Nicholas Roerich Museum - White Cloud

Three Letters to Self – An Aspirant’s Hopes

I. Letter of forgiveness to those soul-personalities whose paths  over the many past lives I crossed along the way:

II. Letter representing what I hope to achieve this life spiritually:

III. Letter representing a vision of myself as a perfecting adept of service and wisdom:



Letter of forgiveness to those soul-personalities whose paths over the many past lives I crossed along the way:

I hope to be forgiven for not trusting God to make decisions for me, my happiness, and well-being on all levels of my beingness.

I hope to be forgiven for harming all those souls whose life I have touched and have disappointed them.

I hope to be forgiven for all the times I trashed others and God.

I hope to be forgiven for all my improprieties in working with advanced beings.

I hope to be forgiven for all the times I did not trust my guidance and failed to act on its behalf.

I hope to be forgiven for the many times I came into life and did not take full advantage of the opportunities it tried to provide for me.

I hope to be forgiven for all those wasted lives I took without giving back.

I hope to be forgiven for all those times I succumbed to material energies and identified with them for self-centered reasons.

I hope to be forgiven for all those lives I tried to assist others but failed.

I hope to be forgiven for all those many lives I have lived and not for one moment believe it had any purpose other than to forward my own interests.

I hope to be forgiven for misleading others for my well-being and not theirs.

I hope to be forgiven for not developing the gifts I was given.

I hope to be forgiven for not alleviating others’ pain when I have the opportunity.

I hope to be forgiven for not taking into consideration the feelings of others and thus hurting them.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many wrong ways of understanding life.

I hope to be forgiven for sharing with others those things they did not need to know that harmed them.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many virtues I could have shared with others but did not.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many times I let people die and did not assist them.

I hope to be forgiven for all the times I did not suffer but allowed others to suffer for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for all those many times I prevented others from following their life path.

I hope to be forgiven for those reckless acts that endangered the well-being of others who lost their lives.

I hope to be forgiven for all those times I prevented people from doing the right thing for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for telling lies for my sake as well as misleading people for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for the lack of courage I displayed instead of trusting in god to help me.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many times I cheated others.

I hope to be forgiven for all those many times I prevented others from helping me as I did not believe I needed help.

I hope to be forgiven for all those lives I lost my life due to harming others for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for all the sinful things I did for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for all the resources I consumed unnecessarily.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many lives I forfeited my knowledge for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for all those many lives I sacrificed the greater for the lessor.



Letter representing what I hope to achieve this life spiritually:

I hope to master spiritual psychology.

I hope to master receiving spiritual guidance in terms of hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting, smelling in respect to impressions coming in from universe.

I hope to master capturing of concepts to bring in anything related to the works I was asked to write.

I hope to master public speaking for inspiriting others and doing this channeling any source.

I hope to master my understanding of Sanskrit, Persian, and Arabic

I hope to master spiritual energy healing and working with the devas to heal myself and thus others.

I hope to master writing in foreign languages telepathically.

I hope to master talking to devas in their languages.

I hope to work with the Christ to assist in the carrying out of His Plan for humanity and the planet.

I hope to be at one with the Sanat Kumara in carrying out His Purpose.

I hope to integrate the personality, soul, and spirit vehicles.

I hope to organize my time to achieve all the things I wish to achieve each day and still have time to be joyful and at peace.

I hope to master demonstrating all of my spiritual gifts given to me from those souls assisting me and any of earlier ones I have developed I need to demonstrate to assist others now.



Letter representing a vision of myself as a perfecting adept of service and wisdom:

I hope to envision myself as being one with the One Heart of solar Logos.

I hope to envision myself as perfecting myself in all ways human and as a soul.

I hope to envision myself cooperating with Hierarchy in all ways.

I hope to envision myself being able to achieve complete control over my soul body as well as over my spiritual triadal bodies.

I hope to envision myself as always one with the Christ well as one with Sanat Kumara.

I hope to envision myself as able to understand what monadic Ray group wants each moment from me and my service group.

I hope to envision myself as being in control of those planetary processes I karmically can assist with.

I hope to envision myself as one with all life forms and understand their real needs at any time.

I hope to envision myself as being able to achieve any feat of defense against humanity, hierarchy or the planet from evil sources.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Clearing the Auric Field – A Guidance for an Aspirant and Friend

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


(Note: Reasonable advice for sensitive aspirants.)

There are other people in your auric field all the time. You need to clear these out when you get home from work each day when in shower. To do this spend some time visualizing white light washing over you and then emerald-green light and then gold light washing through your auric field and after this meditate or just make an alignment before you do anything else.

You would be wise to see yourself as a person who is psychic and in this respect naturally picks up psychic energies from others and these linger in your field until you understand them. Each day when you get home get a piece of paper and write on it the following words. (6)

I am free of all psychic forms from others.

I am free of all other people ‘s thoughts and feelings and expectations.

I am free of everyone’s perceptions of themselves and me.

I am free of my own thoughts and feelings and expectations.

I am a soul and a being of light and sound.

I exist and yet I am free.


Note from your soul:

I gather up in my arms your essence.

I hold and secure you.

I give you my strength.

I give you my courage.

I provide you with the love you need.

I nurture your being with great understanding and patience.

I expect nothing from you except your happiness.

I forgive you for everything.

I am pleased with you.


My soul to you:

I strengthen and nurture you.

I give up my life for you.

I know and honor you by my love.

I expect nothing from you.

I encourage you to be great.

I strengthen you with my gifts.

I contend with you no matter the reasons.

I dream with you of our future.

I forgive you of your past.

I see great promise in you.

Let us come together in union and be one.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

The Aura – Subjective Feedback per a Probationary Disciple’s Questions

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that most of the time these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


What is illumination (in respect to the intuition)?

One’s ability to subjectively see or comprehend correctly demonstrated.


Educated people perceive along the line of their qualified form focus and related understanding of such forms. There is a growing ability of people to see per the light of their minds their soul’s light or wise knowledge content.

Where there is purpose understood there is also its related degree of soul illumination. Understanding this, mankind has grown to see itself as a more inclusive unit and therefore has increased their use of group conscious eyes such as the soul eye which is likewise group conscious. World relationships between all things are reflected in the Eye of the One Soul.


What is the aura and how did it come into existence?

Though lunar and solar lives manifesting and expressing themselves through forms on the planes of existence.


How can the aura be made into a better medium for light?

Complete and accurate fohatic circulation of the Mind of God through the lower three planes or plane vehicles – no impurities or blockages. This can be understood to be either solar planes, or cosmic planes.


What is the effect of the (this disciple’s) aura specifically on the environment?

Mental Environment:

You gather together concepts and organize those pertaining to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings and teach them to others.

You register impressions from souls around the globe and transmit them to others.

You make suggestions for others per their real need related evaluations.

You analyze problems of humanity and discuss them with others.

Mental preparations are developed by you to enhance other minds, and these are given out in various forms.


Kama-Manasic Environment:

People in general experience you as non-existent, harmless, and non-resourceful.

There are several types of people that experience you as clever, knowing, organized, and resourceful. Those which you provide evaluations for, close friends, subjective people you guide, subjective groups you work with.

Ordinarily intimate friends experience you as generous/magnanimous.

Passersby experience you as potentially threatening due energetically to past lives.


On account of you perceiving and looking at people as part of yourself they trust you in general but never forget that people do want to be your friend if you want it also.


Physical Environment:

Different for each type above.


Ways to Improve upon the above given effects upon the environment:

Mental Environment: None.

Kama-Manasic Environment: You would be advised to see people as your friends and as a part of your day-to-day assistance of others. Witness others. Suggest you spend two minutes with all you meet.


You suffer more from illusions than from glamour or maya:

Which quality or characteristic of your nature permits you to tune in on world illusion: (4)

  1. Masters of wisdom are contacted by your mind inferring discipleship to someone but not really understanding who exactly the messages are for at times.


  1. Certain systems of concepts or topics of interest are contacted by the personality mind which it is over identified with. It believes these concepts relate to it or you for dissemination in some form.


  1. Certain people in the subjective world you communicate at times with believe they are part of the One Ashram but are not in fact.


  1. All Aspirants in the world are experienced as a part of yourself and you sometimes experience them as a Hierarchy of Souls. They are and yet they are not depending on the correct way you need to hold it for guidance clarification.


As you probably have noticed the illusion potentials are all related to your experimentation with the science of subjective guidance or the “Science of Supreme Contact” and its practice.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

World Arising
World Arising

Mantra of Healing for a Friend

O Sacred God, upon your heart, I place my heart.

O Sacred God, I make your Will, my will.

O Sacred God, I make your Livingness, my livingness.

The Life that is within You, is now within my friend.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Elijah the Prophet

Healing and the Devas – A Brief Summary

There are basically twelve orders of Devas but these are composed of many sub-orders and the ones most available for Guided Energy Healing related work are six (6) sub-orders.  First of all not all Devas are self conscious beings but work in groups under the inspiration of the “Divine Mother”.  They are a product of what we might call divine intent and are responsible for the ensouling of all forms we create.  There are also highly evolved self conscious Devas who have gone through the human kingdom evolution and transferred onto a unique path such as the Individualized Devas.

The six sub-orders of Devas that can be sought for healing purposes are:

  • The Colored Devas
  • The Physical Body Devas
  • The Guiding Devas or Soul Body Devas
  • The Solar Pitris
  • Devas of the Lower kingdoms
  • The Individualized Devas


The “Colored Devas” are enumerated according to either Gold, Gold-White, Blue, Green, Rose, Violet, Violet-Lavender, Violet-Light Purple, Violet-Dark Purple.  Each of these groups corresponds to a different plane of activity related to the human inner bodies.  Green relates to the mental plane, Rose relates to the emotional plane, Violet relates to the vital-etheric plane.  The other colors relate to the higher planes.

The “physical body Devas” are those beings innate within our cells and organs that ensoul the elementals that compose them.  Each of these can be communicated with in a variety of ways. Once a healer can do this they are in a better position to evaluate there needs.  It is important here to have the idea that each of these Devas, although not self-conscious can and does respond to human intention.

The “Guiding or Guardian Angels” or soul body Devas are those aspects of ourselves we identify with in terms of our conscience.  They are responsible for our health and well-being while we are in incarnation.  They are also responsible for protecting us and later for abstracting us from our bodies.  They are also responsible for many other things also too technical to review here.

The “Solar Pitris” are those aspects of our selves innate also within our soul body and there are various classes of these.  Each of these classes is responsible for providing us with different levels of self-consciousness.  Our expanded development and more inclusive self-consciousness which is a process that takes place slowly over a series of incarnations.  The solar Pitris assist us in this process of self development and produce over time a greater development and integration of our various personality constituents.

The “Devas of the Lower Kingdoms” are a diverse group of Devas with many classifications.  Those of the vegetable kingdom are the most useful group and are used in many remedies we normally call essences or extracts.  Each of these Devas can be used in many ways.

The “Individualized Devas” are very advanced and are considered god-like.  They can not be invoked or directed but only obeyed.  They have vast understanding of life processes of every sort and are advanced members of the planetary Hierarchy.  These “Devas” were once human.

All of these six groups can be approached safely once one becomes soul conscious as it is the soul that cooperates or invokes assistance from them.  It is also the soul that is responsible for all healing that takes place within the personality fields.  The soul itself is group conscious and this permits its ability to wisely provide those types or quality of healings necessary for its creation or the personality.

The responsibility of the soul is to create its reflection (the personality) in its own image.  It is also the soul that is responsible to create these necessary karmic forms required to gain experience and master life as the soul intends.

The Lords of Karma are an inherent part of all substance, they are responsible for what can and what cannot be created or destroyed according to basic principles and formulas.  It is these Wise Beings that indirectly direct our evolution in a way that protects the whole and is integrative with the Purpose of the Divine. They need to be contacted for more advanced initiate ray healing techniques.

Spirit determines what forms will meet the larger groups real needs as well what co-created events are necessary to demonstrate God’s Will within humanity as a whole.

Healing is a process of expanding conscious awareness of our Self and the not selves that make up our forms.  Over time we identify with more and more inclusive forms until eventually we realize that what we are creating is not ourselves but what we express through.

Healing can be understood as being also the very cause of evolution itself.

Composed by HZ

Esoteric Healing – A Devic Healing Session Example
Esoteric Healing – An Experimental Gold-White Deva Healing Form
Esoteric Healing – Six Golden Deva Related Healing Forms