Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

(HZ Note: It is highly useful to receive technical information and observations from this group of life forms who have been interacting with humanity for a very long time and likewise have very long life spans.)


First Source: Gold-White Deva

Individuals and Healers:

See yourself as being governed by code of ethics incorporating the One Ashram of Sharing Responsibilities. Look upon this code of ethics as necessary to get assistance and recover from past mistakes as well as a means to light up your future.


Basic Lessons for All of Us per the Axiom that Energy follows Thought; and this exchange is instantaneous: (6)

As a Person: Mind your manners towards others treating all as your sister or brother on the path and realize they are easily influenced by you as you are their teacher at times and willing to assist them. Realize also you are being watched by others as to your thoughts and realize they are registering them also and be prepared to reap what you sow. I will register them when I do not want them also.

As a Person: Unless you are ready and willing to be involved in another’s life in the way you are thinking do not think that way and others will not think that way either and this applies to all thoughts.

As a Person: Do not permit yourself to cheat another by being something they do not want from you or by giving them such.

As a Person: Do not allow yourself to see another in any way they do not approve of or expect from you and in this way will not cause harm to them.

As a Person: Do not permit yourself to see others as receiving from you anything you do not really mean for them to receive and in this way will prevent them from receiving it now or later and in this way achieve a better condition in which to relate in the future as it will be known at some time when or after they die.

As a Person: Do not let yourself be tricked by astral elementals wanting from you something.


Basic Lessons for Energy Healers:

As a Healer: If you are uncertain about anything this uncertainty will color your efforts to heal or anything else you attempt to do occultly. This you understand and do not be guilty of making yourself and/or the client feel uncertain about what you are doing together, as this will produce eventual failure and separation in the present and future.  It would be good to look at this as all good healers do which is one cannot go forward until all uncertainty is extinguished and this means working for long time spans in working out any uncertainties until everything makes sense and in this way proceed to do evaluations until all is known or do nothing at all. Few do this and just want to do what they do, and little reward is gotten. It would be good to do nothing then create the karma of healing wrongly over time producing much pay back in the future.

As a Healer: Another thing to avoid is doing the right thing wrongly and in this way achieve nothing or worst yet never be able to do or use the right methods again. It would be good to look at this as needing to have the correct methods and support and in this way achieve a more lasting healing as the healing pattern is not stable until acted out producing the necessary conditioning of devic and elemental substance over time and in this way achieves its ultimate purpose or intent.

As a Healer: A third thing to remember is to stop when you are guided to prevent further problems and in this way achieve a relative completion of your intention in the moment and move on when guided to as each part needs to be done correctly before the next one can be continued. In this way achieve cooperation from those you are working with as well as peace of mind. It would be good to look upon this as achieving ultimately your aim, and this is to forward evolution or integration at the correct time. And achieving your aim of undoing a pattern stopping or preventing correct Self-expression and in this way a greater integration of personality and/or soul-personality. Thus, a healing by definition has taken place and this is in terms of a paradigm that sees everyone as unfolding their Spirit/Soul purpose through their personality fields in any one life career and in this way actually supporting the One Life of Humanity.

As a Healer: A fourth thing is actually the believing you are the one required to heal the person in front of you and this is why they have come. In other words, be sure of this and be sure it happens in a way that this needs to happen. Be sure you are not just there to further expand upon their understanding and to send them on to be healed by another. And in this way be assured they are receiving what they need from you and in this way achieving their soul’s intent. It would be wise to look upon this as successfully playing your part and in some guided way adding to their healing process. It would be good to not see yourself as their healer but as particular avenue for them to be necessarily mirrored in the moment and that is all healing is in fact but a mirror that is needed to embrace oneself.

As a Healer: It is alright to be seen as a healer as long as it is not mistaken for someone who is responsible for being a god of sorts. It is god working through us as healers grounding out His pattern within each in such a way that the client is capable of being reflected correctly by the light of the healer and in this way achieves illumination because of the client.

As a Healer: Healers are asked to perform environmental space related magical conditions in which the dimensional earth space is charged and in doing so enhances the possibility to perform great events within the planetary auric fields in which others can benefit over time. In a way, all healing work needs to be carried out, if possible, in the same places to be more effective over time and in this way achieve a balanced access of auric conditions which imposes upon all who enter in such to participate in and in this way achieve the cooperation of everyone over time and in this way achieves a quicker healing. It is important to set up your healing space/room along these lines as well as along these directions. It would be good not to bring this further information in unless Space in is for healing.  Each according to his own space.

As a Healer: All healers know and care about their proper dress and should care about its effects upon the healing process and upon the healer. It would be good not to bring further information regarding this unless you know who is going to receive it.


As a Healer: All healers need to understand what is in their auric field when doing healing work. These healing field energies and forces or healing vortex factors can be explained through providing now as examples the field analysis of the following three energy healers. All healers basically work within a different qualified field of energies and forces based upon many variables.


First Healer “HZ”:

Heart Center: Witnessing the field of healing activity within the back heart center. This activity is because of opening this center over time in doing healing work. It is because he used this center in past to do healing work and it is quite developed in certain ways and includes the present life where he has further developed it along personality feeling lines and in this way achieved a connection with others in the feeling body and in this way is good for them as it is more impersonal than previously.

Throat Center: Witnessing of activity in back of throat center and in a way further activity is not required to bring it on line in doing healing work as this center is activated 100% 4-D now and requires nothing more be done to unfold it. It would be good to rescue others from its onslaught in terms of information coming in for them and let it rest until they need it and then go for it.

Base Center: Witnessing field of healing activity in base center and this being along the line of organizing energies for others near you and presenting to them your understanding of what is wrong to them outside of your brain activity.  Helps their body organize its energies to heal itself. It would be good to realize this is perfected (4-D) and nothing more can be done in this life to improve this as well in other lives. This energy comes from souls of others you have brought in this life in guidance. And these souls are with you all the time and therefore benefit everyone near you as you are organized with their inner lives.

Hand Centers: Witnessing field of healing activity in the hand chakras and this energy is there because you heal things and work with your hands. This energy is well developed and has a life of its own when you work or play and is therefore outside of your control and comes from the soul and therefore is provided to do its will and controls it accordingly. It would be good to look at this from another angle and that is “for goodness’ sake” you are working and helping others for goodness sake and therefore are bountiful in this energy of love and therefore can lovingly use your hands. Your hands can do the following four things:

  1. They organize the matter of an etheric nature into any form you desire, and you use this to heal.
  2. Assist others in healing work when present and work upon the inner planes with them in accomplishing devic goals.
  3. Work with kama-manasic matter to organize it along lines necessary. Can also see with your hands (their eyes) kama-manasic matter being used to build thought forms and utilize them in their construction.
  4. Construct matter forms mentally and abstractly and therefore are in charge of all devas on the lower planes.


HZ’s Use of Healing Hand Centers & Some Further Healing Technicalities:

Relationships created in ordinary life create ordinary opportunities to create binding relationships and these binding relationships exert pressure on your finger tips to bring in forces to interact in these relationships. These further puts pressure on the hand chakras to organize these and divide them up to corresponding relationship needs and therefore has the relaxed ability to utilize this learning understanding through force distributions in the future. These learnings and distributions and therefore please others in this process and are made available for service reasons. These learnings and distributions have been available for many past lives in HZ’s case and has been using his hands to heal in certain fields/categories over several lives and therefore these are available this life and they can be classified as four (4) techniques:


The first and finest ability in the use of his hands is in the healing of wounds of the heart and this takes place when he touches another’s body in the area of their upper chest and therefore place a hand upon their astral shoulder creating a responsibility upon them to love themselves in a particularly held manner where they are wounded. It is in this way he can achieve a righteous way to enter into healing and thus treat them with respect spiritually and therefore give them a reason to be hopeful. It is in this way they achieve a self-healing, or in other words, drive their soul’s home to rest and in this way achieve a lasting healing. It would be good to look at this from the angle of him providing for them an understanding jester mixed with ultimate sensing and comprehension passed on to them in his touch and therefore gives them a chance to mix their soul with his and therefore has the capacity to charge another with self-responsibility.  “First, touch of the soul.”


His second ability to heal with the use of his hands is in the healing of mental problems and in this he is a master and in this process his words are organized through his hands from his mouth and relates them to his hands and therefore to the other person’s mind by placing them in an organized way in their brains etherically. Therefore, he provides them the organization they need to understand him and prevents them from hurting. Therefore, this etheric thought organization is healing to them mentally and this organizes their astral substance also and thereby affects their feelings and likewise their minds and in this way they are touched. This gives them a sense of peace and therefore provides them with a way to go.

It would be good to look upon this as an avenue to manipulate crowds of people by speaking to them and noting from each what they need to hear to feel good in the moment and to do this requires you (HZ) to feel at home with them and to cherish this experience or gathering and therefore see them as parts of yourself. Therefore, honor yourself with their presence and in this way reach them one at a time noting their presence within you and in this way achieve a lasting harmony within yourself by speaking what you are feeling and in this way achieve popularity.


The third ability to heal with the use of your hands is in the healing of mental misunderstandings of others and preventing these from hurting themselves and others and also preventing them from hurting you.  You need to recognize when action is to take place and thus need to know when others and you are at risk and therefore when to act and bother to do so as this is important at all times when you feel the need to speak. I tis significant not let this need to speak go by and not happen as you are sorry later and therefore need to speak up and let others know what you are thinking/feeling in the moment in time when this happens. Thus, you need to cherish these people in the process. It would be good to look at this from the angle of you keeping the peace for others sake and yourself. Also is good to look at this from angle of you saving others from yourself as you speak for their benefit; and therefore, achieve everlasting pleasure as they will assist you in your needs as well as desires and this puts you at a vantage point in their lives as well as in their resources.


The fourth ability to heal with the use of your hands is in the healing of dark forces penetrating the auric fields of others and in this way achieving good over evil and in this way achieving long lasting appreciation from others and in this way achieving working relationship as a healer.



HZ’s Auric Field Content Continued: Witnessing field of healing activity and being in charge of all devic substance within a person’s personality fields.  Thus, also being able to charge it with forces and energies of certain devic substance and therefore able to make changes in personality awareness when in my company doing healing work. Also able to see what needs to be changed when HZ accompanying me on subjective journey together when on the healing table.

HZ’s Auric Field Content Continued: HZ: I am able to see what is in their causal body that requires assistance as well as what requires understanding for the client/person. It would be good to look at this from the perspective of the client and see that this has merit in all the sessions I have done where personalities were able to see the truth for themselves and therefore greatly benefited from their healing. Although they were not always able to get this to the physical brain though during the healing session. In important ways I am able to treat the real needs of others and yet them not knowing it. Even though there are changes immediately in the inner sheaths they are not aware of them for a while depending upon their alignment process and when they are aware it was not me that caused it. As a rule in these cases, I was not able or permitted to tell them in most cases as they were not ready to hear it; nor would they have understood at the time what it would meant to them as people; nor would it have been useful at the time for them to second guess outcomes as this would distracted from changing intention. And in this way subjective healing takes place without outer brain knowingness and in this way true healers work. And not from outside to inside but inner to outer and in this way provide evolutionary or integrative assistance.



Second Healer “D” (4):

It would be good to look at all centers that she uses in doing healing work and in this way provide a snap shot of the healing vortex sources: (4)


Throat Center – 4 Petals (HZ Note: One can utilize any number of available petals composing a center at any one time in a variety of ways): I (Gold-White Deva) am witnessing a healing field from throat center, and it is this center which provides her with knowledge to assist others and this center is developed from previous lives and consists here of 4-petals related to the animal kingdom, the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, and the elemental kingdoms. These four have been developed from the throat related petals and consists of those knowingness’s she has developed working in the three worlds for the entire cycle of incarnations as well as from what she is able to contact of the Anima Mundi.

It is important to discuss at this juncture the nature of the Anima Mundi (HZ: Normally defined as composing the soul aspect of the first four kingdoms) for there is much misinformation written about it and therefore requires a little skill in action to describe it. It would be good to start with the fact that the 7- kingdoms are all represented in the Anima Mundi, but little has been written about thee higher kingdoms and this is for several reasons. First is that they are not known nor experienced nor deemed necessary by those who teach to teach. This information is first needed by those who need it and is discovered on their own. It is first of all impossible to describe for certain their nature. And secondly it is uncertain what is real in these lives as they are outside of our day-to-day experience and therefore adding nothing to our understanding. There are those that do experience these and these are souls who exist upon abstract mental plane where time is different and simultaneous happenings over vast consciousness is experienced and written about by those who were both devic and human at one time and are members of the 3rd creative hierarchy (of Triads). In this way we learn from them what it is like to move forward beyond the 4th creative hierarchy (of monads where human triads-lowest expression). The spirits before the throne are representative of the 7th kingdom and these are beings of conscious will and therefore have had to be human at one point of another in their evolutionary cycle. Another thing I would like to say is that these lives that make up the 7th kingdom are all a part of the awareness of Sanat Kumara and that these together make up His mental field.


Throat Center – 12 Petals: I am witnessing a healing field related to throat center and this in relationship to 12 petals (8+ 4). It is this field that gives her the kind of success in describing the workings of the mind aspect as it pertains to humanity and therefore of an occult nature in respect to the lives inherent within the mental sheath and therefore manipulatively possible by the occult sub-personality. Therefore, able to change the patten of thinking of the client and therefore able to assist in healing the lower bodies. It is my concern that she does this without consulting their hearts’ intent and therefore karmically liable for their forms she places there. It would be good to look at this over time to see how it evolved for those concerned to see if any harm was done although it appears to be harmless. it would be good to check in on the soul level before mental body is affected and therefore let the soul do it. It would also be good to look at this as a son of necessity in that she does it out of necessity based upon their personality desire and therefore cooperating with them although this is not wrong it would be good to let their soul manage it as it is its prerogative to do.


Heart Center – 8-Petals: There is another healing field coming from heart center and this field involves 8 petal and this in respect to her loving them personally and this as a force of sorts and it is this force of sorts that is responsible for them to know, trust, and understand themselves and her within the pattern of their lives being addressed or altered and in this way achieves healing emotionally and mentally.  It is in this way the healing works to relax the client and effects a way of working with them to be at one in their healing pattern. This is about all I can say about this as I am aware of.


Ajna Center: In addition to the center vortex there is a healing field related to her breath focused at her ajna center and in this place here is activity that places her upon an evil related path. It is a path where she is able to addict her clients to a thought symbol and this symbol links to her and is present to provide them with assurance of her abilities to help them whenever they feel out of sorts, and it is this out of sorts that links them to D. And in this way she is called for her services and in this way she is ensured of work. It would be good if she let herself be uncertain of whether or not they would call her or not and not worry about this as it is alright. They probably will anyway as she is kind to them and gives them what they want and therefore is not going to lose them as clients. it would be good to see this as a form of manipulation without them knowing it and therefore coercive. It would be good to see this also as based upon fear and fear in general feeds evil intents as it leads towards chaos.



It would be good now to look at other healing fields on the inner planes and these are four also:

Kama-Manasic Plane (KM): On the KM plane there is a group of people who work with her in developing her abilities to channel soul energy into etheric body and in this way achieve a more effective pattern of healing and in this way achieve a more decisive healing and this would alleviate her working as hard energetically. On the other hand, it also provides her with more knowledge and assistance, and this is good. This prevents her from making the alignment and bringing it through on her own but on the other hand it would not be possible at this time to do this so as she is in training in this way.


Mental Plane: On the mental plane there is a group of lives known as the Reiki group and these assist her whenever she aligns to the mind and influences her to work in a certain way to distribute through the centers. It is this group that is responsible for her being successful on several occasions for quick externalized healing as well as being responsible for clients feeling the energies energetically.


Etheric Plane: On etheric level there are a group of people who were in accidents, and they are present at times to absorb the energies of healing and D knows when this is the case as she sees them kinesthetically and works with them to help herself as they assist her also in communicating with the client to make them feel comfortable and safe.


Astral Plane: On other levels within her astral bodies are several groups that use her to get messages to others. They pass these through D’s feelings and work with her to assist her client in remembering certain historical things when she is working with them. In this way, they together work towards making a healing through understanding a situation and this is good. It would be good to look at these groups and make a list of who they are, but this would take a long time as there are several hundred such groupings all related to different levels of this existence as well as other planets.


Third Healer “S” (4):

It would be good to look at all centers that she uses in doing healing work and in this way provide a snap shot of the healing vortex sources. Two centers are used in creating a healing vortex field:

Ajna Center: First is ajna center in that it receives information to complete the evaluation process as well as distribute this to the throat center and at this point creates concepts to communicate these patterns. It would be good to look at this as a means to gather as much information as is needed to extent the clients’ understanding and in this way create a successful healing. It would be good to look at this as a means to sensitize to clients’ subjective bodies to retain patterns of energies within herself to alter and mirror these back as well as sense its relationship to an ideal pattern as well as use this information to create a scheduled series of healings. This relates to the client what is happening in terms of a causative model as well as prepares the client for counseling as well as prepares the client for healing by others as well as see the client in the light of the kama mind.


Back of Solar Plexus Center (SP): This center is used to create a relationship with the client and supposes a relationship that is objective and impersonal and therefore can be used to treat the client. This treatment is a means to deliver to them the required energies to be used in healing and this means taking the time to isolate all the energies subjectively needed to compose the healing pattern. Therefore, she creates and projects it to the client subjectively through polarity and pranic healing and therefore relates to the client the pattern as a dowsed evaluation so-to-speak. It would be good to look at this as a means to understand what is needed and therefore to go ahead with this info once complete. Also, it is good to look at this center pr the back of the SP as the ideal healing center for most people as they are polarized on the astral plane and therefore subject to its alterations and therefore susceptible to patterned energy changes on this dimension.

It is well known who you align with in doing healing work and these various groups are useful in completing you healing mode and two of these stand out the most; three actually when working with HZ—the Pranic Healing Group on the mental plane; a Kama Polarity Group and a devic group when working with HZ.


When working with HZ he adjusts the healing energy field producing the following different alignments or abilities:

You (S) are able to link mental chakras and work with the mental plane healing group he works with as well as work with soul energies coming in through this connection as well as devic assistance and in this way achieve a higher alignment.

It would be good to look at this from the angle of you grounding in your astral body these energies and relating to him through the back solar plexus chakra and in this way perform your healing.

It would be good to look at this as though you are performing the healing using aided alignment and are responsible for bringing the healing pattern in and therefore color it according to your knowledge and therefore as the complete package as your skills in working this way are excellent and thereby prefacing a psychic healing.

It would be good to look at this from angle of not using yourself only but HZ to do an evaluation and thereby pretend to dowse him. It would be good to continue doing this when working with others as it helps you get more information and more assistance.


Treating the conditions of over-stimulation and under-stimulation requiring enlivenment.

Each of these aliments are classified according to the type of over stimulation. (40)

According to the will of personality (or sub-personalities) who is in control of the physical bodies will be the type of over stimulation involved and this can be classified by sub-personality identification with each and requires a proper understanding and classification.

It would be good to look at this from the centers and thereby agree as to what centers are involved and remembering these are proportionally involved and therefore sub-personality not controlling all the time and therefore classification is not center focused but is related to % of sub-personality control.

It would be good to look at this from the angle of just what is needed according to the soul’s purpose intent involved and therefore work with that. Thus, must be able to reify it. From there proceed in organizing the mind of client before doing healing work. This will thereby establish limits to qualified energies coming in and therefore establish the reason for what you are doing and therefore prove successful.

It is important to add here healer to be in charge of healing needs to hold the hand of the client figuratively to move forward at this juncture and I repeat they need to be at one in understanding and trust. No doubts are permitted at this point before moving forward in healing work which is now to take place.


There are other valuable lessons and observations from various devas as to how to move forward in healing.

Astral auric conditions needed for healing.

HZ (8)

  • Lessons you need in creating this: 4
  • Controls to put on others when in your physical presence. 2
  • Lessons you need in demonstrating this condition. 6
  • Understanding how to create auric healing while in crowds. 8
  • Benefits you achieve while in the state of astral auric conditions. 8
  • Localizations within your astral aura that need healing within you now. 800
  • Benefits you will receive when you heal others in their astral conditions. 4

Fire related mental sheath.

HZ (18-6)

Systematize your soul body and in this way achieve mental organization along divine Soul lines and in this way achieve readable soul information on all fronts all the time and in this way achieve lasting understanding from others (16). It would be good to look at this from karmic propensities you are required to neutralize as well as demonstrate and in this way achieve lasting evolution of soul body and through this process learn what you are able to learn in this process here on earth and be ready to be liberated when this happens and there are four (4):

Available to you now are several stellar angels to arrange your mind to assist in this process and these are arranged in alphabetical order according to your karma and in this way can go forward in organizing your mind and in this way can achieve understanding according to their priorities and in this way can achieve understanding of the karmic pattern prevailing now in your causal field and can soon learn how to achieve liberation.

It would be good to look at this from the angle of you searching in your heart for those you need to help and assist and in that way achieve liberation in that way they represent. And for this, you will be given everything to accomplish your objectives. This life and fortune will be yours for the taking whenever you complete this section. This section is about you receiving for others their taking the path of initiation for themselves and believing in themselves and not needing you anymore. It would be good to look at this from angle of successfully guiding others unto themselves and letting them take the wheel and in this way achieve satisfaction their souls have for you and letting you be known by others and in this way achieve liberation.

Extra-ordinary touch.

Dowsing the auric field.

Entering into proper alignment.


This teaching part is broken up in eight (8) sections: (Soul):

Meditative breath.

Closing the energy escape routes.

Raising the energies and containing the field.

Organizing Their personality substance.

Substantiating their Energy involvement with you.

Entering in communion with their souls.

Endeavoring to see them in the healing light.

Finishing the work with them.


This teaching part is broken up into eight (8) sections with following four devas to outline:

Individualized Deva: 2

Review all I have given you before on healing.

Registering the facts of the various sessions.


Deva of Natural Locality. 2

Suggestions to succeed in making your alignment now. (4)


Healer S: (4):

Meditative Breath:

Breath in pulling energy into etheric body from nature in your area.

See this energy circulate along central channel from head to earth.

Breath out every aspect of your being until you become empty of self and on this out breath see your body turn crystal clear.

See this energy you breath out as self-radiating throughout the planet being one with it.


Deva of vast territory occupied by most of North America. 2

HZ: (6)

Excuses why your healing is not complete:

Not enough sleep at night by yourself need to be alone in the woods.

Awaken early and link with M.

See yourself exercising each morning.

Awaken early each day to meditate on Me.

Awaken each morning to meditate on your soul.

Ideally, you need to be celibate.


Healer S:

  • Be more relaxed in the city environment.
  • See yourself attaining freedom form relationship with husband consciousness—not be a wife not monogamous.
  • Registering the facts awaiting you for the person in front of you.


Organized to send messages to you to assist you in doing healing work. Experiment with HZ to do this and in this way achieve better reception and in this way achieve a worthwhile partner now.

Also useful for S to test techniques on others. S has excessive mental activity.

To see S’s mind as being organized along chiropractic network lines and in this way achieve alignment with her future and in this way achieve what HZ told her of being with a chiropractor; and in this way achieve her dreams of being a respected healer—desire mind.


S’s concrete mind is a channel for HZ’s occult sub-personality acting as 3rd aspect of soul; and in this way achieving direct relationship with HZ’s & S’s Personality Mind and controlling each other whenever it suits each other and in this way moves forward to create the others reality if not aligned to the soul.


HZ (3):

Be more still, too active in life seek peace of country side.

See yourself becoming fearful of where you are now living in city. You are living in grace as those around you want to harm you and there is no place to run for help.

You are in heaven every day and do not know it anymore as your place is there and not in your body be alert to its dangers in body. 3:

  • See yourself running for exercise or see yourself being extinguished.
  • See yourself adding up the calories you eat or disappearing.
  • See yourself savoring mortal life or evaporating.


Deva of Earth and Internal Fire. 2

HZ (3):

Circulating your fires.

  • Physical and concrete mind fires.
  • Take a cold shower as often as possible this will release electrical impulses for oxygen to cells.
  • Finish your work on Hierarchy and free the mind.
  • Exercise regularly and often to extend cell life.


Encompassing (protecting) the room where you are working now. Four areas in bedroom.

  1. See the pillow you are working on now encompassing you and separating you from the room and in this way achieve isolation form everything as well as from energies coming in from S.


  1. Sense a relationship with Earth Devas organizing your crown space with a star composed of four rectangles on each rectangle is a logos – 4 logos:


  • An S-path leading to a round passage.


  • An oblong shaped container mirror like everywhere except on the outside edges thus invisible.


  • An oblong box like shape which is emerald green with a 2-D wizard on the top.


  • A passage way or tunnel like with lighted ceiling.


  1. An organized view looking from above and seeing the room contained in a leather like black box being impenetrable.


  1. Large horse shoe like emblem on walls and ceiling and floor. Energies coming in go back outside.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access

Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Songs of the Waterfall

The Nature Devas – Some Adjunct Information

The nature related devas now among us can be classified within six categories. Please note this is only one generic classification out of many possible ones.

Category one is composed of elemental devas. 5





Earth (56)

  • Of all the earth devas the most evolved are the devas responsible for the precious and semi-precious gemstones. Out of these there are fourteen (14) which are the most evolved and are those who watch over the gemstones.


  • The devas who are responsible for the major five (of 17 or so) rare metals are moving closer to working with humanity in terms of them being used in various technologies.


  • The devas who are responsible for the more advanced crystalline structures have been advancing quickly because of their manipulation by humanity.


  • The devas responsible for eight certain types of metals are being reduced in number as humanity requires less of these.


  • The devas responsible for the precious minerals of the earth are being stimulated by humanity to produce more of them because of their future use value. Their numbers are being increased.



  1. This category is composed of very advance equinox devas.






This category is composed of sunlight deva types related to.

Tree groupings.

Rock formations.

Water bodies.

Desert areas.

North pole area.

South pole area.


This category is composed of the night deva types related to. (26)



Small water bodies.



Category five is composed of animal related soul groupings deva types. (4)

Egg laying animals.

Human animal bodies.

Undomesticated mammals.

Domesticated mammals.


Evaluation of a friend’s cat characteristics: (12)

  • He believes he is not important to the running of the household.
  • He needs the opportunity to be with those members of the household he perceives more (thus with J 2-hrs per week).
  • He would like all of you not to bother him after dark as he is caught up with the night life.
  • He is willing to become acquainted with guests and especially the ones that listen to him.
  • He does not want to be by himself when family is at home.
  • He is genuinely kind.
  • He is exceptionally bright.
  • He is well adjusted and content.
  • He is bad when he wants to be this take the form of not listening to the family, ignoring their needs, hiding from others, and annoying A.
  • He does not like dogs as a rule, nor autos, nor loud noises.
  • He is disposed to being happy and lying around.
  • He is a member of a very evolved group cat soul.


This category is composed of bio-sphere related deva types. (6)


Large geographical regions.




Foothills. (6)


A Communication example from local foothills environmental devas:

  • There are four sets of devas in my present living area (Hillsboro).
  • Each of these four sets of devas want to tell you these things:
  • Set 1: (8)
    • These devas are proud of the way human beings are overseeing in general this area.
    • These devas have these concerns: (4)
      • They have witnessed an alteration or change in the manner of stream animal life content—lessening.
      • General dumping areas is not a good thing—need to be decentralized.
      • Underground septic lines– need none except individual septic system type.
      • Deterioration in air quality (mostly coming out of the West).


  • They could oversee better if humans changed these things. (4)
    • Suggestion: it would be good if you could highlight all the areas on a map where high air pollution was being impacted (refers to local polluters).
    • Suggestion: it would be beneficial if those members of the local communities could come together to enhance their waste problem solutions.
    • Suggestion: don’t let people or businesses dump their business related solutions into the earth.
    • Suggestion: investigate recycling of more and more products over time.


  • Have these observations. (4)
    • There are those people in your community who are unconcerned by existing environmental laws. In other words, they need to be better policed.
    • Let it be known that we are available to anyone who needs our suggestions—find people who are informed and open to us.
    • It is helpful that those of you who have the resources take the opportunity to inform others of the larger community needs.
    • It would be helpful if you as a community donated some of your wages to organized community conservation projects.


  • We can help in these ways: (4)
    • We can inform you of issues regularly.
    • We are able to know what will happen before it happens.
    • We are qualified to see the effects of actions on the environment into the future.
    • We know how to reverse environmental problems causing related processes.


  • We have also gathered together these species that need your increased understanding. (45)
  • We have committed ourselves to approaching you for better understanding of our collective needs into the future.
  • We have a lot of information to share with you.



  • Set 2 Devas: (8)
    • We have concerns are for the life forms in your area.
    • We have had millions of years of experience in promoting god’s plan.
    • We are available to assist your community in protecting all forms of life.
    • We have watched as you have entered this area.
    • We have gathered together these concerns/problems for your attention. (60)
      • We have a concern that your present methods for building houses require a larger lot size for many of the areas you are building (every lot is different).
      • We have a concern that your transportation system or road construction is not considered the highest good of all concerned in other words they go into areas that would be better if not.
      • We have a concern that your knowledge of us needs to be greatly improved and therefore would like to find ways of training you as a community.
      • We have a concern that your methods of using pesticides and herbicides is causing the death of many animal and plant species.
      • We have a concern that your techniques of controlling the animal populations have these problems. (6)
    • We would like you to know that we are interested in cooperating the best we can and believe in general you are sensitive enough to communicate as an interested group.
    • We have been commissioned to impart our knowledge to those of you who can be of use in these areas.
    • We are telling you this because we were directed to by the Christ.


  • Set 3 devas: (8)


The above incompletely reified information is an example of the endless type of information that can be gathered from the Earth’s environmental Caretakers to preserve the planet for its intended use and likewise make decisions in the highest good of all concerned. Obviously our culture does not yet permit this possibility out of its own ignorance of the necessary sciences.


All meditation impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder– H.Z.

Healing and the Devas – A Brief Summary

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Source: Deva:

How does a disciple stay in contact with other souls: (4)

  • There are those able to communicate directly through concepts in writing translated by the mind and brain.
  • There are those capable of communicating directly with the son of mind in an abstract format.
  • There are those able to communicate with the soul in an ancient language used at some period to communicate with the soul in that related past life.
  • There are those that communicate through automatic writing (Palm and base chakras) interpreting through the concrete mind and brain.


What centers do we use normally to communicate with soul? Can use all centers or a combination of one or more centers.

What colors are used more often in sheath related healing work and these in terms of the physical aspect of the sheath:

  • Etheric Sheath: ruby red
  • Astral Sheath: bright green
  • Mental Sheath: bright orange
  • Causal Sheath: blue

These are basically the colors of a probationary disciple’s four sheaths.


Colors of the centers in the average person: three centers.

    1. SP green
    2. Sacral purple
    3. Base white


Colors of the centers in an Aspirant to the Mysteries of God: four centers.

    1. Throat: orange
    2. Solar Plexus: bright green
    3. Sacral: violet
    4. Base: white


Colors in the centers in the average probationary disciple: six centers.

    1. Ajna: indigo blue & pink
    2. Heart: yellow
    3. Throat: black
    4. Solar Plexus: upper-blue
    5. Sacral: white
    6. Base: black


Colors of the centers in an advanced disciple these are monadic Ray conditioned. The rest of the chakras are soul-personality ray conditioned: four centers where colors received through guided soul or devic source:

A Head center between the eyes and top of head.

Crown center.

Ajna center.

Alta Major center.


It would be good to look at the colors associated with the buddhic plane centers found in the master and these are not to be given out to anyone. It would be good to look at this from the angle that the buddhic plane is a part of the Astral Body in those who have taken the fifth initiation but also those of the lessor initiations who have integrated the buddhic body. This is given for reason of continuity and for developing the buddhic-astral connection body connection: seven centers.


Alta Major:




Solar Plexus:



It would be good to look at the centers in the mental body when one becomes a third-degree initiate: Useful for healers to this as it conditions one’s understanding as well as prevents using the wrong colors on people you meet. It is OK to use these if you find it impossible to get guided ones for some reason. This will alert devic field of intervening with appropriate color.

Throat: black purple

Solar Plexus: black purple

Sacral: black purple

Base: black purple


Use these colors when healing those whose relatives are dying. Four centers.

Rear Heart: bright olive green

Rear Throat: passion blue velvet

Rear Solar Plexus: blue green

Base: vivid red orange

Use these colors when healing those who come to you for possession:

Throat, front: red orange; dark blue; light pink; white.

Solar Plexus, front: red orange; dark blue; light pink; white.

Base: same as Solar Plexus.

Sacral, rear: orange; dark blue; white; medium rose.


Use these colors when person comes to you for healing spine related or lower back ache: sacral center in the front below navel center area: bright purple; violet; white; and clear.


Use these colors when somebody comes to heal injuries related to joints anywhere in the body: Light yellow; light red; violet purple; lemon yellow.

It would be good to understand this joint thing will not work unless the prana is available in your palms and for this to be the case requires you to have the life style of a warrior. It would be good to realize that these above techniques require one to focus on soul levels before the healing work and to work with the hand chakras bringing the colors through from soul plane and for this to happens requires those around you to believe in you as a energy or faith healer and this requires them to trust you and believe you are actually a healer.

It would be wise to see these colors as just an intermediate qualitative intent effect. The real healing takes place between souls and mind and bodies.

It would be good to realize this form of healing is Author’s specialty and needs to be practiced every chance possible. You are a natural healer in that people believe in you. Faith healing is better understood by people as opposed to energy healer thus might be more useful to identify with this description. We will assist you whenever you ask and be alert to those we send to you given you truly care for others and not interested in fees. Particularly, you are both soul, spirit, master and deva conscious as well as conscious of the One Soul. Few have this consciousness.

Continue to practice the presence at all times so it is with you at all times, and it is your destiny and your path to assisting the powers that be.


Technique No. 1:

How to approach those with soul consciousness but also with spiritual consciousness. There are two techniques for these types based upon mystic and occult ray types 2, 4, 6 or 1, 3, 5, 7. These two types are the same up to the point in which you pass (guided) colors through their centers and in this way it changes.

Have clients lie down on their back and get them comfortable and suggest that they pray for assistance from angels or devas. Have them say out loud what they want and ask them to believe it will take place. Have them lay on their stomach next and repeat to yourself the great invocation and sit in the silence until you have denoted the following information:

Note what comes through from Lords of Karma first.

Note the process and details of what you are to do and/or they are to do. In this way go forward to heal this will take three hours in this example client case and usually.

It would be good to look at this healing process as necessitating the bringing in critical causal information before they arrive. Develop a plan a week before and in this way go forward to prepare everything they will need; trusting it will be the same as what comes when in person.


Technique No. 2:

It would be good to look at a similar techniques you can use in pre-approved special cases with people especially those who have gifted you with their knowledge of soul and are soul conscious sometimes or all the time.

First of all, you need their permission to act as a healer and gather information subjectively, and once you have it you can return by yourself to do this at a distance.

Second, in person this process is easier. Have them lay down and breath in white light in auric field and have them pray for what they want and have them realize it is only a matter of time before it happens. It is inevitable.

It is also useful to have the clients pray aloud so you can know too what it is they are seeking and realize it is also a way to communicate with us (Devas). This information will be used to help them. They need to feel comfortable and realize you are acting in their best interest, and also you are working with subjective angels and masters and will soon have an answer or resolve for them.

Go into the silence and repeat the Great Invocation to yourself as ask for permission from Lords of Karma for them to see if what is needed is karmically available. If so, share this with them and request them to do whatever you ask and have them realize what they ask it will be done and do no more but pray for them.

When they leave request that they will do what was asked of them and realize too this is all there is for you to do but wait for the results. This will be the process of all those in this special category that come to you for assistance and realise to it will come to pass shortly.

Realize this is what we want you to do and realize too this is all we expect from you for now and this will be easy for you. This is all the masters want; and realize this is all the planet wants of you; and realize too this is all the galaxy wants. Everyone will be happy do you see you are supported everywhere there is soul consciousness and leave the rest to us – go and heal those sent to you.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Esoteric Healing – Six Golden Deva Related Healing Forms

Esoteric Healing – A Devic Healing Session Example

Esoteric Healing – A Personality Healing Format
Esoteric Healing – Some Practical Uses of the Seven Rays in Healing & Service Revised 07/06/23
Esoteric Healing – Some Healing Triangles Defined
Esoteric Healing – A Working Diagnostic Model
Nicholas Roerich Museum - saint-pantaleon-the-healer

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Six ways to wrestle with demons—lunar lives.

    1. First of all, carry them up to soul.
    2. Secondly, bury them in light of soul.
    3. Thirdly, wrap them in indigo light.
    4. Ignore them.
    5. Dialogue with them and get their cooperation.
    6. Dispose of the opportunities for them to act out.

Bare your feet whenever you do healing related work.


Prepare yourself beforehand.

    1. Be physically clean and psychically clean (also brush teeth).
    2. Wear white clothes.
    3. Bathe in colored lights—white, emerald-green, and gold.
    4. Wear an emerald around your neck near heart.
    5. Place crystals in Star of David patterns level with table around the room.
    6. Clear space golden cube and white pyramid.
    7. Align with guiding Deva.
    8. Align with Christ.


Blessing always holding person in violet light.

    1. Ask them to remove all metals and shoes.
    2. Make them comfortable.
    3. Explain what you are going to do.
    4. While standing at head say a prayer for them from your heart they can relate to.
    5. Do healing work.
    6. Hold their hands and ask them what they want to do.



    1. Seat yourself at their head.
    2. Left side of heart.
    3. Right side at heart.
    4. Right side of hips.
    5. Left side of hips.
    6. Feet.


Hand placements.

    1. Male RH over the head chakra.
    2. Female LH over the head chakra.
    3. Heart R male LH over heart.
    4. Heart R female RH over heart.
    5. Heart L male RH over heart.
    6. Heart L female LH over heart.
    7. Hips R male RH over solar plexus/spleen.
    8. Hips R female RH over solar plexus/spleen.
    9. Hips L male LH over solar plexus/spleen.
    10. Hips L female LH over solar plexus/spleen.
    11. Feet male RH over both feet chakras.
    12. Feet female LH over both feet chakras.


Determine the time for complete session 2.5 hrs.

Bathe yourself in violet light during session at regular intervals.

Cherish them with chosen words in the end.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access

Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)

Clearing the Auric Field – A Guidance for an Aspirant and Friend

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


HZ Note: Reasonable advice for sensitive aspirants.

There are other people in your auric field all the time. You need to clear these out when you get home from work each day when in shower. To do this spend some time visualizing white light washing over you and then emerald-green light and then gold light washing through your auric field and after this meditate or just make an alignment before you do anything else.

You would be wise to see yourself as a person who is psychic and in this respect naturally picks up psychic energies from others and these linger in your field until you understand them. Each day when you get home get a piece of paper and write on it the following words. (6)

I am free of all psychic forms from others.

I am free of all other people ‘s thoughts and feelings and expectations.

I am free of everyone’s perceptions of themselves and me.

I am free of my own thoughts and feelings and expectations.

I am a soul and a being of light and sound.

I exist and yet I am free.


Note from your soul:

I gather up in my arms your essence.

I hold and secure you.

I give you my strength.

I give you my courage.

I provide you with the love you need.

I nurture your being with great understanding and patience.

I expect nothing from you except your happiness.

I forgive you for everything.

I am pleased with you.


My soul to you:

I strengthen and nurture you.

I give up my life for you.

I know and honor you by my love.

I expect nothing from you.

I encourage you to be great.

I strengthen you with my gifts.

I contend with you no matter the reasons.

I dream with you of our future.

I forgive you of your past.

I see great promise in you.

Let us come together in union and be one.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Esoteric Healing – The Auric Field – General Created Form Impact Areas and Their Qualification

The Aura – Subjective Feedback per a Probationary Disciple’s Questions

Clearing and Protecting your Living Space – A Set of Occult Related Objects – An Example     

Ritual for Cleansing a Retreat Space: (14)

Chakra Lines & Soul Body Activation of the Fold-Fold Personality Bodies

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – Coherence of a Permanent Atom – A Secret of the Path

Controlling the Personality & Integrating the Three Periodic Vehicles Summarized

Esoteric Healing – A Personality Healing Format

Etheric Centers – Some Adjunct Information (Revised 03-19-24)

Astral & Mental Centers – Some Adjunct Information (Revised 03-19-24)

Subplane Demonstrable Characteristics – Atmic through Etheric (Revised 04/10/24)

The Aura – Subjective Feedback per a Probationary Disciple’s Questions

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that most of the time these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]

What is illumination (in respect to the intuition)?

One’s ability to subjectively see or comprehend correctly demonstrated.


Educated people perceive along the line of their qualified form focus and related understanding of such forms. There is a growing ability of people to see per the light of their minds their soul’s light or wise knowledge content.

Where there is purpose understood there is also its related degree of soul illumination. Understanding this, humanity has grown to see itself as a more inclusive unit and therefore has increased their use of group conscious eyes such as the soul eye which is likewise group conscious. World relationships between all things are reflected in the Eye of the One Soul.

What is the aura and how did it come into existence?

Though lunar and solar lives manifesting and expressing themselves through forms on the planes of existence.


How can the aura be made into a better medium for light?

Complete and accurate fohatic circulation of the Mind of God through the lower three planes or plane vehicles – no impurities or blockages. This can be understood to be either solar planes, or cosmic planes.

What is the effect of the (this disciple’s) aura specifically on the environment?

Mental Environment:

You gather together concepts and organize those pertaining to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings and teach them to others.

You register impressions from souls around the globe and transmit them to others.

You make suggestions for others per their real need related evaluations.

You analyze problems of humanity and discuss them with others.

Mental preparations are developed by you to enhance other minds, and these are given out in various forms.


Kama-Manasic Environment:

People in general experience you as non-existent, harmless, and non-resourceful.

There are several types of people that experience you as clever, knowing, organized, and resourceful. Those which you provide evaluations for, close friends, subjective people you guide, subjective groups you work with.

Ordinarily intimate friends experience you as generous/magnanimous.

Passersby experience you as potentially threatening due energetically to past lives.


On account of you perceiving and looking at people as part of yourself they trust you in general but never forget that people do want to be your friend if you want it also.


Physical Environment:

Different for each type above.


Ways to Improve upon the above given effects upon the environment.

Mental Environment: None.

Kama-Manasic Environment: You would be advised to see people as your friends and as a part of your day-to-day assistance of others. Witness others. Suggest you spend two minutes with all you meet.


You suffer more from illusions than from glamour or maya.

Which quality or characteristic of your nature permits you to tune in on world illusion: (4)

  1. Masters of wisdom are contacted by your mind inferring discipleship to someone but not really understanding who exactly the messages are for at times.


  1. Certain systems of concepts or topics of interest are contacted by the personality mind which it is over identified with. It believes these concepts relate to it or you for dissemination in some form.


  1. Certain people in the subjective world you communicate at times with believe they are part of the One Ashram but are not in fact.


  1. All Aspirants in the world are experienced as a part of yourself and you sometimes experience them as a Hierarchy of Souls. They are and yet they are not depending on the correct way you need to hold it for guidance clarification.


As you probably have noticed the illusion potentials are all related to your experimentation with the science of subjective guidance or the “Science of Supreme Contact” and its practice.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Clearing the Auric Field – A Guidance for an Aspirant and Friend

Esoteric Healing – The Auric Field – General Created Form Impact Areas and Their Qualification

Chakra Lines & Soul Body Activation of the Fold-Fold Personality Bodies

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – Coherence of a Permanent Atom – A Secret of the Path

Controlling the Personality & Integrating the Three Periodic Vehicles Summarized

Esoteric Healing – A Personality Healing Format

Etheric Centers – Some Adjunct Information (Revised 03-19-24)

Astral & Mental Centers – Some Adjunct Information (Revised 03-19-24)

Subplane Demonstrable Characteristics – Atmic through Etheric (Revised 04/10/24)

Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access

Seventh Ray:

Spend some time bringing in healing related information from the Seventh Ray Ashram. There are several items of interest here for healers. There are 600 major concepts or so to be more exact:

Each of these will assist you in some way in healing work and also can be used to teach others. They will also give you the added insight that you need to be successful in healing profession. Each of these sets of techniques or knowledge will expand your mind and enable you to function effectively as an initiate healer.


The three major categories are:

The following information and techniques ca be used to assist others in healing and teaching others on the physical body. 14

The following information and techniques can assist you in healing and teaching others on the emotional body:  40

The following information and techniques can assist you in healing and teaching others on their personality development and integration needs. 14


The following information and techniques can be used to assist others in healing and teaching others on the physical body. 14

  1. You have been given this information on esoteric systems and it is this knowledge you need to master.
  2. You have been given this information on naturopathy and it is this knowledge you need to reify.
  3. You have been given this information on expanded meridian systems and it is this information you need to master.
  4. You have been given this information on herbs and it is this information you need to reify.
  5. You have been given this information on gems and minerals and it is this information you need to reify.
  6. You have been given this information on special substances and it is this information you need to reify.
  7. You have been given this information on vitamins and it is this information you need to reify.
  8. You have been given this information on vibrational and electrical modalities and it is this information that you need to reify and study.
  9. You have been given this information on muscular physical modalities and it is this information you need to reify and study.
  10. You have been given this information on yoga and it is these systems you need to study.
  11. You have been given this information on alternative diagnostic methods and these you need to reify.
  12. You have been given this information on traditional diagnostic techniques and it is this knowledge you need to study.
  13. You have been given this information on energy healing systems and it is these systems you need to reify and study.
  14. You have been given this information on Arya Vedic medical treatments and it is this you need to study.


The following information and techniques can assist you in healing and teaching others on the emotional body:  40

  1. You have been given this information on belief systems and it is these you need to reify.
  2. You have been given this information on evolution of consciousness and it is this knowledge you need to master. Science of the path related.
  3. You have been given this information on what it would take to become emotionally clear and this you need to reify.
  4. You have been given this information on what it would take to become integrated and this you need to reify.
  5. You have been given this information on what it would take to become personally aware or conscious and this you need to study.
  6. You have been given this information on what it would take to become an individual.
  7. You have been given this information on what it would take to become a devotee sub-personality level of integration and this you need to reify and master.
  8. You have been given this information on what it would take to become a mystic sub-personality level of integration and this you need to reify and master.
  9. You have been given this information on what it would take to become a spiritually ambitious person and this you need to reify and master.
  10. You have been given this information on what it would take to become an integrated personality and this you need to reify and master.
  11. You have been given this information on what it would take to become an occult sub-personality and this you need to reify and master.
  12. You have been given this information on what it would take to become a soul integrated person and this you need to reify and master.
  13. You have been given this information on what it would take to become integrated with group soul and this you need to reify and master.
  14. You have been given this information on what it would take to become an integrated soul with hierarchy and this you need to reify and master.
  15. You have been given this information on gender and this you need to reify and master.
  16. You have been given this information to understand the causal body—reify.
  17. You have been given this information to understand the triadal body—reify.
  18. You have been given this information to understand monadic sheath—reify.
  19. You have been given this information to understand the son of mind and this you need to reify and master.
  20. You have been given this information on past lives—reify.
  21. You have been given this information on physical body hormonal imbalances and this you need to reify, study, and master.
  22. You have been given this information on physical body nutrient imbalances.
  23. You have been given this information on physical body needs.
  24. You have been given this information on physical body societal needs.
  25. You have been given this information on physical body intimacy needs.
  26. You have been given this information on physical body ray needs – reify.
  27. You have been given this information on astral body—reify.
  28. You have been given this information to understand the way the astral body works to create forms—reify.
  29. You have been given this information to understand the way the mental body works to create forms—reify.
  30. You have been given this information to understand the way the etheric body works to distribute forms—reify.
  31. You have been given this information to understand the way the soul works to distribute karma—reify.
  32. You have been given this information to understand how the soul works to develop itself—reify.
  33. You have been given this information to understand how the soul works to communicate with the personality—reify.
  34. You have been given this information to understand how the soul works to express through the personality—reify.
  35. have been given this information to understand how the soul works to orchestrate its lives—reify.
  36. have been given this information to understand how the soul works to enhance its awareness—reify.
  37. have been given this information to understand how the soul works to alter its group affiliation—reify.
  38. have been given this information to understand how the soul works to ensure that its expression or personality is trained—reify.
  39. have been given this information to understand how the soul works to karmically manifest itself over time while in body—reify.
  40. have been given this information to understand how the soul works to leave the body at death—reify.


The following information and techniques  can assist you in healing and teaching others on their personality development and integration needs. (14)

  1. You have been given the knowledge in DK’s book on esoteric healing and it is this knowledge you need to master.
  2. You have been given the knowledge of sub-personalities and it is this knowledge you need to understand.
  3. You have been given this knowledge on the chakras and it is this you need to study.
  4. You have been given this information on personality bodies and it is this you need to study.
  5. You have been given this information on colors and it this you need to list.
  6. You have been given this information on devic formulas and it is this you need to reify. (12)

This formula relates to the concept that for each of us there is a cause and way we can become aligned to the causal body and receive past lives for ourselves.

It is important you retrieve this formula and use it this weekend while energy is acceptable.

It is also important you understand how to use it (6). Part one is you bringing in the formula (8). It is a process of part sound and part geometry.

The geometry part is made up of several parts. Each part goes in to building the whole: (4)

  • The whole can be visualized as a golden trumpeted note.
  • The whole can be visualized as a golden funnel facing back left to front right.
  • The whole can be visualized as a golden trumpeted funnel with the note …….
  • The whole can be visualized as being visualized in one’s Eye of Shiva.


The visualization of this is expected to take place whenever one wants to retrieve from astral plane akashic records. It is used to invoke the angels who record. You must ask for what you want. You must also ask how you want to receive it. The best way for you is to receive it as an image in your third eye.

There are dangers in using this formula: (3)

First danger is that you will become astral identified with the past.

Second danger is that you will not be able to control it.

Third danger is that you will not properly interpret it.


The first danger can be overcome if you pretend it is only an image of your past and has nothing to do with you now.

The second danger can be overcome once you believe you are in control, and this means you must be polarized in your mind whenever you do this.

The third danger is unimportant in your case as you are always mentally accurate when you are working (HZ note: after years of experimentation).


It is important to relay to the recording devas that you are trying to reconstruct your past lives according to date and do this in reverse order.


You have been given this information on rituals and it this you need to reify and it is this information you need to receive while doing healing work..

You have been given this information on secret names and it is this you need to reify and it is this information you need to receive while doing healing work..

You have been given this information on green devas and it is this you need to reify and it is this information you need to receive while doing healing work..

You have been given this information on Masters and it is this information you need to receive while doing healing work.

You have been given this information on Chohans and it is this information you need to receive while doing healing work.

You have been given this information on the Lord and it is this information you need to receive while doing healing work.

You have been given this information on Spirit of the Earth and it is this information you need to receive sometime.

You have been given this information on elementals and it is this information you need to reify.


A short alignment for Healers:

Attempt to access the Lord of Compassion overseeing the evolution of the Earth at this time.


Be in agreement with the Lords of Karma. 

First, to resonate within your being, two life forms – Hierarchy & Shamballa.

Second, to simplify your life through this prayer:



I bestow upon those life forms, that come into my field of perception, the quality of compassion, so that they might see as god sees. 

The Lord awaits upon you, and others with great patience and understanding with mercy and with certitude of the inevitability.

The Lord cherishes each one in his heart as being a necessary salvaging force for some aspect of the body of God. 


Fifth Ray:

Spend some time bringing in healing related techniques from the fifth Ray Ashram. (140)

Spend some time evaluating what it will take to succeed in demonstrating to yourself the nature or causative forces inherent with the physical body: (1600)

The physical forces are too numerous to list herein but the basic ones are as follows: 4 (Devas)


Reproductive Estuary

  • Dormant Lives (are called into being by Spirit of the Earth)
  • Genetic Forces
  • Archetypical (Basically three levels of male-female archetypes.)
  • Registering (Many types-according to Organisms)
  • Elemental
  • molecular



  • Animal Related.
  • Vegetable related.
  • Mineral related.


Teach others how to receive information from the Guiding Angels (GA): 20

Teach others how to exhibit within themselves a sense of composure (poise) when doing diagnostics: (8)


How can we be sure you are properly receiving information from the GA’s? 6 ways.

  • First of all, it is important to have a reference material source available as no one can know everything.
  • Second, it is important to have a well-developed vocabulary and a good memory.
  • Third it is important that you not give up and push through or at least realize what you need to move forward at a later time if need be.
  • Fourth it is important you put aside your beliefs as to the type information wanting to come through to be received versus what information is available from the text books.
  • Fifth, it is important you put aside that you actually know anything as your existing knowledge in brain cell memory will normally slant your reception.
  • Sixth, you have been given the idea that we can receive whatever, but we are very limited by our humanness—these are not human sources.


The idea that we can see around the corner and know what is coming up is very realistic once one discovers how to achieve a way to view it.  It is important we try to image it never the less as this will invoke it. The best way to invoke it is to demand it.

We will never achieve a complete satisfaction in terms of knowing exactly what we need to know in the moment to forge ahead in complete confidence but over time this will not matter as we slowly perfect our knowledge of causation.

It is important we try to achieve Samadhi or a conscious soul alignment when receiving information as it helps speed up the process. The only real problem is that it will prevent one from thinking about it during its capture and over time degrades one’s reasoning abilities or left-brain activity if the information received is not meditated on.

It is important we try to conceive of a time in our lives when we were able to know beyond doubt about a thing or something we needed. It is when you know this you have acquired adequate insight.


There are other body systems that esoteric healers should learn and there are many: (140)

(note: See earlier posts on “Esoteric Healing” topics especial the one on “Esoteric Healing – A Working Diagnostic Model.”)


Electrical System:

This system is basically our communication system.

It is the system that regulates all bio-chemical activity and all molecular activity.

It is this system that requires us to meditate to remove the many disturbances in our fields as we sleep, work and play in these.

When we meditate or contact the soul it re-balances these energies.


Meridian System:

This system protects us from not only our inner physical environment but also from outer environment.

It is this system which we turn to for balancing on a diurnal basis.

It is because the life stream flows through this system completely every 24 hours.

It is because of this we are able to keep alive for each meridian is subject to much abuse from inner and outer sources.

Example suppose you woke up this morning with a headache; what is the cause?  it was because your liver/gallbladder meridian was stressing out. Headaches are almost always caused by this meridian imbalance. This has not yet been proven but might be at some point.

The cause for this imbalance could be related to many things in does not matter it is only important that this meridian be balanced.

How do we do this? First of all, we must find the points requiring either suppression or activation. Next we must determine how to suppress or activate them. There are four ways of doing each:

  • We can use either touch including needles, fingers, rubbing, or electrical.
  • If we need to rub it would be good to do it in circles—clockwise for suppression; counter-clockwise for activation.
  • If we need to needle it would be good to do it at the correct depth.
  • If we need to touch it would be good to visualize energy circulating clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • If we were to use electrical then it would be good to know how long and correct voltage.


Biological Clock System:

This system controls the biological timing necessary to correct mistakes made in our life.

This system is activated each time our bodies become invaded by an exterior force. This force could be any number of things. For instance, it could be anything making a dis-harmonic impact upon our awareness based upon our belief system. It is difficult to know for sure how an exterior force from us will affect another thus it is useful to be cautious when dealing with others and the karma you might create would not be necessarily understood. In other words, if affected present or future behavior than affected the other’s various health systems and karma implied.

This system is responsible for us becoming conscious beings. If it was not for this we would be just rocks. This system is responsible for us becoming able to achieve procreation

This system has its origin in the individualization process and its perfection will mean our liberation from the human kingdom.

It is important that you understand this system is the major system used in healing.  It is the one which will provide the esoteric healer with the following: (12)

  • Access to all other components of yourselves (bodies).
  • Access to all internal forms (forms created in bodies).
  • Access to all components of forms.
  • It will also provide you a way to access all physical systems. It does this through a process which I cannot discuss.
  • It also provides us with necessary knowledge as to what we are doing on all levels.
  • It also provides us with a way to achieve our dreams/objectives through its proper development.
  • It also provides us with a way to communicate with all life forms.
  • It also provides a way for us to extricate ourselves form:
    • Exterior harm.
    • Miscommunications from others.
    • Those that want to use us in some way.


  • It has the ability to create whatever we need in our lives in terms of personas, ideals, beliefs, thought-forms, healing energies.
  • It also has the ability to assist us create in our lives the ability for ascension.
  • It also has the ability to see that we are liberated in the blending and merging process.


Pranic Delivery System:

This system is 7-fold. It is 7-fold because it relates to each of our seven-dimensional bodies. It also relates to sub-bodies as well (etheric. astral, mental, manasic, buddhic, atmic, monadic).

It is important to have a sense of this body as pranic healers for you will need to if you work on the bodies other than the physical/etheric.

It is this system that is responsible for the continued existence of all the bodies and its sources are basically three:

  • The Spirit of the Earth
  • The Spirit of the Sun
  • The Spirit of the Local Logos

Each of these types of pranas can be manipulated in healing work.

Each of them works on all the bodies.

Each of them when combined will produce perfect health and wellbeing.

Each of them is an aspect of either of personality, our soul, or our spirit.

Each of them is responsible for certain types of life.

All together we can call them Prana as they are not separately distinguishable except to those who can function as all three life forms consciously.




All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Esoteric Healing – A Working Diagnostic Model (Revised 03/11/24)

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part 1)

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Way of Absorbing Atomic Energy from the Environment

Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

The soul is understood to be the source of all sentience of whatever type in whatever kingdom. It is also defined occultly as that which is composed of eighteen (18) energies:


The energy of loving presence.

The energy of intelligent activity.

The energy of sacrificial will.


These three are the central three energies but there are fifteen (15) more:

The egoic body is composed of solar Pitris of several classes.

The first class is responsible for the creation of the causal body per each personality life in body.

The second class is responsible for the monitoring of its creation or the personality.

The third class is responsible for the correction of mistakes or the precipitation of karma within the auric fields.

The fourth class is responsible for the creation of auric mental forms when the Soul wishes to communicate with its creation.

The fifth class is responsible for the creation of astral auric forms when the soul wishes to communicate with its creation.

The sixth class is responsible for the creation of those elemental and lessor devic qualities built into the kama-manasic personality sheaths by the Oversoul or group soul.

The seventh class is responsible for the building in of atmic related intents into the personality sheaths.

The eighth class is responsible for building in those forms related to Spirit.

The ninth, tenth, eleventh classes are responsible for the building in of those intents by the planetary Logos.

The remaining four energies are related to the central Jewel and each of these relate to the planetary Logos’s achievements throughout the chain related unfoldment.


As healers it is possible to use any of these energies in the healing process based upon the real needs of the individual involved. To be able to access these higher energies it is required that the healer be divine Soul conscious. It is also required that the healer be aware of its relationship to the Lord (the “Lord” refers to a combination of both the Christ and Sanat Kumara or the being which represents the personality expression of the planetary Logos). Within the body of the Lord are all planetary forms (representing the unconscious self’s and the conscious self’s set of lives and to alter a self-conscious form requires the Lord’s permission. Furthermore, it requires the permission of the Lords of Karma.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Esoteric Healing – A Way of Absorbing Atomic Energy from the Environment

Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access

Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)

Note: Esoteric healing in general only really address real needs of a person or group. This implies that all healing is basically addressing prioritized integration needs within one of the three major periodic vehicles or between them. These integration needs are defined as real needs. For further detailed information please see earlier post “Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part 1).  This earlier post first introduced in much detail the concepts discussed below.  The topics herein are very general.


The following Categories of topics reflects some of the Real needs related to the eventual entering of the Ashram.

This question is about your real needs, what are they and how can you meet them. This series of questions will be the most important questions you can answer.  Let me help you organize your mind to better appreciate how to think about this.  There are four things you need to know first:

That the real needs are not apparent needs they are normally totally unknown to each of us.

Those real needs are not those qualities and characteristics we could develop to round out our evolution.  They are those essential variables that need to be addressed to make your life work as your divine soul intended.  These are the needs that will put you on top of the world and keep you there.

What does it mean to be on top of the world? It means several things:

  • First of all, it means you will be minding your own business.
  • Secondly, it means you will be absorbed with yourself as a personality developing your potential to Serve.
  • Thirdly, it means you will not have the time to address all lesser needs.
  • Lastly, it means, you have been given an opportunity to be atoned with the Self.


The following are 18 ways of thinking about real needs: and for each category a short meditation is intended for you to do at home in an effort to get this information:

  • Real needs (unfulfilled) are those that keep you a prisoner of the past and prevent the future from recognizing you. Each of us has many elements in our lives that act as a wall separating us from our potential future.
  • Real needs (unfulfilled) are those that prevent us from seeing ourselves for who we are.
  • Real needs (unfulfilled) are those that prevent us from seeing the future which life wants us to have.
  • Real needs (unfulfilled) are those elements in our environment that prevent us from doing what we want to do.
  • Real needs (unfulfilled) are those situations we have created to make us happy but separate us from it.
  • Real needs (unfulfilled) are those relationships in our life we that we were supposed to have but are not in our highest good.
  • Real needs (unfulfilled) are those people, places, and things we surround ourselves with to feel alive.
  • Real needs (unfulfilled) are concepts and members of our Home & family we are suppose to support if we are morally correct.
  • Real needs (unfulfilled) are those situations we have created to be spiritual.
  • Real needs (unfulfilled) are those situations we have created to be accepted by the world.
  • Real needs(unfulfilled) are those situations we have created to be respected by our co-workers.
  • Real needs (unfulfilled) are those situations we have created to be honored by our concept of god or goodness.
  • Real needs (unfulfilled) are those situations where we pray for forgiveness to remove the guilt and tears.
  • Real needs (unfulfilled) are those situations we create that explain how it is we can create our lives for the benefit of others so they will feel good about who we are.
  • Real needs (unfulfilled) that prevent our working in the world as spiritual beings.

You have been given the idea that these real needs are interlaced with and basically indistinguishable from your life.  They are so connected it is hard to know what life is outside of one’s needs.  We must unravel this dilemma if we are to somehow decipher our real needs.  In respect to needs in general, how do we separate our events in life from our needs? I suggest we do not and cannot.

We are born into life as a set of inner personality forms (mental, emotional, vital) waiting to be unfolded and at every stage these forms can be perceived as descriptive of representing one’s unfolding set of needs. All forms or needs have the same thing in common—they change and die once their mission is complete.  We would like you now to see your life now as being comprised as a set of forms unfolded to fulfill or reflect a need; each related set of forms and needs creates a series of events to express the fulfillment of a need through the identification with some form (inner and outer).

All of these identifications create over time a sense of self.  It is this sense of self, interfacing with the environment that we normally call life.  It is this concept of life which makes us yet powerless.  Why does it make us powerless? It is because we created it in our own image and this image is not complete.

It is this image only that we need to change, and life is changed.  Our ability to change this image is easier than you might imagine.  All it takes is the truth.  What truth? The truth is that we are more than the forms we choose to identify with. Remember, if what the pundits say is true, we chose these forms to begin with and not to end with.  We want you to know your choice of forms was your best shot for a perfect life. What does this mean It means you had no other way of expressing yourself. It also means you desired this set of forms to fulfill your needs.

You have been given the idea of registering your real needs. All of these needs have one thing in common—they are both absolute and relative. How is this? First of all, they are absolute in that you cannot move into your soul-related future without them.  They are relative in that they do not prevent you from being yourself now in the present. A case in point: each of us requires food to live into the future. But now we do not (in respect to the future).  It is only at that point when the present and the future collide that food is important. We know this and prepare for this time. Real needs are the same; we know that to move into the future we will have to create a situation to make this happen; at this time, we will need both a set of forms (vital food) and a set of related needs (to survive physically into the future). These new forms and needs are inevitable for the future to unfold—we know this.

But what forms and needs do we create—we also know this. The future has already happened. What does this mean? The future has been created by us in concert with all people on this planet. How can we prove this? First of all, we know that half of people throughout the whole world acknowledge that the life they have lived would not be exchanged for another. Secondly, that these same people believe it was their destiny to have the life they lived.  Thirdly, that these people felt that if they could change, or were asked to change, their lives it would not be correct for them to do so. So, you see if you add up all the arguments for or against destiny, it is a trade off at the least.  But more importantly there is a reason for this; it is because these particular people know they are born in life for some spiritual reason whereas the other half does not hold that belief.

You have been given an argument for being in control of your destiny as a personality. Now I would like to give you an argument for being in control of your destiny as a soul.  There are two reasons for doing this.  The first is your need for truth.  The second is your need for understanding.  Both of these reasons are unavoidable. The first cannot be avoided; your inability to live with yourself would destroy you after a while. The second is unavoidable because you must know the cause of existence of a thing, a person, and a place.

You have been given the idea of retreating within to discover both the truth and understanding but I am saying it can be found outside through the body itself. And I would like you to take the time to experiment with the following five exercises to see.


Integration Priorities Concerns. (14)

The most important understanding of the self you can possess to move forward upon your path in life is the knowledge of your integration needs in a correct or prioritized order. These tell you where you are and your next step forward. This knowledge is in the hands of the Guiding Angels and is always upon the threshold of your consciousness if one has a paradigm to receive such usefully.

You have been given the idea of registering certain elements within your makeup required to improve upon your service capabilities. It is these elements if properly addressed that will permit you also to take control of your life and to re-create yourself to maximize your life potential. It does not matter where you are at or where you have been it only matters that you take your next step.

You have been given the idea of registering the importance of maximizing your potential. It is this potential that will galvanize you into the future.

You need to know that your future is never as you imagine due to the creative uncertainty of the universe, and this is you, god, and good.

You also need to know that this universe itself is an extension of our collective will which includes our will and our wanted future.

You might know that our future is an extension of our purpose and perfect in many regards. It is this future that is taking place now as we struggle or not with our integration priorities. Wherever we have stopped we must there start again to insure our future.


Purification Concerns. (4)

We have a right to be whatever we want to be—this is assured but we know that our choices always have ramifications and implications that we discover over time and thus learn causation as a result of these choice related experiences. But if left to the designs of the evolutionary process as opposed to conscious experimentation our causative abilities would still unfold but at a much slower rate. Thus, we know because we are here in this life class experimenting to gain knowledge so that we can take control of our evolutionary unfoldment.

There has been much written over the course of human history by various sages on the merits of purification. We have gathered much knowledge and have experimented with this knowledge in many ways.  But yet we have not yet reached our own desired state of purification.  How can this be with all of this information and time labored in the process.  It is said that light, color, and purity of the aura indicates spirituality accomplished as one form of recognition.

Purity itself is a product of three things: colorlessness in the aura, clear channel between the bodies, and center unfoldment in the bodies. Each of these three refer to the same thing.  Each is the reward of a life correctly lived as a soul.

How is it we are to know what to do next. The books are full of advice and direction, but they are normally either individually applied or too general to be of value to us. We must rely upon ourselves to get the needed information.  To do this requires us to have a good knowledge base but also embody an experimental nature along with commonsense.  Purity is also a state of balance between different aspects of yourself this we have learned—the middle way.  Purity is a slow process but if pursued each moment then the amount of time is short. All of us know our next step forward in this process and this on many levels for we are tuned in to our Guiding Angels.  What is left is just for us to do it.


Unresolved Karma that can be Resolved Now Concerns. (4)

Karma is not technically understood because no one has yet ever written about it, so we hold a lot of assumptions that have not really been tested.  The gist of it all is that we know karma exists and we get knowledge day to day as we make choices and intelligently examine their consequences over the short and long run.  But until we have the long-term vision that the soul has we will never really know or understand the consequences of our decisions.  This is why we need to investigate our past lives as one group life and in doing this karma will be perceived accurately.

What do we mean by accurately? (14)

First, I mean we see our life unfolding not as an individual soul but as a group soul. (3)

This means we as personalities are created as a group based upon its need.

This also means the karmic group is genetically an innate part of our substance makeup.

This also means that the karmic group relies upon each of its members to express the whole.


Next, we see ourselves as making commitments to the other souls within our grouping. (12)

This means that if we had a life that was well lived it would be because we addressed the commitments we agreed to do.

It also means that each life is a product gained because we addressed these commitments. In other words, our real developmental needs are addressed in this fashion.  As are all of the members of the group.  As Paul Getty basically said if my friends are wealthy then I cannot help being wealthy. This can be applied to any area of life such as the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.

It also means that each life is an opportunity to enhance our understanding about the group we are part of or what contributions the group is meant to make. This is the basis of ray concepts.

It also means that each life is a product of previous karma as the ultimate purpose of the group commitment to the larger Ray group which is in process of unfolding.

It also means that the unit begins to see their needed contribution to the larger ray group.

It also means that eventually, each unit will recognize the importance of them as actually representing the group as a total part of that group awareness—this takes place fully in the ashram.

It also means that each unit eventually recognizes the scared planet they are a part of and as a representative of its function and purpose—as a Chohan.

It also means that each unit eventually recognizes their identity to the Ray Life cosmically as a monad.

It also means that each unit will eventually recognize its identity to the Lord of the Solar System which it is a part of on Cosmic Mental Levels.

It also means that each unit will eventually recognize its identity to the Cosmic Lord as it is a part of on Cosmic Buddhic Level (highly evolved).

It also means that each unit will eventually recognize its identity to the Galactic Lord on Cosmic Abstract Mental Level

It also means that each unit will eventually recognize its identity to the 7 Galactic Lords on Cosmic Monadic Level.


Next, we see an evolutionary objective for the overall Ray grouping or heavenly Man we are a part of. (16)

What does this mean? It means that the life that we have sought for so long will be found. For us as, Sons of Mind, it is god.  It is the Heart of the Sun.

It means that our intermediate purpose quested, as a Son of Mind, will be grasped.

It means that the way of our exiting through the cosmic physical plane is found. It is the cause of our salvation.

It means that the height of our evolution, as Sons of Mind, is coming to an end.

It means that the purpose for which we arrived on this planet, as Sons of Mind, is culminated.

It means we have generated enough insight to see our way through to the other side of the separating wall of illusion.

It means that the Ray group, egoically considered, has served its purpose, and has added to the body development of a planetary Logos.

It means that the Son of minds, remaining on egoic levels are re-energized as they now circulate more energy among them as a total.

It means the goal of the heavenly Man is closer to its end in terms of the arranging of substance.

It means the remaining heavenly Men are aided in their development as one ashram aids another.

It means that the heavenly Men as a whole are able to circulate more energy among themselves in general above and below (causal level physical).

It means that the heavenly Men in general are better informed as their ether bodies are more organized (order is gained as forms are released – greater health of the physical).

It means that the heavenly Men in general are better able to reify into their brain awareness (more invocative).

In means that the heavenly Men in general have more well-being—less stress.

It means that the heavenly men have proved themselves capable of loving more—magnetic response unfolding.

It means that the heavenly Men in general are salvaging their substance.


Next, we see ourselves as beings that are a part of the solar Life Itself unfolding a Plan. (6)

What does this mean? It means we are able to see for the first time our relationship to the galaxy.

It means that we can access energy directly from cosmic Logos.

It means we are a part of the ongoing solar development of its Antahkarana.

It means we can adjust the karma of the entire solar Logos.

It means we can know the purpose directly of the cosmic Logos.

It means we can directly access the Cosmic Christ.


Health and Well-being Concerns. (120)

Organizational Needs Concerns. (6)

Idiosyncratic Natures Concern. (3)

Meditation Needs Concerns. (12)

Your ability to meditate will determine your ability to correctly receive the content of your impressions from your soul and thus everything outside of its level of existence.

Your ability to meditate will determine whether or not you succeed in accomplishing your life goals.

Meditation itself is not what has been taught. Meditation is the ability to focus your awareness on the mental at any time and under any conditions. It is the capacity to assure continuity of relationship between the brain and the mind. It is in no way the ability to reason through to a conclusion.  This the concrete mind has already done.  Meditation receives this reasoning and conclusions into the lower personality mind and the brain records it.  The problem with most aspirants is that they have not trained the personality mind and most teaching on meditation is about doing this.  Many people have wasted much time in learning to use formless meditation formats. These formats more often than not make the mind passive and conductive to channeling causing the mind to stagnate.  Form orientated formats are required in the beginning only but later they are not needed as the mind has become organized and aligned to the Son of Mind.  It is better to practice no meditation at all than to use formless formats for the beginner. Meditation without seed is not the same as formless passive meditation.

The personality mind invokes the concrete mind which invokes the Son of Mind together they eventually create one mind which we call the enlightened mind.

This is not totally correct as that aspect of ourselves we call the soul expands and develops as the higher mind is developed and this becomes a part of ourselves over time as we identify with the soul. It is this process we normally refer to when we talk about mind or triadal related enlightenment, but this is a stage that comes once the personality is integrated, and this means fused with the soul at the third initiation.

It is important to note that each of these stages happens very close to each other and it is only at the culmination of the third initiation that all merge together to produce transfiguration. At transfiguration, the personality bodies of the disciple receive these four minds producing a rearrangement of the substance in lieu of the triadal bodies but this is not complete until later as the higher two bodies are not yet enlightened. One of the secrets of initiation is how these four minds unite and transform the personality and soul bodies of the initiate so to speak.  It is after this point that all barriers are removed for brain reception of Soul communication.

The above does not correctly reflect the concept of transfiguration. We are yet missing transfiguration is to arrange your cosmic physical space according to the Ray groups requirements (both sides—ashram and causal 1st sub-plane). It is these requirements which permit you an extension of the group will. It is in this way the planetary Logoi are served and this is according to Ray (egoic group Ray). An Aspirant’s reluctance to hold the credible idea of them being able to let go of their identity and identify with the group that is what normally holds them back from initiation. It is this reluctance that also prevents the Aspirant from allowing the ashram to work with them consciously. It is this reluctance which prevents them from consciously registering on their own what they require as opposed to others. It is this reluctance that represents the crux of their problem.

The idea that Aspirants are part of this larger group should incite them to obey their soul in all things regardless of the problems it creates for them. It is significant that all of us consider the ramifications of not doing this on schedule. It is also important we try to understand what it means when we say your time has come as spirit. It means you are now not able to go backwards even if you wanted to as the Plan is too great and destroys all other hopes.

The problem with many Aspirants is that their ideals of a better life for the planet do not include your willingness to make it happen. We each must perceive this planet as your planet and as a planet that has given you everything. And in this regard we should be most grateful. It is this that Aspirants need to hold on a daily basis moment to moment this gratitude.

We should not be like a leaf caught in the wind and move according to which way the wind blows us. Thus, we are not stable in our conviction to do what it takes, and this will be our downfall. Be like a rock that is unaffected by the changing landscape and all will be well and according to the Plan.


Within this website discussions certain teachings have been proffered differing maybe from what you might have thought.  And it is in this way our conflicts of truth can better find the greater truth. How is it that we can be better disciples of the wisdom teachings?  (4)

First of all, we must not allow our belief in a thing to take away our belief in reasoning.

Next, we need to accept everything hypothetically to begin the reasoning process.

Next, we need to allow the mind time to digest it, and this could take years.

Next, we need to ascertain our response to it in such a way as to whether or not our energy field can assimilate it in its present form.

Relationships in General Concerns. (5)

Any relationship can be a soul-mate relationship once the soul purpose for the other person is known. Soul mate relationships are formed because we do recognize some aspect of their purpose we can identify with.  It is in this way we move forward to unfold our commitments to them as souls (review what earlier said about commitments). If we can move into this awareness then the purpose for this relationship is close to an end and our job completed.

All relationships on any level can be perceived karmically. The different between commitments made as souls and karma is that karma relates to the forms created by the souls who are in body where commitments imply the recognition of karma but with the idea of purpose being unfolded in terms of both personality and soul development and likewise group soul development.  This idea is the crux of karma and is the key to the correct interpretation of all karmic forms.

All karma implies relationship, and all relationships imply karma the two are inseparable. The law cannot be properly interpreted unless it is included with the Law of Economy and the Law of Repulsion and Attraction and about 16,000 other laws.

All in all, the karma of relationships is far beyond what can be known or understood in many a volume by itself. The ability of the soul to grasp the technicalities of this is possible because the mathematical formulas lend themselves to 5th dimensional reasoning and with the support of the Lords of karma. With great initiates of unknown ranks all truth can be known in an instant of time.

Never-the-less we can know the truth of our karma and this knowledge must be fought for and won in the battle of life. It is the key for knowing one’s self and for knowing the other and will led to knowing the One if the karmic lessons are absorbed.

Concerns for the Future. (4)

What is the future? It is a state of being designed to complement the present and the past as all are interconnected and rightly so as being descends to manifest. The future is that which we have created already on whatever level of our being.  But what does it matter until we or it arrives? It matters because we will never arrive until we arrive.

The future is also gods’ way of saying yet more is to come, what might it be? This does motivate us into the future and every day is a testimony to that future because all actions in the present are motivated by it.

This is why the disciple never despairs or expresses hopelessness as his future is extensive and knows much more than the average person caught in the illusions of appearances.

The future is that whichever arrives as being descends to manifest but this being is ever conditioned by the present and the past. We are caught in a time warp each moment as we identify with each passing moment. Our job as disciples is to negate this time warp and live in the Now as they say as this will negate all cell memory from influencing us. This seems almost impossible, but we learn to hold each side by side not allowing them to interface. This is all I know.


Mental Development Needs Concerns. (6)

You have been given the idea of re-surfacing the mirror of your mind to reflect the Now and this is possible and necessary to receive from the soul and correctly interpreted your impressions. But this is relative; for the soul requires it to be put in a present format for developmental reasons.  It is only later, once the human soul body does not exist any longer will the polished mirror of the group mind reflect the unimaginable (not-human).

You have been given the idea of re-surfacing the mirror of your mind to receive correctly from your soul. It is this process that permits you access also to the Plans of the Master and for these plans for the lower kingdoms which must be supervised by humanity, and it is appropriate they are reflected accordingly. You need to be given the concept that the master’s plans are related to the ideas now circulating among the advanced members of Lodge. Each of these members have separately composed each of their plans to be reviewed by their respective ashrams and submitted to Lodge in general. This is done once a year.  At such times any changes are made.  Each member contributes to this process according to their ultimate values being held in lieu of spirit—thus the world is created again collectively.  Each individual ashram plan is approved first by Master and then by Chohan, and then by Christ. In respect to individual members plan it is the sub-ashram master, ashram as a whole, Lords of Karma, Christ, Sanat Kumara. The difference in this process is due to the idea that the Christ is responsible for the One Ashram as a unit but also responsible individually for each member but because Sanat Kumara approves each individual is due to their relationship to Spirit which has individual objectives outside of planetary evolution which He is party to.

You have been given the idea of re-surfacing the mirror of your mind to reflect the importance of what is happening on subjective levels. It is this process that stabilizes one into the ashram. It is this process that permits the inevitable balancing of karma through aligning of substance of various personalities bodies to the triadal bodies and in this way grace can function.  It is not necessary to work off all individual karma as it is called because there is no such thing anyway.  All karma has a group origin and a group end. Once the individual and the group are integrated all concepts of individual karma comes to an end and we have a special name for this – group destiny.

You have been given the idea of re-surfacing the mirror of your mind to reflect the nature of Spirit, a most difficult thing to reflect, as it is totally abstract and formless but once our minds are transfigured and fully enlightened after the sixth initiation. The master says we have the ability to do so. It is the ability to register the magnitude of monadic life, a cosmic thing, and yet our ability to contain it somehow permits the unfolding of the creative process as described by the cosmic paths. It is this process that creates unity within the cosmos and in this thought you have a key to unlocking the importance of the initiation process as it unifies the diverse creations into a functioning whole together creating a bridge into the unknown.

You have been given the idea of re-surfacing the mirror of your mind to harness the cosmic monadic life in a group sense and it is this sense that permits the initiate to work hand in hand with ……………… (not permitted to share).


Environmental Integration Concerns. (8)

The nature of environment integration is basically two-fold—inner and outer; will take inner first.

We know a lot about this process of inner integration as the teachings on the path are everything about this; but what we do not collective know is that this inner integration that is a process of eliminating or the transformation of all matter in the three worlds. This is a process, that by the last root race of the last round no matter will remain on these three levels all will be translated into spirit “substance”.  How is this? First of all, every unit of life is composed of a group of atoms whose individual destiny is to become a human being.  As a unit of life, it is important to understand that we or human units are composed of three permanent atoms in the three worlds.  All the atoms that make up the three bodies are released to their next level of evolution.  These bodies can be preserved but only under strict rules. It is this process that produces over time a diminishing effect on the total number of atoms in the galaxy; for this is not a planetary nor solar event but a cosmic one (in any lessor sense these are replaced).  It is this process that also prevents new worlds from being created as the matter available becomes diminished. There reaches a point when the universe itself contains only rarified matter (spirit consciousness substance).  It is at this time that all life as we can know it is transformed into other lives.  It is this process that presents us from registering this event as all changes together.  The matter of the previous solar system does not now exist.  In its place is matter endued with different qualities.  The universe does not stand still and who knows its real beginnings or its real end.

The importance of understanding the above process is only relevant to one’s status as a soul. As one gains more soul status, we will be working more intimately with the devas who are indirectly responsible for all matter or elementals of every conceivable kind.  It is these devas in their many groups that make up the vanguard of the evolutionary trends. They prepare substances composed of elemental matter for the development of vehicles and in this process we are all involved but realize not as we are presently the substance of such vehicles for greater lives.  It is this process that enlivens us and determines our destiny.  It is also the process whereby we gain the ability to imitate our creator.

It is in this process that we begin to control our creative process and by doing so allow the evolution of these great lives to move forward. This is the price they pay for their movement. Thus, who is more important them or us, a question that can never really be answered as it is meaningless.

You might ask how it is that we got involved and evolved together? This question is an important question and finds its answer in the purpose of creation itself.  How can we as mortal souls unenlightened, hope to address this question? In two ways, the first being the indispensable nature we symbolize by our very existence.  Secondly, by the conjecture that we once were atoms in the body of a human being.  This leads us to speculate upon the necessity that we have always been in this together. Especially since the inconsistency of substance to begin with.

You have been given the idea of evolving together to find a common solution to the problem of existence. In is in this hope that we cherish all who came before us and honor all that compose us for we travel the same path into the unknown.


Now relate a story given to you by your master. You have been given the idea of the master having a very particular purpose. Had you given it any thought you might know that His purpose must be directly related to the Ashram which he is an integral part of.  It is in relation to this concept that I want to relate this story:

Before the master became the master he was taught that all forms of life, no matter what, are composed of elementals. It was this knowledge that that all forms of life were composed of elementals that got him to ask; if this is so, then what is responsible for giving devas life.  It was this question that precipitated his next revelation and eventually produced an answer.  One of the purposes of the master is a direct result of this revelation and question.

The question is a simple one but the ability to answer the question more than theoretically is still being developed. It is this process that drives us forward into the unknown to seek the cause of existence and it is this process that we have delved into today. The questions we ask determine the Path we take. And the path we take is a statement of our purpose.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part 1)

Entering the Ashram – Some Further Adjunct Information

Silence of the Heart & Some Probationary Discipleship Guidance

Ordinary, Fortified, and Enlightened Disciples – Some Adjunct Information (edited Feb. 5, 2024)

Creating a Working Disciple – A Summation

Entering Disciples – Some Basic Responsibilities

Seven Questions for a Working Disciple

The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded

The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information

The Christ & Some Plan Elements

Controlling the Personality & Integrating the Three Periodic Vehicles Summarized



Nicholas Roerich Museum - Sophia—the-Wisdom-of-the-Almighty

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

I. Healing Methodology for Baby F….


II. A Energy Healing Form for Baby F….

[Follows after the Healing Methodology for Baby F…..]


An Introduction and Guidance 

I have received your inquiry as to what can be done to assist with the healing of your infant child.  I also received from R… a communication stating her basic concerns.  I respect R…’s sensitivities to meeting real needs in the world and am happy to try to be of some service here in meeting a real need.  I have not had the time to recommend doctors in your part of the country as of yet but will look into it.

The way that I work is different than most. I work by going in subjectively and getting useful information from various sources and putting it all together in what I believe is a useful way. I am not limited by distance but only by the karma of the subject concerned. This communication to you is a first contact to see if you are open to what I have to offer.  If you would like you to experiment with this approach for a while it might prove useful.  You can change your mind at any time.

I would like you to achieve a better understanding now of the reasonableness of the healing of this child: 8 priorities.

You have been given the idea that this child is the 4th symbolic child in this family and in a certain way represents an unnecessary burden upon the family. We have given you the idea that this child needs to have his wishes carried out as a soul and for this to happen requires everyone to come to the realization that its illness represents the illness for the entire family and in this way this child’s soul can have its purpose met.

We would like you to achieve a certain degree of understanding of what this means: (4)

We have given you the idea of registering for the family the idea that they are all responsible for his condition—in short we would like to say that the family has participated in the past (lives) in situations that reflect his condition—these are many and varied and is at this time too complex to relate herein.

To begin with it is important to know that this child suffers from liver congestion (was not necessary) and is a product of the “diet” of uncertainty, mistrust, dis-concern, premeditated abuse by doctors due mostly to fear. It is because of these unwitting events his condition is worse than he would have been. You need to know that each member of the family is also equally responsible for this and he needs instead of uncertainty that of affection and optimism instead of mistrust, and a general positiveness. We would like to relay that this baby’s soul is unlike the other members of the family in that it responds well to subjective guidance from other souls. We would like to tell you that this case is about a way to secure gratitude for life from those souls involved and in this way approach more closely the underlying real need being symbolized here.

It is too late now to change the above, but the future is wide open and in this way we want to move forward to discuss some other possible remedies in a holistic way that would be beneficial for all concern. You can see I am treating the whole family and in this way assured a more reasonable success. (3)

First of all it is reasonable to assume that each of you are responsible people and only want to do what is best at all times and in this way go forward in life with as much blessing from life as possible; and in this way also liberate yourself from compensating for poor choices. It is reasonable to assume also, that each one of you is prepared to make sacrifices on behalf of this child and in this way create a heart bonding into the future. We would like to say that the sacrifices you need to make are as follows: (4)

You need to be aware that each of you have for some time disassociated from your original roots (country of birth) and this is all well and good in terms of fitting in, but it was not what your souls wanted you to do with your lives. You see, each of us comes in to this world with a set of real needs to be addressed in terms of our personal and spiritual development and also a set of goals and commitments to those traveling with us on life’s journey in the world. As souls we are one with each other in terms of this but as people we are conflicted and the gap between the two represents our challenge and determines whether or not our lives are successful.

Next, you need to know that each of us are a product of our times and reflects the best the world could create given your experiences. It is these experiences that make us what we are. You would be wise to look back upon your experiences in such a way as to understand that you made choices to have these experiences, and this is what I am referring to. You have been wise to seek a better life, but this better life needed to include others not now with you that should have been. These people would have altered these experiences, and you would be in a different place now then where you are.


(Note: It has come to my attention that each of you need to relocate to be better assured of meeting your soul’s real needs for each of you.)  For each of us comes a time where we are content in the decisions we have made and at this time we need to wonder whether or not this contentment is real or not. For each of you this decision to move forward in determining how you can find contentment in your lives is at a critical juncture.  This is symbolized by your “dying” baby and in this way its presence is valuable indeed.  Do not be alarmed when I use the word “dying”; it is the soul’s choice to come in or not.  It all depends upon the decision you make with your future lives. We want you to know that we have a recommendation in this regard, and it is too relocate to western Australia. It is here you will find solace in terms of your soul’s intentions.  You have been given a very difficult solution to a seemingly simple problem, for this I am sorry, but spirit is moving me to say this—take it, as you will, maybe it will make sense to you.


You have been given the idea of reaching the promise land and this land is not what you might be thinking but a land where each of you finds a peace within them that is not disturbed by the conditions in the outer world, and it is this promise land that must guide you in your daily decisions. See to it that the world around you does not disturb your inner tranquility and all will be well.

Secondly, you must remember that each of you has come a long way down the road of success in making your life work and understand that the bumps are just as much a blessing as the smooth and in this way justice and harmony are compassionate served.  It would be alright here to assume that these apparent bumps are no more than life communicating a real need; a need that is being addressed by the distress of this baby.  This distress will end once a pattern is found to address the real need and this need is to realize that life wants each of you to settle in and find a way to be happy.


(Important note from another source: You will be relieved to know you have been given an extension of time for the life of your child. Take this time to better understand its purpose for being with you. You have also been privileged to have this added information to decide based upon the whole.)


You must realize that each of us respects life differently and we really do not have a clue what it is really about.  I respect your position of seeing life from an economic point of view, but this is only one small way of looking at life. I also regret to inform you that each of you is respectful of economic realities, but these are only effects of the decisions we make. You have been given the idea that you would not be able to achieve your worldly desires if you had not made the decisions you had made but this is not true, and you have no way of knowing the outcome of other possible decisions you did not make.

Third, you must remember that each of us finds solace in the world through babying our egos and in this way we can feel good or bad whatever the outcome of our decisions. We would like you to know that your babying of your egos has led you to believe you are not capable of being successful in life and as always–life supports whatever attitude we hold.


It is necessary to adjust your life to include these considerations: (4)

First, you need to realize that life, as you know it is made up of important elements (200):  Given all these important elements the three most important are love, freedom, and creation of a home.  It is these three elements that you need to be focused on at this time. Each of these three can be perceived or understood from various levels. The ones that would benefit you the most are as follows:


  • First of all, one’s ability to love is contingent upon one’s degree of light they have as a person.
  • Second, it is contingent upon their ability to see others as themselves in all ways.
  • Third, it is contingent upon them being able to make choices in everyone’s highest good that is involved.
  • Fourth, it is about you being able to create happiness in your life.



  • First of all, freedom is what we enjoy when we are in control of our environment.
  • Second, freedom is that that permits us to make choices we want to make.
  • Third, freedom is that which permits the future to unfold in ways that create greater hope.
  • Fourth, freedom is that which permits us to descend into a difficult situation to find ourselves.


Creation of a Home:

  • First, it is the ability to find a place that is out of the reach of all.
  • Second, it is about being able to achieve an independence, safe from the vicissitudes of life.
  • Third, it is about you being able to achieve a reckless independence to which nobody will object.
  • Fourth, it is about you being able to have a place for creative activity.


Each one of these three elements is subject to societal rule of law and in this way we have both the individual and the group interacting in ways that permit a mutual balance.  When any of these are violated balance is sacrificed. In your case there has been an imbalance. This imbalance is in the area of your life where all three elements above have been compromised in some way—again symbolized by this baby.  I want you to know that it is very important that you correct this imbalance and all will be well.


I want you to have the notion that each one of us is particularly blind in certain areas of life. Your blindness here now is threefold:

  • First, you are blind to the fact that life is not able to meet your demands you are placing upon it due to the reason it is not in your best interest nor the interest of those around you. You must consider the idea of registering for yourself how it is you are not able to find a solution to your baby’s distress.
  • Second, you are blind to the idea of where to secure assistance in finding a cause for your baby’s distress.
  • Third, you are blind to the outcome of your actions around this.

You must be prepared to let go of your blindness to allow more light to shine upon you and in this way find solace.


You need to know that each of us is concerned with the outcome of the future and in this way make progress towards that desired future.  Your desired future is not without personal challenges and in this lies opportunity for personal growth and a greater well-being.  We would like to tell you of a story of a wandering gypsy. This gypsy had crossed the sea four times to reach what he thought was the promised land and each time discovered that within himself a further restlessness and each time he moved on until a greater sense of peace found him. On the fifth crossing he stumbled upon a rock upon the shoreline and discovered under the rock a note that read: who-so-ever that finds this rock did so by the grace of god and for this reason you have been given the opportunity to replace this rock where you found it with the note returned to its location.  The gypsy realized for the first time that his steps had always been guided, and at each crossing a new opportunity to be guided was afforded him and in this way he had found his place in life.

This child believes in you and in this way he has chosen to educate you upon the ways of life and of death. It is for this purpose you must respect the opportunity afforded you and with reason discover the form of healing necessary to venture forth in life with renewed well-being. We have given you the idea of securing a new way of looking at the relationship between the material world of effects and the spiritual world of causes and in this world—spiritual, all is according to law. The law is based first upon Compassion, second upon Freedom, and third upon Love all three works together to produce those opportunities that confront us.  Never fear that the Law will stop working, all is according not to our belief but to the Will of God. It is upon this foundation we attempt to construct our lives.  Your will is either aligned or not with God’s and in this way the truth will be known.  We have given you this information in an effort to find a sense of justice in this experience.  It is not a justice that is understood by our society but a justice that is commonplace among us that we have not yet fully understood.  I would like you to know that god’s justice is equal to both Compassion, Freedom, and Love for it cannot exist without them and in this way we learn to accept the truth of our ways vs. God’s way.

You have learned that healing does not take place from the ground up but from above down and with this in mind we can go forward in dealing with more practical methods for which reason you contacted me.

It is common knowledge among certain members of the healing profession that all good advice related to healing comes from the person themselves (the baby) through their “Guiding Angels” and it is that advice now I am going to relay to you as opposed to the earlier advice above which came from the group soul aspect making up your astral and genetic family space.  You must be patient here as there is a lot of information that wants to come through and this information cannot come through all at once but according to both need and whether-or-not once given to you it is received and applied.


The first section relates to the care of the physical body and for now this is all that wants to come through. If this is received and attempted then other information will follow (As you might have noticed there are 82 priorities, and we are on 3.6): (32)


First of all, it is important you bathe your baby as follows: put into warm water the follow four ingredients: Do this three times a week for six months.

–Apple Blossom essential oil (3 teaspoons) (will have to tell you how to make this)

–Oil of Milk Thistle (½ Cup) (will have to tell you how to make this)

–Epsom Salts (8 tablespoons)

–Powered Charcoal (4 teaspoons)

You have been given these ingredients, but you will have to make the first two yourselves unless you want me to make them but very difficult until apple trees blossoms unless I can find a product on the market once I do the research.  You need all four to be effective.


You have been given the idea that healing works from above and in this vein you must open to the idea of permitting me to work with each of you while you are sleeping.  This must be done consciously—on such and such night.  It will require 16 individual nights—think about it and let me know.


Next, you are being asked to feed your baby the following: (6)

–Activated Charcoal water (6 times per day add to whatever baby is drinking—3 each of 500 mg capsules worth without the capsules)

–Willard Water (3 tablespoons in morning first thing)

–12 Cell Salts tablets (1 tablet in water 3x times per day)

–Fresh Fruit Juice mix: (6)

–Boysenberry 1/6 (snacks)

–pear 1/6

–apricot 1/6

–strawberry 1/6

–orange 1/6

–tangerines 1/6


Fresh vegetable juice (8) (For Breakfast)

–ginger (3/4 inch of double finger width-ground)

–Blue-green algae (5 teaspoons)

–sprouted Flax seed (3 teaspoons ground)

–sprouted millet (2 teaspoons ground)

–Erynogo root (pinch of dried root)(Eryngium aquaticum or maritinum) sea holly, button snakeroot,

–different vegetable every day juiced (3 tablespoons)

–spring water (enough to make 12 oz)

–black strap molasses (1 ½ teaspoons)


Protein drink made up of three things: Mix until tastes good? 2 times per day.

–Oyster Juice (from whole raw oysters) three oysters

–Dry whole milk

–Spring Water


Now we have come to consider making the baby more comfortable in terms of sleeping, want you to do two things:

  • First take some time to arrange the room where he sleeps, put him in a corner near a window; taped or hanging on the window a 12-pointed star made out of any material.
  • Next find some time to create a 2-D object fastened on the foot of his bed where he sleeps; this overall object is composed of six different geometric figures/drawings:

****Please note that I cannot give out to the public these drawings.


It would be good for you to wait awhile before applying this technique until baby is strong enough. I will send it to you at this time which consists of 30 particular Acupressure points needing activated.


I need to do energy healing directly on the baby at a distance once we agree to work together (see further below for this energy healing form)


Now I would like you to raise your awareness here and create a workable solution by registering for the family the importance of this baby’s life for them as a whole. (16)


  1. This baby was brought to you for your care in the world due to four more significant factors:
    1. First of all, you have the necessary spiritual beliefs required by this individual.
    2. Second, you have given birth to him in a previous life where grew up to cause you many problems as parents.
    3. Third, he has come to you in an effort to compensate for these earlier problems (payback).
    4. Fourth, he has generated with you before, in two lives, a certain predisposition for worldly success.


  1. This baby has been dealt initial problems and if he survives will produce for you a freeing from the past. This will allow you to move forward in a positive way.


  1. This baby will also produce a reason for living that is new and will take you into uncharted experiences.


  1. This baby will also give you the strength to take on more personal difficult challenges.


  1. This baby will demonstrate for you an opportunity to shave off years of hard labor in relationship to you making more useful decisions later in life.


  1. This baby will generate an income for you by being able to create a way to make money quickly.


  1. This baby will generate a large following from his community.


  1. This baby will survive where others will fail.


  1. This baby will dedicate himself in a positive way to his community.


  1. This baby will generate a way to save others much hardship also.


  1. This baby will provide for his family well in many other ways.


  1. This baby will generate a way to see through problems towards useful solutions.


  1. This baby will generate for you and your family a useful way to move forward at a later time.


14. This baby will also generate a set of life conditions that will provide for others useful self-challenges.


  1. This baby will make your dreams come true.


  1. This baby is your turning point in the world.


It is difficult for me here, on this end, with no knowledge of you (A…..) or your life; and what I have to say is in no way meant to be taken as an absolute but only a reminder that for each of us we can be better and do better than we do. It does not mean that you do not have the characteristics I am mentioning but only that they, as all things are relative. It is important you improve upon the following four things soon:

  • First, you need to address your “bad” habits: there are six of them.
  • Second, you need to address the way you generate an income and see if you can better arrange your life to help more with the needs of the family.
  • Third, you need to address the way you readily address others—be even kinder and more loving.
  • Fourth, you need to address the way you perceive others as different than yourself.


Want you to know we (subjective group & myself) will be working to achieve a greater degree of positive assistance upon the inner planes.  To assist in this process, it will be necessary to adjust somewhat our relationship to each other. This can be done in the following six ways:

  • First of all, it is important we adjust somewhat to the “language” barrier. We come from different backgrounds with different paradigms—we must be understanding here.
  • Second, it would be useful if I had a picture of your family.
  • Third, it would be useful if we included each in our prayers.
  • Fourth, it would be useful if you and I agreed never to talk about this healing process to others who are not immediate members of your family and close friends as the energy gets scattered.
  • Fifth, it would be useful if you agreed that I am doing this out of the belief that it will do some good and I require no fee for this.
  • Sixth, that it would be useful if you and I sat down together on the commuter to address any questions or concerns you or I might have in the way we are holding this.


It would be useful if you evaluated my suggestions without an initial judgement. It is in this way we can move forward in generating an initial point of trust, which will allow us to move forward in goodwill.

Next it would be useful to open your heart to the universe and allow whatever needs to come to come.

Next, it would be useful to accept yourself as part of the problem, which needs to be addressed.

Next, it would be useful to see into the mind of god to have a better sense of His will here.

Next, it would be better if you do not talk about things you do not understand until it makes sense.

Next, it is important you judge this process over the longer run and hold no expectations.

Next, it is important you try to see eye to eye with my intention and not my words.

Next, it is important you try to bear the weight of this healing process courageously.

Next, it is important you see to it you are taken care of.

Next, it is relevant you try to find some time to further what I am saying and suggesting in the light of common sense.

Next, it is important you try to relieve all doubt from yourself that this is in god’s hands, and we are servants.

Next, it is important you see to it that your life is always good for you.

Next, it is relevant that you and family are always cheerful.

Next, it is significant that you release the thoughts that prevent you from making a difference in the lives of others.

Next it is important you register daily the gratitude you have for your life.

Next, it is important you try to believe in the power of yourself.

Next, it is important you see to it you are willing to go the distance in making life a better place for all.

This is all I have to share now.  If you have any concerns or questions please contact me.

In the Grace & Compassion of the One Life



II. A Energy Healing Form for Baby F…:

It is important you try to believe in yourself when doing this healing form.  You would be wise to consider this form one in which the green deva supports your objectives and in this way achieves secure results. We want you to know that each person has a different set of needs and for this particular person/baby you need to be aware that they need to have their clothes removed and also be asleep.  It thus requires its parent to wrap it up afterwards in something warm.  We give you this information in the hope of them carrying out your experiment. Nver-the-less, it is useful here to present the basics of this form.

You need to be aware that the alignment for this healing form is different than the earlier forms we gave you previously. (6)

  • Align with baby’s soul.
  • Align with your causal body.
  • Align with Master.
  • Align with Lords of Karma.
  • Align with Green Deva.
  • Align aura with baby’s solar plexus chakra. This requires you to have a sense of feeling where the baby is here.

Next bring in the energy from the alignment above and circulate it in your auric field while at the same time holding the baby in your mind’s eye being lifted up into heaven.

See the baby becoming well and holding this wellness into the future.  See to it you are neutral and poised.

Now once you have attained this vision, sense that his problems are being resolved and he is able to have a normal life.

Take some time now to register from Green Deva what healer should do next.

Now relax and send the baby thoughts of love and affection and write down whatever comes.

We want you to have the idea that your work begins once the alignment is made.

You need to keep in contact with the baby through the solar plexus chakra and in this way preserve the grounded aspect to the healing directing the Deva to continue to perform its function. The deva will know when its work is completed as it responds to the soul.


Please note there were three other healing forms provided by these same sources but not reified as the family choose not to proceed with this above methodology.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

Esoteric Healing – Four Energy Healing Techniques for Disciples

Esoteric Healing – A Devic Healing Session Example

Esoteric Healing – An Experimental Gold-White Deva Healing Form

Esoteric Healing – Six Golden Deva Related Healing Forms

Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access

Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)