Nicholas Roerich Museum

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]



Humanity Soul:

Group Soul

Son of Mind

Manasic Divine Soul


Personality Mind



Humanity Soul:

  1. Liken unto a cradle stemming into spirit besieged by the voices of the unknown.
  2. A master perched upon the mountain’s edge seeing all ignoring none he watches.
  3. A sage witnessing life.
  4. En-glamoured, enjoined, beleaguered, yet aware.
  5. Betrayed by all, loved by none yet loved.


Group Soul:

  1. Unlock spirit’s doorway into the unknown.
  2. Realize this that you are all there is.
  3. Unveil your challenges one by one and master them before your life flows from you.


Son of Mind: 6

  1. Let your ears guide you and your eyes not betray you.
  2. Let your heart be with humanity and your hands sooth their pain.
  3. Open your mind to me and let me guide you.
  4. See yourself as a being of light and not a dark being.
  5. Be prepared to relinquish all in a moment’s notice.
  6. Force yourself to free yourself.


Manasic Divine Soul: 4

  1. Blessed are we who accommodate the Lord.
  2. Fulfilling prophesizes organizes our lives.
  3. Winter snow brings with it silence, being, creativity, and adventure into the unknown.
  4. The dead are awakened in the light.


Oversoul: 6

  1. Endearing they have become, prized also, those around you and with you for they are you in the making.
  2. Secret societies you seek belabored for truth.
  3. All destinies await upon you and for you to create.
  4. Speaks one and all to you.
  5. Brave soldier of the night silent and warned, we await you.
  6. Filled with lore of treasures you race into life.


Personality Mind: 6

  1. Behold a child’s gift before you.
  2. Wrapped in gold I treasure all.
  3. The universe gives up its secrets to those who need them and want them.
  4. The time I have left I give to all.
  5. The love in my heart I sacrifice for all.
  6. I wonder, ageless and unafraid, before all.


Planet – Future Events: 4

  1. Witness in the night propeller airplane crash.
  2. Witness stars losing their life.
  3. Witness a star violating sexually her marriage—women.
  4. Witness schedules being changed in peace deals at the U.N.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

A Short Life Path Evaluation for an Aspirant from Various Sources within the Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Mental Organization Issues Needing Resolved for a Probationary Initiate – An Example

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

Nicholas Roerich Museum

A Short Life Path Evaluation for an Aspirant from Various Sources within the Aspirant – An Example

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


Soul (Guided Angels) of Humanity

  1. Carefully restore balance to the lives of others that they can move forward to discover happiness as well as beauty and wisdom.
  2. Disregard your parents’ will for you as well as others. Spend time studying all cultures and ethnic groups.
  3. Over the head of your soul body imagine a great triangle turned upwards painted emerald-green and in this triangle imagine a four folded cross.



  1. Wisdom is needed by you to contain yourself spend time discovering the purpose for everyone on the planet with will develop wisdom.
  2. Your daily life is a maddening maze of activity; slow down and let yourself imagine you control the outcome of everything or all events.
  3. Isolate your fears, one at a time, and establish an understanding of its cause.


Group Soul

  1. Witness Oy’s dedication to silence and imitate it.
  2. Establish relationships with others based upon purpose instead of righteousness.
  3. Caretaking of others’ souls is needed by you to exert your healing self.


Manasic Divine Soul

  1. Sensitivity development in the ways of talking to strangers would develop within you a relationship with their souls as opposed to their personalities or subs; It would be wise to just observe more; to speak to others requires first to be relaxed.
  2. Realize this, your coming out spiritually in the world is determined by you first accepting the divinity of all including yourself.
  3. People mistake you for a sexy woman as well as a woman needing to be rescued.
  4. It would be better to see yourself as a woman in charge of their life assisting others.


Son of Mind

  1. Looking back upon past lives there is indicated a growing balance relating to others and not so much of self-interest.
  2. Fortune has followed you for several lives, notwithstanding your present debt, securing grace is easy for you.
  3. Over the hill looks good for you although once there it is not.


Personality Mind

  1. I see victory soon, to escape from the past.
  2. I am a soldier of the Lord as well as His advanced guard.
  3. A prophesize the future as I am the lord’s favorite.
  4. I witness the burning of my mistakes drawing me into a hell.
  5. I carry the torch for others like myself.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Mental Organization Issues Needing Resolved for a Probationary Initiate – An Example

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Communications from Various Aspects of the Author to an Aspirant.

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


Special you are but how special is yet to be told.


Let your light shine upon those around you.

See yourself as I see you as a brilliant soul.

Worry not, play not, rest not as you take flight into the Darkness.

See yourself as at one with all, with yourself, and with life.

Assure your Self that you are Coming.

Joyful, beleaguered, unafraid, and determined you need to be.

Take the Heart with you wherever you are or go.

Blended with Soul you will always be with Us.

Your footsteps certain and straight you will be.

Gathered around the fire, a warmth in the starry night I sit.

Alone without your heart in mine.


I gather stones for you to throw.

Upon my back I place them.

Adored I am when my burden is lifted by you.

Every stone thrown lesson’s my burden.


Kama-Manasic Mind:

A pile of dirt you provide to me lovingly.

Dirt after dirt of the sacred earth you provide.

Adored I have become with every pile given and received.

A bright jewel is being transfigured from these piles.

A jewel to wear embattled and triumphant.



Atop a wall I look out each day.

Searching the landscape for your presence.

My body to be nourished by your sightings.

My feeling heart enjoyed.

My mind bathed in your presence.

Each day I search relentlessly.

Until life loosens it hold upon my body.

Until eternity is no more.



Forever holding your hand.

Forever bathing in your light.

I journey afar with you into the night of time.


Concrete Mind:

When I am without you I am with you more.

As I am drawn towards you by your absence.

When I am alone I miss you toughing my physical presence.

Happiness I have because of you, your caring, and nurturing.

When I am alone with you I am content and at peace in my knowingness.

When we are in the world I am protected.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Mental Organization Issues Needing Resolved for a Probationary Initiate – An Example

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction



Nicholas Roerich Museum

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Do you see the world and others through the light of the soul?

Where all personalities are nothing but an illusion.

Where all people are subject to grace.

Where all people know nothing about the life they are living.

Where all people see themselves as needing assistance from god or a higher power.

Where all people know fear more than truth.

Where all people respect life and its blessings.

Where all people can know the truth only through another.

Where all people cherish others over themselves.

Where all people see themselves through the eyes of another.

Where all people react to events instead of knowing why those events exist.

Where all people pretend to know.

Where all people see themselves at the mercy of god.

Where all people come from the earth and not from heaven.

Where all people see themselves as slaves to society.

Where all people pretend to be themselves.

Where all people are educated in values of the world and not the soul.

Where all people pretend to be wise.

Where all people see themselves as educated in all things.

Where all people belief it is their right to know the truth.

Where all people pretend they are human.

Where all people expect life to take care of them.

Where all people believe in others over themselves.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Interpreting spiritual guidance for another prevents them from the effort of getting the truth for themselves and learning thereby. It also prevents others from getting the truth as they need to hear or understand it and thus to truly believe it or own it. The lesson is to never ever give soul guidance or types of guidance unless they ask for it and it should always be from them who ask and from an appropriate level.

Giving others subjective guidance on karmic related decisions they need to make themselves usually prevents others from experiencing the karma from manifesting in ways necessary to learn correctly from it and normally would be against the soul’s intent. Life or the group soul will now have to recreate another scenario for this lesson to be correctly learned.

Giving others the truth related to their karma or reasons for their karma related to past lives prevents one as a rule from experimenting with life and to develop themself depth wise to learn or invoke it themself out of necessity. Thus, they are not able to really distinguish themself in the process as well as not able to really believe you. This is why we each need to discern the truth of ourselves from ourselves.

Those who provide spiritual guidance must never judge (like or dislike) the guidance in any way coming from the client. This suggests that the provider is somehow in charge of or has a preference for the nature and direction of the decisions the client needs to make.

When giving guidance to others it is important to appropriately mirror the negative as well as the positive.  One must be willing to do this, and this is another reason not to give guidance unless requested to along these lines. Mirroring others accurately assists them in seeing themselves and thus knowing themselves in these mirrored ways. This assists the intents of life towards self-knowings.

Providing others guidance about their future event opportunities prevents them from correctly living them out and thus learning from them correctly. Useful to just give others our own related experiences in respect to theirs one is perceiving.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


Speak no more until I come to you to speak.

See no more the world outside of my world.

Register no more except from me.

Bow low to god before you and keep still in His Presence and all will be well.

See no longer your love of home nor your possessions nor your cape which hides you from the world. See no more your love for women as this too is past and realize you are not in control anymore and realize you were never in control.

Expect only greatness to follow in our footsteps. Expect no one to follow except those we send you. Comment not upon those around you to be in step with you as they have chosen another path. Nor practice speaking with them without our consent. Nor witness before you others command but by your own soul you shall speak. Be brief with others by only telling them our truth with justification based upon law.

Seek the guidance of Him that sent you and witness before others His grace upon you and spill His Blood upon you.

And witness for His sake your true affection for others seeing them in your imagination. Recognize them as your own brother/sister and recognize them as following you in your footsteps treating them with respect and honor.

And witness for them your concern and courage to be like you witnessing for them their pasts as well as their futures giving them advice and solitude to reflect on within that advice.

And witness upon them a cross of the heavens which they walk and worship and therefore go out in to heaven and tell them of their futures right and timely as all things in the domain of our Lord God.

And witness before them your concern for them as souls and brethren of the One path teaching them your way and truth and light beholding to them your cross to bear.

And witness before them your greatness as it stands before them and cherish each one of them as your own that witnesses you. See them before you as gathered dust in a storm blowing in spirit and all will be well. See them as participating in your decisions to make themselves great witnessing before their eyes your soul as it stands before the One.

And witness before them your kind way with words bowing before them eternity.

And witness before them our way of truth and righteousness and bow before them in this.

Witness before them your turn upon the cross baring all of them towards the Christ and baring all of them towards the One God, Lord of the World, and baring all towards the One Creator and baring all of them toward the cosmic Logos and baring all toward the cosmic Christ and baring all towards the One Spirit and baring all towards the one Breath and all before the One.

[HZ Note: It would be good to look at what you need to accomplish this weekend before R relocates and see him as following in your footsteps and hold him closely to you for this life and see him as mattering a lot before you leave this place /planet and see him as being substance before your eyes malleable and healed.]


Source: Spirit and Son of Mind to the Probationary Disciple:

As in this way I am in that way and together I move with all standing before Me.

Prying and staying together we move towards Substance Great and praying together we move towards that great Unknown we cherish.

Praying together we seek justice at the feet of Him who knows.

Praying together we seek justice for our sins upon each other and stay together until the Wind blows us apart scattered in all directions back to Him we left.

Praying together we send back in time our healing energy to heal the present and witness before us His Good forever.

Praying together we seek justice for all the sins of our forefathers that they be wiped clean as/so our sons and daughters rise up to greet the Morning Star and rejoice in our baptismal waters.

We pray together that we may be twice blessed from Who that has sent us out and return with many gifts baring gratitude. We pray together to garner our strength to move forward upon the path of true Enlightenment and gather strength from each other’s arms.

We pray together to heal the wounds deep within your individualized womb and gather strength from its healing. We gather strength also form the womb of time and garnish it with our particular flavor of time.

We speak no truth except our own upon our lips and garnish no truth except for ours alone.

We separate ourselves from the battle field of life and leave behind those who have followed after to witness before them the coming of the true time forgotten ages ago.

We come to a time in our lives when all we have known or cared about is left behind in forgotten glory of an old world gone past and remember only the treasures received upon the battlefield of the gotten past.  All other pasts we see not their worth and remembering only the gotten treasures upon the battlefield of life in the early morning cherished as the bird a worm. And working backwards in time we now travel to a forgotten shore ripe with virtue, and reward, and with treasure shore above all else; and treasure shore above all doing and beingness; and thus, treasure more our Being.

And witness before you the ever-widening path to distant shores lost in expansive measures; and witness before you the ever-widening shore line upon which the Great Ones walk. And witness beyond the widening shore line the ghosts of distant pasts walking among you. And witness more the coming of the Wise One as His steps get closer to yours. And witness more the ever-widening path that leads to a distant shoreline awaiting transport to another Shore. And witness more the ever-widening I -Eye.

It would be good to share with R these thoughts as they unfold for you over time to give him a sense of accomplishment and realize he too is upon the battlefield of life walking forward in battles all around him and not seeing them anymore but witnessing instead what lies ahead so speak no more of past, present, and future of the living now before your hearts aflame with reason and good intent and witness before you the everlasting glory befallen each and all who travel spirits path. And journey beyond the narrow gates of heaven’s lore and witness before you the ever-widening path that takes you beyond the treasure as it is before you even now.

[Son of Mind: It would be educational to rewrite these with initiation in mind and cherish the thought of graduation.]


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Spiritual Guidance & Evaluation – A Healing Related Evaluation for a Disciple

Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple

A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example

Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way

The Nature of People in the Light of the Soul – A Guidance Moment for a Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Six Lessons Learned Not to Do in Giving Out Subjective Guidance

Guidance From a Sub-Ashram for A Probationary Disciple

Spiritual Guidance – Mental Organization Issues Needing Resolved for a Probationary Initiate – An Example

Spiritual Psychology – Some Spiritual Guidance for An Aspirant – An Example

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

Subjective Guidance Sources – Group & Individual – Some Examples

Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction

Nicholas Roerich Museum - White Cloud

Three Letters to Self – An Aspirant’s Hopes

I. Letter of forgiveness to those soul-personalities whose paths  over the many past lives I crossed along the way:

II. Letter representing what I hope to achieve this life spiritually:

III. Letter representing a vision of myself as a perfecting adept of service and wisdom:



Letter of forgiveness to those soul-personalities whose paths over the many past lives I crossed along the way:

I hope to be forgiven for not trusting God to make decisions for me, my happiness, and well-being on all levels of my beingness.

I hope to be forgiven for harming all those souls whose life I have touched and have disappointed them.

I hope to be forgiven for all the times I trashed others and God.

I hope to be forgiven for all my improprieties in working with advanced beings.

I hope to be forgiven for all the times I did not trust my guidance and failed to act on its behalf.

I hope to be forgiven for the many times I came into life and did not take full advantage of the opportunities it tried to provide for me.

I hope to be forgiven for all those wasted lives I took without giving back.

I hope to be forgiven for all those times I succumbed to material energies and identified with them for self-centered reasons.

I hope to be forgiven for all those lives I tried to assist others but failed.

I hope to be forgiven for all those many lives I have lived and not for one moment believe it had any purpose other than to forward my own interests.

I hope to be forgiven for misleading others for my well-being and not theirs.

I hope to be forgiven for not developing the gifts I was given.

I hope to be forgiven for not alleviating others’ pain when I have the opportunity.

I hope to be forgiven for not taking into consideration the feelings of others and thus hurting them.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many wrong ways of understanding life.

I hope to be forgiven for sharing with others those things they did not need to know that harmed them.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many virtues I could have shared with others but did not.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many times I let people die and did not assist them.

I hope to be forgiven for all the times I did not suffer but allowed others to suffer for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for all those many times I prevented others from following their life path.

I hope to be forgiven for those reckless acts that endangered the well-being of others who lost their lives.

I hope to be forgiven for all those times I prevented people from doing the right thing for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for telling lies for my sake as well as misleading people for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for the lack of courage I displayed instead of trusting in god to help me.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many times I cheated others.

I hope to be forgiven for all those many times I prevented others from helping me as I did not believe I needed help.

I hope to be forgiven for all those lives I lost my life due to harming others for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for all the sinful things I did for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for all the resources I consumed unnecessarily.

I hope to be forgiven for all the many lives I forfeited my knowledge for my sake.

I hope to be forgiven for all those many lives I sacrificed the greater for the lessor.



Letter representing what I hope to achieve this life spiritually:

I hope to master spiritual psychology.

I hope to master receiving spiritual guidance in terms of hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting, smelling in respect to impressions coming in from universe.

I hope to master capturing of concepts to bring in anything related to the works I was asked to write.

I hope to master public speaking for inspiriting others and doing this channeling any source.

I hope to master my understanding of Sanskrit, Persian, and Arabic

I hope to master spiritual energy healing and working with the devas to heal myself and thus others.

I hope to master writing in foreign languages telepathically.

I hope to master talking to devas in their languages.

I hope to work with the Christ to assist in the carrying out of His Plan for humanity and the planet.

I hope to be at one with the Sanat Kumara in carrying out His Purpose.

I hope to integrate the personality, soul, and spirit vehicles.

I hope to organize my time to achieve all the things I wish to achieve each day and still have time to be joyful and at peace.

I hope to master demonstrating all of my spiritual gifts given to me from those souls assisting me and any of earlier ones I have developed I need to demonstrate to assist others now.



Letter representing a vision of myself as a perfecting adept of service and wisdom:

I hope to envision myself as being one with the One Heart of solar Logos.

I hope to envision myself as perfecting myself in all ways human and as a soul.

I hope to envision myself cooperating with Hierarchy in all ways.

I hope to envision myself being able to achieve complete control over my soul body as well as over my spiritual triadal bodies.

I hope to envision myself as always one with the Christ well as one with Sanat Kumara.

I hope to envision myself as able to understand what monadic Ray group wants each moment from me and my service group.

I hope to envision myself as being in control of those planetary processes I karmically can assist with.

I hope to envision myself as one with all life forms and understand their real needs at any time.

I hope to envision myself as being able to achieve any feat of defense against humanity, hierarchy or the planet from evil sources.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.



Nicholas Roerich Museum - Lake-of-the-Nagas, Kasmir

Subplane Demonstrable Characteristics – Atmic through Etheric (Revised 04/10/24)

After the second initiation the teaching shifts up a plane.  The initiate learns to control his mental vehicle; he develops the capacity to manipulate thought matter, and learns the laws of creative thought building.  He functions freely on the four lower sub-planes of the mental plane, and before the third initiation he must,—consciously or unconsciously,— be complete master of the four lower sub-planes in the three planes of the three worlds.  His knowledge of the microcosm becomes profound, and he has mastered theoretically and practically, in great measure, the laws of his own nature, hence his ability experimentally to be master on the four lower sub-planes of the physical, astral, and mental planes.  The last fact is of interest.  The control of the three higher sub-planes is not yet complete, and here is one of the explanations as to the failures and mistakes of initiates.  Their mastery of matter in the three higher sub-planes is not yet perfect; these yet remain to be dominated. HIS, pg.86


There are yet for each of us unlearned truisms per the quote above.  We do not know what we do not know. What does mastery of a sub-plane really mean? And what different skills are needed for different sub-planes dimensionally beingness? I will attempt to answer these questions and maybe learn more myself. I will begin by listing some general pragmatic or demonstrating characteristics of various sub-planes per my present understanding and also through the assistance by the group mind in a reflective meditation.


Examples of Cosmic Physical Sub-plane Generic Demonstrable Capacities and Other:

(Note: Numbering is from the above down.)

Again the corresponding vortices on the atmic level come into active vibration as the mental centres become fourth dimensional, …” TCF, pgs 203-204.


Atmic Sub-Plane 3 – All-Knowledge

There are those that can know the purpose, source and energy contribution of all beings or entities.

Atmic Sub-Plane 4 Perfection

There are those that can express the dharmic and gift contribution of all groupings of beings or entities.

Atmic Sub-Plane 5 Realization

There are those that can realize and reveal the inevitable results of carrying put the Divine Will of various groupings of entities.

Atmic Sub-Plane 6 Active Service

There are those that are available to carry out the Divine Will of the various groupings of entities identified with and initiate the cause for the Plan.

Atmic Sub-Plane 7 Beatitude

There are those that can identify with various groups of human and non-Human entities and thus resurrect within themselves their Purpose and Bliss.


Buddhic Sub-plane 1 (From above down)

There are those among you that have the gift of sharing the Knowledge and Wisdom of solar Logos with Humanity (energies coming into His vehicles and centers from other Sources as well as those Beings He interfaces with to carry out His Purpose.)


Buddhic Sub-plane 3

There are those that can in a moment’s time know everything there is to know about a thing or situation or event or person or soul.

There are those individuals that can distribute the energies of:

–the seven ashrams as individualized energies

–the monadic sheath

–the threefold triadal sheath

–Angel of the Presence

–planetary Logos

–12 planetary Logoi of the system

–Other cosmic solar systems

There are those among us that can create any changes in the One Plan for Humanity through being successful in their form of service.


Buddhic Sub-plane 5

There are those that can perceive the heart of all things.

There are those among us that have the ability to become one with or envision the Plan of the planetary & solar Logos.

There are those among us that have the ability to perceive the truth of anything.

There are those among us that have sacrificed their lives to advance others along their spiritual paths by taking on their karma.

There are those among us that have the ability to see into the vast future of humanity and other kingdoms to know for sure their eventual destiny.


Buddhic Sub-plane 2, 4, 6:

There are those that can know beyond any doubt the course or direction of any entity to know whether it is the correct direction.

There are those among us that have the capacity to sense the correctness of anything.

There are those among us that can exhibit the correct destiny for the race.

There are those among us that will teach us the real nature of god.


Manasic Sub-Plane 1:

One who has developed the capacity to do spiritual telepathy as a Soul.

One who has developed the ability to see in the light of the Triad.

One who has developed the ability to register from those polarized upon the buddhic plane.

One who will take or has taken the first major initiation soon.

One who will eventually say I am one with the Lord.

One who will or has become integrated with the Ray Group Soul.


Manasic Sub-Plane 2: (7 Rays)

One who has the capacity to vibrate with other members of their Oversoul and to know it as themselves.

One who has demonstrated their ability to see in the light of the Oversoul to assist those around them as souls.

One who has demonstrated their ability to see in the light of the soul and know everything about another person given their knowledge base.

One who has demonstrated their ability to know what is in another’s heart.

One who has the capacity to work with devas.

One who has been given the right to be trained by inner group souls.


Manasic Sub-Plane 3: (7 Ashrams Reflected Here)

One who has developed the capacity to hear mentally.

One who has the capacity to see mentally.

One who has the capacity to touch mentally.

One who has the capacity to taste mentally.

One who has the capacity to smell mentally.

One who has the capacity to know their past lives.


There are on this plane all those human souls (as opposed to personalities or human egos) who have not integrated their personalities either in incarnation or out.

Also, human personalities whose souls have taken the second initiation and are preparing for the third have the ability to align consciously with this vibration.

Technically, Souls with integrated personalities migrate to the second abstract mental subplane although their personalities are not yet polarized there.

As well as the records of all lives on this planet.

There are also on this plane those souls who oversee the evolution of other souls but who dwell upon higher levels.

It is high time we recognized those who have reached this level of awareness as these are responsible for salvaging others legitimately and not those who are only working with personalities. It is important to keep this in mind as you move out into the world to be of service as one cannot help another until they can help themselves.  It is also important to realize that those souls who work this way are never known or seen.

Another group of lives that operate here are those devas (green) who assist in the healing of personalities as well as souls.

Another group of devas here work with the development of the causal bodies of humans. These are the devas whom we call the guiding angels and dwell within the substance of the causal body itself.

There are other devas inherent within the planetary causal body also who dwell here. As well as those lives which ensoul these bodies.


Mental Sub-Plane 4:

On this plane dwells all of those souls in body who have taken the second initiation as well as those who have purified their minds and feelings but have not yet taken this initiation.

Also, upon this level one can interface with all beings who have a mind, and this means planetary beings:

Also, upon this level will be found those masters who are in incarnation. Each of these beings will use this aspect of their mind to reach humanity this way as well as working through astral planes and abstract planes.

Upon this level will be found those people whom can still be contacted after death as their thought form lasts after they abstract back into the soul.

Upon this level can be found those beings who work to create the plan on the earth and from this plan present ideas (NGWS).

From this plane also the masters work to create contact with different groups of minds

As well on this plane there are those evil forces working against the plan.

Also upon this plane are those whom have not yet taken a kama-manasic body.

As well as those whom have developed their minds along these lines.

There are also those beings which make up systemic minds using this plane to alter the future as well as spread their ideas.


Mental Sub-Plane 4 and 5: (7 Races & 7 Sub-Races)

One who has the capacity to demonstrate their relationship with humanity correctly.

One who has demonstrated to others their position in the world; this means they are able to symbolize a world cause or serve in that capacity. It also means they are able to know that is the next step for humanity along some line of work or area of life they have karma in. It also means they are able to see the interrelationships of causation in respect to this area of life and understand real needs.

One who has the ability to know beyond a doubt whether they are on the right life path or not.

One who has the ability to understand others around them in terms of their personality character, values, or basic qualities they are radiating.

One who has learned that all in the world is not what it seems to be.


Mental Sub-Plane 5:

On this plane are found personality minds as a rule.

As well as mental and plane devas.

There are also complex forms related to the sciences as well as all other fields of pure thought.

On this plane particularly there is found the beginning of real interpretation ability of minds as well as the ability to create clear thought-forms.

Also, on this plane are those who are coming into incarnation and have not unfolded a kama-manasic body.

There are also those beings we call human egos. These lower self-egos are a reflection of the higher Ego’s manifesting through personalities while in manifestation.

There are other beings which I do not understand as of yet as well as humans who dwell here while in body.

There are also many thought forms created by humanity one can interact with and not be able to tell where they came from; as well as vibrate to these thought forms they contact.

It is important to understand that all of our thought-forms to be kept alive through recreation and this happens by recreating thought on some topic and over time a huge thought-form is developed from those thinking similar thoughts and this becomes a reality for some group of peoples who over identify with such.

It is also important to realize that all civilizations are formed this way as well as cultures especial the present ones.


Mental Sub-Plane 6, 7: (7 Branch Races & Regions/Nations)

One who has demonstrated that they are not a victim of their emotional reality but are able to organize their feelings.

One who can cheat on tests and yet be on the path—this means they do not need to understand every little thing about a subject—becoming abstracted.

One who has the ability to wrestle with their demons or astral forces of sub-personalities successfully—can dis-identify.

One who can perceive causation as a stream of variables able to be defined and correlated.

One who can open their eyes to the mental world and find a home there.

One who can achieve a mental focus without difficulty and hold it for long periods of time.

One who can achieve a mastery over their creative imagination.

(For myself, mastery of the seventh plane requires that I continue to develop my inner hearing mentally which I did not pursue given I used mental touch in the majority of the cases with other senses to compensate. This can be done by witnessing those upon the physical plane and trying to listen to their thoughts.)


Astral Sub-Plane 1:

One who can witness buddhic events subjectively and to understand the reason for a thing in terms of knowingness.

One who can witness cosmic events and understand them with their feelings.

One who can exhibit a high degree of spirituality.

One who can show compassion to others.

One who has the ability to see themselves as spiritual beings and not a human being.

One who can show others the truth of a thing.

One who has the ability to see within the hearts and minds of others to know where they are at.

One who has dedicated their life to god and not religion.


Astral Sub-Plane 1 and 2:

On this plane rests those souls who have won special rewards in life and all of the forms created relate to humanity as a whole and these people are considered as being prized by Lords of Karma to be given rest here to assist them in balancing their perspectives on what they had created while in life (heaven world).

It would be good to see this plane as a place where a life of goodness resides in all ways as well as a life without any care at all.

There are other life forms that dwell here related to those created by humanity and feed through their history.

As well as those devic lives who ensoul these related forms built.

It is important to have a sense of this plane as being where the buddhic plane can be and is contacted as well as monadic plane and the cosmic and systemic astral.

On this plane are found several important archetypes for the rays.

On this plane are also found archetypes for the races.

As well as archetypes for different groups.


Astral Sub-Plane 1, 2, and 3:

One who has demonstrated their abilities to govern themselves.

One who believes that they are responsible for their lives.

One who can be counted on for their service.

One who can be seen as a giver and not a taker.

One who can believe in others as well as themselves.


Astral Sub-Plane 3:

On this plane there exists a greater clarity of forms as well as fewer forms than those of the fourth sub-plane.

Also individuals who are considered spiritual as opposed to worldly—relative.

Also on this plane are those who profess to be aspirants of religious teachings.

As well as aspirants of other disciples.

It would be good to see the type of forms created here as being more inclusive in their intent s well as more abstract emotionally; as well as less egoistical.

It would also be good to realize that these forms are still prone to glamour and illusion as well as produce maya.

It would also be good to realize that those humans who are passing through are experiencing just so much of this plane as they have the capacity to.

Each person goes to devachan after death on/of physical, etheric, lower astral vibrations and concrete mental concepts.

Each person also spends time here interacting with others still living in their memories as well as those whom have passed on.


Astral Sub-Plane 3 and 4:

One who has the ability to see themselves as a human being and not just as a human with desires.

One who can be trusted.

One who has the ability to be with another person out of love and sharing.

One who has the ability to see themselves as being organized in terms of their feelings.


Astral Sub-Plane 4:

On this plane we have more developed humanity in terms of awareness and sensitivity.

As well as people coming and going.

As well as domestic animal forms.

As well as kama forms created by humanity.

As well as those beings we call astral and plane devas.

As well as those beings responsible for the maintenance of the karmic records by Lords of Karma.

It is feasible to assume that human beings operate in the west from this dimension and that their sensitivity to these forms as considered normal as well as expected expression of these forms.

It can also be assumed that what you see from this level exists within the framework of normal daily life.

As well as all forms contacted on this level can be interpreted as existing within the racial thought form of existing cultures and civilizations.


Astral Sub-Planes 4 and 5:

The average human being in the west.

It is uncertain what to put here as there are thousands of examples possible as for all the rest.


Astral Sub-Plane 5:

On this plane you have all of those personality lives we call human but most of western humanity dwells daily on the fourth sub-plane not this sub-plane given the point in consciousness.

As well as animal forms.

You also have those beings that have passed out of lower planes in the abstraction process.

As well as those beings waiting for incarnation.

There are those beings we call astral elementals who have been created by humanity over time.

There are also those beings who ensouls groups of lunar lives such as nations.


Etheric Sub-Planes:

Those souls who are considered as yet young souls do not yet fully express any complex feelings but only animal instincts as a rule.

Opportunity for these souls is become fewer on this planet due to widespread organization of western style cultures.


Etheric Sub-planes 1, 2, and 3:

On this plane you find sections of the path that relate to center vibrations within your body.

As well as other esoteric beings of odd shapes and sizes.

As well as people who are dead.

As well as everything on the planet as it is physically.

You also find those evolved beings who have no reason to have a physical body appearance unless wants one.

You also have devas. These devas cannot be seen except by those who have developed etheric vision while in body as well as by superior evolved beings.


Etheric Sub-plane 4:

On this plane you have physical forms coming into manifestation.

As well as forms going out of manifestation.

Also have etheric devas.

As well as advanced esoteric beings not of human or devic kinds belonging to the Spirit of the Earth.

You also have evolved esoteric beings which make up the universe.

You also have everything on the planet in one form or another.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Etheric Centers – Some Adjunct Information (Revised 03-19-24)

Astral & Mental Centers – Some Adjunct Information (Revised 03-19-24)

Clearing the Auric Field – A Guidance for an Aspirant and Friend

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


(Note: Reasonable advice for sensitive aspirants.)

There are other people in your auric field all the time. You need to clear these out when you get home from work each day when in shower. To do this spend some time visualizing white light washing over you and then emerald-green light and then gold light washing through your auric field and after this meditate or just make an alignment before you do anything else.

You would be wise to see yourself as a person who is psychic and in this respect naturally picks up psychic energies from others and these linger in your field until you understand them. Each day when you get home get a piece of paper and write on it the following words. (6)

I am free of all psychic forms from others.

I am free of all other people ‘s thoughts and feelings and expectations.

I am free of everyone’s perceptions of themselves and me.

I am free of my own thoughts and feelings and expectations.

I am a soul and a being of light and sound.

I exist and yet I am free.


Note from your soul:

I gather up in my arms your essence.

I hold and secure you.

I give you my strength.

I give you my courage.

I provide you with the love you need.

I nurture your being with great understanding and patience.

I expect nothing from you except your happiness.

I forgive you for everything.

I am pleased with you.


My soul to you:

I strengthen and nurture you.

I give up my life for you.

I know and honor you by my love.

I expect nothing from you.

I encourage you to be great.

I strengthen you with my gifts.

I contend with you no matter the reasons.

I dream with you of our future.

I forgive you of your past.

I see great promise in you.

Let us come together in union and be one.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

The Aura – Subjective Feedback per a Probationary Disciple’s Questions

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that most of the time these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


What is illumination (in respect to the intuition)?

One’s ability to subjectively see or comprehend correctly demonstrated.


Educated people perceive along the line of their qualified form focus and related understanding of such forms. There is a growing ability of people to see per the light of their minds their soul’s light or wise knowledge content.

Where there is purpose understood there is also its related degree of soul illumination. Understanding this, mankind has grown to see itself as a more inclusive unit and therefore has increased their use of group conscious eyes such as the soul eye which is likewise group conscious. World relationships between all things are reflected in the Eye of the One Soul.


What is the aura and how did it come into existence?

Though lunar and solar lives manifesting and expressing themselves through forms on the planes of existence.


How can the aura be made into a better medium for light?

Complete and accurate fohatic circulation of the Mind of God through the lower three planes or plane vehicles – no impurities or blockages. This can be understood to be either solar planes, or cosmic planes.


What is the effect of the (this disciple’s) aura specifically on the environment?

Mental Environment:

You gather together concepts and organize those pertaining to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings and teach them to others.

You register impressions from souls around the globe and transmit them to others.

You make suggestions for others per their real need related evaluations.

You analyze problems of humanity and discuss them with others.

Mental preparations are developed by you to enhance other minds, and these are given out in various forms.


Kama-Manasic Environment:

People in general experience you as non-existent, harmless, and non-resourceful.

There are several types of people that experience you as clever, knowing, organized, and resourceful. Those which you provide evaluations for, close friends, subjective people you guide, subjective groups you work with.

Ordinarily intimate friends experience you as generous/magnanimous.

Passersby experience you as potentially threatening due energetically to past lives.


On account of you perceiving and looking at people as part of yourself they trust you in general but never forget that people do want to be your friend if you want it also.


Physical Environment:

Different for each type above.


Ways to Improve upon the above given effects upon the environment:

Mental Environment: None.

Kama-Manasic Environment: You would be advised to see people as your friends and as a part of your day-to-day assistance of others. Witness others. Suggest you spend two minutes with all you meet.


You suffer more from illusions than from glamour or maya:

Which quality or characteristic of your nature permits you to tune in on world illusion: (4)

  1. Masters of wisdom are contacted by your mind inferring discipleship to someone but not really understanding who exactly the messages are for at times.


  1. Certain systems of concepts or topics of interest are contacted by the personality mind which it is over identified with. It believes these concepts relate to it or you for dissemination in some form.


  1. Certain people in the subjective world you communicate at times with believe they are part of the One Ashram but are not in fact.


  1. All Aspirants in the world are experienced as a part of yourself and you sometimes experience them as a Hierarchy of Souls. They are and yet they are not depending on the correct way you need to hold it for guidance clarification.


As you probably have noticed the illusion potentials are all related to your experimentation with the science of subjective guidance or the “Science of Supreme Contact” and its practice.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.