“I know the Law and towards the goal I strive. Naught shall arrest my progress on the Way. Each tiny life within my form responds. My soul has sounded forth that call and clearer day by day it sounds. The glamour holds me not. The Path of Light streams clear ahead. My plea goes forth to reach the hearts of men. I seek, I cry to serve your need. Give me your hand and tread the Path with me.” DINA I, pg. 265
These following concepts are needed by esoteric healers at some juncture in their training:
Each of you in the three worlds perceive yourselves as entities composed of various forms of substance or light qualified by consciousness but from the perspective of liberated souls you are merely projections of yourselves animating space.
Each of you also provide a way to achieve your desires as a soul and in this way interact among each other according to some group related plan.
The first idea we would like to give you is that your worlds have no substance at all they are a collection of forces circulating within the body of god giving the appearance of reality and of existence for each of you are innate within this body of god in very particular ways.
To begin with your souls are aspects of gods physical expression which can best be correlated to a human being’s meridian systems although not exactly. Each of the systems is composed of several thousand points and these points are individualized souls. The total number of meridian systems composing a human being, although believed to be twelve are in reality many more. These basic twelve are the major ones and these can be subdivided in many ways. For each of the many points there is a corresponding soul grouping which we compose individually. For each of us there is a symbolic corresponding point on the human body that represents our intended purpose in terms of the One Life of Divinity. The same can be said of a particular ray alignment in respect to the Nadi/chakra system.
Below are topics of exploration needing to be understood by esoteric and/or spiritual healers. Each of these topics are critical for healing at some juncture.
The Nature of Alignment
We must engage ourselves to see into the light of the soul and it is through this light that we will discover everything we need to know to make our life and others lives work successfully. It is in this light that we discover our individuality, gifts and abilities, and our real needs. It is in this light that will take us into the One Life by way of happiness and joy. Each of us has on occasion entered into this light under crisis of one sort or another but our objective here is to enter this light at will.
Each of us has developed themselves in certain ways. We have unfolded many previous gifts and abilities. Our goal now is to perfect these and other gifts in our service capacity. Our ability to do this will give us everything we need to heal as we need to heal; and healing is a psycho-synthetic process.
Each of us has many abilities and gifts although they are not always tangible. Each of these gifts once unfolded will lead to more if your path is straight according to spirit’s need.
Nature of Substance
This is a difficult subject for most to comprehend. The best way of looking at this is to see yourselves as composed of light substances of different vibrations. For each of you there is inherent matter imbued with sentient consciousness; it is this consciousness that is unfolded through life experience or by way of multi-dimensional contacts. It is also this consciousness that is the nature and thus moment to moment cause of your beingness—or whatever it is in the moment. All of us have two extremes of sacred beingness and non-sacred craziness. Between these two we fluctuate learning to discover ourselves more and more. For each of us there is an ideal state of beingness needing to be demonstrated at any one period in our lives.
Nature of Soul Alignment
How do we know when we are generally aligned with the soul? There are four ways and these manifest together in some way or another:
- You become aware energetically in either the forehead, top of the head, or back of the heart of more energy.
- You are at peace with yourself and others.
- You are at a point of spiritual tension which means your energy fields are balanced on all three bodies—neither to the right or left, top or bottom, inside or out.
- You demonstrate these four qualities: objectivity; stillness, self-acceptance; and spiritual presence.
Nature of Substance Purification
In all accounts, karmically considered, we must remind ourselves that the way we evolve is through the creation of forms. Let us not for one minute think we could do it otherwise. Our karmic path is also our life path and our spiritual path. Purification is simply the creation of the required type of forms needed to unfold ourselves. They become more and more abstract and formless with colors more and more transparent. Each of these forms require us to be more present with ourselves and less present with the not self.
Law 1: Images of mental pictures and ideas tend to produce the physical conditions and the external acts that correspond to them.
Law II: Ideas and images tend to awaken emotions and feelings that correspond to them.
Law III: Attention, interest, affirmations, and repetitions reinforce the concepts, images, and psychological formations on which they are centered.
Law IV: All the various personality sheath functions, and their manifold combinations in complexes and subpersonalities, adopt means of achieving their aims without our awareness, and independently of, and even against our conscious will.
Purification is Accomplished in Several Ways.
- By adapting existing forms to meet contingencies.
- By devitalizing them through disidentifying with them–destruction.
- By elevating your awareness to create new forms to embody your greater sense of self identity—this means as you are able to penetrate subjectively into your soul and able to bring this awareness into brain awareness a form is created for this to happen.
- By four occult means which are:
- The re-coloration of existing forms to alter their innate nature—this if karmically available.
- The destruction of existing forms through a process of removing the elemental construct giving them organizational structure.
- A process called altering light projection—this is done by transmitting devas inherent in the causal body—also how karma is instantaneously.
- The fourth process is like magic in that it creates or destroys through working with the underlying dimensional substrate our bodies are built from in a planetary sense—this is done through formulas—we call them miracles.
All in all, purification is a process that is directly related to consciousness and its unfoldment. The concept of body-mind reflections captures likewise this reality.
Nature of the Breath
The importance of the Breath is inestimable. The breath symbolizes pretty much all creative processes. It is advantageous to regularly do a special breathing exercise which is symbolically using the breath to receive our spiritual guidance.
- Breath in Spirit
- On hold breath bring it down to Soul Body.
- Breath out imaging it being breathed out to mind.
- On hold breath sense it being brought into brain.
With this technique and holding the intent of breathing in spirit, soul, and mind into one’s brain is all that we need in terms of guidance. Take a few minutes and try it—on the last hold breath try to sense what is coming in.
How to Regulate One’s Personality Forces.
The whereabouts of a way to create from your past your future looks like this. First of all, we all know the esoteric principle – energy follows thought and thought follows experience. You must realize that one’s consciousness is only a product of both memory and of substance identification. Substance and vibration can be equated, and we all know that memory does not span vibration. As a way to ensure that the future you want will come your way you must adjust one or both of the above two variables—dis-identify from memory or substance through purification methods. Memory can also be altered or corrected if deemed incorrect. To do this requires you to achieve a detached observation of oneself. Once this is achieved one can use the creative imagination to create a new past and thus a new future. This is done through re-pulling up memories or identifying with part of yourself that had past experienced and re-programming it based upon a more desired outcome or a greater truth of what really happened. (sometimes it just takes time to arrive at this new truth of causation, but it will eventually happen once your mind figures it out.) A more advanced way is to investigate the akashic records to receive any missing causative facts.
All of us have something to hide. Why do I say this? For three reasons: You have been put on notice by the world at times that some of your characteristics are not socially or politically acceptable. Those intimate others around you must see you in a certain way to be with you. You have co-created events with yourself not always favorable in hindsight. You can also have at times substance in your personality fields which creates thoughts and feelings unworthy by your own standards.
The personality is not created in a perfect way for this is not possible for many reasons. What is created is organized according to your perceived and real needs. As these real needs are demonstrated, perfection is realized, but what also comes with this is an altered consciousness. It is a consciousness that comes from seeing yourself unmistakably satisfied. This resembles one’s ability to alter space in such a way that we are perceived differently. And it is this mirroring that, for a short time, permits us to be happy. All beings are questing for this ideal self-mirroring from the world around us. The important point to remember here is your various shadow sides depict a roadmap towards happiness. But happiness comes from creating ourselves in the soul’s image not according to the shadow’s side.
Nature of Integration Priorities
What do I mean by integration priorities? First of all, for each of us there is one thing that needs to be healed right now in either one body or another or between bodies, or some purification needed, or some alignment made, or some fear understood, or belief system updated. Make a list of your own healing or integration priorities (14,562 possibilities identified by the group mind). Take some time now to try to isolate what it might be for you—go into your body presence with this intention and observe and dialogue and see what you get. Remember the physical body is a direct reflection of the soul body.
- Creativity Needs.
- Priority levels of shadow side guilt and shame issues.
- Environmental Concerns.
- Developmental and Coordination Concerns.
- Sheath Illusions, Glamors, and Maya.
- Sub-personality Concerns.
- Psychological Fragments Concerns.
- Karmic pattern Concerns. (Quite complex); All karma when consciously faced is precipitated by the power of thought.
- Genetic Pattern Concerns.
- Sheath Control Issues.
Nature of Etheric Substitution
You have been given the idea of retreating into yourselves to discover a way to unfold yourselves; the quickest way that I am aware of is the substitution of etheric substance for cosmic etheric substance. For each of you there is a particular divine alignment that reflects your soul’s relationship to spirit. It is a possible 9-fold alignment. This probably will have no meaning for you at present but later it will once you discover Spirit. Etheric substation is organized according to your particular alignment this life.
Atmic Manasic
Nature of Devic Assistance
For each of you there are several devas available to your souls for healing work to work more consciously with these lives requires one to become soul conscious. Each of these devas has much experience with substance. These devas are basically of four colors: Green, Rose, and for those more advanced White-gold or Gold.
Nature of the Inner Sheaths
To enable you to better understand etheric reality we must perceive ourselves to be filled with cylinders of force made up of “pranic fluids”. These cylinders of “pranic fluids” are organized in such a way as to change with intentions.
The edifice that we create, which we call our lives, indicates on the one hand our type of desire and in another way our ability to love. This is caused by the unfoldment of astral chakras on one hand which is a reflection action based upon the unfoldment of our soul body. The astral body represents a symbolic extension of our human soul or the field of its experience in the three worlds. The astral body symbolizes our growing self-awareness in terms of dimensionality or inclusiveness.
Whenever an individual produces speech first a thought-form is created. Each thought-form is ensouled by elemental and devic life. The mind is our creative force. The heart of the mind is the same as our self-identity or ego. Whenever we look into the mirror of life we perceive it through the lens of the mind. As we unfold our ego we automatically unfold our mind. Our sense of self as a soul produces a collective sense of mental existence (Son of Mind).
Nature of Constitution of a Human Being:
A simple definition of one’s personality is the integrating threefold mental, emotional, vital life that we as a self or ego are able to express through.
The vital body underlies the physical and is the positive pole to the physical. The vital body is composed of several layers or nadis that cross to produce the centers.
The emotional body can be organized in a variety of ways and each of these ways can be noted:
- Can be organized according to seven sub-planes.
- Can be organized according to centers or chakras.
- Can be organized according to the ability to vibrate.
- Can be organized according to subrays.
The mental body can also be organized as above.
Within the personality body can be found several types of lives other than the lives of the vehicles:
- Psychological Fragments which are those passing kama-manasic forms created through living out some experience.
- Sub-personalities are those more organized (psychological fragments) lives that we create to express ourselves according to defined areas of our lives.
- Elemental lives that compose the dimensional matter aspect of the above.
- Unconscious devic lives that ensoul the above.
- Different classes of lives such as the solar and lunar Pitris that use the above forms for conscious evolution.
- The lunar Pitri ensouling the personality as a whole.
- The organized content of one’s causal body (solar Pitris) which the personality is an extension thereof.
- The receiving devas works through their bodies we call them chakras.
- The transmitting devas are associated with the permanent atoms.
- That aspect of the Son of Mind we have developed over the course of our many lives is called the Ego once free from its identification with 3-world forms.
The soul itself can be defined as that which we derive all sentient awareness from. It is a product of all the personalities created and embodied since individualization. Each human soul is that much of the One Soul that it has been able to identify with. Each human soul is also made up of three basic aspects:
- Form aspect or knowledge content.
- Awareness aspect or love content.
- Will aspect.
The human soul is an extension of the divine soul embedded in mental substance. It is in reality its womb so-to-speak and from this womb it eventually gives birth to itself in what we call the Christ Principle.
The spiritual soul functioning through the threefold spiritual triad is that aspect of ourselves which is unfolded in the evolutionary process that relates us with spirit. The triad is also the aspect or entity which can be defined as composing an aspect of the 6th kingdom. All triadal bodies are inherently composed of both what is called human sentiency and devic sentiency. In reality these planetary (and/or cosmic) lives that act as ensouling agents for the Soul.
The spirit aspect, that represents the divine will aspect of our being is linked directly to what is called the monadic sheath. This sheath is three-fold as with all forms in existence. The important thing to remember here is that we are a life unit evolving through all of these other lives gathering from each creating ourselves.
We can likewise define personality in terms of gathering of resources to enhance its development—what resources or energy movements would be needed?
- Desire is needed.
- Values are needed.
- Qualities are needed.
- Experiences are needed.
- Learning is needed.
- Causation model is needed.
- Ideals (Presented conclusions of others) are needed.
- Experimentation is needed.
- Activity is needed.
- Beliefs (conclusions) are needed.
Each individual acclimates itself to external conditions through a variety of different adjustment mechanisms. Four in order of development.
- Rationalization
- Assumption
- Comprehension (experiential understanding)
- Sagacity (experiential wisdom)
A group meditation that you can also use to take advantage of the group energies.
Align your hearts with each other to facilitate an open 12-points lotus at the back of your heart center etherically—see a line of electric blue light linked to the hearts of all group members.
At the center of the circle imagine the Master standing linking with:
The group soul.
The Lords of Karma.
The divine soul.
Appropriate Ray alignment.
Imagine a sphere of transparent golden light surrounding the entire group.
Now link your hearts and blue lines to another lotus opened above the head in etheric body.
Link to this lotus using the creative imagination to all members in the group.
See this electric blue line from all the members merge to the lotus at the top of the Master while at the same time holding the heart wheel linking.
Repeat after these words to yourselves:
- The heart that beats in infinite space beats here within the heart of this group.
- I am here to heal myself and thus those around me.
- I call upon the soul of my being to be here.
- I also call upon my guides and any entities who wish to participate in this healing.
- Together let us move towards the one Life within and around us.
- Together let us heal according to the needs apperceived by the group soul.
Exercise 1:
Be in your Body Presence.
Visualize yourselves standing in front of a golden door.
See yourself knocking on this door.
Sense what happens next; follow wherever it takes you energetically; dialogue with yourself to make it as clear as possible.
Visualize yourselves walking down a long corridor.
Get a sense of the images along the way.
Observe its destination—just be with it and observe.
Exercise 2:
Visualize yourself in a large room with four doors at each side.
Observe what is at the center of the room.
Dialogue with it.
Each of us must decide how much energy we want to place in doing healing work. For some of you this has already been done—or in other words have been working on yourselves and training yourselves. All of us are always just beginning and there is never a better time to start. The first goal is to become soul conscious within one’s brain awareness. And to become a spiritual healer this is the first requirement.
Try to see it from our point of view; you are likely to sense the understanding needed to devise a plan for capturing or creating a healing methodology for others but do not be too sure as our understanding of occultism is yet indistinctive.
For each of you there is a process that is uniquely yours but today we will focus on defining exactly what it is that healers do in a more general way.
Healers occupy the majority of their session with integrating themselves with the patient. In other words, they try to become the other and in this process they discover themselves or what they are not. Let me illustrate:
Whenever you work with someone you should regulate your breath to integrate first as souls and second as people. Once you have accomplished this, you will know that once you receive energies in various parts of your field that are not yours.
Let us talk about this field now. There are four fields to consider that we have to become sensitive to:
Vital Field:
What energies are available here:
Energy of Physical Vitality:
- Solar Prana
- Planetary Prana
- Chakra energy from Transmitting Devas.
- Elemental energy making up body systems.
- Lunar energy making up sentient consciousness of vehicles as a whole.
- Lunar energy making up sentient consciousness of personality.
Sexual energy:
- Derived from soul body.
- Derived from physical body.
- Derived from Spirit of the Earth (on personality level).
- Derived from others (physical or soul bodies).
Each of these sources represents, in a loose way, creative energy available for form creation.
Biological Energy (gives one a sense of well-being):
- Cellular energy (Spirit of the Earth)
- Pranic Chi Circulatory System or Meridian.
- 7 Sons of Fohat – Chakra or Spirillae System.
- Polarity System.
- Internal Healing System (such as cellular and organ reproduction).
- Body Memory and Communication System
Six Physical Sentient Energy related Systems: (mostly elemental)
- Nerve force System.
- Glandular System.
- Cranial-Sacral System or the organizing active intelligence of the body.
- 3rd Logos active intelligence of atoms, molecules, and compounds.
- Ancestral Pathway System (Manu).
- Genetic Pathway System.
Geopathic Related Systems (related to four inner bodies and related to the health of the planetary fields)
12 Physiological Systems
- Cardio-Vascular
- Nervous System
- Instinctual Sensory System
- Endocrine
- Digestive
- Reproductive
- Elimination
- Muscular/Structural
- Organ System
- Tissue System
- Core Energy System
- Homeostasis
Electrical Energy
- Atomic .
- Inter-cellular.
- Inter-tissue related.
- Immune related.
- Molecular proteins
- Enzymatic
Magnetic Energy:
- From Physical Body as a whole related to animal kingdom (sexual gender).
- From Soul Body as a whole (group gender).
- From Blood Family (family gender).
Ray-related Energy
The Astral Field:
What energies are available here:
Energy of Feeling.
Energy of Emotion.
Energy of Creative Imagination.
Energy of Devotion.
What energies are available here:
Energy of Concretization of Causative Thought Patterns.
Energy of Analysis.
Energy of Organizing.
Energy of Deduction.
Energy of Mental Form Creation.
Energy of Mental Form Destruction.
In an effort to understand how to manipulate this field you are required to understand what energies are available here:
- Energy of active intelligence: this means available soul forms that have knowledge base that can be used to create a mental form for creating our reality.
- Energy of love: this means that energy which we use or can use to create a relationship with ourselves or another. In other words, all forms in the three worlds are designed to interact in some way.
- Energy of Sacrificial Will: this means there is a correct method or direction one can take to accomplish a task that is in everyone’s highest good. You might look at this as being in the right place doing the right thing with the right forms or people.
- Energy of causal body: this means that all people have the ability to use energy out of their past that they have used before, and it is stored in the causal body.
For each of us there is a personal process that gives us insight into another, and we will now consider this:
The first process can be called kinesthetic; it is a process where one gathers knowledge and understanding through energetic resonance.
Second is Audio related where people receive content through sound currents of different sorts:
- Content of Chakras/Sutratma.
- Content of Antahkarana (technically considered).
- Content of Personality Vehicles.
- Content of One’s Substance – interdimensional as a unit in a larger grouping.
Third is visual where forms and color are seen and interpreted for content.
- Astral Clairvoyance
- Mental Clairvoyance
- Soul Clairvoyance (1st subplane mental) Vibrational images also called spiritual telepathy.
- Cosmic Sight (3rd Eye—Monad)
- Atmic Clairvoyance (Relationship to the One Life perceived.)
- Sub-Ashramic Clairvoyance (using group antahkarana)
- Inter Kingdom
- Inner Round
- Inner Chain
- Inner Plane
- Solar Clairvoyance (7th I)
- Intuitional/Devic Clairvoyance
Fourth is vibration where people receive patterns, and these patterns are related to some knowledge base for interpretation energetically for content. You must find the answer within yourself, this means you are apt to think that everyone is also within you, but this is not true. If you see yourself as a spiritual being then several perspectives are available to you. First, you need to understand how it is you see yourself. Second you are a product of many lives. Third, that you are also a member of a group or groups.
If we could perceive ourselves as organized beings vibrationally intact and defined then we can touch this with some aspect of ourselves and learn to know it in some way.
For each of us there is a set of patterns, inter-dimensionally defined, that we can with certainty describe because they are within us also; all of these patterns enable you gauge or compare one with another. Each set of patterns can be named if we know ourselves in that way. All patterns recognized are a part of our ability to know ourselves.
Each of these four ways of gathering knowledge as to causation or need have many variations according to the evolutionary unfoldment of an individual. All of these are based upon the four different bodies available to the average healer.
Kinesthetic to the vital body.
Auditory to kama-manasic body.
Visual to mental body.
Vibration to causal body.
Each of these methods are related to different causes:
- The next level of development need required by the soul.
- The most impure body.
- Karmic relinquishing need for the individual.
- Service requirement for the group in general.
- Unfoldment needs of inner senses within a particular body.
- A particular culture or sub-culture one is born in determines which type of environmental form probably developed. For each of us there is a part we play in society that can be perceived as a way or means of meeting the larger group needs: 12
- Spiritual and religious support/training.
- Entrepreneurial
- Sexual/Sensual Pleasure
- Psychic Support
- Caretaking
- Domestic Services
- Leadership
- Protection
- Agricultural/ Animal Husbandry
- Entertainment
- Manufacturing
- Financial
Each of us determines our future through our ability to gather information from our inner and outer environment. There is basically one way that each of us works in doing this and your success or failure in life is doing this correctly. Also for each of us is the capacity we have created in past lives that provides us with inherent consciousness of causative patterns. These two together define us both as a person and as a soul. Six basic types of lives or life paths:
Path of Wisdom: This is the path taken by those who serve the larger group.
Path of Perfection: This path is taken by those who strive to master themselves.
Path of Knowledge: This is the path taken by those who require to understand life.
Path of Love: This is the path taken by those educating themselves on relationships in general.
Path of Beingness: This path is taken by those responsible for gathering experience to find themselves.
Path of Ignorance: This path is taken by those who are ruled by their animal instincts.
There are four aspects of your soul potential that is yours and for a few of you more aspects. This relates to the present level of unfoldment of what is called Soul Lotus or technically—Lotus petal unfoldment (12 Petals):
Want you to have the idea that this petal unfoldment has no predicable order but is based upon six factors basically:
- Ray of the Monad.
- Ray of Personality predominating over several lives.
- Life experience.
- Cosmological events effecting ones Soul.
- Needs of the Planet.
- Type of Karma in terms of: Spirit, heavenly Man, and Humanity’s Real Needs.
We all must accept ourselves where we are and work from that point. If we know where we are at and our next step forward no time is wasted in living out the experience to determine this. It is a science.
For each of us there is the process of integration which I will define as unfolding our potential according to our three major periodic vehicle (monad, soul, personality) constructs, which we will define now. In an effort to see our way through here to reaching an understanding we might perceive our integration process as being inner and inter-dependent including:
- Solar systemic unfoldment.
- Hierarchical unfoldment.
- Unfoldment of four lower kingdoms in the 3-worlds.
- Intent of Spirit.
Our integration process is also a product of our Dharma; this means that within the scheme of things we all have various capacities according to Spirit. In a more personal sense, our integration process is a product of our karma.
You will eventually need this information for two reasons: First. as a way to know your own potential in terms of beingness; Second as a way of moving towards determining your position on the path.
For each of us there is a life plan, created by ourselves, that determines the forms we are responsible for creating:
Form of our Persona.
Form of our Devotion.
Form of our Environment (Inner & Outer).
Life Path form or Causal Body form.
Creating our Ideal Form of Devotion:
For all of us there is something we devote our energies to.
I will give you the categories I use to define my Forms of Devotion with some examples:
Physical Forms of Devotion:
Examples to help clarify:
I devote myself to being happy on the physical plane.
I devote myself to honoring my physical body.
I devote myself to having intimate relationships.
Psychic Forms of Devotion:
Examples to help clarify:
I devote myself to the One Soul
I devote myself to the Soul of Humanity.
I devote myself to the Hierarchical Plan
I devote myself to The Group of …..
I devote myself to my subjective alignments.
I devote myself to the Lord.
Occult Forms of Devotion:
Examples to help clarify:
I devote myself to developing various forms of occult vision.
I devote myself to Healing Occultly.
I devote myself to developing spiritual love.
I devote myself to the Soul.
I devote myself to the Ashram.
I devote myself to training others.
I devote myself to organizing my life.
I devote myself to enlightenment.
I devote myself to taking initiation.
I devote myself to integrating my three major periodic vehicles.
I devote myself to the Christ and Sanat Kumara.
I devote myself to Solar Logos.
For each of us there is a way to understand what inspires us:
I have given you the idea of achieving grace through knowing your path and following it. I have also given you the concept of being in the right place doing the right thing. These two together imply inspiration. It comes down to this – inspiration is literally being in rhythm of the One Breath.
Creating our Ideal Persona:
Through the Development and demonstration of:
- Characteristics.
- Qualities.
- Ideals.
- Virtues.
- Values.
- Tasks accomplished.
- Alignment achieved.
- Karma Relinquished.
- Mandates kept.
- Mental Organization.
- Heart Organization.
Through the Development and demonstration of Types of Demeanors related to:
- Physical achievements.
- Emotional Purifications.
- Personality Integrations.
- Health and Well-being concerns.
Through the Development and demonstration of worldly Gifts, Skills, Talents, and Abilities:
Examples to help clarify:
- Gifted Healer
- Gifted Spiritual Psychologist
- Spiritual Occultist
- Gifted Teacher
- Gifted Writer
- Gifted Public Speaker
Through the Development and demonstration of Beingness Types:
Examples to help clarify:
- Un-aged.
- Always present with the Lord.
- Always aligned with myself and inner groups.
- Always at Peace.
Creating our Ideal Environment:
In a way we are all a product of our environment, but we need to make our environment a part of ourselves. For each of us there is an ideal environment that we need to co-create and it is this environment that will perfectly mirror us as souls.
Categories that can be used to define one’s perfect environment:
- People you choose to be with:
- Those people which you can assist in some way.
- Those subjective people and groups you need to work with.
- Those souls in the outer world that accept you and your life path.
- Those people you have karmic relations with.
Exoteric and Esoteric Avocations.
- Things You Study.
- Things You Write.
- Your Intimate Relationships.
- Ideas You choose to Promote.
- Your Domestic Life Choices.
- The use of Your Resources.
- Your Goals.
- Your Home Related Goals.
- The Pastimes You Choose for Distractions.
- The Use of My Time.
- How You Choose to Honor Others.
- The Spiritual Relationships You Developed.
- People You Left Behind.
- Worlds You want to Travel.
- How You Choose to Organize Life.
The Type of Psychic Energy You Choose.
Examples to help clarify::
- I choose to be isolated from people’s personalities psychically.
- I choose to be inspired by the souls of others psychically.
- I choose friends who accept me.
As a way to enhance your understanding of this process take some time now to define your ideal environment.
After denoting your ideal environmental characteristics share this with your soul and see what comes through. Take each one on your list and hold it in your body presence in the area of the back of your etheric heart and see what comes of it.
For each of us there is a way to achieve our objectives in a moment’s time.
For each of us there is a way to demonstrate our desired life in a perfect manner.
For each of us there is a way to enlighten ourselves.
For each of us there is a way to ensure ultimate life success.
All of these can be achieved through the help of God or the One Life. All one has to do is actually see themselves accomplishing it and it is the soul’s intent.
The form of the causal Body takes correct shape life to life as one develops each life thesis (Life Path) to perfection and moves on to the next. We are assured of building correctly when aligned with the oversoul or group soul. Each block laid is represented by the four forces of the personality—symbolized by the four aspects. Each block laid is also symbolized by the three earlier basic forms built to depict a life thesis. All in all, each block gives one a more intimate relationship with life. It also gives one the awareness to find themselves., It also provides a home that is theirs. It also provides a looking glass out on life to determine causation. All in all, it is a way to ground oneself as spirit.
Some additional exercises:
Align yourself with the soul holding the intention of receiving more of these forms (devotion, persona, environment) we are responsible for creating.
Align yourself with spirit and hold the intention of receiving what you need to move into this paradigm.
Allow yourself to understand this above information that you receive from the point of view of one as if they are already liberated from the personality. In other words, see yourself as being in total control of yourself before you interpret this information—no limitations. Everything that comes in from the inner realms can be interpreted from different levels. Think abstractly.
Want to give you one more bit of opinion: first of all, we are in process of discovering ourselves and we are quite complex. It takes time to bring it all through. Never the less what comes through is prioritized and thus apropos.
Ask ourselves two things:
Do I believe in myself enough?
Do I have adequate confidence?
If the answer to these questions is in the affirmative then you are well on your way to success in some area of life.. If not then maybe you can address using the following suggestions.
Each of you need first of all to take some time to answer the following four questions? (15 min for this exercise.)
What level of beingness do I see myself becoming?
What type of characteristics does it have?
What qualities does it radiate?
What gifts does it demonstrate?
Take some time to create this image and build it in the back of your etheric heart center. Once this is complete, take this image project it into the planetary ethers. Now take some time to relate to your souls—go into the silence and just listen with all of your senses. Hold only this intent.
Each of you has taken the time to organize your mind around how to move forward as a healer and also around your soul’s intent. It is time that you received the following information:
- Your present life thesis from your soul’s point of view.
- Information from the oversoul it is believed you need.
- Information from your soul it is believed you need.
- An overview of your next step forward upon your path.
It would be useful to do the following:
Write down, based upon your level of understanding, how to proceed to develop yourself spiritually and personally.
Also write down the level of beingness you would like to be in. Describe yourself as you believe you need to be.
List all those qualities, characteristics, gifts that you perceive distinguishes you as a healer.
Go into your mind’s eye and receive whatever it is that characterizes you from the spirit’s point of view. Try to see yourself as you as spirit sees you as a person.
Now go into your soul presence and ask the following four questions?
What is my purpose on this earth?
What is my resolve I need to have and hold now?
How should I see myself interacting in the world?
How can I improve myself? How can I improve others? How can I assist the One Life? (Basically, these three address the same question from a slightly different point of view.)
Each of you have come a long way in organizing life in this life class or you would not be reading this. I hope your organizing efforts outpace your own expectations.
For each of you there is an opportunity to see yourselves as becoming organized as a mind according to your Son of Mind’s intent. This is a process wherein one is enabled to see themselves as becoming personality and soul integrated. All of us here are in the process of this happening.
You have been given the idea that each of us who are in this world are smart enough to know or ascertain whether or not they have the ability to know right from wrong in all things—this is not the case. Knowing the letter of the law you must try to live and die by it for the law is our salvation and also our road to happiness. There are many laws the healer needs to align with but the following four are suggestive of the means to success:
Law 1: of invocation and evocation.
Law 2: of dedication to truth before truth will find you.
Law 3: of seeing your life complete before it is.
Law 4: of recognizing others who need assistance.
Be assured of yourself for those around you to be assured with you.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri
Esoteric Healing – A Way of Absorbing Atomic Energy from the Environment
Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing
Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training
Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments
Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence
Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release
Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri
Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers
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Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)