Spiritual Guidance & Logoic and Human Mind-Brain Functionality – An Unfolding Theory & Exercises

The manasic and concrete mental body guidance in terms of etheric body and brain functions  – An ongoing theory proposed.


What does it mean?

This topic, if pursued, will assist us in eventually understanding the direct relationship between the manasic and concrete mind and its reflection – the etheric body and brain in terms of guidance. It will also depict a symbolic relationship between the Logoic Mind (Uranus) and Logoic Etheric Brain (Saturn) and the humanity’s manasic and concrete mind and etheric body and brain. This topic is also an opportunity to alter or reflect on some concepts as to what is responsible for the organization potential and nature of some mental vehicle – your own, humanity’s or the Planet’s.  It is a most interesting line of thought although complex given its hylozoic and symbolic nature.

A particular type of group related mental body structure can be understood as reflecting a particular manifesting function of Humanity’s mind; as well as Humanity’s mental body structure reflecting an aspect of the Logoic’s Mental Body. Various groups of lives on the cosmic physical plane can be understood to symbolically relate to His various Brain functional areas in expression depending upon their point in evolution.

You might perceive this as an opportunity to sense those brain related functional sections or components in reference to your understanding of the human etheric vehicle which is given as being a direct reflection of the concrete mind vehicle just as the physical body is a direct reflection of the causal body. These reflections are extremely significant in respect to spiritual guidance possibilities and potential.

If one is a student of anatomy and physiology one can take the many known brain and nervous system related components and functions and unfold a useful model of the mind’s function and its organization. (60)


This might begin to make sense with a few examples:

This first brain function example is related to the nature of the inner psychic senses used to access subjective information. These are discriminated so-to-speak or sensitized to by the etheric-physical brain functional areas related to the physical brain centers processing the inputs from the eyes, ears, nostrils, and mouth centers.


This next brain function example is responsible for notifying you that guidance wants to come in to be recorded. (5)

  • This is the area of the brain around the pineal.
  • Another area is the entire brain surface through the fluid which surrounds the brain.
  • Another area is the Vital Aires which is located above the physical brain in the etheric.
  • Another area is the cavity in the back of the roof of the mouth.
  • Another area is in the area above the roof of the mouth.


This brain function example is responsible for receiving information from the external environment. (6)

  • This takes place through the skin located throughout the body.
  • It also takes place through the nape of the neck.
  • It also is through the nerve ganglia in solar plexus.
  • It is also in the area of the auric field related to the astral body linked to etheric=physical.
  • It is also in the area of the auric field related to the mental body linked to etheric-physical.


This brain function example is responsible for protecting you from inter-dimensional subjective phenomena. These are the etheric webs between centers.


This brain function example is responsible for creating awareness. Which consists of the entire nervous system and/or nadi system plus.


This brain function is responsible for the overall organizing of your etheric-physical brain.

This is called in occult lore the chakra system. Basically, from an abstract mind space reference point it is the Ray Groups.


This brain function example is responsible also for interfacing with others internally. These kama-manasic forms or lives as an example dialogue with each other. Basically. these are sub-personalities or lunar lords.


This brain function example is responsible for receiving from the Heart or One Soul. This is called in occult lore the permanent atoms of the various sheaths.


Each person reflects their evolution and development within their own brain function components.  Over time they evolved those same functions of the Logos over the course of the seven races with more advanced functions being embodied and manipulated by devas until human units can replace them. In other words, groups of human souls in manifestation symbolize and actualize the brain functions of the Logos.

Once in the latter part of the earth chain and rounds certain human units will not be able to act as primitive brain functions for the Logos as there again will the devas take over.

There are many devas now working with the Sons of Mind to better play their part in this latter endeavor.

You would be wise for participants to understand the brain function representatives among humanity depicting who is playing what function in the new age in 500 years. As participants what function do you expected to play in this especially moving into the New Age. Can you locate within the brain of god your particular functional niche.


You must remember that this is only relative and is based upon present known propensities.


Exercise: (14)

  • Tune in to your heart and listen.
  • Praise yourself as a Son of Mind.
  • Move deeper into your heart presence sensing your breath becoming very shadowy.
  • As your breath becomes more and more nonexistent say to yourself.

Hallowed be the Lord.

  • –His Name is upon my Lips in Praise in breath
  • –Hallowed be the Lord out breath
  • –Unto his name we give praise
  • –Hallowed be the Lord
  • –His gift is the way
  • –Hallowed be the Lord
  • –His talent is the creation of the World
  • –Hallowed be the Lord
  • –His treasure is the Heaven worlds
  • –Hallowed be the Lord
  • –My service is in His name
  • –Hallowed be the Lord
  • –His Grace is ever-lasting
  • –Hallowed be the Lord

At this point allow your awareness to drift too wherever.

Remember this one thing which is do not permit yourselves to become aware of the outer world or environment.

Just be present with your heart awareness and what is coming through also from the Brain of God.


Exercise 2:

Blow into your heart this image of the master I am going to give you. (12)

  • The master is perceived as being a sphere of brilliant light.
  • The sphere of light is perceived to be radiating streams of light of every hue.
  • Within the sphere of light are two hands, a face, two eyes, two ears, mouth and nose.
  • The eyes are of a rosy purple.
  • The palms of the hands are fiery orange red.
  • The face is angelic, radiant, radiant hair like substance on head.
  • His composure has a compassionate understanding ambience with pensive demeanor. Image also has translucent skin and narrow jaws.
  • Each hand is in a different position—the right is on his chin as if receiving subjective information around his thoughts.
  • The left is placed upon your heads as if giving a blessing.
  • The rest of his body is not seen.
  • Hold this image in your hearts sensing its presence there energetically.
  • Receive whatever it is he gives you and write it down as usual.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.




Nicholas Roerich Museum - Mother-of-the-World

Three Major Archetypes – Probationary Initiate – An Example

An Example of the three major levels of image archetypes pertaining to the three periodic vehicles (personality, soul, and spirit).

These archetypes depict the potential nature of the three major periodic vehicles due to their related quality and nature of those created forms and formless forms being produced through them.


M (Male):

A parallel door swinging open in towards the left.

A parallel door swinging open in to the right.

A man viewing both doors.

Wearing blue (soul devotional) socks.


F (Female):

(Letting out light to soul slowly beginning to radiate.)

Lighted triangular cave opening up with three doors on top.



HM: (Higher Male):

Blue color (soul body color)

Three circles forming a clover triangle—Soul body with sacrificial will petals showing while hiding love and knowledge petals.

Long Stem (triple stem)—life thread, consciousness thread and creative tread

Funnel shape stem goes into top of head.


HF (Higher Female):

(Quickly bringing in knowledge from the Unknown)

High speed funnel






HHM: (Higher, Higher Male):

Emerald green box four sided representing first cosmic path.


HHF: (Higher, Higher Female):

(Need to follow letter of the Law.)

Prayer Wheel—with handle on both sides–Means letter of the Law.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Lake-of-the-Nagas.-Kashmir

Spiritual Guidance – For an Aspirant – Life Purpose Intent Pattern & Exercises

Sources: Souls and Golden White Deva (4)


Introduction to Life Purpose/Intent Pattern

Life would be better for you if you sacrificed working relationship with four peoples now in your life:

These four people should not be in your life at this juncture. Two of these are relatives and two are so-called friends. Each of them needs to be examined as to their relationship to you spiritually and economically and realize two things: these friends are using you for a variety of different reasons. Lo and behold you would be free to pursue your spiritual life and leave these realities be.

It would be good to examine just what is your spiritual life you need to pursue, and this can be composed of four different categories as well as in initial six directions you can begin to get a sense of to move into its progressive pattern.

First let us take your polarity healing work and look at this from the juncture of you being safe to pursue this economically:

Second, let us see you isolated in your type of studies pursuing religious studies.

Third, let us see you training in providing pedicures particularly foot care or beatification.

Fourth, see you working in a saloon doing both.



Six Directions: Four of which you can pursue more studies; and two of which you need to log onto the net for research. Each of these are important for your progression into the future planned out for you this life and others.


These following guided meditations are done using the body presence exercise to bring guidance in for yourself:

It would be good to see yourself standing in a crowd of people walking up to those that you notice and see what they have to tell you about you.

Also good to have visited a place in the world you want to go and find there someone to go up to ask why I am here.

Good to see yourself standing in a crowded room with other people around you and questioning them or yourself why you are there.

Also good to see yourself overlooking a great ocean of beingness and sense the direction where an object is coming towards you; and get on this object and notice where it takes you.

It would be good to look at yourself standing in front of a mirror and notice how you look to yourself? What do you see or notice?

It would be good to see yourself standing in a hallway looking down the hall and seeing a door and once entering it look around and notice what you see. Also good to notice who is there with you doing what. Investigate by dialoging if necessary. Also, it is good to notice what is on the wall and around you in all directions.

Your life as you know is about to change. Take to heart what we have suggested to you and exchange your work for the work assigned and all will be better. It would be good to see yourself making these changes within one year from this time and preparing yourself to receive the Holy Ghost more often in your life. Furthermore, see yourself standing with M in doing healing work and preparing others. It would be good to practice alongside of him and encourage you to do so.



Take off your shoes and lie down comfortable; see yourself facing East or head to the East: (4)

Lay on back and visualize in your mind’s eye these things (ways of moving forward in these areas spiritually):

Your parents—get a sense of them and tell them what you always wanted to say to them each. Spend some time doing this and get it all out and not worry about anything. Tell your parents exactly how you felt when they …. (forgiveness required).

Saying I love you softly to your first love and recollecting the feelings you had at that time seeing it in perspective to what you feel now when in relationship and wondering if it will ever again be a part of your life. It would be good to look at this from the angle of you receiving the love you expected based upon what you gave and wondering if it is possible to love again in this way (unforgiving of others who looked upon you not seeing the love you wanted to having placed upon you). It would be good to envision yourself loving others and not receiving the love you expect and knowing they are not capable of doing so and realizing too that they are at your mercy as you see what they cannot. It would be good to see them as you lead them in discovering what their love is and is not and witnessing for them the love they share with you in terms of relationships with them.

Organizing your time to spend studying these topics {500). See yourself studying each evening going to bed with a book in hand and turning off the light and going to sleep. In this way see yourself doing this the rest of this life and more. It would be good to have in hand at all times a book of choice and see yourself reading at all opportunities and be aware of its importance to your spiritual path. Work towards absolute knowledge as the key to success. It would be good to see yourself doing this best by going back to school and taking lessons in geology or sciences of all types and math. Also good to see yourself standing upon a pinnacle upon the road in life witnessing before you the vast knowledge available to you knowing it is your destiny to discover it all treasuring each as your source of strength and wisdom (evolution).



Worshiping God:

Sense a relationship among your various sub-personality selves and witness each as being a product of your involvement in this life. See these as capable of accomplishing certain things accredited to you. It is these things you have shared with us and witness them exceeding in demonstrating your love and in this way cherish yourself.

It is you succeeding in demonstrating the love you believe we all need or want and in this way accomplishing our dreams of seeing yourself responsible and relating in this way in life. Seeing this dream as an inevitable way of accomplishing our love we have for ourselves and others. It would be good to look at this as way of achievement we have discovered in worshiping god. Realize too, it is about you discovering what it is god wants through you to be manifested and in this way achieve relationships with god and with others and achieve karmic grace in this way. It would be good to understand you are afraid of certain things and these fears arise do to past life challenges you have received triumph through awareness somehow and realize too it is necessary to release these fears knowing why they are born or their sources.

These energies and forces have been and are being harnessed by you and in this way you will achieve a progressive enlightenment by investigating and investing in multi-dimensional energies and awareness. This process produces development approaching god in His vastness and in this way love yourself and qualify yourself as god. In this way heal yourself of limitations and in this way let others sere you and you them. It would be good to see yourselves as enlightened in many ways and in serving these ways you provide service for god. It would be good to see yourself as inventing new ways of investing in gods world each time you meditate upon His vastness with in you and realize too it is about you seeing yourself for what you are  and making this your worship of god and realizing too its inevitable gift to everyone.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Himalayas

Our Esoteric Sense – Lives Underlying the Basis for the World of Meaning

Underlying the World of Meaning is a set of Lives coordinating the energies of Existence and it is these sets of Lives that need to be discovered by all of us subjectively and in this way discover the very foundations of ourselves.

It would not be to bold of me to discover that within myself were the set of circumstances prevailing since the beginning of time and that these circumstances were beginning forever to be known and in this way I move forward in discovering myself.

Neither would it be too bold of me to say that within each of us as corporeal beings there is a part of these inner selves that incorporates the whole hierarchy of beingness. In this way we move together towards self-discovery; and in this way we succeed in demonstrating our very Beingness over time as we can understand it.

It would be good to say that our lives are a part of the one set of Lives that circles the vault of heaven such is our developing esoteric sense.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Command of Rigden Djapo
Nicholas Roerich Museum - Command of Rigden Djapo

An Ancient Mantra of Protection

It was suggested to do mantra four times each day to surround yourself in a protective (mirror like silver) light in the morning, at noon, in the afternoon and before sleep. This mantra was used by initiates to protect themselves from evil forces at work to destroy them consciously.


I invoke the hidden Presence of those Keepers of Peace or Watchers looking out upon the solar system, the planetary existence, and the Keepers of Humanity.

I invoke their assistance in protecting me and preventing me from being perceived in any way harmful to anyone.

Surround me in your protective aura that I might persist for another day to serve the One Life.

I am grateful for all things, all peoples, all places, all laws, all angels, all habitats as well as all those that wish to harm me seeing them as necessary in the wisdom of god.

I do not seek justice or wish harm upon anyone, nor in the light of understanding do they need to be but only their truth do they need to hold as it is (karmically) written.

Look upon me favorably Keepers of the Peace.

Under the saddle of the Lord, He rides upon me through the night of time.

Daring great I need to become for the Lord to accomplish His Goals.

Daring great is the Word for all of us as we saddle up those whom deliver us unto the night of time.

Daring great are those in the footsteps of the Lord seeking Justice and Peace for all.

Daring Great are those before the Tabernacle of the Comic Christ being completed within the starry heavens vault.

It is written that before we enter within there must be Eternal Peace without.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Atlantian Prayer against Evil

Obstacles Prepare the Way – A Short Reflection

Future Projection Training Advice for a Friend’s Child fearful of their Dreams or Unknown.

Nicholas Roerich Museum - Study-of-a-Skull

Future Projection Training Advice for a Friend’s Child fearful of their Dreams or Unknown.

It would be good to advance their training in projection in this way:


Have them take some time to negotiate with themself or convince themself they are in control of their dreams or creative imagination drama and realize and hold the truth of the following:

First realize there is no one in the galaxy that can prevent them from doing what they want.

Nor is there in the galaxy any that can harm them.

Nor are there in the galaxy those whose wills are more developed then theirs.

Nor are there any demons or ghosts capable of harming them as they are spirit.

Nor are there any magicians in the galaxy that can harm them as they are protected by the soul.

Nor are there any people wanting to harm them only those who fear them.

Nor are there any people who can help them – only them

Nor are there any other types of life forms other than those they know.

Nor are there any people around them who are protecting them – only their soul and yours.

There is only one person they need to pay attention to other than themselves and that is you and in their case this will not be hard or difficult as they have your frequency.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

A Microsoft AI Image Creation

Ways the Soul Sees its Reflection in the Lower Planes – Some Simple Theory & Exercises

Imagine those around you as merely reflections and shadows being played out as the soul contemplates the physical plane form reality or in other words the soul sees its part as being played out in the astral light of the astral plane and the etheric light of the physical plane.

It would be good to look at this from another angle as well, and this in terms of us as images cast in astral dimensional space by the astral light and in that way we see yourselves as volumes of light reflections as on an astral film and in that way achieve liberation from physical plane identification.


It is important to pragmatism this and ask:

What are those images coming in now that relate you to the soul’s reality or intents; in other words what form(s) of existence do we symbolize to our souls?

What do we need to change for the soul’s intent to be realized through us and the environment?

In what ways are we capable of seeing the soul’s symbol intent being projected as our symbolic existence on the lower planes.

In what way are we able to see the working of the soul’s mind being played out in our lives?

In what way are we able to say we are one with the soul?

Furthermore, are we able to do this with the understanding of the soul’s being?


It would be good to look at this now as a means to receive answers to these questions. (4)

Close your eyes and breath in through auric field a brilliant white light with a tinge of purple.

Next, It would be good to awaken your inner light in the head through a process of meditation on receiving instructions within yourself as to what to do to realize this inner awakening of the light in the head.

Next, It would first be good to visualize you becoming aware of yourself as an astral being and realizing you are a part of the structure of the cosmic physical plane existence. See this plane as being a part of planetary Logos’s Astral life reflected within His Physical Body and realize also it is a part of fluid nature or fluid atoms circulating in His tissues.

It would be good to realize it is only a matter of time before He can transmute this energy into buddhic currents and vice versa and be prepared to receive information on this as it is a part of this study. Let’s begin by saying it is okay to be occultly confused.

Instructive to look at this as a means to deploy your workings of mind to understand further the coherence of a permanent atom.

And realize it is given to you to manifest its likeness to the soul’s dream and in other words see yourselves as the soul’s archetypical image held.


Group Souls: (6)

To enhance your prana content, visualize the sun as having an effect on the etheric-physical body.  The sun in this case being the heart of the spiritual sun.

It would be good to see this as an exercise in presenting the (solar) astral light to (solar) etheric body and receiving directly into brain causal information and in this way bypass the mind.

It would be good to look at this as a means to see yourself as the soul sees you occultly at times and composed qualitatively of colored light interacting in the three-worlds and also sees you as an etheric being interacting in the physical world. We tell you this is the real way that souls see you and senses you.


It would be good to picture yourself as the soul looking in on your sheaths to do this requires you to concede to the idea of looking at yourself in these ways (two of which you have).

Looking through a blue light at the crown of your head seeing your bodies all at once.

Looking at your mental body through the ajna center through gaze of indigo light. This is done through aligning as before but looking through blue light out ajna center and recognizing information coming towards you. Imagine yourself seeing and receiving it occultly and registering its meaning internally. Imagine it is in symbols and organizing it throughlines drawn in different directions and realizing that these lines form patterns and seeing this as causative geometry.

This is an exercise in looking inwardly and perceiving your inner workings and getting used to doing this often to see yourself as the soul sees and realizing your anatomy occultly and realizing your place in the inner world(s). Try to see yourselves working as a soul in incarnation getting a sense of you working on different levels. See yourself as one entity being reflected upon the cosmic physical plane working here as well as above and seeing this happen simultaneously and recognizing you are not any of this but Spirit or the Flame working through the Monad or Spark of the One Flame.

It would be good to see yourselves hanging on a string and realizing it is this string that is placed in cosmic physical plane by some heavenly Man and working through you is His life.

Also instructive to see this as a shoreline of matter responding to the impacts of Thought.

And realize too it is a matter of intent working its way down conditioning substance and working its way down to express itself and working its way down to deliver its awareness everywhere—head center.

It would be instructive to see this as a means for the great escape using the string to climb out the way you climbed in but recognizing everyone around you doing the same things and realizing your way includes others being there with you working together to create the pathway. This is another way to perceive yourself working in the three worlds challenging yourself to understand continuously and correctly; and working to understand and use the knowledge the soul provides you and realizing all is okay as you are the perceiver, the observer, and the actor.


An Exercise:

Mystery of the Astral Light (Read Akashic records):

(Spirit): Concentric circles surround you now.

Peer into them and discover the key to unlock each circle regardless of how difficult it is and you will discover the first incarnation.


The ancient formula for unlocking the circles:

First see yourself standing amongst a field of green grass envisioning the events around you (individual light karma).

Second, see yourself standing amongst the field of green grass peering in towards your back heart looking upon the scenery there (group light karma).

Third concentrate between the bridge of your nose and the end of your nose concentrating upon the person in front of you as yourself.


Other related mysteries needing solved:

Mystery of Law of Karma

Mystery Violet Devas

Mystery of the Coherence of the Atom


How does a disciple stay in contact with other souls: (4)

  • There are those able to communicate directly through concepts in writing translated by the mind and brain.
  • There are those capable of communicating directly with the son of mind in an abstract format.
  • There are those able to communicate with the soul in an ancient language used at some period to communicate with the soul in that related past life.
  • There are those that communicate through automatic writing (Palm and base chakras) interpreting through the concrete mind and brain.


The secret of the coherence of the atom is revealed to the initiate, and he then is in a position to study the microcosm under the law of correspondences in a new and illuminating manner. Similarly, through this revelation concerning the densest part of the logoic body, he can ascertain much concerning the previous solar system, and the facts anent the first round of our scheme. This secret is also called “the mystery of matter.”

At the second initiation “the secret of the sea” is unfolded to him, and through this revelation two subjects of profound interest become clarified to his inner vision. They are:—

a. The mystery of the astral light.
b. The law of karma.

He is, after this, in a position to do two things, without which he cannot work off that which hinders, and thus achieve liberation; he can read the akashic records and ascertain the past, thereby enabling himself to work intelligently in the present, and he can begin to balance his karma, to work off his obligations, and to understand how karma in the three worlds can be negated. The relation of that hierarchy of spiritual beings who are connected with the law of karma as it affects man is demonstrated to him, and he knows with first-hand knowledge that the lords of karma are no myth, or symbolical units, but are highly intelligent entities who wield the law for the benefit of humanity, and thus enable men to become fully self-conscious and self -reliant in the occult sense, and to become creators through perfected knowledge. Alice A Bailey, Initiation Human and Solar, pp. 169-170


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.





Microsoft AI Image Creation

Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – Coherence of a Permanent Atom – A Secret of the Path

Source: A 4th ray sub ashram grouping of the seven ashrams.

Approach us by ascending seven (7) times around your sheaths and in this way can achieve a correct alignment and preventing others from being there.

It would be good to re-awaken your head center and to realise how to do this relies upon our life motto—living life sacredly. Realize those around you are depending upon you for guidance and realizing it is spirit guiding you towards becoming aware of the significance of altitude as being the most important advantage you have to do good work/service and realizing one’s place in the scheme of things regarding being in the flow and seeing yourself as a brother or sister under one father and realizing you are not alone; thus, concern yourself with the needs of others working with similar objectives.


Coherence of an Atom: (140)

Organization of the Physical Plane Atom in terms of you being able to achieve faster rotation on its axis 400,000/time (Deva).

There are those that believe you can achieve enlightenment if you could speed up rotation of the atoms velocity and realize thus things faster as opposed to slower.

It would be good to see this as an exercise in relative consciousness and relative activity. Realize it amounts to really wanting to change; as well as really wanting to see yourself as something different and this in a way which is positive.

Useful to see this as an exercise in adjusting one’s sheath karma as well as one’s life karma and believing it is so. It is a belief that one can do better and believe in themselves as doing better in ways not ordinary to them and believing they can be an actual different person. Believing it is so, does not make it so; but believing god can make it so does, and in a way they are correct as you know.

It would be good to see yourself as altering your paradigm and adjusting your karma thereby and thus re-organizing your perceptions as a form of adjustments and seeing things around you differently and therefore altering potentially the permanent atoms.

It is instructive at times to see yourself as a master and see this in particular ways and altering in general your abilities to reflect this. This requires the  altering of your methods for achieving this; and overlooking things not over looked before and thus seeing yourself in a world completely different.

It is necessary to look at ways to accomplish this with what abilities you have now and expand on these abilities and reality as well. See yourself as altering your future and past and seeing yourself as a being of light and goodness instead of a worker in the light.

It would be good to have an idea of receiving information around altering the permanent atoms through the process of altering awareness and seeing the link between the two and seeing the connection within yourself as this is the goal here.

It would be wise to realize it is just a matter of endeavoring to see as we see and change the patterns before they form and realize it is possible to do this mentally as well as causally.

It would be wise to see this as an example of you pretending to be what is intended for you to be and in this process speed up time and opportunity and realize it is in your ultimate good. Realize also it is not impossible as it is just a matter of attempting a few exercises as well as healings from us instead of from your soul so see it differently.

It would be redeeming to see yourselves lying on the floor and taking the time to project yourselves into your soul’s eye and here repeat what is said and in doing this realize you are attempting to fly into the face of probability. It is about you achieving grace as well as long distance training; and realize too it is about you achieving grace from God; and realize it is about us trying as we might to achieve the impossible. It is also about you receiving grace from Sanat Kumara and the Lord of Karma as well as your friends and neighbors as well as you friends from past lives

It would be good to see yourself flying high into the stratosphere doing this and there remaining for the rest of this life and be willing to be taken on a journey into another land and be willing to leave the past there and see these aspects of yourself there for an eternity; thus, in this place leave behind everything you were and come back free. It would be good to see this as a onetime adventure and not possible to repeat as all the remaining time in the world will not make you more ready for this, nor will any master of the wisdom alter your perspective for this or anything  else; just be prepared to have an adventure—do you see you are an experiment. Who will take our place when we leave for this unknown world? You will be as a soul and not as a personality but will be reaping your karma in this other place and beware it is ungainly.

[HZ: Note: The intent here is to have a follow up incarnation in a mental or kama-manasic world focussed on increasing the coherence of the disciple’s permanent atoms through the speeding up of the releasing of karma. One of many processes for the bestowing of grace.]


Some Results Achieved through Altering the Characteristics of a Permanent Atom

There are those that believe you can achieve a greater relationship with spirit if your rotation was faster to align with spirit.

There are those who believe it is possible to achieve levitation if you speed up your velocity relative to that of matter.

There are those who believe you can achieve relationship with the masters if you change inter-dimensional rotation of the atom’s relationship.

There are those who believe you can achieve enlightenment if you can increase inter-dimensional rotation of the atom as well as chakras.

There are those who believe you can influence others out of time if you achieve inter-dimensional rotation.

There are those who believe you can fool the masses if you can increase interdimensional rotation believing you are something you are not.

There are those who believe you can increase your speed of unfoldment if you achieve inter-dimensional rotation speed and balance.

There are those who believe you can achieve enlightenment mentally if you speed up inter-dimensional rotation of all the atoms of your bodies.

There are those who believe you can fly if you speed up your atoms of the physical body through increasing rotation of the atom.

There are those who believe you can fly in all the bodies if you speed up atoms of the sheaths involved through increasing rotation.

There are those who believe (and believe me) one can change their destiny if they sped up their interdimensional rotation.

There are those that believe one can change their importance/influence in the world by increasing interbody alignment through speeding up their body’s rotation on their axis.

There are those who believe (believe me) they can alter their place in hierarchy by changing their relative mass in the world bodies and thereby effect change in the world.

There are those who believe one can fly away to the cosmic etheric if they could alter their relationship to cosmic physical atom relative to their own.

There are those who believe it is possible to achieve buddhic enlightenment if they altered their astral permanent atom to increase its rotation.

There are those who believe you can change the world around you by shifting out of your existing rotation and implementing a different one relative to those around you.

There are those who believe you can change the world around you by reflecting the change internally through altering permanent atoms.

There are those who believe you can change the way you look at the stars by shifting their atomic rotation.

There are those who believe they can change the patterns coming in by altering the way the permanent atoms work in relation to the planets and they do.

They can change matter coming in as streams and alter it according to a new formula preventing world wars or whatever event. It would be goods to understand how this is accomplished and soon; well as see one altering the matter stream coming into our little lives preventing our inner wars.

As well as seeing others believe they can alter history by themselves as they change their perspectives on the way they and others perceive the world around them.

There are others that believe they can change the way the world is made up over night by meditation on it in group format. They believe it is just a matter of organization of atomic spirilla threads which make up the atom itself and alter one alters the other.

They believe they can alter the world in terms of it being a better place to live by altering consciousness of only one person thus changing its effects on the rest of the world one by one.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Some Voices of Humanity – A Full Moon Meditation

Source: Soul of Western Humanity (80)

Prestige is what humanity requires to prevent war among its neighbors. It is created by caring more for others than oneself and letting others know they are taken care of. It is prestige that will prevent world war from erupting in the near future between races or groups of peoples and it is prestige that will prevent the destruction of the world resources base. It is prestige that will prevent war among its people of several lands now gaining a foothold by disrupting world resource distributions. It is the lack of prestige that will mark the anniversary or return to slavery conditions. Prestige loss will produce a civilization collapse.


Ways to produce and increase prestige:

Enlighten yourselves and thus establish relationships with others preventing them to think of you as doubtful in your belief in their god or ideals. Think of yourselves as their emissaries. Believe in all.  Important to remember you are being trained each according to the will of god. See yourselves as serving others and believe they are likewise doing the same and the world will be alright according to His Will as all is in His motion and believing such the world goes on.

It would be good to see the western world needing to exert pressure upon its populus to behave themselves seeing it as a responsibility to be a brother or sister to all and seeing this as necessary to prevent war. See this as a step in establishing a world order of fundamentally goodwilled people looking out for each and all.

Say with meaning I am alive and therefore have a life purpose and cherish this life and purpose.

Say I am not alone in my thoughts, as we are a product of our thoughts and feelings controlling us for good or bad and in this way move forward to teach ourselves accordingly to harness our thoughts for the goodwill of all. Useful to look at this as a way to move forward in looking at all human actions based upon responsibility to all peoples protected in this way from harm and thus little to war about. Realize also that disputes are a way to realize this thought, speech, and action harmlessness is not happening and solve these issues equality for all.



Hierarchical Representative: (40)

Place yourself at risk among your brothers and insist they be responsible for their actions and in this way move forward to prevent world war.

Place yourself at risk seeking justice for all and leaving no one out.

Place yourself at risk by relying upon your soul to guide you in the establishing relationships on its authority. Thus, establish relationships based upon virtue instead of righteousness and base this relating act upon compassion for all living creatures and see this is the way out for all of us and see this as a necessary first step in all world affairs. Look upon this as an avenue or means to escape from a perilous path.

Realize also that national or armed group conflicts can be seen the same as suicide bombers and are and will be increasingly self-justified for some rights sake. See this as an avenue of eventual doom and an eventual witness of earth’s destruction soon as it will not be long before this power will be in their hands. See this as the beginning of the end and witness it as such for nothing else is possible if not stopped.

Witness this suicidal conflict as symbolizing a satisfactory causation for an unjust world and witness this as an alternative means to harness the world’s resources for justice’s sake. And realize too, it is about you working with all to solve the world’s problems leaving no one out as all is important and witness too your doom if avoiding doing such.




Source: (National) Souls of the United Nations (UN): (4)

There is nothing we can do as the power is not really in our hands as our hands are tied by the US.  It is important to add that if we ignore the U.S. they will prevent us from doing anything as well as pull funding and ignore us likewise. It would be good to see the U.S. as the major cause of world affairs and prevent us from working together to solve the world’s problems one by one; and realize also it is the U.S. fighting against us in session and preventing us from seeing the reality of our mutual problems seeing it in only one way and not another. This ungainly influence is similar for other members of the Security Council but less so.

It would be good to resist the pressures the U.S. places upon us and with just cause find ourselves among its influence and put pressure back, but it would be of little value to find such in our prison house of sorts and realize too it is about their just cause every time seeing us as their pawns and not respecting us as equals.

It would be good to see this as a means to erase our consciousness on world related issues and responsibilities and place it in theirs instead; and realize to it is not about honor or justice but about cause. It is not that we are doing anything wrong just not in the U.S.’s way.


Souls of the World Speak with One Voice:

Let us be ourselves as individuals and worship all of us equally – each like another. Yet we see the world as a bad place full of wisdom not applied. We see and fear the lack of equal caring and unapplied wisdom as a justification to destroying us all in god’s name and preventing some resolve from being worked out over time government wise. We see this as inevitable if we do not get it together and we continue to worship each other as economic servants for the few controlling the world’s resources. It would be good to see this as an advantage the rich governments have over the rest and realize to it is about you and I preventing it from happening locally on a daily basis each according to his own karma and likewise preventing it from happening in the world.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


Nicholas Roerich Museum - Stronghold-of-the-Spirit

The Nature of your Divine Qualities, Gifts, and Abilities Determine your Dharmic Way into the Unknown – An Essay

Know yourself and know who is in control are the watchwords of the aspirant. From the beginning of your lives as aspirants you have set examples for others, and it is these examples which have defined you as well as given you your birth right. Since the beginning of your time spent on this earth this life you have succeeded in developing your many qualified energies and forces, gifts, abilities, talents, and skills. This is just a beginning and is where you have always been as well – always just beginning. Overall, you have succeeded in developing yourself to where you are now as well as to the nature of your karma in getting yourself to this junction. It would be wise to prevent yourself from accepting gifts and abilities you have not developed unless you make the time to develop them as opportunity is always short while in body and the difficulty of being here on earth promotes this argument. Overall, you have succeeded in creating yourself as you now are and besides what else was there to do here.  You are conditioned by your past, demonstrated in the present, and predictive of the future.

The Makers of Joy rebound with the development of perfect reasoning as it justifies their eternal life objective. The Makers of Joy express themselves by reaching for the reason for the stars and likewise the seasons for all. It is the Makers that contribute to our development as soul and personality. It is the Makers of Joy that our many gifts are derived from as well as spiritual qualities. They are responsible for deciding our fates. Overall, it is these Makers of Joy that caress and nurture us. These beings are a fragment of the larger Christ that dwellest within all of us. These makers worship the sacred Body of God as it everything for the lives that indwell it. It is this Body that makes up Its Reality, Its Orientation, and Its Home.

It is a statement of fact when it is said that God manifests a fragment of itself in all things and yet remains. This is proven when the brahmic head center opens and kundalini flows light a stream of electrical fire from base center to head center through all dimensions of our three periodic vehicles—monad, soul and personality.  It is this head center that rests back on its creators and represents those greater beings or qualified energies included in its existence as indicated by the number of petals contained within it.

Even though it appears to be finite it is a synthesis of these many lives making up our identity. This identity is not understood unless we, over time, can isolate these individual beings within our Selves. It is understood that the great Science of Esoteric Astrology is the symbol of this for us and our relationship to all of these unknown gods (Energies) that dwell within us hide a greater Being that synthesizes them all.

Our daily lives are replete with many potential experiences that verify this reality although there are few who have developed either the sensitivity or discrimination or unfoldment to verify this. It is upon the shoulders of these giants that we stand to testify for ourselves to the veracity of this truth. It is upon these that have gone before us and has led the way that we can speak with authority of our subjective experiences and to this I verify and am grateful for as reality is the Heart of all existence and the goal of all endeavor. It is this reality that guides us daily into the unknown future as well as making sense of the past and proffers us an amazing journey to the One Life.

Without this pathway we would be lost and confounded. In anguish, our minds tortured by no reason for our existence would fail to live or reproduce any meaning. It is an uncertainty that we can explain and predict the causes for all lives but over time, with each truth verified, we will and as it is said all things will be known.

The very truth that sways us now in the morning with give way to a greater truth more inclusive and more convincing than the day before and if we are awakening in the light than it is so. When we arise each day questing for the cause of our existence in all of its forms then our hearts are aligned with gods. And it is this ageless goal that will lead us to the very heart of it all.

In the morning when I awake my heart directs me to silence myself to its truth and every morning I awaken to the sounds of the One Heart in mind pointing the way sacrificing the noise of the day to its knowingness and in this way the path is more visible and lighted for my footsteps to locate and not easily lose my way. At times I let the noise of the world drown out this silence and thus the Way is lost for only the Voices in the Silence know the Way.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.