Esoteric Healing – The Auric Field – General Created Form Impact Areas and Their Qualification

One can register information coming in the auric field particularly by using the Body Presence exercise (See Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop). The type of information determines the area of impact in respect to the physical form. In general, these auric forms are chakra driven. These forms relate to the desired personality dweller context (a form karma consideration context).

Each of us can be perceived as starting from above and moving towards the bottom in terms of priorities. We would like you to realize that the left side is causative for those not on the path and that for those that are it is the soul that is causative )in terms of happiness).


Head area: Forms registered in the head area above the neck reflect the gathered influences (consciously or unconsciously) pertaining to the thoughts/feelings of a person.

Neck area: Forms registered in the neck and top of shoulders area reflect those forms where self-identification originates. It is in this area that we look to see points of identification consciously.

Right side of torso. Here we find those forms that captivate the person’s will and direction in life (past and present).

Back of torso. Here we have those forms that recognize each person for what they are but yet cannot see. Once these forms are understood one can better know their present karmic selves (example: a form in the back which appears to grab your S.P. chakra tightly and refuses to let go. This reflects your unwillingness to see other people’s needs that are in conflict with your own. A second example is a throat chakra form which derives its strength from the idea that your world as a soul is impervious and this lets you see the world from just one point of view—your own and in this way adjust for yourself in life as opposed to letting others led you at times to see where it will go.)

Left side of torso. Here we find all of those forms that reflect your will’s desire past and present and in this way represent the context of one’s feelings about events and the direction of things. It is the feelings that motivate most people and one can look here to see this motivation.

Front of the torso. Here we find those forms that correlate to an individual’s right to focus their consciousness. It is at this position we find those forms that people are investigating in the now. They represent all of those positions that are being held now.

Buttocks. This area reflects all of those forms that relate the person to the physical world. These forms reflect their needs on physical level they cannot yet see. It also reflects those forms that will eventually find them creating in the near future.

Right side of hip area. This set of forms position reflects a workable set of solutions in the world to the individual. It also gives one the ability to see themselves in the world the way they want to be perceived. It also gives one an ability to react to those environmental situations that are opposed to this ideal.

Front hip area. This area gives one the ability to see themselves as making it in the world in a way that works for them in the now. Also, realize that this is the way people want to go now in any particular situation.

Left side of hip area. These forms relate to the idea of people receiving from the world physically what they want. It is based upon the idea of receiving information that will help people see what feelings motivate their day-to-day physical activity; would like to say that this area depicts whether or not a person will synchronize with another or not as it represents their ideals.

Back of the legs. This area represents all of those forms of sexual interaction inherited by the group life and that reflects the overall karma of the individual. It represents the possible creative ideals (thus unknown needs that reflect desires) held about relationships on an intimate level. It also represents all of those forms needing to be generated by an individual to better known themselves as a male or female.

Right side of legs. This position gives rise to those forms that express the willingness of an individual to proceed in the world to create physical relationships. It is about those forms of adjustment they look for from another to proceed to develop a relationship.

Front of legs. These forms reflect those immediate interests being played out in a relationship or relationships in their lives. It represents the importance the present has in the creation of immediate physical relationships.

Left of legs. This area reflects those forms that make the individual stand up and declare what makes them feel good or bad about what is happening in their relationships; it is about them finding happiness or not.

Below the legs. This area reflects all of those forms dangerous to their survival they are holding on to. It reflects all of those heavy karmic forms needing to be dealt with to move forward. It is important they know of these forms as they produce dangerous events.


How do these forms get dispersed by the chakra fields. They resonate to each chakra by their very resonate nature. They are controlled by the various levels of beingness that co-created their existence. Each of these beings produce certain types of forms that gravitate to different areas of the body and co-use charkas to feed their creative processes.  Useful to find for each person what forms or beingness resonate type reflects where they should be focused in terms of their evolution.  Useful to wonder about this to have a system for evaluation based upon mental sight. Each form will be shaded by the entity producing it.

Each substantial form will require a complete sub-evaluation as to its make-up and in this way achieve a better understanding of the interplay effecting different areas of a person’s life.  Each of these forms reflect an ability to love from that point of view of the beingness level involved.

Also, accept the fact that each person has the innate right to create what they desire and absorb the associated consequences. Hopefully their creations are at a minimum in the greatest good of those involved.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.


Esoteric Healing – Nadi System & Nadi Points

Raja Yoga & Exterior and Interior Mind-Etheric Brain Map Models

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Way of Absorbing Atomic Energy from the Environment

Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access

Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)

Esoteric Healing – Nadi System & Nadi Points

Nadi System & Nadi Points (Ways of Knowing Yourself and Integrating Yourself)

There are two points of theory we need to know in order to begin.

The nadi system evolves over time to reflect more and more the structured organization of the divine soul on its own plane. The cosmic physical reflects more and more the cosmic etheric and eventually all members of the Ray group reflect the same organizational pattern in their own etheric bodies.

All members of the group reflect an aspect of the pattern within their own etheric body while on the physical plane, based upon their individuality. And thus, eventually all play their part in the reorganizing of the planet’s etheric body which is an aspect of the solar etheric body.


The vibrational pattern is being conditioned by cosmic desire manifesting or Spirit which are identical.

Cosmic Etheric Planes:




Logoic: cosmic etheric plane undifferentiated substance is receptive to astral pattern of Desires of God or can be understand as Pure Spirit in (Desire) manifestation.


The Nadi system reflects the cosmic etheric nadi system.  Symbolic greater lifeforms or Pattern related Points that can be identified on the cosmic, solar, planetary, and human etheric vehicle.

First area of nadi system:  from top of head to eyebrows, occipital notch, and ½ inch above ears (bowl over the head).

You have been asked to designate this as number one, even though it is made up of 3-sub-parts.  We want you to understand that your task here is to coordinate your understanding to the relative qualitative structure in values that need to be held or perceived in relationship to the moment.  And to do this effectively, you must have a context.  The context is symbolized by the outer world events in the moment and compared to how you are perceiving it.  If it is out of context to what is really happening, then we intervene to try to bridge the gap between the outer symbolic events happening in your life and the way you need to be perceiving it.  We always need to be wary of what we are holding and whether we are moving away from our god (soul/spirit).

We have given you the idea that your work in life needs to be held consistently each moment in terms of its relationship to your events in life.  This is a difficult task for you to keep up with the future wanting to come in to replace the present, as it implies your readiness to want to make these dramatic moves/jumps into this new way of perceiving and being.  We also recognize that your life at this time is full of many challenges, and this will simplify them in a moment-to-moment way, so you don’t have to be so concerned about meeting the many challenges in the moment and can be a peace with yourself and the world around you.

You have been given the difficult task of organizing/ reorganizing your mind and your life to simplify your way of being on this earth.  And this is for two reasons.  One, to find more silence within yourself.  The second is to express your dedication as a soul to the commitments you have made on its own level, and thus demonstrated on all other areas or dimensions of life.  Life is always willing to help you achieve this as we believe that it will be successful once the necessary quota of learning is achieved.


Second area of nadis system:  zone covering area between the eyebrows and the tip of the nose.

All points in this area reflect a need for a greater willingness to combat existing ways of perceiving the existing environment around you.  Each of these points in this area correlates to the idea that your beingness is being compromised by your willingness to accept the outer causative events to define your beingness and in this way, move away from yourself.  You must know 2 things here.  That each outer set of causative events correlates to an inner set of causes that need to be understood to correctly act upon for everyone’s highest good.  And this relates to your willingness or not to want to do this.  And if this point comes up it assumes that you are not willing to do this, and thus an adjustment is made.

The ability you have to see the causative relationship between the inner and outer events and what we are giving you will be determined by your ability to hold your life’s purpose in your awareness at all times.  Always in relationship to life purpose as a personality which reflects the souls at your point in personality development.

The outcome of the results of your correct interpretation will be monitored and if you correct your stance/intent and then ask, if this is now correct, and nothing happens, then it will be correct (versus getting many other points).


Third area of the nadis system:  tip of nose to top of bottom lip, middle ear to jaw line, to occipital notch to base of hair line (1/5 inch regions).

The time has come when you need to realize that the extent of your wisdom as generated by your soul is in the process of increasing at a quickly dramatic rate in humanity in general and especially for all probationary disciples.  And at a soul level, many things are happening that need to change your personality life, and in this way your soul will achieve its objectives in the 3-worlds.  For you to understand and to get these soul objectives requires you to be diligent and daring in your day-to-day affairs and outwardly unassuming, but inwardly receptive and in attempting to correlate the two at all times.  You need to understand two things here.

Your soul’s objectives are many and cannot be rationally put in a personality framework.  Furthermore, your souls’ objectives in relationship to spirit are likewise many and may not in this lifetime be fully understood.  But nevertheless, your willingness to move in this direction is what we are counting on to achieve your happiness.

The necessary understanding required here in our efforts to give you feedback:  you need to do two things each time a point comes up in this zone.

  • Relinquish whatever you are holding and refocus on your mind’s eye and receive and image. There are four things that you need to do in terms of this image:
  1. Perceive it as a symbolic context, stating the way you need to perceive the moment and the way you need to hold yourself in the moment.
  2. You need to be aware that this symbol is made up of smaller symbols that will follow after, once you receive the initial one. And each one of these will deductively build in a certain fashion in context which we would like to define now.  (four + the original one = 5)
    1. The first one relates to the way you need to adjust your mental perception.
    2. The second one relates to your ability to readjust your emotional connection.
    3. The third relates to the way you need to organize your life in the moment to make it work.
    4. The fourth relates to the way energies need to move in your body to reflect the pattern.

[A note: Images or those knowingness’s related to the senses can be understood as a form of calligraphy. They can be Interpreted like an art form producing a more beautiful handwriting—way of eventually producing automatic handwriting or knowing of the inner and the outer in a perfect form.

This is a process of mastering your mind through the creating of structures or thoughtforms through associations to aspects within yourself, through hearing or notations related also to hearing and using some form of symbolic shorthand to create symbols. We need to listen with our ears, our touch, our taste and smell as well as our eyes.  Mental attunement with brain.  This analogy is similar to the symbol of grape juice representing a deepening of your flow from your heart.

The grape is used in communions.  The roots are below and flow from the one heart.  An aspect of being inspired. Grape juice symbolizes the blood of Christ, life, livingness and a feeling of content needing to be held.

There is a way to dig through the sensitizing with the form/substance of the personality to better reorganize life to bring this symbolic sense related calligraphy in. It is a subtle recognition of the various notes sense, or sound currents of the personality substance required to bring through the sound on the mental plane. You can go above and below the line (how to dig yourself through by comparing what you are receiving with —polarities creating tension through the bringing together of mind and etheric body of being.  Tree of life represents specific way energies need to travel.]


This aspect symbolizes your mental life as a personality outside of its relationship to your soul and represents all of the information coming into your mind from above and needs to be held in a way to be interpreted in that zone.

You need to be aware that your personality substance has its own way of qualifying life.  And such is karma.  For in this way, we achieve all necessary results and actions required of us to relinquish that karma.  In other words, we can only interpret life according to our glass darkly (colors represent movement away from life, so impurity).

You have been given the idea that yourself as a work of art and a being of many talents are created in this very fashion.  There is really no other way of creating ourselves.  It always comes from above down and this is your pattern coming through that you are attempting to imitate.  To be yourself is to be the pattern.

You must find it in the darkness of your own substance, and thus they are reflected, and all will be well.  This is the creative process… there is no other.  This is the basics of the art and science of creation.

Your time has arrived when you can make these necessary adjustments because of your developing sensitivities and proceed to unfold yourself at a very rapid rate.

You have been given the idea that your psychic house as you have built it, is a perfect representation of what you have created at this point in your life and reflects not only your creative perfection and your ability to love.


The fourth region is from the middle of the mouth to the bottom of the chin to T7. 

Any incoming messages from this zone implies a relationship problem between your soul and the kama manasic field (emotional or personality mind).

This can be perceived as being related to the idea that your essence as a person is in conflict with the soul. It needs to reflect a change of self-perception.

Anything that comes in this zone needs to be accepted from the person in an experimental way as being somebody else that you may or may not be used to being.

All in all, one has an advantage here of being able to move between different personas (as being held in your essence as a quality/type of being) in terms of staying where you are at or going / doing something else.


This nadis region is the whole throat/ neck area to the manubrium/sternum. 

This zone relates to the idea that your life as you are now living it in terms of self-expression in the way you are choosing to be needs to be altered or shifted.

This expression can be:  vocal, body language, auric energy expression, but will always be related between you and the outer world and not the inner world.

The value of knowing how to express yourself indicates your ability to create or relinquish karma in ways that reflect your needed pattern of being now.

The effort you put into fine tuning your self-expression in this way, will assist you in knowing what needs to come through now in the moment for you or for somebody else, or the group in general.


This nadis region:  Chest region from manubrium to xiphoid process. 

This zone relates to you finding time in your busy life to reflect upon your relationships to the outer world in terms of sensitivity or feeling and not concerned with your personal feelings, but of / with the environment.

You might endeavour to see yourself as someone unable to fully comprehend the difference between yourself and the environment at any time.  This is because we have co-created it (the environment in terms of the group soul).  Thus, we are aware or unaware of the causative relationships due to the group soul, unless we are identified with the awareness of the group soul.

Here you will be given an opportunity to alter your feelings to the environment according to the pattern that comes in after the initial point comes up here.

Here also, you will be able to see yourself as needing to cocreate with the group soul in a new way to reach its ultimate objective (with karmic availability).


This region is only on the front of the body:  top of pubic bone to the xiphoid process.  It is an oval that includes all organs. 

This zone reflects one’s desire nature in such a way that they can ultimately achieve their desires of self in some way.  And also needs to reflect soul desires symbolically.

When this is not the case, (your desires are in conflict with soul desires), you will be notified here, normally at the point in the center of the circle— navel.


Each quadrant (16) relates to a different type of desire or aspect of life. (16 sections of a pie/wheel)

Point 16:  Desires to see the One Life (God) manifest in some way in your life.

Point 15:   This area relates to the need to adjust and set your target to achieving your goals in terms of the group soul.  Or heavenly man in terms of the use of your personality will in alignment with your soul will and spiritual will.

Point 14:  This area reflects a need to cognize a greater desire coming from the inner group to replace the one you are holding.

Point 13: This area reflects a need to coordinate and relate the desire you are holding to the desire that wants to come in, in such a fashion that they appear to be one, and thus to act on that, and in that way.

Point 12:  This area can be understood with the idea of regulating your breath in such a way that all is harmonized in the environment though what needs to come in, in terms of right desire.

Point 11 – 1:


This nadis region consists of the right portion of the pelvic girdle.  Includes the inguinal crease and psoas/iliopsoas, gluteus medias, and maximus. 

This nadis region consists of the left portion of the pelvic girdle.  Includes the inguinal crease and psoas/iliopsoas, gluteus medias, and maximus.

This nadis is the front of the right thigh (rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and vastus lateralis) up to inguinal crease. 

This region is the right shin area: (base of the patella to the tibial insertion point (v))

  • Right ankle
  • Right foot
  • This nadis is the front of the left thigh (rectus femoris, vastus medialis, and vastus lateralis) up to inguinal crease.
  • This region is the left shin area: (base of the patella to the tibial insertion point (v))
  • Left ankle
  • Left foot
  • Right knee – front (the whole patella ––and femur and tibia (on the sides)
  • Left knee – front (the whole patella ––and femur and tibia (on the sides)
  • Right – back of thigh (quadriceps to the back of knee)
  • Right calf region to ankle
  • Left – back of thigh (quadriceps to the back of knee)
  • Left calf region to ankle
  • Lower back and sacral/coccyx region: (Sacral, coccygeal, lumbar, region to t12.) Circle
  • Cervical and thoracic spinal region
  • Right side upper back, dorsal sagittal plane: top of shoulders (including head of humerus) to base of rib cage to spinal erectors.
  • Left side upper back, dorsal sagittal plane: :  top of shoulders (including head of humerus) to base of rib cage to spinal erectors.
  • Back of right upper arm – humerus
  • Front of right upper arm – humerus
  • Right lower arm (front and back)
  • Back of left upper arm – humerus
  • Front of left upper arm – humerus
  • Left lower arm (front and back)
  • Right elbow
  • Left elbow
  • Right wrist and thumb
  • Left wrist and thumb
  • Right fingers and palm
  • Left fingers and palm



Nine Facets of the (Human Body) Geodesic – An Introduction based upon examples of a Work in Progress

Within the Plan there includes the unfoldment of these images in 96 ways.

[Oversoul note:  What is given below is given as an opportunity to greatly move forward in understanding yourself and salvaging yourself.  We regard this as a necessary creative project for you that will lead to other things down the road.

You will also be given an opportunity to express yourself in this way using this technique and four others in demonstrating the likelihood of success to yourself and others per their ability to communicate with the soul while in body in very exact ways and to progress their development through the interfacing with their guiding angels, likewise soul, and group soul. Thus, they will all be initiates of one degree or another.]


Two Evaluation Subjects. Subjects are X Female and Y Male both Aspirants to the Mysteries:

40 characteristics to achieving the ideal or reflection of the 1st facet of the Geodesic for “X” to better salvage her substance.  A few of the discovered points requiring balance or integration have been explained but many have not.

  1. Left groin pain signifies two things: You might be aware that the energies coming into your field at this time, have two relationships to the ideal heart image above the
  2. Coccyx pain
  3. Vomer – below nose
  4. Right side of head
  5. Right sciatic
  6. Left shoulder/ trapezius, near neck (superior edge of scapula near angle)
  7. Large intestine point on left forearm (below elbow, between radius and ulnar)
  8. [Y – left hand middle – pinky finger tips]
  9. right muscle on shoulder
  10. Left temple point
  11. Base of second toe (left side)
  12. Left SI joint)
  13. Right head point and left knee
  14. Left thigh point and middle left toe (base)
  15. Left thigh
  16. Right head point – parietal bones, roof of mouth on right side, right ear – center
  17. Liver point – below rib cage + left knee
  18. Root of penis, root of tongue
  19. Gall bladder 30, knee, SI joint region – all left side)
  20. Left SI, and transverse of l-4,5)
  21. Left wrist, 2 locations on ventral side) between radius and ulnar.
  22. Above occipital ridge (middle point)
  23. Bicep on left arm – point on edge of tricep.
  24. C6 & Left transverse process.
  25. Out more on left arm
  26. In more on left arm
  27. Right shoulder/ trapezius, near neck (superior edge of scapula near angle)
  28. – 35.
  29. Below 1” from right shoulder/scapula point
  30. ***(dual) Pons point to right, (2) left SI-joint, (3,4) left stomach point on shin (2 locations –bt 40&41), left pectoral, above rib 6,
  31. Back right hand, above wrist ½ “
  32. s*** left Gemini/air point, right arch, left lung point 5. 4 points on head – 2 right near parietal, 2 on left temple.
  33. ***left shoulder blade, left leg – below calf on bladder meridian,


“X’s” Real Integration Needs into Group Pattern:

  1. Knees in general: how you humble yourself in life.
  2. Left knee – left groin: too humbling in the world – false humility (not honoring value…)
  3. Left zygomatic region of skull (below parietal) – subpersonalities that relate to males.
  4. Right knee: Way in life that you need to be more humbled.  (over-confidence)
  5. Left knee: Way in life, you need to be less humbled.
  6. Right groin – Value others more – or your environment (Receiving lecture on leadership. How you set the tone of the environment – as CEO sets the tone, values, experience of everyone in the company) Remember and acknowledge this power and take responsibility for your and other experiences moment by moment.
  7. Right scalene point, above clavicle – take more responsibility in terms of direction.
  8. Left bra point – under arm: don’t be so secretive.
  9. Right point on head – understand the love that others want to share with you.
  10. Left turkey point, below rib cage – easily feared and likes to run away from sexual misconduct (if it comes up, run.)
  11. Right turkey point below rib cage – afraid of challenging self in situations of sexual misconduct (if it comes up, deal with it)
  12. Both turkey points together – get ready to run but first try to deal with it. (run = change subject, energy, etc…)
  13. Left shin point (bt. Tibia and fibula, near stomach meridian) – be more vulnerable to those around you and their real needs for direction based upon soul feeling.
  14. Right SI joint – This relates to the idea that each of us are seemingly shadowed by what appears to us to be righteous action on our parts and deem it necessary to be done according to our will. (3 points on top of head near center, slightly to the right (Sources are Oversoul, group 1-5, and group of 14) over ear up, 1 “relationship rescue group; the point on temporal bone:  the astral family group). You need to act on what appears to be self-righteous action.
  15. Medial scapula midway point on right side signifies your effort to do this will prevent harm to either yourself or others in the long run and produce positive karma for those involved if successfully done.
  16. C-4, 5, 6, 7, along right spinal erector – you give yourself as a spiritual person in body to another.
  17. Left shoulder front (includes lung point TCM) – needs to be responsible for all the time and energy that others provide to you on your behalf karmically and responsibly for the sake of life and redeem this necessary in terms of the time Y has and will spend with you in making your life work for you throughout the rest of your incarnations, which will grow out of this one.
  18. The below areas are the areas for which you are karmically responsible with Y:
  19. Left forearm – lung side medial – To develop a correct sexual relationship (left pinky toe = relates to need to have correct emotional feeling about yourself and your sexuality when in union sexually with Y, in terms of developing a way of being together that honors yourself and him in uniting your hearts and bodies into one energy field.
  20. Left temple point – “You need to be aware, that all information that comes through the inner groups and individuals needs to be used in accordance with the Plan or karma will be created that will be difficult to work off in a short period of time.
  21. Right forehead – above eyebrow.: We want you to know that this point above the eyebrow is the most significant point and relates you always to something that cannot be avoided without harm being created.
  22. Point in center of forehead/ajna: this point is most significant of all because it represents a directive by the soul to be on guard in the moment to carry out a necessary karmic debt in terms of the creation of a form on its behalf.
  23. Point on left of left groin point: This point relates to the idea that Y’s life and X’s life have equal value, and each must respect the other’s and serve each in that way.
  24. Right rib back point
  25. Left leg point
  26. Rear patella increase.
  27. Right point behind ear—guiding angel point
  28. right trapezius / scalene point.
  29. Above head of humerus: all reasonable requests must be honored in a responsible way.
  30. Both kidney/liver points (2) — rib 8: This point relates to the idea that one needs to imitate the Christ in salvaging of another’s substance in respect to their real needs.
  31. Left occipital point –
  32. 1st perineum point – left side
  33. right hip
  34. Left ankle inside: Sense of relationship to yourself, in terms of gender (first one is always the concept)
  35. Left groin pain – need to value yourself more, the way that your soul values you (as an accurate receiver of impressions)
  36. Radiating left groin pain- down to inner ankle along spleen/liver lines: Your disposition in relationship to your soul was compromised by you disregarding your way of moving in the world towards meeting your objectives that was initiated and fail-safe by the soul.
  37. Left and right groin pain – Together, I need to evaluate myself and world more. You were just valuating the world of Target.  It is honored and respected – sanctified.  Honor surveillance as needed to protect people from themselves.
  38. Right ear to right knee – Your direction in life needs to be better attuned to the soul, in terms of what your soul has given to you (concept that you now have the tools and ability to evaluate yourself in relation to others and the environment).
  39. and right groin and left knee pain.
  40. Left transverse process, left ear.
  41. Liver point under rib cage– left knee – groin.
  42. Liver point under rib cage.
  43. Right arch point – (t12 on foot reflex chart) – relates to an inability to see oneself as being able to cope with what you are receiving. (X was receiving energies from 4 women and my sub-personalities responded).


“Y’s” Real Group Integration Needs:

  1. Right side of mouth on bottom – Need to be more elegant with thinking more in line with the soul.
  2. Right side of mouth on top – Need to be thinking about something different more in line with the soul.
  3. Left side occipital point – take action on what you are hearing from outside environment more in line with the group soul.
  4. Right side occipital point – Release self for service in the Moment – be channel, good, bad or ugly. To love those as you love yourself.
  5. Perineum v to both inside ankles – in a gender way, people are holding you in a positive sense in thinking or speech.


Note – pressure on back left head, above occipital ridge=– X’s Guiding Disciple (2)

You have been given the above information in an effort to rearrange/ repattern your approach your selves in relation to the Plan.  You see that there are many points in the pattern that need to be adjusted to manifest as desired. And each of these points, can and will act as points of communication in the future, when we wish to communicate a certain awareness needed to fully unfold this pattern, and thus personify it.  We have given you two ideas here.  The first idea that you are responsible for your part in the play, represented by the pattern/point of the pattern. Second, you both now have identical purposes, thus oriented towards the same pattern.  In an effort to accomplish this, you each have been given guides, as you know.  And these guides wish to make several things known at this time, for your benefit, and to carry forth the work which they promised to do for your souls and mine.


An Analysis based upon integration with X’s company presently employed.

Left Eyebrow: two things need to remember who you are as a person in love with god and in the other area you need to receive input from yourself if the point is the left of center of original point.

Left eyebrow and ringing in left ear and R inner ear: 2: You have been given information on how to control the managerial output from those around you in these 10 ways: and secondly you have been given information as to your role in this world today only.

L eyebrow plus everything above plus L hip joint 5 inches from sacral iliac joint: 3 or 4: Need to remind you that your life here in terms of action requires you to achieve a certain dedication to right way of moving into the pattern representing the soul context of company and in this regard you have been given the idea of necessary movements earlier in respect to purification of this personality (Target) –four already received—diet related—water, regulating personality in terms of time for self-nurturing; regulating personality in terms of being able to achieve a greater inter-personal integration requiring greater control of speech between units.

Performance review: R ear ringing: this idea relates to the fact that you as an entity must organize and schedule your own review prior to this review to hedge your understanding of real needs of company.

L throat: L & R eyebrows & ringing in the ears: 4 You have been given the idea of regulating your life here around the life of the company and to do such you must always approach this life from the soul perspective and in this way achieve a greater understanding of your role in this world (symbolic of the whole world; do you yet see the eventual results of all life training for each person no matter where they are at; for you here requires that you achieve this understanding quickly to pass it on to those around you in subtle ways to enhance their own positions with themselves and the company and the world at large; do you not see the simplicity of this and yet your love of self-doing will undermine this process unless you pay close attention to real details of the pattern trying always to come in –reflect each day at work of the larger soul pattern that each person occupies and all will be well.  See to it you escape time to time within yourself to do this as silence is sometimes needed to brood on channel of descension—respect your decisions coming in from this way once grasped and all will be well.

Two new points on forehead above eyebrows in middle of forehead: your belief that you as an individual has probable outcome to decide the fate of the many around you and in this way we want you to continue believing this is such. (you are recognizing your ability to register pattern of review actually needed not the one you are going to receive.

Three points back of head and ringing of the R ear: this relates you to the idea of achieving a more dedicated and focused review of your own potential here we have given you 42 ways for self-reviewing in this company’s pattern (soul).

L inside thigh next to groin but over towards bottom: 3 You have been given the idea of regulating your lifestyle to improve your stance in the world and in respect to this we have given you data earlier to reflect upon above (42 things) we want you to grasp at this point we entered how it is you can achieve your desired results unless you act on data given —this means when receiving here act now—say something you are receiving.

L point of butt towards hip; R side also; and then on top of head: this relates to the idea of  achieving a greater spirit conscious of your groups purpose in alignment with present spirit needs and this is in two ways represented by 2 points on butt: 1 being you degree of ® side of dedication on the inner planes opposed to your dedication (L side) of your personal life—your subjective direction in relationship to your present outward manifestation of this—these need to come together in the ways you are receiving for this immediate context here.  If somebody in authority is relating something that does not represent the truth of real needs. And this will come up for you to adjust in some closer way.  Figure out what the untruth is and integrate this.


Under right toe.  – second/ base: This point relates to the idea that you will be receiving control in this area, relating to the topic —-Logistics.


A Further Analysis of X’s Integration Needs

Two over middle of eyes: 6: These relate to the idea that you and you alone, are responsible for all thought processes, entering and leaving the mind/brain space.  We have given you the idea that your worthiness as a spiritual being has yet to really be considered by you, for which you need to do in these areas:

  • Right eye point: this signifies a change in your status as your right eye is now beginning to open (using figuratively).  This represents your relationship to buddhi and your immortal soul which is focused in the Christ.


  • We want you to know two things here, that your life as you are living it in this moment doesn’t become you. And regardless of how you feel about yourself, in regard to your thoughts, which aren’t your thoughts, need to be relegated to the background to see what lies behind them as opposed to how you are interpreting them, through these other voices. If you could abstract them to the point of reality, you could see what the real message is and not the deluded message.


  • You have been wise to attempt to see yourself on a daily basis from the point of view of the soul. Yet your actions have not been successful.  We want to tell you things about yourself, you haven’t gotten, in relationship to this moment in class.  (4)


  • You have been given an opportunity to express yourself to these other peoples, which you have done in a very eloquent way in respect to your personality mindset which you were unconscious of.
  • Note: reasonable request: don’t assume you know what you are talking about in terms of your personality mind.   Sub-personalities are misinterpreting the personality mind’s messages, so you are not getting my soul’s message.
  • We want you to realize that you are also at this time, the mind is communicating with the soul, gathering information on your future and how you need to interact in the world in a variety of different settings. This was also being mistranslated by subs.
  • And also your soul was being communicated with by your oversoul in 4 different topics. Which is also being misrepresented by your sub-personalities.


Left eye:  We have gathered together our resources and placed them into your mindset (ashram group).  This will precipitate over the next few days and weeks.  And this consists of information about your past and future.  But most importantly, it represents those things which will be known to you and misrepresented by your sub-personalities.  All in all, we wanted to let you know in this moment, that you are living on all these levels, and will be misrepresented by these sub-personalities which will pervert the message.

Left inner ankle, right inner ear:

Right inner ear:  guidance from the soul (also right outer ear)

Left inner ankle:  inner female (both inside ankles are female/ outside are male)

You have been given the idea that we on the inner side, represented by right inner ear, are trying you to let go of your feminine identity as a person and to become more neutral in the presentation of yourself.  This requires you to wake up and see yourself as a soul, which is neither male nor female.  This will produce a neutral personality space, which will be more readily revealing of our message as the way the soul sees it.


Sub-personalities can also be understood to represent symbols of the life of the soul in a karmic set of sheaths—these six acts as a group.

  • Innocent, playfulness carefreeness, non-corruptibility – 12 year old
  • Lesbian: pleasure, heartfulness, creates an ambiance that prevents bad things from happening.  War boots—sweeping—this relates to the idea of securing grace in life by taking action in respect for others as a way to improve your standing; always observant of its surroundings does many things at once.
  • The carefree wild one: regulates life and others to get its needs met.  It represents a way to achieve its destiny without a struggle; it represents a way to control others to have a good time; it represents for others a way to go that represents its own interests but in a playful way.
  • Whole earth moving: sexual relation sub requires the earth to move for her and in this way achieves notoriety in style and position in the world— (common cause of future problem with Y); symbolizes exactitude in getting its desires met—reference point is sole of left foot.
  • Dominant sexual sub: likes to have its way at all times, settles for nothing less and at times cruel and heartless
  • Cribbed women on a crutch: needy; dependent; helpless; lonely

White Dove—divine grace removing from aura several of these characteristics preventing integration.  Would like to say help is on the way here do not despair.


The time has come when we will lift you out of an old shell and into a new one (adrenal points and etheric ankle, right head).

  • Adrenal point (right): Your power in the use of the will, will increase 10-fold before the year ends (full moon Wesak)
  • Adrenal point (left): Your compassion will increase 20-fold before the year ends


 Composed by HZ from a set of impressions received in meditation and kinesic evaluation of nadi points.

Esoteric Healing – Six Golden Deva Related Healing Forms

Esoteric Healing – A Devic Healing Session Example

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Way of Absorbing Atomic Energy from the Environment

Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access

Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)

Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color

Meditation related major sources: Guiding Angel Grouping and Mental Plane Healing Group. The following protocol was brought in for a probationary disciple:


This toxin elimination protocol needs to consist of the following four variables (see below).

  1. When to start: Once you have everything together and psychologically ready.
  2. How long: One Month.
  3. What to do:

Requires you to decrease the intake / increase the intake of certain substances. Fourteen in this example. Each client is unique, and the variables (priority body systems, color, and diet related ) denoted below need to be brought in from Guiding Angel grouping per client.

Isolate certain areas of your body that require elimination (see below).

Requires you to do certain exercises:

These creative visualization exercises were created to enhance the elimination process. They involve you using your creative imagination to develop a greater rapport with the parts of the body which are involved.


Each day, going through all of these areas being detoxed.  Spend 20 minutes a day on each area. 

  1. Brain:  
    • Relax and breathe in the following colors into the brain in this order. Few minutes each.    Sparkly reddish pink, blue-emerald green, golden brown – yellow ochre.
    • At the same time, visualize your brain releasing toxins.
    • Send your brain appreciation.
    • Convince yourself to imaginary caress your brain.


  1. Lymph system and gaseous release organs:
  • Visualize your lymph system as having the colors in this order. x1, x2, x3
  • While doing this repeat the above steps for the brain


  1. Muscles:
  • Visualize your muscular system as having these three colors: x1, x2, x3
  • Repeat above.


  1. Ligaments:
  • Imagine them in your body, appreciate them, love and caress them.


  1. Organs:
  • Do a series of color visualizations. Each organ, a different color.
  • Each of these systems is operating inefficiently and this is why we are focusing on them first.  They are also the easiest to deal with.


Priority Organ Systems: 

Of all the organ systems, the worst is colon system and the gall bladder. The problem here is two-fold and due to the amount of toxins this client’s system. The colon and gall bladder are linked to the lymph system which is very sluggish; and secondly, it is also very clogged.

Brain:  This organ is storing many thousands of toxins.  For this example, there are those that are most prominent: environmental chemicals, food additives, petrochemicals, antiseptic chemical used in meat industry…

Muscles:  Muscles are relatively clear of the more dangerous toxins, but still contain quite a few. 12

Ligaments: These toxins prevent you from being able to receive proper neurological reception

All of these organs need three significant and normal things.  Greater sense of energy consumption – more energy.  More room for processing to be healthy.  Greater communication with other parts of the body which are being disturbed by the toxins (electrical patterns).


We have realized that for you to fully understand this process would require time.  We have simplified this:

  • Each individual organ has its own particular quality of life and requires individualistic approach.
  • For each of these organs, there is a particular life that ensouls it.
  • Each of these devic lives can be approached through the creative imagination and vibration.
  • They require two things: communication through color and through vital / energy sensation.
  • These devas are organized in part as follows related to this aspirant’s healing protocol example.
  1. Stomach / Pancreas:  x1, x2, x3.
  2. Colon – Large Intestine: x1, x2, x3.
  3. Urinary system – Kidneys, Bladder: x1, x2, x3.
  4. Mesentery / Omentum systems:: x1, x2, x3.
  5. Reproductive system:  x1, x2, x3.
  6. Liver/gall bladder: x1, x2, x3.
  • Each of these requires these colors.
  • Visualizing and breathing these colors into these organs – try to remember these beings are alive and only interested in making you happy.
  • Try to dialog with them to see what they need and then give it to them.
  • Imagine yourself in their place and be one with them.
  • It requires you to hold this image of yourself.
  • It has been created for minimum stress and maximum well-being.
  • it is required by you to complete it once you start otherwise problems w. toxins stuck, etc..
  • What is its purpose?
    • To provide you with maximum weight loss.
    • Cleanse these areas of inefficient energy consumption for maintaining your health and well-being.


4. For one month adhere to this diet is composed of 5-food groups:

  • Amino acids:
  • Complex carbohydrates:
  • Seeds:
  • Leafy vegetables:
  • Herbs (Bring in which herbs)


Each of these food groups requires you to eat in proportional amounts.

In terms of approximate amounts:

  • Amino Acids: 3/4 cup wk.
  • Complex Carbs: 3 cups wk.
  • Seeds 1.5 cups wk.
  • Leafy Vegetables: 6 cups a day
  • Herbs (6)


Need to isolate these toxins (approximately 18,000) wanting to be eliminated. These are collected in these mostly in these following areas: 14

  1. Mesentery tissue
  2. Organ Systems
  3. Brain
  4. Nervous System
  5. Epithelium
  6. Ligaments
  7. Muscles
  8. Blood cleansing system
  9. Fat assimilation system
  10. Gas release system
  11. Cardiovascular
  12. Lymph
  13. Osteo-reproductive system – white and red bone marrow


This diet eliminates from these five, in the order of elimination:

  1. Organ systems
  2. Combination of Gas Release and Lymph
  3. Brain
  4. Muscles
  5. Ligaments


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z


Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)

Esoteric Healing – A Devic Healing Session Example

Those in charge of this esoteric healing session:


Green Deva

Healer’s Soul

Mental Plane Healing Group was created to assist Disciples in healing.

Gold Deva

White Deva

Healee’s Soul


Each of these participants added something to the process.

  • The Master provided essential form.
  • The green deva provided ensoulment of the form.
  • Healer’s soul provided access to personality fields and alignment.
  • Mental Plane Healing Group provided technology needed to make it happen on astral bodies.
  • Gold & Gold/White Devas provided dimensional access.
  • Healee’s soul provided clear channel of communication of forces inherent in astral fields.
  • All together a new form was created for astral body.


The nature of this form was two-fold:

  • It was to provide healer and healee with a way for better integration with each other per the goal of the One Work.
  • It was also to provide Healer with a type of astral substance better suited for his life as a healer.


The astral form that was created had these characteristics: 12

  1. Had characteristic that can be called heaven’s gate at your beck and call.
  2. Had characteristics that would have prevented you from attaining peace.
  3. Had characteristic requiring you to attain better alignment.
  4. Had characteristic which can be called another’s awareness with ones own.
  5. Had characteristic of achieving grace easier in terms of past karma.
  6. Had characteristic of 4th ray—better for healing work but worse for organizing astral body.
  7. Had characteristic of sensitizing two healers fields.
  8. Had characteristic of relating your astral fields to humanity’s.
  9. Had characteristic buying you time in grounding information related to: 4
  • soul thoughts in a more complete way.
  • soul energies more sensitive to.
  • public speaking
  • during sessions with others

10. Had characteristic of being more adaptable in social group settings.

11. Had characteristic of relying less on kinesiology verification feedback.

12. Had characteristic of being in control of emotions.


The following entities (among many others) that can be cooperated with to address unique healing scenarios:

  1. Working with Guiding Angels.
  2. Working with Soul.
  3. Working with Oversoul(s).
  4. Working with the Violet and Rose Devas.
  5. Working with three Mental Plane Healing Groups.
  6. Working with the Holy Ones – Devas of Matter.
  7. Working with different Orders of Devas.
  8. Working with the Green Deva.
  9. Working with the Gold Deva.
  10. Working with Sub-Ashram related healing.
  11. Working with Hierarchy related to healing.

Composed by HZ. A soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Esoteric Healing – Six Golden Deva Related Healing Forms
Esoteric Healing – An Experimental Gold-White Deva Healing Form

Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access

Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part 1)

“I know the Law and towards the goal I strive.  Naught shall arrest my progress on the Way. Each tiny life within my form responds.  My soul has sounded forth that call and clearer day by day it sounds.  The glamour holds me not. The Path of Light streams clear ahead.  My plea goes forth to reach the hearts of men.  I seek, I cry to serve your need.  Give me your hand and tread the Path with me.” DINA I, pg. 265


These following concepts are needed by esoteric healers at some juncture in their training:

Each of you in the three worlds perceive yourselves as entities composed of various forms of substance or light qualified by consciousness but from the perspective of liberated souls you are merely projections of yourselves animating space.

Each of you also provide a way to achieve your desires as a soul and in this way interact among each other according to some group related plan.

The first idea we would like to give you is that your worlds have no substance at all they are a collection of forces circulating within the body of god giving the appearance of reality and of existence for each of you are innate within this body of god in very particular ways.

To begin with your souls are aspects of gods physical expression which can best be correlated to a human being’s meridian systems although not exactly. Each of the systems is composed of several thousand points and these points are individualized souls. The total number of meridian systems composing a human being, although believed to be twelve are in reality many more. These basic twelve are the major ones and these can be subdivided in many ways. For each of the many points there is a corresponding soul grouping which we compose individually.  For each of us there is a symbolic corresponding point on the human body that represents our intended purpose in terms of the One Life of Divinity. The same can be said of a particular ray alignment in respect to the Nadi/chakra system.

Below are topics of exploration needing to be understood by esoteric and/or spiritual healers. Each of these topics are critical for healing at some juncture.


The Nature of Alignment

We must engage ourselves to see into the light of the soul and it is through this light that we will discover everything we need to know to make our life and others lives work successfully. It is in this light that we discover our individuality, gifts and abilities, and our real needs. It is in this light that will take us into the One Life by way of happiness and joy. Each of us has on occasion entered into this light under crisis of one sort or another but our objective here is to enter this light at will.

Each of us has developed themselves in certain ways. We have unfolded many previous gifts and abilities. Our goal now is to perfect these and other gifts in our service capacity. Our ability to do this will give us everything we need to heal as we need to heal; and healing is a psycho-synthetic process.

Each of us has many abilities and gifts although they are not always tangible. Each of these gifts once unfolded will lead to more if your path is straight according to spirit’s need.


Nature of Substance

This is a difficult subject for most to comprehend. The best way of looking at this is to see yourselves as composed of light substances of different vibrations. For each of you there is inherent matter imbued with sentient consciousness; it is this consciousness that is unfolded through life experience or by way of multi-dimensional contacts. It is also this consciousness that is the nature and thus moment to moment cause of your beingness—or whatever it is in the moment. All of us have two extremes of sacred beingness and non-sacred craziness. Between these two we fluctuate learning to discover ourselves more and more. For each of us there is an ideal state of beingness needing to be demonstrated at any one period in our lives.


Nature of Soul Alignment

How do we know when we are generally aligned with the soul? There are four ways and these manifest together in some way or another:

  • You become aware energetically in either the forehead, top of the head, or back of the heart of more energy.
  • You are at peace with yourself and others.
  • You are at a point of spiritual tension which means your energy fields are balanced on all three bodies—neither to the right or left, top or bottom, inside or out.
  • You demonstrate these four qualities: objectivity; stillness, self-acceptance; and spiritual presence.

Nature of Substance Purification

In all accounts, karmically considered, we must remind ourselves that the way we evolve is through the creation of forms. Let us not for one minute think we could do it otherwise. Our karmic path is also our life path and our spiritual path. Purification is simply the creation of the required type of forms needed to unfold ourselves. They become more and more abstract and formless with colors more and more transparent. Each of these forms require us to be more present with ourselves and less present with the not self.



Law 1: Images of mental pictures and ideas tend to produce the physical conditions and the external acts that correspond to them.

Law II: Ideas and images tend to awaken emotions and feelings that correspond to them.

Law III: Attention, interest, affirmations, and repetitions reinforce the concepts, images, and psychological formations on which they are centered.

Law IV: All the various personality sheath functions, and their manifold combinations in complexes and subpersonalities, adopt means of achieving their aims without our awareness, and independently of, and even against our conscious will.


Purification is Accomplished in Several Ways.

  • By adapting existing forms to meet contingencies.
  • By devitalizing them through disidentifying with them–destruction.
  • By elevating your awareness to create new forms to embody your greater sense of self identity—this means as you are able to penetrate subjectively into your soul and able to bring this awareness into brain awareness a form is created for this to happen.
  • By four occult means which are:
  • The re-coloration of existing forms to alter their innate nature—this if karmically available.
  • The destruction of existing forms through a process of removing the elemental construct giving them organizational structure.
  • A process called altering light projection—this is done by transmitting devas inherent in the causal body—also how karma is instantaneously.
  • The fourth process is like magic in that it creates or destroys through working with the underlying dimensional substrate our bodies are built from in a planetary sense—this is done through formulas—we call them miracles.

All in all, purification is a process that is directly related to consciousness and its unfoldment. The concept of body-mind reflections captures likewise this reality.


Nature of the Breath

The importance of the Breath is inestimable. The breath symbolizes pretty much all creative processes. It is advantageous to regularly do a special breathing exercise which is symbolically using the breath to receive our spiritual guidance.

  • Breath in Spirit
  • On hold breath bring it down to Soul Body.
  • Breath out imaging it being breathed out to mind.
  • On hold breath sense it being brought into brain.

With this technique and holding the intent of breathing in spirit, soul, and mind into one’s brain is all that we need in terms of guidance. Take a few minutes and try it—on the last hold breath try to sense what is coming in.

How to Regulate One’s Personality Forces.

The whereabouts of a way to create from your past your future looks like this. First of all, we all know the esoteric principle – energy follows thought and thought follows experience. You must realize that one’s consciousness is only a product of both memory and of substance identification. Substance and vibration can be equated, and we all know that memory does not span vibration. As a way to ensure that the future you want will come your way you must adjust one or both of the above two variables—dis-identify from memory or substance through purification methods. Memory can also be altered or corrected if deemed incorrect. To do this requires you to achieve a detached observation of oneself. Once this is achieved one can use the creative imagination to create a new past and thus a new future. This is done through re-pulling up memories or identifying with part of yourself that had past experienced and re-programming it based upon a more desired outcome or a greater truth of what really happened. (sometimes it just takes time to arrive at this new truth of causation, but it will eventually happen once your mind figures it out.) A more advanced way is to investigate the akashic records to receive any missing causative facts.

All of us have something to hide.  Why do I say this? For three reasons: You have been put on notice by the world at times that some of your characteristics are not socially or politically acceptable. Those intimate others around you must see you in a certain way to be with you. You have co-created events with yourself not always favorable in hindsight. You can also have at times substance in your personality fields which creates thoughts and feelings unworthy by your own standards.

The personality is not created in a perfect way for this is not possible for many reasons. What is created is organized according to your perceived and real needs. As these real needs are demonstrated, perfection is realized, but what also comes with this is an altered consciousness. It is a consciousness that comes from seeing yourself unmistakably satisfied.  This resembles one’s ability to alter space in such a way that we are perceived differently. And it is this mirroring that, for a short time, permits us to be happy. All beings are questing for this ideal self-mirroring from the world around us. The important point to remember here is your various shadow sides depict a roadmap towards happiness. But happiness comes from creating ourselves in the soul’s image not according to the shadow’s side.


Nature of Integration Priorities

What do I mean by integration priorities? First of all, for each of us there is one thing that needs to be healed right now in either one body or another or between bodies, or some purification needed, or some alignment made, or some fear understood, or belief system updated. Make a list of your own healing or integration priorities (14,562 possibilities identified by the group mind). Take some time now to try to isolate what it might be for you—go into your body presence with this intention and observe and dialogue and see what you get. Remember the physical body is a direct reflection of the soul body.


  1. Creativity Needs.
  2. Priority levels of shadow side guilt and shame issues.
  3. Environmental Concerns.
  4. Developmental and Coordination Concerns.
  5. Sheath Illusions, Glamors, and Maya.
  6. Sub-personality Concerns.
  7. Psychological Fragments Concerns.
  8.  Karmic pattern Concerns. (Quite complex); All karma when consciously faced is precipitated by the power of thought.
  9. Genetic Pattern Concerns.
  10. Sheath Control Issues.

Nature of Etheric Substitution

You have been given the idea of retreating into yourselves to discover a way to unfold yourselves; the quickest way that I am aware of is the substitution of etheric substance for cosmic etheric substance. For each of you there is a particular divine alignment that reflects your soul’s relationship to spirit. It is a possible 9-fold alignment. This probably will have no meaning for you at present but later it will once you discover Spirit. Etheric substation is organized according to your particular alignment this life.



Atmic Manasic








Nature of Devic Assistance

For each of you there are several devas available to your souls for healing work to work more consciously with these lives requires one to become soul conscious. Each of these devas has much experience with substance. These devas are basically of four colors: Green, Rose, and for those more advanced White-gold or Gold.


Nature of the Inner Sheaths


To enable you to better understand etheric reality we must perceive ourselves to be filled with cylinders of force made up of “pranic fluids”. These cylinders of “pranic fluids” are organized in such a way as to change with intentions.


The edifice that we create, which we call our lives, indicates on the one hand our type of desire and in another way our ability to love. This is caused by the unfoldment of astral chakras on one hand which is a reflection action based upon the unfoldment of our soul body.  The astral body represents a symbolic extension of our human soul or the field of its experience in the three worlds. The astral body symbolizes our growing self-awareness in terms of dimensionality or inclusiveness.


Whenever an individual produces speech first a thought-form is created.  Each thought-form is ensouled by elemental and devic life. The mind is our creative force. The heart of the mind is the same as our self-identity or ego. Whenever we look into the mirror of life we perceive it through the lens of the mind. As we unfold our ego we automatically unfold our mind. Our sense of self as a soul produces a collective sense of mental existence (Son of Mind).


Nature of Constitution of a Human Being:

A simple definition of one’s personality is the integrating threefold mental, emotional, vital life that we as a self or ego are able to express through.

The vital body underlies the physical and is the positive pole to the physical.  The vital body is composed of several layers or nadis that cross to produce the centers.

The emotional body can be organized in a variety of ways and each of these ways can be noted:

  • Can be organized according to seven sub-planes.
  • Can be organized according to centers or chakras.
  • Can be organized according to the ability to vibrate.
  • Can be organized according to subrays.

The mental body can also be organized as above.


Within the personality body can be found several types of lives other than the lives of the vehicles:

  • Psychological Fragments which are those passing kama-manasic forms created through living out some experience.
  • Sub-personalities are those more organized (psychological fragments) lives that we create to express ourselves according to defined areas of our lives.
  • Elemental lives that compose the dimensional matter aspect of the above.
  • Unconscious devic lives that ensoul the above.
  • Different classes of lives such as the solar and lunar Pitris that use the above forms for conscious evolution.
  • The lunar Pitri ensouling the personality as a whole.
  • The organized content of one’s causal body (solar Pitris) which the personality is an extension thereof.
  • The receiving devas works through their bodies we call them chakras.
  • The transmitting devas are associated with the permanent atoms.
  • That aspect of the Son of Mind we have developed over the course of our many lives is called the Ego once free from its identification with 3-world forms.

The soul itself can be defined as that which we derive all sentient awareness from.  It is a product of all the personalities created and embodied since individualization.  Each human soul is that much of the One Soul that it has been able to identify with. Each human soul is also made up of three basic aspects:

  • Form aspect or knowledge content.
  • Awareness aspect or love content.
  • Will aspect.

The human soul is an extension of the divine soul embedded in mental substance. It is in reality its womb so-to-speak and from this womb it eventually gives birth to itself in what we call the Christ Principle.

The spiritual soul functioning through the threefold spiritual triad is that aspect of ourselves which is unfolded in the evolutionary process that relates us with spirit. The triad is also the aspect or entity which can be defined as composing an aspect of the 6th kingdom.  All triadal bodies are inherently composed of both what is called human sentiency and devic sentiency.  In reality these planetary (and/or cosmic) lives that act as ensouling agents for the Soul.

The spirit aspect, that represents the divine will aspect of our being is linked directly to what is called the monadic sheath.  This sheath is three-fold as with all forms in existence. The important thing to remember here is that we are a life unit evolving through all of these other lives gathering from each creating ourselves.

We can likewise define personality in terms of gathering of resources to enhance its development—what resources or energy movements would be needed?

  • Desire is needed.
  • Values are needed.
  • Qualities are needed.
  • Experiences are needed.
  • Learning is needed.
  • Causation model is needed.
  • Ideals (Presented conclusions of others) are needed.
  • Experimentation is needed.
  • Activity is needed.
  • Beliefs (conclusions) are needed.

Each individual acclimates itself to external conditions through a variety of different adjustment mechanisms. Four in order of development.

  • Rationalization
  • Assumption
  • Comprehension (experiential understanding)
  • Sagacity (experiential wisdom)


A group meditation that you can also use to take advantage of the group energies.

Align your hearts with each other to facilitate an open 12-points lotus at the back of your heart center etherically—see a line of electric blue light linked to the hearts of all group members.

At the center of the circle imagine the Master standing linking with:

The group soul.

The Lords of Karma.

The divine soul.


Appropriate Ray alignment.


Imagine a sphere of transparent golden light surrounding the entire group.

Now link your hearts and blue lines to another lotus opened above the head in etheric body.

Link to this lotus using the creative imagination to all members in the group.

See this electric blue line from all the members merge to the lotus at the top of the Master while at the same time holding the heart wheel linking.


Repeat after these words to yourselves:

  • The heart that beats in infinite space beats here within the heart of this group.
  • I am here to heal myself and thus those around me.
  • I call upon the soul of my being to be here.
  • I also call upon my guides and any entities who wish to participate in this healing.
  • Together let us move towards the one Life within and around us.
  • Together let us heal according to the needs apperceived by the group soul.


Exercise 1:

Be in your Body Presence.

Visualize yourselves standing in front of a golden door.

See yourself knocking on this door.

Sense what happens next; follow wherever it takes you energetically; dialogue with yourself to make it as clear as possible.

Visualize yourselves walking down a long corridor.

Get a sense of the images along the way.

Observe its destination—just be with it and observe.


Exercise 2:

Visualize yourself in a large room with four doors at each side.

Observe what is at the center of the room.

Dialogue with it.

Each of us must decide how much energy we want to place in doing healing work. For some of you this has already been done—or in other words have been working on yourselves and training yourselves.  All of us are always just beginning and there is never a better time to start. The first goal is to become soul conscious within one’s brain awareness. And to become a spiritual healer this is the first requirement.

Try to see it from our point of view; you are likely to sense the understanding needed to devise a plan for capturing or creating a healing methodology for others but do not be too sure as our understanding of occultism is yet indistinctive.

For each of you there is a process that is uniquely yours but today we will focus on defining exactly what it is that healers do in a more general way.

Healers occupy the majority of their session with integrating themselves with the patient. In other words, they try to become the other and in this process they discover themselves or what they are not. Let me illustrate:

Whenever you work with someone you should regulate your breath to integrate first as souls and second as people. Once you have accomplished this, you will know that once you receive energies in various parts of your field that are not yours.

Let us talk about this field now. There are four fields to consider that we have to become sensitive to:

  1. Vital Field:

What energies are available here:

Energy of Physical Vitality:

  • Solar Prana
  • Planetary Prana
  • Chakra energy from Transmitting Devas.
  • Elemental energy making up body systems.
  • Lunar energy making up sentient consciousness of vehicles as a whole.
  • Lunar energy making up sentient consciousness of personality.

Sexual energy:

  • Derived from soul body.
  • Derived from physical body.
  • Derived from Spirit of the Earth (on personality level).
  • Derived from others (physical or soul bodies).

Each of these sources represents, in a loose way, creative energy available for form creation.

Biological Energy (gives one a sense of well-being):

  • Cellular energy (Spirit of the Earth)
  • Pranic Chi Circulatory System or Meridian.
  • 7 Sons of Fohat – Chakra or Spirillae System.
  • Polarity System.
  • Internal Healing System (such as cellular and organ reproduction).
  • Body Memory and Communication System

Six Physical Sentient Energy related Systems: (mostly elemental)

  • Nerve force System.
  • Glandular System.
  • Cranial-Sacral System or the organizing active intelligence of the body.
  • 3rd Logos active intelligence of atoms, molecules, and compounds.
  • Ancestral Pathway System (Manu).
  • Genetic Pathway System.

Geopathic Related Systems (related to four inner bodies and related to the health of the planetary fields)

12 Physiological Systems

  • Cardio-Vascular
  • Nervous System
  • Instinctual Sensory System
  • Endocrine
  • Digestive
  • Reproductive
  • Elimination
  • Muscular/Structural
  • Organ System
  • Tissue System
  • Core Energy System
  • Homeostasis

Electrical Energy

  • Atomic .
  • Inter-cellular.
  • Inter-tissue related.
  • Immune related.
  • Molecular proteins
  • Enzymatic

Magnetic Energy:

  • From Physical Body as a whole related to animal kingdom (sexual gender).
  • From Soul Body as a whole (group gender).
  • From Blood Family (family gender).

Ray-related Energy


  1. The Astral Field:

What energies are available here:

Energy of Feeling.

Energy of Emotion.

Energy of Creative Imagination.

Energy of Devotion.


  • The Mental Field:

What energies are available here:

Energy of Concretization of Causative Thought Patterns.

Energy of Analysis.

Energy of Organizing.

Energy of Deduction.

Energy of Mental Form Creation.

Energy of Mental Form Destruction.


  • The Soul Field:

In an effort to understand how to manipulate this field you are required to understand what energies are available here:

  • Energy of active intelligence: this means available soul forms that have knowledge base that can be used to create a mental form for creating our reality.
  • Energy of love: this means that energy which we use or can use to create a relationship with ourselves or another. In other words, all forms in the three worlds are designed to interact in some way.
  • Energy of Sacrificial Will: this means there is a correct method or direction one can take to accomplish a task that is in everyone’s highest good. You might look at this as being in the right place doing the right thing with the right forms or people.
  • Energy of causal body: this means that all people have the ability to use energy out of their past that they have used before, and it is stored in the causal body.

For each of us there is a personal process that gives us insight into another, and we will now consider this:

The first process can be called kinesthetic; it is a process where one gathers knowledge and understanding through energetic resonance.

Second is Audio related where people receive content through sound currents of different sorts:

  • Content of Chakras/Sutratma.
  • Content of Antahkarana (technically considered).
  • Content of Personality Vehicles.
  • Content of One’s Substance – interdimensional as a unit in a larger grouping.

Third is visual where forms and color are seen and interpreted for content.

  • Astral Clairvoyance
  • Mental Clairvoyance
  • Soul Clairvoyance (1st subplane mental) Vibrational images also called spiritual telepathy.
  • Cosmic Sight (3rd Eye—Monad)
  • Atmic Clairvoyance (Relationship to the One Life perceived.)
  • Sub-Ashramic Clairvoyance (using group antahkarana)
  • Inter Kingdom
  • Inner Round
  • Inner Chain
  • Inner Plane
  • Solar Clairvoyance (7th I)
  • Intuitional/Devic Clairvoyance


Fourth is vibration where people receive patterns, and these patterns are related to some knowledge base for interpretation energetically for content.  You must find the answer within yourself, this means you are apt to think that everyone is also within you, but this is not true. If you see yourself as a spiritual being then several perspectives are available to you. First, you need to understand how it is you see yourself. Second you are a product of many lives. Third, that you are also a member of a group or groups.

If we could perceive ourselves as organized beings vibrationally intact and defined then we can touch this with some aspect of ourselves and learn to know it in some way.

For each of us there is a set of patterns, inter-dimensionally defined, that we can with certainty describe because they are within us also; all of these patterns enable you gauge or compare one with another. Each set of patterns can be named if we know ourselves in that way. All patterns recognized are a part of our ability to know ourselves.

Each of these four ways of gathering knowledge as to causation or need have many variations according to the evolutionary unfoldment of an individual.  All of these are based upon the four different bodies available to the average healer.

Kinesthetic to the vital body.

Auditory to kama-manasic body.

Visual to mental body.

Vibration to causal body.

Each of these methods are related to different causes:

  • The next level of development need required by the soul.
  • The most impure body.
  • Karmic relinquishing need for the individual.
  • Service requirement for the group in general.
  • Unfoldment needs of inner senses within a particular body.
  • A particular culture or sub-culture one is born in determines which type of environmental form probably developed. For each of us there is a part we play in society that can be perceived as a way or means of meeting the larger group needs: 12
  • Spiritual and religious support/training.
  • Entrepreneurial
  • Sexual/Sensual Pleasure
  • Psychic Support
  • Caretaking
  • Domestic Services
  • Leadership
  • Protection
  • Agricultural/ Animal Husbandry
  • Entertainment
  • Manufacturing
  • Financial


Each of us determines our future through our ability to gather information from our inner and outer environment. There is basically one way that each of us works in doing this and your success or failure in life is doing this correctly. Also for each of us is the capacity we have created in past lives that provides us with inherent consciousness of causative patterns. These two together define us both as a person and as a soul.  Six basic types of lives or life paths:

Path of Wisdom: This is the path taken by those who serve the larger group.

Path of Perfection: This path is taken by those who strive to master themselves.

Path of Knowledge:  This is the path taken by those who require to understand life.

Path of Love: This is the path taken by those educating themselves on relationships in general.

Path of Beingness: This path is taken by those responsible for gathering experience to find themselves.

Path of Ignorance: This path is taken by those who are ruled by their animal instincts.


There are four aspects of your soul potential that is yours and for a few of you more aspects. This relates to the present level of unfoldment of what is called Soul Lotus or technically—Lotus petal unfoldment (12 Petals):

Want you to have the idea that this petal unfoldment has no predicable order but is based upon six factors basically:

  • Ray of the Monad.
  • Ray of Personality predominating over several lives.
  • Life experience.
  • Cosmological events effecting ones Soul.
  • Needs of the Planet.
  • Type of Karma in terms of: Spirit, heavenly Man, and Humanity’s Real Needs.

We all must accept ourselves where we are and work from that point.  If we know where we are at and our next step forward no time is wasted in living out the experience to determine this. It is a science.

For each of us there is the process of integration which I will define as unfolding our potential according to our three major periodic vehicle (monad, soul, personality) constructs, which we will define now. In an effort to see our way through here to reaching an understanding we might perceive our integration process as being inner and inter-dependent including:

  • Solar systemic unfoldment.
  • Hierarchical unfoldment.
  • Unfoldment of four lower kingdoms in the 3-worlds.
  • Intent of Spirit.

Our integration process is also a product of our Dharma; this means that within the scheme of things we all have various capacities according to Spirit. In a more personal sense, our integration process is a product of our karma.


You will eventually need this information for two reasons: First. as a way to know your own potential in terms of beingness; Second as a way of moving towards determining your position on the path.

For each of us there is a life plan, created by ourselves, that determines the forms we are responsible for creating:

Form of our Persona.

Form of our Devotion.

Form of our Environment (Inner & Outer).

Life Path form or Causal Body form.


Creating our Ideal Form of Devotion:

For all of us there is something we devote our energies to.

I will give you the categories I use to define my Forms of Devotion with some examples:


Physical Forms of Devotion:

Examples to help clarify:

I devote myself to being happy on the physical plane.

I devote myself to honoring my physical body.

I devote myself to having intimate relationships.


Psychic Forms of Devotion:

Examples to help clarify:

I devote myself to the One Soul

I devote myself to the Soul of Humanity.

I devote myself to the Hierarchical Plan

I devote myself to The Group of …..

I devote myself to my subjective alignments.

I devote myself to the Lord.


Occult Forms of Devotion:

Examples to help clarify:

I devote myself to developing various forms of occult vision.

I devote myself to Healing Occultly.

I devote myself to developing spiritual love.

I devote myself to the Soul.

I devote myself to the Ashram.

I devote myself to training others.

I devote myself to organizing my life.

I devote myself to enlightenment.

I devote myself to taking initiation.

I devote myself to integrating my three major periodic vehicles.

I devote myself to the Christ and Sanat Kumara.

I devote myself to Solar Logos.

For each of us there is a way to understand what inspires us:

I have given you the idea of achieving grace through knowing your path and following it. I have also given you the concept of being in the right place doing the right thing. These two together imply inspiration.  It comes down to this – inspiration is literally being in rhythm of the One Breath.


Creating our Ideal Persona:

Through the Development and demonstration of:

  • Characteristics.
  • Qualities.
  • Ideals.
  • Virtues.
  • Values.
  • Tasks accomplished.
  • Alignment achieved.
  • Karma Relinquished.
  • Mandates kept.
  • Mental Organization.
  • Heart Organization.

Through the Development and demonstration of Types of Demeanors related to:

  • Physical achievements.
  • Emotional Purifications.
  • Personality Integrations.
  • Health and Well-being concerns.

Through the Development and demonstration of worldly Gifts, Skills, Talents, and Abilities:

Examples to help clarify:

  • Gifted Healer
  • Gifted Spiritual Psychologist
  • Spiritual Occultist
  • Gifted Teacher
  • Gifted Writer
  • Gifted Public Speaker

Through the Development and demonstration of Beingness Types:

Examples to help clarify:

  • Un-aged.
  • Always present with the Lord.
  • Always aligned with myself and inner groups.
  • Always at Peace.


Creating our Ideal Environment:

In a way we are all a product of our environment, but we need to make our environment a part of ourselves.  For each of us there is an ideal environment that we need to co-create and it is this environment that will perfectly mirror us as souls.

Categories that can be used to define one’s perfect environment:

  • People you choose to be with:
  • Those people which you can assist in some way.
  • Those subjective people and groups you need to work with.
  • Those souls in the outer world that accept you and your life path.
  • Those people you have karmic relations with.

Exoteric and Esoteric Avocations.

  • Things You Study.
  • Things You Write.
  • Your Intimate Relationships.
  • Ideas You choose to Promote.
  • Your Domestic Life Choices.
  • The use of Your Resources.
  • Your Goals.
  • Your Home Related Goals.
  • The Pastimes You Choose for Distractions.
  • The Use of My Time.
  • How You Choose to Honor Others.
  • The Spiritual Relationships You Developed.
  • People You Left Behind.
  • Worlds You want to Travel.
  • How You Choose to Organize Life.

The Type of Psychic Energy You Choose.

Examples to help clarify::

  • I choose to be isolated from people’s personalities psychically.
  • I choose to be inspired by the souls of others psychically.
  • I choose friends who accept me.

As a way to enhance your understanding of this process take some time now to define your ideal environment.

After denoting your ideal environmental characteristics share this with your soul and see what comes through. Take each one on your list and hold it in your body presence in the area of the back of your etheric heart and see what comes of it.

For each of us there is a way to achieve our objectives in a moment’s time.

For each of us there is a way to demonstrate our desired life in a perfect manner.

For each of us there is a way to enlighten ourselves.

For each of us there is a way to ensure ultimate life success.

All of these can be achieved through the help of God or the One Life. All one has to do is actually see themselves accomplishing it and it is the soul’s intent.

The form of the causal Body takes correct shape life to life as one develops each life thesis (Life Path) to perfection and moves on to the next.  We are assured of building correctly when aligned with the oversoul or group soul. Each block laid is represented by the four forces of the personality—symbolized by the four aspects. Each block laid is also symbolized by the three earlier basic forms built to depict a life thesis. All in all, each block gives one a more intimate relationship with life. It also gives one the awareness to find themselves., It also provides a home that is theirs. It also provides a looking glass out on life to determine causation. All in all, it is a way to ground oneself as spirit.


Some additional exercises:

Align yourself with the soul holding the intention of receiving more of these forms (devotion, persona, environment) we are responsible for creating.

Align yourself with spirit and hold the intention of receiving what you need to move into this paradigm.

Allow yourself to understand this above information that you receive from the point of view of one as if they are already liberated from the personality.  In other words, see yourself as being in total control of yourself before you interpret this information—no limitations. Everything that comes in from the inner realms can be interpreted from different levels.  Think abstractly.

Want to give you one more bit of opinion: first of all, we are in process of discovering ourselves and we are quite complex.  It takes time to bring it all through. Never the less what comes through is prioritized and thus apropos.

Ask ourselves two things:

Do I believe in myself enough?

Do I have adequate confidence?

If the answer to these questions is in the affirmative then you are well on your way to success in some area of life.. If not then maybe you can address using the following suggestions.

Each of you need first of all to take some time to answer the following four questions? (15 min for this exercise.)

What level of beingness do I see myself becoming?

What type of characteristics does it have?

What qualities does it radiate?

What gifts does it demonstrate?

Take some time to create this image and build it in the back of your etheric heart center. Once this is complete, take this image project it into the planetary ethers. Now take some time to relate to your souls—go into the silence and just listen with all of your senses. Hold only this intent.

Each of you has taken the time to organize your mind around how to move forward as a healer and also around your soul’s intent. It is time that you received the following information:

  • Your present life thesis from your soul’s point of view.
  • Information from the oversoul it is believed you need.
  • Information from your soul it is believed you need.
  • An overview of your next step forward upon your path.

It would be useful to do the following:

Write down, based upon your level of understanding, how to proceed to develop yourself spiritually and personally.

Also write down the level of beingness you would like to be in.  Describe yourself as you believe you need to be.

List all those qualities, characteristics, gifts that you perceive distinguishes you as a healer.

Go into your mind’s eye and receive whatever it is that characterizes you from the spirit’s point of view.  Try to see yourself as you as spirit sees you as a person.

Now go into your soul presence and ask the following four questions?

What is my purpose on this earth?

What is my resolve I need to have and hold now?

How should I see myself interacting in the world?

How can I improve myself? How can I improve others? How can I assist the One Life? (Basically, these three address the same question from a slightly different point of view.)

Each of you have come a long way in organizing life in this life class or you would not be reading this.  I hope your organizing efforts outpace your own expectations.

For each of you there is an opportunity to see yourselves as becoming organized as a mind according to your Son of Mind’s intent. This is a process wherein one is enabled to see themselves as becoming personality and soul integrated. All of us here are in the process of this happening.

You have been given the idea that each of us who are in this world are smart enough to know or ascertain whether or not they have the ability to know right from wrong in all things—this is not the case. Knowing the letter of the law you must try to live and die by it for the law is our salvation and also our road to happiness. There are many laws the healer needs to align with but the following four are suggestive of the means to success:

Law 1: of invocation and evocation.

Law 2: of dedication to truth before truth will find you.

Law 3: of seeing your life complete before it is.

Law 4: of recognizing others who need assistance.

Be assured of yourself for those around you to be assured with you.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Esoteric Healing – A Personality Healing Format
Esoteric Healing – Some Practical Uses of the Seven Rays in Healing & Service Revised 07/06/23
Esoteric Healing – Some Healing Triangles Defined
Esoteric Healing – A Working Diagnostic Model

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Way of Absorbing Atomic Energy from the Environment

Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access

Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)

Esoteric Healing – A Personality Healing Format

14 Rules of Healing:

Rule 1: The variables needed by the healer to register are fourteen (14)

  • The demands of the healer’s soul.
  • The demands of the client’s soul
  • The Four Lords of karma 4
  • If healer an initiate then the master.
  • If healer a disciple then the group soul Ray.
  • If neither then the oversoul.
  • The guiding angels.
  • The devas if soul conscious.
  • The akashic records on the lower mental plane.
  • The karmic group soul.
  • If a initiate then karmic records also on buddhic.
  • The appropriate inner healing related groups and individuals subjectively.
  • The lunar Pitris.
  • The causal field.

Rule 2: in an effort to secure the outcome desired it is necessary to devise a plan before any healing work begins. This means an evaluation is needed getting the following information: 14

  • Alignment needed.
  • Above participants needed.
  • Overall healing objective.
  • An outline of process (healer’s duties).
  • Time it will take.
  • Special space arrangements.
  • The four participants duties:
  • Participants state of mind and body—what they need to be holding.
  • Participants ideal state they need to move towards.
  • To receive suggestions from healer in process.
  • To bless all participants involved.
  • Any future considerations for further healing or such.
  • Any karmic compensation for healer.
  • Any devic consideration they need to understand.
  • Any special devices needing to be used.
  • Any regulation of life needed by participant.
  • Any special esoteric forms needed.
  • Any special sources of guidance which need to come through.

Rule 3: It is important that the healer perceives himself as an intermediary (substance) between the source of energies/forces and the participant—thus no personality will can be used.

Rule 4: Important that all parties involved be perceived as complimenting each other. Thus, each having a special function and it is understood that they need to work together. Note: People as a rule take much time to descend to manifest and the healing process is an effort to speed this process up. We would like you to know that this process is likened to eliminating one year of life for every 15 minute of a good healing session. In other words, you can live more lives in one body.

Rule 5: The efforts that you put forward to enhance your understanding of any healing session will improve your ability to do healing work the next session in dramatic ways.

Rule 6: The results you are looking for are rarely forthwith as it takes time for the participant to integrate changes in behavior likewise it is difficult handle physiologically much change at one time.

Rule 7: What you should be expecting during any healing session is to have a greater conscious awareness of what is taking place causatively.

Rule 8: In effect you and the participant are healing together each other during the session..

Rule 9: In effect you are trying to achieve some degree of grace.

Rule 10: What is happening in the patient’s life is a re-organization of their personality substance in some useful way reflecting the soul’s need (related to purpose).

Rule 11: What healer and participant are desiring to happen is that the soul on its own plane is invoked.

Rule 12: Need to accomplish is a satisfactory representation of the soul’s purpose in the moment for the participant.

Rule 13: Healer is gathering information during the session and making plans to further ground the healing pattern after the session through re-enforcing the awareness needed.

Rule 14: Healer needs to remember that the patient is not really conscious of what is needed and needs to be made conscious.

A Soul Impacted Impression received in meditation and reified by HZ.

Esoteric Healing – Some Practical Uses of the Seven Rays in Healing & Service Revised 07/06/23
Esoteric Healing – Some Healing Triangles Defined
Esoteric Healing – A Working Diagnostic Model

Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access

Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)

Esoteric Healing – Some Practical Uses of the Seven Rays in Healing & Service Revised 07/06/23

Seven Techniques of Radiatory Healing

Alignment processes for the  third, fourth, sixth and the seventh Rays are focused on per this discussion given there is more familiarity with these techniques experientially other than the second Ray.

Ray 1:

The purpose of this technique is to align with the 1st Ray aspect of the Lodge and this to produce three results:

  1. Form destruction through releasing the imprisoned therein.
  2. To align the first Ray aspect to resonate with the Will of God.
  3. To regulate the chakras to transmit spiritual energies into the environment.

To challenge yourself to see into the future and to witness planetary events responsive to the Manu.

To align the group will to Shamballa.

To order your environment towards meeting your Objectives.

To heighten your Vibration.

To Increase the Livingness of form through renting of the four veils

To organize your life according to the plan of the ashram.

To participate in spiritual festivals.

To heighten your awareness of planetary processes, incoming energies, and outgoing energies.

To adjust to the factor of time in the destruction of forms.

To organize one’s relationship to prophesy.

To house/harness virtue necessary to heal.

To systematically plan a form structure necessitating orientation of humanity to their karma—culturally and ideologically.

To change the face of the planet.

To destroy a branch race or sub-race or race.



Let the dynamic force which rules the hearts of all within Shamballa come to my aid, for I am worthy of that aid. Let it descend unto the third, pass to the fifth and focus on the seventh. These words mean not what doth at sight appear. The third, the fifth, the seventh lie within the first and come from out the Central Sun of spiritual livingness. The highest then awakens within the one who knows and within the one who must be healed and thus the two are one. This is mystery deep. The blending of the healing force effects the work desired; it may bring death, that great release, and re-establish thus the fifth, the third, the first, but not the seventh. EH, pg. 706-707


Ray 2:

To request guidance and grace from the master

To request an interview with the Hierarchy

To enhance subjective control of form

Used to advance to the door of initiation.

Used to train members of the Hierarchy.

Used to educate disciples on the rigors of cosmic destiny.

Used by disciples of all degrees to orientate themselves to the Christ.



Let the healing energy descend, carrying its dual lines of life and its magnetic force. Let that magnetic living force withdraw and supplement that which is present in the seventh, opposing four and six to three and seven, but dealing not with five. The circular, inclusive vortex—descending to the point—disturbs, removes and then supplies and thus the work is done. EH, pg. 707-708


Ray 3:

Used by disciples to clear a path to the cosmic astral plane (hierarchical).

Used to generate well-being in a planetary sense.

Used by all disciples to assist those in pain.

To produce alignment between the 4th and 5th Creative Hierarchies.

To unfold the sacrificial will by the co-creative identification with the plan and the 5th Creative Hierarchy.

Used by Disciples to polarize the creative imagination and produce the waters of life or to heal others emotionally.



Seven Pointed blue Star placed upon a black circle with a green six-pointed star within the inner circle.

  1. Ray Master – Healer
  2. 4th Creative Hierarchy
  3. Causal Body Client
  4. Causal Body Client’s Egoic Group (GA’s)
  5. Keeper of Records
  6. Karmic Representative
  7. Healer’s Causal Body

Twelve pointed Red Lotus with nine larger outer petals and three small inner petals with a small center circle. Represents the Heavenly Man related to the Ray Master in this case.

The healer stands and weaves. He gathers from the three, the five, the seven that which is needed for the heart of life. He brings the energies together and makes them serve the third; he thus creates a vortex into which the one distressed must descend and with him goes the healer, and yet they both remain in peace and calm. Thus must the angel of the Lord descend into the pool and bring the healing life. EH, pg. 708


Ray 4:

Used by disciples to ensure the preparation of warriors of light in the initiation process—from energies coming in damaging vehicles.

Used to take initiation.

Used by disciples to harness the energy of love and use it to advance culture and civilization.

Used by all practicing disciples to arrest their desires for liberation.

To be accepted into the presence of the Hierophant.

To be accepted into another location of space.

To be accepted into the mysteries of the Ashram.



Diamond Shape broken up with 16 smaller diamonds (squares on end).

Large square in center with a red five pointed star at the top and bottom mirroring each other.

Nine Creative Points around the outer diamond shape. #9 is at the center, #1 at the top, client #4, #5, #6 at the bottom, lessor and greater ashram affiliates #8 & #9 on the sides.

Example 2nd Initiation:

1. Christ

2. Ray Master

3. Master Representative

4. Client Heart in the Head

5. Client Heart Center

6. Client Upper Solar Plexus

7. Lessor Ashramic Affiliates

8. Greater Ashramic Affliates

9. Healer as the Guiding Light


Red Five Pointed Star: Represents Sanat Kumara and related Will Sources)

The healer knows the place where dissonance is found. He also knows the power of sound and the sound which must be heard. Knowing the note to which the fourth great group reacts and linking it to the great Creative Nine, he sounds the note which brings release, the note which will bring absorption into one. He educates the listening ear of him who must be healed; he likewise trains the listening ear of him who must go forth. He knows the manner of the sound which brings the healing touch; and also that which says: Depart. And thus the work is done. EH, pg. 709


Ray 5:

To bring into form the principles and laws of Spirit.

To integrate and raise the consciousness of the lessor lives under the impact of radiation.

Used to harmless energies of the 5th ray for creating technologies.

Used to advance science of healing.

Used to alert those interested in healing as to how to heal.



Note: three lines are red, blue and green

Green Six-pointed Star with dual triangles composed of three lines per segment.

Red Six Pointed Star with dual triangles composed of three lines per segment.

Blue  Six-pointed Star with dual triangles composed of three lines per segment.


That which has been given must be used; that which emerges from within the given mode will find its place within the healer’s plan. That which is hidden must be seen and from the three, great knowledge will emerge. For these the healer seeks. To these the healer adds the two which are as one, and so the fifth must play its part and the five must play its part and the five must function as if one. The energies descend, pass through and disappear, leaving the one who could respond with karma yet to dissipate and taking with them him who may not thus respond and so must likewise disappear. EH, pg. 710


Ray 6:

To enhance evolutionary progress

To maximize potential through inspiration or to bring “godly” energies into the planet.

To protect the integrity of a life unit or to increase one’s Life energy.

Used also in the same way in terms of individual.

Used by disciples to see, touch, hear, smell, taste the oversoul.

Used by initiates to assist those who are physically dead to transition inter-dimensionally.

It is forbidden to use this technique for mankind a way to travel to the astral plane—only 2nd degree initiates and up are permitted.



Three blue Orbs within a red circle with a red triangle at center with a green six pointed star within it.

Orb 1 Spirit Field

Orb 2 Solar Field

Orb 3 Personality Field

Red Triangle has three descending lines of energy.

Cleaving the waters, let the power descend, the healer cries. He minds not how the waters may respond; they oft bring stormy waves and dire and dreadful happenings. The end is good. The trouble will be ended when the storm subsides and energy has fulfilled its charted destiny. Straight to the heart the power is forced to penetrate, and into every channel, nadi, nerve and spleen the power must seek a passage and a way and thus confront the enemy who has elected entrance and settled down to live. Ejection—ruthless, sudden and complete—is undertaken by the one who sees naught else but perfect functioning and brooks no interference. This perfect functioning opens thus the door to life eternal or to life on earth for yet a little while. EH, pg. 711


Ray 7:

To communicate with other lives.

To align the various levels within a unit.

To magnetically fuse the greater pattern with the lessor.

Used to travel in cosmic physical space vibrationally out of body.

Used by disciples all over the world to contain for their use devic energies.

Used by initiates to train others in the use of the 7th Ray.

Used to control makeup of matter content.

Used by initiates to enhance their ability to dissociate themselves from their creations.

Used also by initiates to enhance their interactions with elementals.

Used also by initiates to remove from auric field of planet unnecessary forms.

Used in the same way in terms of individuals.



Seven Pointed Star (7-Rays) 7-points placed around a circle and a second circle touches each of the seven points. This outer circle is enclosed within a six-pointed star with the two triangle segments composed with both red and green lines.

Red Star Six Pointed Star

  1. Head Center
  2. Heart Center
  3. Throat Center
  4. Solar Plexus Center
  5.  Sacral Center
  6. Base Center

(Pattern Fuses – Soul)

Green Star Six Pointed Star

1. Healers Causal Body

2 Healer’s Individualized Deva (and its assisting Green & Rose Devas)

3. Clients Ray Master

4. Client’s Causal Body

5. Client’s Kama-Manasic Body

6. Client’s Ether Body

Energy and force must meet each other and thus the work is done. Colour and sound in ordered sequence must meet and blend and thus the work of magic can proceed. Substance and spirit must evoke each other and, passing through the centre of the one who seeks to aid, produce the new and good. The healer energises thus with life the failing life, driving it forth or anchoring it yet more deeply in the place of destiny. All seven must be used and through the seven there must pass the energies the need requires, creating the new man who has for ever been and will for ever be, and either here or there. EH, pg. 712

Composed by HZ. An impression received by a Mental Plane Healing Group Plus Soul.

Esoteric Healing – A Personality Healing Format
Esoteric Healing – Some Healing Triangles Defined
Esoteric Healing – A Working Diagnostic Model
Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part 1)

Esoteric Healing – Some Healing Triangles Defined

Study the Science of Triangles of the Human Bodies.

Adams apple or front of throat; back of throat: AM: 4

This triangle is about one becoming more educated in the use of channeled energy and content from the level of soul. To effective do this requires that one achieves a certain balanced state of mind and body. To do this requires that one achieves a balanced relationship within their astral body.

The organized use of one’s physical body energies requires that they are equipped and ready to work in this fashion. If so, then they can circulate energies from astral body through this triangle.


SP, Heart, Ajna: 3

The use of this triangle is three. The first use allows or permits one to register whatever content there is within another’s personality field. It also permits one to be able to locate subjectively one’s astral grouping. It also permits one to receive from the causal body its content.


Ears, Eyes, Mouth: 8 (5=pointed star)

This triangle allows you to gain perfection over the use of one’s healing abilities in such a way as they always know what is happening. To achieve this, one needs to develop an ability to circulate pranic energies through this triangle in this fashion:3

  • First of all, they need to think of a time in their lives when they were able to be one with God.
  • They need to go back and hold that experience in their memory.
  • While doing this they need to breathe in through their ears while at the same time imagine that the energy coming in is going to each eye and then out the mouth.  Do this as often as you remember and keep your thoughts on god.

Another use of this triangle permits one to systematically register what is being held in another’s soul waiting to come in.

Another use of this triangle is the educating of yourself on how to achieve samadhi. We might give you an example of this: 2

It was only yesterday that we worked on a fellow disciple requiring assistance in registering soul content and during this session we ran energy through this triangle in the fashion given and permitted this energy, once exited the mouth to be used to increase his stamina or his life force in his legs. This permitted him to quiet his body in such a way as to create a continuity of consciousness with the triad. (me to the testicular area)

In another case we generated energy in feet chakras of right foot permitting him to organize his body energies in such a way as to achieve a harmonized being in a personality sense.


Right shoulder, right hand, right foot: 120-4

The use of this triangle permits one to achieve a certain balanced state of mind and body.

How does this work: 3

First of all, it allows those who use this triangle to circulate energy coming in from the soul to either the right side or left side according to whether or not they need form creation or will development.

Secondly, it permits one to achieve a gradient change in energy build up on one side or another permitting a balancing of soul/personality energy to occur. We would like to say impressions coming in from soul body acts as a seed for these creations.

Third, it permits the registering of devic life in these areas of the field.

Another use of this triangle permits the soul to achieve a dialogue with the person—hold both of persons hands align with their soul’s holding the intent of energy circulating in both triangles.

In an effort to see life as a constant stream of events it is useful to perceive life as meaningful to one’s beingness. It I in this way that we achieve a registering from life what we need to make our life work and it is in this way the soul communicates with us.

We on the inner side perceive life as a series of co-created events designed not only to commit ourselves to life but also to arrange life as we need it to be.

Left shoulder, left hand, left foot:

Right knee, left foot, right ankle: 12

All of us on the inner side see life as stream of miracles designed by humanity as an invocative force producing from god what it needs to make this happen.  All of us also see your life in the same way.

In an effort to better understand this triangle we would like to say that it represents a method humanity can use to reach a destination; a destination that can be understood as reaching a plateau impressed by the workings of humanities mind.  All in all, this triangle registers what it is that is required to manifest one’s desires.

We would like to say that this triangle also represents a way to travel as an individual and in this way the energies must circulate before one can achieve one’s desires.

All in all, this chakra combination represents gods’ (life’s) way of determining why.

We have given you this information for the explicit reason that you need to circulate through these points to assist one in grounding their desires and to do this requires that you align with their personality holding right hand on left foot and left hand on your heart.  It is in this way the energy must flow.

All in all this triangle will assist individuals in manifesting their desires in such a way as to put them back into the driver’s seat.

Each of these centers represent different things:

  • Left foot represents a way to travel that will see their desire form be grounded.
  • The right ankle represents the necessity to adopt a diverse stance in meeting life’s challenges.
  • The right knee represents the necessary ability one has to listen to life and follow its guidance.

All of us on this planet as a way to go before we can say we are actually god in manifestation, but this chakra combination will assist us in getting there.

Left knee, right foot, left ankle 12

Left shoulder, right shoulder, heart: 11

  • This triangle is used to assist another in organizing their life to receive energy to be used for healing.
  • It also represents one’s ability to see themselves as being responsible.
  • It also conditions one’s energy field to imitate the souls.

We have been given the idea of being responsible but really do not understand what this really means. 3

  • It means we are capable of making or living our life in such a way as it works for us.
  • It means we are capable of making decisions in our highest good.
  • It means we are capable of receiving from life what we need.

For all people there is a way to travel that permits us to share our gifts with others and this triangle permits us to do this.

This triangle also permits us to receive god’s blessing for others.

There is a moment in time that permits each of us to say with disbelief that we have created a life that is not in tune with our highest good—in hindsight. It is at this time we realize that our decisions were based on half-truths and uncertainties.  We believe ourselves are incapable of making correct choices all the time and this is mostly true for those who are not soul conscious but for those that are their choices are received through this triangulation.


Bridge of nose, front of both eyes, soul: 12

We have endeavored to show you a method whereby you can approach the truth and receive the truth; and it is through this triangulation.

  • This triangle also helps one into the unknown.
  • It also helps one to believe in themselves.
  • It also provides those who master it in terms of circulations of personality energy a way to travel that does not require symbols—visual—vibration.
  • This triangle allows one to register clearly one’s soul’s intent.
  • This triangle also permits one to know without doubt a way to travel in the moment in a given situation.


Left foot, left knee, left thigh: 12

This triangle permits one to register at a distance what is happening in another’s physical plane life.  It does this through the use of registered impressions coming in through astral touch.

  • To become good at this you are required to achieve a certain balance of SP energy with throat energy.
  • To achieve this, you are requiring to achieve first a neutral kama body
  • To achieve this, you must be both receptive and expressive here. ( I am expressive but ot receptive here)
  • To better acquaint yourself to a process that will work for you and others in the healing process you might like to think about this from this angle: 3
  • Allow yourself as healer to align with soul.
  • Next allow yourself to go into other’s astral body and try to feel the other person’s feelings; nest allow yourself to sense what it is that needs to be expressed by them in this way.
  • Imagine yourself feeling as they feel.


Right foot, right knee, right thigh 6

  • This triangle represents one’s ability to sense another’s train of intents and whether or not they are in alignment with the soul. It also represents a way they travel in life at present.
  • This triangle can be used to help others get on the right foot so to speak.
  • This triangle


Above right & left shoulder blades, occipital bone 5

  • This triangle allows a person orientated to the heart to become able to secure within themselves an ability to harness another’s physical body to embody which is in line to their combined soul’s intent.
  • It also permits one to manage how it is that they achieve a sort of integration into the mind and soul of another.  Let me explain: 3
  • Each of these points: 3
  1. The left shoulder blade above is a point that is used lift another up in such a way as they are able to become a puppet of sorts.
  2. Right is a point that is used to enhance areas of the brain that can be used to receive into it is these two points that I dare say are used by others to work through you.
  3. Above neck area below occipital bone is a point that is used to create soul personality relationship.


Three inches above nipples and bottom of mouth at indent 4

These points need to be explained: 3

  • The left nipple area reflects one’s state of mind—kama.
  • The right nipple area reflects one’s direction they are taking in relationship to this state of mind.
  • Mouth bottom reflects the idea that each of us, although orientated towards the soul, have found a way to disregard this knowledge.

This triangle juxtaposes itself to a second triangle that can be described as a means to

2 kidneys, and sacrum area

Middle of right & left soas and bottom of trunk 8

In an effort to see your way through this triangle meaningfulness you should reexamine each of these points separately: 3

  • Right Soas: this point reflects one’s ability to say to themselves I am not yet able to see how it is I am capable of running my own show.
  • Left Soas: this point reflects one’s ability to say with certainty I am capable of running my own show.
  • Perineum: this point reflects one’s ability to receive outside subjective sources that will help achieve whatever one wants to receive.

Each of these triangles are used in healing and you need to understand these spend some time registering them.


Study the art and science of Tantric yoga: 4

What do we mean by this: 4

  • First, we mean we are able to see through the eyes of the soul ourselves.
  • Next, we mean we are able to see through the eyes of any soul its creations.
  • Next, we mean we are able as a oversoul group to see its complete creations.
  • Next, we mean we are able to see the creations of any soul group its creations.

How do we do this: 3

  • First by contacting the soul consciously.
  • Next by integrating our personality with it.
  • Next, by eliminating all thoughts of ego or self.

How do we do this: 6

  • Through registering exactly what the soul wants you to do over time and do it.
  • Through the use of color and sound.
  • Through aligning your centers according to the soul’s guidance.
  • Through educating yourselves in the ways of devas.
  • Through mastering your gifts.
  • Through educating yourself on the art of spiritual occultism.
  • In other words, unfold yourselves.

Soul Impacted Impression Received by HZ in Meditation.

Esoteric Healing – A Personality Healing Format
Esoteric Healing – Some Practical Uses of the Seven Rays in Healing & Service Revised 07/06/23
Esoteric Healing – A Working Diagnostic Model
Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part 1)

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Way of Absorbing Atomic Energy from the Environment

Some Deva Teachings and Feedback on Energy Healing

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Alignment -Assisting Aspirants per Initiation Training

Esoteric Healing – Four Greater Group Alignments

Esoteric Healing – A Technique of the Presence

Esoteric Healing – Technique of Karmic Release

Esoteric Healing – The Soul and The Classes of Solar Pitri

Esoteric Healing – A Short Alignment for Healers

Esoteric Healing – A Technique for Healing Hand and Shoulder Chakras

Esoteric Healing – Some Basic Methodology Suggestions for an Aspirant’ Energy Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Guided Healing Methodology for Baby F….

Esoteric Healing – Useful Information from the Seventh & Fifth Ray Ashrams to Access

Esoteric Healing – A Toxin Elimination Protocol – Body Systems, Devas, and Color

Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part II)

St. Panteleimon the Healer
Nicholas Roerich Museum - St. Panteleimon the Healer

Esoteric Healing – A Working Diagnostic Model (Revised 03/11/24)

This discussion was revised by adding two additional systems to the diagnostic model – Spiralle and Pranic Delivery Systems. It added additional information on several of the other systems. It also corrected many misspellings.

Introduction of a diagnostic model for the many levels of causative patterns related to health and well-being.  There has been much searching for the link between spiritual levels of being and the physical body. This paper will hopefully demonstrate this link. Many people have not been able to be diagnosed by traditional systems, and many times are mis-diagnosed, causing unnecessary pain and uncertainty.  Saying this, this model includes and respects all other therapy/diagnostic systems finding a valuable space within a more universal model.

We will demonstrate the insolvable link between consciousness and matter depicting the relationship between classical medical symptoms and our own psychological belief systems. The real hope for us, and humanity, lies in our ability to perceive the reasonableness of the one life inherent within each and each responsible for its wholistic manifestation in terms of our health and well-being.

The following 14 systems will be introduced, defined, and nascently correlated with each other over time. This is an ongoing unfoldment:

Will/Desire/Intention System                   Electrical Systems

Periodic Body Systems                                Chakra Systems

Polarity System                                            Elemental Substance Systems

Memory Systems                                         Nadi System

Instinctual System                                      Bio-feedback Systems

Expanded Meridian Systems                   Ancestral System

Spiralle System                                          Pranic Delivery System


Potential Diagnostic Format of 12 above body systems:

I. Will/Desire System 32

Sub-Systems of the Will System – I am that I am—All Self

    1. Sub-personality Will
    2. Personality Will
    3. Devic Will
    4. Causal mind (past accumulations of living various lives)
    5. Individualized Soul knowledge
    6. Individualized Soul awareness
    7. Individualized Soul Will
    8. Abstract mind
    9. Buddhic mind
    10. Atmic mind
    11. Hierarchy as a Unit
    12. Anima Mundi
    13. Karmic Group soul
    14. Specialized Egoic Groups
    15. Egoic Groups
    16. Ashramic Sources
    17. Planetary Etheric Content
    18. Planetary Kama-Manasic Content
    19. Planetary Mental Content
    20. Guiding Angels
    21. Humanity
    22. 5th kingdom
    23. 6th Kingdom
    24. Monadic System


Recognition of relationship between pattern and freewill – three exercises.

  • Go into your heart presence and hold intention of where your will is focused.
  • Lay down and bring in sacred experience and relive and write down experiences.
  • Partner—isolate a friend’s source of intention to their major health issue.

All people given their environment have equal freewill to move in a direction and over time creates a point of destiny. This point of destiny choice creates a point of health and well-being. And this choice enables one to learn (fate) from these decisions.  We now have the choice to create learning through setting up scenarios to test points of health and wellbeing.

What aspect of will do I need to identify with now for my highest well-being and those karmically around.

The relationship between mind and will needs to be understood. They manifest together as two polarities — will is equivalent to manifest and positive and mind is equivalent to manifest and negative simultaneously.  All mind content will reflect the originating element of self will. These two together produce self-awareness. We want you to continue your self analysis here and isolate your day-to-day points of self-awareness where you are with your will/desire mind context.  Make a list here.


II. Electrical System: 24 (5 planes) (65): (12 Planetary Logoi—positive/negative)


Molecular Proteins




Immune Related


This system is basically our communication system.

It is the system that regulates all bio-chemical activity and all molecular activity.

It is this system that requires us to meditate to remove the many disturbances in our fields as we sleep, work and play in these.

When we meditate or contact the soul it re-balances these energies.


With each will/mind context that we identify with there is a corresponding life flow through our fields; this we call electrical stimulation.  Let us now bring in a higher quantum field of will/mind by focusing on those subjective peak points of livingness to get a real sense of their electrical or fohatic nature.

Get a sense of how this creates changes in your field—physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. (even with food intake).

Electrical stimulation translates into points of motivation that should reify a direction in life corresponding to will/mind content based upon karmic path constraints.

III. Periodic Body System: See further below for this breakout. Moved to the bottom due to its length:

IV. Chakra Systems

This system is responsible for us becoming conscious beings. If it was not for this we would be just rocks. This system is responsible for us becoming able to achieve procreation

This system has its origin in the individualization process and its perfection will mean our liberation from the human kingdom.

It is important that you understand this system is the major system used in healing.  It is the one which will provide the esoteric healer with the following: 12

    • Access to all other components of yourselves (bodies).
    • Access to all internal forms (forms created in bodies).
    • Access to all components of forms.
    • It will also provide you a way to access all physical systems. It does this through a process which I can not discuss.
    • It also provides us with necessary knowledge as to what we are doing on all levels.
    • It also provides us with a way to achieve our dreams/objectives through its proper development.
    • It also provides us with a way to communicate with all life forms.
    • It also provides a way for us to extricate ourselves from:
      • Exterior harm.
      • Miscommunications from others.
      • Those that want to use us in some way.
    • It has the ability to create whatever we need in our lives in terms of personas, ideals, beliefs, thought-forms, healing energies.
    • It also has the ability to assist us create in our lives the ability for ascension.
    • It also has the ability to see that we are liberated in the blending and merging process.

Major and Minor Chakras:

A. Major Chakras:

  • Head
  • Heart in Head
  • Ajna
  • Alta Major
  • Heart
  • USP
  • LSP
  • Spleen
  • Sacral
  • Causal body reflected/Hara
  • Base


B. Chakra Harmonics & Viability Propensities 22

(Note: It was difficult to provide a vocabulary for this analysis as you will see.)

  • Form(s) Enlivenment Propensities: Needs to be a particular (voice/form) identification with different aspects of one’s levels of intentions which produce more or less enlivenment—relates to #1 above or “will/desire” category.


  • Inner Chakra Sub-plane Rhythm Propensities: Any one voice-identification is optimum with one voice or if there is inner conflict between different levels of your being-ness then rhythm suffers.


  • Chakra Directional Momentum Propensities: Back to front and front to back produces the appearance of right- or left-hand spin. Front to back—from backside: counterclockwise: overly identified with subject from ego centric point of view. Clockwise or right-hand spin – under identified equals shut down.


  • Chakra Speed/Acceleration Momentum Propensities: Chakra made up of front and back entry cones/circles, center plate, and two connecting cones. A, B, C:
  • A: Receptive to or not.
  • B: Accepting.
  • C: Holding or Integrating (light activates chakra and causes it to spin in same rhythm. Find an image to integrate well-being.)


  • Variation of Forms from Archetypical Pattern Propensities: Pertains to a person’s willingness to be themselves (in this case solar plexus (SP) analysis one’s true personality self).


  • Substance Compatibility Imposition Propensities: Archetypical pattern substance needing to be blended or fused into existing chakra mass (chakra’s distributed substance); (We just did that above and now checking). Need one to keep remembering who they are. Did an 18-keynote compatibility for Mary’s SP image. Each life needs the development of sequential thesis for soul’s purpose—health and well-being.


  • Imposition of Inner (back) and Outer (Front) Chakra Synchronicity Propensities:
  • Imposition of outer form/image Propensities:
  • Imposition of Inner Form/Image Propensities:


  • Transformational Propensities: Difficulties in moving towards ideal in terms of chakra transformation—taking on properties mentioned above. Hold ideal and see what difficulties encountered in nature of chakra when apply above qualities/characteristics.


  • Transformational Integration of Architype/Intention-Form/Pattern Propensities: find ways of holding image until it works; must keep rechecking until chakra meets ideal functioning (attachment to outcome prevent correct type of substance to enter into chakra).


  • Intention-Form Viability in Transposition Propensities: Pre-mature/resonant incompatibility/overly isolated/indistinct/over-compensated/direction of substance entering field:


  • Chakra Intention-Form Transformational Capacity Propensities: See if it does or not; 12- reasons it does not: 10 of 12 Isolated conceptually:
      • Chakra field needs more 1stth sub-plane matter.
      • Chakra mass needs more pliability.
      • Frequency of chakra mass too low—more personal aspiration.
      • Between front/back is inadequate to hold group intent.
      • Chakra inner walls are not delicate enough or too substantial thus refinement of one’s feelings.
      • Chakra mass/atoms insufficient.
      • More (1st subplane) related to sensitivity.
      • Imposition too substantial—fast which equals non-resonant allowing.
      • The matter of chakra substance has too many impurities—glamours, etc.
      • Synchronicity between plate and chakra opening is not conducive due to a belief system: 1. Example: I do not open myself up to you unless I had a reason too—”I let myself be dishonored now you must honor me”


  • Will-Patterns (formless) Impositions Propensities: (HHM/HHF): Capacity needed to impose these patterns effectively into chakra mass: What enhancements do you need to make in your life now. 400.
    • There is an ability to bring water element into space 12 water ceremony 4x per week; bath in watercolors; circulate watercolors through body.
    • Formulate life plan.
    • Registering of impression from group soul—karmic group.
    • Isolate karma immediately you can relinquish.
    • 26 spiritual values to embody:
      • I am Thou art.
      • I am the One in whom you must trust to Be with you.
      • The journey is long, and I am tired, give me comrades I can find comfort in.
      • I have been able to find you, yet you avoid me.
      • An organized mind is present when the soul is home in fact—don’t trust what you get unless the soul is present.
      •  the movement of people is precise when the Word is heard.
      • The never-ending journey begins at Home and ends at Home—in a comfortable place—all journeys should begin & end in a comfortable place.
      • the way the truth lies beguiles us all—the art is in the presentation; the truth of the future begins today—you will not find the future until you find today.
  • Imposition on Inter Chakra Synchronicity Propensities: Change Effect of the archetype on all the other charkas—Major Priority is the left knee—total change in emotive direction. What chakra do we need to work next in order to effect a change in grounding the pattern at hand? Will/will petal is reflected in left knee (take this to the beginning).


  • Viability Response Imposition Propensities: This response is in terms of the effected changes observed in all the charkas #13 above on the chakra at hand i.e. SP; this is only dealt with once you take all others charkas changed through list above (we projected the model above into the future).


  • Chakra Purpose Imposition Propensities: Effect of the ideal soul life purpose pattern imposing itself on this chakra.


  • Comparative Imposition on personality mental/emotional/etheric/vehicles Propensities: Effects on different parts of being.


  • Physical Healing Probability for Imposition Propensities: Body System verification and then go to body systems.


  • Chakra Development Needs Propensities can relate to #11 if capacity not adequate.

C. Minor: Meaning determined by point in evolution or development: Right-extroverted; Left-introverted but after first initiation-subjective/objective.

  • Left Eye Chakra: (AP) perception; (s)elf knowledge (includes knowledge of others)
  • Right Eye Chakra:
  • Right Nostril Chakra: spiritual telepathy; kama-manasic telepathic; etheric telepathy; receptivity to spirit; receiving the essence of form discrimination between all things.
  • Left Nostril Chakra:
  • Right Ear Chakra: pathway to the unknown; pathway to interior; receptivity to self; receptivity to others; conscience; need to change plans.
  • Left Ear Chakra:
  • Left Shoulder Chakra: Responsibility; adaptability; resourcefulness; readiness.
  • Right Shoulder Chakra:
  • Right Hand Chakra: giving/receiving; interaction; healing; creativity; exchange centers.
  • Left Hand Chakra:
  • Front Pranic Chakra:
  • Back Pranic Chakra:
  • Left Foot Chakra: Quality of sacrifice/sacredness; quality of grounded-ness; position on the path of Life. Represents a way to travel that will see their desire form be grounded.
  • Right Foot Chakra:
  • Left Knee Chakra: introverted (direction, movement towards what is sacred)
  • Right Knee Chakra: extroverted; right knee represents the necessary ability one has to listen to life and follow its guidance.
  • Left Elbow Chakra: need recognition; degree of acceptance; protrusion into inner; strength of the inner heart.
  • Right Elbow Chakra: need recognition; degree of acceptance; protrusion into the outer; strength of the outer heart.
  • Left Kidney Chakra:
  • Right Kidney Chakra: degree of openness to self; ability to have integrity with Self; ability to be alright with self; degree of synchronicity with others.
  • The right Ankle represents the necessity to adopt a diverse stance in meeting life’s external challenges.
  • Left Ankle:


Compensatory (Catalyst) Variations in Substance (8):  All major charkas work through minor with consistent shapes in minor charkas. Chakras represents one dimension of our self/being and is an indicator of our sense area of self.

Substance Flow Compensator: Measures variations in related major chakra movements between inside and outside and compensates for idiosyncratic movements of major chakras. Each minor compensates in a consistent way (creates a different shape) over the field of the major chakra: The knee–dime shaped; Foot—penis shaped; shoulder is conical shape. The intent is to compensate for incoming substance’s inability to make a connection to plate which first creates a suction like effect on plate which makes plate be able to be touched by substance coming in after the Guiding Angels (GA’s) create an artificial stream of light-like substance where connection was not made.

Desiccate: desiccates substance coming in to better assimilate into vehicles (because substance cannot enter effectively related minor chakra desiccates stream into elemental essences and re-unites them in vehicle field in original pattern—like Star Trek transporter–Law of Compassion

Compensator for Intrusion: In vehicle but because not compatible has to be compensated for—law of rationalization. Once this intention substance is entered it is placed in vehicles in correct area (enwombed) to later create intended form for self-expression.

De-Generative: Must deactivate existing karmic forms, which are occupying space new archetype needs to occupy.  Energy withdrawal from old form over time and used more in alignment with soul intent in new form of self expression.

Executive: Withdrawal of apparent resources and the development of better resources (from or for other aspects of self-expression that don’t work in resonant with new substance pattern; Process of fine tuning those resonant relationships

Arbitrator: Between different forms of self expression; it becomes the monitor for lines of communication

Limiter: Limits resonance of self-expression to desired intended substance (effect of not being in resonance is quirky, idiosyncratic behavior).

De-Maddener (Group Integrator): Social integration-refinement


V. Polarity System (3-fold personality) void/non void (22); points not areas

    • Trunk front back
    • Legs front back
    • head-inside/outside
    • head vs rest of body
    • body back & front
    • trunk—R&L
    • legs—R&L
    • right shoulder left hip
    • left shoulder right hip
    •  right knee right foot 10
    •  left knee left foot
    •  two feet to middle of collar bone
    •  two hands to dentein point
    •  two kidneys at adrenals to soul point
    •  two breasts to soul point
    •  shoulder blades to soul point (self manifestation emotionally/heartfelt)
    •  shoulders to dentein point
    •  medulla protrusion point at (grove above) to RL cheek bone
    •  top of head to soles of feet
    • sternum to inside ankle bone
    • tip of nose to two eye sockets (relationship between spirit, soul, body); relates to 3rd I;
    • back of knees to perineum (relationship between triad & three-fold personality that interfaces with karmic lord on monadic & cosmic mental: perineum point=salvation of substance; relates to requirements for 4th initiation
    • Others not for publishing.



VI. Elemental Substance Systems (24)


  • 1st subplane of Logoic (brain awareness of cosmic Logos ensouling first four subplanes)
  • 6 lower sub-planes of Logoic
  • Body of Ezekiel (7-fold differentiation); (solar Logos brain awareness first three subplanes of monadic)
  • Atmic Subplane #1 (brain awareness of planetary Logos on first three subplanes)
  • Atmic Subplane #2
  • Atmic Subplane #3 Virgin Mary/Eve/Isis Garden of Eden
  • Atmic/Atmic (substance built into triadal body—Christ body)
  • Atmic/Buddhic
  • Atmic/Manasic
  • Buddhic-Atmic
  • Buddhic-Buddhic
  • Buddhic-Manasic
  • Manasic-Atmic
  • Manasic-Buddhic
  • Manasic-Manasic
  • Substance of the Antahkarana (connection between forms/forces to originating sources)
  • Triadal Permanent atoms
  • Jewel
  • Substance of three mysterious inner petals (HM)
  • Substance of sacrificial will petals
  • Mental Permanent Atom
  • Substance of Love petals
  • Astral Permanent Atom
  • Substance of Knowledge Petals
  • Physical Permanent Atom

Form: 144 Grades of Elemental Substance

Grades can be defined as composed of various types and amounts light content, clarity, and receptivity.

Mental: 98 Grades




VII. Memory system 22

  1. Cell Memory (creation of genetic propensities).
  2. Bio-computer Memory System (many body systems; PEMPS, etc.)
  3. Personality/Soul Memory (Causal).
  4. Physio-ethic Brain Memory (normal brain memory).
  5. physiological body systems resonant memory (whole systems not in cells)
  6. Body Polarity Memory System: Way energies are held conditioned by life experiences such as Sex polarity has to be de-conditioned with changed partners or problems arise.
  7. Memories held by others about you.
  8. Sub-personality Memories.
  9. Resonant Event Memory: Resonant with prior similar events and stored in Expanded Meridian System.
  10. Group Soul Memory: Group Causal Body.
  11. Monadic Memory (Monadic Permanent Atom).
  12. Past life Memory.
  13. Racial Memory.
  14. National Memory.
  15. Ethnic Memory.
  16. Resonant Substance Memory: Personality vehicle substance used by others.
  17. Physical Animal Body Memory.
  18. Animal Kingdom Memory.
  19. Vegetable Kingdom Memory.
  20. Between Lives Memory.
  21. Substance of Planetary Lives Memory.
  22. Substance of Solar System Memory.


VIII. Nadi System: (22 or 12+10 dual minor chakras) Related charkas flows – congestion or stimulation: Life, prana, all higher bodies, circulate through the nadi system.

See the post “Esoteric Healing – Nadi System & Nadi Points.”

IX. Instinctual System: (24): Same as Electrical Categories

  • Atomic .
  • Intercellular
  • Tissue related.
  • Immune related.
  • Molecular proteins
  • Enzymatic


X. Bio-feedback system: (12) Animal, Human, and Spiritual instincts within each of the four personality vehicles.

    • Mental
    • Emotional
    • Etheric
    • Physical

This system controls the biological timing necessary to correct mistakes made in our life. Biological Clock System:

This system is activated each time our bodies become invaded by an exterior force. This force could be any number of things. For instance it could be anything making a dis-harmonic impact upon our awareness based upon our belief system. It is difficult to know for sure how an exterior force from us will effect another thus it is useful to be cautious when dealing with others and the karma you might create would not be necessarily understood. In other words if affected present or future behavior than affected the other’s various health systems and karma implied.


XI. Meridian System (Expanded): 8 Subsystems.

  1. Heart/Small Intestines
  2. Gallbladder/Liver
  3. Kidney/Bladder
  4. Large Intestine/Lung
  5. Stomach/Brain
  6. Pancreas/Spleen
  7. Governing Vessel/Triple Heater
  8. Other Related Meridian systems 12
  • Assimilation (Alimentary) Pathways (Forehead)
  • Intention (Ductless Glands) Pathways (Knees/substance pulled forward)
  • Kundalini Pathways
  • Memory/data Pathways (right side of body—minor chakas)
  • Lower Dimensions Related Functions Pathways (below threshold of awareness from last solar system)
  • Karmic Pathways (fingertips)
  • Expanded Genetic Pathways (entry point above belly button at center)
  • Elemental lives Exchange Pathways (Alchemical Breasts)
  • (Do at a later time when the universe allows)
  • Holographic Pathways (GGL paradigm/Milky Way); (Perineum entry point)
  • Devic Access Pathways (4 entry points on both sides of neck—four levels)
  • Energy Reserve Pathways (governing vessel entry points)

This system protects us from not only our inner physical environment but also from outer environment.

It is this system which we turn to for balancing on a diurnal basis.

It is because the life stream flows through this system completely every 24-hours.

It is because of this we are able to keep alive for each meridian is subject to much abuse from inner and outer sources.

Example, suppose you woke up this morning with a headache; what is the cause?  it was because your liver-gallbladder meridian was stressing out. Headaches are almost always caused by this meridian imbalance. This has not yet been proven but might be at some point.

The cause for this imbalance could be related to many things in does not matter it is only important that this meridian be balanced.

How do we do this first of all we must find the points requiring either suppression or activation. Next we must determine how to suppress or activate them. There are four ways of doing each:

    • We can use either touch including needles, fingers, rubbing, or electrical.
    • If we need to rub it it would be good to do it in circles—clockwise for suppression; counter-clockwise for activation.
    • If we need to needle it it would be good to do it at the correct depth.
    • If we need to touch it it would be good to visualize energy circulating in clockwise or counter-clockwise.
    • If we were to use electrical then it would be good to know how long and correct voltage.


XII. Ancestral System: Family Streams: 12 family function types (Vocation/avocation)

  1. Power/Status
  2. Opulence/Wealth
  3. Knowledge/Genius
  4. Harmony & Peace
  5. Resourcefulness/Ingenuity: 7 Categories with Examples
  • 5.1 Public Servants; Politicians
  • 5.2 Teaching; Psychological Counseling; Societal Organization-social awareness; Restaurants
  • 5.3 Entrepreneurs; Financial; Athletic Organizations; Athletes; Salesman; Prostitution
  • 5.4 Artistic Organizations; Artists; Lawyers; Judicial Organizations; Show Business
  • 5.5 Scientific/Medical Research; Food Industry
  • 5.6 Shaman Healers; Religious Organizations, Social Welfare.
  • 5.7 Industrial; Agricultural; Military, Corporations; Construction Trades; Medical Organizations; Publishing; Body Workers; Recreational
  1. Loyalty/Affection
  2. Magic/Creativity
  3. Karmic Group Family
  4. Egoic Group Family
  5. Human Family
  6. Hierarchy Family
  7. Planetary Family

These represent levels of soul desired integration for one’s life purpose for unfoldment purposes; thus, producing societal health and well-being. When integrated they also depict a balanced function between individual and group (front/back chakras).

Want you to be aware that people will resonate with one or other of these types according to life karma they are responsible for addressing.  Like to add here, that each of these forms represents a possible curtailing or ending of a karmic pattern and thus one can move from group to group in any direction based upon their particular karmic path with some end objective.

Once one is able to understand the function each grouping has in relationship to the whole the better able one is to fulfill his duty and end karmic affiliation—this happens in circuitous stages.

It is apparent that many people appear not to be expressing the family function/qualities in respect to the greater whole; it is because they are not yet shouldering the duties and responsibilities it symbolizes.

To register now your family grouping:  Go into your heart and get a sense of belonging to a particular group.


XIII: Spiralle System:

This system protects us from self harm in that it prevents us form doing anything to move us from our life path too far.

What does this mean it means we are able to make decisions about those things that matter to us and are not bothered by those that do not.

It also means we are patterned through this system.

This system is an evolutionary one and it determines whether we are a saint or a devil in potential.

It also determines whether or not we are able to be successful or not as it symbolizes our personality bodies’ potentiality.

It also determines our success in life in different areas as it provides all forms of group karmic potential.

It is this system that grace comes through or activated to change ones life potential.

It is this system that in effect is the essence of ourselves as human beings.

It is this system that corresponds to the third aspect of the soul.

It is this system that we evolve slowly over time as we unfold our awareness of causation.

This system cannot be approached energetically by the personality working alone and unaided by the soul.

But it can be approached in healing if one is connected to both the soul and spirit.


XIV: Pranic Delivery System:

This system is 7-fold. It is 7-fold because it relates to each of our seven dimensional bodies. It also relates to sub-bodies as well (etheric. astral, mental, manasic, buddhic, atmic, monadic).

It is important to have a sense of this body as pranic healers for you will need to if you work on the bodies other than the physical/etheric.

It is this system that is responsible for the continued existence of all the bodies and its sources are basically three:

  • The Spirit of the Earth
  • The Spirit of the Sun
  • The Spirit of the Local Logos

Each of these types of prana can be manipulated in healing work.

Each of them work on all the bodies.

Each of them when combined will produce perfect health and wellbeing.

Each of them is an aspect of either of personality, our soul, or our spirit.

Each of them are responsible for certain types of life.

All together we can call them Prana as they are not separately distinguishable except to those who can function as all three life forms consciously.


III. Periodic Body System (42 Related Systems – 12 Herein):

    1. Physical
    2. Etheric
    3. Etheric Astral
    4. Kamic-Manasic
    5. Mental
    6. Soul mind
    7. Abstract mind
    8. Personality/soul body
    9. Causal
    10. Buddhic
    11. Atmic
    12. Monadic

Physical Body 12

  • Cardio-Vascular
  • Nervous System
  • Instinctual Sensory System
  • Endocrine
  • Digestive
  • Reproductive
  • Eliminative
  • Muscular/Structural
  • Organ System
  • Tissue System
  • Core Energy System
  • Homeostasis

Personality/Soul Body (levels of being) 22

  • Egoic Lotus
  • Ego/ego: I am-that much of form expression that the self identifies with
  • Mental Sheath Lunar Life.
  • Kama-Manasic Sheath Lunar Life.
  • Astro-Etheric-Physical Sheath Lunar Life.
  • Integrated or Integrating Personality Life
  • Major Integrating Subpersonalities
  • Minor Integrated Sub-personalities (the way we develop & organize these are related to values held)
  • Psycho-physiological fragments or foundation of subpersonalities developing (the way we organize expedient presets)
  • Instinctual Life of substance of personality sheaths/lives (much unconscious represented here includes all historical ensoulments experience).
  • Elemental Lord of Mental sheath
  • Elemental Lord of Kama-Manasic Sheath
  • Elemental Lord of Astro-Etheric Sheath
  • Elemental Lord of Etheric-Physical Sheath
  • Elemental Life essence of Mental Field Form Content
  • Elemental Life Essence of Kama-Manasic Field Form Content
  • Elemental Life Essence of Astro-Etheric Field Form Content


Astral Body Form Destruction System 8

This process of demonstrating astral awareness is the central focus of this solar system in the earlier solar system it was the creation of lunar lives; in this one it is the expansion of their awareness. It is important to add here that we are objectifying a process that cannot be objectified.

Astral Body Elemental Lives Acquisition—used to build the astral body over time.

Each person is a product of the quality of elemental lives inherent within their sheath—in terms of feeling potential.

There are those among you who have spent their whole lives destroying forms only to create better ones to express through and it is this process of destruction we are covering here.

It is important that you retain a theoretical perspective as to this pseudo-science for it is in its infancy today. Much more will be known once the race develops its occult vision in the 7th Root Race.

There are masters that see this process as registering things which have no relevance or usefulness to one’s existing state of consciousness and this is true. We are exploring only in general to assist in our understanding of the true healing process and the interdependence of lives.

There are those processes that require only devic inter-facing and this is one of them our focus as healers is upon the consciousness and not the forms consciousness takes.

We are obliged by these live forms and their sacrifices permit us to evolve in consciousness without having to create the forms to do so.

We are also obliged by them in the respect that they respond to our will and thus our intentions as healers are significant.


Etheric Body Formation System 8

The etheric body is created from an astral prototype that was created in 7 forms for the whole of humanity during individualization of the third root race.

It was then that the 7 heavenly men took bodies and created man as he is now known. It was also then that humankind was modeled after Venusian Humanity. It was also during that time that the various lives that were used to create the etheric archetype were gathered up from earlier evolutions to be built into these bodies. It was during that time that the heavenly men’s archetype for humanity was also brought from Venus Chain.

The etheric body is reformed each life through a process of mantric formulas. These formulas are used by the heavenly men through each individual soul. They are determined by many factors, four of which are:

  • Monadic Ray
  • Quality expressed from previous life.
  • Genetic Streams
  • Expected Group Related Contribution


Mental Sheath Substance Replacement System 6

There are those among you for your whole lives who have been replacing your mental body substance with new substance every time you take a course of study. With each new understanding comes a gradual refining of this body. It is important that we continue to refine this body assist is the one that will eventually unite us with spirit, and it will do this through merging into the higher and higher minds. There are those on this planet that have developed their minds along unusual lines and there are those that have perverted the mind towards black magic also. The types of elemental substances that can be built into the mind are many and I have included an earlier chart as an example.


Personality Creation (In terms of the Group Soul) System 8

The incarnation process is much more complex than we are capable of thinking but never-the-less our attempts to understand it will be rewarding. To begin with incarnation is based upon cycles of Lives coming into manifestation and going out. The history of ideas is in reality the history of these great lives coming in on the rays and then leaving. One day, A.A.B. says, that history will be written from this point of view. I do not think it will be that long away.

As these Monadic Rays cycle it causes groups of lives upon those rays to cycle with it and those individual units likewise.

When we are called into manifestation as a soul, we believe it is because of some individual reason and we rationalize it according to our causative understanding.

Likewise on a group level. The particular group soul one has affiliation with as souls creates the stage for the group expression and all individual characteristics are integrated according to the group’s real needs, based of course on several thousand variables.


Causal Body Communication with Personality System 8

The personality and its bodies are in reality an extension of the causal body as the fingers of the hand. Each personality’s life has its roots in the causal body and is fed from it. Many past lives are on record within the causal body and all communication with the personality form the group is through it. You might look at this as being an extension of the group causal body and group as an extension of humanities.

Communication takes place through the permanent atoms. These are a collection of vibration patterns correlating with the chakra system. Each of these spirillae correlates with a group of chakras.

There are ways in which the conscious causal life communicates with the personality. I will mention eight of these in their relative order of causative interaction:

Through the chakra System

Through the Cell Memory System

The Hormonal System

The Instinctual System

The Personality Forms Creation System

Lunar Pitri System

The Energy System

The Nervous System


Personality Conscious Awareness Evolution System 8

Evolution of consciousness is the focus of this solar system from an Ancient Wisdom Teaching standpoint. It is this process that all lives are pursuing. What does this really mean? In terms of healing, it means that we are moving towards an ultimate state of beingness regarded by our higher self as Ideal. It also means we are moving away from a less Ideal and towards a greater sense of Well-being. In terms of health, it is disputed still the relationship between our beliefs and physical health. But for us in this room this is all we think about.

Evolutionary consciousness or causative awareness growth takes place in these fashions—representing various life forms within one: 8

Son of Mind awareness (solar Pitris)

Personality awareness (lunar Pitris)

Mental sheath awareness (includes kama and elementals)

Etheric-vital awareness (feedback system)

Chi awareness (energies and forces); (Planetary/solar/cosmic lives)

Instinct awareness (animal becomes slowly spiritualized) (feedback)

Physical Brain Awareness

Bio-logical Awareness (Devas)

Evolution of Causal Body System 6

Throughout the many lives we are building the causal body. It is through the process of creating unique qualities and characteristics that we give shape and color to this entity. Every series of lives produces a greater beauty and specific gravity. With each level or chakra unfoldment we likewise create a reflective action on the permanent atoms and spirillae. This also causes our soul body to unfold in terms of classical petals. This process can only take place at the level of manifestation in which we have created a sheath.

Enlivening Process of Causal Field 8

If you imagine that the causal field is an intricate part of the planetary casual field, you will have a better tool for understanding this process. A good visualization is a spherical mass surrounding the planet completely connected by golden triangles—geodesic sphere. This planetary causal field is a replica of our own. It has 12 petals and also three layers. It houses all causal bodies of both involutionary and evolutionary souls. It is ensouled by a great Solar Pitri.

Group Soul Interfacing Process with Planetary Logos 6

Each ray group soul has a particular part to play in the creation of the earth scheme. Each scheme is ensouled by the planetary Logos of that scheme. Each scheme also has a Monadic Ray focus. Each scheme has representatives of all Ray Lives within it.

Divine Soul Interfacing Process with Solar Logos 6

The divine Soul is that entity which we can allude to comprising ourselves as divine beings and is an expression of spirit. This aspect of ourselves can be better understood if we perceive it as being a part of a higher kingdom once fully identified with—Nirvanees.

Atma-Buddhi represents a higher life form and in essence is a part of a different Creative Hierarchy evolving with us. Atma-Buddhi is also considered to be the Soul on its own plane as it is called.

Divine Soul Group Interfacing Process with Seven Solar Systems 4

Atma-Buddhi can be perceived as existing in groups according to divisions we are not going to cover. It is important to have an understanding of this as it implies those who are undergoing more advanced healing. It is also important to realize that this integration process happens or begins from the moment we step on the path.


Systematic review of worlds existing knowledge and understanding related to energy healing.26

The world is changing and in are changing with it do not be surprised when you wake up some day you will not recognize yourselves.  We are gathered here today to present top you several new ideas that have not seen the light of the world for some time.  These ideas are brought to your awareness for they are now needed by you for your very survival.

Each of you in the three worlds perceive yourselves as entities composed of various forms of substance or light qualified by consciousness but for us you are merely projections of yourselves animating space. Each of you also provide a way to achieve your desires as a soul and in this way interact among each other according to some group related plan. 4. The first idea we would like to give you is that your worlds have no substance at all as they are a collection of forces circulating within the body of god giving the appearance of reality and of existence for each of you are innate within this body of god in very particular ways. To begin with your souls are aspects of gods physical expression which can best be correlated to a human beings’ meridian systems although not exact.  Each system is composed of several thousand points and these points are individualized souls. The total number of meridian systems composing a human being, although believed to be 12, are in reality more (see above).

These basic 12 are the major ones and these can be subdivided in many ways. For each of the many points there is a corresponding soul grouping which we compose individually.  For each of us there is a symbolic corresponding point on the human body that represents our intended purpose in terms of the One Life of Divinity.

Many qualities are available to the ray group soul during the formulation and creation process.


These can be classified in these formats:

Sub-race of major root race and branch race of a sub-race. There are 32 major ones in use today. These provided below have the most evolutionary tendencies.

Example 1: classification according to Subrace and branches 8

  • 5-3
  • 5-5
  • 5-7
  • 6-3
  • 6-4
  • 6-5
  • 6-7
  • 7-2


Example 2: Classification according to Race-Subrace-Branch Race: 7

  • 5-3-7
  • 6-3-5
  • 6-5-3
  • 6-7-4
  • 6-7-1
  • 7-2-3
  • 7-2-1
  • This above example gives this person very futuristic ideas.

Example 3: Classification according to major Branch race substance in their personality sheaths: 6

  • 5-3-7 4%
  • 6-3-5 10%
  • 6-5-3 9%
  • 6-7-4 8%
  • 6-7-1 16%
  • 7-2-3 13%
  • 7-2-1 14% total 74%


This above is a general representation extant today but there are other mixtures (26%) of substance from other branch races along with blending and merging.

Sub-plane Matter: There are 18 general types which make astral plane matter sensitive to one or other sub-plane matter types within the range of personality existence.

Example 1: This person has these predominant types in his astral body sensitive to these sub-planes. P = physical sub-planes, A = Astral sub-planes, and M = Mental subplanes:

  • P-7 0
  • P-6 6%
  • P-5 8%
  • P-4 0
  • P-3 4%
  • P-2 7%
  • P-1 10%
  • A-7 4 %
  • A-6 8%
  • A-5 8 %
  • A-4 5%
  • A-3 8%
  • A-2 8%
  • A-1 1 %
  • M-4 5%
  • M-3 6%
  • M-2 4%
  • M-1 8%

This chart is not accurate and only represents one way to think about it as this is not yet a science and our ability to understand this is only in the initial stages—it is not based upon evolution status. We believe you can get a fuller understanding if you hold that for each of us there are types of elemental lives built in to address these following aspects:

  • Karmic necessities.
  • Avocation.
  • Contributions needing to make.
  • Life Purpose.

A general evaluation of this example above would give this person the ability to interact and understand most people and would also allow them to become responsive to both high and low ranges of vibration.

Color: (gives sensitivity to the environment)

Chakras of Humanity

Circles of Light


Sub-Ray & Ray (3 examples)

Example 1: Physical, Astral, and Mental Bodies’ Sub-rays of group Soul Ray which means the group Soul controls these bodies in some way.

  • P-7 3rd
  • P-6
  • P-5
  • P-4
  • P-3
  • P-2 1st
  • P-1
  • A-7
  • A-6
  • A-5
  • A-4
  • A-3 4th
  • A-2
  • A-1
  • M-4
  • M-3
  • M-2
  • M-1

Composed by HZ. Impressions received in Meditation.

Esoteric Healing – A Personality Healing Format
Esoteric Healing – Some Practical Uses of the Seven Rays in Healing & Service Revised 07/06/23
Esoteric Healing – Some Healing Triangles Defined
Esoteric Healing – Some Introductory Theory and Exercises (Part 1)

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Elijah the Prophet

Healing and the Devas – A Brief Summary

There are basically twelve orders of Devas but these are composed of many sub-orders and the ones most available for Guided Energy Healing related work are six (6) sub-orders.  First of all not all Devas are self conscious beings but work in groups under the inspiration of the “Divine Mother”.  They are a product of what we might call divine intent and are responsible for the ensouling of all forms we create.  There are also highly evolved self conscious Devas who have gone through the human kingdom evolution and transferred onto a unique path such as the Individualized Devas.

The six sub-orders of Devas that can be sought for healing purposes are:

  • The Colored Devas
  • The Physical Body Devas
  • The Guiding Devas or Soul Body Devas
  • The Solar Pitris
  • Devas of the Lower kingdoms
  • The Individualized Devas


The “Colored Devas” are enumerated according to either Gold, Gold-White, Blue, Green, Rose, Violet, Violet-Lavender, Violet-Light Purple, Violet-Dark Purple.  Each of these groups corresponds to a different plane of activity related to the human inner bodies.  Green relates to the mental plane, Rose relates to the emotional plane, Violet relates to the vital-etheric plane.  The other colors relate to the higher planes.

The “physical body Devas” are those beings innate within our cells and organs that ensoul the elementals that compose them.  Each of these can be communicated with in a variety of ways. Once a healer can do this they are in a better position to evaluate there needs.  It is important here to have the idea that each of these Devas, although not self-conscious can and does respond to human intention.

The “Guiding or Guardian Angels” or soul body Devas are those aspects of ourselves we identify with in terms of our conscience.  They are responsible for our health and well-being while we are in incarnation.  They are also responsible for protecting us and later for abstracting us from our bodies.  They are also responsible for many other things also too technical to review here.

The “Solar Pitris” are those aspects of our selves innate also within our soul body and there are various classes of these.  Each of these classes is responsible for providing us with different levels of self-consciousness.  Our expanded development and more inclusive self-consciousness which is a process that takes place slowly over a series of incarnations.  The solar Pitris assist us in this process of self development and produce over time a greater development and integration of our various personality constituents.

The “Devas of the Lower Kingdoms” are a diverse group of Devas with many classifications.  Those of the vegetable kingdom are the most useful group and are used in many remedies we normally call essences or extracts.  Each of these Devas can be used in many ways.

The “Individualized Devas” are very advanced and are considered god-like.  They can not be invoked or directed but only obeyed.  They have vast understanding of life processes of every sort and are advanced members of the planetary Hierarchy.  These “Devas” were once human.

All of these six groups can be approached safely once one becomes soul conscious as it is the soul that cooperates or invokes assistance from them.  It is also the soul that is responsible for all healing that takes place within the personality fields.  The soul itself is group conscious and this permits its ability to wisely provide those types or quality of healings necessary for its creation or the personality.

The responsibility of the soul is to create its reflection (the personality) in its own image.  It is also the soul that is responsible to create these necessary karmic forms required to gain experience and master life as the soul intends.

The Lords of Karma are an inherent part of all substance, they are responsible for what can and what cannot be created or destroyed according to basic principles and formulas.  It is these Wise Beings that indirectly direct our evolution in a way that protects the whole and is integrative with the Purpose of the Divine. They need to be contacted for more advanced initiate ray healing techniques.

Spirit determines what forms will meet the larger groups real needs as well what co-created events are necessary to demonstrate God’s Will within humanity as a whole.

Healing is a process of expanding conscious awareness of our Self and the not selves that make up our forms.  Over time we identify with more and more inclusive forms until eventually we realize that what we are creating is not ourselves but what we express through.

Healing can be understood as being also the very cause of evolution itself.

Composed by HZ

Esoteric Healing – A Devic Healing Session Example
Esoteric Healing – An Experimental Gold-White Deva Healing Form
Esoteric Healing – Six Golden Deva Related Healing Forms