work with your hands. This energy is well developed and has a life of its own when you work or play and is therefore outside of your control and comes from the soul and therefore is provided to do its will and controls it accordingly. It would be good to look at this from another angle and that is “for goodness’ sake” you are working and helping others for goodness sake and therefore are bountiful in this energy of love and therefore can lovingly use your hands. Your hands can do the following four things:

  1. They organize the matter of an etheric nature into any form you desire, and you use this to heal.
  2. Assist others in healing work when present and work upon the inner planes with them in accomplishing devic goals.
  3. Work with kama-manasic matter to organize it along lines necessary. Can also see with your hands (their eyes) kama-manasic matter being used to build thought forms and utilize them in their construction.
  4. Construct matter forms mentally and abstractly and therefore are in charge of all devas on the lower planes.


HZ’s Use of Healing Hand Centers & Some Further Healing Technicalities:

Relationships created in ordinary life create ordinary opportunities to create binding relationships and these binding relationships exert pressure on your finger tips to bring in forces to interact in these relationships. These further puts pressure on the hand chakras to organize these and divide them up to corresponding relationship needs and therefore has the relaxed ability to utilize this learning understanding through force distributions in the future. These learnings and distributions and therefore please others in this process and are made available for service reasons. These learnings and distributions have been available for many past lives in HZ’s case and has been using his hands to heal in certain fields/categories over several lives and therefore these are available this life and they can be classified as four (4) techniques:


The first and finest ability in the use of his hands is in the healing of wounds of the heart and this takes place when he touches another’s body in the area of their upper chest and therefore place a hand upon their astral shoulder creating a responsibility upon them to love themselves in a particularly held manner where they are wounded. It is in this way he can achieve a righteous way to enter into healing and thus treat them with respect spiritually and therefore give them a reason to be hopeful. It is in this way they achieve a self-healing, or in other words, drive their soul’s home to rest and in this way achieve a lasting healing. It would be good to look at this from the angle of him providing for them an understanding jester mixed with ultimate sensing and comprehension passed on to them in his touch and therefore gives them a chance to mix their soul with his and therefore has the capacity to charge another with self-responsibility.  “First, touch of the soul.”


His second ability to heal with the use of his hands is in the healing of mental problems and in this he is a master and in this process his words are organized through his hands from his mouth and relates them to his hands and therefore to the other person’s mind by placing them in an organized way in their brains etherically. Therefore, he provides them the organization they need to understand him and prevents them from hurting. Therefore, this etheric thought organization is healing to them mentally and this organizes their astral substance also and thereby affects their feelings and likewise their minds and in this way they are touched. This gives them a sense of peace and therefore provides them with a way to go.

It would be good to look upon this as an avenue to manipulate crowds of people by speaking to them and noting from each what they need to hear to feel good in the moment and to do this requires you (HZ) to feel at home with them and to cherish this experience or gathering and therefore see them as parts of yourself. Therefore, honor yourself with their presence and in this way reach them one at a time noting their presence within you and in this way achieve a lasting harmony within yourself by speaking what you are feeling and in this way achieve popularity.


The third ability to heal with the use of your hands is in the healing of mental misunderstandings of others and preventing these from hurting themselves and others and also preventing them from hurting you.  You need to recognize when action is to take place and thus need to know when others and you are at risk and therefore when to act and bother to do so as this is important at all times when you feel the need to speak. I tis significant not let this need to speak go by and not happen as you are sorry later and therefore need to speak up and let others know what you are thinking/feeling in the moment in time when this happens. Thus, you need to cherish these people in the process. It would be good to look at this from the angle of you keeping the peace for others sake and yourself. Also is good to look at this from angle of you saving others from yourself as you speak for their benefit; and therefore, achieve everlasting pleasure as they will assist you in your needs as well as desires and this puts you at a vantage point in their lives as well as in their resources.


The fourth ability to heal with the use of your hands is in the healing of dark forces penetrating the auric fields of others and in this way achieving good over evil and in this way achieving long lasting appreciation from others and in this way achieving working relationship as a healer.



HZ’s Auric Field Content Continued: Witnessing field of healing activity and being in charge of all devic substance within a person’s personality fields.  Thus, also being able to charge it with forces and energies of certain devic substance and therefore able to make changes in personality awareness when in my company doing healing work. Also able to see what needs to be changed when HZ accompanying me on subjective journey together when on the healing table.

HZ’s Auric Field Content Continued: HZ: I am able to see what is in their causal body that requires assistance as well as what requires understanding for the client/person. It would be good to look at this from the perspective of the client and see that this has merit in all the sessions I have done where personalities were able to see the truth for themselves and therefore greatly benefited from their healing. Although they were not always able to get this to the physical brain though during the healing session. In important ways I am able to treat the real needs of others and yet them not knowing it. Even though there are changes immediately in the inner sheaths they are not aware of them for a while depending upon their alignment process and when they are aware it was not me that caused it. As a rule in these cases, I was not able or permitted to tell them in most cases as they were not ready to hear it; nor would they have understood at the time what it would meant to them as people; nor would it have been useful at the time for them to second guess outcomes as this would distracted from changing intention. And in this way subjective healing takes place without outer brain knowingness and in this way true healers work. And not from outside to inside but inner to outer and in this way provide evolutionary or integrative assistance.



Second Healer “D” (4):

It would be good to look at all centers that she uses in doing healing work and in this way provide a snap shot of the healing vortex sources: (4)


Throat Center – 4 Petals (HZ Note: One can utilize any number of available petals composing a center at any one time in a variety of ways): I (Gold-White Deva) am witnessing a healing field from throat center, and it is this center which provides her with knowledge to assist others and this center is developed from previous lives and consists here of 4-petals related to the animal kingdom, the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, and the elemental kingdoms. These four have been developed from the throat related petals and consists of those knowingness’s she has developed working in the three worlds for the entire cycle of incarnations as well as from what she is able to contact of the Anima Mundi.

It is important to discuss at this juncture the nature of the Anima Mundi (HZ: Normally defined as composing the soul aspect of the first four kingdoms) for there is much misinformation written about it and therefore requires a little skill in action to describe it. It would be good to start with the fact that the 7- kingdoms are all represented in the Anima Mundi, but little has been written about thee higher kingdoms and this is for several reasons. First is that they are not known nor experienced nor deemed necessary by those who teach to teach. This information is first needed by those who need it and is discovered on their own. It is first of all impossible to describe for certain their nature. And secondly it is uncertain what is real in these lives as they are outside of our day-to-day experience and therefore adding nothing to our understanding. There are those that do experience these and these are souls who exist upon abstract mental plane where time is different and simultaneous happenings over vast consciousness is experienced and written about by those who were both devic and human at one time and are members of the 3rd creative hierarchy (of Triads). In this way we learn from them what it is like to move forward beyond the 4th creative hierarchy (of monads where human triads-lowest expression). The spirits before the throne are representative of the 7th kingdom and these are beings of conscious will and therefore have had to be human at one point of another in their evolutionary cycle. Another thing I would like to say is that these lives that make up the 7th kingdom are all a part of the awareness of Sanat Kumara and that these together make up His mental field.


Throat Center – 12 Petals: I am witnessing a healing field related to throat center and this in relationship to 12 petals (8+ 4). It is this field that gives her the kind of success in describing the workings of the mind aspect as it pertains to humanity and therefore of an occult nature in respect to the lives inherent within the mental sheath and therefore manipulatively possible by the occult sub-personality. Therefore, able to change the patten of thinking of the client and therefore able to assist in healing the lower bodies. It is my concern that she does this without consulting their hearts’ intent and therefore karmically liable for their forms she places there. It would be good to look at this over time to see how it evolved for those concerned to see if any harm was done although it appears to be harmless. it would be good to check in on the soul level before mental body is affected and therefore let the soul do it. It would also be good to look at this as a son of necessity in that she does it out of necessity based upon their personality desire and therefore cooperating with them although this is not wrong it would be good to let their soul manage it as it is its prerogative to do.


Heart Center – 8-Petals: There is another healing field coming from heart center and this field involves 8 petal and this in respect to her loving them personally and this as a force of sorts and it is this force of sorts that is responsible for them to know, trust, and understand themselves and her within the pattern of their lives being addressed or altered and in this way achieves healing emotionally and mentally.  It is in this way the healing works to relax the client and effects a way of working with them to be at one in their healing pattern. This is about all I can say about this as I am aware of.


Ajna Center: In addition to the center vortex there is a healing field related to her breath focused at her ajna center and in this place here is activity that places her upon an evil related path. It is a path where she is able to addict her clients to a thought symbol and this symbol links to her and is present to provide them with assurance of her abilities to help them whenever they feel out of sorts, and it is this out of sorts that links them to D. And in this way she is called for her services and in this way she is ensured of work. It would be good if she let herself be uncertain of whether or not they would call her or not and not worry about this as it is alright. They probably will anyway as she is kind to them and gives them what they want and therefore is not going to lose them as clients. it would be good to see this as a form of manipulation without them knowing it and therefore coercive. It would be good to see this also as based upon fear and fear in general feeds evil intents as it leads towards chaos.



It would be good now to look at other healing fields on the inner planes and these are four also:

Kama-Manasic Plane (KM): On the KM plane there is a group of people who work with her in developing her abilities to channel soul energy into etheric body and in this way achieve a more effective pattern of healing and in this way achieve a more decisive healing and this would alleviate her working as hard energetically. On the other hand, it also provides her with more knowledge and assistance, and this is good. This prevents her from making the alignment and bringing it through on her own but on the other hand it would not be possible at this time to do this so as she is in training in this way.


Mental Plane: On the mental plane there is a group of lives known as the Reiki group and these assist her whenever she aligns to the mind and influences her to work in a certain way to distribute through the centers. It is this group that is responsible for her being successful on several occasions for quick externalized healing as well as being responsible for clients feeling the energies energetically.


Etheric Plane: On etheric level there are a group of people who were in accidents, and they are present at times to absorb the energies of healing and D knows when this is the case as she sees them kinesthetically and works with them to help herself as they assist her also in communicating with the client to make them feel comfortable and safe.


Astral Plane: On other levels within her astral bodies are several groups that use her to get messages to others. They pass these through D’s feelings and work with her to assist her client in remembering certain historical things when she is working with them. In this way, they together work towards making a healing through understanding a situation and this is good. It would be good to look at these groups and make a list of who they are, but this would take a long time as there are several hundred such groupings all related to different levels of this existence as well as other planets.


Third Healer “S” (4):

It would be good to look at all centers that she uses in doing healing work and in this way provide a snap shot of the healing vortex sources. Two centers are used in creating a healing vortex field:

Ajna Center: First is ajna center in that it receives information to complete the evaluation process as well as distribute this to the throat center and at this point creates concepts to communicate these patterns. It would be good to look at this as a means to gather as much information as is needed to extent the clients’ understanding and in this way create a successful healing. It would be good to look at this as a means to sensitize to clients’ subjective bodies to retain patterns of energies within herself to alter and mirror these back as well as sense its relationship to an ideal pattern as well as use this information to create a scheduled series of healings. This relates to the client what is happening in terms of a causative model as well as prepares the client for counseling as well as prepares the client for healing by others as well as see the client in the light of the kama mind.


Back of Solar Plexus Center (SP): This center is used to create a relationship with the client and supposes a relationship that is objective and impersonal and therefore can be used to treat the client. This treatment is a means to deliver to them the required energies to be used in healing and this means taking the time to isolate all the energies subjectively needed to compose the healing pattern. Therefore, she creates and projects it to the client subjectively through polarity and pranic healing and therefore relates to the client the pattern as a dowsed evaluation so-to-speak. It would be good to look at this as a means to understand what is needed and therefore to go ahead with this info once complete. Also, it is good to look at this center pr the back of the SP as the ideal healing center for most people as they are polarized on the astral plane and therefore subject to its alterations and therefore susceptible to patterned energy changes on this dimension.

It is well known who you align with in doing healing work and these various groups are useful in completing you healing mode and two of these stand out the most; three actually when working with HZ—the Pranic Healing Group on the mental plane; a Kama Polarity Group and a devic group when working with HZ.


When working with HZ he adjusts the healing energy field producing the following different alignments or abilities:

You (S) are able to link mental chakras and work with the mental plane healing group he works with as well as work with soul energies coming in through this connection as well as devic assistance and in this way achieve a higher alignment.

It would be good to look at this from the angle of you grounding in your astral body these energies and relating to him through the back solar plexus chakra and in this way perform your healing.

It would be good to look at this as though you are performing the healing using aided alignment and are responsible for bringing the healing pattern in and therefore color it according to your knowledge and therefore as the complete package as your skills in working this way are excellent and thereby prefacing a psychic healing.

It would be good to look at this from angle of not using yourself only but HZ to do an evaluation and thereby pretend to dowse him. It would be good to continue doing this when working with others as it helps you get more information and more assistance.


Treating the conditions of over-stimulation and under-stimulation requiring enlivenment.

Each of these aliments are classified according to the type of over stimulation. (40)

According to the will of personality (or sub-personalities) who is in control of the physical bodies will be the type of over stimulation involved and this can be classified by sub-personality identification with each and requires a proper understanding and classification.

It would be good to look at this from the centers and thereby agree as to what centers are involved and remembering these are proportionally involved and therefore sub-personality not controlling all the time and therefore classification is not center focused but is related to % of sub-personality control.

It would be good to look at this from the angle of just what is needed according to the soul’s purpose intent involved and therefore work with that. Thus, must be able to reify it. From there proceed in organizing the mind of client before doing healing work. This will thereby establish limits to qualified energies coming in and therefore establish the reason for what you are doing and therefore prove successful.

It is important to add here healer to be in charge of healing needs to hold the hand of the client figuratively to move forward at this juncture and I repeat they need to be at one in understanding and trust. No doubts are permitted at this point before moving forward in healing work which is now to take place.


There are other valuable lessons and observations from various devas as to how to move forward in healing.

Astral auric conditions needed for healing.

HZ (8)

  • Lessons you need in creating this: 4
  • Controls to put on others when in your physical presence. 2
  • Lessons you need in demonstrating this condition. 6
  • Understanding how to create auric healing while in crowds. 8
  • Benefits you achieve while in the state of astral auric conditions. 8
  • Localizations within your astral aura that need healing within you now. 800
  • Benefits you will receive when you heal others in their astral conditions. 4


Fire related mental sheath.

HZ (18-6)

Systematize your soul body and in this way achieve mental organization along divine Soul lines and in this way achieve readable soul information on all fronts all the time and in this way achieve lasting understanding from others (16). It would be good to look at this from karmic propensities you are required to neutralize as well as demonstrate and in this way achieve lasting evolution of soul body and through this process learn what you are able to learn in this process here on earth and be ready to be liberated when this happens and there are four (4):

Available to you now are several stellar angels to arrange your mind to assist in this process and these are arranged in alphabetical order according to your karma and in this way can go forward in organizing your mind and in this way can achieve understanding according to their priorities and in this way can achieve understanding of the karmic pattern prevailing now in your causal field and can soon learn how to achieve liberation.

It would be good to look at this from the angle of you searching in your heart for those you need to help and assist and in that way achieve liberation in that way they represent. And for this, you will be given everything to accomplish your objectives. This life and fortune will be yours for the taking whenever you complete this section. This section is about you receiving for others their taking the path of initiation for themselves and believing in themselves and not needing you anymore. It would be good to look at this from angle of successfully guiding others unto themselves and letting them take the wheel and in this way achieve satisfaction their souls have for you and letting you be known by others and in this way achieve liberation.

Extra-ordinary touch.

Dowsing the auric field.

Entering into proper alignment.


This teaching part is broken up in eight (8) sections: (Soul):

Meditative breath.

Closing the energy escape routes.

Raising the energies and containing the field.

Organizing Their personality substance.

Substantiating their Energy involvement with you.

Entering in communion with their souls.

Endeavoring to see them in the healing light.

Finishing the work with them.


This teaching part is broken up into eight (8) sections with following four devas to outline:

Individualized Deva: 2

Review all I have given you before on healing.

Registering the facts of the various sessions.


Deva of Natural Locality. 2

Suggestions to succeed in making your alignment now. (4)


Healer S: (4):

Meditative Breath:

Breath in pulling energy into etheric body from nature in your area.

See this energy circulate along central channel from head to earth.

Breath out every aspect of your being until you become empty of self and on this out breath see your body turn crystal clear.

See this energy you breath out as self-radiating throughout the planet being one with it.


Deva of vast territory occupied by most of North America. 2

HZ: (6)

Excuses why your healing is not complete:

Not enough sleep at night by yourself need to be alone in the woods.

Awaken early and link with M.

See yourself exercising each morning.

Awaken early each day to meditate on Me.

Awaken each morning to meditate on your soul.

Ideally, you need to be celibate.


Healer S:

  • Be more relaxed in the city environment.
  • See yourself attaining freedom form relationship with husband consciousness—not be a wife not monogamous.
  • Registering the facts awaiting you for the person in front of you.


Organized to send messages to you to assist you in doing healing work. Experiment with HZ to do this and in this way achieve better reception and in this way achieve a worthwhile partner now.

Also useful for S to test techniques on others. S has excessive mental activity.

To see S’s mind as being organized along chiropractic network lines and in this way achieve alignment with her future and in this way achieve what HZ told her of being with a chiropractor; and in this way achieve her dreams of being a respected healer—desire mind.


S’s concrete mind is a channel for HZ’s occult sub-personality acting as 3rd aspect of soul; and in this way achieving direct relationship with HZ’s & S’s Personality Mind and controlling each other whenever it suits each other and in this way moves forward to create the others reality if not aligned to the soul.


HZ (3):

Be more still, too active in life seek peace of country side.

See yourself becoming fearful of where you are now living in city. You are living in grace as those around you want to harm you and there is no place to run for help.

You are in heaven every day and do not know it anymore as your place is there and not in your body be alert to its dangers in body. 3:

  • See yourself running for exercise or see yourself being extinguished.
  • See yourself adding up the calories you eat or disappearing.
  • See yourself savoring mortal life or evaporating.


Deva of Earth and Internal Fire. 2

HZ (3):

Circulating your fires.

  • Physical and concrete mind fires.
  • Take a cold shower as often as possible this will release electrical impulses for oxygen to cells.
  • Finish your work on Hierarchy and free the mind.
  • Exercise regularly and often to extend cell life.


Encompassing (protecting) the room where you are working now. Four areas in bedroom.

  1. See the pillow you are working on now encompassing you and separating you from the room and in this way achieve isolation form everything as well as from energies coming in from S.


  1. Sense a relationship with Earth Devas organizing your crown space with a star composed of four rectangles on each rectangle is a logos – 4 logos:


  • An S-path leading to a round passage.


  • An oblong shaped container mirror like everywhere except on the outside edges thus invisible.


  • An oblong box like shape which is emerald green with a 2-D wizard on the top.


  • A passage way or tunnel like with lighted ceiling.


  1. An organized view looking from above and seeing the room contained in a leather like black box being impenetrable.


  1. Large horse shoe like emblem on walls and ceiling and floor. Energies coming in go back outside.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

The Three-fold Sun as Nurturer of All

In all experiential things new and old there is a hope that all enrichment of ourselves and of others will be understood as dew drops of life created by the sun condensing the waters of life to quench our thirst.  It is in this way that all of us are nurtured by the three-fold sun symbolizing the One Threefold Life of the Sun which can be seen as the systemic Soul giving of Itself to all.

We have given you this symbol, because it symbolizes to us the growing realization of the Soul of Humanity that all nurturance comes from the divine Soul.  Just as all objective and subjective resources come from the three-fold Sun.  And if one allows oneself to be nurtured in this way, then all necessary resources will be given likewise in the same way.  To put it more plainly all likelihood of success in life comes from honoring the Soul.  And all resources received or available are symbolized as coming from this Source on whatever level of being ness and being.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.



Nicholas Roerich Museum

12 Powers of the Soul Needing to Demonstrate Now – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


Unfold these powers of the soul and all will be well as your service will flourish and come to fruition as well as come to naught if you do not. Rest not, nor sleep, as the hour is short and the working time short; do not despair but forward move into the future.

The 1st power of the soul is to see yourself as a master somewhat in the art of interpretation of images and this will not come easy as you have karma here.

The 2nd power of the soul is the taking the life of their personalities from others and in return giving them back themselves as they will be grateful.

The 3rd power of the soul is for you to develop your ability to do radiatory healing and this will come again once you change certain physical habits and exercise as it is waiting for you to be strong enough to handle it.

The 4th power of the soul is the development of the ability to harness your energies in an effort to fly. This means you need to be able to have astral continuity of consciousness as this will provide you with a vehicle to get information on the physical plane as well as on the etheric as opposed to using the Holy Ones.

The 5th power of the soul to develop is the ability to see yourself as a master of sort in the art of healing and this will come through developing your ability to radiation healing and deva related healing.

The 6th power to develop is that of registering with your heart exactly what people need to hear in the moment and this will come once you receive information on how to do this from me and in am not yet welling to give this to you for two reasons first you are not yet pure enough and second you are not serving others regularly.

The 7th power of the soul to develop is one of chasing rainbows and this means you need to develop the antahkarana and to do this requires you to achieve total integration between the soul and personality.

The 8th power of the soul to develop means you will be capable of registering from any source you want, and this is contingent upon being accepted into this ashram as now you are yet probationary.

The 9th power of the soul to develop is that of registering with your brain exactly what is in the brain of others this requires you to succeed in developing other’s ability to contact the soul of all things as it will be one of them that will assist you in developing etheric brain telepathy.

The 10th power of the soul to develop will be that of witnessing with your mind all possible future events and this will be developed once you can accept the fact that you are fully human and also a soul.

The 11th power of the soul is the witnessing in one’s heart the cause of suffering for another and be able to assist them in positive ways in the moment and this will be developed once you can assure yourself that you can never harm another.

The 12th power of the soul to be developed is that of witnessing the past lives of others mentally recognizing instantly their karma and being able to explain it to them in a way they can understand. This will happen once you can lessen your group karma through teaching and healing.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Lake-of-the-Nagas.-Kashmir

Spiritual Guidance – For an Aspirant – Life Purpose Intent Pattern & Exercises

Sources: Souls and Golden White Deva (4)


Introduction to Life Purpose/Intent Pattern

Life would be better for you if you sacrificed working relationship with four peoples now in your life:

These four people should not be in your life at this juncture. Two of these are relatives and two are so-called friends. Each of them needs to be examined as to their relationship to you spiritually and economically and realize two things: these friends are using you for a variety of different reasons. Lo and behold you would be free to pursue your spiritual life and leave these realities be.

It would be good to examine just what is your spiritual life you need to pursue, and this can be composed of four different categories as well as in initial six directions you can begin to get a sense of to move into its progressive pattern.

First let us take your polarity healing work and look at this from the juncture of you being safe to pursue this economically:

Second, let us see you isolated in your type of studies pursuing religious studies.

Third, let us see you training in providing pedicures particularly foot care or beatification.

Fourth, see you working in a saloon doing both.



Six Directions: Four of which you can pursue more studies; and two of which you need to log onto the net for research. Each of these are important for your progression into the future planned out for you this life and others.


These following guided meditations are done using the body presence exercise to bring guidance in for yourself:

It would be good to see yourself standing in a crowd of people walking up to those that you notice and see what they have to tell you about you.

Also good to have visited a place in the world you want to go and find there someone to go up to ask why I am here.

Good to see yourself standing in a crowded room with other people around you and questioning them or yourself why you are there.

Also good to see yourself overlooking a great ocean of beingness and sense the direction where an object is coming towards you; and get on this object and notice where it takes you.

It would be good to look at yourself standing in front of a mirror and notice how you look to yourself? What do you see or notice?

It would be good to see yourself standing in a hallway looking down the hall and seeing a door and once entering it look around and notice what you see. Also good to notice who is there with you doing what. Investigate by dialoging if necessary. Also, it is good to notice what is on the wall and around you in all directions.

Your life as you know is about to change. Take to heart what we have suggested to you and exchange your work for the work assigned and all will be better. It would be good to see yourself making these changes within one year from this time and preparing yourself to receive the Holy Ghost more often in your life. Furthermore, see yourself standing with M in doing healing work and preparing others. It would be good to practice alongside of him and encourage you to do so.



Take off your shoes and lie down comfortable; see yourself facing East or head to the East: (4)

Lay on back and visualize in your mind’s eye these things (ways of moving forward in these areas spiritually):

Your parents—get a sense of them and tell them what you always wanted to say to them each. Spend some time doing this and get it all out and not worry about anything. Tell your parents exactly how you felt when they …. (forgiveness required).

Saying I love you softly to your first love and recollecting the feelings you had at that time seeing it in perspective to what you feel now when in relationship and wondering if it will ever again be a part of your life. It would be good to look at this from the angle of you receiving the love you expected based upon what you gave and wondering if it is possible to love again in this way (unforgiving of others who looked upon you not seeing the love you wanted to having placed upon you). It would be good to envision yourself loving others and not receiving the love you expect and knowing they are not capable of doing so and realizing too that they are at your mercy as you see what they cannot. It would be good to see them as you lead them in discovering what their love is and is not and witnessing for them the love they share with you in terms of relationships with them.

Organizing your time to spend studying these topics {500). See yourself studying each evening going to bed with a book in hand and turning off the light and going to sleep. In this way see yourself doing this the rest of this life and more. It would be good to have in hand at all times a book of choice and see yourself reading at all opportunities and be aware of its importance to your spiritual path. Work towards absolute knowledge as the key to success. It would be good to see yourself doing this best by going back to school and taking lessons in geology or sciences of all types and math. Also good to see yourself standing upon a pinnacle upon the road in life witnessing before you the vast knowledge available to you knowing it is your destiny to discover it all treasuring each as your source of strength and wisdom (evolution).



Worshiping God:

Sense a relationship among your various sub-personality selves and witness each as being a product of your involvement in this life. See these as capable of accomplishing certain things accredited to you. It is these things you have shared with us and witness them exceeding in demonstrating your love and in this way cherish yourself.

It is you succeeding in demonstrating the love you believe we all need or want and in this way accomplishing our dreams of seeing yourself responsible and relating in this way in life. Seeing this dream as an inevitable way of accomplishing our love we have for ourselves and others. It would be good to look at this as way of achievement we have discovered in worshiping god. Realize too, it is about you discovering what it is god wants through you to be manifested and in this way achieve relationships with god and with others and achieve karmic grace in this way. It would be good to understand you are afraid of certain things and these fears arise do to past life challenges you have received triumph through awareness somehow and realize too it is necessary to release these fears knowing why they are born or their sources.

These energies and forces have been and are being harnessed by you and in this way you will achieve a progressive enlightenment by investigating and investing in multi-dimensional energies and awareness. This process produces development approaching god in His vastness and in this way love yourself and qualify yourself as god. In this way heal yourself of limitations and in this way let others sere you and you them. It would be good to see yourselves as enlightened in many ways and in serving these ways you provide service for god. It would be good to see yourself as inventing new ways of investing in gods world each time you meditate upon His vastness with in you and realize too it is about you seeing yourself for what you are  and making this your worship of god and realizing too its inevitable gift to everyone.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Himalayas

Our Esoteric Sense – Lives Underlying the Basis for the World of Meaning

Underlying the World of Meaning is a set of Lives coordinating the energies of Existence and it is these sets of Lives that need to be discovered by all of us subjectively and in this way discover the very foundations of ourselves.

It would not be to bold of me to discover that within myself were the set of circumstances prevailing since the beginning of time and that these circumstances were beginning forever to be known and in this way I move forward in discovering myself.

Neither would it be too bold of me to say that within each of us as corporeal beings there is a part of these inner selves that incorporates the whole hierarchy of beingness. In this way we move together towards self-discovery; and in this way we succeed in demonstrating our very Beingness over time as we can understand it.

It would be good to say that our lives are a part of the one set of Lives that circles the vault of heaven such is our developing esoteric sense.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

A Microsoft AI Image Creation

Ways the Soul Sees its Reflection in the Lower Planes – Some Simple Theory & Exercises

Imagine those around you as merely reflections and shadows being played out as the soul contemplates the physical plane form reality or in other words the soul sees its part as being played out in the astral light of the astral plane and the etheric light of the physical plane.

It would be good to look at this from another angle as well, and this in terms of us as images cast in astral dimensional space by the astral light and in that way we see yourselves as volumes of light reflections as on an astral film and in that way achieve liberation from physical plane identification.


It is important to pragmatism this and ask:

What are those images coming in now that relate you to the soul’s reality or intents; in other words what form(s) of existence do we symbolize to our souls?

What do we need to change for the soul’s intent to be realized through us and the environment?

In what ways are we capable of seeing the soul’s symbol intent being projected as our symbolic existence on the lower planes.

In what way are we able to see the working of the soul’s mind being played out in our lives?

In what way are we able to say we are one with the soul?

Furthermore, are we able to do this with the understanding of the soul’s being?


It would be good to look at this now as a means to receive answers to these questions. (4)

Close your eyes and breath in through auric field a brilliant white light with a tinge of purple.

Next, It would be good to awaken your inner light in the head through a process of meditation on receiving instructions within yourself as to what to do to realize this inner awakening of the light in the head.

Next, It would first be good to visualize you becoming aware of yourself as an astral being and realizing you are a part of the structure of the cosmic physical plane existence. See this plane as being a part of planetary Logos’s Astral life reflected within His Physical Body and realize also it is a part of fluid nature or fluid atoms circulating in His tissues.

It would be good to realize it is only a matter of time before He can transmute this energy into buddhic currents and vice versa and be prepared to receive information on this as it is a part of this study. Let’s begin by saying it is okay to be occultly confused.

Instructive to look at this as a means to deploy your workings of mind to understand further the coherence of a permanent atom.

And realize it is given to you to manifest its likeness to the soul’s dream and in other words see yourselves as the soul’s archetypical image held.


Group Souls: (6)

To enhance your prana content, visualize the sun as having an effect on the etheric-physical body.  The sun in this case being the heart of the spiritual sun.

It would be good to see this as an exercise in presenting the (solar) astral light to (solar) etheric body and receiving directly into brain causal information and in this way bypass the mind.

It would be good to look at this as a means to see yourself as the soul sees you occultly at times and composed qualitatively of colored light interacting in the three-worlds and also sees you as an etheric being interacting in the physical world. We tell you this is the real way that souls see you and senses you.


It would be good to picture yourself as the soul looking in on your sheaths to do this requires you to concede to the idea of looking at yourself in these ways (two of which you have).

Looking through a blue light at the crown of your head seeing your bodies all at once.

Looking at your mental body through the ajna center through gaze of indigo light. This is done through aligning as before but looking through blue light out ajna center and recognizing information coming towards you. Imagine yourself seeing and receiving it occultly and registering its meaning internally. Imagine it is in symbols and organizing it throughlines drawn in different directions and realizing that these lines form patterns and seeing this as causative geometry.

This is an exercise in looking inwardly and perceiving your inner workings and getting used to doing this often to see yourself as the soul sees and realizing your anatomy occultly and realizing your place in the inner world(s). Try to see yourselves working as a soul in incarnation getting a sense of you working on different levels. See yourself as one entity being reflected upon the cosmic physical plane working here as well as above and seeing this happen simultaneously and recognizing you are not any of this but Spirit or the Flame working through the Monad or Spark of the One Flame.

It would be good to see yourselves hanging on a string and realizing it is this string that is placed in cosmic physical plane by some heavenly Man and working through you is His life.

Also instructive to see this as a shoreline of matter responding to the impacts of Thought.

And realize too it is a matter of intent working its way down conditioning substance and working its way down to express itself and working its way down to deliver its awareness everywhere—head center.

It would be instructive to see this as a means for the great escape using the string to climb out the way you climbed in but recognizing everyone around you doing the same things and realizing your way includes others being there with you working together to create the pathway. This is another way to perceive yourself working in the three worlds challenging yourself to understand continuously and correctly; and working to understand and use the knowledge the soul provides you and realizing all is okay as you are the perceiver, the observer, and the actor.


An Exercise:

Mystery of the Astral Light (Read Akashic records):

(Spirit): Concentric circles surround you now.

Peer into them and discover the key to unlock each circle regardless of how difficult it is and you will discover the first incarnation.


The ancient formula for unlocking the circles:

First see yourself standing amongst a field of green grass envisioning the events around you (individual light karma).

Second, see yourself standing amongst the field of green grass peering in towards your back heart looking upon the scenery there (group light karma).

Third concentrate between the bridge of your nose and the end of your nose concentrating upon the person in front of you as yourself.


Other related mysteries needing solved:

Mystery of Law of Karma

Mystery Violet Devas

Mystery of the Coherence of the Atom


How does a disciple stay in contact with other souls: (4)

  • There are those able to communicate directly through concepts in writing translated by the mind and brain.
  • There are those capable of communicating directly with the son of mind in an abstract format.
  • There are those able to communicate with the soul in an ancient language used at some period to communicate with the soul in that related past life.
  • There are those that communicate through automatic writing (Palm and base chakras) interpreting through the concrete mind and brain.


The secret of the coherence of the atom is revealed to the initiate, and he then is in a position to study the microcosm under the law of correspondences in a new and illuminating manner. Similarly, through this revelation concerning the densest part of the logoic body, he can ascertain much concerning the previous solar system, and the facts anent the first round of our scheme. This secret is also called “the mystery of matter.”

At the second initiation “the secret of the sea” is unfolded to him, and through this revelation two subjects of profound interest become clarified to his inner vision. They are:—

a. The mystery of the astral light.
b. The law of karma.

He is, after this, in a position to do two things, without which he cannot work off that which hinders, and thus achieve liberation; he can read the akashic records and ascertain the past, thereby enabling himself to work intelligently in the present, and he can begin to balance his karma, to work off his obligations, and to understand how karma in the three worlds can be negated. The relation of that hierarchy of spiritual beings who are connected with the law of karma as it affects man is demonstrated to him, and he knows with first-hand knowledge that the lords of karma are no myth, or symbolical units, but are highly intelligent entities who wield the law for the benefit of humanity, and thus enable men to become fully self-conscious and self -reliant in the occult sense, and to become creators through perfected knowledge. Alice A Bailey, Initiation Human and Solar, pp. 169-170


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.





Microsoft AI Image Creation

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – Coherence of a Permanent Atom – A Secret of the Path

Source: A 4th ray sub ashram grouping of the seven ashrams.

Approach us by ascending seven (7) times around your sheaths and in this way can achieve a correct alignment and preventing others from being there.

It would be good to re-awaken your head center and to realise how to do this relies upon our life motto—living life sacredly. Realize those around you are depending upon you for guidance and realizing it is spirit guiding you towards becoming aware of the significance of altitude as being the most important advantage you have to do good work/service and realizing one’s place in the scheme of things regarding being in the flow and seeing yourself as a brother or sister under one father and realizing you are not alone; thus, concern yourself with the needs of others working with similar objectives.


Coherence of an Atom: (140)

Organization of the Physical Plane Atom in terms of you being able to achieve faster rotation on its axis 400,000/time (Deva).

There are those that believe you can achieve enlightenment if you could speed up rotation of the atoms velocity and realize thus things faster as opposed to slower.

It would be good to see this as an exercise in relative consciousness and relative activity. Realize it amounts to really wanting to change; as well as really wanting to see yourself as something different and this in a way which is positive.

Useful to see this as an exercise in adjusting one’s sheath karma as well as one’s life karma and believing it is so. It is a belief that one can do better and believe in themselves as doing better in ways not ordinary to them and believing they can be an actual different person. Believing it is so, does not make it so; but believing god can make it so does, and in a way they are correct as you know.

It would be good to see yourself as altering your paradigm and adjusting your karma thereby and thus re-organizing your perceptions as a form of adjustments and seeing things around you differently and therefore altering potentially the permanent atoms.

It is instructive at times to see yourself as a master and see this in particular ways and altering in general your abilities to reflect this. This requires the  altering of your methods for achieving this; and overlooking things not over looked before and thus seeing yourself in a world completely different.

It is necessary to look at ways to accomplish this with what abilities you have now and expand on these abilities and reality as well. See yourself as altering your future and past and seeing yourself as a being of light and goodness instead of a worker in the light.

It would be good to have an idea of receiving information around altering the permanent atoms through the process of altering awareness and seeing the link between the two and seeing the connection within yourself as this is the goal here.

It would be wise to realize it is just a matter of endeavoring to see as we see and change the patterns before they form and realize it is possible to do this mentally as well as causally.

It would be wise to see this as an example of you pretending to be what is intended for you to be and in this process speed up time and opportunity and realize it is in your ultimate good. Realize also it is not impossible as it is just a matter of attempting a few exercises as well as healings from us instead of from your soul so see it differently.

It would be redeeming to see yourselves lying on the floor and taking the time to project yourselves into your soul’s eye and here repeat what is said and in doing this realize you are attempting to fly into the face of probability. It is about you achieving grace as well as long distance training; and realize too it is about you achieving grace from God; and realize it is about us trying as we might to achieve the impossible. It is also about you receiving grace from Sanat Kumara and the Lord of Karma as well as your friends and neighbors as well as you friends from past lives

It would be good to see yourself flying high into the stratosphere doing this and there remaining for the rest of this life and be willing to be taken on a journey into another land and be willing to leave the past there and see these aspects of yourself there for an eternity; thus, in this place leave behind everything you were and come back free. It would be good to see this as a onetime adventure and not possible to repeat as all the remaining time in the world will not make you more ready for this, nor will any master of the wisdom alter your perspective for this or anything  else; just be prepared to have an adventure—do you see you are an experiment. Who will take our place when we leave for this unknown world? You will be as a soul and not as a personality but will be reaping your karma in this other place and beware it is ungainly.

[HZ: Note: The intent here is to have a follow up incarnation in a mental or kama-manasic world focussed on increasing the coherence of the disciple’s permanent atoms through the speeding up of the releasing of karma. One of many processes for the bestowing of grace.]


Some Results Achieved through Altering the Characteristics of a Permanent Atom

There are those that believe you can achieve a greater relationship with spirit if your rotation was faster to align with spirit.

There are those who believe it is possible to achieve levitation if you speed up your velocity relative to that of matter.

There are those who believe you can achieve relationship with the masters if you change inter-dimensional rotation of the atom’s relationship.

There are those who believe you can achieve enlightenment if you can increase inter-dimensional rotation of the atom as well as chakras.

There are those who believe you can influence others out of time if you achieve inter-dimensional rotation.

There are those who believe you can fool the masses if you can increase interdimensional rotation believing you are something you are not.

There are those who believe you can increase your speed of unfoldment if you achieve inter-dimensional rotation speed and balance.

There are those who believe you can achieve enlightenment mentally if you speed up inter-dimensional rotation of all the atoms of your bodies.

There are those who believe you can fly if you speed up your atoms of the physical body through increasing rotation of the atom.

There are those who believe you can fly in all the bodies if you speed up atoms of the sheaths involved through increasing rotation.

There are those who believe (and believe me) one can change their destiny if they sped up their interdimensional rotation.

There are those that believe one can change their importance/influence in the world by increasing interbody alignment through speeding up their body’s rotation on their axis.

There are those who believe (believe me) they can alter their place in hierarchy by changing their relative mass in the world bodies and thereby effect change in the world.

There are those who believe one can fly away to the cosmic etheric if they could alter their relationship to cosmic physical atom relative to their own.

There are those who believe it is possible to achieve buddhic enlightenment if they altered their astral permanent atom to increase its rotation.

There are those who believe you can change the world around you by shifting out of your existing rotation and implementing a different one relative to those around you.

There are those who believe you can change the world around you by reflecting the change internally through altering permanent atoms.

There are those who believe you can change the way you look at the stars by shifting their atomic rotation.

There are those who believe they can change the patterns coming in by altering the way the permanent atoms work in relation to the planets and they do.

They can change matter coming in as streams and alter it according to a new formula preventing world wars or whatever event. It would be goods to understand how this is accomplished and soon; well as see one altering the matter stream coming into our little lives preventing our inner wars.

As well as seeing others believe they can alter history by themselves as they change their perspectives on the way they and others perceive the world around them.

There are others that believe they can change the way the world is made up over night by meditation on it in group format. They believe it is just a matter of organization of atomic spirilla threads which make up the atom itself and alter one alters the other.

They believe they can alter the world in terms of it being a better place to live by altering consciousness of only one person thus changing its effects on the rest of the world one by one.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Attempt to access the Lord of Compassion overseeing the evolution of the Earth at this time.  


Be in agreement with the Lords of Karma. 

First, to resonate within your being, two life forms – Hierarchy and Shamballa.

Second, to simplify your life through this following prayer:



I bestow upon those life forms, that come into my field of perception, the quality of compassion, so that they might see as god sees. 

The Lord awaits upon you, and others with great patience and understanding with mercy and with certitude of the inevitability.

The Lord cherishes each one in his heart as being a necessary salvaging force for some aspect of the body of God. 


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.



Nicholas Roerich Museum - saint-pantaleon-the-healer

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Six ways to wrestle with demons—lunar lives.

    1. First of all, carry them up to soul.
    2. Secondly, bury them in light of soul.
    3. Thirdly, wrap them in indigo light.
    4. Ignore them.
    5. Dialogue with them and get their cooperation.
    6. Dispose of the opportunities for them to act out.


Bare your feet whenever you do healing related work.


Prepare yourself beforehand.

    1. Be physically clean and psychically clean (also brush teeth).
    2. Wear white clothes.
    3. Bathe in colored lights—white, emerald-green, and gold.
    4. Wear an emerald around your neck near heart.
    5. Place crystals in Star of David patterns level with table around the room.
    6. Clear space golden cube and white pyramid.
    7. Align with guiding Deva.
    8. Align with Christ.


Blessing always holding person in violet light.

    1. Ask them to remove all metals and shoes.
    2. Make them comfortable.
    3. Explain what you are going to do.
    4. While standing at head say a prayer for them from your heart they can relate to.
    5. Do healing work.
    6. Hold their hands and ask them what they want to do.



    1. Seat yourself at their head.
    2. Left side of heart.
    3. Right side at heart.
    4. Right side of hips.
    5. Left side of hips.
    6. Feet.


Hand placements.

    1. Male RH over the head chakra.
    2. Female LH over the head chakra.
    3. Heart R male LH over heart.
    4. Heart R female RH over heart.
    5. Heart L male RH over heart.
    6. Heart L female LH over heart.
    7. Hips R male RH over solar plexus/spleen.
    8. Hips R female RH over solar plexus/spleen.
    9. Hips L male LH over solar plexus/spleen.
    10. Hips L female LH over solar plexus/spleen.
    11. Feet male RH over both feet chakras.
    12. Feet female LH over both feet chakras.


Determine the time for complete session 2.5 hrs.

Bathe yourself in violet light during session at regular intervals.

Cherish them with chosen words in the end.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.